4679 players rated the quality of the upcoming 7.0 update.
The majority of voters think the patch is going to be OK - 34.4% (1610 votes). The figures show that 74% of players assess the quality of the upcoming update as OK+, while 60% of them - as OK-.
Approximately equal number of votes were given for "Excellent" (559) and "Bad" (535) ratings, which is rather interesting.
As always a new poll is up. It is dedicated to the public test of 7.0 and its upcoming release.
New poll is going to be 80% T-59, 15% Löwe and 5% Pz38H735
ReplyDeleteI think the hotchkiss is by far the better...
ReplyDeleteQuestion :
What the exact status of French tank? They are balanced now? final testing?
Can you make a video of autoloaders in action please?
Do you really think we will have them before christmas or in december?
Thanks as always for your contribution :)
I assume the Type will be Number 1, eventhough the 38H735(f) aka the Mini-Maus has objectively the best performance for the Tier it is operating in.
ReplyDeleteBut people are still mostly anoyed with the Type and will vote for it, eventhough its bad reputation really exceeds its performance.
You raise the price for lowe then You nerf it without any information.... how bad is it.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI rated the patch as bad because I don't like the fact that I will no longer be able to use my custom skins.
ReplyDelete@ 1oolec
ReplyDeletePlease, tell me how Lowe was nerfed? I think it is just another gossip about ninja nerf.
And according to new poll
The only OP premium tank is in my opinion 38H735(f) (I would call it micro-maus because mini-maus is VK4502). Many tanks from the same tire have no chance to penetrate his front! And his power is even bigger because his drivers fights mainly against inexperienced players.
Type 59 is not OP. It has just too good matchmaking. Type too often fights with much weaker tanks. I was writing it many times - for people grinding T5, T6 and T7 Type is big problem. Lowe and KV5 were never such huge problems because they are slow. If you met them in your poor T5 tank, you had big chance to run away. When you meet Type, you have no chance.
I played with Type on test server. This tank is much easier to play than Lowe, KV5 and many other premiums. It is very easy to have in this tank multiple kills in battles. But if put against other T8, Type is not OP.
Lowe is in no way OP. He is at least decent for his tier. The only really good thing in this tank is gun with best penetration among T8 tanks (but TD's in this tier have better ones).
Type 59 is OP and I hate its guts. I mean Lowe, KV-5, as WP said, are at least slow. But you cannot run from a type 59. When you see it in your tier 6 tank you know you're dead. Unless the driver is a huge noob. But usually that's not the case. Oh, and I love this scenario. My team has two huge noobs in Type 59's and the other team has two experienced players in Type 59's. Now I have no way of knowing the exp level of a type 59 driver, and it is very hard to balance the flanks because o this. You usually say: eh, they got that covered, and 5 minutes later they're dead and flank exposed. On the other had, when I see a Tiger 2 in my team, I KNOW that driver know what he's doing because I KNOW how hard is to get one. You have to have hundreds of hours of play. Anyway, I hate the Type 59.
ReplyDeleteQ: What the exact status of French tank? They are balanced now? final testing?
ReplyDeleteA: preparing them for public testing.
I don't see how this is even a question with the Type 59 in the mix.
ReplyDelete38H735(f) is not OP after armour nerf few patches ago. Now Loltraktor can penetrate him easily.
ReplyDeleteQ: any ideas on how much time it will take to get 0.7 ready for release after tommorow?
ReplyDeleteMe I also expect the most hated tank to 'win' this poll but only because people don't read the quetsion properly. (By the way a poll for the most OP premium should be won by the B2.)
ReplyDeleteOverlord would you please explain whether 'relative performance in its class' stands for
- fighting the same tier and type 1 on 1
- or fighting as this tier and type in any game?
isn't it M6A2E1 can be consider OP because it has no weakspot in its frontal armour?
ReplyDeleteit is hard to realize its OPness is because this tank is very rare,hardly to be seen in pub..if M6A2E1 is sell for gold,many will hate it also
As per okea's question: when will we be given a release date for 7.0 ? and when is this release date likely to be ?
ReplyDeletegood day
ReplyDeleteI have quite a few premium tanks and I think the type-95 is the best to play.
He is quite agile and quick and tasty shoot quickly.
