Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Changes in Game Economy

The following changes relating to game economy will be applied in 7.0 updates:

- GW-Panther: credit income decreased by 10%.
- GW Tiger: credit income decreased by 20%.

- M37: credit income decreased by 30%.
- M7 Priest: credit income decreased by 8%.
- M41: credit income decreased by 3%.
- M12: credit income decreased by 10%.
- M40/43: credit income decreased by 20%.
- T92: credit income decreased by 15%.

- SU-14: credit income decreased by 13%.
- S-51: credit income decreased by 15%.
- Object 212: credit income decreased by 25%.

Changed gold prices in gold for the following tanks (used when selling a tank for conversion into credits):
- M6A2E1: 10000 -> 7500
- PzV_PzIV: 1500 -> 3000
- A-32: 1250 -> 2500


  1. I think there has already been enough done to discourage playing arty in the game, a wide income nerf just seems unnecessary.

  2. I agree with the credit income nerf, but I wonder why the US arty got more nerfs in credit income then the rest...

  3. Is this the way to make people play less with arty? come on...

  4. SU-14: credit income decreased by 13%.
    - S-51: credit income decreased by 15%.
    - Object 212: credit income decreased by 25%

    wow, i hate you for doing this, one thing that makes money, and you destroy it, even more reason to quit now, thanks overlord for ruining the game for me and im sure many others

  5. Why is this massive discouragement in playing arty ? , you don't get any credits as arty anyway , why decrease it again ?

  6. This is pretty ridiculous. With my M12, even on a good win with no damage, I still lose money just in ammo restock...

  7. well guess i'm not going to play arty any more takes forever to get exp already now credits gayyy

  8. america lost its triple A credit rating so no more money for you. German tanks FTW!

  9. no its to make arty players buy prem tanks to make there money.... just WoT getting greedy :(

    in my object 261 if i loose i make a loss of 20,000 + so i rely on my s-51 to keep it going

  10. this is the way how you try to limit arty in battles??? pretty bad choice in my opinion (instead of limit arty per side max 3-4 which is what most people want from start of the "arty party" thing...shame :|

  11. If this is to discourage so many artillery in matches why not just put hard limit on the matchmaker?

  12. This is how you think to keep the players!?

    Really nice ...

  13. Really? this sucks for those who play these... are they reducing the cost of shells? or nerfing the T-50-2's & other tier 5 lights? if the answer is no then why are you reducing the only incentive there is to play arty? the Amount you have to grind these are already insane. and if we can't make credits to build up to purchase the next it causes stagnation in the game.

  14. ForTheWind/Deranged LunaTech they have no idea how to treat there player base, there idea MOAR PREM FOR MONEYZ, im going to quit now, ive had enuf to the wargaming crap, hard enuf to gain exp on arty, now than massive credz nerf? cya wargaming,destory it more, soon enuf you will have no players!

  15. ... I just hate the new patch. Only bad updates and money maker things for you. Wargames, you have risen pee to head.

  16. Yay.. less arty.. dreams come true.. ruining my battles since 4.x

  17. This seems a bit excessive... i can understand a desire to lower the income from arty to match that of a tank but it is by itself impossible to link the two since a tank should be in the front line and has repair cost while an arty should be in the back (being guarded) and should only spend money on shells. The problem is that the above situation is only true with A. a team that plays well and B. a game that is won because on a loss if you add shell cost (quite high) and repair cost together the money an arty makes is relatively low...

  18. I would recommend to fix the maximum number of the arty's in a battle for 3.

    When there is more than 3 of them, they are messing up the whole game, they ruin the gameplay for shure, high tier arty's can destroy anyone with one single shot...

    This is not fair, you cant hide from them nowhere, if you stand behind a building arty shoots the other side of the building and you get damaged, this is nonsense.

    Arty's ruin the game for all of us:(:(

  19. I don t andertand why you do this nerf !!!
    And why you do all the nerf on US arty !
    (2 german,3 russian and 6 us)

    Can you explain your reason ???

