Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Making Your Tanks Premium. Discussion

Possible new feature: make your tank work like premium.

Having paid a certain amount of gold (depending on the vehicle tier), you are changing the status of your tier 1-8 tank to premium for a fixed period of time (let's say a few hours). This will enable 1.5x credit income for this vehicle during the specified period. The bonus will stack with premium account of course.

- Premium tanks can't be given temporary premium status (they are already premium)
- SPGs can't be given temporary premium status (balance purposes)
- The vehicle should be Elite to enable "premium status"
- Premium account is not required to enable the feature

Would you like such feature?


  1. No tier 9 or 10, and not covering SPG's makes it 100% useless.

  2. Thats nice, but how much gold? :)

  3. Hmm, depends on how much it costs and if you can also use it when you're not on premium (the premium for all your tanks that is).

    But yes this looks like a fun feature. :)

  4. It sounds like a great feature, but why no SPG support? What do you mean "balance purposes?"
    If all this feature will do is increase credit income, then what does balance have to do with anything?

    Sounds like you don't want us making too much credits...

  5. If you did that instead of a straight gold > credit exchange, I would say yes.

  6. I think its makes not much sense.

  7. premium ferdi or isu with bl-10... hell yeah, i can imagine how much creds they can earn


  9. I think thats not good, i like more if we get new tier V premium tanks what are usable

  10. hell yeah :) using a tier 10 tank without worrying that the rest of your team sucks and loosing 50k a battle :)

  11. I would prefer to be able to change ingame money into gold, like we can change gold to ingame money, so people can earn gold even without paying real money.

  12. that sounds like a great idea, especially if you could do it for just a few hours

  13. To be quite frank it pisses me off that every single time you see something better it's all about the gold. Why cant we see feature for silver coins as well? Why do you pump so much into gold and all these stuff? Cant the free user have a day or or 12hours of premium for some silver coins?

  14. Feffrey...
    Yes it will be nice to have it on tier 9 atleast an tier 10 will be nice, but tier 9 is fine :)

    It nice to see you think about it and SPG's not are in the deal is nice for guss how many SPG's there will come in the game ;) The game will not be playable.

  15. Nice idea and now fix repair kit for both tracks :-)

  16. feffrey,

    initially we announced that we would not include premiums of tiers 9-10

  17. Sounds pretty awesome to me. Derp M4 making 150%+150% I already get. Im interested.

  18. Nope - first of all fix overpowered Type 59 which ruins the game.

  19. The value of gold also needs to be increased, as much as this game revolves around gold, I for one feel like i am being jipped when i have to end up using old on something.

  20. Chunga,

    not instead, but together with

  21. Depends on ammonut of gold you have to pay for in example 12hrs of "premium Tiger". But i like the idea, sounds good for me.

  22. Meerkat,

    it wont be possible until we are totally sure no one is exploiting to earn credits.

  23. I would like this, sounds as a good option. Everything to earn some more experience! Perhaps also a kind of 'action' for example all Tier 5 tanks earn 3x XP for an hour on a Saturday?
    Motivation to gain experience is always needed, as you want players to keep playing.

  24. So good, we can play our favorit tank to farm lot of crédits ! I need this otpion !

  25. I was gonna suggest this VERY idea (including the tiers 1 - 8). However I don't see why tier 1 - 8 SPGs would be excluded, when there are premium SPGs planned for upcoming release.

    Also maybe consider the ability to allow us to permanently "premium" a tank, but of course it would cost a good bit of gold (like that of a Lowe, or maybe more).

  26. d3MMoNuL,

    actually the purpose of this feature to let players earn more credits using their favourite tanks

  27. Citat: It sounds like a great feature, but why no SPG support? What do you mean "balance purposes?"
    If all this feature will do is increase credit income, then what does balance have to do with anything?

    Sounds like you don't want us making too much credits...

    Thats because there will come to much SPG's in the game and you will get games with 10 SPG's on both side.

  28. zelcer,

    T59 is not OP, it is behind all other tier 8 mediums barring T-44, which is being buffed

  29. Yes,depending on price.

    Would like arty included though.

  30. Hmmm, not sure if this is a good idea - One of the things with Premiums is that the credit earning is off-set by the 'stock' setup - If you can Premiumise (sic) any T8 you'll be able to make good amounts of credits without having to do that much which could make for some very frustrating battles as all the temporary premium tanks rush the enemy because they wont loose any money - The little amounts of tactics that appear in random battles will completely disappear...

    If you want people to spend gold to get credits you should think about increasing the credits-for-gold conversion rate.

    Plus, you'll really annoy all the people who have already bought T8 Premium tanks...

  31. Overlord yes i understand your point of view but cant we have SOMETHING for the free user as well? I understand that every company needs to make money to survive in this industry but still give the 'small people" some "love"

  32. I would go for it if the premium and the premium tank time was based on play time and not time of day.

  33. Not interesting...
    Lower tier tanks make enough credits for me.
    Tiger and GW-panther as an example :)

  34. Would this extra premium staus stack with holiday bonuses where specific tanks earn extra credits?

  35. I think it would be bather to have option to permanently change some elite thank to premium example: changing is-3 to premum for 5-6000golds. I dont think that players will pay match gold for something that will be active few hours when they can buy premium thank that will stay premium forever.

  36. No dear god no. Its open "you must spend more gold" greed.

  37. "Overlord yes i understand your point of view but cant we have SOMETHING for the free user as well?"

    Mate, your something is THE GAME. For free. Enjoy!

  38. Rick Miller,

    prolly it would, need to think it over.

  39. This is a really great feature idea and something me and my friends have been talking about would be nice. I would prefer if the money multiplier would be much higher on lower tier tanks (below 7). Its always extra fun during the special events when there are many people playing tier 5/6 when normally that tier ends up not so popular during regular days. I think paying for a weekly premium for this sounds like a good sweetspot.

