Turret armor looks much more nicely sloped... the bigger question to my mind is whether the hull armor will still be as ineffective as it is on the current US tanks. Nothing quite so irritating as the rear armor on my T-30 being penetrable by tier 3 or 4 guns. :/
Do you have any more news on whether or not we will see this earlier than the T110? The T34 is suffering at tier 9, and the American line could REALLY use this tank.
Also, I assume we won't see any stats on this tank till closer to its marvelous debut... but can you spill any pieces of information to us? If you haven't noticed, the American Heavy drivers are in a frenzy over this tank, so anything to sate them (including me :-)) would be very much appreciated.
Well, hull armor 100-130mm + 180mm on the turret front. Doesn't sound too massive, but i guess the good sloping of the hull will make up for a lot of it.
This means nothing, it is just a sneak peak. And researching things on the T34 is still a good thing as it will unlock things on the M103 when it replaces the T34.
so i can find the at least a wiki page about the M103 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M103_heavy_tank but i can't seem to find any thing on the T110 does anyone know where i could have a look at what might be coming to this game?
Overlord you are making a HUGE mistake by not releasing the M103 as soon as possible (like 6.8 update), so many people, including me are going to trash you guys so hard for this.... just saying...
Any news on the USSR tech revision? It's been in the news for many months now, yet we don't even know the ETA when the American and German trees have already been updated.
from looking at the wikipedia page, apparently the M103 has 100 to 130mm of frontal armor but only 76mm of side armor. Turret mantlet is 250mm and the turret front is 180mm
Overlord, anything, anything at all on the M58 specs? Speculation has flown that it will be worse then the S-70, or at the other extreme, have the highest penetration with AP, better then BL-10!
BAH! even with this screenshots, devs still failed to take action early. tensions could have not occur, babies could have not cried, does it really have to happen?
i think this picture is only shown to shut those fags from yesterdays blog. and i wont be surprised if more fags arise to flame overlord again when they announce that ETA will be.
looks nice as most us tanks will it perform better then the USSR tanks will they ever before any of you see it the nerf stick will be getting a workout
Hello Overlord, i see you present the M103 with the T5E1. It raise a couple of question :
Q1) Is the 105mm T5E1 going to be the 'starting' gun of the M103 replacing the 90mm T1E2 of the T34 ?
Q2) In case you take that path, are you going to requalify the T5E1 as a tiers 8 as it has nothing better than the german tiers 8 KwK 45 L/52 ?
Q3) Last but not least, if you requalify the T5E1 gun are you going to review the guns for the T32 and what will be the 'second' gun of the M103 that will help grind the 100k+ exp needed for the 120mm ?
Those question are pretty important as in the actual situation even with the new 'M103', if the tank is stuck with the T5E1 the players are going to have the exact same problem as the T34, as the T5E1 is realy not performing as well as the KwK 46 L/68 or the 122mm BL-9 on the other nations as a tiers 9.
DenySpark are you kidding me? there ware tons of coments: why do ussr players got T10 for free and another 2 tanks with slots :-D ? why germans got nothing for free by revision...? you want it? got T34 omg... it was anounced so soon i make it w/o premium till now IS4 T34 ISU152 GWpanther VK(DB) T44 and you now after 4months or so come and whine you want premium for free... you dont get it cause changes will not be done that way so sorry you did stupid decision and have to pay :-D for another posters not capable of reading: first read than ask :-P
Does that mean that t34 owners will get a free premium tank? If yes will it be: A: Lowe kind premium(that earns a lot of money etc) B: Just unique kind of tank that earns silver like other t8 tanks.
Does that mean that t34 owners will get a free premium tank? If yes will it be: A: Lowe kind premium(that earns a lot of money etc) B: Just unique kind of tank that earns silver like other t8 tanks.
ANS A: i believe it was answered by overlord in his past blog, he said that its going to be much like same earnings as lowe.
Just like the game modes release window, the fate of this game will have been sealed by time they get around to releasing this in NA and EU. BF3 is one month out now, so it's over. They chose to ignore: - One game mode for over a year - Not balancing arty - Not limiting arty numbers in mm - Not fixing the spotting system - Not removing the camo system that gives russian tanks an unfair advantage - Heck, just not balancing this game in general with their russian bias. - Changing what players got in their box copies of game at the last possible notice
Good lucking getting people to jump aboard for WoWP and WoBS knowing full well your track record by then. If they don't, then we'll be enlightening everyone on the various forums, as people tend to listen more there than your paid off "reviews" that you post on fucking facebook all the time.
Good to see some screenies of it finally, hopefully we'll see it very soon. I'm very much so sick of the T34, I tried to make it work, but now I just hate the tank in the tier that it's at. I'm going to love it as a premium me thinks!
>>Could you wait a couple of weeks more to release it ? I'm quite finished with my T32 :)
Dude, they will not realease it in the closest 0.6.7 (guaranteed) neither in 0.7.0. Looks like it will not appear even in 0.7.0+ (where 1st bunch of French supposed to be released). So it will be X-mas gift.
>>Ok, waiting for u, mate. Looks very like true :-D
And BTW: guys, T34 w/o 120-mm is not T34 but T29. So don't worry: prem T34 will keep it. Stats is another question...
Well I still like the game and I'm not into the Battlefield series so I'll keep playing this one until something like Borderlands 2 or Diablo 3 comes out. Then all bets are off.
As for this new US heavy, I like it. I want one. I think I'll start the US heavy grind this weekend during the Avalanche Special. A 100% crew makes all the difference.
Looking forward to new content, as always, and especially new game modes, camo, and real world physics. Keep the updates coming!
Q1: Will T34 be Tier 9 or Tier 8 premium tank? Q2: What will be the setup (gun, turret, radio) for the T34 premium?
I really hope it won't be the stock 90mm, cos even with the 105mm it's hard to fight Russian and German heavy tanks (even Lowe), cos of the paper thin hull armor or T34 and lots of dings from the 105mm gun (I didn't even tried 90mm, I already had researched 105mm from the T32).
Thank you in advance for your prompt answers to my questions.
Overlord,why doesen't players who have only german/russian tanks won't receive a premium tank if they have Y tank in garage? This sucks..... September 8, 2011 5:59 PM
Let me guess. It's "TBA" because it shares a gun with the T110, and since you're still waiting on information about the T110's classified performance results, that's causing the M103 to go on hold as well. Something like that?
Im happy we are getting the M103 but seriously guys, we are going to have to accept the fact that it still will not be able to compete with the russian and german tanks, the developers are unfair and it is never going to change, i have beat myself up over the fact that i was stupid enough to research the american line first. We are never going to win against the ignorance and stupidity of the developers, and thats the sad truth.
I can say one thing, I don't know how you people run things over there in mother russia but, if you tried pulling your complete and utter bullshit over here in America, it would not fly. Like I said the Devs are too ignorant to see how pissed off the American customers are... truly sad.
So many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names.
So many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names. September 8, 2011 8:23 PM
So many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names.
I don't understand why all the pissed off T-34 owners don't grind different tanks, especially the tanks they feel are so OP, instead of whining and demanding that they get a better tank than the one they chose. When I first started playing this game, I noticed that the Russian tanks seemed to play better and require fewer upgrades to make them enjoyable. I chose to grind the Russian tech tree and I am not disappointed. The specs for the T-34 were not a mystery and they were available for all to see in the game itself and on the WoT website. So why is everyone so pissed off that they got a tank that underperforms when compared to it's counterparts? Just by looking at the specs you should have been able to figure out that it would take damage from much lower tiers if it where hit in the hull. Instead, you went and did the grind for somewhere around half a million experience points to get a tank that gets slaughtered by tier 7 tanks and then you act like you are surprised by this. It's almost like you are demanding a refund for a bad choice that you made.
I think that anyone who is willing to put their noses to the grindstone for so long to purchase a tank that is obviously underpowered doesn't deserve to have it replaced by something better and then have their garbage T-34 turn into a premium tank.
I'll take an E-75, VK4502, or IS-4 over the T-34 any day, and I've known that since I first looked at the tech trees. Why didn't all the whiners see that the other tanks are better? Just because you own a tier 9 tank does not mean that it is equal to all other tier 9 tanks. Look at the tech trees and check out the specs on a tank before you decide to spend the next couple/few months grinding for it.
That being said, I'm going to grind for a T-34 if for no other reason than to take advantage of the "compensation" that will be given to all the poor T-34 owners.
So many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names.
Heavy tanks comparison:
Russian tank = Easy mode German tank = Normal mode American tank = Hard mode
to be good at USA heavy tanks, you must be refering to experienced hardcore players.
give newbies USA heavy tanks, it will be a suicide. but newbies with russian will make it normal mode, get it?
I love it when people cry that things are overpowered. I have heard that EVERY single branch is overpowered from different people. The nations are balanced. Arty is balanced (except for numbers, sometimes). TDs are balanced. There is nothing wrong with the matchmaker. If you don't like it, go make a better game.