  20. Q: I agree with the credit income nerf, but I wonder why the US arty got more nerfs in credit income then the rest...

    A: Based on avg income values.

  21. the creators of WoT want us to pay in real money to buy the premium tanks in order to gather credits.well done people...

  22. cmone, yesterday i won the match whit hummel, destroyed 6 tanks (enemys;)) but spend lots munition and gues what? after resuplying i was 2000 credits in minus :/ same is whit tiger II T32... and now the same story whit my best moneymaker T29... they hope to sell more gold that way? that game is not fun anymore

  23. This will not prevent me playing arty....

    I enjoy playing arty, only thing this will achieve, it will be really hard to earn silver without premium....

  24. Bad. Really Bad, I got a M40/43 just cause it makes enough good credits, and i can't buy many slots. Money is not that easy to come by. this is a bad way to make players stop playing arty. Extremely Disappointed. :(

  25. Already there is a huge problem how to get credits for heavy tanks on top tiers and now you nerf the only thing that makes money.... -.- This just made me quit the game. I'm done playing the game with minus credit income. And I ain't paying money for in game credits if that was your intention.

  26. Wow awesome. Great way to force people to buy premium all the time.

  27. overlord why?, do some thing about this, putting a limit on arty makes alot more sence they nerfing the lot, ur going to have alot pissed off players, this is just another way for wargaming to suck another dollar out the player, cuz you will have to use prem to make money, as i said, i quit, and shall get as many as i can to do so aswell, wont be hard :)

  28. Are you kidding us with that artys change? :O

  29. lol GW Tiger doesnt have any income highest score i got wos 60k and i destroyed 8 tanks and it wos first battle (double) with him sou what are we gonna earn with him now 5-10k lmaoo

  30. Omg, i totally dont understand this! In patch 7.0 artys will do smaller amount of dmg and now you will decrease theyr income..omg..you will need premium tank to feed you arty...

  31. So..... why?
    Why are you making it harder to make credits? I really don't want to believe you're doing it to cause your players to buy more premium tanks. I'd rather believe this is trying to balance something, and if you are, please share some of that information with us... You could avoid so many of the above/below not-thought-out-at-all comments. We're your players. Talk to us. <3

  32. I hope the 7.0 never comes out.

  33. this bullshit how will players earn credits if you all know how expensive for example is repair and ammo of all tier 9 and 10 tanks without premium account

  34. Wow, with arty being so nerfed already (kill 6 75%+ health tanks for a meer 300xp - really?) I don't see me playing arty any more. Especially since even tier 4 arty barely turns a few coins and playing for a loss kind of sucks.

  35. This is not a great miracle, this is just business. Less money income in the game, get premium for real money. Thats it... Sad WoT users, sad me... :(

  36. This is ridiculous!! Haven't played the game for over a week and this certainly isn't going to make me get back on it any quicker!! All because of the idiots who complain about arty!! Nice way to loose players Overlord, thanks!!

  37. Think, that noone will accept this change... sorry, for mutli-posts, but my blood is boiling :D

    Overlord, Answer me truthfully... you (WG) wants only tu push players to buy premium tanks, or you just dont like, that artys can feed (in silvers) themselves ?

  38. 1. There are so many arty haters around.
    2. There are many players around who complain about the count of arties in random battles.

    Now playing arty gets less profitable which will result less arties.

    And the haters asking: why? You wanted.

  39. "This is not a great miracle, this is just business. Less money income in the game, get premium for real money. Thats it... Sad WoT users, sad me... :( "

    Now arty will be usable only in CW :-) :D

  40. the whole thing is to force people in to getting prem tanks to make and silver its plane and simple a greedy move... 7.0 is going to suck

  41. I think that if WG wants people to buy with real money and is nerfing tanks to get people to buy gold for premium tanks they should just make the game pay to play. nothing expensive just around $5 a month people can afford that and WG will make money from it. just undo the nerfs to the credits.