  40. Idea is good. But I think people will be buying much less premium tanks if you introduce this option.

  41. @D3MMoNuL:
    You get the whole game for free... why are you whining?

  42. Wouldn't use it unless it goes to tier 9.

  43. Since Wagaming will charge a ridiculous amount of money for this feature, I'm against it. I wish you guys were as creative when it comes to things that really alter the game like new game modes or gameplay mechanics.
    Making this a permanent feature for a tank would cost the player 7500G for a T8 heavy tank I guess (otherwise you would'nt sell more Löwe's).

  44. Good idea, like it. But unfortunately i'm unemployed, so couldn't spend money to the game.

  45. @Simon There's already quite a bit of SPG's in the game and nothing is being done about that. Perhaps the fault is with the matchmaker that has a tendency to put 15 SPG's into one match, and 2 SPG's in the next.

  46. So why did I buy these Premium tanks then? This would not be fair to the people who already bought premium tanks.

  47. Good idea except a big detail (already given by others)
    Why earning more credits for "a short period of time" as you can convert your gold to credits (and be sure to have them since the random teams sometimes leads to series of defeats !!)?

    A tank having a "forever" premium status will be more useful. And people loving to play with will play even more often.
    As others say, a premium tank is premium forever, spending gold for a one shot premium advantage is not, for me, a good idea.

    anyway "bravo" to try to find such good ideas that will improve, I'm sure, the game !!

  48. d3MMoNuL ... the free guys did get love... did you miss the Thanksgiving special? Some tanks got double credits

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. My only concern is that is will lessen the value of the current premium vehicles, especially the lower-tier premium vehicles, whose only advantage over normal tanks is that they do make more money, for their statistics are decidedly inferior, as an example...

    might as well sell the Matilda, Churchill, T14, T-25, etc. if the KV can be a premium.

  51. That's rather interesting...

    Depending upon the price, from a cash generation (for WG) and credits for the players it really could be a nice win/win.

    Like anything else the long term investment (ie buying a premium tank) will probably be the better option - but the option for those who don't want to spend 1500-7500 gold its a neat idea.
    Its also could be a good way to 'test drive' a gold tank for a brief time... I think I like the concept

    Me personally: I have 7 gold tank, I probably won't use the feature

  52. - Premium tanks can't be given temporary premium status (they are already premium)

    So what, They are premium. Its about making credits and the economy needs all the help it can get...

    - SPGs can't be give temporary premium status (balance purposes)

    Agian, Makes NO sense we are talking about making credits here. This does not effect how a tank will perform. I will admit it may change HOW a tank player will play the tank.

    - The vehicle should be Elite

    I would say the Vehicle will be required to be Elite status before this is an option.

    - Premium account is not required to enable the feature

    This is a great player option. The Premium accounts still get to stack with this option. I would watch it with the events. I am all for give the players as much as possible but i can see this happening...

    ((Normal Damage * 1.5(prem))*1.5(PremCredOpt))* Event Multiplier.

    ((15500*1.5)*1.5)*5(5XEvent)=261K Not saying i wouldn't mind that but it would really change the economy the other way.

    Love the Idea, it just needs to be a micro transaction...

  53. This is something I've been saying from the beginning, it would stop the huge influx of Type 59s, Lowe's and others. People want to make credits without having to grind there asses off all day long. But then again it depends on how greedy War gaming gets with a feature like that...and given there current record I can't imagine them charging a fair price for it.

  54. i already make more than enough creds with my premium account and tanks and it lasts a month at a time so this will have to be very cheap like 50 gold an hour or something to be cost effective because in an hour of my premium tanks i can make easily 2 million if not close to it and these tanks are permanent.

  55. @WP and Mnx, how is it a problem if people buy less premiums? I assume it will be made up by people paying for this instead? you will have a much better spread of tanks with this feature if even 1/3 of the people using type 59s or löwes use their panther II or IS-3.

  56. Instead of stacking with a premium account, make this possible for standard, non-premium accounts.
    And instead of making it a temporary effect, make it permanent.
    So with a standard account, you could turn some of your tanks to behave as if you had a premium account (+50% credits and exp). Balance the gold costs to be slightly lower than current premium tanks of the same tier, since they still would make less credits than "true" premium tanks such as Löwe and T59.

  57. I love it... it's a GREAT idea. I need some time to really think about it to see if there are any truly negative side effects, but nothing off the top of my head.

  58. An interesting way to deal with the swarms of tier 8 premiums. If you made it so people with premium accounts had the option of doing this with a single tank, as well as having it be a stand alone service available to anyone, it would be a lot more appealing then just another money hole.

  59. In my opinion not a good idea and here is why:

    if it costs too less many, everyone will convert his tanks into premiums, so you dont have to do anything go become very rich (and I dont even want to imagine what happens when those premium-tanks stack with a double-credit event...)

    if it costs too much, well, then I just could buy me a real premium tank which will last forever and not only for a few hours.

    Problem with converting normal tanks forever into a premium is that those are normally far better than their premium counterparts.

    Nevertheless, its always good to come up with new ideas =)

  60. @Stanthecanadianman you have time to run 30+ games an hour?

  61. I dont think it would be to fair to the premium folks. It would better to focus on correcting the other issues like:
    - camo problems (nothing like having a heavy tank within 200m moving at full speed disappearing in the middle of an open field)
    - t-59 OP (you said it isnt but real world testing shows it is. If I bounce an e100 shot off the side of a t59, its OP. Dont have any issues with the t54 which is a tier above. Have you done any comparisons of the winning % when you have 5 or 6 t59's on one side and none on the other. I would suspect they win greater than 90% of the time)
    - T34/T30 replacements (come on already and do the replacement)
    - Shots "missing" the target when the enemy tanks is bigger than the aiming receptacle.
    - Tanks that continue to turn left or right after you release the turn button.