When I started playing WoT I went US heavy line cos they looked nice. I was too noob to understand what the stats mean and to compare them. There was nowhere a reference that Russian Heavy line is EASY, German is NORMAL, US is HARD. As I said before, until T29 everything was fine, it become harder after that. Also I would like too see a hardcore player with T34 and 105 gun to go one on one against, lets say Lowe and win (against Russian and German Tier 9 I believe it's impossible to win, unless T34 is hidden and firing from the side or rear).
Well sadly,T34 gots the 2nd best stats of all T9 Heavys...And yes we are underpowered so what?
I will always kill any IS4,MM in a fair 1v1 battle.I can bet that every single T34 driver can own an IS4 driver.You gotta understand something,unlike the so-called EasyMode on IS4,where you just run into people and kill them,T34 requires skill,and big skill to play it.
Do you know why T34 gots one of the best stats?Look at its drivers.All hardcore grinders,who played through so-so T1 HT,mediocre M6-who arent so bad,but SSSR bias gots the overpowered KV and KV-3,an blessing called T29,hugger called T32 and a T34. I admire those people,look what did they had to go through?
I personally have an T34 with T30 researched,without premium and KV. I feel so overpowered in my KV,i can easily kill T7 tanks,even killed T9 can be penetrated on sides without any trouble.
But still I prefer my T1 Heavy.Asking why?You gotta have brains and skill to play US Heavys.Its not easy like SSSR,but hell you learn how to play.
Come at me with your t9 heavys,I'll kill everyone in fair 1v1,with over 50% hp on my side.
Go and play your EasyMode IS4,and futuremore,respect the USH players.They surely got more skill than you will ever have.
Well sadly,T34 gots the 2nd best stats of all T9 Heavys...And yes we are underpowered so what?
I will always kill any IS4,MM in a fair 1v1 battle.I can bet that every single T34 driver can own an IS4 driver.You gotta understand something,unlike the so-called EasyMode on IS4,where you just run into people and kill them,T34 requires skill,and big skill to play it.
Do you know why T34 gots one of the best stats?Look at its drivers.All hardcore grinders,who played through so-so T1 HT,mediocre M6-who arent so bad,but SSSR bias gots the overpowered KV and KV-3,an blessing called T29,hugger called T32 and a T34. I admire those people,look what did they had to go through?
I personally have an T34 with T30 researched,without premium and KV. I feel so overpowered in my KV,i can easily kill T7 tanks,even killed T9 can be penetrated on sides without any trouble.
But still I prefer my T1 Heavy.Asking why?You gotta have brains and skill to play US Heavys.Its not easy like SSSR,but hell you learn how to play.
Come at me with your t9 heavys,I'll kill everyone in fair 1v1,with over 50% hp on my side.
Go and play your EasyMode IS4,and futuremore,respect the USH players.They surely got more skill than you will ever have.
Well sadly,T34 gots the 2nd best stats of all T9 Heavys...And yes we are underpowered so what?
I will always kill any IS4,MM in a fair 1v1 battle.I can bet that every single T34 driver can own an IS4 driver.You gotta understand something,unlike the so-called EasyMode on IS4,where you just run into people and kill them,T34 requires skill,and big skill to play it.
Do you know why T34 gots one of the best stats?Look at its drivers.All hardcore grinders,who played through so-so T1 HT,mediocre M6-who arent so bad,but SSSR bias gots the overpowered KV and KV-3,an blessing called T29,hugger called T32 and a T34. I admire those people,look what did they had to go through?
I personally have an T34 with T30 researched,without premium and KV. I feel so overpowered in my KV,i can easily kill T7 tanks,even killed T9 can be penetrated on sides without any trouble.
But still I prefer my T1 Heavy.Asking why?You gotta have brains and skill to play US Heavys.Its not easy like SSSR,but hell you learn how to play.
Come at me with your t9 heavys,I'll kill everyone in fair 1v1,with over 50% hp on my side.
Go and play your EasyMode IS4,and futuremore,respect the USH players.They surely got more skill than you will ever have.
I know this is a bit off-topic but I noticed at that last article that you were talking about bringing M46 Patton accuracy on the move back but I cannot see it in the 0.6.7_test2 change list. Is it going to be on 0.7.0 patch instead? There's no rush. I love my Patton just the way it is now :)
Q: I know this is off-topic, but I'm wondering when WoWP is released, you mentioned something about credits,gold,etc being transferable between the 2 games. However, will one be able to transfer gold/etc from a WoT NA account to a WoWP EU account?
I'm very anxious, as our many, to see these tanks come into play. It would seem that(in N American server) these are the most heavily anticipated tanks so far. Please get them right so we don't see, nerf, un-nerf, buff, nerf, etc.....
Overlod, now that I see these new screenshots of the badass looking M103; could you at least confirm it won't be in 6.7? Because now I'm in a doubt to use 140k free xp to get an instant-elited T29 from zero, and rush to get a T34?
- just going to add my voice to those saying sooner rather than later is the preferred release time
As for a large portion of the rest of the blog
if your going to flame the Devs and act like school kiddies at least have the balls to post your ingame name so we know who to single out for some extra 120mm loving next time we see you
if you got something to say - say it so we know whose saying it and can respond in kind
Masterwolf. Why are you so tough, tough guy? I'm coming at you. If I find you in game, I'll TK you. I'll get behind you so you can't roll back into cover and get shot up. Enjoy! Just like you're gonna enjoy some russian tubesteak later on probably.
120mm M58? So it is a different 120mm then the T34? As in newer tech? Oh god please let that be true.... and there may be a third gun... A THIRD BETTER GUN MAYBE? amg i can't wait.
Anonymous said... 120mm M58? So it is a different 120mm then the T34? As in newer tech? Oh god please let that be true.... and there may be a third gun... A THIRD BETTER GUN MAYBE? amg i can't wait.
Yes, it is a newer, better gun. It has a higher velocity than any gun currently in-game, I think. The third gun will probably be an intermediate choice, the prototype T122 120mm gun to match the prototype turret in those first set of screenshots. A nice man on the american heavy tank forum dug up some info for us...
The T34 when it goes premium will still keep its 120mm gun [and become the most heavily armed Tier 8 heavy]. It will almost certainly get other attributes nerfed, but its a free Tier 8 heavy, so we can't complain too much. It's still getting an awesome gun.
And 2. You don't need to upgrade the T34 at all to get the premium version. A stock T34 will become a complete premium tier 8 T34.
Has there been anything definitive on point 2 Tupinambis? I don't recall Overlord saying anything about it, and while I hope it's true, there really is nothing stopping them from only allowing 120mm armed T34s to be premiumized.
Overlord: Is the "one more" gun that the M103 can mount an improved 105mm perhaps, like the Pershing has an improved 90mm with bit more penetration and accuracy? What ever it is, can you mount it without mounting the top turret first?
If there are 3 gun choices for M103 with one being 105mm gun from T29 and one being 120mm T58, then I assume that the third gun would be 120mm T53, the gun currently used by T34. Most interesting question now is what are the stats for the new 120mm T58. So please indulge us Overlord and give some info on the stats of the new 120mm.
why didn't you just put another branch from the full tech tree for these new tier 9 and 10 tanks? (m103 and m110) so you could retain the old tanks. (t34 and t30)
Anonymous said... If there are 3 gun choices for M103 with one being 105mm gun from T29 and one being 120mm T58, then I assume that the third gun would be 120mm T53, the gun currently used by T34. Most interesting question now is what are the stats for the new 120mm T58. So please indulge us Overlord and give some info on the stats of the new 120mm.
The third gun is likely the 120mm T122 that was seen in a couple older screenshots of the M103. It's the gun that was given to the prototype M103 (called the T43), which you the turret of in the screens up there. The main visual difference is that the T122 has the bore evacuator up the barrel a bit, closer to the tank. It was based on the T53 found on the T34.
@INKRO I am absolutely certain I read it somewhere. I thought it was somewhere here on the blogspot, but I can't find it now. Anyway, it would be absolutely mind-boggling to me if the 120mm gun was required.
Just to be safe though, I'd ask again on the Q&A threads.
I have been grinding for a long time in my T34, and i am like 28k exp from my 120mm gun now, and so far it has been a pain in the ass.
1. credit gain in T34 blows, 2. suvivability in this tank blows (you got non existing armor Leopard can pen you from sides/rear and only your gun mantle can take a few hits.
3. the Gun it self 105mm BLOWS, its pen r WAY to random, i cant pen any Tier9 tank from front, and IS4/E75/Vk45 is a 75% chance of bounce on side and rear. the acc of the gun r not very good, its dammage is mediocre, and its pen is rediculus bad.
I have played all tanklines upto Tier9 cept KM, and km i had upto tier8, and imo is Tier8 US+Russian/KM very ballanced, cept the sad/bad 105mm gun for US really sucks compared to the counterparts + you have to use the same 105mm for 110k exp on your tier9 tank. Get used to hearing YOU BOUNCED/that one bounced/that one didnt go truth. or DING/you dammaged him(but no dammage done) sounds and effekts. (the 105mm on a tier8/9 tank r hopelessly bad.
