While 7.0 update is being released for US (at the moment) and EU (later this week) servers, we are launching public test of 7.1 update.
Due to technical reasons and the desire to speed up the release of this update, the public test will be available only for RU server this time (public test of 7.1 requires the support of 7.0 functionality which is not ready for EU and US yet).
World of Tanks v.7.0 - 7.1 test1 patch notes:
- Added basic French Tank Tree;
Introducing lights, mediums, and heavies, all in all 18 vehicles. No premiums for now.
Mind the following changes in comparison with French alpha tree:
Lorraine 40t moved to tier 8 medium, while Bat Chatillon 25 t - to tier 9 medium.
Amx-50 120mm was downshifted from tier 10 to tier 9 heavy, and AMX 50B (former AMX 65t) became the new French top heavy.
- Fixed bug with default ammunition resupply after the battle;
It's a v.7.0 bug, when system doesn't save your ammo choice and sometimes restores basic ammo selection.
- Fixed bug when it's impossible to close private channels;
Again v.7.0 bug.
- Fixed client-to-server asynchronization upon the vehicle's destruction by ramming;
Again v.7.0 bug.
- Added tank model (short) after the player's name in brackets for battle interface.
For all messages and notifications, eg chat messages, X destroyed by Y messages et. Eg chat message - Overlord (M46): Hello!
- Changed specifications for all automatic guns and vehicles using them.
Automatic and semiautomatic guns have been reworked into a new system with auto-loading (cartridge reloading) that is being introduced along with French tanks.
Some vehicle specs have also been changed. Detailed patch notes will be available upon the release to the main server.
- Fixed bugs with vehicle armouring: IS-3 (top front turret), IS-4 (side hull and 122mm BL-9 gun mantlet), T95 (side hull);
IS-3 and IS-4 are getting their 7.0 bugs fixed, eg the latter had his side armour decreased by 20mm. Restoring the correct values.
As for T95, applying the changes announced here: http://overlord-wot.blogspot.com/2011/11/upcoming-armor-buffs-of-t95.html
- Fixed bugs in vehicle models: Object 212, Pz VI Tiger, T32, Grille, Pz II Luchs, VK3001P, Löwe;
Just visual stuff.
- ISU-152: 16 armour groups + spaced armor;
ISU is getting its new hitbox. Just as many vehicles in 7.0.
- Fixed the same gun models 7.5cm L/70 and 8.8cm L/56 for JagdPanther;
Visually the guns were the same. Now they are using 2 different models.
- Fixed camo bugs for VK4502A, Pz II.
- Reduced RoF for 8.8cm L/71 guns on JagdPanther and Ferdinand;
These changes were misssing in 7.0, where the long 88 got 220->240 damage adjustment.
- Fixed bugs on maps: Fjords, Marsh, Steppes, Malinovka;
A couple of map bugs got fixed.
- Fixed the red "Texture not found" square replacing clan logo when changing settings;
Introducing the display of clan logos. It hasn't been added in 7.0, since some rework was required.
- Added new options for colour-blind scheme;
Now it's possible to adjust the colour of reload progress-bar and a gun marker.
- Fixed bug with not displayed new invites when invite channel is open;
- Fixed invite channel blinking when there are no active invites;
- Fixed the absence of Commander's modifier in tooltip over a crew member;
- Fixed bugs in fire effects for destroyed tanks;
- Added the option to hide interface when playing the recorded battle ("V" key);
- Fixed bug when getting to pre-battle room for ready but un-distributed tank company players;
- Fixed a system message while receiving/redeeming vehicle that is already in garage;
- Fixed garage freezing when entering the game with "Enter" button pressed.
Purpose of this blog
Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
December 3 - December 9 Poll Results
7941 players voted in the most recent poll on effectiveness of premium vehicles.
Tier 8 medium tank Type 59 has grabbed solid lead with 55% of votes (4393), significantly ahead of tier 8 heavy Lowe with 21% and tier 2 light tank PzKpfw 38H735 (f) aka Hotchkiss with 12%.
All other premiums were left far behind.
As always a new poll is up.
Tier 8 medium tank Type 59 has grabbed solid lead with 55% of votes (4393), significantly ahead of tier 8 heavy Lowe with 21% and tier 2 light tank PzKpfw 38H735 (f) aka Hotchkiss with 12%.
All other premiums were left far behind.
As always a new poll is up.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Balancing Changes in 7.0
The following balancing adjustment will be applied in the upcoming 7.0 update.
Reworked hitobxes of German tanks:
- Pz B2 740 (f): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Pz 38H735 (f): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Pz S35 739 (f): 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- Leichttraktor: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Panther II: slightly changed gun mantlets.
- Pz 38 (t): 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz 38 nA: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz III/IV: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz II Luchs: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz VI Tiger: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz V-IV: slightly changed turret armour.
- StuG III: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Hull front armour set to 80mm.
- JagdPz IV: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 1602 Leopard: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3001 (H): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3001 (P): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3002 (DB): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3601 (H): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
Rebalanced German tanks and guns:
- 8.8cm L/71 damage: 220->240.
- Minimum combat tier for VK1602 и T-50 increased by 1.
- Imprved ventilation removed from Gw-Tiger и Gw-Panther.
VK 3601 (H):
- Reload time of 7.5cm KwK 41 L/58: 3.5->4.5 sec.
- Aiming time of 7.5cm KwK 41 L/58: 1.1->2 sec.
- Dispersion during movement and turret traverse of 7.5cm KwK 41 L/58 increased by 10%.
PzKpfw V Panther:
- Ammo Rack Hit points -20%.
- View range of top turret: 420->430.
Panther II:
- Ammo Rack Hit points -10%.
- View range of stock turret: 460->430 m.
- View range of top turret: 460->450 m.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
- Ammo Rack Hit points -5%.
- View range of stock turret: 460->450 m.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6->6.6 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 5.8->6.4 sec.
PzKpfw VI Tiger:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.8->7.5 sec.
PzKpfw VI Tiger (P):
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 7.3->8.0 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.8->7.5 sec.
PzKpfw VI Tiger:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.8->7.5.
PzKpfw VIB Tiger II:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.5->7.2 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: с 6.1 до 6.7 sec.
VK 4502 (P) Ausf. A:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.5->7.2 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 5.8->6.4 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 5.8->6.4 sec.
GW Tiger:
- Reload time of 170mm K72 Sf: 27.3->25.5 sec.
- Dispersion of 170mm K72 Sf: 0.41->0.4.
- Dispersion of 170mm K72 Sf during gun traverse: -5%.
Reworked hitobxes of Soviet tanks:
- А-20: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- А-32: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- АТ-1: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- BT-7: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-85B: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- IS-3: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- IS-4: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- IS-7: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Improved front turret armour, improved weld of upper and lower frint plates, added side spaced armour.
- KV-13: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- KV-3: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- KV: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Matilda: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- МS-1: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Object 704: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- SU-14 : 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-152: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-18 : 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-76 : 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T-34: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Т-44: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Т-54: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Valentine: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
Rebalanced Soviet tanks and guns:
- Changed models and specifications of both turrets for IS-3.
- Shell price for 180mm F-600D: 1890->1980 credits.
- Shell price for 180mm UBR-600: 1890->1980 credits.
- Shell price for 203mm F-625D: 1442->1568 credits.
- Shell price for 203mm G-620: 1092->1200 credits.
- Added LB-1 for top turret.
- Added В-54-6 engine of 680 hp.
- Ammo rack hit points: +15%.
- traverse speed for stock suspension: 2 deg/sec; for top suspension - +1 deg/sec.
- View range of stock turret: 430->420 m.
- View range of top turret: 430->440 m.
- Ammo rack hit points: +5%.
Reworked hitobxes of American tanks:
- M12: fixed gun shields.
- M2 Light Tank: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M2 Medium Tank: 16 armour groups + spaced armor..
- M4A2E4: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M4A3E8 Sherman: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M4 Sherman: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M5 Stuart: fixed the value of side hull armor.
- M7: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Ram II: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T-14: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- T1 Cunningham: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T29: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T2 Light Tank: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T30: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T32: 16 armour groups + spaced armor..
- T34: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T40: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
Rebalanced American tanks and guns:
- M4A3E8 Sherman: added 105mm SPH M4 L/23 gun for both turrets.
- Repair cost of T40 TD: -60%.
- Shell price for 105mm APCR T29E3M2: 12->10 gold.
- Ammo rack hit points: +10%.
- View range of stock turret: 400->420 m.
- View range of top turret: 420->440 m.
M26 Pershing:
- dispersion during movement: -10%.
- View range of stock turret: 430->440 m.
- View range of top turret: 450->460 m.
M46 Patton:
- Ammo rack hit points: +20%.
- View range of stock turret: 450->460 m.
Reworked hitobxes of German tanks:
- Pz B2 740 (f): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Pz 38H735 (f): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Pz S35 739 (f): 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- Leichttraktor: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Panther II: slightly changed gun mantlets.
- Pz 38 (t): 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz 38 nA: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz III/IV: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz II Luchs: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz VI Tiger: 16 armour groups + spaced armor
- Pz V-IV: slightly changed turret armour.
- StuG III: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Hull front armour set to 80mm.
- JagdPz IV: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 1602 Leopard: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3001 (H): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3001 (P): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3002 (DB): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- VK 3601 (H): 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
Rebalanced German tanks and guns:
- 8.8cm L/71 damage: 220->240.
- Minimum combat tier for VK1602 и T-50 increased by 1.
- Imprved ventilation removed from Gw-Tiger и Gw-Panther.
VK 3601 (H):
- Reload time of 7.5cm KwK 41 L/58: 3.5->4.5 sec.
- Aiming time of 7.5cm KwK 41 L/58: 1.1->2 sec.
- Dispersion during movement and turret traverse of 7.5cm KwK 41 L/58 increased by 10%.
PzKpfw V Panther:
- Ammo Rack Hit points -20%.
- View range of top turret: 420->430.
Panther II:
- Ammo Rack Hit points -10%.
- View range of stock turret: 460->430 m.
- View range of top turret: 460->450 m.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
- Ammo Rack Hit points -5%.
- View range of stock turret: 460->450 m.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6->6.6 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 5.8->6.4 sec.
PzKpfw VI Tiger:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.8->7.5 sec.
PzKpfw VI Tiger (P):
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 7.3->8.0 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.8->7.5 sec.
PzKpfw VI Tiger:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.8->7.5.
PzKpfw VIB Tiger II:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.5->7.2 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: с 6.1 до 6.7 sec.
VK 4502 (P) Ausf. A:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.5->7.2 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B:
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 5.8->6.4 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for stock turret: 6.1->6.7 sec.
- Reload time of 8.8cm KwK 43 L71 for top turret: 5.8->6.4 sec.
GW Tiger:
- Reload time of 170mm K72 Sf: 27.3->25.5 sec.
- Dispersion of 170mm K72 Sf: 0.41->0.4.
- Dispersion of 170mm K72 Sf during gun traverse: -5%.
Reworked hitobxes of Soviet tanks:
- А-20: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- А-32: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- АТ-1: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- BT-7: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-85B: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- IS-3: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- IS-4: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- IS-7: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Improved front turret armour, improved weld of upper and lower frint plates, added side spaced armour.
- KV-13: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- KV-3: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- KV: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Matilda: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- МS-1: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Object 704: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- SU-14 : 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-152: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-18 : 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- SU-76 : 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T-34: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Т-44: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Т-54: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Valentine: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
Rebalanced Soviet tanks and guns:
- Changed models and specifications of both turrets for IS-3.
- Shell price for 180mm F-600D: 1890->1980 credits.
- Shell price for 180mm UBR-600: 1890->1980 credits.
- Shell price for 203mm F-625D: 1442->1568 credits.
- Shell price for 203mm G-620: 1092->1200 credits.
- Added LB-1 for top turret.