  62. No, just another way of farming money out of us!

  63. What kind of buff is the t44 going to get?????

  64. Return free daily gold! (maybe 50 not 150, but return it!)
    The price will be probably so absurd, that it will be better to just buy a 24h premium and farm the hell away with your whole garage...

  65. another whoring cash income idea from WG

    1st of all how much will it cost? since there is a premium account option for a set period of time, and it works with all your tanks, not only one

    making extra Cr it's a balance issue?! what the hell!
    how does one gain an advantage for having a lot of Cr?

  66. Chaucer,

    these are totally independent features / stuff, that require efforts of different teams. So it's off-topic here.

  67. @Podcat not every person who has a Lowe or T-59 uses it every battle well if they do they should just uninstall but i use my Lowe maybe 1-5 times a day that's it usually just to get the double takes about 2-3 matches than i go back to my more main tanks for like 10 15 matches before i touch another one of my prems

  68. @zmeul - If you could make arty premium, everyone with arty would (because they make quite a lot of money already) so you would have 15 arty vs 15 arty matches, hence balance issues...

  69. @Overlord:
    I Think its a good Idea.
    Q: Will it be possible to get the Tank Permanent Premium (Stug III i think about 3000Gold?).
    How long would be the time for "Instant Premium" (1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month?)?

  70. CaptKing,

    where did you get 5x from? :) It's only provided for first victory per day to your exp income during specials. Premium tanks don't provide any exp bonus.

  71. Not only yes, but HELL YEAH.

    Do want. X 1000.

  72. As someone else pointed out - it would have to be a super low gold cost to be worthwhile, otherwise I just buy a comparable premium vehicle.

    Honestly, I think the best way to proceed is to charge a slightly higher cost than existing premiums and make the bonus *permanent*.

    For example: tier 5 medium premiums are around 1500 gold. For 25-50% more (2000-2250 gold say) you can make your favorite tier 5 a premium permanently.

  73. Phobos86,

    it's only an initial dicsussion. Just a thought. No figures atm.

  74. Stanthecanadianman I have to question your number also. I average 5 min per battle (12 per hour) and 50,000 credits per battle after expenses. That puts me at 600,000 credits an hour. With lead in to battle and getting a drink subtract one battle 550,000.
    Chaucer you said you have 5 or 6 t59's on one side and none on the other. I would suspect they win greater than 90% of the time) only if your team doesn't work as a team. You know they will rush so play defense and engage them where arty can shoot them too. Works every time.

  75. I'd pubstar my E50 liek a bauss if it was premium.

  76. If SPGs are not allowed the premium status (for balance purpose) I would have to say no. Unless I didnt read this right, you did say it is a 1.5x INCOME right? Last I checked, SPGs cost millions to upgrade. And thousands to run. If the SPG is used properly, and is used to soften the enemy team, 9 times out of 10, the SPGs lose money. And what class is it that is BLAMED for almost all losses? Oh yeah...SPGs...even though EVERYONE complains when they are in a match, the same people complain when the SPGs dont have half of the kills. I think they only way this would be fair is if all tanks, tank destroyers and SPGs would be allowed the premium option.

  77. @ Only_Slightly_Bent
    absolutely not
    having an arty unit, or any unit, doesn't just take Cr, it also requires XP, a lot more XP than Cr .. if you can actually compare them
    premium tanks give you extra Cr income, not extra XP
    also to convert XP into free XP is done via gold, not Cr

    WG already said they'll add premium SPGs into the game, so I don't see the point

  78. Too bad about "should be elite" b/c it would make grinding up top tanks much easier if they made more $$. Having to grind a Lowe at the same time as a T34 was a pain.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. @Only_Slightly_Bent have you ran arty over tier 5? If you have, and you think they are making too much...then you need to shoot more often.

  81. It would be nicer if you can pay (let's say) from 500 to 7500 gold (from the lower tiers up to the tier 8) to make it a permanent premium.

    How about that?

  82. If its a one time gold purchase and then forever premium, yes.
    Else no... this game is too expensive alredy. How about just balance the cred income of some vehicles?

  83. It screws the guys who coughed up all the gold for prem tanks but that shouldnt shock anyone. I think its like the horn idea....Good for the company, not so good for the players.

  84. This goes back to the 'Premium Tag' that was suggested on the forums several months ago. I'm so down with this idea. Might even redeem the full retard idea of tank locking.

  85. Make it for X games and whatever, it doesn't hurt game balance. Just gives people more to spend money on.

  86. to all people who wine about gold cost, making a game and patching costs lots of money so it is normal they want to gain it back. If you dont pay anything at all, this game actually offers a lot compared to other games. I have seen paid games with less and the developers have prommised to ad more stuff (french tree, british,..)

    I might try out the new feature if the deal is interessting but i dont know yet. I am more interested in a way to gain (crew)expierence faster

    by the way overlord is there any chance that bessides tanks half tracks could becomme part of the game? sdkfz 251/2 could make a nice tier 2 arty or an sdkfz 251/10 could be a tier 2 TD
    america could have the T19/M21 81 mm MMC and the T48 57 mm GMC
    russia could have the BA-30 or a lend and lease M3

  87. Hi Overlord,
    Some feedback – long read - part one :)

    I agree with Chaucer in case of Type 59 and rest of the stuff. Type 59 is a real problem in case of game play fun. I saw many battles (playing tier 5/6) where on one side were 4 or 5 premium Type 59 and on the other – none premium. Most of those battles were won by Type 59 guys. Secondly comments on the chat are mostly about Type 59 or I should say “Chinese”. People don’t like to play with/against Chinese at all, and many times comments on the chat are (I will censor bad words): “just shoot Chinese – whatever will be score of the battle” or “I just simply quit with this matchmaking (words of player in IS-3)”. Moreover Type 59 is based on T-54A so why are you comparing it with T-44? Type 59 should be tier 9 (and probably have a hit box of T-54).
    I’m financial analyst in one of the biggest financial companies in the world and I’m really wondering what was the purpose of implementation of Type 59 in the game. Probably point was to gather some players from Republic of China (and their money – business needs to produce revenue anyway) but implementation of single premium tank – where there is no proper tank tree for this nation – what’s the point of doing that? In the same way you should implement single premium tank for every major nation playing WoT. We still are waiting for British tree which will be probably the end of 2012 so there should be single British premium under British flag. Similarly with Czech, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Japan ect. That would be fair.