Also non existing armor and to huge tanks with semi bad speeds(compared to is3/4). makes the tank almost useless for anything but a good hulldown situation or sniping mode(wich the 105mm sucks at).
At least make the M110 good and having usefull armor, also Fuck off with calling it 279 frontal armor when its only the gun mantel that has this amount, the rest of the turret has like 127 non sloaped, @ anything pens it. (ALL THO Turret armor R SUPOSED to make up for USELESS hull armor in US tank heavy line).. fucking make them compareable. Yours Adaa Beta WOT player, whos pissed about unfair ballance of 80% of the ingame tanks.
Thats not true... i liked the T34 during beta pretty much after i got the 120mm. The only problem with the T34 is that you have to grind 100k+ xp with T5E1 gun wich is awesome on tier 7, good on tier 8 and absolutely useless on tier 9.
@Celéstial Overlod, now that I see these new screenshots of the badass looking M103; could you at least confirm it won't be in 6.7? Because now I'm in a doubt to use 140k free xp to get an instant-elited T29 from zero, and rush to get a T34?
I am not Overlord but I am playing on public test (you also can) and so I can assure that there will not be new American heavies in 0.6.7, T34 still usual "in-tree" tank. You have time.
When are the battles in this game going to split into different tank "generations" or historical battles? Some of the tanks in the tech tree have never met on the real battlefields. Like this one, also a tank from the cold war era... 1957-1974
Looking at the M103's historical armor values, they're very unimpressive. 250 turret, 130 hull. Against upper tier guns, it won't be stopping or bouncing much of anything. And it only does around 30 kmh.
Will it make up for having the worse physical stats of any t9 heavy by having the best gun? The T34's high RoF gun is really underwhelming, especially for its xp cost. I hope you aren't going to make it another high rate of fire, low damage gun on a glass hull. Those just do not work in competitive t9-10 play.
Overload I see that the 120 is a new american 120 and probably nothing like the 120 on the t34, can we get a idea of the possible states this gun may receive such as Pen. XXX-XXX, Damage XXX-XXX, and accuracy X.XX-X.XX, with the X's to be replaced with actual numbers and close but not exact to the actual stats, 2.) This tank shouldnt be buff or nerfd if you guys are taking this long to put it in to effect, American HT's are known for poor armor but it need to a good fun to be up to par with the E-75,Ausf B, IS-4 HT's
This tanks look COOL, but im afraid it has the same aweful hull armor as T34. I am also afraid that T34 going to be a tier8 premium with that pointless 105mm... Anyway it is a good news to have a new tank!
my T34 went from crappiest tank in battle to awesome with the 120mm gun upgrade.. but if I'm careless and let the enemy near me I'm toast, even tier 5 tanks can damage the paper hull
i just have to say... 1. that turret is so huge it will be impossible to owershot it for artys :-D so another arty magnet :-D 2. ding ding from turret? i thing personaly sides will be pretty much penetrable at least at higher tier from sides so flank and destroy... 3. yes hull will be nicely sloped in front but to got this lower plate have to be like lets say asia so noone miss it :-D maybe even is4 dont and that really is something :-D:-D but we know how to face tank and let him fire in gun mantlet :-D 4. lets hope for gun that pay for this it is nice at least so enjoy and maybe elevation of gun will be incredible so lets rush hills 5. yes i saw somewhere that T34 got (very possibly) 120mm gun after it becomes premium so premium with strongest gun? maybe dont worry, be happy :)
How can you say no one is waiting for it? I've been waiting for it for about a month now! or more... And I'd really like to know when it comes out. I've read what you wrote - its yet to be announced, but I'm really not going to be patient on this one since you already showed us a little bit of it : ) We want it in 0.6.8 mate!
I stop playing (and paying for premium) because of the underpower US Heavy Tanks. I want to like them, i want to play them and not be a liability to my team, but after the grind of t-32 to t-34, i simply stopped. t-34 hvy is only playable if you are a hardcore masochist, and bear to use a tier 7 gun for more than 100.000 xp against tier 9 tanks. I really pray that this replacement tank is as good as the pershing replacing the awfull t-23. Please, give it decent stats and a replacement gun to the tier-7 105 until you get to the 120, PLEASE!!!
I'm pretty sure the T34s gun will not retain the stats it has at the moment.
Maybe the penetration will be similar however I would expect the RoF and damage to be nerfed so that it has similar DPM to the Lowe and upcoming IS-6 premium
And btw... I hate to play my current T34 with only a 105mm cannon, I have no chance even against a Loewe. Also, most of all players know american tanks have a very weak chassis, so the other nations T9 driver see a T34 and wow, they are happy to easy own an american tank again.
I stop playing (and paying for premium) because of the underpower US Heavy Tanks. I want to like them, i want to play them and not be a liability to my team, but after the grind of t-32 to t-34, i simply stopped. t-34 hvy is only playable if you are a hardcore masochist, and bear to use a tier 7 gun for more than 100.000 xp against tier 9 tanks."
Well done Chilepepper, I can't describe it better. Only if someone does NOT drive a T34, he will tell you that a T34 is already a really playable tank (they will tell you that to get an easy victim).
this tank should have been given to USA players long time ago, but those dumb fucking devs wont let it, so devs arent making good job. they are all fucking milking out of players money without making they happy.
Quote: Shojin said... If I may, are you planning on releasing the M103 at the same time as the T110, or is it still undecided?
Thank you for your time and your efforts
End of Quote
Overlord stated several times, that the M103 is going to come out this year, but the T110 will come out in 2012. They are still working on a release roadmap, but it's taking more time than they thought.
"TBA," you're such an absolute joke. There's no reason for you morons to delay it any further, you're actually losing money trying to get people to buy your crappy tier 8 premiums by giving them more time to grind up to the t34 and get one for free, rather than shell out for your awful mess of a game. Besides that, the M103 is going to be worse off than the 34 was. So seriously, what's with the massive delays behind it? I would imagine you people would enjoy screwing over more tanks. You certainly seemed to enjoy it whenever one of your little eurobrat pets whines that it's overpowered (which is often because you've forced a player to play smarter than them due to a shitty nerf, which must mean you have to nerf the tank again! How dare they get smart in your game!).
While you're at it, how about you come up with another bullshit answer for why you've decimated the tier 5 lights. Changing the credits earned from 20K to 10K and increasing repair cost from 2K to 10K certainly isn't balance, though maybe in your vodka infused neanderthalic minds that might be.
Of course you could probably blame all of this on Storm, your resident Manchild. Though honestly Overlord, everyone knows you're just as stupid too.
Guys what are you saying? 105 on US heavys is similar to german t8 gun, no way its a t7 gun, you got it on t29 but seriously, t29 is overpowered with this gun. Then - you got to grind 84k on it, and on VK4502P you have to grind exactly same amount on slightly better penetrating gun but if you prefer to grind straight to the Maus you have to grind it on the similar gun to american 105 cause its only top gun on VK4502A! So stop whining german Maus line got the same problem.
"And btw... I hate to play my current T34 with only a 105mm cannon, I have no chance even against a Loewe."
Its soumd ridiculous to me, Lowe got weak hull and slower gun than 105, I can beat Lowe with long 8,8 with that same penetration, moreover Lowe is slow in rotating (once in my IS i was dueling with T34 and finally he killed me but i left him with 5% of hps but IS is far more agile than Lowe) and can be beated by T29 - T29 can and T34 with same gun can't?
I remember a time where this game was fun, and not just flat out boring like it is now. That's why the numbers are dwindling like crazy, that and WG abusing their userbase. Trying hard for the worst developer award of this year.
As per the Russian Q&A the NEITHER the M103 or T110 will be released until AFTER the french tanks because "all of the testing team is working on the french tanks and don't have time for the American heavy's.
I also love this ASSHOLE remark from the Russian Dev. If this does not CLEARLY show that they don't give two shits about their player base I don't know what would.
SerB had once said that the M103 (and, if they get the model done in time, the T110) is possible in the very next patch after 6.7 if talks with Bigworld are delayed. So here's a question - what should we wait for first - multi-clustering or the incredibly long-awaited American heavies? And why don't you want to introduce the M103 separately from the T110, it's a lot more needed in the game given the T34's awful armor for a Tier 9? No-one fears the T34, even the T1 Heavy can farm some XP off it. At least the T30 has an uber-cannon to frighten people off.
A: It's not as if the M103 has meaningfully better armor than the T34. Why wait for it with such desperation?
what happens to the current owners of a t34..... i am currently in one with every slot filled with something (exp. coated optics and repair kit) and i am in the process of getting its biggest gun, am i wasting my time and exp?
T34 is good with 120mm gun, you can go 1v1 with is4 and win, but with vk and e75 you will still bounce a lot. so you will have to use your speed and try to get around them.