  42. Bad news!!!! And I was looking forward to update 7.0.

    Please increase credit income for higher Tiers, or reduce the cost of shells. This kind of news in plain wrong/bad.


  43. wargaming, wanting all ur money since 7.0

  44. chinese scum tanks will rule all games from now on!

  45. Guess it was too easy to play arty and either break even or make a profit without having a premium account.

    Ouch Wargaming...Ouch...you weren't even subtle.

  46. wow... how terrible is this.. i to hate it being destroyed by arty but like i sold my tiger 2 because the money income is 0 and less it isn't fun to play. Actually gaining on a battle is already hard work. And now you're just making it harder. .. all those updates are only to make money from it... if it keeps going like this i buy the great premium tank the t-59. And no more premium account.
    First you destroy the joy of premium. that is already why i don't buy it anymore (not even to fund your work.what i did at first) . But now you're just forcing people to buy premium...
    The last changes you made are just pathetic and ruining more then "balance" the game.

  47. FINALLY some steps towards limiting arty players... Also limiting to max of 3 per battle would be nice.
    @Taraba86 Why do you expect to be able to earn credits with tiers 9 and 10 without premium? If that was the case they would never earn any money cause no one would ever buy premium account... They need to make money on this you know... And it's perfectly normal... Anyway, KV, StugIII, and SU85 are great moneymakers so there is your answer...

  48. April Fool's day is the 1'st April no 7'th December.

  49. WOW !!! best wot update ever! Overlord you make my day. Thanks

  50. ok i understand .. players without premium account use low arties to earn credits, but why the fuck u nerfing T8 arty ? Its unprofitable with premium, now its better dont use it. Game is still same like in beta, not much changes ... you destroy CW by your patch and your money hunt is incredible .... we still see only promises like "tech tree revised" "french tanks" "british tanks" ... all is delayed for months, but this shitty changes you do very fastly. Thank you WG ....

  51. Thanos:

    Hows chinese come to the arty income decrase??

    And if you hate type's than hate T-54 too which is even stronger and their pilots are very evil as well;)

  52. wow. just when i was hoping something good will come this.
    this patch should be nicknamed update "greedy us"
    cmon. i barely make money with gwtiger.

  53. I've a GW Tiger, but I still think that any move reducing the number of arties in WOT is a good one...

  54. If this is based on avg income values, I am playing REALLY bad with my GW Panther, I rarely make more than 10k profit after paying for shells, my profit is usually closer to 5k on a win. Not to mention the money I lose when the enemy has a couple of T50-2s and I can expect to live 45 seconds on the match.

  55. It looks like greedy devs want to sell more premium tanks and accounts.. OK, I will play less WOT now and concentrate to Battlefield 3.

  56. hah! im happy! :D

    less arty = better games
    its not about ppl needing to buy a premium tank its the simple fact that there are to many fcking arty players. u basically ruin the game for others.

    they can not simply delete them from the game, and i think if they knew everything in advance they never would have put them in the game in the first place

    so stop bitching that they nerf the credit income, u owe it to urselfs for playing that crap so much in the first place

  57. I'm not a whining type, and if you want to play a game that you like, "you eat, what is served" in the updates. I do play RU branch, I play TDs, I play heavies and also I do play artys. As people said before, in higher tiers, it's quite tough to keep the credits coming into the valet. For me the $ earner is SU212 (or previously S51). But still with arty, from random battles you don't get much, as the number of games "where you shine", from which you get reasonable credits is not much..
    I think this is over-exaggerated and see no positive result. I plan to buy Object704 and also Object262 and also IS4 in time soon and I'd like to keep them all - these are the closest goals, how long will I have to grind to earn enough credits? ..right you know the prizes of them.. .. not whining, just shocked, .. see no sense in such action.