  88. now part two :)

    Now going to the premium stock tanks. What’s the point of making them for fix time (few hours)? If the tank is elite then advanced player is making more credits than player on the same tank which is not elite. If you would like to give premium status for stock tank then it should be done permanently for fixed amount of gold (for example 1000-8000 for tanks tier 1-8).
    Secondly if you would like to do such change then you need to fix matchmaking with premium tanks. If player which doesn’t have enough experience will hit few platoons with premium tanks then all fun goes away and only what he will do is swearing. Example with Type 59 is a very good one. If you will implement fix time premium stock tanks then you will end with situation that people will play only premiums and rest will quit or stay on the lower tiers just for fun.

  89. I like that idea, but it could be expanded a bit.
    Taking in to account prices of consumables and other prices of WOT hours is hardly worth spending gold on, if lets say t29 for 4h would cost 300 gold, as in this 4h player can play max 20 games.
    If price is actualy reasonoble, and had options not only on few hours, but day , week and even month, i would be very interested in to that thing.
    also there is few more things you could introduce with this
    - like extra gold for bigger bonus option, lets say, t29 for 24h x1.5 is 300 gold, but x2 is 450 (wouldnt go more than x2 credits).

    I wish you guys introduce some premium tank that is actualy fun to play with, as all are very limited small are lacking gun or HE like RAM (even tho small tanks are not money makers, i m looking for fun tank to play with)
    I bought lowe and hate it as how great money maker is, so much is not fun to play with:/

    If you introduced easy8 to make credits like on resent special , i would give 10 000 gold for it and my lowe with it.

    Please introduce some tank up to tier 6 that can match t59 in credits even if it cost more, i m sure more players will buy that kind of tanks as most of smaller tiers are more fun to play.

  90. zelcer,

    some points:

    1. T59 was introduced following a request of our Chinese partners. Chinese WoT server is a little bit bigger than EU and US combined, so we did a small favour for them adding this vehicle.

    2. Regarding attitude to it - it's a matter of manners, I suppose.

    3. Current idea is ability to make only ELITE vehicles work like premium, stock vehicles won't get this option.

  91. @ zelcer
    sincerely U'r making no sense at all
    you play tier 5-6 tanks and you complain about T59 being OP, the hell? T59 it's a tier 8 tank
    T59 may be matched to low, that's the real problem, that doesn't make it OP

  92. Top,

    aren't tier 8 premiums fun enough? T2 LT? Hotchkiss? RAM?

  93. I would do it if the price was like something 1k gold a month. Anything above that I wouldn't use it as I already have a premium tank + if the price is to steep, most will just get a premium tank if they had gold

  94. I wouldn't like this feature...I'd love it!!!!1!!

    To be honest, though, I'd probably use this mostly on tier 8, 7, and 6 tanks rather than lower tiers (T-44, P2, JP, T25, T32, IS-3, Ferdi, ISU, T20, VK3001P, T-34-85). This may flood the servers with tier 8 tanks...but at least there would be a large variety.

  95. A good idea, but it needs to be similar to the current premium feature at one-fifth the cost (500 gold a month for a premiumized tech tree tank). Lower tier tanks need a higher coefficient, otherwise, due to the matchmaker, most people would play T8 (highest overall income, can deal with any tank in the game). Give T1-5 x3 times coefficient, x2 for T6-7, and x1.5 for T8.

  96. Yes and no.

    Yes, I would like to able to make tanks "premium".
    No, I wouldn't spend gold on it for just a few hours of duration.
    Make it permanent but expensive (50% of a new premium tank). You could have options for temporary premium status alongside the permanent option of course.

  97. There are plenty of fun premium tanks out there:
    T2 is a freaking blast!
    As is the M22 and the RamII
    Not sure if I like my Hotckiss yet

    I also enjoy my T59 most games (when its not in lakeville vs 4 other T59's)

    But for shear fun you can't beat the T2.
    I play the low tier premium just for fun now! The 10-20K I make in a match is just a bonus

    Overlord: I've long suspected that was the reason behind the T59's addition - and frankly I was thrilled to have the option to buy a prem tank that handles like the perishing!

  98. How about instead of making the TANKS premium temporarily, you instead use a method that has a rotational schedule for the NATIONS.

    For example: Week 1 = Russian tank supremacy.
    -Tanks cost less to repair.
    -Earn more credits and XP.
    -Cheaper to purchase by 15% (a tank costing $3,400,000 credits would have its price reduced by $510,000 credits.

    Week 2 = new nation

    Week 3 = new nation

    And so on. The system would just rotate featuring one nation per week. I think this would be better than making a "temporary premium" tank status.

    If Wargaming wanted to make money off this with gold, they could make it so that premium users would be the only one that benefited. This will increase the number of premium users and prolong the usage of premium status as the benefits of premium would increase making it "more worth it."

  99. Overlord:

    Q: 1. T59 was introduced following a request of our Chinese partners. Chinese WoT server is a little bit bigger than EU and US combined, so we did a small favour for them adding this vehicle.

    A: thought so... business is business... but you haven't explained why T59 is on tier 8 where T59 is reconstruction of T-54 (tier 9) and why are you comparing it to T-44... This doesn't make a sense at all.