Hey overlord- when the T34 is made premium, will it receive the same treatment as the gold-bought premium tanks? What I mean is will you be able to grind credits in the premium T34 like you can in, say, the Lowe
This is this M103. and some information about what armour it had
The M103 heavy tank served the United States Army and the US Marines during the Cold War. Until the development of the M1A1 in the mid 1980s, it was the heaviest and most heavily-armed tank in US service. The M103 was manufactured at the Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant and the first units were accepted in 1957.
Hull front: 100 mm to 130 mm (4 in to 5.3 in) Hull side: 76 mm (3.1 inch) Hull top: 25 mm(1 in) Turret mantlet: 250 mm (10.2 in) Turret front: 180 mm (7.34 in) Turret side: 76 mm (3.1 in) Turret top: 38 mm (1.55 in)
Thx Overlord, looks great
ReplyDeleteNice :)
ReplyDeleteLet the masturbation begin!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen we can exept it ? in 0.6.8/9 ?
ReplyDeleteWhat guns will M103 able to mount ?
ReplyDeleteCan we get stats for the 120mm M58
ReplyDeleteA: Will be announced later.
1957, really?
ReplyDeleteQ: What guns will M103 able to mount ?
ReplyDeleteA: At least the two mentioned above, plus one more.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteLet the masturbation begin!!!
September 8, 2011 4:56 PM
get a girl guy
Ahaha!! I knoew it was for today ;)/
ReplyDeletethx Overlord .
Ei´t there suppose to be an event 9/9? Need to know if its time to stockpile beer and send my whife away?!?
ReplyDeleteI hope that 120mm from T34 but the hull armor much heavier
ReplyDeleteTurret armor looks much more nicely sloped... the bigger question to my mind is whether the hull armor will still be as ineffective as it is on the current US tanks. Nothing quite so irritating as the rear armor on my T-30 being penetrable by tier 3 or 4 guns. :/
ReplyDeleteNice! Did u take ur name from the Overlord tank?
ReplyDeleteIs the turret that huge or is it just a smallish heavy? Pics side by side with other tanks would be awesome.
ReplyDeleteI will get it when released :) Any infos about armour etc?
ReplyDelete"The vehicle practically no one is waiting for."
ReplyDeletedon't you mean the vehicle that people ARE waiting for?
ppl bitching about the T54 now what about this? lol
ReplyDeleteOverlord, So when the T34 becomes premium, will it automatically unlock the 120mm on the T34?
ReplyDeleteOh!!!That's GREAT!!!!!
I love U!!!
"Overlord, So when the T34 becomes premium, will it automatically unlock the 120mm on the T34?"
ReplyDeleteSure that the T34 will become a Tier 9 Premium? I guess they will made it to Tier 8 and give em the T32-Cannon.
Q: Overlord, So when the T34 becomes premium, will it automatically unlock the 120mm on the T34?
ReplyDeleteA: T34 will become premium, there will be nothing to unlock.
It's... beautiful :-D.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any more news on whether or not we will see this earlier than the T110? The T34 is suffering at tier 9, and the American line could REALLY use this tank.
Also, I assume we won't see any stats on this tank till closer to its marvelous debut... but can you spill any pieces of information to us? If you haven't noticed, the American Heavy drivers are in a frenzy over this tank, so anything to sate them (including me :-)) would be very much appreciated.
"Q: Overlord, So when the T34 becomes premium, will it automatically unlock the 120mm on the T34?
ReplyDeleteA: T34 will become premium, there will be nothing to unlock."
I guess he meant: Does he have to unlock 120mm to get T34 premium with 120mm?
A: T34 will become premium, there will be nothing to unlock.
ReplyDelete- do you think this serious??? so I and lots of others waste a lot of efforts and free xp to unlock every modules on that shit t34????
Q: I guess he meant: Does he have to unlock 120mm to get T34 premium with 120mm?
ReplyDeleteA: It will be enough to have a stock T34 in your garage.
"The vehicle practically no one is waiting for".
ReplyDeleteHaha nice one overlord
Q:Will players with T34 in the time of revision get a T34 as an premium,and M103 as T9 tank?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the update to the Russian tree??
ReplyDeleteWell, hull armor 100-130mm + 180mm on the turret front. Doesn't sound too massive, but i guess the good sloping of the hull will make up for a lot of it.
ReplyDeleteHoly jumping Jesus! Great news! Now just waiting for specs and ETA :D
ReplyDeleteQ: so now i've seen the M103 what about the T110 what will that look like?
ReplyDeleteIf US gets a tank of ´57, I am hoping the Soviets get the Objekt 730/IS-10
ReplyDeleteWhat does mean "TBA"?
ReplyDeleteSo, does this mean the tech tree revisions will occur for the US Tree prior to the USSR Tree?
ReplyDeleteinteresting to cope with the VK, E-75 and IS-4
ReplyDeleteVery nice :)
ReplyDeleteQ: So, does this mean the tech tree revisions will occur for the US Tree prior to the USSR Tree?
ReplyDeleteA: Hasn't been decided yet. It can happen at the same time.
This means nothing, it is just a sneak peak. And researching things on the T34 is still a good thing as it will unlock things on the M103 when it replaces the T34.
ReplyDeletewill the t34 get the 120mm gun as a premium or just the crap 105 ? :(
ReplyDeleteAny info about the Hull armor (estimated)?
ReplyDeleteLooks HEAVY!!!
ReplyDeleteCan you please wait the 1-3 months it'll take me to get to the T34? :D
ReplyDeleteso i can find the at least a wiki page about the M103 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M103_heavy_tank but i can't seem to find any thing on the T110 does anyone know where i could have a look at what might be coming to this game?
ReplyDeleteThanks for finally throwing us a bone, Overlord. :)
ReplyDeleteThe M103 looks GORGEOUS.
Overlord you are making a HUGE mistake by not releasing the M103 as soon as possible (like 6.8 update), so many people, including me are going to trash you guys so hard for this.... just saying...
ReplyDeleteTank specs please....
ReplyDeleteIs it just me, or does the barrel texture look a little funny?
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is the release better happen BEFORE the russian heavy update, not at the same time as it.
ReplyDeleteNot playing US tree but nice to see them boys getting a decent looking heavy tank, too.
ReplyDeleteOverload is there chance that you can confirm if this tank will be in the next 6.7 patch or the patch after this one?
ReplyDeleteone more question about the future premium t34, will it stay at tier 9 or will it become tier 8?
ReplyDeletei need only 40 000xp to T34 so i hope that i be on time to get it premium
ReplyDeleteand please buff 105mm T5E1
Q: Can you please wait the 1-3 months it'll take me to get to the T34? :D
ReplyDeleteA: Ok, waiting for u, mate.
Any news on the USSR tech revision? It's been in the news for many months now, yet we don't even know the ETA when the American and German trees have already been updated.
ReplyDeletefrom looking at the wikipedia page, apparently the M103 has 100 to 130mm of frontal armor but only 76mm of side armor. Turret mantlet is 250mm and the turret front is 180mm
but of course there might be more than one turret
this will stop me hating oly and devs for a while
ReplyDeleteOverlord, anything, anything at all on the M58 specs? Speculation has flown that it will be worse then the S-70, or at the other extreme, have the highest penetration with AP, better then BL-10!
ReplyDeleteWhich is it D:! Give us a sign!
"I am hoping the Soviets get the Objekt 730/IS-10 "
ReplyDeleteYes, Object 730 will be replacement for IS-4
Yea i'd say I'm totally waiting for this! I've love to have some life brought back into the US heavy line.
ReplyDeleteFrom what i have read before it should become premium at about Q1 of 2012? right?
ReplyDeleteWill the M103 have a massive turret armor like T29 and T32 (up to 300mm) or "weak" turret-armor like other natiosn (around/less 200mm)?
ReplyDeleteJust want to know if its still a hull-down tank.
Nevertheless this tank lonks great!
Cant wait to get it. (and the T34 as premium)
Looks really nice, and I like your comment:
ReplyDelete"The vehicle practically no one is waiting for."
Looks mighty fine! And the 120mm barrel looks like it's ready to kick some ass and take names !!
ReplyDeleteWill be waiting for more details on that one.
Q: What guns will M103 able to mount ?
ReplyDeleteA: At least the two mentioned above, plus one more.
Can you give us "non-waiters" a little himt? :-)
Stock config we know but will this mysterious 3d gun be top or another version of the 105?
Please pretty please Overlord :-)
ReplyDeleteBAH! even with this screenshots, devs still failed to take action early. tensions could have not occur, babies could have not cried, does it really have to happen?
ReplyDeletei think this picture is only shown to shut those fags from yesterdays blog. and i wont be surprised if more fags arise to flame overlord again when they announce that ETA will be.
where is the tank,..., all i see is turret
ReplyDeleteLOL on the 'tba'!!
ReplyDeletelove the sense of humor overlord
-us server
so this is a little off topic but any idea when you guys will fix the tracers and put them back in?
ReplyDeleteOverlord,why doesen't players who have only german/russian tanks won't receive a premium tank if they have Y tank in garage? This sucks.....
