The same improvements that have been applied for US server recently now available for EU (since today's server restart).
This includes smart matchmaking system that takes into account the number of battles played on each particular vehicle. See the chart below:

This includes smart matchmaking system that takes into account the number of battles played on each particular vehicle. See the chart below:

First N battles (N varies according to vehicle tier, class, premium/non-premium status) on each vehicle are chosen not according to full spread, e.g. 8-12 for tier 7 heavy tanks, but according to decreased combat tier spread, allowing this vehicle to be at the top part of the team list.
Being only the first step of many, this improvement is aimed at helping players adjust to their newly-obtained vehicles.
Being only the first step of many, this improvement is aimed at helping players adjust to their newly-obtained vehicles.
Seems to be good.
ReplyDeleteI hope this will save a lot of my nerves. Next good thing You guys could do is some sort of IQ test before installing game :) that, together with this new matchmaker, would make game a true gem and fair balanced battle.
ReplyDeleteI hope its juster better than now... it was horrible seeing a 38nA with an IS in a team...
ReplyDeleteWhy are tier IV lights still tier 10 effective? Shouldn't scouting roles against tier 10 tanks be left to more apt tanks like the Chaffee, T-50-2, and VK 2801? It's the same thing as putting an M7 in a game where a Pershing belongs imo.
ReplyDeleteIn any event, thank you for the update on the matchmaking tiering. :)
ReplyDeletei dont think you read it right tier 4 lights still go to tier 10! and Tier 5 lights are 8 and above.
Will test it tonight since it sounds good
Nope, still seems terrible to me.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to fight IS7s with my M6 still.
Guess ill see the effect if i buy a new tank.
How about some changes to how matchmaking handles eg. tier 6 mediums?
ReplyDeleteBeen playing T-34-85 and 80% of my battles are in battles with tier 9's...
Nice, ill have a look on it later
ReplyDelete@ MikoZ
ReplyDeleteI have about 400 battles with T-34-85 and have been in battles with Tier 9 rarely. Sometimes met Maus or E-100 but thats about in 1/50 battles.
Also I liked getting in battles like that. I could damage enemy tanks with HE shells. D-10T does the job good.
Well, thing something was wrong this morning. I saw queue of 220+ players, some tiers had 20+ vehicles, some tier even 40+ vehicles. I waited more than minute in this ling queue. After that we got into batlle, where 1 team had top tank of T10 and other had top tank of T9. Strange.....
What exactly are the differences to the chart posted on 09/23? They are completely the same. Also what does this 'First N battles' thing mean? Can't find anything in the chart.
ReplyDeleteAm new can you explain me this picture on some example ( like kv3 ) . I see there are 10 tiers but then 13 tier battles ??
ReplyDeleteN is the number of battles when you get decreased combat tier spread.
ReplyDeleteDoes "premium/not premium status" refer to whether a tank is a premium tank or to player having or not having a premium account.
ReplyDeleteBecause valuing people without premium "worse" (for them) in matchmaker would be really unfair.
The change can lead to increase of waiting time in queue. That's the price we have to pay.
ReplyDeletetank ofc, not account. :)
"This includes smart matchmaking system that takes into account the number of battles played on each particular vehicle. See the chart below:"
ReplyDeleteWhere can I see this in the chart in detail? I can't find it.
"N is the number of battles when you get decreased combat tier spread."
Understand this, but where can I see what N is for my specific tank and if this applies for my tank, what is the "decreased combat tier spread"?
iTrouble, dont make troubles. You should anticpiate, that as number of other parameters, these are clasiffied, too. :]
ReplyDeleteHi Overlord,
ReplyDeletemost of the premium tanks have in a way narrower battle tier spread. Why not the T-25? T9 battles are too much for it. Shouldn't it be tiered equally to other T5 premiums?
richmi EU
I just want to say, that the chart doesn't show anything new. It doesn't reflect the changes that are made, so I'm wondering why to post this chart anyway?
ReplyDeleteI do not want to be sceptic
ReplyDeleteBut look at MM Lowe, Kv-5 and T-59
Power/Tier is the best across the table.
I think they want to sell more premiums tanks [promoting easy credits earning]
Balance is better now. But sometimes too much mediums on one side. And other side few meds, lots of heavys.
ReplyDeleteThat is the patch 6.7 chart, is there going to be a new chart for 7.0?
ReplyDeleteAlso, some people still don't seem to understand the matchmaking chart...battle-tier is not equal to the tier of tanks you will face.
Look up your tank on the left, find its battle-tier ranges, ex. tier 4 light has battle-tiers 4-10. You can face anything else that overlaps those battle-tiers, ex. tier 4 light faces at lowest tier 3 TD/SPG and highest tier 9 Hvy/TD.
Battle-tier is not equal to tank tier!