There is one thing I bother me.
the whining in the chat.
Premium noobs etc etc
For me, the type-95 at position 1 of the premiums.
The second follows lowe
Then comes the kv-5
And I insist
No premium no WoT.
Greetings MADMAXX44
The Type-59 is OP because of the very bouncy hull and the heavily armored turret.. most lower tier tanks just bounce / dont penetrate it - thats whats making it so hated as enemy.
ReplyDeleteOn a sidenote:
I love the style of the KV-5 and would like to buy one, but the tier 7 gun on a tier 8 tank is just such a downturn, as well as the HUGE weakspot on an otherwise solid front...
Any chance it will be reworked... ever?
(Especially when looking at Tiger-IIs / E-75's armor which got way less armor thickness but are WAY harder to penetrate.... )
Type59 is not OP!!!!!
ReplyDelete...because so many people driving without a brain.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe vote of upd. 0.7.0: I think the bad votes are a reaction of moving the new tanks like M103 time by time to future.
ReplyDeleteLot of people prefer a new tank. New effects are nice, but may be not necessary.
It seems to me that lowering Type 59's price from the initial 10000 g in public tests to 7500 g at players suggestions was a mistake, leading to its abundance.
ReplyDeleteIt's not too late to raise the price, though, Lowe-style : )
Type 59 is a Tier IX realy. I cant beat it with my Panther II. Armor, speed and firepower are superior. So in next update make it Tier IX please.
ReplyDeleteType 59 being most powerful is a lie.
ReplyDeleteIt can barely hold its own. Release a newe Tier VIII prem, and Type 59 threads will vanish.
Type 59 is really a pain in the nether regions. no matter what the mix is, when I see more than one type 59 to a side I am sorely tempted to quit the battle before it begins.
ReplyDeleteIf at all possible in future patches, please limit them to one to a side. I've entered battles where there were three type 59 in the opfor, and really even two is too much
orcnazgul said...
ReplyDelete"Type 59 is a Tier IX realy. I cant beat it with my Panther II. Armor, speed and firepower are superior."
You shouldn't write it publicly :D. Panther II with last gun should kill Type.
The T-25 is a strong contender for most powerful premium of its tier. The type 59 isn't so bad, but making it more expensive would mean less proliferation. Maybe take a few kmph off it's top speed. I don't quite understand why such a late period tank is actually allowed in this game? It is a poor copy of the T-54. The Lowe and T-25 both do well because they actually have a good gun which can't be said for most premiums. Some of the tier 5 guns are horrendous...ie the Churchill (especially) could do with a better gun! One of the only British tanks and the Churchill's gun is an embarrassment. Are you trying to insult us Brits. (I won't mention the lack of Brit Planes at the beginning of WoW). If driven well the Locust is an extremely powerful Tier 3 premium. The Lowe and KV-5 are pretty well balanced.... I love smashing them to bits in my tiger 2!
ReplyDeletePeople should really try hitting the Type 59 in the hull... or with HE....
ReplyDeletethe key words here are "relative to it's class" and the Type 59 is not the best of the Tier VIII meds unless you are still using auto-aim and are firing at its turret, which if you are, you deserve all the dings you get. PzKpfw 38H735 (f) gets my vote because its like driving a little bunker on tracks :)
ReplyDeleteI have lost a lot of faith with WoT players... Type 59 leading poll by vast majority is just sad. It is actually sluggish with a pretty terrible gun. Only good thing about it is turret armor, and that its size makes it (kinda?) hard to hit, but not really. If you aim for the turret front on basically any tank I think you belong in those pets & owners training rooms with the little kids.
ReplyDeletePzKpfw 38H735 (f) gets my vote, it's the best little tank out there
ReplyDeleteThe 38H735(f) also had its preferential tier restrictions removed at the same time as its armor war nerfed. Changing the tier restriction was a sane decision, since the pre-nerf Hotchkiss usually meant a 100% crew, fully-equipped, experienced player was straight up griefing newbies. But the two changes together turned the tank from ridiculously overpowered to a laughing stock overnight.
ReplyDeleteThe key words *are* 'relative to its class'. Every tank must be balanced not only according to its stats relative to its tier in a vacuum, but also according to its most likely opposition. The Type 59 is a 'mediocre' Tier 8, but that doesn't matter as much as the fact that its vastly superior to its most common opposition, a Tier 7 tank.