    2. Regarding attitude to it - it's a matter of manners, I suppose.

    A: is not about manners - people doesn't want to fight with/against T59 - even expierienced players in tanks like IS-3 - game is loosing on fun when seeing bunch of T59 anyway.

    3. Current idea is ability to make only ELITE vehicles work like premium, stock vehicles won't get this option.

    A: indeed - my typing mistake - sorry. I want to say that expierienced players on ELITE tank earns enough amount of credits anyway (personally with PzIV) so what's the point of fix time for premium? Permanent time is better.

  100. Whatever you do is nice, as long as you are careful not to make it into pay-2-win.

    A good example of Pay2Win, is by making camo give an actual bonus.

  101. Make it also possible to make vehicles permanent premium ;) (for a fair amount of gold ofcourse)

  102. Would be great feature! but really depends on cost.

  103. zelcer said...

    A: thought so... business is business... but you haven't explained why T59 is on tier 8 where T59 is reconstruction of T-54 (tier 9) and why are you comparing it to T-44... This doesn't make a sense at all.

    because of it's gun?!?!
    when 0.7.0 will come out, the T-44 will have the LB-1 gun, same as on the T59
    still, that won't change the fact T-44 is the underdog of tier8 mediums

  104. Overlord,

    Instead of all these cheap-shots to make quick money for wargaming, where are the features that will actually keep players in this game and make money in the long term, such as different and engaging game modes, and an endgame worth playing ?

    The more and more I hear about these obvious ways to scamm money out of the player base, like the remove maps for gold option, the more and more disappointed I become with Wargaming.

  105. @jgk150 - I really like that idea.

    @Overlord, I like the idea, but I think it should be at least 24 hours if you do it on a Premium for Gold basis. I don't use SPGs but I know a lot of people that do and the fact that the SPG grind is insanely long, I think they should be able to have premium status. If it alters nothing but credit gain, I don't see the harm.

    I would also recommend that the gold cost for making a premium tank be fairly low considering how short of duration it will be. Frankly Gold is far too expensive and doesn't get you as far now-a-days with so many ways to use it.

  106. @Eggs
    LOL you average 5 minutes a battle and still earn 50k in credits.I seriously doubt that. If you cannot last more then 5 minutes in a battle then all you are doing is seriously hurting your team IMO

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. YES, why don't you put that up as a poll? and pls if possible introduce it right away before any other patch release...together with another special event to let us finish some money/xp grind right before the patch...cheers!

  109. I like this for the following reason.
    I spend a lot of gold to covert "free" exp, but spending gold to buy credits drives me nuts. I really dont like it though I did use gold to get the last 2 million creds for the T30.
    So I like the thought of for example, once I get the Tiger II elited, makeing it premium for a few nights and griding that, I dont have to convert the free xp and I will get the credits to buy the E75 and improve the crew that will go into the E75.

    I think it will be a better grind experience to stay in the relevent tank and earn the credits there.

    So I think this is a great idea.

  110. I tink it is cool, and it dont effect the players that dont use it. just please dont make it too expensive.

  111. Overlord,

    I like this idea as a way to lower the amount of Type 59s & Lowes on the battlefield.

    I'd request that you look further into barring this from Arty though, credit/exp gain on my arty has never been especially high (as a GW Panther/GW Tiger player) compared to other tanks. Its certainly no higher than my TDs. Perhaps a 1.25x rate for Arty would be agreeable?

    Also can you elaborate on the T-44 buffs? I've always thought the Type 59 had way too much HP for its armor/rate of fire/accuracy/speed compared to the T-44. I trust you guys have looked at all the accumulated data on the Type 59, T-44, Pershing, and Panther II......can you share any stats (win/loss %, hit ratios, average kills per round, average damage dealt/taken per round, etc) to put some of the irritation about the Type 59 to rest? It would be much appreciated, perhaps even in a news post on the forums.

  112. a very good idea to make credits in your favorite tank

  113. "Overlord said...

    actually the purpose of this feature to let players earn more credits using their favourite tanks "

    If so, then why not T9 and T10? my favorite is T30 and T34, and even with premium i often lose money on winning games. i dont need to say my credit loss on losing games ...

  114. Bad idea! Now, at least I know who are (possible) bad players (be honest, do you really expect much of a premium tank in your team???)!
    If there is an option to make your tank premium (even for a few hours), there will only be a premium tanks and no one would buy "premium" tanks at all!
    No one would bother to be good anymore and to do their best! Whatever they do, they'd make money thus making this game (which I love) slipping down fast :(

  115. It's a nice idea, depending on price.

    However, I would not make this for X hours/days, but for Y number of battles. This way, players who can't spend a lot of time per day would still benefit from this in the same way as those who can, thus increasing your pool of potential customers.

  116. @GD - if I invested real money (aka gold) into making my tank premium, I'd sure as hell play to maximize my income.
    Sure, some players will play more recklessly, but I'm pretty sure most will play the same style they do every day.

  117. Bad idea in my opinion for reasons that have been stated a lot allready

  118. Good idea, this doesn't hurt anyone or anything & contributes to have less weak premium tanks on the fields.

  119. i like they idea if its not to expensive, normal tanks that are elite are already better then gold ones so it would be better credit grinding in this way.

    it will also be nice to those who do not have a löwe to find out how much a premium tank helps u in this game in the higher tiers.

    and for those who say "then noone will buy a premium tank anymore" wot probably wont care, they will make more money this way in long term

  120. I think this is a good idea, since you can earn credits fast with your favourite tanks if you need them to purchase another tank. But it depends on the gold price of this feature.