Not that i m complainging about MM, as for me goes both way and more important is teammates i m with, but about improving MM..
ReplyDeletefirst about this 50 battles with tank, it might be enough for KV to get good gun tracks etc, but lets tanke tier 9heavy, like t34 where player need about 200 games (more without, bit less with premium) to get gun so that he can damage tanks in his tier as with 105mm, he even strugle with tier8 tank, to put it simple higher tier more battles needs to be played to improve tank.
so maybe if you made it somethink like Tank teir x20 battles would actualy be ok.
Also from what i can see most annoying is when one team have more top tier tanks witch MM is balancing by giving that team more lower tier tanks.
And i just played game with one team having T54 and Jtiger, other 2 Lowe with compensation at bottom of teams .
So maybe MM is working as you guys wanted it, but not as players had hoped.
Yeap, still quite terrible. Please restrict amount of vehicle class per side, like Navyfield does.
ReplyDeleteHaving 12 Arty in a battle makes this game no fun.
And the uneven tier spread as well, i was put on top in a Tiger(P) against an IS4. Fun times.
Why you don't put points like in GT5?!?
ReplyDeletefor example, higher/stronger gun, more points, stronger turret, more points etc...
in every modules and tank you put number of pts which contribute strength of tank, and you can adjust point of your tank!!! after this you can compare to another tanks with +/- 15% of your strength points.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you have done exactly but its worse than ever.for example: our team had 1 tier10,2 tier9,6 tier8,6 tier7 and our enemy had 1 tier10,6 tier9,4 tier8,4 tier7 = total massacre and of course our t30 against e100.(cant shoot trough with bl-10 if yes than 0%)we saying battle is where both sides has equal terms but today all is out of the scale.
The old days were better if the enemy had 10 tier 8 our team had please do something because this is f****g unbalance.
ReplyDeleteI have a small request concerning the color of the medium tank line in the MM-chart.
Can you switch the color into something else?
Apparently it is something my slightly colorblind eyes just refuse to see at all.
Hi Overlord
ReplyDeleteAnother thing about matchmaking that bugs me is the way the force composition ends up.
We have all seen matches where there are mostly tier 9 Heavy's on one side and mostly tier 9 Mediums on the other side - the battle is heavily biased towards one side - which side has the advantage depends on the map played.
We see the same thing with TD's - I just played a game where we had 8 TD's - the other side had none. I cannot imagine that it would be very hard to put 4 TD's on each side in this case.
Are you looking into this aspect of matchmaking??
Iteration you can use mods thats change the icons.
ReplyDeleteAnd other feature i have seen 3/4 of our team had the stock weapons and the enemy had the better ones...just make my day even worse.Another improvement and i quit the game.don't know why requesting better improvements when the old ones was better.
Does the RU server get this matchmaking too? Just curious because I play there.
ReplyDeleteTurboTiger is 100% right , something i should add on my post.
ReplyDeleteall players want from MM is to make team even, from 30 tanks TDs and arties that gets in same match, just make 2 teams that seam even, there is no need about stuf about mathces played and who knows what is planed, just share them evenly in 2 teams, that cant be that hard :/
every battle where artillery is not the smallest of all tanks is a bad game.
ReplyDeletemaybe not start to spread the range of battletiers, better limit it down!
Need more matchmaking changes. I'm sure most players are ready to wait longer for the match to start if they get matches when they feel they can make a difference.
ReplyDeletethe match maker needs to be set so that it not only accounts for tank tier but hvy/med/light and td/tank/artie goin into a match in a t5 tank with E100's is total BS...i mean seriously, when 99% of your shots bounce/didnt scratch, etc how the he11 are you supposed to earn XP, walking out of a match(1T10,3 9's,4 8's,& then 5's w/over half artie & td's) in a T20 with 18/25 hits, 1 kill, damage on 5 tanks, & detecting one while taking 6 hits and only getting 284XP is beyond BS, when the MM actually makes a match and takes into account tank tier, artie and td's you get a match where no tank is any more than 2 tiers apart... this whole BS with a t4/5 tank gettin put with t8/9/10's needs to stop.. if your going to "fix" the match maker do it right and stop F****ng around.....
ReplyDeletethen, you can fix the cammo rating BS...
Q: Does the RU server get this matchmaking too? Just curious because I play there.
ReplyDeleteA: Not yet.
Tektonac said...
ReplyDeleteI hope this will save a lot of my nerves. Next good thing You guys could do is some sort of IQ test before installing game :) that, together with this new matchmaker, would make game a true gem and fair balanced battle.
October 21, 2011 11:01 AM
Dropped below 3,000 users and 50 battles this morning. Lost more members of our clan as they can no longer take the matchmaking and retarded players/leechers. Personally I'm waitin till the Russian tree is sorted early next year. Depending on how good the upcomming updates I may leave the game for a while after that.