ReplyDeleteQ: Can you please wait the 1-3 months it'll take me to get to the T34? :D
ReplyDeleteA: Ok, waiting for u, mate.
Kill the questioner! Run him over with the M103!
looks nice as most us tanks will it perform better then the USSR tanks will they ever before any of you see it the nerf stick will be getting a workout
ReplyDeleteThanks Overlord, keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHello Overlord, i see you present
ReplyDeletethe M103 with the T5E1. It raise
a couple of question :
Q1) Is the 105mm T5E1 going to be the 'starting' gun of the M103 replacing the 90mm T1E2 of the T34 ?
Q2) In case you take that path, are you going to requalify the T5E1 as a tiers 8 as it has nothing
better than the german tiers 8 KwK 45 L/52 ?
Q3) Last but not least, if you requalify the T5E1 gun are you going to review the guns for the T32 and what will be the 'second' gun of the M103 that will help grind the 100k+ exp needed for the 120mm ?
Those question are pretty important as in the
actual situation even with the new 'M103', if
the tank is stuck with the T5E1 the players
are going to have the exact same problem
as the T34, as the T5E1 is realy not performing
as well as the KwK 46 L/68 or the 122mm BL-9 on the other nations as a tiers 9.
DenySpark are you kidding me?
ReplyDeletethere ware tons of coments: why do ussr players got T10 for free and another 2 tanks with slots :-D ? why germans got nothing for free by revision...?
you want it? got T34 omg... it was anounced so soon i make it w/o premium till now IS4 T34 ISU152 GWpanther VK(DB) T44 and you now after 4months or so come and whine you want premium for free... you dont get it cause changes will not be done that way so sorry you did stupid decision and have to pay :-D
for another posters not capable of reading: first read than ask :-P
Does that mean that t34 owners will get a free premium tank?
ReplyDeleteIf yes will it be:
A: Lowe kind premium(that earns a lot of money etc)
B: Just unique kind of tank that earns silver like other t8 tanks.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean that t34 owners will get a free premium tank?
If yes will it be:
A: Lowe kind premium(that earns a lot of money etc)
B: Just unique kind of tank that earns silver like other t8 tanks.
ANS A: i believe it was answered by overlord in his past blog, he said that its going to be much like same earnings as lowe.
Overlord that tank looks awesome!! thanks for the update!!
ReplyDelete"The vehicle practically no one is waiting for."
ReplyDeleteThis is the problem, Devs have no idear how many are waithing for this. I bet they think that no one is waithing for the T30 replacement aswell...
WOW! OL! i can give you a blowjob for making me happy!
ReplyDeleteI want this so much <3
ReplyDeletelooks sexy
ReplyDeletei love the gun. it looks like the big brother of t-54 gun.
ReplyDeleteHello almighty Overlord , can you release some pics of t110 , soon?=)
ReplyDeleteQ- what does TBA mean?
ReplyDeleteA- To Be Announced.
So in other words the stock T34 with that 90mn will be another useless piece of junk right? :)
ReplyDeleteCould you wait a couple of weeks more to release it ? I'm quite finished with my T32 :)
Just like the game modes release window, the fate of this game will have been sealed by time they get around to releasing this in NA and EU. BF3 is one month out now, so it's over. They chose to ignore:
ReplyDelete- One game mode for over a year
- Not balancing arty
- Not limiting arty numbers in mm
- Not fixing the spotting system
- Not removing the camo system that gives russian tanks an unfair advantage
- Heck, just not balancing this game in general with their russian bias.
- Changing what players got in their box copies of game at the last possible notice
Good lucking getting people to jump aboard for WoWP and WoBS knowing full well your track record by then. If they don't, then we'll be enlightening everyone on the various forums, as people tend to listen more there than your paid off "reviews" that you post on fucking facebook all the time.
Good to see some screenies of it finally, hopefully we'll see it very soon. I'm very much so sick of the T34, I tried to make it work, but now I just hate the tank in the tier that it's at. I'm going to love it as a premium me thinks!
ReplyDeleteQ. Are there any plans to increase the speed of the T28 and T95?
ReplyDelete>>Could you wait a couple of weeks more to release it ? I'm quite finished with my T32 :)
ReplyDeleteDude, they will not realease it in the closest 0.6.7 (guaranteed) neither in 0.7.0. Looks like it will not appear even in 0.7.0+ (where 1st bunch of French supposed to be released). So it will be X-mas gift.
>>Ok, waiting for u, mate.
Looks very like true :-D
And BTW: guys, T34 w/o 120-mm is not T34 but T29. So don't worry: prem T34 will keep it. Stats is another question...
Well I still like the game and I'm not into the Battlefield series so I'll keep playing this one until something like Borderlands 2 or Diablo 3 comes out. Then all bets are off.
ReplyDeleteAs for this new US heavy, I like it. I want one. I think I'll start the US heavy grind this weekend during the Avalanche Special. A 100% crew makes all the difference.
Looking forward to new content, as always, and especially new game modes, camo, and real world physics. Keep the updates coming!
Finally some images of the M103. My fully upgraded T34 is now in storage awaiting it.
ReplyDeleteDear Overlord, two questions:
ReplyDeleteQ1: Will T34 be Tier 9 or Tier 8 premium tank?
Q2: What will be the setup (gun, turret, radio) for the T34 premium?
I really hope it won't be the stock 90mm, cos even with the 105mm it's hard to fight Russian and German heavy tanks (even Lowe), cos of the paper thin hull armor or T34 and lots of dings from the 105mm gun (I didn't even tried 90mm, I already had researched 105mm from the T32).
Thank you in advance for your prompt answers to my questions.
DenySpark said...
ReplyDeleteOverlord,why doesen't players who have only german/russian tanks won't receive a premium tank if they have Y tank in garage? This sucks.....
September 8, 2011 5:59 PM
Anyone can go get it...
so everyone else is getting their updates and replacements why can't I have my russian ones?! takin the piss a bit now me thinks!
ReplyDeleteAnfield Hitman
EU server
Let me guess. It's "TBA" because it shares a gun with the T110, and since you're still waiting on information about the T110's classified performance results, that's causing the M103 to go on hold as well. Something like that?
ReplyDeleteOMGOMGOMG! Jesus that thing looks nice. Cant wait to drive this beast.
ReplyDeleteHave you played T34 DenySpak?
ReplyDeleteI hate the moment I decide to go US heavy line. It was OK till T29. After that it's so painful, I even considered killing myself few times :)
Lying there :) I considered selling T34 and going some other line (USSR came in mind then). Only the promise of M103 stopped me from doing that.
Having T34 as premium (if setup doesn't suck too much) will save me money for shrink ;)
Im happy we are getting the M103 but seriously guys, we are going to have to accept the fact that it still will not be able to compete with the russian and german tanks, the developers are unfair and it is never going to change, i have beat myself up over the fact that i was stupid enough to research the american line first. We are never going to win against the ignorance and stupidity of the developers, and thats the sad truth.
ReplyDeleteI can say one thing, I don't know how you people run things over there in mother russia but, if you tried pulling your complete and utter bullshit over here in America, it would not fly. Like I said the Devs are too ignorant to see how pissed off the American customers are... truly sad.
For all of us US Heavy players:
So many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSo many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names.
September 8, 2011 8:23 PM
are you trying to convince us or yourself?
So many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names.
I don't understand why all the pissed off T-34 owners don't grind different tanks, especially the tanks they feel are so OP, instead of whining and demanding that they get a better tank than the one they chose. When I first started playing this game, I noticed that the Russian tanks seemed to play better and require fewer upgrades to make them enjoyable. I chose to grind the Russian tech tree and I am not disappointed. The specs for the T-34 were not a mystery and they were available for all to see in the game itself and on the WoT website. So why is everyone so pissed off that they got a tank that underperforms when compared to it's counterparts? Just by looking at the specs you should have been able to figure out that it would take damage from much lower tiers if it where hit in the hull. Instead, you went and did the grind for somewhere around half a million experience points to get a tank that gets slaughtered by tier 7 tanks and then you act like you are surprised by this. It's almost like you are demanding a refund for a bad choice that you made.
ReplyDeleteI think that anyone who is willing to put their noses to the grindstone for so long to purchase a tank that is obviously underpowered doesn't deserve to have it replaced by something better and then have their garbage T-34 turn into a premium tank.
I'll take an E-75, VK4502, or IS-4 over the T-34 any day, and I've known that since I first looked at the tech trees. Why didn't all the whiners see that the other tanks are better? Just because you own a tier 9 tank does not mean that it is equal to all other tier 9 tanks. Look at the tech trees and check out the specs on a tank before you decide to spend the next couple/few months grinding for it.
That being said, I'm going to grind for a T-34 if for no other reason than to take advantage of the "compensation" that will be given to all the poor T-34 owners.
Thanks Wargaming for yet another free tank!
Haha, gotta love prepubescent rage.
ReplyDeleteI've read that this tank doesn't have the engine power that it "needs" any chance that the HP would be increased above the 810 that it had?