  58. Thks you , finally you will reduce arty number

  59. Thank you for these changes, it will help a LOT to bring balance to the artillery!

  60. one more step towards a completely pay to win game... what a fail.

  61. Well then... I have always relied on arty when I had to make some serious credits to get better tanks and now you are taking that away too. Even with premium account it is quite hard to make credits if you play with T8-T10 heavies if you happen to die too early and haven't gotten any kills or done any dmg. Of course if your round goes well and you win the round and you also stay alive then you make profit, but most of time it is plus/minus zero.

    And if gold / credits ratio is going to be still 1 / 400 then no-one will exchange even that expect in case immident need of credits.

    So like some of the commentators have already said, this will decrease players.

  62. Change will not affect the number of arty players, just forces people to run more on low tier tanks or buy gold. Greedy.

  63. Can i suggest something?
    Nerf the income we make with KV.
    After 7.0 its going to be the only non-premium tank which actually makes profit.
    Then the only way is the premium tanks.
    You cant ignore my suggestion overlord please consider it.

  64. Damage done = amount of credits you get. Naturally artillery makes a hefty sum since it's capable of doing quite a bit of damage. Aside from the KV, artillery is the only other way of making a lot of money without buying a premium tank.
    Is that what you're aiming for? Forcing anyone who wants to go tier 8+ to buy a premium tank to afford their expenses?

  65. well is true there are many arty in game same like they are type 59, same like they are e-50 but ze problem is not they are the problem is ze dam Machmaker what is not capable to have a limited number tank / team / battel noo mater they are arty, td, med, heavy
    how many print screan need to be make to make wg to accept machmaker is a complet failure ?!?!
    enyway goo goo wg u are on writh path of ...

  66. Yeah, less arty party battles!!!
    I am grinding up all 3 nations arty, and I love this.
    Arty Party games ruin the fun, either its over in 4 minutes and u did not make any XP or it becomes a stagnant camp fest for 15 minutes...
    So if this makes players drive tanks instead of arty to earn credits, I am all for it.

    Given that I use premium and only double the arty once a day, so no big hit for me.
    Additionally I have type59 to make up for it
    though if I look at the current Poll over there on the right side ... it will get nerfed for sure :(

  67. joker1220
    when you wont get money from nothing,people will buy the chinese slave for money...you ll see when the time will come and your arty will get nailed all day long by your little chinese friends :)

  68. @Vizier
    Just the type of noob I was talking about!! To not have arty in the game is to ruin the last shred of realism this crap holds on to! Artillery were in the wars therefore should be in a game that tries to be realistic!! It's not our fault if spastics like you don't know how to play against srty you fool!!

  69. @Vizier:
    Stop bitching around arty. They are a part of tank warfare and if you are stupid enough not to be able to play with them on a battlefield then this game is not for you. If you can't use your brain to hide from arty line of sight, then you're just an idiot.

    Secondly if they realy wanted to do something about arty they would make a simple twik to the matchmaker and make arty max 4 per team for example. It would solve all the "problems" involving artys.

    They just want you to buy gold to get money 10€ per 1 mill or to buy a premium tank with which you can buy tier 9/10 tanks.

    Thats it. But most people complaining about arty are too dumb to see that anyways. The very fact that youcomplain about arty shows that you're just less intelligent.

  70. why modify matchmaker to be better when we can just discourage players from playing arty?

  71. You are crazy nuts! This nerf will be the stupidest thing you do. There was one way to earn money, except prem tanks - ARTY.
    I don't wont to buy and play with stupid prem tanks, just for opportunity to play the game!
    You understend?
    It's crazy. Go and f..k yourself!

  72. This week I Bought two Type 59's for my sons. Not cheap.

    however I enjoy the arty's to make my credits.

    By now nerfing arty's even further, rather than the more logical approach of just rebalancing MM to suit the game better, well!, lets just say I have spent my last real money in this game. For all 3 of us.