ReplyDeleteIs there now already some Artillery Limitation included, or planned?
ReplyDeleteas someone else mentioned, the medium tank line is invisible to a large fraction of colorblind readers. could you please talk to whoever prepares the chart about switching to something more accessible?
ReplyDeleteI still saw half a gazillion arty in some fight... Is there someone here, beside us, who read those polls??? We ASKED, well, let me rephrase this: we BEGGED to limit arty per game earlier this summer and no one read?? Please, put ARTY in a class of it self and LIMIT like 3 per match each side...
ReplyDeleteI've changed the medium color to green:
I guess a good match is worth the wait. B4 I get a game in less than a second, but im fighting a IS4. And no matter how much i hit it with my leopard, I could not win...
ReplyDeleteCan't limit arty w/o limiting heavies or scouts.
ReplyDeleteSo far the MM seem good
I swear arty has been nerfed beyond all usability - people need to stop whining about it
ReplyDeleteI don't agree that the match making is fubar. There can certainly be improvements.
ReplyDeleteYou need to adapt the playing style according to the tank that you play. Lots of mediums on one side? Use mobility.
Lot's of arty, don't stay still. I believe most of the wining comes from players that do not consider tactics while playing.
A lot of players tend to forget the usage of high explosives ammo. Use HE a against heavier opposition!
kriptkpr said something about T5 towards T10. It's not your job to fight the T10, thats your teammates that are heavier. Do you believe that in real life battles all vehicles are of the same class?
ReplyDeleteIt doesnt matter if youre a tier5 or whatever if theres a 4 tier gap on the other team. I was playing my PIV earlier, i was put on bottom on my list against a type59 :)
Overlord PLEASE comment on the unbalanced matchups. They are getting EXTREMELY annoying.
Unless the enemy team behaves unbelievable stupid it's almost always a sure loss.
Is it my fault 4 driving in a platoon?
Is someone in my team getting punished?
I don't care if I am on top, or @ the bottom, but I do care about uneven teams
I can't imagine this coming up on-topic, but... how come the Maus, which only went 13 kph in real life using the best engine available to it, goes 20 kph in the game, while the T28-95, which used a temporary testing engine from the pershing and could have reached much higher speeds with a continental engine, stays at 13 kph?
ReplyDeleteIt actually makes less sense for the T95 to move as slow as it does than it does for the Maus. Wargaming buffed the Maus because "it was too slow for this game," yet the T95 (which doesn't have a turret and turns slowly and also relies on armor and has less armor than it did in real life) you refuse to buff? I know what its win rate is on the server, but honestly, giving it a real engine isn't going to move its values up any more than it did the Maus' (which didn't go up consequentially, either).
>>Overlord said...
ReplyDelete>>N is the number of battles when you get >>decreased combat tier spread.
This does currently NOT work at all.
Had all T10 games today in my stock IS which had less then 10 games to it's name.
Unless N<10 which would be a joke somethings wrong.
Platoon balance is non exisitence. I had several games with 5 vs 0 or 1 vs 6 platoons.
Also get rid of the tank stacking, it makes things worse.
5 KV vs 6 Pz IV is not fun to play.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDeleted comment, misread line.
ReplyDeleteThis was my first game today. Guess the new matchmaking system is not that smart after all. (no, my M6 is not stock, but still WTF tier 6 in a tier 10 battle...)
People are not complaining about their matches in the first 10 battles. People are complaining that no matter how well-versed they are in their tank, they are routinely asked to fight tanks 3-4 tiers higher than they are.
ReplyDeleteTheyre from Belarus, maybe they cant read.
ReplyDeleteMatchmaking improvements are nonexistant. Been getting worse battles than ever today.
me in T44 on top vs 2 IS4? Fun. or that stock KV which was in a tier9 battle? also fun.
overlord, whats the explanation for this?
Improvements my foot! It's as bad as ever!
ReplyDelete@ PraetoriaN:
ReplyDeleteWhat's the problem? I see only 3 tanks which u cannot penetrate up front. It's a rather nice matchup.
I cannot understand why people complain about facing stronger enemies. You get much more XP and silver for dmaging and killing higher Tier enemies. U even get more XP and silver if your teammates damage and/ or kill higher tier enemies than u r.
Drive smart, use HE if neccessary and don't die a meaningless death. You have to learn to love these matchups.
Can't love being put against tanks 4 tier higher than me and get one shot.
ReplyDeleteYou sure are a masochist...
Oh yes, this is a wonderful matchup:
All you have to do is get past all the TD's on the enemy side that you cannot see because of all the trees and bushes (Prokarovka). All tanks will get picked off before any of the TD's are spotted. That's a MM fail.
This is the main problem with the MM, outlandishly unbalanced games where one side has no hope of winning.
sadatoni: Epic wining. Christ, find another game to play. That match is not fubar.
