Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Object 252 or IS-6 in Screenshots

New Soviet tier 8 premium tank Object 252 featured in screenshots.

PS: It's BL-9 gun.
PPS: Released date hasn't been fixed yet.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dnieper Special

We have prepared the following bonuses for you (details on the initial announcement):

1. Doubled profitability for tier 5 arties: Hummel, SU-8, M41.

Bonus from 1. is available starting
August 25, 5:30 am UTC - EU.
August 25, 11:30 am UTC - US
August 26, 5:00 am UTC - EU
August 26, 11:00 am UTC - US.

  • Price for replacing crew personal data decreased 5 times - 10 gold now.
  • Price in gold for the following premium tanks halved - Valentine, Matilda, PzKpfw B2 740 (f), Ram-II.
  • Price in credits for the following tanks halved - Т-34, SU-76, KV-1S, PzKpfw III/IV, PzKpfw IV, PzKpfw VI Tiger, M7, M4A3E8 Sherman, T1 heavy.
All bonuses from 2. are available starting
August 25, 5:30 am UTC - EU.
August 25, 11:30 am UTC - US
August 29, 5:00 am UTC - EU
August 29, 11:00 am UTC - US.


August 13-22 Poll Results.

3988 players took part in the most recent poll.  3455 of them (or 87%) think that the overall design of the blog is either good or OK, while 533 voters (13%) demanded redesign.

Thanks for the input (it was needed for me personally).

New weekly poll is up. It's dedicated to the latest Gamescom expo.