    If there is no incentive to progress through the tiers bu making credits, then the boredom will come and I will be done.


  73. Freebie arty players caused so much grief for so many PAYING CUSTOMERS, time for a payback (literally) or quit playing them! Those who are dedicated arty fans, will play regardless of income changes, the farmers can go and f* (flog, flaunt, whatever you prefer) themselves. :-))

  74. What a FAIL! this is not balance just business players who playing with arties because farming credit and do not want to buy premium account poor wargaming.net

  75. game economy??? you dont have game economy, you sell credits for gold, but you WG dont sell gold for credits. you are destroying game bcs of greed. for exp: first you give award for custom skins, now you destroy all custom skins bcs of your skins for gold. you are charging stupid crue members rename for gold, you set modules and crue members easy to kill and destroy just ppl to use your repair tool for gold. game becames frustrating and ppl are very pissed and some already leaving. whats next? charrging virtual "malinovka" air to breath for gold? lol, good luck gold collectors

  76. @Danny Don't pull realism card... if it should be real the arty would not have bird's eye satellite view, it would put barrage fire from 20+ kilometers and Tiger would be able to precisely hit and penetrate at the range of 2500 meters...

  77. It would be wery kind of u to explain the real reason of those changes ? What is the point ?

  78. you cant be possibly tarded more WG... sometimes arty is needed especially in high tier game. So you ruin high tier arty? wth?

  79. I Love me some WoT but geez im going down the American Arty line and this is going to suck :/ with So many Negative reviews just put it back to the way it was. This income thing never happened. k thanks ;)

  80. Devs,

    Yet again, decreasing credit income has no real impact on game dynamics or mechanics...why? It's very simple. I go play my type59, shoot a few shots, get 70k credit. I care very little for how much you decrease my T92 income.

    hoorah for awesomeness in forward balanced thinking. (Can you hear the sarcasm? or do I need to explain that too?).

    Yet again, another pointless exercise in game mechanics.

  81. Danny have true.. If is someone not capable to cover and avoid artys hit - then try to play another game. Maybe it´s to hard play WOT for you, but why ruin this game for another players?

  82. I have put enough real money into this game that this is just the way I'd expect to be treated with no gratitude for what I have done to get to where I am at. I also think that the project manager has lost site that the Nation balancing is leaning toward the USSR which only exists in Mr Putin's eyes. I believe this is going to alienate a lot of players, especially the ones that are taking it in the shorts, (the Yanks)Why nerf the economy? I just left a mmo I was in for 4 years due to a poor game economy, and one that I was in prior to that for 5 years for the same reason. I will be surprised if I even make it to the next Wargamming.net platform if the economy goes south as it is showing evidence like above.

  83. yeah, almost i forget.... check your arty object 261, which is weaker and much expensive then object 212 (shell cost 1900, and repair about 21000 credits) dont mention its useless on 60% of maps bcs of low shell elevation trajectory. object 261 is like tier 6 not 8. If is not said, would be funny to maintain one of them ;)

  84. I hate battles with more than 2 arty per side but I understand arty players. I think it should be better to create battles with max 2-3 arty per team than decrease bonus for arty players.

  85. additionally since we can see a greedy trend in WG strategy, we cant expect type 59 to get nerfed...

  86. only artillery players crying stop complaining and play like a man

  87. How about working on getting the promised stuff out, instead of looking at credit income values?
    French won't come this year as promised, no doubt..

  88. Maybe you should just put this game on monthly fee so you can chasse away all non gold players.Just saying you fucking capitalistic scum.

  89. ffs, this is just one of the things we can expect to continue in this game, they push u around till u stop playing...