Full disclosure: I owned a 38H but do not own a Type 59. I also largely stopped playing Tier 7 tanks because of it, so I don't really have a dog in this hunt.
T-59 is fun to play ,strong turret but very vulnarable side chasis.1600 hp and 55kmh gives a drive and hit oppurtinity tough still easy to die infront of ppl knowing what they are doing.All tnaks have strong sides like turret of T-59 ,but as I said sides are very weak ,not excurating aö hit on the side chasis either ends up with an ammuniton rack explotion or ammo rak crit hit and plus also a dead engine or a heavily dmdged one or even a fire ...
ReplyDeleteso not OP but have its advantages as disadvantages like all other tanks.
And it is a quite expensive tank
only bad side about t-59 is if any 5-6 is in the same team then it quickly turns to a wolf pack of search and destroy which is indeed a fun for t-59 owners but a bit frustrating for opponents which I can understand .
The biggest problem of the T-59 is that there are so many of them AND that they appear in lower tiered battles WAY more often then their Tier VIII medium brothers and never have to fight the really big boys.
ReplyDeleteJust because of these 2 main "features" of the T-59 it is not that hard to understand why ppl see them as doing relatively better then other Tier VIII meds.
Furthermore, if we look at the "unofficial server statistics" posted on the forum, only the m26 pershing does better when it comes to winratio (by a tiny margin). And if you remember that everybody can buy a T-59 (no grind to learn how to play a medium tank) it seems that that feeling is not completely wrong (note: the statistics only show players that played more then 150 battles with their T-59).
Give the T-59 the same battlespread as other Tier VIII mediums (make them fight the big boys more often then the little guys) and a lot of the complaints will go away (apart from the fact there are still like a gazillion around).
Of those on the list I have the T59, 735(f) Ram II.
ReplyDelete735F has been stealth nerf already. Sure it does wrack up kills and awards, but it kind of boring.
Ram II is a blast, but what can you do vs 5 T59's in lakeville? Now you get in a tier 5 battle - that's a different story!
And that leads us to the T59...
Yup, I think the price needs to be increased or its MM weight flexed up bit.
Its the only tank in game that I've seen become a true force multiplier, its truly a case of 2 working together are better then 2 working alone. The more that they have on 1 team, the more dangerous they become.
The main problem with the Type 59 is (in my opinion) the armor design. The turret is because of its shape and armor almost impossible to penetrate for about anything under tier 9. So you can only hit the hull and it happened a 1000 times to me, that I hit the hull, but inflict no damage. Most likely because I damaged the suspension, but not enough to destroy it. And I don't think I'm the only one with that problem.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen any other T8 med but the T59 becoming steel wall and that countless times. In direct comparison they don't deal more damage or drive faster than other T8 meds, but they can simply last a lot longer, because they are a lot harder to kill than other T8 meds.
Is there a way to put the players rank on their respective server over the vehicle target marker, or maybe in the vehicle identification on the upper left or right side of the screen? This would make for some interesting information during battle. But it might also make high ranked players targets Any thoughts, fellow tankers, Overlord?
ReplyDeletetype 59 is so powerfull because of matchmaking.
ReplyDeleteit can't be worst than in middle of table, never can meet T10, but can be in t5 games.
from side is penetretable all tanks, even mouse. but from front it has brutal armor and in combination with low profile and sloping, is almost unpenetrable even with panther2 with top gun.
for example,I play one game, type ram me, and I can shoot him only to turret. 5 shoot, all bounce, no penetration. he shoot me 5times and all time he damaged me.
so please give Type 59 to matchmaking as other t8 mediums or nerf his front armor
Q: Is there a way to put the players rank on their respective server over the vehicle target marker, or maybe in the vehicle identification on the upper left or right side of the screen? This would make for some interesting information during battle. But it might also make high ranked players targets Any thoughts, fellow tankers, Overlord?
ReplyDeleteA: Personally Im not sure that everyone would like it. Not all players are competitive, many just play for fun.
Q: 735F has been stealth nerf already. Sure it does wrack up kills and awards, but it kind of boring.
ReplyDeleteA: What nerf? Match-making adjustment is not a nerf technically.