- Added В-54-6 engine of 680 hp.
- Ammo rack hit points: +15%.
- traverse speed for stock suspension: 2 deg/sec; for top suspension - +1 deg/sec.
- View range of stock turret: 430->420 m.
- View range of top turret: 430->440 m.
- Ammo rack hit points: +5%.
Reworked hitobxes of American tanks:
- M12: fixed gun shields.
- M2 Light Tank: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M2 Medium Tank: 16 armour groups + spaced armor..
- M4A2E4: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M4A3E8 Sherman: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M4 Sherman: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- M5 Stuart: fixed the value of side hull armor.
- M7: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- Ram II: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T-14: 16 armour groups + spaced armor. Added side spaced armour.
- T1 Cunningham: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T29: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T2 Light Tank: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T30: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T32: 16 armour groups + spaced armor..
- T34: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
- T40: 16 armour groups + spaced armor.
Rebalanced American tanks and guns:
- M4A3E8 Sherman: added 105mm SPH M4 L/23 gun for both turrets.
- Repair cost of T40 TD: -60%.
- Shell price for 105mm APCR T29E3M2: 12->10 gold.
- Ammo rack hit points: +10%.
- View range of stock turret: 400->420 m.
- View range of top turret: 420->440 m.
M26 Pershing:
- dispersion during movement: -10%.
- View range of stock turret: 430->440 m.
- View range of top turret: 450->460 m.
M46 Patton:
- Ammo rack hit points: +20%.
- View range of stock turret: 450->460 m.
Changes in Game Economy
The following changes relating to game economy will be applied in 7.0 updates:
- GW-Panther: credit income decreased by 10%.
- GW Tiger: credit income decreased by 20%.
- M37: credit income decreased by 30%.
- M7 Priest: credit income decreased by 8%.
- M41: credit income decreased by 3%.
- M12: credit income decreased by 10%.
- M40/43: credit income decreased by 20%.
- T92: credit income decreased by 15%.
- SU-14: credit income decreased by 13%.
- S-51: credit income decreased by 15%.
- Object 212: credit income decreased by 25%.
Changed gold prices in gold for the following tanks (used when selling a tank for conversion into credits):
- M6A2E1: 10000 -> 7500
- PzV_PzIV: 1500 -> 3000
- A-32: 1250 -> 2500
- GW-Panther: credit income decreased by 10%.
- GW Tiger: credit income decreased by 20%.
- M37: credit income decreased by 30%.
- M7 Priest: credit income decreased by 8%.
- M41: credit income decreased by 3%.
- M12: credit income decreased by 10%.
- M40/43: credit income decreased by 20%.
- T92: credit income decreased by 15%.
- SU-14: credit income decreased by 13%.
- S-51: credit income decreased by 15%.
- Object 212: credit income decreased by 25%.
Changed gold prices in gold for the following tanks (used when selling a tank for conversion into credits):
- M6A2E1: 10000 -> 7500
- PzV_PzIV: 1500 -> 3000
- A-32: 1250 -> 2500
Monday, December 5, 2011
November 26 - December 2 Poll Results
4679 players rated the quality of the upcoming 7.0 update.
The majority of voters think the patch is going to be OK - 34.4% (1610 votes). The figures show that 74% of players assess the quality of the upcoming update as OK+, while 60% of them - as OK-.
Approximately equal number of votes were given for "Excellent" (559) and "Bad" (535) ratings, which is rather interesting.
As always a new poll is up. It is dedicated to the public test of 7.0 and its upcoming release.
The majority of voters think the patch is going to be OK - 34.4% (1610 votes). The figures show that 74% of players assess the quality of the upcoming update as OK+, while 60% of them - as OK-.
Approximately equal number of votes were given for "Excellent" (559) and "Bad" (535) ratings, which is rather interesting.
As always a new poll is up. It is dedicated to the public test of 7.0 and its upcoming release.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Public Test of 7.0. Stage 3
Public test of 7.0 update will be resumed today and will last until December 6, 2011.
World of Tanks v.7.0_test2 - 7.0_test3 patch notes:
- Fixed PzVI Tiger crash model bug
- Slightly reduced the absorption of HE damage by armour for non-penetrating HE hits
- Fixed a number of chat bugs
- Blocked the horn functionality
- Added base spots to the minimap Arctic Region.
- Fixed the work of suspension for PzVIB Tiger II tank
- Added tank company tier filter
- Fixed system message bugs when medals are received
- Fixed rare bug with game client closure while in the tank company interface
- Reordered game menu buttons
- Fixed bugs of turret camouflage in M6A2E1.
- Fixed IS-4 hitbox
- Team kill and team damage penalty rates set to as for v.6.7
- Reduced T40 tank destroyer repair cost
- Reduced price for APCR 105mm shell T5E1M2
- Fixed bug with invitations to clan battles
- Fixed bug with cursor disappearance
- Changed the voice notification for spotting enemy, penetrating and non-penetrating hits
- Removed the alarm sound for enemy base capture. Reduced the volume of alarm sound for own base capture
- Fixed the performance drop for some configurations
- Fixed the bug with tank company interface being blocked
- Fixed several spots where vehicles get stuck on Marsh map
- Fixed bug of the Ready! button in the tank company interface
- Fixed bug of sound failure in Garage after leaving a battle
- Fixed bug with 'objects in the air' on Prokhorovka map
- Removed equipment Improved Ventilation from Gw-Panther SPG
- Fixed bug with unnecessary tool tip display
- Reordered the location of some objects on Fjords map
- Fixed bug with 'objects in the air' on Steppes map
- Fixed bug with timer performance when playing recorded battle
- Increased performance of shot effects
- Fixed bugs with display of clan logo
- Fixed bug with tracer effects disappearance when 'advanced shadows' option is enabled
- Fixed bugs with team lists: the transparency of the list, saving position on the list at the battle start, etc.
- Fixed SU-76 tank destroyer hitbox
- Fixed bugs with display of certain shot effects
- Fixed bugs with display of special effects on AMD Radeon video cards
- Fixed bug when creating invitation list
- Fixed bug with client failure when selling tanks
- Fixed textures on Arctic Region map
- Fixed bug with display of incorrect tier for light tanks in the tank company interface.
- Fixed bug when LMB click when playing recorded battle
- Fixed several spots where vehicles get stuck on Fisherman's Bay map
- Fixed bug with unsynchronized position of tank turret and shooting direction when playing recorded battle
- Fixed incorrect display of armor thickness for Т29, Т34, T30, VK3601H, KV-3, KV-220, Т-34 and some other vehicles.
- Fixed bug when unable to purchase modules in some cases
- Fixed bug with the game doesn't remember sound settings
- Fixed effects for 90mm AT Gun M3.
- Fixed the absence of clan logo for VK 3002 (DB) tank
- Fixed texture bugs for M4 Sherman turret
- Fixed conflict between tank model of PzKpfw II Ausf. J and its hitbox
- Fixed game client failure when battle chat window is active
Browse 7.0_test1 patch notes and 7.0_test2 patch notes. For details on how to join the testing refer to your community portal.
On EU forums, leave your feedback on the update here.
Your test accounts will be available as of November 15.
UPDATE on server status: ON
World of Tanks v.7.0_test2 - 7.0_test3 patch notes:
- Fixed PzVI Tiger crash model bug
- Slightly reduced the absorption of HE damage by armour for non-penetrating HE hits
- Fixed a number of chat bugs
- Blocked the horn functionality
- Added base spots to the minimap Arctic Region.
- Fixed the work of suspension for PzVIB Tiger II tank
- Added tank company tier filter
- Fixed system message bugs when medals are received
- Fixed rare bug with game client closure while in the tank company interface
- Reordered game menu buttons
- Fixed bugs of turret camouflage in M6A2E1.
- Fixed IS-4 hitbox
- Team kill and team damage penalty rates set to as for v.6.7
- Reduced T40 tank destroyer repair cost
- Reduced price for APCR 105mm shell T5E1M2
- Fixed bug with invitations to clan battles
- Fixed bug with cursor disappearance
- Changed the voice notification for spotting enemy, penetrating and non-penetrating hits
- Removed the alarm sound for enemy base capture. Reduced the volume of alarm sound for own base capture
- Fixed the performance drop for some configurations
- Fixed the bug with tank company interface being blocked
- Fixed several spots where vehicles get stuck on Marsh map
- Fixed bug of the Ready! button in the tank company interface
- Fixed bug of sound failure in Garage after leaving a battle
- Fixed bug with 'objects in the air' on Prokhorovka map
- Removed equipment Improved Ventilation from Gw-Panther SPG
- Fixed bug with unnecessary tool tip display
- Reordered the location of some objects on Fjords map
- Fixed bug with 'objects in the air' on Steppes map
- Fixed bug with timer performance when playing recorded battle
- Increased performance of shot effects
- Fixed bugs with display of clan logo
- Fixed bug with tracer effects disappearance when 'advanced shadows' option is enabled
- Fixed bugs with team lists: the transparency of the list, saving position on the list at the battle start, etc.
- Fixed SU-76 tank destroyer hitbox
- Fixed bugs with display of certain shot effects
- Fixed bugs with display of special effects on AMD Radeon video cards
- Fixed bug when creating invitation list
- Fixed bug with client failure when selling tanks
- Fixed textures on Arctic Region map
- Fixed bug with display of incorrect tier for light tanks in the tank company interface.
- Fixed bug when LMB click when playing recorded battle
- Fixed several spots where vehicles get stuck on Fisherman's Bay map
- Fixed bug with unsynchronized position of tank turret and shooting direction when playing recorded battle
- Fixed incorrect display of armor thickness for Т29, Т34, T30, VK3601H, KV-3, KV-220, Т-34 and some other vehicles.
- Fixed bug when unable to purchase modules in some cases
- Fixed bug with the game doesn't remember sound settings
- Fixed effects for 90mm AT Gun M3.
- Fixed the absence of clan logo for VK 3002 (DB) tank
- Fixed texture bugs for M4 Sherman turret
- Fixed conflict between tank model of PzKpfw II Ausf. J and its hitbox
- Fixed game client failure when battle chat window is active
Browse 7.0_test1 patch notes and 7.0_test2 patch notes. For details on how to join the testing refer to your community portal.
On EU forums, leave your feedback on the update here.
Your test accounts will be available as of November 15.
UPDATE on server status: ON
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Making Your Tanks Premium. Discussion
Possible new feature: make your tank work like premium.
Having paid a certain amount of gold (depending on the vehicle tier), you are changing the status of your tier 1-8 tank to premium for a fixed period of time (let's say a few hours). This will enable 1.5x credit income for this vehicle during the specified period. The bonus will stack with premium account of course.
- Premium tanks can't be given temporary premium status (they are already premium)
- SPGs can't be given temporary premium status (balance purposes)
- The vehicle should be Elite to enable "premium status"
- Premium account is not required to enable the feature
Would you like such feature?
Having paid a certain amount of gold (depending on the vehicle tier), you are changing the status of your tier 1-8 tank to premium for a fixed period of time (let's say a few hours). This will enable 1.5x credit income for this vehicle during the specified period. The bonus will stack with premium account of course.
- Premium tanks can't be given temporary premium status (they are already premium)
- SPGs can't be given temporary premium status (balance purposes)
- The vehicle should be Elite to enable "premium status"
- Premium account is not required to enable the feature
Would you like such feature?
Monday, November 28, 2011
Upcoming Armor Buffs of T95
Having contacted Patton Museum, where there is a real T95, we have managed to obtain more accurate information on its armoring. So there will be a number of changes made in the near future (supposedly in 7.1 update) to improve the hitbox bringing it closer to the reality.
The adjustments are going to affect parts of side armor and sideskirts of the vehicle and will lead to 50-300% increase of its thickness.The maximum side armor value will be the same (152mm), since the overhaul mostly applies to T95 weakspots.