So many people QQing, American heavies are great, and props to the devs for making different types of heavies for different playing styles. If you can't play them, DON'T. If you can, keep kicking ass and taking names.
Heavy tanks comparison:
Russian tank = Easy mode
German tank = Normal mode
American tank = Hard mode
to be good at USA heavy tanks, you must be refering to experienced hardcore players.
give newbies USA heavy tanks, it will be a suicide. but newbies with russian will make it normal mode, get it?
If all you whiners hate the developers and this game so much, go play a different game!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou whiners are the same people who are always trolling in-game.
Go get a life!!!
I love it when people cry that things are overpowered. I have heard that EVERY single branch is overpowered from different people. The nations are balanced. Arty is balanced (except for numbers, sometimes). TDs are balanced. There is nothing wrong with the matchmaker. If you don't like it, go make a better game.
ReplyDelete"give newbies USA heavy tanks, it will be a suicide. but newbies with russian will make it normal mode, get it? "
ReplyDeleteI would hope that if you can make it to a tier 9 that you wouldn't be "newbies" any more.
I don't care anymore when it comes, I love the T34 now all because of these pictures...
ReplyDeleteThanks Overlord!
on second turret is "ears" same as have T29, nice weakspots
ReplyDeleteWhen I started playing WoT I went US heavy line cos they looked nice. I was too noob to understand what the stats mean and to compare them. There was nowhere a reference that Russian Heavy line is EASY, German is NORMAL, US is HARD. As I said before, until T29 everything was fine, it become harder after that. Also I would like too see a hardcore player with T34 and 105 gun to go one on one against, lets say Lowe and win (against Russian and German Tier 9 I believe it's impossible to win, unless T34 is hidden and firing from the side or rear).
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf all you whiners hate the developers and this game so much, go play a different game!!!!
You whiners are the same people who are always trolling in-game.
Go get a life!!!
September 8, 2011 8:43 PM
this guys must be using either russian or german only tanks only.
without whiners the game wont improve, if not better. so all you living in a perfect world and nothing to complaint, STOP DAY DREAMING!
Well sadly,T34 gots the 2nd best stats of all T9 Heavys...And yes we are underpowered so what?
ReplyDeleteI will always kill any IS4,MM in a fair 1v1 battle.I can bet that every single T34 driver can own an IS4 driver.You gotta understand something,unlike the so-called EasyMode on IS4,where you just run into people and kill them,T34 requires skill,and big skill to play it.
Do you know why T34 gots one of the best stats?Look at its drivers.All hardcore grinders,who played through so-so T1 HT,mediocre M6-who arent so bad,but SSSR bias gots the overpowered KV and KV-3,an blessing called T29,hugger called T32 and a T34.
I admire those people,look what did they had to go through?
I personally have an T34 with T30 researched,without premium and KV.
I feel so overpowered in my KV,i can easily kill T7 tanks,even killed T9 can be penetrated on sides without any trouble.
But still I prefer my T1 Heavy.Asking why?You gotta have brains and skill to play US Heavys.Its not easy like SSSR,but hell you learn how to play.
Come at me with your t9 heavys,I'll kill everyone in fair 1v1,with over 50% hp on my side.
Go and play your EasyMode IS4,and futuremore,respect the USH players.They surely got more skill than you will ever have.
Satisfied T34 driver
I would hope that if you can make it to a tier 9 that you wouldn't be "newbies" any more.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 8, 2011 8:44 PM
i know two players made it to tier 10 by leeching.
the time i saw them with maus and is7 you will be surprised that they sit behind arty camping.
Oh overlord....can't you convince the devs to give us that tank in 6.7....pretty please!
ReplyDeleteGo and play your EasyMode IS4,and futuremore,respect the USH players.They surely got more skill than you will ever have
BuTT hurt MUCH?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWell sadly,T34 gots the 2nd best stats of all T9 Heavys...And yes we are underpowered so what?
I will always kill any IS4,MM in a fair 1v1 battle.I can bet that every single T34 driver can own an IS4 driver.You gotta understand something,unlike the so-called EasyMode on IS4,where you just run into people and kill them,T34 requires skill,and big skill to play it.
Do you know why T34 gots one of the best stats?Look at its drivers.All hardcore grinders,who played through so-so T1 HT,mediocre M6-who arent so bad,but SSSR bias gots the overpowered KV and KV-3,an blessing called T29,hugger called T32 and a T34.
I admire those people,look what did they had to go through?
I personally have an T34 with T30 researched,without premium and KV.
I feel so overpowered in my KV,i can easily kill T7 tanks,even killed T9 can be penetrated on sides without any trouble.
But still I prefer my T1 Heavy.Asking why?You gotta have brains and skill to play US Heavys.Its not easy like SSSR,but hell you learn how to play.
Come at me with your t9 heavys,I'll kill everyone in fair 1v1,with over 50% hp on my side.
Go and play your EasyMode IS4,and futuremore,respect the USH players.They surely got more skill than you will ever have.
Satisfied T34 driver
September 8, 2011 8:55 PM
you dont get it do you?
FINALLY!!!! This thing looks like a beastly M60, I hope that 105 has more of a punch then the one on the T-29/T-32.
ReplyDeleteHeavy tanks comparison:
ReplyDeleteRussian tank = Easy mode
German tank = Normal mode
American tank = Hard mode
to be good at USA heavy tanks, you must be refering to experienced hardcore players.
give newbies USA heavy tanks, it will be a suicide. but newbies with russian will make it normal mode, get it?
i made a shot explaination and you made a long one, please look again and understand that what im refering and your saying is likely the same.
im a usa fan and i have completed all usa. t30 t95 t92 m46 i have. and only kv for credit farming.
sigh. what did i say to get you raging there?
I said T34 with 105 gun one on one vs Lowe or RUS and GER Tier 9. I don't know what will be with 120, still working to get it.
ReplyDeleteTo get 120 you must walk bearfooted over fire :)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWell sadly,T34 gots the 2nd best stats of all T9 Heavys...And yes we are underpowered so what?
I will always kill any IS4,MM in a fair 1v1 battle.I can bet that every single T34 driver can own an IS4 driver.You gotta understand something,unlike the so-called EasyMode on IS4,where you just run into people and kill them,T34 requires skill,and big skill to play it.
Do you know why T34 gots one of the best stats?Look at its drivers.All hardcore grinders,who played through so-so T1 HT,mediocre M6-who arent so bad,but SSSR bias gots the overpowered KV and KV-3,an blessing called T29,hugger called T32 and a T34.
I admire those people,look what did they had to go through?
I personally have an T34 with T30 researched,without premium and KV.
I feel so overpowered in my KV,i can easily kill T7 tanks,even killed T9 can be penetrated on sides without any trouble.
But still I prefer my T1 Heavy.Asking why?You gotta have brains and skill to play US Heavys.Its not easy like SSSR,but hell you learn how to play.
Come at me with your t9 heavys,I'll kill everyone in fair 1v1,with over 50% hp on my side.
Go and play your EasyMode IS4,and futuremore,respect the USH players.They surely got more skill than you will ever have.
Satisfied T34 driver
September 8, 2011 8:55 PM
haha I knew I wasn't the only one who likes the american heavies.
ReplyDeleteAny chance you are giving us this baby's stats?
ReplyDeleteI like it, finaly we got some neuws BUT I WANT MORE! MORE! MORE! I WANT SOME PICS ABAUT THE T110 :P
ReplyDeleteHello Overlord,
ReplyDeleteI know this is a bit off-topic but I noticed at that last article that you were talking about bringing M46 Patton accuracy on the move back but I cannot see it in the 0.6.7_test2 change list. Is it going to be on 0.7.0 patch instead? There's no rush. I love my Patton just the way it is now :)
Q: i want to put Additional Grousers in my T-15 but no option for that... dont all light german tanks get to use it? why not the T-15?
ReplyDeleteThis game is so boring anymore.
ReplyDeleteQ: I know this is off-topic, but I'm wondering when WoWP is released, you mentioned something about credits,gold,etc being transferable between the 2 games. However, will one be able to transfer gold/etc from a WoT NA account to a WoWP EU account?
ReplyDeleteI'm very anxious, as our many, to see these tanks come into play. It would seem that(in N American server) these are the most heavily anticipated tanks so far. Please get them right so we don't see, nerf, un-nerf, buff, nerf, etc.....
ReplyDeleteOverlod, now that I see these new screenshots of the badass looking M103; could you at least confirm it won't be in 6.7? Because now I'm in a doubt to use 140k free xp to get an instant-elited T29 from zero, and rush to get a T34?
Celéstial (EU)
He has already said it won't be in 6.7
ReplyDeleteOverlord, If I already own the T34, but right now it's stock, when the T34 becomes premium, will I automatically get the top gun/engine/etc??
ReplyDeleteThanatos69_US said...
ReplyDeleteIs the turret that huge or is it just a smallish heavy? Pics side by side with other tanks would be awesome.
It's about the same size as other US heavies, the turret is just massive to facilitate mounting of the ludicrously powerful 120mm m58.