  90. @ kredence

    yea, all next credit card hero botmobiles like type 59 will be stronger and bring more money then previous one..... but thats not real. in time they will decrease type 59 income to sell another freak tank for money making for gold. so you will say: hey, this bastard make more credits then type - lets buy it!!! Its fraud and it will be repeated again!!! gimme more golddddd

  91. Dear Ovi, what are we even supposed to make income with?! Seriously, it takes a shit amount of xp and playing time to get to high tier arties. Tier 8 arties simply eat up credits due to their repair cost and the income of tier 6 and 7 arties is okay, but nothing you cannot also get with a derp gun KV. Do NOT apply these changes! The amount of credits you get without premium tanks is low enough already!

  92. One more reason to quit playing this game

  93. Thats all You can do ??? Nerf arty income ???
    This is just stupid move. Can't You just limit arty quantity, max 3 per one side. Better fullfil Your promises, with tanks tree, IS4, T30, T34 and so on. WE ARE WAITING FOR THEM, not for arty nerf !!!!!

  94. all changes that thay made so far has the same message "we need more money"

  95. Oh wow poor arty.. Thats messup why the hell spoil my fun as a t-50-2 driver.. i love scouting and watching every around me go boom..

  96. @ Rangar

    Yea, T-50-2 one of the kind or WG freaks :) You cant one-shot him even critical him even with highest ties of arty, lol. Always stays on few percent of health. bullshit....

  97. Explanation for admins:
    1) 1/3 of battles are in town - Ensk, Hummeldorf, Zigfried where arty is wery hard to farm money
    2) I pay for prem account to earn money, you decrease this opportunity becouse - arty is only one way to have 200 000 for 2-3 hours of playing
    3) I can't play so much time if I earn 100 000 for 3 hours. I even can't buy KT!!! 1 Month to buy KT is too many... How long should I dig the earth to buy E100???

  98. Nice step in the right direction, but does not go far enough.

    Arty income should be lowered 50% across the board, as they ruin the games and make them into camping fests.

  99. thanos:

    I am much more worried about those little light tanks than the chinese ones but i agree that in tier 8-9-10 it is real hard job earning the credit for the next tank...

    Now with arty's it will be even harder.

    Arty's cant be blamed because the MM system puts several of them in one battle.

    Yesterday i got a mach with 7-7 arty's on sides it just dont make sense.

  100. Huzzah! less arty and more type 59's. I keep wanting to be sucked in but WG keeps pushing me away. I liked having to play mid tiers to make money, now it's becoming a nightmare.

  101. Bravo WG!!!!!!! Less arty, more fun :)

    This and tracers will make this game again mega awsome. Yesterday I was all the time in battles with 4-5 strong artys per team. It sucked.

    And first, before arty players will kill me. I grinded many months ago to elite GW E (but sold it later), I have also S-51 and keep in garage GW Panther cause its funny arty. But for a long time I am earning credits to finance my X and IX tiers tanks almost only with V and VII tier tanks without premium account.

    So don't cry that arty is necessary to get credits without premium tanks. This is bullshit. You can have enough credits to finance higher tiers without arty, premium tanks and premium account. I play this way since July.

    And arty cap in matchmaker is probably too difficult to do if you want battles starting fast enough. The more limits in matchmaking the more difficult to compose teams.

  102. AWESOME !!! Now just increase a little bit income for heavy tanks and all of the problems with arty partys will be solved.

  103. Glad I unlocked the T92 last week. You really killed the US line's only source of reliable upper tier income. 20%? Seriously?

    Wait, I'm curious... what exactly prompted this anyway? I thought SPGs made a lot of credits to make up for the fact that their xp income is cut by about 25%. Is this just another attempt to try to force players to spend more gold, or something?

    Really, I guess I don't care (done with SPGs anyway), but with how late you guys are with 7.0, much less the new physics, the M103 and everything else you keep delaying that players ACTUALLY want, I think you need to shift your resources and priorities and get your business in order. I don't know what it's like over in Russia and Europe, but no one here is impressed. Actually, that's just an expression. I visit the EU and RU forums fairly often. The Russians definitely aren't impressed. The Europeans don't seem to post enough for it to matter.