Performance-wise T95 is on a par with its counterparts by the way. :)
The adjustments are going to affect parts of side armor and sideskirts of the vehicle and will lead to 50-300% increase of its thickness.The maximum side armor value will be the same (152mm), since the overhaul mostly applies to T95 weakspots.
Performance-wise T95 is on a par with its counterparts by the way. :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
November 19 - November 25 Poll Results
7572 players voted for their favourite tank class in World of Tanks.
The vote results showed a fierce competition between medium tanks (34% of votes) and heavy tanks (36%). Other class appeared to be far less popular: tank destroyers got 18%, self-propelled guns - 7%.
Light tanks are the least popular according to the poll results getting tiny 5%.
As always a new poll is up. It is dedicated to the public test of 7.0 and its upcoming release.
The vote results showed a fierce competition between medium tanks (34% of votes) and heavy tanks (36%). Other class appeared to be far less popular: tank destroyers got 18%, self-propelled guns - 7%.
Light tanks are the least popular according to the poll results getting tiny 5%.
As always a new poll is up. It is dedicated to the public test of 7.0 and its upcoming release.
Public Test of 7.0. Stage 2
Public test of 7.0 update will be resumed today and will last until November 30. After that we expect at least one more test update to come.
World of Tanks v.7.0_test1 - 7.0_test2 patch notes:
- Fixed rare bug with the Tank Company window disappearance
- Fixed the technical text appearance in invite windows
- Reworked limitations on vehicle types in tiered Tank Company battles
- Reworked hitboxes tanks: VK 3001H, SU-152, АТ-1, VK3001P, VK1602, SU-76, Pz II Luchs, BТ-7, IS-4
- Fixed a bug in camouflage patterns of tanks: PzJager I, Object 212, VK 3601 (H), KV.
- Fixed and reworked 3D models of tanks: A-20, T-32 (suspension hitbox), M7, SU-152, T28.
- Fixed the crew member personal file display when he is sent to barracks.
- Fixed errors in the Tank Company battle interface
- Fixed inability to change the texture quality to "low."
- Fixed the sky transparency through map objects with enabled anti-aliasing mode SSAA + FXAA.
- Fixed garage and store filters.
- Game screenshots are now saved in a separate folder.
- Fixed RMB context menu in a player battle list.
- Fixed player statistics display for all tanks.
- Fixed dual cursor bug when the connection lost notification appears.
- Fixed inability to sell a tank with partially full crew.
- Reworked specifications of tanks: the SU-85I, Pz IV Hydraulic, MTLS-1G14.
- Increased minimum combat tiers for tanks VK1602 and T-50.
- Removed a conical 7.5 cm gun from both Pz VI Tiger turrets.
- Fixed a bug with inability to reject the invitation from other clusters.
- Fixed loading screen asymmetries in the tank list.
- Fixed a sniper scope appearance while replaying battle videos.
- Fixed saving of screen size settings when using Alt + Enter.
- Fixed appearance of room invitations when “receive invitations from friends only” is on.
- Fixed receiving invitations from players in combat.
- Fixed ability to send invitations to players with "ignore" option on.
- Fixed battle chat block while working with a team list.
- Removed ability to ignore accepting EULA in a login window.
- Fixed a rare client freeze when trying to connect to a created battle.
- Fixed inability to get into a training room accepting an invitation.
- Replaced SU-85I engine with StuGIII engine.
- Removed "improved ventilation" module in SPG Gw-Tiger and rebalanced vehicle specifications.
- Fixed tanks falling through an upper part of the bridge on "Marsh" map.
- Fixed "accelerated crew training” check-box disappearance after leaving Tank Company.
- Fixed delay while relogging from one cluster to another.
- Fixed handling of invitations sent from other clusters.
- Fixed non-stop sound of a base-capture alarm.
- Increased load limit for IS-3 stock suspension.
- Fixed a rare error with the game client freeze when entering the garage while updating modules.
Browse 7.0_test1 patch notes. For details on how to join the testing refer to your community portal.
On EU forums, leave your feedback on the update here.
OverTargetMarkers mod for Wolrd of Tanks won't be adjusted to 7.0 update. We are planning to introduce it later on.
Your test accounts will be available as of November 15 (progress on test server won't be kept due to technical reasons).
UPDATE on server status: ON
World of Tanks v.7.0_test1 - 7.0_test2 patch notes:
- Fixed rare bug with the Tank Company window disappearance
- Fixed the technical text appearance in invite windows
- Reworked limitations on vehicle types in tiered Tank Company battles
- Reworked hitboxes tanks: VK 3001H, SU-152, АТ-1, VK3001P, VK1602, SU-76, Pz II Luchs, BТ-7, IS-4
- Fixed a bug in camouflage patterns of tanks: PzJager I, Object 212, VK 3601 (H), KV.
- Fixed and reworked 3D models of tanks: A-20, T-32 (suspension hitbox), M7, SU-152, T28.
- Fixed the crew member personal file display when he is sent to barracks.
- Fixed errors in the Tank Company battle interface
- Fixed inability to change the texture quality to "low."
- Fixed the sky transparency through map objects with enabled anti-aliasing mode SSAA + FXAA.
- Fixed garage and store filters.
- Game screenshots are now saved in a separate folder.
- Fixed RMB context menu in a player battle list.
- Fixed player statistics display for all tanks.
- Fixed dual cursor bug when the connection lost notification appears.
- Fixed inability to sell a tank with partially full crew.
- Reworked specifications of tanks: the SU-85I, Pz IV Hydraulic, MTLS-1G14.
- Increased minimum combat tiers for tanks VK1602 and T-50.
- Removed a conical 7.5 cm gun from both Pz VI Tiger turrets.
- Fixed a bug with inability to reject the invitation from other clusters.
- Fixed loading screen asymmetries in the tank list.
- Fixed a sniper scope appearance while replaying battle videos.
- Fixed saving of screen size settings when using Alt + Enter.
- Fixed appearance of room invitations when “receive invitations from friends only” is on.
- Fixed receiving invitations from players in combat.
- Fixed ability to send invitations to players with "ignore" option on.
- Fixed battle chat block while working with a team list.
- Removed ability to ignore accepting EULA in a login window.
- Fixed a rare client freeze when trying to connect to a created battle.
- Fixed inability to get into a training room accepting an invitation.
- Replaced SU-85I engine with StuGIII engine.
- Removed "improved ventilation" module in SPG Gw-Tiger and rebalanced vehicle specifications.
- Fixed tanks falling through an upper part of the bridge on "Marsh" map.
- Fixed "accelerated crew training” check-box disappearance after leaving Tank Company.
- Fixed delay while relogging from one cluster to another.
- Fixed handling of invitations sent from other clusters.
- Fixed non-stop sound of a base-capture alarm.
- Increased load limit for IS-3 stock suspension.
- Fixed a rare error with the game client freeze when entering the garage while updating modules.
Browse 7.0_test1 patch notes. For details on how to join the testing refer to your community portal.
On EU forums, leave your feedback on the update here.
OverTargetMarkers mod for Wolrd of Tanks won't be adjusted to 7.0 update. We are planning to introduce it later on.
Your test accounts will be available as of November 15 (progress on test server won't be kept due to technical reasons).
UPDATE on server status: ON
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Public Test of 7.0. Recess
The public test server will be stopped tomorrow, November 23, 10am UTC.
We have received substantial amount of feedback and now it's time to make changes.
We would like to thanks all the testers and invite them to the 2nd stage. Restart of 7.0 public test is scheduled for November 24. The test will be restarted under v. 7.0_test2.
UPDATE. 23.11.
Server-side update will arrive tomorrow. It won't bring much changes that are noticeable for players. Client update will be deployed next week. Need some time to implement the changes.
UPDATE. 24.11
Stage 2 of public test is rescheduled for November 25. Preparing the client update.
We have received substantial amount of feedback and now it's time to make changes.
We would like to thanks all the testers and invite them to the 2nd stage. Restart of 7.0 public test is scheduled for November 24. The test will be restarted under v. 7.0_test2.
UPDATE. 23.11.
Server-side update will arrive tomorrow. It won't bring much changes that are noticeable for players. Client update will be deployed next week. Need some time to implement the changes.
UPDATE. 24.11
Stage 2 of public test is rescheduled for November 25. Preparing the client update.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Targeted Feedback on 7.0 Update
Public test of 7.0 has been available for some time. So here I would like you to post your feedback regarding the following points:
1. Horn feature
2. Camos
Here share your sorts on overall quality, colour themes, pricing etc
3. Interface changes
Minimap improvements, warning windows, equipment indicator, etc
4. Gameplay and mechanics
5. New visual effects
You can also share your thoughts on any other changes and features you consider important. Browse full patch notes of 7.0.
Vote on horns here!
1. Horn feature
2. Camos
Here share your sorts on overall quality, colour themes, pricing etc
3. Interface changes
Minimap improvements, warning windows, equipment indicator, etc
4. Gameplay and mechanics
5. New visual effects
You can also share your thoughts on any other changes and features you consider important. Browse full patch notes of 7.0.
Vote on horns here!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Public Test of 7.0. Finally!
The public test of 7.0 update has been launched which means we are one step closer to its release. Below is the changelog for the upcoming major update. In order to take part in test, visit the respective WoT website and follow the instructions there.
World of Tanks v.0.6.7 - 0.7.0 patch notes:
Main changes:
- Added system for working with multiple game servers (multi cluster technology).
An extremely important feature which is the heart of 7.0 update. It creates the basis for future merge of global map and server selection.
- Added camouflage system for all tanks.
Permanent camos - for gold, fixed period of time camos - for credits.
- Added tank horns. Default key for tank horns is “H”.
25 gold per horn. Test mode of horns, haven't decided on them so far.
- Added company tiers: up to tier 4, up to tier 6, up to tier 8, and up to tier 10. For tiers 4, 6, and 8 added special restrictions on SPGs
Special restrictions on LTs will be added in the next public test update. No worries.
- Added in-game report system. You can right-click the player’s name and report that player from the new context menu.
- Added new maps – Marsh and Fjords.
- Added new special premium tanks – SU-85I and Pz IV Hydraulic.
Both are temporary available in Store for testing purposes. They won't be purchasable after the release!
- Added tanks for "box" version: PzII J, BT-SV and MTLS-G14.
Both are temporary available in Store for testing purposes. They won't be purchasable after the release!
- Fixed a number of bugs in tank models.
Visual improvements.
- Fixed a number of bugs and stuck places on most of the maps.
- Some maps got animated birds added.
Also a key feature!
- Added display of clan emblems.
Reworked tank hitboxes:
- Germany: Pz VI Tiger, Pz 38(t), VK 3601(H), JagdPz IV, VK 3002 (DB), Pz III/IV, Pz 38H735(f), Pz S35 739(f), Pz B2 740(f), Pz 38 NA, E-100.
- USA: M4 Sherman, T29, T32, T30, T14, M5 Stuart, M7, M2 med, M4A2E4, Ram II.
- USSR: Т-34, KV, MS-1, А-20, SU-18, IS-3, Т-44, SU-85B, SU-14, Valentine LL, Matilda LL, KV-3, T-54, IS-7, KV-13, Object 704, А-32.
All hitboxes now feature 16 groups of armor and benefit from skirt armor (where it was used historically). The "ears" of E-100 and T29 have been adjusted to no damage armor type, hitboxes of E-75 and E-50 haven't been changed.
Gameplay and mechanics:
- The rate of getting team damage and team kill penalty points doubled.
Penalties will arrive twice faster now.
- Changed mechanics of determining minimal armour thickness for HE damage.
More accurate HE damage mechanics.
- Added display of enemy tracers in the narrow sector of player’s gun direction.
- Added display of tracers for SPG mode when the firing tank’s position is within SPG player’s view.
- Quitting the battle leaves the tank in battle. In case it was not destroyed during the battle, it is automatically destroyed when the battle ends.