I totally second Burdy's arguments - i think he summed it up nicely!
ReplyDeleteI always hated to face it even in my IS-3 with BL-9, simply due to the fact that sometimes you just don't damage it, no matter where you hit it...
Please note that I drive a T-59 myself and can state this as true from both angles - the t-59 is my high risk play tank and it almost always pays off... in comparison I feel that the t-59 even outlasts a IS-4 (for its tier!)
It has nice speed, average gun but the tank-ability is what makes the t-59 stand out and causes so much grief :)
On second thought - why am i complaining about my own tank? It's definitely underpowered and needs buffing! :o)
Overlord said...
ReplyDeleteQ: 735F has been stealth nerf already. Sure it does wrack up kills and awards, but it kind of boring.
A: What nerf? Match-making adjustment is not a nerf technically.
December 5, 2011 5:50 PM
Good, then it won't be too hard to fix the T-59 by putting it in the same battle tiers as the normal Tier VIII mediums.
Q: When can we expect the T-59 battle tier spread to be fixed?
I vote for the Valentine - It was shit, then you capped it's MM at Tier 4, now it rocks big time! :)
ReplyDeleteOverlord: regarding the 735F 'nerf' Maybe I'm just not seeing this tank live up to the hype :P
ReplyDeleteSeems about the only thing the bounces off the armour are shots from T1's and lol's!
Maybe I'm just not using it correctly... :P
Whoever voted for the Type 59 over the Tier 2 Hotchkiss is a total idiot, no offense. The Hotchkiss is legitimately OP, my Pershing shits all over Type 59's all day.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I chose the Somua S35. IN a tier 2-3 match this thing is an unstoppable wall of death.
I have a Lowe and know quite a few with them and it has definitely been nerfed! Everyone I know with one agrees!
ReplyDelete@: WP
ReplyDeletePlaying this game since beta started, and shot to lowe from several different tanks like: T-34, Pz IV, T-34-85 and so and so... i had serious problem to penetrate LOWE, then i bought it, just day before they rise up the price for it! it was fine for a week maybe, then WTF? Pz IV can penetrate me!? oh T-34-85 can penetrate me too!? turret in this tank was a bunker, now whatever front armor turret, low tier tanks can penetrate You no bother!! so yes in my opinion there was ninja nerf on LOWE! since then i never bought gold again.. since then i never bought gold again.. that was just robbery in a white day.
@ Danny
ReplyDeleteI hear all the time that Lowe was nerfed, but somehow no one could show me any official information about it. Please, tell me in which patch Lowe was nerfed and how.
@ 1oolec
All these tanks were always able to penetrate Lowe. Of course not with all shots. You must know how and where to shoot and have luck.
People are sometimes talking about ninja (secret) nerfs. Long ago WG stated that there is no ninja nerfes. And in my opinion all these informations on forums about nerfes are just WoT version of urban legends.
And you know, even in Maus after buying it, you have this strange feeling, that it was nerfed just this day when you bought it, cause almost everything penetrates you :)
Type 59 is not OP, it's just specific: Just like Tiger P, it has massive front armor (unlike Tiger P it has also a very sturdy turret). Most people are simply not willing to think while playing (for which I don't blame them, when I play, I want to relax, not have it as a second job) - they simply shoot the front of the tank, which is by far its strongest point - and then theycry "OMG Overpowered!" without noticing the weaknesses. Type 59 is not very fast and is rather sluggish, its gun is just the good old IDIOT gun that was ok for tier 6 but not for T8, it's small so any penetrating hit usually results in systems damage, it has quite weak ammo rack, it's dead when detracked etc etc etc.
ReplyDelete"mongoose76 said...
ReplyDeleteType 59 is OP ... When you see it in your tier 6 tank you know you're dead."
So, because a tank 2 TIERS HIGHER THAN YOU kills you, it's OP? Ok then....
@Overlord said...
ReplyDelete"Q: Is there a way to put the players rank on their respective server over the vehicle target marker, or maybe in the vehicle identification on the upper left or right side of the screen? This would make for some interesting information during battle. But it might also make high ranked players targets Any thoughts, fellow tankers, Overlord?
A: Personally Im not sure that everyone would like it. Not all players are competitive, many just play for fun."