    I think it's also a good idea not to include SPG's. :-)

  121. Pongo said...
    I did use gold to get the last 2 million creds for the T30.

    man .. U'r quite dumb
    U wasted 5k gold to convert in 2mil Cr when a T59 is 7.5k gold, was it?

    because likes of you, WG keeps coming with more and more ways to whore cash out of players

  122. The only problem with Type 59 is its matchmaking. It is too good to fight mainly with 5,6 and 7 tiers. They have huge problems with this tanks, much bigger than with Lowe and KV5 because this tanks were very slow so it was easy to hide. But Type is fast and agile. And this players meet Type more often than other 8 tiers

    I was playing with Type on test server. Mega easy to play, I had very often multpile kills.

    People grinding 5,6,7 tiers have now very difficult life so they complain.

  123. seldarine,

    we have plenty of them planned and some are already in production. It was just a quick idea of how to make the game more diverse.

  124. I would prefer to be able to change ingame money into gold

  125. Q: Also can you elaborate on the T-44 buffs?

    A: T-44 is getting LB-1 gun and some extra hit points to its ammo rack.

  126. Q: If so, then why not T9 and T10? my favorite is T30 and T34, and even with premium i often lose money on winning games. i dont need to say my credit loss on losing games ...

    A: We have announced that in the very beginning that there would be no premium top tiers. You have to grind for them to obtain the most powerful vehicles.

  127. Overlord, wasn't the T-44 also getting a new engine? Or is this not happening anymore?

  128. Q: because likes of you, WG keeps coming with more and more ways to whore cash out of players

    A: because we are evil and greedy devs. It's easy.

  129. i like this feature but i dont want this feature for certain period i want this forever

  130. Whit premium tanks maybe we can play whit tier X in random battles and stop loosing so much credits

  131. @Overlord
    A: because we are evil and greedy devs. It's easy.

    it was not directed at you, but at that dumb idiot

    A: We have announced that in the very beginning that there would be no premium top tiers. You have to grind for them to obtain the most powerful vehicles.

    you make no sense? why?
    what you proposing with this new premium tank feature required that you already have a maxed out (elited) tank in your garage; meaning you already grinded for it

  132. A:
    Overlord said...

    we have plenty of them planned and some are already in production. It was just a quick idea of how to make the game more diverse.


    Good, i'm glad to know its still being worked on, this has been promised for a long long time, and tbh, these are the things the players really are looking forward to. Currently the game is shallow, once you have the top tanks you want all thats left to do is clan wars. Will be nice to have some things to keep the interest going.

  133. Overlord, I've pretty much stopped playing WoT (with nearly 6000 games I think). I got bored with waiting around (for *way* too long) for changes to take place, new tanks to be rolled out, etc. I don't care about horns or silly schemes to earn Wargaming more money through premium tanks on top of premium accounts.

    And no, even if I were still playing, I don't think that's a good idea. I understand you're trying to make a buck just like everyone else, but you need to avoid making the players feel nickle-and-dimed.

    Anyway, I doubt I'll be paying any more for WoT. Perhaps you can remember me in the next staff meeting, and say "Hey, this random guy said he gave up on our game because we dragged our feet on real changes, and tried to distract everyone with features most of the player base doesn't care about."

    Can't say I'm surprised, though. Every MMO I've played has been the same.

  134. Will testers of 7.0 (the public one, not the Freemason secret one) get some kind of reward? I missed out on the beta > release reward because i was 200 battles short, lol :/

  135. Overlord, wasn't the T-44 also getting a new engine? Or is this not happening anymore?

  136. """Overlord said...


    aren't tier 8 premiums fun enough? T2 LT? Hotchkiss? RAM?
    November 29, 2011 7:59 PM """

    Already have them, t59 is fun tier8 (tho hate it i must admit that, but in that kind of games there is way to much camping)
    I have ram, t25 matilda few more..
    Ram is nice but big big poblem is not that gun is so weak, but there is no HE rounds even if i could take 10hp from enemy tank it would be nice. tho i love Matilda.

    what i m saying if you make some small tier money maker to cost a lot but who can make good credits i think you would find many players interested in it.

  137. KAOS said...
    Overlord, wasn't the T-44 also getting a new engine? Or is this not happening anymore?

    yes it will be, but the amount of XP required to unlock it and because also it won't be used in T-54 I don't see the point in unlocking it

  138. How this conversation drifted to how overpowered the t59 is i dont know.

    The type 59 is (like all other gold tanks) not as good as the elited tanks of its same tier; albeit people arent a fan of the t44, I liked the big gun on that tank and found it fun but heyho cant complain i guess if it needs buffing it must need buffing.

    Secondly, the original discussion concerning 'premiumising' normal tanks will reduce the said plague of t59s. I personally think its a great idea everyones got a favourite tank and this is a chance to boost your play time with it.

    For all the people who 'fear' the t59, ive found the player base of it mainly just suicide rush with it and cost the team a match as theyre either (seemingly) inexperienced with it as the bought a premium tank and havent had many games just fancied a high tier OR are just happy to suicide rush for the credits. I personally dont have a problem fighting it.

    Finally: The balance issue about NOT making SPG premiums ISNT about the game performance its about not encouraging people to play artillery when that is already one of the biggest problems players have with the matchmaking. 4-5 artillery per side making the game into a camp fest for regular tanks, especially as SPGs make really good credits due to damage output anyway; this would only go to increase the amount of artillery per match, which is a bad thing.

  139. .. Why would you single out and exclude SPG's? Wouldn't that be like saying, this is only good for any tier or tank except IS-7 or Maus's?

    If you're going to offer a bonus like this, you can't exclude various classes.

    .. For some of us, we generally only play SPG's

  140. Out of curiosity (and I've only gone to tier 5 in arty). Do high tier spg's have an issue making money like other tanks?

  141. @Hugs
    didn't WG already stated that they won't limit the anount of SPGs/team, so ...