  104. Yeah, money-makers nothing more, nothing less ... I have premium, but Arty is for me the way how to feed IS-7 and other tanks :( What now? Buy Premium tank? You still want more money, but gameplay suffers more and more ...

  105. Now all arty players that need 2500 per shell; must buy a premium tank, to even keep up with the cost of playing.

    Premium account + Premim tank = how you now can play arty.

    2500g / month + 7500g , thats the new business model.

    - the backfire, players constantly get nerf and changes seen as negative grows to a bad wibe. Does any other game provided work like this with its fan base? No.

  106. You guys don't need to play this game. I would be glad to see you whiners leave WoT.

  107. I normally dislike arti partys but I do understand that we need arti in this game and I don't think WoT thought about this.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Gold finger, he's a Man, with a mighty touch, Good finger he lives east and he love his taaaank.. his heart is coold..

  110. hmmmm...how about you decrease acceleration and traverse speed on that shitty unrealistic tank t50-2.....i realise that WoT is not simulation nor totally arcade game but even for arcade game that tank is moving hilariously fast and unrealistic and not to mention that he is nightmare for arties specially for the big ones e.g GW Tiger....german counterpart vk28 has the same top speed like that crap but his size and acceleration makes it useless unlike t50-2.....BUT HEY how can i even ask to nerf RUSSIAN precious tank....i'm rude am i? My apologize WG....nerf all beside USSSR tanks!!!! oh i forgot something...OH i remember now....read my lips WG....F U C K Y O U!!!!

  111. I don't play arty for the creds i play arty because i enjoy arty except for the last 4 months when there has been to much arty in a battle to be actual fun. I like the nerf to the creds, it will let me take my T30 and not get rocked to death by arty spam 6 per team is way to much 3 per team at 6 and lower is fine but 6 Tier 8 arty is no fun and all you can do is hide. BTW do what i did for credits get a bunch of tanks like KV's 1 "the 152 makes crazy credits" and 3, Shermans M4, M4A3E2, M4A3E8 and VK3602's and run them they make great credits Basically get a tier 5 or six tank you can make around 20K a battle after ammo and repairs with premium and with out premium 13k. just a note the Hummel was not messed with it seems so that means STOP! Hummel Time.

    Third the us economy was the strongest in the world when it was actually a capital gains economy but they like most economy's forget morals "become gods to themselves" and do what is right in there own eyes then become socialists then commies "no offense to Russians who have now become almost more capitalist than the USA". That is for you Freedom hater aka anty-capitalist guy.

  112. arty parties wont be stopped by this. WG and MM make them. I see some of you are happy coz arty players will suffer, but this wont change anything about that. you will still get matches with 5 arties on each side. my maximum was 10 arties on each :) lol

    I play all tanks, arties, meds, heavies, but i still dont like this happen

  113. rocky47 said...
    AWESOME !!! Now just increase a little bit income for heavy tanks and all of the problems with arty partys will be solved.

    I totally agree very nice!!
    dont listen to the whiners

  114. you just want to earn more money... if you want to help game with less arty in the games, you would add restriction - 2/3 per battle and not this bullshhhh... another fail - Hummel, it's the best moneymaker and you just didn't nerfed it... so this change is completely POINTLESS

  115. I can tell, you are not normal. But still no cure for it. Unistal game and Adios!

  116. Ovi
    that's great idea. I like it :)
    The situation when in one battle are 8-14 artys is sick. This game name isn't The World of Arty - it's The World of TANKS!
    I've got one suggestion: make aty ammo... premium. All arty ammo! That means: "only for gold" ammo (not: "special parameters" ammo :)). Then you not need to nerf arty credits income.
    And we - tankers (not artillerists) - will be glad and happy, I think :)

  117. @ Dark58Eagle

    correction! US economy NEVER was strongest in the world. They were ok when they destrot German, Japanse economy after WWII. When they get back USA sturted to suck A LOT!!! These days USA is so in probs they are volture whole world for oil, coal and other resourses hehehee like WG in game ;) cheers!