ReplyDeleteDear Overlord,
ReplyDeletecan I ask if the percentage of battle won is considered in the matchmaking system?
After 5 tier 8 battles in my stock ISU-152, I get thrown into tier 9 matches with my 122 that can't penetrate anything. Hooray.
ReplyDeleteSo, on topic-question: Did you also get rid of the 8=>12 arty matches or not yet? This bug was part of the old matchmaking flaws and I'd like to know if it's been solved or not.
ReplyDeleteSturmtiger_304: Use HE shots then. I have no problem damaging a mouse with my T29 using HE.
ReplyDeleteMirko said...
Am new can you explain me this picture on some example ( like kv3 ) . I see there are 10 tiers but then 13 tier battles ??
yes, here are 13 battle tiers.
for your example, KV3 is tier 6 HT, so:
your matchmaking will start on battle tier 7 and stop on 11. so if you will maked to battle tier 7, you fight against:
from lvl 3 arty
all vehicles from lvl 4
from lvl 5 and 6 meds, heavy and TD.
but you can be on 11 battle tier, so you can find tier 10 tanks too.
shortly, you have a tank and on table is some field colored for him. so you can meet all tanks what have colored fields on same battle tiers.
You can't call "smart" a matchmaking system just for counting games played on a tank.
ReplyDeleteSmart m.m.s. is one that takes into consideration the setup of the tank (gun mostly) and the most important tries to keep the teams balanced. Not 3 t-54s vs 3 E-75s, not 5 arties per team that ruins the game and causes the opposite of the desired (spgs for hitting campers) resulting in the most sofisticated camping contest ever.
To sadatoni: You mean the TDs you can too shot when you see them, and you know you will if your not retarded and rush off out front?
ReplyDeleteAs well, well frankly this isn't even a temp fix, this is basically just an way to temporarily satisfy people's anger, and its clearly not working.
Q: I had awesome matchmaking for the first 7 matches in my KV3, starting from the 8th one i go thrown into battles with tier 10 tanks and so on.
ReplyDeleteThis working as intended?
ReplyDeletematchmaking is for the ASS!
ReplyDeleteyesterday map redshire our team:
GW Typ E
GW Tiger
GW Tiger
Vk 3601
Object 704
Object 704
T 95
Su 152
Object 212
Geschützwagen Panther
Geschützwagen Panther
T 50-2
T 50-2
after 2 mins our is7 and all of our Artis where gone...
I escaped the game and since yesterday every fucking round is balanced like this...
They were talking about ~50 matches until the full range of matchmaking would be unlocked.
ReplyDeleteGranted it was a hypothetical figure, but so far it seems like it was just a decoy to get the hopes up.
As far as I can tell from 2 stock tanks (T6 T7) the number is more likely between 5 and 10 which is frankly quite cynical as you gain maybe 2% crew training and not even one upgrade in that few matches.
The "upgrade" so far has been one big waste of time.
I seriously hope that this was only the beginning of a series of improvements,...
every mach, Typ 59 is mached against Tier 7s Thx WG for this shit
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how some people can say that mm is working just fine... after the 5° time that day that i ended in a game like that i decided to make a screenshoot.
i cant read the medium line on the chart as i am colorblind
ReplyDeletePff, L2P. Even in KV3 and tier X battle I can do some damage ut to tier VIII tanks. So don't whine, remember, we can't all be top tier.
ReplyDeletestock KV3. Tier 10. DOES NOT WORK.
Q1: Working as intended?
ReplyDeleteQ2: you have granted a full revision of matchmaking until 2012. What is your plan concering this? <- high contrast/colorblind version.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if the colors are any better since I'm not colorblind myself ;).
@ Jeff, if you want to know if the colors are better just set the image as a black and white image and see. But I think the grey and red will be almost identical.
ReplyDeleteAbout the matchmaking system, it actually is worse than it was before.
Now you get to face Tier 9's while playing a Tier 4 tank. Even a fully upgraded and gold ammo using Tier 4 has no chance against a stock tank that is 5 tiers higher.
Is there anything that can be done about this huge tier difference in teams?
And I don't mind waiting a bit longer for a more even team with a tier difference of 2 or 3 tiers.
Note: I usually play as the Tier 9, but this must be discouraging for the new players to get into games like that often, where they don't stand a chance.
ReplyDeleteplease comment the problems with matchmaking!
Why T59 is EVERY TIME matched against Tier7 Tanks?...
@post above T59 means Type 59 chinese Tier 8 tank right?
ReplyDeleteyou should easily fight against Tier 7 tanks lige Tiger IS and so on with that stupid thing :P
@zocbaer I think that's the point, it's a strong T8 medium yet it gets balanced against T7 tanks.
ReplyDeleteSo one side has 2 T7 tanks the other 2 Type 59.