Anonymous said...
If US gets a tank of ´57, I am hoping the Soviets get the Objekt 730/IS-10
They do get the IS-10, it's replacing the IS-4 when it moves up to tier 10.
Hey OL - nice looking tank
ReplyDelete- just going to add my voice to those saying sooner rather than later is the preferred release time
As for a large portion of the rest of the blog
if your going to flame the Devs and act like school kiddies at least have the balls to post your ingame name so we know who to single out for some extra 120mm loving next time we see you
if you got something to say - say it so we know whose saying it and can respond in kind
nothing worse than a faceless coward
Masterwolf. Why are you so tough, tough guy? I'm coming at you. If I find you in game, I'll TK you. I'll get behind you so you can't roll back into cover and get shot up. Enjoy! Just like you're gonna enjoy some russian tubesteak later on probably.
ReplyDelete120mm M58? So it is a different 120mm then the T34? As in newer tech? Oh god please let that be true.... and there may be a third gun... A THIRD BETTER GUN MAYBE? amg i can't wait.
ReplyDeleteUS already has a Tier 8 Premium.
ReplyDeleteWith the Stats that the T34 has are the M6A2E1 owners being screwed?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete120mm M58? So it is a different 120mm then the T34? As in newer tech? Oh god please let that be true.... and there may be a third gun... A THIRD BETTER GUN MAYBE? amg i can't wait.
Yes, it is a newer, better gun. It has a higher velocity than any gun currently in-game, I think. The third gun will probably be an intermediate choice, the prototype T122 120mm gun to match the prototype turret in those first set of screenshots. A nice man on the american heavy tank forum dug up some info for us...
PS @Overlord since we can't get an ETA can we atleast get some stats please, since ya know... "it's basically finished"
ReplyDeleteNot enough people seem to be aware of this.
ReplyDeleteThe T34 when it goes premium will still keep its 120mm gun [and become the most heavily armed Tier 8 heavy]. It will almost certainly get other attributes nerfed, but its a free Tier 8 heavy, so we can't complain too much. It's still getting an awesome gun.
And 2. You don't need to upgrade the T34 at all to get the premium version. A stock T34 will become a complete premium tier 8 T34.
Finally some (better) American heavies! Better start grinding that T32!
When can we expect better match balancing for us non-company puggers?
ReplyDeleteHas there been anything definitive on point 2 Tupinambis? I don't recall Overlord saying anything about it, and while I hope it's true, there really is nothing stopping them from only allowing 120mm armed T34s to be premiumized.
ReplyDeleteOverlord: Is the "one more" gun that the M103 can mount an improved 105mm perhaps, like the Pershing has an improved 90mm with bit more penetration and accuracy? What ever it is, can you mount it without mounting the top turret first?
ReplyDeleteIf there are 3 gun choices for M103 with one being 105mm gun from T29 and one being 120mm T58, then I assume that the third gun would be 120mm T53, the gun currently used by T34.
ReplyDeleteMost interesting question now is what are the stats for the new 120mm T58.
So please indulge us Overlord and give some info on the stats of the new 120mm.
Great slopes on this tank!! When I look at that turret all I hear is "thunk thunk" and "plink plink"!!! I'm so excited!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Overlord, when does the T110 (M110?) come out? I want to see some pics of that {^_^}
why didn't you just put another branch from the full tech tree for these new tier 9 and 10 tanks? (m103 and m110) so you could retain the old tanks. (t34 and t30)
ReplyDeleteThere is another branch and T30 will be TOP of it as a TD!!!
ReplyDeleteThe T34 is premium and won't show the same as the Lowe or KV% on there tech tree's.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf there are 3 gun choices for M103 with one being 105mm gun from T29 and one being 120mm T58, then I assume that the third gun would be 120mm T53, the gun currently used by T34.
Most interesting question now is what are the stats for the new 120mm T58.
So please indulge us Overlord and give some info on the stats of the new 120mm.
The third gun is likely the 120mm T122 that was seen in a couple older screenshots of the M103. It's the gun that was given to the prototype M103 (called the T43), which you the turret of in the screens up there. The main visual difference is that the T122 has the bore evacuator up the barrel a bit, closer to the tank. It was based on the T53 found on the T34.
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely certain I read it somewhere. I thought it was somewhere here on the blogspot, but I can't find it now.
Anyway, it would be absolutely mind-boggling to me if the 120mm gun was required.
Just to be safe though, I'd ask again on the Q&A threads.
I have been grinding for a long time in my T34, and i am like 28k exp from my 120mm gun now, and so far it has been a pain in the ass.
ReplyDelete1. credit gain in T34 blows,
2. suvivability in this tank blows (you got non existing armor Leopard can pen you from sides/rear and only your gun mantle can take a few hits.
3. the Gun it self 105mm BLOWS, its pen r WAY to random, i cant pen any Tier9 tank from front, and IS4/E75/Vk45 is a 75% chance of bounce on side and rear. the acc of the gun r not very good, its dammage is mediocre, and its pen is rediculus bad.
I have played all tanklines upto Tier9 cept KM, and km i had upto tier8, and imo is Tier8 US+Russian/KM very ballanced, cept the sad/bad 105mm gun for US really sucks compared to the counterparts + you have to use the same 105mm for 110k exp on your tier9 tank. Get used to hearing YOU BOUNCED/that one bounced/that one didnt go truth. or DING/you dammaged him(but no dammage done) sounds and effekts. (the 105mm on a tier8/9 tank r hopelessly bad.
Also non existing armor and to huge tanks with semi bad speeds(compared to is3/4). makes the tank almost useless for anything but a good hulldown situation or sniping mode(wich the 105mm sucks at).
At least make the M110 good and having usefull armor, also Fuck off with calling it 279 frontal armor when its only the gun mantel that has this amount, the rest of the turret has like 127 non sloaped, @ anything pens it. (ALL THO Turret armor R SUPOSED to make up for USELESS hull armor in US tank heavy line).. fucking make them compareable. Yours Adaa Beta WOT player, whos pissed about unfair ballance of 80% of the ingame tanks.
OMG thats a beautiful tank!
ReplyDeletePlease dont make us drive the Rubbish T34 and T30 for too long!
I hate getting penned by T5 tanks in my T10 lol!
Is the Object 252/ IS-6 is released also alongside with the M103? just curious.
ReplyDeleteThat crew hatch on the turret will be the death of this tank.
ReplyDeleteIt will be abused by every single opponent you meet
Too bad.
Heres to hoping T34 as premium wont suck too much.
"The vehicle practically no one is waiting for."
ReplyDeleteThats not true... i liked the T34 during beta pretty much after i got the 120mm. The only problem with the T34 is that you have to grind 100k+ xp with T5E1 gun wich is awesome on tier 7, good on tier 8 and absolutely useless on tier 9.
After T34 will be premium tank, will it earn money and experience as good as Lowe or KW-5 and hove much of gold will it cost?
ReplyDeleteOverlod, now that I see these new screenshots of the badass looking M103; could you at least confirm it won't be in 6.7? Because now I'm in a doubt to use 140k free xp to get an instant-elited T29 from zero, and rush to get a T34?
I am not Overlord but I am playing on public test (you also can) and so I can assure that there will not be new American heavies in 0.6.7, T34 still usual "in-tree" tank. You have time.
When are the battles in this game going to split into different tank "generations" or historical battles?
ReplyDeleteSome of the tanks in the tech tree have never met on the real battlefields. Like this one, also a tank from the cold war era... 1957-1974
Looking at the M103's historical armor values, they're very unimpressive. 250 turret, 130 hull. Against upper tier guns, it won't be stopping or bouncing much of anything. And it only does around 30 kmh.
ReplyDeleteWill it make up for having the worse physical stats of any t9 heavy by having the best gun? The T34's high RoF gun is really underwhelming, especially for its xp cost. I hope you aren't going to make it another high rate of fire, low damage gun on a glass hull. Those just do not work in competitive t9-10 play.
ReplyDeleteThe T34 is more sexy than this =P
ReplyDeleteOverload I see that the 120 is a new american 120 and probably nothing like the 120 on the t34, can we get a idea of the possible states this gun may receive such as Pen. XXX-XXX, Damage XXX-XXX, and accuracy X.XX-X.XX, with the X's to be replaced with actual numbers and close but not exact to the actual stats, 2.) This tank shouldnt be buff or nerfd if you guys are taking this long to put it in to effect, American HT's are known for poor armor but it need to a good fun to be up to par with the E-75,Ausf B, IS-4 HT's
ReplyDeleteLook at the front armor slope - it will be at last hard to penetrate from the front. that is what I really expect from T9 tank.
ReplyDeleteSlope is irrelevant for the most part, at least when your armor values are that low. Believe me, you'll be penning M103s pretty easily.
ReplyDeleteThis tanks look COOL, but im afraid it has the same aweful hull armor as T34.
ReplyDeleteI am also afraid that T34 going to be a tier8 premium with that pointless 105mm...
Anyway it is a good news to have a new tank!