- Fixed rare bug with unreasonable spotting.
- Fixed rare bug with reticle's horizontal jerking when switching to sniper mode.
- Fixed rare bug with reticle freezing in sniper mode when the vehicle is close to another object.
This one and the one above it were rare, but extremely annoying.
- Fixed rare bug with ubreasonable decrease of Pz IV traverse speed.
Shame on us!
- Fixed bug in Invader achievement description.
- Added separate type of shells for all German 8.8cm L/71 gun, damage set to 240.
Both KwK and PaK.
- Adjusted specifications for 7.5cm conic gun for VK3601H.
- Added 7.5cm conic gun for Tiger (available for both turrets).
- Т-44: added LB-1 gun for top turret, added V-54-6 engine with 680 hp.
T-44 used to be the worst tier 8 medium stat-wise, now it is supposed to overtake at least Type 59.
- Changed models and specifications for both IS-3 turrets.
- Slightly reduced normalization for AP and ACPR shells.
- Adjusted view ranges and ammo rack hit points for tier 7, 8, and 9 medium tanks.
- Adjusted specifications for all automatic guns.
- Credit prices for tier 2 and 3 tanks rounded down.
- Improved minimap functionality. Added scaling; turning on/off in battle; markers for commands “Help!”, “Follow me!”, “Attacking”; transparency option.
Solid improvements indeed, many were looking forward to them.
- Added tips for hangars functions. You can activate them pressing F1 in hangar.
- Improved display of tank markers. Added sorting by range.
- Added additional options for tank markers.
- Added colour-blind theme, available in options.
- Reworked players list on the map loading screen.
- Added goals of the battle on the map loading screen.
- Added new mode for players list during the battle. Added buttons for switching the modes.
- When selling the tank you get quick option to remove its equipment and crew.
- Added information about the clan in player’s UserInfo.
- Changed the design of death hint after tank’s destruction.
- Added indicator for equipment that affects visibility (camo net, binocular telescope) showing whether it provides bonus or not.
- Added auto removal of non-compatible consumables.
- Added sound notification when the gun is fully aimed.
- Changed sound notification when hitting and damaging tank modules.
- Added sound notification when ramming static object, while driving at speed more than 10 km/h.
- Added sound notification on base capture progress.
- Added auto blocking for spamming the same message or symbols in the game chat.
- Added option to assign game commands for the additional mouse buttons.
- Added warning window when selling a tank that can not be purchased in Store (e.g. special premium tank)
- Added notification on saving screenshot.
- Added notification when it's impossible to sell tank due to exceeding selling limit.
- Added notification when trying to resupply both credit and gold ammo and consumables having not enough gold on account.
- Removed Camera postion option.
- Added "Caps lock" indicator on login screen.
- Removed all achievements from personal crew profile barring "epic" and "hero of the battle".
- Fixed diplay of modified experience during specials (e.g. x5, x3).
Finally! No more empty brackets!
- Fixed the names of some American tanks.
- Fixed and imporved interface pop-up tips and dialogue windows.
- Improved overall game performance on several PC configurations.
- Improved special effects. Changed effects of shots, hits and explosions.
- Added advanced special effects options.
- Added improved support for Logitech keyboards, Alienware laptops.
- Fixed certain problems with game display for multiscreen configurations.
- Improved display and performance of dynamic shadows.
- Added new antialiasing mode - FXAA.
- Improved quality of voice chat.
- Added "vignette" post-effect.
World of Tanks v.0.6.7 - 0.7.0 patch notes:
Main changes:
- Added system for working with multiple game servers (multi cluster technology).
An extremely important feature which is the heart of 7.0 update. It creates the basis for future merge of global map and server selection.
- Added camouflage system for all tanks.
Permanent camos - for gold, fixed period of time camos - for credits.
- Added tank horns. Default key for tank horns is “H”.
25 gold per horn. Test mode of horns, haven't decided on them so far.
- Added company tiers: up to tier 4, up to tier 6, up to tier 8, and up to tier 10. For tiers 4, 6, and 8 added special restrictions on SPGs
Special restrictions on LTs will be added in the next public test update. No worries.
- Added in-game report system. You can right-click the player’s name and report that player from the new context menu.
- Added new maps – Marsh and Fjords.
- Added new special premium tanks – SU-85I and Pz IV Hydraulic.
Both are temporary available in Store for testing purposes. They won't be purchasable after the release!
- Added tanks for "box" version: PzII J, BT-SV and MTLS-G14.
Both are temporary available in Store for testing purposes. They won't be purchasable after the release!
- Fixed a number of bugs in tank models.
Visual improvements.
- Fixed a number of bugs and stuck places on most of the maps.
- Some maps got animated birds added.
Also a key feature!
- Added display of clan emblems.
Reworked tank hitboxes:
- Germany: Pz VI Tiger, Pz 38(t), VK 3601(H), JagdPz IV, VK 3002 (DB), Pz III/IV, Pz 38H735(f), Pz S35 739(f), Pz B2 740(f), Pz 38 NA, E-100.
- USA: M4 Sherman, T29, T32, T30, T14, M5 Stuart, M7, M2 med, M4A2E4, Ram II.
- USSR: Т-34, KV, MS-1, А-20, SU-18, IS-3, Т-44, SU-85B, SU-14, Valentine LL, Matilda LL, KV-3, T-54, IS-7, KV-13, Object 704, А-32.
All hitboxes now feature 16 groups of armor and benefit from skirt armor (where it was used historically). The "ears" of E-100 and T29 have been adjusted to no damage armor type, hitboxes of E-75 and E-50 haven't been changed.
Gameplay and mechanics:
- The rate of getting team damage and team kill penalty points doubled.
Penalties will arrive twice faster now.
- Changed mechanics of determining minimal armour thickness for HE damage.
More accurate HE damage mechanics.
- Added display of enemy tracers in the narrow sector of player’s gun direction.
- Added display of tracers for SPG mode when the firing tank’s position is within SPG player’s view.
- Quitting the battle leaves the tank in battle. In case it was not destroyed during the battle, it is automatically destroyed when the battle ends.
- Fixed rare bug with unreasonable spotting.
- Fixed rare bug with reticle's horizontal jerking when switching to sniper mode.
- Fixed rare bug with reticle freezing in sniper mode when the vehicle is close to another object.
This one and the one above it were rare, but extremely annoying.
- Fixed rare bug with ubreasonable decrease of Pz IV traverse speed.
Shame on us!
- Fixed bug in Invader achievement description.
- Added separate type of shells for all German 8.8cm L/71 gun, damage set to 240.
Both KwK and PaK.
- Adjusted specifications for 7.5cm conic gun for VK3601H.
- Added 7.5cm conic gun for Tiger (available for both turrets).
- Т-44: added LB-1 gun for top turret, added V-54-6 engine with 680 hp.
T-44 used to be the worst tier 8 medium stat-wise, now it is supposed to overtake at least Type 59.
- Changed models and specifications for both IS-3 turrets.
- Slightly reduced normalization for AP and ACPR shells.
- Adjusted view ranges and ammo rack hit points for tier 7, 8, and 9 medium tanks.
- Adjusted specifications for all automatic guns.
- Credit prices for tier 2 and 3 tanks rounded down.
- Improved minimap functionality. Added scaling; turning on/off in battle; markers for commands “Help!”, “Follow me!”, “Attacking”; transparency option.
Solid improvements indeed, many were looking forward to them.
- Added tips for hangars functions. You can activate them pressing F1 in hangar.
- Improved display of tank markers. Added sorting by range.
- Added additional options for tank markers.
- Added colour-blind theme, available in options.
- Reworked players list on the map loading screen.
- Added goals of the battle on the map loading screen.
- Added new mode for players list during the battle. Added buttons for switching the modes.
- When selling the tank you get quick option to remove its equipment and crew.
- Added information about the clan in player’s UserInfo.
- Changed the design of death hint after tank’s destruction.
- Added indicator for equipment that affects visibility (camo net, binocular telescope) showing whether it provides bonus or not.
- Added auto removal of non-compatible consumables.
- Added sound notification when the gun is fully aimed.
- Changed sound notification when hitting and damaging tank modules.
- Added sound notification when ramming static object, while driving at speed more than 10 km/h.
- Added sound notification on base capture progress.
- Added auto blocking for spamming the same message or symbols in the game chat.
- Added option to assign game commands for the additional mouse buttons.
- Added warning window when selling a tank that can not be purchased in Store (e.g. special premium tank)
- Added notification on saving screenshot.
- Added notification when it's impossible to sell tank due to exceeding selling limit.
- Added notification when trying to resupply both credit and gold ammo and consumables having not enough gold on account.
- Removed Camera postion option.
- Added "Caps lock" indicator on login screen.
- Removed all achievements from personal crew profile barring "epic" and "hero of the battle".
- Fixed diplay of modified experience during specials (e.g. x5, x3).
Finally! No more empty brackets!
- Fixed the names of some American tanks.
- Fixed and imporved interface pop-up tips and dialogue windows.
- Improved overall game performance on several PC configurations.
- Improved special effects. Changed effects of shots, hits and explosions.
- Added advanced special effects options.
- Added improved support for Logitech keyboards, Alienware laptops.
- Fixed certain problems with game display for multiscreen configurations.
- Improved display and performance of dynamic shadows.
- Added new antialiasing mode - FXAA.
- Improved quality of voice chat.
- Added "vignette" post-effect.
Friday, November 18, 2011
November 12 - November 18 Poll Results
7496 players expressed their opinion on damage from friendly ramming being inflicted.
The vote results didn't show any unanimity. 52% (3926) of the players voted against, obviously voicing their concerns about the current penalty system for team damage (ramming). 34% of the voters are totally fine with the way everything works now. Some 14% don't mind any decision.
The issue is currently under consideration of game design team.
As always a new poll is up.
The vote results didn't show any unanimity. 52% (3926) of the players voted against, obviously voicing their concerns about the current penalty system for team damage (ramming). 34% of the voters are totally fine with the way everything works now. Some 14% don't mind any decision.
The issue is currently under consideration of game design team.
As always a new poll is up.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Continuous Bonus Exp Special
For the upcoming 7 days both EU and US servers will enjoy X3 experience rates for the first victory per day.
The special will be available after the tomorrow's server restarts. For details visit the respective WoT portal (EU or US).
Have fun while waiting for 7.0 update which is coming to public test soon.
The special will be available after the tomorrow's server restarts. For details visit the respective WoT portal (EU or US).
Have fun while waiting for 7.0 update which is coming to public test soon.
Friday, November 11, 2011
November 5 - November 11 Poll Results
10025 players expressed their opinion in the recent poll voting for the most power tank in-game of tier 10.
The vote results confirmed the superiority of German armor among top vehicles inRussian-biased game World of Tanks. E-100 got 41% of votes (4158) and Maus finished 2nd with 27% (2664) leaving behind the Soviet IS-7 with 23% of votes. The American T30 appeared to be a total outsider claiming tiny 9% of love.
The public opinion was rather accurate this time (no need for figures to prove/confront:)). Stat-wise Maus is slightly ahead of the others, even E-100. Apart from that everything is correct.
As always a new poll is up.
The vote results confirmed the superiority of German armor among top vehicles in
The public opinion was rather accurate this time (no need for figures to prove/confront:)). Stat-wise Maus is slightly ahead of the others, even E-100. Apart from that everything is correct.
As always a new poll is up.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Thoughts on the Upcoming 7.0. Vol 2.0
To speed up the development and release of 7.0 update, it was decided to partially remove new content from it.
The first victim is tank horns. Doubt, there would be much regret over it really. :)
What's definitely more important new crew skills and perks won't arrive in 7.0 either, the technical complexity of the upcoming update leaves little time for testing of the new features. Most likely the initial package of the new crew skills will arrive in 7.1 along with French tanks, M103 and other tempting content.