  142. Q: Overlord, wasn't the T-44 also getting a new engine? Or is this not happening anymore?

    A: Engine as well. Forgot it.

  143. I like the idea of making any of my elited tanks premium, but there's no way I'd pay gold for a temporary conversion. I'd pay gold for a permanent conversion, though.

  144. Overlord, can you just quote the question when you answer like you used to?
    Searching the comment you're replying to is a pain in the ass.

  145. both T34 =
    russian T-34
    american T34 or T32
    M4A3E8 sherman

  146. I think it isn't good idea. It would completely take out real premium tanks. Tanks are earning money like they should, if you need moneymaker you buy premium tank.

  147. Overlord, sorry for the offtopic, but when the t34 goes premium, the equipment in it will remain, will transfer to M103 or both tanks will get the equipment??

    Thxs beforehand

  148. Well, KV-5 and Lowe were made the way that they r weaker than their counterparts, if u make other t8 tanks able to convert (perm) to elite, those tanks need buffs or they gonna stay behind, owners will get angry. If u want to add this option add it to tanks T1-7 only, so Lowe/Kv5 and future IS6/T34 will stay as top prem tanks.

  149. As long as it means more mid tier tanks in the game, I'm fine with it. I'm sick and tired of being thrown into Tier 8 matches in a friggin Sherman. Just FYI, that's why everyone hates the Type 59. Because mid tier tanks run into the damn things while mounting guns that can't penetrate the Type 59 anywhere but the side and rear hull. If you want people to stop complaining about the 59, make it so mid-tier drivers DON'T run into them.

  150. Oddly enough I was discussing this idea just recently with another player. I think it's an excellent idea but I would like to see the option where you can pay gold to make your favourite tank a premium tank permanently not just for a short period of time :)

  151. awesome idea, but how much??I think 100-750 gold is good price

  152. I definitely like this idea. But make it only up to Tier 6 tanks and tank destroyers. Would be nice to have it permanent for at least Tier 5s.

  153. I would love to play my tiger and not lose credits most games

  154. I will a M3 Lee Premium! (Can i buy a Second M3 Lee, when i have the M3 Lee Premium? :3)

  155. Rather than an hourly limit, I think it should be either days like Premium or number of games (10, 25, 50, 100 etc).

    Another suggestion for this is limit this feature to tanks below tier 8, since the server is quite top heavy as we know it.

    But I digress, this feature would make the already rather unpopular mid tier premiums even less popular because players can now choose to pay those gold to upgrade its elite tank to get the job done.

    My true opinion would premium rebalancing, make them all relative competitive like Lowe and Type 59.

  156. I really enjoy my Type 59 and had planned on buying more premium tanks in the future. But this... Why would I want to buy a premium tank if I could just make something I already own premium?

    I don't want to blur the line between premium and regular tanks, personally, and I think all the feedback you're getting is essentially: those that have money to spend on premium tanks say no, those playing on free accounts say yes.

    Please, don't blur the line. Keep our premium tanks special?

  157. Ok, I think that this might work, but it has to be a lot cheaper than premium. After all, this only affects 1 tank. Just don't take this and make it so that all tier 8s make profit from now on only if they are premium. About the chinese premium performing worse than the rest of the tier 8 mediums, the reason is quite obvious... a lot of unskilled players jump right to it before even having a 4 tier tank.
    What you should do is let us make an elite tier 8 tank permanently premium. Lets say we like a pershing or a ferdinand... for like 15€ I wouldn't mind turning it premium. I already wasted like 10€ for a premium account for it, and in the end it costs about the same as a tier 8 premium tank and from personal experience, ppl buy something a lot faster if they see the permanent word there.

  158. Yankarad_PL said:

    awesome idea, but how much??I think 100-750 gold is good price

    A: you are joking with this price... bloody chinese costs 7500 and you would like to have premium elite tier 8 with cost of 750 gold?

  159. "Having paid a certain amount of gold (depending on the vehicle tier), you are changing the status of your tier 1-8 tank to premium for a fixed period of time (let's say a few hours)."

    Please read the post. It is meant as a time limited "premiuming", not permanent :)

  160. What different between Premium account and premium tank option? 50%+ credits in this same way so wtf?

  161. okey but premium for ever not for a few hours

  162. When can we expect patch 7.1 ? Still this year, or something has been changed?

  163. I have to prem tanks and still say yes please do this.

    If it happens, could premium tanks get a slight buff? At least the Lowe and KV-5.

  164. I don't see any downside to it. If the price is worth it I might use it when I need cash, if I decide buying premium account makes more sense I won't use it ;)

    And yeah make it as Costi says per x battles not hours I usually have just 2-3 hours each day to play WoT at max.

  165. zelcer said:
    A: you are joking with this price... bloody chinese costs 7500 and you would like to have premium elite tier 8 with cost of 750 gold?
    We don't have this premium alwas.Only "a few hours".7500gold for type but u have chinese tank forever.

  166. Very Good idea! Especially because it dont cover SPGs. But a few hours for gold is not enough, make it for 1-3 days.

  167. I like the idea of making any tank permanently premium. Other than that, no, unless it's really very cheap. That is not likely seeing as you are going to need to make up for gold lost on not selling premium tanks. Even if it were cheap, it'd better to invest 7500 gold in a T-59 once and enjoy the benefits forever.

  168. "WG keeps coming with more and more ways to whore cash out of players"

    Ya, funny how a company in a free market keeps trying to make money (sarcasm).

    No one is forcing you to buy their product. Try not to be insulted if they attempt to sell customers more stuff- it's nothing personal. The game is still free if you choose this option.

  169. No, otherwise there'd be no point playing "old" premium tanks, which are most of the time worse than their counterparts of the same tier.

  170. I don't like it... I thought this was exactly the role of a premium account. So now you want us to buy 2 premium accounts for 1 tank? I like the premium tanks being a little special than just having a few advantages in armor/hitpoints or something.