Many times, it would be a good information to know if your highest tiered teammates are reliable or not (good/skilled players or just brainless/unskilled ones), so you could take action acordingly (cover other sides, support them....) in the benefit of the team.
The T-59 does not have performance better than it's tier 8 counterparts. (even if they eat my Lowe alive lol). The Pzr38H*#$#@%( is definetly a beast among tier 1 and 2, and quite deadly against tier 3 as well, there is a reason matchmaker sits it atop the tier 3 tanks lol.
ReplyDeleteHotchkiss & Type-59 imo both. They are both very capable of competing with others at their tier, without being the best at their tier.
ReplyDeleteI voted 59, though, as I feel the Hotchkiss has more weaknesses relative to it's peers, where Type59 is actually well-balanced for a T8 Med.
Thus, I feel all the other Prems in the list are inferior to their tier/class peers, where Type 59 is quite competitive. It's not the best T8 Med, but it's also not worst, imo. I don't think it needs a nerf, though, but bring it's matchmaking up to equal the other Tier 8 meds.
On a 7.x note, Overlord, you mention above the French tanks are being prepared for public test, do we have any date estimate for when 7.1 with M103 will be for public test?
Since the MM changes targeted at PzKpfw 38H735 it regularly gets thrown into tier3 battles where its slow speed poor gun/armour versus tier3 tanks fails.
ReplyDeleteType 59 is clear winner and probably the best tier8 medium outside of a fully upgraded Pershing, at least until the t-44 gets the t-54's middle gun in 7.0.
This cannot be said for the Lowe/KV-5 who are well bested by the KT/IS3 and T32.
The Lowe was nerfed for sure, at least in credit-making ability. Why do you think everyone sold them for the Type 59. The Type 59 may not be OP, but it's a pain in the ass, completely obsoletes tier 5 and below premium tanks, and should have it's price raised like the Lowe had. The M6A2E1 tier 8 US premium tank does have frontal weak spots, you just have to find them.
ReplyDeleteOverlord, ETA on when the french tanks will be available for public testing?
ReplyDeleteoverlord id really like to see the m18 hellcat it would be awesome to use
ReplyDeleteand yes i know the Armour is crap but the speed is so good it doesn't matter
ReplyDelete"- Removed the alarm sound for enemy base capture. Reduced the volume of alarm sound for own base capture"
ReplyDeleteI want to change my vote from excellent to bad now please.
Overlord, please give the tier 5 premium tanks a buff, actually they earn less credits than a normal tier 5, becouse of that small cannons they have...
1- give them more firepower (new cannon).
2- give them more credit ratio.
3- reduce the tier spread on matchmaker to tier5 max only.
I hope you make them more fun...
Wow so many ignorant people. I do wonder how many of those that voted for the Type 59 actually own one?
ReplyDeleteWell i do and its definately not OP.
In fact the only true OP tank (not arty) in the game is the pz38h
Even after its nerf its still a beast and death on tier2 and below tanks.
The new poll ist... em... interesting.
ReplyDelete"Which premium tank has better relative performance in its class?" With no doubt it is the Hotchkiss - but who cares about T2?!
So, if we speak about classes players seriously play, (those clases a player dosn't just need to grind trough and - in case of the hotchkiss - doesn't only play to lighten up the statistics *g*) than it should be the Type 59...
[small]Löwe suxx lately... [/smaller]
But btw, is it possible to fix the thingy that you're aiming at the sky everytime that u're zooming in near a house? Would be nice, thx ;)
Ps II J, true, not already live, but from what i'm testing it's just the MOST OP tank of the whole game: there is almost not a single tank , even in T4, who can do constant damage to him. It's like to have a slow Panther in T2. His gun suck, but who care when you can sit the whole day in the open and don't take any damage, even from arty ?
ReplyDeleteAll the stuff that is said about the Type-59 now I all heard before right when the Lowe was a new tank. But when everyone learned the weak spots on it the complaining stopped and the same will happen with the Type 59 when people learn where to hit it.
ReplyDeleteI have both the Lowe and Type 59 and the Lowe outperforms the Type 59 every time.