Damage per round for 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 and 8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71 guns will be increased to 240 (test value, will be proven at supertest and public test). The gun is available for a number of tanks: PzKpfw VI Tiger, PzKpfw VIB Tiger II, VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B, Panther II, E-75, E-50, VK 4502 (P) Ausf. A, PzKpfw VI Tiger (P); and TDs: Jagdpanther, Ferdinand:, there will be multiple RoF adjustments to maintain the existing DPM.
7.0 update has been on supertest for some time and already seen several revisions, when the major faults are fixed it will be pushed to public test. Hopefully, next week.
The first victim is tank horns. Doubt, there would be much regret over it really. :)
What's definitely more important new crew skills and perks won't arrive in 7.0 either, the technical complexity of the upcoming update leaves little time for testing of the new features. Most likely the initial package of the new crew skills will arrive in 7.1 along with French tanks, M103 and other tempting content.
Damage per round for 8,8 cm KwK 43 L/71 and 8,8 cm PaK 43 L/71 guns will be increased to 240 (test value, will be proven at supertest and public test). The gun is available for a number of tanks: PzKpfw VI Tiger, PzKpfw VIB Tiger II, VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B, Panther II, E-75, E-50, VK 4502 (P) Ausf. A, PzKpfw VI Tiger (P); and TDs: Jagdpanther, Ferdinand:, there will be multiple RoF adjustments to maintain the existing DPM.
7.0 update has been on supertest for some time and already seen several revisions, when the major faults are fixed it will be pushed to public test. Hopefully, next week.
Friday, November 4, 2011
October 31 - November 4 Poll Results
6561 players expressed their opinion in the recent poll voting for their favourite contests and events.
Everyone knew the winner from the very beginning (yup, it was obvious indeed : )), however the results appeared to be completely one-sided with 94% (or 6189) of voters supporting bonus specials (x5 exp, and such). Greedy-greedy tankers!! :)
Tourneys/champs and in-game contests (MVP, Kill the Courier) got 2% of votes each, while only 63 players gave their voice to creativity contests (video, photo, literary etc) which is extremely low.
On a serious note, you must have noticed that bonus specials has become rather frequent lately.
As always a new poll is up (might reveal the performance stats to support or confront the results when the poll ends :) ).
Everyone knew the winner from the very beginning (yup, it was obvious indeed : )), however the results appeared to be completely one-sided with 94% (or 6189) of voters supporting bonus specials (x5 exp, and such). Greedy-greedy tankers!! :)
Tourneys/champs and in-game contests (MVP, Kill the Courier) got 2% of votes each, while only 63 players gave their voice to creativity contests (video, photo, literary etc) which is extremely low.
On a serious note, you must have noticed that bonus specials has become rather frequent lately.
As always a new poll is up (might reveal the performance stats to support or confront the results when the poll ends :) ).
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
New Community Portal for EU
The new community portal, redesigned similar to the current Ultimate Conquest website, has been released for US server a few weeks ago and is being released for RU server at present, and now it is planned for launch on EU for the upcoming week.
You can check out the new appearance here.
Please note that the community portal release will lead to several changes in Clan Wars mechanics:
You can check out the new appearance here.
Please note that the community portal release will lead to several changes in Clan Wars mechanics:
- If a province has no direct connection to the clan headquarters (or through other provinces), then the clan will no longer earn income from the specified province. If a clan does not have a headquarters, they will not earn income from owned provinces.
- If a clan currently owns one or more provinces on the Global Map, it cannot apply for landing.
- If there are multiple attacks scheduled for a single province, attackers must first fight against each other. The winning clan will then face the owner of the province in the final match.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thoughts on the Upcoming 7.0
The major 7.0 update that has been in development for quite a while has almost made it to the finish straight, awaiting public tests (though it may take up to 3 weeks). Initial preview of 7.0 update can be found in the In Development section of the official websites.
I won't repeat the info given there, only share my thoughts on the key features and less noticeable stuff.
Massive Hitbox Overhaul
Nearly 30 vehicles (Tiger, VK 3002 DB, IS-3, IS-7) will get their hitboxes changed to ensure more accurate damaging mechanics. Tiger tank will finally get more detailed armor layout featuring 16 groups and benefit from skirt armor.
Map Debugging
Seems that we haven't done away with them so far, but this is definitely step in the right direction. It is going to be much more difficult to get stuck now.
Multi-cluster technology
It might not bring noticeable changes especially for EU and US players at the time of its introduction. But it is going to be extremely useful in two ways:
Customize it!
The camos announced as a a part of vehicle customization functionality long time ago finally arrives in 7.0 (there will be lots of screenies in the days to come). As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)
Tiered Companies
Instead of one single company battle mode (10/90), we are getting 4 - 4/45, 6/50, 8/90, and 10/150 (where 10 - max vehicle tier, 150 - max team tier points).
There will be separate restrictions on light tanks and SPGs. E.g. for 4/45 submode it is planned to restrict both SPGs and LTs to tier 3.
Report it!
Being harassed in-game or noticed some unfair play? RMB click on required player in team list, choose complaint type, and submit it! Customer support will see to it ASAP.
Mini-map v.2.0
Highly anticipated improvements, no doubt. It will be possible to scale the mini-map, toggle it on/off in battle, adjust its transparency, and we also added markers for Help!, Follow me! and Attacking! commands.
Tracers, anyone?
They are back, however not exactly the way they used to work.
New special effects including shots, hits, explosions are coming to provide better visualization. In addition to it we are introducing in-game colour-blind mod and option to disable smoke effects to ensure smoother performance.
More details will come in the weeks ahead.
We've hit them hard!
There will be changes to penetration mechanics. First of, we are reducing the normalization parameter of AP and APCR shells, therefore the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase.Also the new mechanics for HE will be in place (defining the spot with the thinnest armor to burn through), ensuring more realistic and credible penetration and damaging.
I won't repeat the info given there, only share my thoughts on the key features and less noticeable stuff.
Massive Hitbox Overhaul
Nearly 30 vehicles (Tiger, VK 3002 DB, IS-3, IS-7) will get their hitboxes changed to ensure more accurate damaging mechanics. Tiger tank will finally get more detailed armor layout featuring 16 groups and benefit from skirt armor.
Map Debugging
Seems that we haven't done away with them so far, but this is definitely step in the right direction. It is going to be much more difficult to get stuck now.
Multi-cluster technology
It might not bring noticeable changes especially for EU and US players at the time of its introduction. But it is going to be extremely useful in two ways:
- it will help us cope with overload of RU server (in peak times it has more than 235k players) allocating the load between several independent servers within RU region
- the feature has really great potential and it would be impossible to merge clan wars or enable account transfers without it
Customize it!
The camos announced as a a part of vehicle customization functionality long time ago finally arrives in 7.0 (there will be lots of screenies in the days to come). As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)
Tiered Companies
Instead of one single company battle mode (10/90), we are getting 4 - 4/45, 6/50, 8/90, and 10/150 (where 10 - max vehicle tier, 150 - max team tier points).
There will be separate restrictions on light tanks and SPGs. E.g. for 4/45 submode it is planned to restrict both SPGs and LTs to tier 3.
Report it!
Being harassed in-game or noticed some unfair play? RMB click on required player in team list, choose complaint type, and submit it! Customer support will see to it ASAP.
Mini-map v.2.0
Highly anticipated improvements, no doubt. It will be possible to scale the mini-map, toggle it on/off in battle, adjust its transparency, and we also added markers for Help!, Follow me! and Attacking! commands.
Tracers, anyone?
They are back, however not exactly the way they used to work.
- for LTs, MTs, HTs, TDs: tracers will be shown within 25 deg / 445 sector in the direction of the gun
- for SPGs: tracers will be shown for tanks that are within view range in howitzer mode
For sure we would like to reintroduce 100% tracer effects, however safety and fair play are even of major importance. So as to combat cheating, we have to bring them back this way.
Don't rage quit!
If you leave the battle before it ends (and your vehicle is safe and sound), it will be locked until the end of the battle, giving your enemies chance for easy kill (exp/credits). If somehow it makes to the end of the battle, the tank will be blown up automatically. Full repair costs, yes. :)
Balance Above All
They will be many balance adjustments in the upcoming update, the detailed patch notes will arrive upon the public release. Now I'm going to stop on a few curious things.
Don't rage quit!
If you leave the battle before it ends (and your vehicle is safe and sound), it will be locked until the end of the battle, giving your enemies chance for easy kill (exp/credits). If somehow it makes to the end of the battle, the tank will be blown up automatically. Full repair costs, yes. :)
Balance Above All
They will be many balance adjustments in the upcoming update, the detailed patch notes will arrive upon the public release. Now I'm going to stop on a few curious things.
- T-44 is getting LB-1 gun (for 2nd turret) with the same specs as of T-54 barring RoF (slight decrease). This is aimed at bringing the tank on a par with the other tier 8 MTs (God help my poor M26 :( ).
- Conical gun will be nerfed on VK3601H, Tiger is getting this gun as it is now.
- Changed shells for 8.8 L/71 gun. Yes, damage increase is planned. However the current DPM will be retained.
- IS-3 is getting a new turret for stock setup, the existing stock turret goes to top setup. T-10 turret is reserved for future. :)
New special effects including shots, hits, explosions are coming to provide better visualization. In addition to it we are introducing in-game colour-blind mod and option to disable smoke effects to ensure smoother performance.
More details will come in the weeks ahead.
We've hit them hard!
There will be changes to penetration mechanics. First of, we are reducing the normalization parameter of AP and APCR shells, therefore the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase.
October 22 - October 28 Poll Results
6333 players expressed their opinion in the recent poll voting for the tanks they looking forward to.
The majority of voters (42% or 2661 of them) are especially waiting for the revision of Soviet and American heavy tanks (i.e the introduction of M103, T110, KV-4, T-150, ST-1, T-10). The 2nd place was almost equally divided between secondary TD lines for all factions (20% or 1270 votes) and British tanks (19% or 1228 votes). Only then comes initial package of French tanks planned for this year getting 14% or 886 votes. 5% of players look forward to other vehicles, perhaps they are interested in some sort of exotics like Japanese tanks or waiting for premium SPGs and TDs.
In general the poll results coincide with tank release priorities, apart from the fact the French are coming first, as it was promised. Unconventional designs, oscillating turrets, automated loading, high tier light tanks - French really have something to offer to most fastidious tank aesthetes.
As always a new poll is up.
PS: Take a look at the current poll on the Russian website, the question is "Do you like Malinovka map?", the top answer is Yes, the bottom one is No. Tastes differ. :)
The majority of voters (42% or 2661 of them) are especially waiting for the revision of Soviet and American heavy tanks (i.e the introduction of M103, T110, KV-4, T-150, ST-1, T-10). The 2nd place was almost equally divided between secondary TD lines for all factions (20% or 1270 votes) and British tanks (19% or 1228 votes). Only then comes initial package of French tanks planned for this year getting 14% or 886 votes. 5% of players look forward to other vehicles, perhaps they are interested in some sort of exotics like Japanese tanks or waiting for premium SPGs and TDs.
In general the poll results coincide with tank release priorities, apart from the fact the French are coming first, as it was promised. Unconventional designs, oscillating turrets, automated loading, high tier light tanks - French really have something to offer to most fastidious tank aesthetes.
As always a new poll is up.
PS: Take a look at the current poll on the Russian website, the question is "Do you like Malinovka map?", the top answer is Yes, the bottom one is No. Tastes differ. :)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Matchmaking Improvements for EU
The same improvements that have been applied for US server recently now available for EU (since today's server restart).
This includes smart matchmaking system that takes into account the number of battles played on each particular vehicle. See the chart below:

This includes smart matchmaking system that takes into account the number of battles played on each particular vehicle. See the chart below:

First N battles (N varies according to vehicle tier, class, premium/non-premium status) on each vehicle are chosen not according to full spread, e.g. 8-12 for tier 7 heavy tanks, but according to decreased combat tier spread, allowing this vehicle to be at the top part of the team list.