  171. Seen the level of some reasoning here make you understand the dumb antics of some players ingame. Its not just lack of skill, but lack of intelligence

  172. @DemonMaster
    Have you looked at your stats? Before you judge me what is your average battle time or do you even know how to find it?

  173. I second what WinstonChurchill said. T-59 is OP. I have a 60% win ratio in mine, and I don't even try (just for grinding credits). Overlord, check your statistics again? It has approximately the same gun as T-44 and Pershing, but has FAR better armor. The only other tier 8 medium I have problems facing against is the Panther II, really.

    Also, maybe you should look beyond just the win percentages when evaluating a tank...

  174. "WG keeps coming with more and more ways to whore cash out of players"

    True. It is time for them to really work for our money, not try to get more and more.

  175. I prefer this "make your tank premium" over camo-skins for gold. I spend more money on this game than on any other, but i dont regret. But please do not take gold for advantages on tank performance (gold ammo is just ok)

  176. It was probably covered before, but I don't like it. Game-wise, it's probably insignificant, but it's not fair towards all those players who grinded money in premium tanks, that are - T59 and Lowe excluding - often underpowered for their tier.

  177. I for one vote NO on this idea,i left my other game because of the company whoring themselves out for money to a large extent WG doesn't do that yet so im happy if that changes im gone.

  178. It's not needed in any shape or form.

    The idea is to create credits for players so they can play the higher tier tanks and maintain a credit resource, the game already has mechanics in place for this to occur.

    There are more pressing issues within the game that require immediate attention. One being that a good proportion of the tankers are not able to participate in clan wars because of locality &/or timing of the wars due to commitments such as 'work'. This is the money earner for clan players, and the non-clan player is the funding pool for all development (as a broad generalisation). It's common knowledge, yet nothing seems to be done, however this ultimately has the undertone likened to a money making scheme for the game itself and letting the gold accumulate for no real benefit to the player, side stepping commitment to experience game play.

  179. Overlord, have you considered potentially integrating this idea as a one of the premium account features? Say for instance ANY elite vehicle now generates 2x credit income instead of the 1.5x from premium? Finally, why can't increased credit income be a natural feature of elited tanks? Do you not want to award your long term players?

  180. Dont like the idea. Thats why you have premium tanks in the first place!

  181. No. This is just an hourly premium that stacks on top of the existing premium.

  182. "Overlord said...


    actually the purpose of this feature to let players earn more credits using their favourite tanks"

    no this is just so you can line your pockets with money when people buy more gold to even use the feature.

  183. It seems to be a great idea.
    VK36 or Pz4 earning extra credits O_O
    I would love to be able to buy such option for short time frames, like 12h or 24h.

  184. Yeah, this sounds like a good idea. It's not pay-to-win like gold ammo, it cannot be perceived as changing the balance like some premium tanks are, there is no downside to this.

    But Wargaming gets money and the players who use it obviously feel they get something nice out of it. Go for it.

    Only I'd also enable it for Tier 9 & 10 tanks too. No reason not to.

  185. Not intetested..if I need creds I can convert from gold.
    Why hasle to pay gold to make a tank in a premium account "premium" so it can earn more creds...if you play well? Snort...

    Increase convertion ratio of gold to creds if you want to increase trade!-)

    Regarding T-59 comment: shouldnt a purchase tank be expected to have a slightly lower win ratio than other regular tanks in its tier!?

    1. Many premium tank owners just race around and don't care about dying cause they want as many games with fast creds as possible
    2. Premium tanks are partially operated by players with less experienxe than those that drive e.g. T8 tanks they've researched themselves..

    A T-59 is potentially a match for a Panther 2 if driven by equally skilled players.
    The saucer tanks will get an extra buff with the new sloped armor adjustments as well I guess.

    My suggestion: put the gearbox in front of the T-54 and T-59 and balance them accordingly with the other tanks that receive these "adjustments" that arent really nerfs... :-)

  186. Good idea. Corporate-greed cynicism comments can be ignored like white noise, and those not even responding to the question to interject with "I think I deserve gold for silver, hurr hurr hurr" likewise.

    I even like excluding T9, 10 and SPG's. The population of those would go out of whack if they were included. Have your cake and eat it too.

  187. Tanks that are 'Elite' should earn the same as 'Premium' tanks without paying anything extra. You already paid with your time and effort to get that tank to that point. Generating extra credits should your reward for all that work. Instead of making yet another 'Pay-to-Win' change to the game, maybe instead reward your loyal customers for the time they have already put into their tanks.

  188. It would see a costfree side of this feature: For example: You can get one day at battle#100, three days at #500 and another 3 days at every additional 500 battles, and permanent status at 5000 or 10000 battles. Or you can make it earned xp based which motivates to use premium accounts, but keeps fun for non-premium users aswell.

  189. Why pay "monthly" to make a single tier 8 tank premium just for that month when I can just use a premium tank instead?

    This feature should be a pay $X for permanent premium status, otherwise regular premium tanks will always be the tanks of better value.

    Somehow, I doubt this would matter, since people would still pay for it like premium anyways...still want to point out my concern. You're paying what will be a monthly premium to use your favorite tank to farm money...

  190. I don't see any use in this feature - unless it's ultra cheap.

    For just 250 gold I'll get +50% credits for 24hrs for ALL of my tanks AND +50% XP.

    And if credits are a constant problem, a player may buy a B2 f.i. for 1,000 gold and gets a fun to play tank for fast credit making and polishing his stats.

  191. This is a great idea!! Though the cost to make any tank you have into a premium tank for a few hours or even a day (few hours would be best) to get the extra credit bonuses would have to be fairly low if it is for just a few hours....like maybe 100 gold for 1 hour and 200 gold for 2 hours.....something like that