I'd say the Pz. B2 tier 4 heavy. It's almost guaranteed to be on top of the list in any match, and can go one-on-one with any other tank it sees. Not to mention mopping the floor with anything else that dares piss it off :)
ReplyDeleteExcept the Hotchkiss doesn't get the matchmaking it used to....trust me I know....so it doesn't get the advantages a Type 59 gets.....so wtf people.
ReplyDelete>>>"Overlord said...
ReplyDeleteQ: What the exact status of French tank? They are balanced now? final testing?
A: preparing them for public testing.
December 5, 2011 12:59 PM"<<<<
Thank you Overlord, that is good news indeed.
I don't mean to be a bore but is M103 and JT 88 L/71 possibly included in that testing? Please, please, pretty please 8)
@ ldz777:
ReplyDeletetankiller is not my nikname in wot, its my google acount, im playing since january, and have in total more than 7K battles(beta+release).
And yes i want to take profit from my little m4a2e4... :P
I have 3 tier 9 tanks and i think tier 2-6 are the most fun in game.
quote: "I'd say the Pz. B2 tier 4 heavy. It's almost guaranteed to be on top of the list in any match, and can go one-on-one with any other tank it sees."
ReplyDeleteThe B2 is the only tier 4 heavy right now, so it doesn't fit to this poll. ;) Otherwise you would be correct. And the only way to be not on top of the list is having another B2 in your team, no other tank will be placed above you.
As mentioned before, people do not have the 'hot kiss' on their radar because no one plays the low tiers seriously but grinds through them as fast as possible. So they can pass this threat quickly. The T-59 on the other hand will be a threat for all of us for ages.
Unlike the other high tier premiums the T-59 is small and fast which makes it difficult to hit it anywhere let alone the small weak zone at its front. That's why it's hated so much in relation to the fair to beat other t8 premiums.
What I don't undestand is why it has another matchmaking than the other tier 8 mediums. This should not be the case.
It may be off topic but I'd really like to know why tier 8 meds are excluded from tier 12 games. Introducing this feature would be a win-win situation:
- People would be able to kill T-59 more often which should bust its OP myth and therefore stop the ingame moaning.
- Hier tier arty would face more threats and therefore become less dominating / boring for the other players.
I have several premium tanks:
ReplyDelete1. Type 59, I take it to be overpowered, in order to back that you can check my statistics (player nick Twistedboy) and compare type to t44. They are the same tier and I am the same player driving both so check and you will see that victory ratio, kill ratio and average xp is almost double in type favor.
2. Pz 735 nice to play, you are top tank in tier 3 battles with a tier 2 tank, but can be killed easy (killed one yesterday with my T2 medium tank).
3. B2, only tier 4 heavy, matchmaking is putting you against Hetzer, no way you can kill him with a tier 1 gun. No OP my opinion. Good armor weak gun.
4. Valnetine, fun to play but no advantage, the same goes for Ram.
5. Lowe is a great tank but no OP compared to other tier 8 heavies, has a great gun and a soft body (stug can penetrate you easily), and burns every second game.
Personally I like the balance of all premium tanks, none of them will give you superiority in exchange for money (only Type will offer that, but any way, you need to know how to drive med tank before you can exploit that superiority).
cameron1991 said...
ReplyDeleteI rated the patch as bad because I don't like the fact that I will no longer be able to use my custom skins.
December 5, 2011 12:47 PM
Check the forums: the skinning community has managed to do the workaround so that custom skins can still be used.
But btw, is it possible to fix the thingy that you're aiming at the sky everytime that u're zooming in near a house? Would be nice, thx ;)
ReplyDeleteBut btw, is it possible to fix the thingy that you're aiming at the sky everytime that u're zooming in near a house? Would be nice, thx ;)
But btw, is it possible to fix the thingy that you're aiming at the sky everytime that u're zooming in near a house? Would be nice, thx ;)
I agree 3X's!!! " )
Only t59 has slightly op armor to add to its tiny profile and manouverability. Lowe weak as ang actually gets into tier x battles often. T59s matchmaking is most superior to any tank. If that is fixed then it would be better, maybe even armor slightly nerfed. I have Lowe and KV-5 and can't complain about either. They should both be 7.5k g like the 59 then all is well. Lowe has better gun and can pen most things if played well. KV-5 has good rof and can flank due to all round good armor and speed. Then gun is fine, in any tier with he. When it is top dog, KV can anihilate, lowe can't. I make good cash in both but it seems it is harder now in Lowe as I need yo do more damage in higher tiers to keep high profits. It was better when it was 7500 g. Looks like WG double lol'd it. 12,5k is crazy, every tier 8 should be 7.5k and they fail. T59 needs MM fix asap. (sorry for bad layout, I wrote this on phone)
ReplyDeleteI would agree with whoever said the MA2E4 could do with a bit of a boost.... It was good for the first week after beta but after everyone got their tanks again it was a poor man's M4...mainly due to the gun. Manoeuverability and armour are in line with the M4's class but the gun is pretty useless against tier5+.... The same as most premium v tanks' guns...