Lets face it even tho it has a great design it will never compair to his conterparts i guess even a KV can penetrate that frontal ammor.
ReplyDeleteThe Precious!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe wants it!!!!
my T34 went from crappiest tank in battle to awesome with the 120mm gun upgrade.. but if I'm careless and let the enemy near me I'm toast, even tier 5 tanks can damage the paper hull
ReplyDeletei remembered that the devs made it clear that the t34 is going to retain its 120mm gun.
ReplyDeletei just have to say...
ReplyDelete1. that turret is so huge it will be impossible to owershot it for artys :-D so another arty magnet :-D
2. ding ding from turret? i thing personaly sides will be pretty much penetrable at least at higher tier from sides so flank and destroy...
3. yes hull will be nicely sloped in front but to got this lower plate have to be like lets say asia so noone miss it :-D maybe even is4 dont and that really is something :-D:-D but we know how to face tank and let him fire in gun mantlet :-D
4. lets hope for gun that pay for this it is nice at least so enjoy and maybe elevation of gun will be incredible so lets rush hills
5. yes i saw somewhere that T34 got (very possibly) 120mm gun after it becomes premium so premium with strongest gun? maybe
dont worry, be happy :)
Looks like bad-ass armored turret. I liked this tank in "Codename: Panzers - Cold War", and here it looks great, too...
ReplyDeleteWhen will it come?
How can you say no one is waiting for it? I've been waiting for it for about a month now! or more... And I'd really like to know when it comes out. I've read what you wrote - its yet to be announced, but I'm really not going to be patient on this one since you already showed us a little bit of it : ) We want it in 0.6.8 mate!
ReplyDeleteI stop playing (and paying for premium) because of the underpower US Heavy Tanks. I want to like them, i want to play them and not be a liability to my team, but after the grind of t-32 to t-34, i simply stopped. t-34 hvy is only playable if you are a hardcore masochist, and bear to use a tier 7 gun for more than 100.000 xp against tier 9 tanks. I really pray that this replacement tank is as good as the pershing replacing the awfull t-23. Please, give it decent stats and a replacement gun to the tier-7 105 until you get to the 120, PLEASE!!!
ReplyDeleteHow can you say no one is waiting for it? I've been waiting for it for about a month now!
Overlord has the habit to put a :) behind a sentence that was ment to be ironic instead of an ;)
Bad habit Overlord, bad habit ;)
I hope that this tank wont suffer from the same BS as the T34 where it is restricted to a tier 7 gun for 100K of grinding.
ReplyDeleteBe nice for it to have access to an upgraded 105mm just like the Germans do. Let alone the mighty BL-9 of the Russian line.
I'm pretty sure the T34s gun will not retain the stats it has at the moment.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the penetration will be similar however I would expect the RoF and damage to be nerfed so that it has similar DPM to the Lowe and upcoming IS-6 premium
120mm T58 gun is top on M103 or it will be a better one?
ReplyDeleteIf I may, are you planning on releasing the M103 at the same time as the T110, or is it still undecided?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your time and your efforts.
"The vehicle practically no one is waiting for."
ReplyDeleteWhat T34 driver is NOT waiting for it ?
And btw... I hate to play my current T34 with only a 105mm cannon, I have no chance even against a Loewe. Also, most of all players know american tanks have a very weak chassis, so the other nations T9 driver see a T34 and wow, they are happy to easy own an american tank again.
"ChilePepper said...
ReplyDeleteI stop playing (and paying for premium) because of the underpower US Heavy Tanks. I want to like them, i want to play them and not be a liability to my team, but after the grind of t-32 to t-34, i simply stopped. t-34 hvy is only playable if you are a hardcore masochist, and bear to use a tier 7 gun for more than 100.000 xp against tier 9 tanks."
Well done Chilepepper, I can't describe it better.
Only if someone does NOT drive a T34, he will tell you that a T34 is already a really playable tank (they will tell you that to get an easy victim).
this tank should have been given to USA players long time ago, but those dumb fucking devs wont let it, so devs arent making good job. they are all fucking milking out of players money without making they happy.
ReplyDeleteSo, if i will have T34 in my garage i will get M103 and T34 as a premium right?
ReplyDeleteShojin said...
If I may, are you planning on releasing the M103 at the same time as the T110, or is it still undecided?
Thank you for your time and your efforts
End of Quote
Overlord stated several times, that the M103 is going to come out this year, but the T110 will come out in 2012. They are still working on a release roadmap, but it's taking more time than they thought.
"TBA," you're such an absolute joke. There's no reason for you morons to delay it any further, you're actually losing money trying to get people to buy your crappy tier 8 premiums by giving them more time to grind up to the t34 and get one for free, rather than shell out for your awful mess of a game. Besides that, the M103 is going to be worse off than the 34 was. So seriously, what's with the massive delays behind it? I would imagine you people would enjoy screwing over more tanks. You certainly seemed to enjoy it whenever one of your little eurobrat pets whines that it's overpowered (which is often because you've forced a player to play smarter than them due to a shitty nerf, which must mean you have to nerf the tank again! How dare they get smart in your game!).
ReplyDeleteWhile you're at it, how about you come up with another bullshit answer for why you've decimated the tier 5 lights. Changing the credits earned from 20K to 10K and increasing repair cost from 2K to 10K certainly isn't balance, though maybe in your vodka infused neanderthalic minds that might be.
Of course you could probably blame all of this on Storm, your resident Manchild. Though honestly Overlord, everyone knows you're just as stupid too.
Guys what are you saying? 105 on US heavys is similar to german t8 gun, no way its a t7 gun, you got it on t29 but seriously, t29 is overpowered with this gun. Then - you got to grind 84k on it, and on VK4502P you have to grind exactly same amount on slightly better penetrating gun but if you prefer to grind straight to the Maus you have to grind it on the similar gun to american 105 cause its only top gun on VK4502A! So stop whining german Maus line got the same problem.
ReplyDelete"And btw... I hate to play my current T34 with only a 105mm cannon, I have no chance even against a Loewe."
ReplyDeleteIts soumd ridiculous to me, Lowe got weak hull and slower gun than 105, I can beat Lowe with long 8,8 with that same penetration, moreover Lowe is slow in rotating (once in my IS i was dueling with T34 and finally he killed me but i left him with 5% of hps but IS is far more agile than Lowe) and can be beated by T29 - T29 can and T34 with same gun can't?
I remember a time where this game was fun, and not just flat out boring like it is now. That's why the numbers are dwindling like crazy, that and WG abusing their userbase. Trying hard for the worst developer award of this year.
ReplyDeleteAs per the Russian Q&A the NEITHER the M103 or T110 will be released until AFTER the french tanks because "all of the testing team is working on the french tanks and don't have time for the American heavy's.
ReplyDeleteI also love this ASSHOLE remark from the Russian Dev. If this does not CLEARLY show that they don't give two shits about their player base I don't know what would.
ReplyDeleteSerB had once said that the M103 (and, if they get the model done in time, the T110) is possible in the very next patch after 6.7 if talks with Bigworld are delayed. So here's a question - what should we wait for first - multi-clustering or the incredibly long-awaited American heavies? And why don't you want to introduce the M103 separately from the T110, it's a lot more needed in the game given the T34's awful armor for a Tier 9? No-one fears the T34, even the T1 Heavy can farm some XP off it. At least the T30 has an uber-cannon to frighten people off.
A: It's not as if the M103 has meaningfully better armor than the T34. Why wait for it with such desperation?
A: It's not as if the M103 has meaningfully better armor than the T34. Why wait for it with such desperation?
ReplyDeleteSeptember 11, 2011 3:36 AM
please read his comment again and the answer is there.
i searched over the net a month ago, the m103 varies at 130 - 160 armor, if they would give us 160 it will be less 10 points than 170 of is4,
i will search again to give some link,
what happens to the current owners of a t34..... i am currently in one with every slot filled with something (exp. coated optics and repair kit) and i am in the process of getting its biggest gun, am i wasting my time and exp?
ReplyDeleteT34 is good with 120mm gun, you can go 1v1 with is4 and win, but with vk and e75 you will still bounce a lot. so you will have to use your speed and try to get around them.
ReplyDeleteHey overlord- when the T34 is made premium, will it receive the same treatment as the gold-bought premium tanks? What I mean is will you be able to grind credits in the premium T34 like you can in, say, the Lowe
ReplyDeleteThis is this M103.
ReplyDeleteand some information about what armour it had
The M103 heavy tank served the United States Army and the US Marines during the Cold War. Until the development of the M1A1 in the mid 1980s, it was the heaviest and most heavily-armed tank in US service. The M103 was manufactured at the Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant and the first units were accepted in 1957.
Hull front: 100 mm to 130 mm (4 in to 5.3 in)
Hull side: 76 mm (3.1 inch)
Hull top: 25 mm(1 in)
Turret mantlet: 250 mm (10.2 in)
Turret front: 180 mm (7.34 in)
Turret side: 76 mm (3.1 in)
Turret top: 38 mm (1.55 in)