The matchmaking value of that tank is probably too low.
@ Ther0
ReplyDeleteI got the same Matchups in my IS and I got 822XP per battle. So either u just need to learn to play, or u r complaining 4 nothing.
Arty and developer bad decisions killed this game
ReplyDeleteWe will see how much will drop WoT subscriptions after Star Wars the Old Republic Launch in two months...
every tier 8 medium can be matched against tier 7 heavies.
ReplyDeletethis works for every tier btw (KV - Vk3601 etc)
considering that the Type 59 is the weakest of the T8 Mediums, i guess you are lucky.
New matchmaking is worse for me. I have 300+ battles with PzIV and now I've playing 80% games against tier 7-8 (in the evening/night 100%).
ReplyDeleteNew matchmaking also disvadvatages non premium users - they usally use 5,6 tier tank for earning silver and now they must play always against 2-3 higher tiers.
ReplyDeletenothing changed for people with many battles with a certain tank.
the changes are only for people with a low amount of battles in their (new) tank. they won´t have a wide spread in tiers for their first battles.
after you reach a certain number of battles (N), everything is as it was before.
@General : either i can or can't dosomething in those games, they're unbalanced. That's a fact.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is the penetration factor. A Tiger\TigerP\T43 even if it's an extremly good player, just can't face an IS-4. Sure, you can cripple him, but you will die (if he's not a completly noob).. so you will have 1 tank less, and they have a crippled tank (who can still shoot)
Hey guys, a support ticket reply came with the information that battles are not supposed to be balanced.
ReplyDeleteif you dont get balanced out teams, its working as intended.
Good thing WG support told me that "this game is broken as fuck" basically.
@Shouken: That is the rote answer when they haven't a clue how to fix it.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I picked up a Hetzer (for the first time) over the weekend, and the "smart matchmaking" isn't working one lick. The first battle was against tier 8's with maybe 1/5th of the battles below tier 7. No change from before.
ReplyDeleteThe game is broken, super broken, but they don't care. They're on WoBS and WoWP already, also anything the NA server says is meaningless to them. They just want us to buy more Type 59s that make tons of money (until the next premium tank comes out), and get good matchmaking.
ReplyDeleteYou r nt ment to take an IS-4 1on1 as an IS. U don't have to penetrate to do damage, u might as well use HE. If you r not top tier you should (in most cases - not all) consider yourself as a support tank and drive accordingly.
My IS is the 4th Tier 7 HT I have driven. I got gradually better and I do not see any problem with being at the bottom with IS now. I got nearly 200XP per battle more than in my Tiger (wich was my first Tier 7 tank).
As before: My guess is, that u just need to learn to play this game. (This is not meant as an insult at all.)
PS: Why is it, that nearly always when people write "that's a fact!" it is absolutely not a fact?
Why does every who wants less ridiculous matchmaking "need to learn how to play"?
ReplyDeleteI'm sick of playing some third row support tank thousands of games. It's just a bad game concept when everyone below T8 has to play some kind of support/cannon fodder role.
There is no reason why there HAS to be a T5 Tank in a T8 match. Any T6 tank could take the exact same role just fine without being THAT outclassed.
Even if you CAN do something in theses matches (depending on your tank) 89% of the players don't think that is a good matchmaking concept (as shown be the recent polls).
WG just likes to ignore that.
Hey Overlord, how much longer untill the 7.0 Release date?
ReplyDeleteAlso, will there be a test patch?
Q: nothing changed for people with many battles with a certain tank.
ReplyDeletethe changes are only for people with a low amount of battles in their (new) tank. they won´t have a wide spread in tiers for their first battles.
after you reach a certain number of battles (N), everything is as it was before.
A: Yes, that's correct.
ReplyDeleteyou are either twisting things our the was a fault of customer support. Improved match-making is one of the current priorities.
ReplyDeletethat's very naive point of view that has nothing to do with how things stand. We have got a large audience and the way described would not work out at all.
Q: It's just a bad game concept when everyone below T8 has to play some kind of support/cannon fodder role.
ReplyDeleteA: That's just not true, driving almost any vehicle you can be both at the very top and the very bottom.
Q: Hey Overlord, how much longer untill the 7.0 Release date?
ReplyDeleteAlso, will there be a test patch?
A: Mid-late November, I think. Yes, there will be public test ofc.
WoT new patch always take about 1month2weeks to 2months to come out. so,if 7.0 will come out in mid-late of November, can you sure 7.X(French tanks and T34 change) can make it this year?
ReplyDeletei hope you won't break your promise again|~
Propaganda is a huge part of this game, from the beginning. It was overhyped to oblivion, and WG continues to go to gaming shows and party instead of working on it. Naive? I tell it exactly how it is, and you know it. You've made your money on this game, everyone knows it, now time to move on to other games that feature the same economic concepts: free to play, pay to win/advance artificially fast. I refuse to pay anymore, I feel the developer has lost all concept of making this game the best it can be for it's customers in NA, not just EU or Russia. This game will not last longer than a few more months with the type of issues it currently has, MM being first and foremost.