ReplyDeleteCan you give us an update on the M103. We are now 1 week into December. When do you feel we will have the M103 in our garage and also, what is the timeline for the T110?
Happy Holidays.
Upcoming nerf of Type i see...
ReplyDeleteThe problem with this poll is very few people meet RAM II and 38H735 where in return most people constantly meet Type 59 tanks in wolfpacks instead of just meeting a single...
ReplyDeleteI have Type59 and KV-5. First of all Type59 aint op, you just need to know where to shoot it.
ReplyDeleteYou wouldnt shoot Tiger P on front, or T32 on the turret, so why complain about a tank thats balanced where the only problem is people cant be arsed to learn about weak spots.
I hope wargaming wont change a thing about the tank, as when i bought the tank, i bought it based on the stats that it has now, and if they mess with those, people will want refunds. The only thing they can do is up the price to maybe 10k, to lower their rarity.
As far as KV-5, thats a fine tank. Its not noob friendly but to an experienced player it can be deadly.
As for the Type59: I think it performs really well because it is an ideal tank to hunt in packs. It is fast, has good acceleration, a small silloute, has the frontal armor of a T8 heavy tank and bounces shots like crazy. Another plus of the tank are the unusual weak spots, because most players learn that the lower hull plate is the weakest point and the upper chassis is the hardest to penetrate, while it is the exact opposite on the Type 59. It is too hard to stop with a Tank T7 or lower. It can get anywhere on the map fast, a big difference to other tanks like the Löwe.
ReplyDeleteThe only comparable medium on that tier is the Pershing, but that tank is far easier to damage.
The T44, which should be comparable is a joke before the 0.7 patch in comparison. The Panther2 is a good tank, but it is no agile brawler and as such much less versatile as the Type 59.
The only weakness of the Type 59 is the gun, but that can be circumvented by getting in a better position, which is pretty easy considering the low profile and manouverability.
I think the Type 59 has the biggest list of strengths and the smallest list of weaknesses, which makes it a great tank.
The Löwe in comparison has only one real strength, the powerful and precise gun. Its engine is the most fragile thing on that tank and cripples it severly when damaged.
As for the PzKpfw 38H735(f), it might be OP when encountered, but noone has to spend much time on Tier 2.
Questions to Overlord
ReplyDelete1) Any ETA for 7.0?
2) Do you will improve t28 front armor?
Oh people, stop asking about French tanks and M103. It is already obvious that they wont come this year. Patch with so many new tanks will need around two weeks of public tests and it is hard to believe that they will start just after launching v. 0.7.0 which I suppose can be in the beginning of next week.
ReplyDeleteType 59 with its tier extremely unfair matchmaking spread...
ReplyDeleteIts just as powerful, if not more powerful than the elite tier 8 mediums, yet it is lower down in the matchmaking spread.
Either Nerf the tank or increase the MM spread
And overlord,
ReplyDeleteDo you have a 7.1 ETA yet?, by the looks of things it wont be available for testing until mid January 2012
WP wrote: "The only OP premium tank is in my opinion 38H735(f) (I would call it micro-maus because mini-maus is VK4502). Many tanks from the same tire have no chance to penetrate his front!"
ReplyDeleteNot true. The weakest point on the tank is on the front, and it's not small, either. If new players haven't educated themselves on weak spots, that's their problem, not an issue with the tank design.