Being only the first step of many, this improvement is aimed at helping players adjust to their newly-obtained vehicles.
Being only the first step of many, this improvement is aimed at helping players adjust to their newly-obtained vehicles.
October 15 - October 21 Poll Results
3169 players took part in the recent poll expressing their opinion on the new community portal for US server.
Almost part of the voters (49%) either like both designs or don't care much about the appearance of the main WoT portal. The other half mostly was positive about the new web resource (36% against 15%)
As always a new poll is up.
Almost part of the voters (49%) either like both designs or don't care much about the appearance of the main WoT portal. The other half mostly was positive about the new web resource (36% against 15%)
As always a new poll is up.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Initial Package of French Tanks
Initial package of French tanks (18 units) planned for 7.x update (Q4 2011).
Renault FT
Hotchkiss H35
AMX 38
AMX 40
AMX 12t
Bat.-Chatillon 25t
Lorraine 40t.
AMX M4 (1945)
AMX 50 100 mm
AMX 50 120mm
AMX-50 68t.
This info went public some time ago, just confirming the data.
Renault FT
Hotchkiss H35
AMX 38
AMX 40
AMX 12t
Bat.-Chatillon 25t
Lorraine 40t.
AMX M4 (1945)
AMX 50 100 mm
AMX 50 120mm
AMX-50 68t.
This info went public some time ago, just confirming the data.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
October 6 - October 14 Poll Results
8981 (!) players took part in the recent poll expressing their opinion on matchmaking in World of Tanks.
The question appeared to be quite controversial and community votes were divided. Thus, 60% of the voters think that matchmaking is either poor or bad, while 40% reckon it is average+.
As announced earlier, matchmaking system is one of the current focuses. General overhaul is planned for 2012, minor improvements will come this year (smart matchmaking).
Smart matchmaking system takes into account the number of battles played on this particular vehicle. So to put it simple, your battle tier spread will depend on the number of battles played using the vehicle ranging from minimum tier possible for lets say first 10 battles to full tier spread starting with say 50 battles.
As always new weekly poll is up. Prior to voting, please visit http://worldoftanks.com/
The question appeared to be quite controversial and community votes were divided. Thus, 60% of the voters think that matchmaking is either poor or bad, while 40% reckon it is average+.
As announced earlier, matchmaking system is one of the current focuses. General overhaul is planned for 2012, minor improvements will come this year (smart matchmaking).
Smart matchmaking system takes into account the number of battles played on this particular vehicle. So to put it simple, your battle tier spread will depend on the number of battles played using the vehicle ranging from minimum tier possible for lets say first 10 battles to full tier spread starting with say 50 battles.
As always new weekly poll is up. Prior to voting, please visit http://worldoftanks.com/
New American Daddy
T110 is a new American top tier heavy tank scheduled for release in Q1 2012. Remind you that this vehicle will substitute T30 as it was announced some time ago.
Below are the screenshots:
PS: T110 has 120mm M58 gun mounted here.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
CZ/SK Forums on EU
Přátelé a příznivci World of Tanks,
na základě Vašich dotazů a přání byla zřízena nová sekce tohoto fóra, zaměřená na třetí největší ne-Anglickou populaci na Evropském serveru. Doufáme, že se nová sekce stane často využívaným místem výměny názorů a informací a že poslouží k lepší komunikaci mezi Českými a Slovenskými hráči.
Novou sekci naleznete zde: link
Dear friends and fans of World of Tanks,
based on your questions and popular demand, a new section of World of Tanks Forum was founded. It aims at third largest non-English player community on the EU server. We hope that the section will help to promote communication between Czech and Slovakian players and that it'll become a frequently used meeting place and information and opinion exchange.
New section can be found here: link
na základě Vašich dotazů a přání byla zřízena nová sekce tohoto fóra, zaměřená na třetí největší ne-Anglickou populaci na Evropském serveru. Doufáme, že se nová sekce stane často využívaným místem výměny názorů a informací a že poslouží k lepší komunikaci mezi Českými a Slovenskými hráči.
Novou sekci naleznete zde: link
Dear friends and fans of World of Tanks,
based on your questions and popular demand, a new section of World of Tanks Forum was founded. It aims at third largest non-English player community on the EU server. We hope that the section will help to promote communication between Czech and Slovakian players and that it'll become a frequently used meeting place and information and opinion exchange.
New section can be found here: link
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Battle of Moscow Special
Battle of Moscow Special will be available this weekend (October 14-17) for both EU and US servers.
Below is a list of what we have prepared from October 14, starting at 5:30 AM UTC, to October 17, ending at 5:00 AM UTC (EU times given, for US times check the website):
Below is a list of what we have prepared from October 14, starting at 5:30 AM UTC, to October 17, ending at 5:00 AM UTC (EU times given, for US times check the website):
- These tanks will be half price and earn double credits:
- PzKpfw 38 nA
- PzKpfw IV
- PzKpfw VI Tiger (P)
- VK 3001 (P)
- T-28
- KV
- KV-3
- IS
- These premium tanks are also half off:
- PzKpfw B2 740
- Matilda
- 5x XP for the first victory each day (on each of your tanks)
- Enlarging barracks are half off (150 gold)
- 100% crew training is half off (100 gold per member)
- Retraining crew to 100% primary skill will be half off (100 gold)
- Training a crew bought with a tanks to 100% also half off (100 gold)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Videos From Igromir 2011
Igromir is the biggest Russian expo dedicated to video games. Of course it is not comparable to monstrous German Gamescom, however it grows fast.
Below are 3 short videos from Igromir 2011 in Moscow (October 6-9). The are not subtitled, but I will briefly comment each one.
1. Igromir. Day 1.
Olya invites everyone to visit Wargaming.net booth at Igromir to find out what is hidden behind the curtains.
Later she announces the closed presentation of World of Warplanes that was available only for media.
2. Igromir. Day 2.
It was a first public day with much more visitors. Many came specifically to WoT booth not only to play WoT just for fun, but also to fight for prizes (gold promo cards, and other stuff), scoring the biggest amount of experience. What was going on behind the curtains? See Behind the Curtains video!
3. Igromir. Behind the Curtains.
WN team is getting prepared for the 2 busiest days of the expo.
Below are 3 short videos from Igromir 2011 in Moscow (October 6-9). The are not subtitled, but I will briefly comment each one.
1. Igromir. Day 1.
Olya invites everyone to visit Wargaming.net booth at Igromir to find out what is hidden behind the curtains.
Later she announces the closed presentation of World of Warplanes that was available only for media.
2. Igromir. Day 2.
It was a first public day with much more visitors. Many came specifically to WoT booth not only to play WoT just for fun, but also to fight for prizes (gold promo cards, and other stuff), scoring the biggest amount of experience. What was going on behind the curtains? See Behind the Curtains video!
3. Igromir. Behind the Curtains.
WN team is getting prepared for the 2 busiest days of the expo.
New Tanks in 2011
There is an update regarding the introduction of new tanks in 2011, see here. So the details:
- German and Soviet TDs won't make it this year, both lines are rescheduled for 2012
- Initial package of French tanks will come in Q4 2011 (18 vehicles)
- M103 and the revision of T34 is to be performed this year
- A few premium tanks will also arrive later this year (the exact vehicles to be specified)
That's it for 2011 in terms of new tanks.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Look to the Future: First US-based Map
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
September 29-October 5 Poll Results
4618 players took part in the recent poll regarding the most important feature in the upcoming 7.0 update. 36% (1681 voters) are looking forward to camos and horns, which will introduce basic vehicle customization functionality. 27% are interested in subdivisions for company battles, that will have some major gameplay effect. Having issues with violators in-game? Suspicious behaviour, harrassment, etc? 20% voted for in-game report system. Two new features for CW (fog of war and cooldown for destroyed vehicles) scored only 14% combined.
As always new weekly poll is up.
PS: The upcoming 7.0 update might bring certain improvements in terms of match-making, the work in full swing.
As always new weekly poll is up.
PS: The upcoming 7.0 update might bring certain improvements in terms of match-making, the work in full swing.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Overlord in GameOverCast
Guys from GameOverCast asked me several questions during Eurogamer show. The interview is at 1:06:16.
PS: apologies for my bad accent :) and the sound quality, guys had some recording issues.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
New Prices
New credit prices for tier 2-3 vehicles are going to be applied to EU and US servers during the scheduled restarts tomorrow, 5.00 - 5.30 am UTC and 11.00 - 11.30 am UTC respectively.
Pz 35(t): 12900 -> 4300 credits
Pz II: 12300 -> 4100 credits.
Bison: 18250 -> 6083 credits
PanzerJager I: 11450 -> 3816 credits
Pz 38(t): 54100 -> 36066 credits
Pz II Luchs: 82800 -> 55200 credits
Sturmpanzer II: 67600 -> 45066 credits
Pz III A: 79700 -> 53133 credits
Wespe: 80300 -> 53533 credits
Marder II: 78200 -> 52133 credits
M2 lt: 12500 -> 4166 credits
T57: 16200 -> 5400 credits
T2 med: 15300 -> 5100 credits
T18: 12300 -> 4100 credits
M3 Stuart: 80100 -> 53400 credits
M37: 83700 -> 55800 credits.
M2 med: 68500 -> 45666 credits
T82: 85400 -> 56933 credits
BT-2: 22400 -> 7466 credits
SU-18: 15900 -> 5316 credits.
Т-26: 13500 -> 4500 credits
АТ-1: 13450 -> 4483 credits
BT-7: 90300 -> 60200 credits
Т-46: 71200 -> 47466 credits
SU-76: 97500 -> 65000 credits.
SU-26: 81500 -> 54333 credits
Please note that these changes are permanent.
Pz 35(t): 12900 -> 4300 credits
Pz II: 12300 -> 4100 credits.
Bison: 18250 -> 6083 credits
PanzerJager I: 11450 -> 3816 credits
Pz 38(t): 54100 -> 36066 credits
Pz II Luchs: 82800 -> 55200 credits
Sturmpanzer II: 67600 -> 45066 credits
Pz III A: 79700 -> 53133 credits
Wespe: 80300 -> 53533 credits
Marder II: 78200 -> 52133 credits
M2 lt: 12500 -> 4166 credits
T57: 16200 -> 5400 credits
T2 med: 15300 -> 5100 credits
T18: 12300 -> 4100 credits
M3 Stuart: 80100 -> 53400 credits
M37: 83700 -> 55800 credits.
M2 med: 68500 -> 45666 credits
T82: 85400 -> 56933 credits
BT-2: 22400 -> 7466 credits
SU-18: 15900 -> 5316 credits.
Т-26: 13500 -> 4500 credits
АТ-1: 13450 -> 4483 credits
BT-7: 90300 -> 60200 credits
Т-46: 71200 -> 47466 credits
SU-76: 97500 -> 65000 credits.
SU-26: 81500 -> 54333 credits
Please note that these changes are permanent.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
September 20-28 Poll Results
5817 players took part in the recent poll. 83% (4787 voters) showed their interest in at least one of the upcoming "World of ..." games, while Battleships beat Planes approx 2:1). 29% of the audience are looking forward to both titles, 17% - to neither of them (come to your senses while it's not too late).
As always new weekly poll is up.
PS: The finalization of 7.0 feature list has started. This is the first step to supertest / public test. Follow the updates.
As always new weekly poll is up.
PS: The finalization of 7.0 feature list has started. This is the first step to supertest / public test. Follow the updates.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Eurogamer. Post-mortem.
The expo is over. Obviously there were more visitors at weekend than on Thursday or Friday. The effectiveness of our participation is still to be deternined and analysed, however at this point personally I doubt that we should come back here next year (though I wish we would come, one more chance to visit this great city at least :) ).