ReplyDeleteQ: It's just a bad game concept when everyone below T8 has to play some kind of support/cannon fodder role.
ReplyDeleteA: That's just not true, driving almost any vehicle you can be both at the very top and the very bottom.
Thank you for the answer!
While in theory this might be true the reality looks different.
I take a screenshot of every matchup I play and according to my statistics (almost 2000 games)
my T5 Tanks e.g. spend 70-90% (varying from tank to tank) of their games in battle tiers 8-10 with by far the most games in battle tier 9.
That is the vast majority of the games.
Sometimes I can play for a whole week without seeing a T5 match at all.
So while I do see games where I'm at the top, that's only a very small part of my game experience.
Your new matchmaker is really well tuned, after 3 minutes waiting in queue with 3000+ players online i got this result:
Hey Overlord
ReplyDeleteCould you please post your view on the force composition part of the MM system. (see my previous post above (Oct 21st))
Cheers TT
This is what I'm talking about:
I think a lot of people need to learn how a software business works.
ReplyDeleteThere are 3 teams right now, a team of 600 working on WoT and everyone has their own job.
Like the people working on the new tanks have nothing to do with the team that is working on the matchmaking system or the camo and horns etc.
And then there are about 200 people working on WoWP and like 50 on WoB.
So it's not that the developers of WoT are working on the other 2 games while not doing anything anymore on the 1st.
The matchmaking system is a really hard thing to make perfect, as they don't want everyone to wait a few minutes before a battle starts.
And I am positive that they are doing their best to make it better, even if their plan of making it better doesn't always work in practice.
About the 'I can't kill this tank in that tank'. This is a team vs team game, if you are going solo then yes you need to learn to play as a team. Like the T-43 vs IS-4, take another T-43 with you and one can take the front while the other attacks the rear. Then you have a dead IS-4 and probably 2 crippled T-43's.
Or call in the help of an arty piece and try to lure the IS-4 out of hiding so the arty can shoot it for you (Note: You receive 50% exp of the kill that you are spotting).
It's all about tactics.
I know the game has it's flaws, every game has. I am just looking at it all from a different view instead of just complaining.
If there is a problem, look for a way to make it work for you instead of working against you, with the tools that are provided.
ReplyDeleteI'll PM you the response on Forums when i get home from work.
Match-making system isn't based on tank's tiers but on "balance weight" coefficients. We can mention Pz38H735(f) as example: this tank have increased "balance weight" (in comparsion with other tier 2 Light tanks), so team with at least one Pz38H735(f) will usually have more lower-tiered tanks and less higher-tiered tanks. However, it is compensated by Pz38H735(f)'s combat performance.
ReplyDeleteAlso, according to official data, current match-making system DOESN'T enforce the following:
- equal number of top tier tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of light tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of medium tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of heavy tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of SPGs in both teams
- complete symmetry of tank models (now 2 IS7 can join one team, and 2 Mauses - the other)
- equal number of platoons in both teams.
You can read more about it (including battle levels for different tanks) here:
Best regards,
So as you can see, matchmaking doesn't support balance.
It would appear that with "freshmen" removed from their highest tiers there is a lack of adequate tanks and "veterans" get thrown into very high tier very heavy tank centered games.
ReplyDeleteQ: WoT new patch always take about 1month2weeks to 2months to come out. so,if 7.0 will come out in mid-late of November, can you sure 7.X(French tanks and T34 change) can make it this year?
ReplyDeleteA: Currently we are on schedule.
ReplyDeletethis is really an extremely simplified understanding. WoT remains the main focus of WG, planes and battleships are being developed by subsidiary teams.
ReplyDeletethose are definitely not the best examples of how matchmaking works. Though to some extent it can be explained by low online.
@jefferytheozelot: I bet my ass, that u did not take almost 2000 screenshots and that u don't have statistic. Nobody will take u seriously if u make things up. How can I tell? I love to drive midtier tanks.
ReplyDelete@Shouken: Thx 4 the info.
u mad
ReplyDeleteROFL so much xD
ReplyDeleteOverlord, If it didn't cost so much in air mail I would send you a beer and tell ya to relax a bit... I think you all have done an amazing job with the new matchmaker. I also play all tiers excluding 1 through 4. If I could shake your hand I would. All this complaining is just the way it is on these boards.
ReplyDeleteThere are not many people that say a word if things are working the way they want but, there will always be people complaining of course. Its just the way of things. Thanks for all the work you do bud!
ReplyDeletethanks for the support. :)
PLEASE OPEN THE TEST SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General_Jack_T_Ripper said...