I've blown quite a few of them to shreds in a matter of seconds using T2 tanks. For the record, I also own a 38f and my highest kill-count game (9 kills) is in that tank -- but that's because I'm fanatical about protecting its weak spot.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was trying it on a test server long time ago, I was very rare penetrated from the front. PZII's, BT2's and some other tanks were bouncing dozens times in a row. I was just standing, watching my sides and killing them one by one. I have once battle in which were left alone against 6 tanks. Killed them all almost withoit damage. In other I had 9 kills.
This is my only experience, because I haven't played in T1-T3 for many months. So maybe he has weakspots. But I think they are hard to hit, especially that most players who meet them plays their first games and use auto aim.
38H735(f), definitely the most OP tank for it's Tier.
ReplyDeleteI've recently been going back and playing Tier 1 tanks again, eg: MS-1, and Loltraktor. I've been using the PowPowPow guns (20/23mm Autocannons), they work perfectly against all other tanks in Tier 1/2, but the 38H735(f), it bounces it from all angles/sides since it armor > penetration of those types of guns.
I think the 38H735(f)should only be placed in Tier 2/3/4 battles, not into the same group as Tier 1. Many Tier 1 tanks even with the 37mm Pop guns have trouble penetrating the sides, due to their inaccuracy and low penetration.
Also the autocannons have very limited range, they can not hit any targets further then 360m since the shells disappear.
BTW, it also seems the French gets this tank aka H35 and brother the R35 @ Tier 2 as well. 40mm front and side armor for bother turret and hull practically makes it invulnerable to Tier 1. So I hope it doesn't make it into Tier 1 battles, or noobs will be quite frustrated.
The Type 59 will not be nerfed, the only thing they will do is raise the price to 12.5K gold like they did with the Lowe when the community was crying about that tank being too OP.
ReplyDeleteSo you better get one now that they are still cheap.
nah, it may get better win %, but you can't train crew on it, except for chinese tanks:P
ReplyDeleteI hope that I did not overlook this, but is there a German 12.8 cm Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001(H) "Sturer Emil" TD planned?
ReplyDeleteQ: Just a suggestion: what about additional 4th equipment slot? (gold purchaseable can be...)
ReplyDeleteChar B2 (pzkpfw) Tier 4 Heavy is a real beast. I got 180 battle with it and ALWAYS, i said ALWAYS I am the top tank. No exception!
ReplyDeleteOnly arty can damage it, elite: T-28,T40, Marder II, Hetzer and thats it.
Leopard can deal some damage if he knows where are the weak points, but its a really powerful tank and I love it.
Got more then 5 million credit from that 180 battle.
A very good battle: http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/7986/shot404.jpg
Q: Overlord, ETA on when the french tanks will be available for public testing?
ReplyDeleteA: This year. :)
Q1: Any ETA for 7.0?
ReplyDeleteQ2: Do you will improve t28 front armor?
A1: December 2011.
A2: No.
Q: Do you have a 7.1 ETA yet?, by the looks of things it wont be available for testing until mid January 2012
ReplyDeleteA: Hard to say. The ETA will be determined based on the public test results.
Q: Q: Just a suggestion: what about additional 4th equipment slot? (gold purchaseable can be...)
ReplyDeleteA: Not planned.
@ Leisure_Shoot
ReplyDeleteSturer Emil is included in revised tech trees as a tier 7 TD. I am waiting for it :)
ReplyDeleteI am glad you found where to change picture, much easier to find your comments now :)
Thanks for listening to me
Q: Overlord, ETA on when the french tanks will be available for public testing?
ReplyDeleteA: This year. :)
Somehow I don't believe you ;)
Type59 is a real "made in china" product.
ReplyDeleteIf you hit him, it will something breack in it: tower, gun, ammorack etc.
And I never got as much tracked in other tanks as in the type59.
Oh, and chinese people in the tank are weak too... i have to aid someone in every single battle using the First aid kit.
A battle in type59 costs usually:
3000 for repair kit
3000 for first aid
3000 beacuse of fire
+ ammo
+ repair
Is it really OP?
Q1: Any ETA for 7.0?
ReplyDeleteA1: December 2011.
we all know the eta is in December
we want to know the date or the week.
stop giving childish answers.
ReplyDelete8th of December
ReplyDelete8th is only for Russia not for US,EU servers
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOoops, my bad.) I thought it would be set on all servers simultaneously, not just on ours, and lack of announcements on EU and US servers was temporary
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