The majority of players had not heard about the game earlier (and even less who actually played), many had difficulties with PC controls (the UK seems bo be totally console country), understanding the basic concept of the game (UI, battle itself, repairs and ammo), teamkilling. Yeah, the learning curve in WoT is quite steep.
Still I consider this experience to be valuable in terms of further tailoring the game according to the needs of newbies.
Would like to thank everyone who visited our stand during these 4 days, was nice meeting you indeed. Hopefully, see you all next year.
PS: will be back to office midweek with the recent news from development side of things. Keep your questions until then. Thanks.
The majority of players had not heard about the game earlier (and even less who actually played), many had difficulties with PC controls (the UK seems bo be totally console country), understanding the basic concept of the game (UI, battle itself, repairs and ammo), teamkilling. Yeah, the learning curve in WoT is quite steep.
Still I consider this experience to be valuable in terms of further tailoring the game according to the needs of newbies.
Would like to thank everyone who visited our stand during these 4 days, was nice meeting you indeed. Hopefully, see you all next year.
PS: will be back to office midweek with the recent news from development side of things. Keep your questions until then. Thanks.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Eurogamer. Quick View.
I like Britain and London in particular and that's why I was extremely excited about the Eurogamer expo. In reality it hasn't really come up to my expectations. Not many visitors. I'd say that there are few visitors to be honest. Unlike Gamescom expo we had in Cologne last month. Yeah, I know it was supposed to be like 10 times smaller than the German expo by default, but c'mon. Hopefully things will get better at weekend.
The good things are that there is no loud music, crowds you need to squeeze through to get anywhere, less rubbish obviously, and no endless queues too.
So encourage everyone, who has this opportunity, to come and visit us. We will be there for all 3 upcoming days. Why would one want that? To get a hold of free give away stuff with some premium content (including WoT t-shirts branded specially for British players), chat with developers (no one wants to meet Overlord? :( ) and ask any questions you would love to, take pcitures with the two tanks outside the expo centre - Valentine and T-34-85 (they were taken from Bovington tank museum and we thank our friends from there), and play WoT of course.
Special expo accounts have nearly unlimited financial resources and all possible vehicles unlocked, including KV-220, T23, Pz. II Ausf. J, BT-SVm Pz. V-IV Alpha, Pz. V-IV, A-32, M6A2E1, M4A2E4 and many others.
Pay us a visit at Eurogamer show!
Monday, September 19, 2011
September 15-19 Poll Results. Eurogamer Show, September 22-25.
4930 players took part in the recent poll. 51% (2545 voters) just like playing World of Tanks, while 27% of them confirmed their tank buff status (so they probably don't miss any tank game at all :)). 6% of the audience are fans of online games, 3% play World of Tanks for some other reasons, and some 10% of players regard the game as relaxation technique.
Also I would like to invite everyone (especially British, I guess :)) to visit Wargaming.net stand at Eurogamer Show (London, the UK) on September 22-25. You will be able to meet some of the dev team and get hold of giveaway stuff (as usual).
As always new weekly poll is up.
Also I would like to invite everyone (especially British, I guess :)) to visit Wargaming.net stand at Eurogamer Show (London, the UK) on September 22-25. You will be able to meet some of the dev team and get hold of giveaway stuff (as usual).
As always new weekly poll is up.
Updated Match-making Chart
Updated the match-making chart for 6.7 update. Mind new tier spreads for light tanks and some premiums.
Anticipating your questions on match-making improvements, I remind you that overhaul is scheduled for Q1 2012, as it was given here.
Anticipating your questions on match-making improvements, I remind you that overhaul is scheduled for Q1 2012, as it was given here.
Friday, September 16, 2011
In Development: Vol. 4
Preliminary 7.0 patch notes are available:
To be specified (no French tanks!).
1. Swamp (jungles, anyone?)
2. Fjords
Features:1. Vehicle customization: camos and horn sounds
2. Company battle divisions: tier 10 max with no overall tier limitation, tiers 8, 6, and 4 max with the respective overall tier limitation.
3. Mini-map customization and new functionality.
4. Quick in-game violation report system
5. Clan logos (Clan Wars only)
6. Fog of war (Clan Wars only)
7. Cooldown period for destroyed vehicles (Clan Wars only)
8. Crew skill reset option
9. Improved special effects
The list of features is not complete and will be expanded closer to the release.
ETA - November, 2011
Note! French tanks will be added in 7.1 update which is planned for Q4 2011.
To be specified (no French tanks!).
1. Swamp (jungles, anyone?)
2. Fjords
Features:1. Vehicle customization: camos and horn sounds
2. Company battle divisions: tier 10 max with no overall tier limitation, tiers 8, 6, and 4 max with the respective overall tier limitation.
3. Mini-map customization and new functionality.
4. Quick in-game violation report system
5. Clan logos (Clan Wars only)
6. Fog of war (Clan Wars only)
7. Cooldown period for destroyed vehicles (Clan Wars only)
8. Crew skill reset option
9. Improved special effects
The list of features is not complete and will be expanded closer to the release.
ETA - November, 2011
Note! French tanks will be added in 7.1 update which is planned for Q4 2011.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tank Debut Quiz: Results
Let's start with the correct answers:
1. Sir Ernest Swinton (yeah, he is the grandfather of the famous actress) didn't invent Mark I, however he contributed much to the creation of British tank forces and one of the first commanders.
So those who said that he did invent the tank, but pointed out family relationship get 50% of the reward, i.e. 375 gold. In some cases I considered the answer as not complete with no gold given. No complaints accepted. )
2. "Mother" is the correct answer.
3. Ricardo (after Sir Harry Ricardo), famous British engine designer who invented the engine for Mk V.
4. It was German Pz. IV actually. No Soviet bias in WoT. )
Actually it amazes me that so many chose T-54. Guys, it was added to the game not so long ago.
And the prize winners (I chose 15):
and special prize for the player - infilTRAITOR from EU server who was first to guess the first tank in World of Tanks. 1875 gold for him.
The prizes will arrive soon. Unfortunately no one managed to give the correct answers all the questions.
See you next time.
1. Sir Ernest Swinton (yeah, he is the grandfather of the famous actress) didn't invent Mark I, however he contributed much to the creation of British tank forces and one of the first commanders.
So those who said that he did invent the tank, but pointed out family relationship get 50% of the reward, i.e. 375 gold. In some cases I considered the answer as not complete with no gold given. No complaints accepted. )
2. "Mother" is the correct answer.
3. Ricardo (after Sir Harry Ricardo), famous British engine designer who invented the engine for Mk V.
4. It was German Pz. IV actually. No Soviet bias in WoT. )
Actually it amazes me that so many chose T-54. Guys, it was added to the game not so long ago.
And the prize winners (I chose 15):
1. Virking – 750 gold EU
2. b0Gia – 750 gold EU
3. Knaster – 1125 gold EU
4. SycaMore – 750 gold EU
5. Hotwhells – 1125 gold EU
6. xero8p – 1125 gold US
7. Bodasz – 750 gold EU
8. PCManiac – 750 gold EU
9. Molen – 1125 gold EU
10. Vasili1945 – 750 gold EU
11. kwi4tusz3k – 750 gold EU
12. VIPER262 – 750 gold US
13. Someus – 750 gold EU
14. MMark EU – 1125 gold EU
and special prize for the player - infilTRAITOR from EU server who was first to guess the first tank in World of Tanks. 1875 gold for him.
The prizes will arrive soon. Unfortunately no one managed to give the correct answers all the questions.
See you next time.
Tank Debut Anniversary
The Battle of Flers-Courcelette was a battle within the Franco-British Somme Offensive Operation which took place in the summer and autumn of 1916. Launched on the 15th of September 1916 the battle went on for one week. Flers-Courcelette began with the overall objective of cutting a hole in the German line by using massed artillery and infantry attacks. This hole would then be exploited with the use of cavalry.
However this battled is significant for the first combat use of the tank – Mark I.
The British Mark I was a tracked vehicle developed during the First World War and the world's first combat tank. The project to develop the 'Land Battleship' had commenced in the summer of 1915 under the initiative of the British Landships Committee with the objective of developing an armoured vehicle that would break the deadlock of trench warfare. Under the highest degrees of secrecy the 'tank', as it later became known, was designed and built with the first prototype of the Mark I rolled out in January 1916.
Just less than six months after its first tests, General Sir Douglas Haig had wanted to launch the first mass tank attack on the opening day of the Battle of the Somme. However, the manufacturers could not have the tanks ready in time for the first attacks on July 1.Two and a half months later, as Flers-Corcelette was being planned, the tanks were delivered and Haig had General Sir Henry Rawlinson, his subcommander in charge of 4th Army, incorporate them into his battle plans. From the beginning the tanks were challenged by having to traverse the heavily upset terrain of the Somme battlefield while still beset with numerous mechanical failings and manned by crews that had had little training in their operation. Nonetheless, the decision was taken to send the 49 tanks that were available into battle on September 15. He was warned against this by the engineers who were responsible for the creation of the tank and his subcommanders, such as Ernest Dunlop Swinton (who had been part of the Landships Committee), and the French government, which sent Colonel Jean-Baptiste Eugène Estienne and Sub-secretary of State of Inventions Jean-Louis Bréton, (who were normally arch-enemies), to London, hoping to persuade the British government to overrule Haig. The primary concern of those who didn't want the tank used was that they wanted it kept secret until they could be massed in larger numbers and be more likely to lead to a major breakthrough.
Born of the need to break the domination of trenches and machine guns over the battlefields of the Western Front, it was the first vehicle to be named "tank", as an expedient to maintain secrecy and to disguise its true purpose. It was developed to be able to cross trenches, resist small-arms fire, travel over difficult terrain, carry supplies, and to capture fortified enemy positions. It is regarded as successful in many respects, but suffered from many problems owing to its primitive nature.
Mark I specs:
In service – 1916–1931
Number built – 150
Weight – 27-28 tons
Crew – 8 (commander, driver, two gearsmen and four gunners)
Armour – 0.23–0.47 in (6–12 mm)
Main armament – Male: Two 6 pdr QF or 6 pdr 6 cwt QF, Female: Four .303 Vickers machine guns
Secondary armament – Male: Four .303 in Hotchkiss Machine Guns, Female: Two .303 in Hotchkiss machine guns
Engine – Daimler-Knight 6 cylinder sleeve valve petrol engine 105 hp
3. What did Russian soldiers call this tank?
4. What tank was the first to be modeled in World of Tanks (guess game :))?
Post your answers in comments. Don't forget your nickname and server.
Each correct answer will bring you 750 gold, give 4 correct answers - and you will get 5.000 gold.
First 10 luckies will be awarded.
Quiz results here.
However this battled is significant for the first combat use of the tank – Mark I.
The British Mark I was a tracked vehicle developed during the First World War and the world's first combat tank. The project to develop the 'Land Battleship' had commenced in the summer of 1915 under the initiative of the British Landships Committee with the objective of developing an armoured vehicle that would break the deadlock of trench warfare. Under the highest degrees of secrecy the 'tank', as it later became known, was designed and built with the first prototype of the Mark I rolled out in January 1916.
Just less than six months after its first tests, General Sir Douglas Haig had wanted to launch the first mass tank attack on the opening day of the Battle of the Somme. However, the manufacturers could not have the tanks ready in time for the first attacks on July 1.Two and a half months later, as Flers-Corcelette was being planned, the tanks were delivered and Haig had General Sir Henry Rawlinson, his subcommander in charge of 4th Army, incorporate them into his battle plans. From the beginning the tanks were challenged by having to traverse the heavily upset terrain of the Somme battlefield while still beset with numerous mechanical failings and manned by crews that had had little training in their operation. Nonetheless, the decision was taken to send the 49 tanks that were available into battle on September 15. He was warned against this by the engineers who were responsible for the creation of the tank and his subcommanders, such as Ernest Dunlop Swinton (who had been part of the Landships Committee), and the French government, which sent Colonel Jean-Baptiste Eugène Estienne and Sub-secretary of State of Inventions Jean-Louis Bréton, (who were normally arch-enemies), to London, hoping to persuade the British government to overrule Haig. The primary concern of those who didn't want the tank used was that they wanted it kept secret until they could be massed in larger numbers and be more likely to lead to a major breakthrough.