ReplyDelete"@jefferytheozelot: I bet my ass, that u did not take almost 2000 screenshots and that u don't have statistic. Nobody will take u seriously if u make things up. How can I tell? I love to drive midtier tanks."
I take that bet ;). And I don't make things up...
These are just the latest 1133 unsorted Screens (mostly T7 and T6 matches). Some of them are results or other things I take screenshots off but the total number of recorded games should be around 2500 now with almost 2000 already sorted into my statistics.
@jefferytheozelot: Well sorry and hats up to you, sir.
ReplyDeleteOverlord, 34k online on EU server is not low online
ReplyDeleteCould it be possible to add commanders to WoT? When a player gets a top tier tank, he will earn the rank of a commander and can enter battles as so. He won't get a tank but instead he will be able to join tier 1-5 battles and switch between arty view, large mini map and "death cam". He could give orders to others like in RTS games marking targets, creating squadrons and ordering move points. When he gains experience, he becomes high commander and will be able to join tier 6-10 battles as a commander. This would add some tactical sense to the games as these commanders would be veterans of WoT. Of course both sides have to have a commander or none of the sides gets one to balance the game.
ReplyDeleteWill you guys limit the number of artillery per side? Having 5 or more tier 7 and 8 arty per side is not fun. Thanks
ReplyDeleteOverlord I would like your input on the current WoT contest. The tier calculation is screwing things over. A IS-7 has to get 4000xp to match a 2000xp game from a KV not including bonuses.
ReplyDeleteI scored 1.5k in my t8 arty but theres no point in entering my score as several lower tiers with 500xp decimate my score. How is that a fair calculation?
ReplyDeleteThat's quite OK, all the people claiming all sorts of things without anything to back it up were the reason I started doing it. That and I'm a statistics nerd as I work on data-mining ;).
WG has probably even better statistics.
I think the combination of wide tier spreads with the uneven distribution to the top battle tiers is what a lot of people don't agree with.
WG seems a bit disconnected from the EU/US community on this one. Can't speak for the RU community as my Russian isn't good enough.
Could be that the matchmaker works better with 100k+ players online. But I think one problem is that there are too many T8 tanks and the matchmaker has a tendency to put only 3-4 T8 tanks in a T8 match and fill it up with low level tanks. Most played tier after T8? T5.
Match maker does seem to be worse now than before.
ReplyDeleteHaving uneven number of top tier tanks is a bad idea for balance as is significantly different # of top-1 tier tanks.
For example, if one team has 1 T10, 4 T9, 2 T8 etc, while other team has 1 T10, 1 T9 and 5 T8 makes for unbalanced team.
Something like this would work better.
ReplyDelete1) Even top tier tanks always
2) Top-1 tier can have +- 1 difference
3) Top-2 tier can have +- 2 difference
4) Max of 3 Heavy Arty per team (T7+ arty)
5) Max of 4 Total Arty per team
6) Tier 5 lights should be present on both teams or not at all (matching 3601 vs 50-2 is not good balance)
7) Attempt to balance top tier TD/Heavys between both teams when possible (to avoid all top heavys or all top TDs on one side and only Meds on the other)
Bonus idea:
Allow fully stock tanks to match up 1 tier lower (this will make grind less painful and will give players reasons to play more historically accurate tanks)
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with recent lag issue in NA server. lots of us having this "lag light keep blinking red" problem.
and one more, NA website take longer to open. sometimes it even until connection time-out. other websites seem just fine..
is there anything wrong on server side? virus, hacker etc?
While MM's well being was always under disscussion, the tanks stacking seems to be more present than ever. One side ends up with high level TD's (Obj., JagdT etc.) while the other ends up with lower tier TD's or the tanks that are put aganist them are tier or two lower.
ReplyDeleteMatchmaking looks much better to me. Playing alone is very fair and I can be top or bottom. This is how the game should be.
ReplyDeletePlaying in a platoon is a little tougher. We seem to land at the bottom 80 - 85% of the time.
Good improvement so far, but can't wait for further adjustments.
Q: Overlord, 34k online on EU server is not low online
ReplyDeleteA: And it's not the peak. We had 50k+.
Q: Overlord I would like your input on the current WoT contest. The tier calculation is screwing things over. A IS-7 has to get 4000xp to match a 2000xp game from a KV not including bonuses.
ReplyDeleteA: As far as I know, the aim was to encourage playing low and mid tiers.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean that you programmed the matchmaker to only function correctly at peak times?
If you fight IS-7 with your M6 you're doing something wrong. Not the whole enemy team consists of IS-7, and the M6 is a good tank.
ReplyDeletePz38nA is a really good scouting tank. If you're matched against an IS nothing is wrong. If you don't want to scout, choose a different tank that hasn't got a scout's tier spread.
What this new system results in is that people don't have to play newly aquired stock tanks against worst odds. People get a chance to upgrade their tank a little bit and learning to drive it before facing worst case scenarios.
Also I'd like to bring attention to what Overlord said in his post: "This is the first step." That means more steps are coming.
Thank's to Overlord and WG, yes, there are some things that are not perfect, like the balancing and the arty party matches with 7 or more arty on each side, but in the end - we have a great community with people voting for things, which in the end are beeing worked on. It is great to know that pub matches will get a better matchmaking system, because it is indeed those matches, that a lot of us players enjoy, just for example to get silver (credits).
ReplyDeleteJust one question Overlord - are the tracers for arty really comming back? And will there be some kind of difference from the old ones. I mean, they are a good thing for us tank drivers, because then we wont fear the arty so much. And for arty - its great to have them and know, that you can catch the enemy arty. More tactical aspect to the whole gameplay.
Overlord, Wargaming - please publish the matchmaking values of all individual tanks.
ReplyDeleteU can't seriously be speaking of improvements oO
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that changed is the waiting time. (from 5-10 sec to 40-80 sec) I'd like to have the old one back... seriously, this MM suxx!
=> So leave the MM alone, limit the arty (or bring tracers back) and fix those damn ghostshells. those are way more anoying than MM-issues. thx
a bit annoying to have to wait like 4-5 minutes with a T2 TD to get into battle...
ReplyDelete@Overlord, doesn't it make you laugh when they call you Overload instead of Overlord?
ReplyDeleteAlthough the name Overload suits you, with the overload of questions that get thrown at you, lol.
Q: @Overlord, doesn't it make you laugh when they call you Overload instead of Overlord?
ReplyDeleteA: It makes me smile, yes. Cause this happens so often.
MM still suxx as still tire spread is too big. Maybe in real life battles KV was put against KT but this is game not real life.
ReplyDeleteI see improvement in MM as it finally match OP tire 5 lights tanks against higher tire vehicles but there is still long road ahead of developers to fix MM to make games balanced. Exactly what it dont support
- equal number of top tier tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of light tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of medium tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of heavy tanks in both teams
- equal number or weight of SPGs in both teams
- complete symmetry of tank models (now 2 IS7 can join one team, and 2 Mauses - the other)
- equal number of platoons in both teams.
should be supported or at least with some margin of error. Say one team have 4 TD second one have 5 TD would be OK. But one team have 7 TD second one have 1 TD is NOT OK.
Complete symmetry? You have got to be kidding me. This would ruin any variation in the matches. If you're looking to grind exp in perfectly identical matches, this is probably the wrong game. Up against 7 TDs? Use your imagination instead of bluntly relying on your armor & gun.
ReplyDeleteMM needs to be improved,and devs are trying and i belive they will make it better, give them time and some constructive criticisam not only how they are interested only in money, as to be fair, that is their job same as jobs we are doing, and i dont work just couse its fun but for money so i m sure all of you are working for money not for popcorn.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, maybe just to balance top tier tanks, secondary thing would be to try and limit number of arty as to often happens that some games have 1 -2 arty in team while 10 min after you get 6 or more per team..
and last not to make team where TDs on one side tanks on other.
About spread of tiers, well guy with M6 who gets in team who has tier10 tanks, well guess what, i m sure you dont have to take that tank head on, and that other team has tank who you can kill, ether with AP or with HE.
Personaly i enjoyed playing with M6 and matches where i m at low end was more rewarding with xp.
Problem there is not in tier spread but if players who love to rush and suicide in hope of making kill while being low tier they end up just getting killed and their teamates.
So instead of complaining just for sake of ther n00bisam (making up word and sorry if someone feel insulted ) , maybe they should spend bit time learning how to use their tank or TD right way.
Overlord, keep up with good work, and pleas keep us updated with all cool stuf you guys are dong :)
sorry for tipo's, its early morning.
equal number of.... fuck no! I would get bored after 50 games alredy and quit for the next 2 months.
ReplyDeleteBtw i love the new high tier battles with zero or only one arty, there is so much more potential in this game if you dont have to hug rocks or buildings all the time!
alas, the mighty overlord just stops responding.
Nice matachmaking improovements, bought a Kingtiger yesterday. Yea i had 17 matches, two of them won cause my team is always maid of medium tanks or stock heavys. I sold everything for the Kingtiger and now i have to make 5 matches with a BT-2 to have enough Credits repairing my Kingtiger once and die cause i have to fight against 2 E100 and 3 E75 with stock Kingtiger!
ReplyDeleteThe major problem I see with the current matchmakers is that the tier 8, 9 and 10 tanks have no tier 11, 12 and 13 tanks to battle, so it skews how the battles are put together.
ReplyDeleteyour system is useless.... pls try to play u f.... retards....