Born of the need to break the domination of trenches and machine guns over the battlefields of the Western Front, it was the first vehicle to be named "tank", as an expedient to maintain secrecy and to disguise its true purpose. It was developed to be able to cross trenches, resist small-arms fire, travel over difficult terrain, carry supplies, and to capture fortified enemy positions. It is regarded as successful in many respects, but suffered from many problems owing to its primitive nature.
Mark I specs:
In service – 1916–1931
Number built – 150
Weight – 27-28 tons
Crew – 8 (commander, driver, two gearsmen and four gunners)
Armour – 0.23–0.47 in (6–12 mm)
Main armament – Male: Two 6 pdr QF or 6 pdr 6 cwt QF, Female: Four .303 Vickers machine guns
Secondary armament – Male: Four .303 in Hotchkiss Machine Guns, Female: Two .303 in Hotchkiss machine guns
Engine – Daimler-Knight 6 cylinder sleeve valve petrol engine 105 hp
2. One of the nicknames of this tank was Big Willie, what was the other one? 3. What did Russian soldiers call this tank?
4. What tank was the first to be modeled in World of Tanks (guess game :))?
Post your answers in comments. Don't forget your nickname and server.
Each correct answer will bring you 750 gold, give 4 correct answers - and you will get 5.000 gold.
First 10 luckies will be awarded.
Quiz results here.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
September 8-14 Poll Results
Some 10651 (!) players took part in the most recent poll (there was support for this poll on both forums, so no wonder :) ). 63% (6720 voters) voiced there strong feeling that the number of SPGs per team should be limited somehow, while 22% of players have no issues with the concept of SPGs and existing balance, 9% still don't like the way arty works in-game, and 6% think that it is OP.
Thanks for the feedback, it will take time, but the issue will be addressed.
As always new weekly poll is up (this time - just for fun).
Thanks for the feedback, it will take time, but the issue will be addressed.
As always new weekly poll is up (this time - just for fun).
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Full Patch Notes of v.6.7
World of Tanks v.6.6 – 6.7 patch notes:
Content and Features:
- added German tier 5 light tank VK2801
- added Soviet light tanks: T-50 (tier 4) and T-50-2 (tier 5)
- added American tanks: tier 5 light tank M24 Chaffee and medium tank Sherman Jumbo (M4A3E2)
- added premium Chinese tier 8 medium tank Type 59
- added new map – Fishing Bay
- added 6- and 12-month premium account options
- added historical description for American heavy tank M6A2E1
- Wittmann’s Medal substituted with Boelter’s Medal
- fixed tank models: T92, Pz V-IV, Pz38 NA, T-54
- fixed map errors on Steppes, Westfield, Lakeville, Siegfried Line
- changed hit boxes for German tanks E-50 and E-75: mudflaps, rangefinder caps
- fixed gun model for German tank Pz III/IV
- fixed bug: battle chat won’t open when pressing Enter
- fixed bug: research path Pz III/IV and Hummel is inactive
- fixed bug: creating 14 vs 15 battles
- fixed bug: chat button is not flashing after the battle
- corrected engine names for SPG T92 and TDs T28, T95
- fixed nation filter for consumables in Store
Vehicle Specifications:
PzJager I
- traverse speed for stock suspension decreased by 1 deg/sec
- horizontal gun traverse increased by 10 deg/sec
- reload time for 3.7cm PaK 38t L/47 gun set to 1.8 sec
- aiming time for 3.7cm PaK 38t L/47 gun set to 1 sec
- ammo load for 4.7cm PaK 38t L/43 increased by 1 shell
- aiming time for 4.7cm PaK 38t L/43 gun set to 1 sec
Marder II
- reload time for 7.5cm PaK 40 set to 3.5 sec
- reload time for 7.6cm PaK 46(r) set to 3.8 sec
- passing ability for medium terrains increased by 5%
- reload time for 7.5cm PaK 39 L/43 set to 3.4 sec
- reload time for 7.5cm PaK 39 L/48 set to 3.4 sec
- reload time for 10.5cm StuH42 L/28 set to 7.5 sec
JagdPz IV
- added more detailed gun mantlet armoring
- dispersion during movement decreased by 5%
- reload time for 7.5cm StuK42 L/70 set to 3.4 sec
- reload time for 10.5cm StuH42 L/28 set to 6.3 sec
- reload time for 8.8cm PaK 36 L/56 set to 5 sec
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 3 deg/sec
- dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- reload time for 10.5cm K18 L/52 set to 7.2 sec
- reload time for 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 set to 4.8 sec
- reload time for 10.5cm K18 L/52 set to 7.2 sec
- reload time for 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 set to 4.8 sec
- reload time for 12.8cm PaK 44 L/55 set to 10.5 sec
- stock suspension: passing ability for medium terrains increased by 5%
- top suspension: passing ability for hard terrains increased by 5%
- hit points increased by 20
- stock suspension: passing ability increased by 10%
- top suspension: passing ability increased by 5%
- weight limit increased by 1 t
M2 Med
- added more detailed armoring
M36 Slugger
- traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
M46 Patton
- dispersion during movement decreased (now the same as M26 Pershing had in v.6.4 and earlier)
- reload time for 105mm Gun T5E1M2 mounted in stock turret set to 8 sec
M5 Stuart
- added more detailed armoring
Ram 2
- added more detailed armoring
- traverse speed for stock suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- top suspension: passing ability decreased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- reload time for 75mm Howitzer M1A1 set to 3.6 sec
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 1 deg/sec
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
T25 AT
- passing ability for medium terrains increased by 5%
- reload time for 7.5cm PaK 39 L/43 set to 3.4 sec
- reload time for 7.5cm PaK 39 L/48 set to 3.4 sec
- reload time for 10.5cm StuH42 L/28 set to 7.5 sec
JagdPz IV
- added more detailed gun mantlet armoring
- dispersion during movement decreased by 5%
- reload time for 7.5cm StuK42 L/70 set to 3.4 sec
- reload time for 10.5cm StuH42 L/28 set to 6.3 sec
- reload time for 8.8cm PaK 36 L/56 set to 5 sec
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 3 deg/sec
- dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- reload time for 10.5cm K18 L/52 set to 7.2 sec
- reload time for 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 set to 4.8 sec
- reload time for 10.5cm K18 L/52 set to 7.2 sec
- reload time for 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 set to 4.8 sec
- reload time for 12.8cm PaK 44 L/55 set to 10.5 sec
- stock suspension: passing ability for medium terrains increased by 5%
- top suspension: passing ability for hard terrains increased by 5%
- hit points increased by 20
- stock suspension: passing ability increased by 10%
- top suspension: passing ability increased by 5%
- weight limit increased by 1 t
M2 Med
- added more detailed armoring
M36 Slugger
- traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
M46 Patton
- dispersion during movement decreased (now the same as M26 Pershing had in v.6.4 and earlier)
- reload time for 105mm Gun T5E1M2 mounted in stock turret set to 8 sec
M5 Stuart
- added more detailed armoring
Ram 2
- added more detailed armoring
- traverse speed for stock suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- top suspension: passing ability decreased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- reload time for 75mm Howitzer M1A1 set to 3.6 sec
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 1 deg/sec
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
T25 AT
- traverse speed for stock suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- reload time for 90mm AT Gun M3 set to 6.4 sec
- reload time for 90mm AT Gun T15E2 set to 6.4 sec
- reload time for 105mm AT Gun T5E1 set to 8 sec
- traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
- reload time for 57mm Gun M1 L/50 set to 2.2 sec
Soviet Guns (the values may differ depending on the vehicle):
- 37mm ZiS-19-S, aiming time set to 1.5 sec
- 45mm 20K-S, aiming time set to 1.5 sec
- 57mm ZiS-2, reload time set to 2.5 sec
- 76mm L-10-S, aiming time set to 2.0 sec
- 85mm D-5S-85A, dispersion set to 0.37 sec
- 85mm LB-2-S, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 100mm D10-T, reload time set to 6.2 sec, aiming time set to 2.0 sec
- 107mm ZiS-6-S, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 122mm M-30-S, aiming time set to 2.0 sec, dispersion set to 0.28
- 122mm D25-S with muzzle break, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 122mm D25-S 1944 mod., aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 122mm A-19, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 152mm ML-20 1937 mod., camouflage during firing increased by 10%
- traverse speed for stock suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 4 deg/sec
- passing ability for top suspension decreased by 5%
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- 76mm L-10-S, aiming time set to 2.0 sec
- 57mm ZiS-8-S, aiming time set to 1.5 sec
- hit points increased by 10
- passing ability for top suspension increased by 10%
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- 57mm ZiS-2, reload time set to 2.5 sec
- dispersion during movement decreased by 5%
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- view range increased to 440 m
- 76mm ZiS-3, reload time set to 3.0 sec
- 57mm ZiS-2, reload time set to 2.0 sec
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- hit points decreased by 20
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 7 deg/sec
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- view range increased to 300 m
- traverse speed for top suspension increased by 2 deg/sec
Approx size - 200 Mb.
6.7 update is planned for release on September 15, 2011. The exact EU and US downtime will be announced later.
Also recommend you to look through World of Tanks release plans for 2011-2012.
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- reload time for 90mm AT Gun M3 set to 6.4 sec
- reload time for 90mm AT Gun T15E2 set to 6.4 sec
- reload time for 105mm AT Gun T5E1 set to 8 sec
- traverse speed decreased by 2 deg/sec
- reload time for 57mm Gun M1 L/50 set to 2.2 sec
Soviet Guns (the values may differ depending on the vehicle):
- 37mm ZiS-19-S, aiming time set to 1.5 sec
- 45mm 20K-S, aiming time set to 1.5 sec
- 57mm ZiS-2, reload time set to 2.5 sec
- 76mm L-10-S, aiming time set to 2.0 sec
- 85mm D-5S-85A, dispersion set to 0.37 sec
- 85mm LB-2-S, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 100mm D10-T, reload time set to 6.2 sec, aiming time set to 2.0 sec
- 107mm ZiS-6-S, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 122mm M-30-S, aiming time set to 2.0 sec, dispersion set to 0.28
- 122mm D25-S with muzzle break, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 122mm D25-S 1944 mod., aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 122mm A-19, aiming time set to 2.5 sec
- 152mm ML-20 1937 mod., camouflage during firing increased by 10%
- traverse speed for stock suspension decreased by 2 deg/sec
- stock suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- traverse speed for top suspension decreased by 4 deg/sec
- passing ability for top suspension decreased by 5%
- top suspension: dispersion during movement increased by 5%
- 76mm L-10-S, aiming time set to 2.0 sec
- 57mm ZiS-8-S, aiming time set to 1.5 sec
- hit points increased by 10
- passing ability for top suspension increased by 10%
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- 57mm ZiS-2, reload time set to 2.5 sec
- dispersion during movement decreased by 5%
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- view range increased to 440 m
- 76mm ZiS-3, reload time set to 3.0 sec
- 57mm ZiS-2, reload time set to 2.0 sec
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- hit points decreased by 20
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 7 deg/sec
- horizontal gun traverse decreased by 6 deg/sec
- view range increased to 300 m
- traverse speed for top suspension increased by 2 deg/sec
Approx size - 200 Mb.
6.7 update is planned for release on September 15, 2011. The exact EU and US downtime will be announced later.
Also recommend you to look through World of Tanks release plans for 2011-2012.
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