  118. It is not about limiting arty number per game, it is about forcing people to buy premium tanks. It is not intimate and ethical. Shame of you!!!

  119. I would like to see all of thees TANKERS, during 1:1 battles with Mouse, and shouting ARTY HELP. But arty ist'n there couse its too expensive :-D.

  120. Just buy a Type-59 and let's all play to World of Type-59

    I won't buy gold anymore with so useful "improvements" of the game. Oh Wait: there's a klaxon incoming to bring us some joy !

    Improve the MM system with 13 arties in the same game, 6 x Type-59 in one team with snail heavies on the other, or packs of tier V T-50 labelled as tier IV. Improve the graphic performance too..

  121. i dont think that this will reduce arty...
    If some1 wants to make money with arty, it will just take longer (and more battles with arty- so it wont work)
    If some1 wants to get tier 8 arty, it will be harder than it is now and it sux... you need much more exp and money to get higher tier arty than any other vehicles...

  122. @ JoeBlackbird

    to learn to play heavies good you got to play arties good. then you will learn to take cover, advance when is possible like rush like stupid idiots and think you are mean :) I see you heavy tank players are so scared of arties so much then you laugh by force :)

    to remind you: in WWII almost 80% of tanks are destroyed by artilery not tank head-to-head battle. you dont know a shit. sit down mark "1"

  123. DJ Wriabco wrote:
    " Hummel, it's the best moneymaker and you just didn't nerfed it"

    I know many tanks which are better credit earners. But maybe for some people earning with tanks is just too difficult.

  124. dear @JoeBlackbird is not player fault what play with arty are force to enter in a game were will be 8 - 10 arty on battel!
    i am play with arty & trust me i don't like that type of game at all usual, it can be a waist of ammo or more just lucky shot
    how i say & how many other say is za dam >Machmaker< fault what are not capable to limit number of tipe tank like med, heavy, td, arty
    enyway this is a clear msg ppls start buy gold ... start get premium account start gief u'r $$$
    soo ya time to move on

  125. This is just a scam to get people to use Premium account purchase.

  126. This is unnecessary and a slap in the face to your loyal fan base- weather they play arty or not. Unexpected, suddenly announced 'nerfs' to any tank/arty/td is poor customer service.

    It's hard enough earning credits in this game as it is. I am premium, I own premium tanks, and I like to support Wargaming.net, and this is the first real change you've made that's made me unhappy. Re-think this, please.

  127. to hell with this... i'm already spending cash on premium account i wont buy a god damn 50 euro stupid money making tank wtf wargaming ????? too greedy lately ?

  128. http://worldoftanks.ru/news/649-8-dekabrya-vyjdet-obnovlenie-070/
    December 8 0.7 release date for Russia

    as always patch comes to Russia 1st( except clan-wars Nerf )

    when will be for US,EU

  129. With the decrease in credit income , you would not be able to play them to earn credits . You make only on an ave 10,000 -13,000 per-battle after repair and shell costs on a GW panther . You get as much playing the KV with the 152 mm .

    Accuracy nerf and now the credit nerf , arty players are hated people in WG i think .

  130. YAY! Another reason to not use my GW Panther anymore :P

  131. i don't know why wg did that, but for artys under tier 6 i'd love to keep the same amount of credit income.

  132. Netflix and Bank of America have pissed people off and look at what happened to them. People will react when you push them to far and you guys are headed in this direction!

    THIS IS BULLSHIT! I don't play arty much but I have to say as a person that spends a lot of money on this game I do not agree with this at all. Keep pissing people off WOT and you will see.

  133. I'm just wondering, what will happend in future event money x 5. How many arty will join one game 15 per side ;-) ??

  134. Den2334 said...

    " 2) I pay for prem account to earn money, you decrease this opportunity becouse - arty is only one way to have 200 000 for 2-3 hours of playing

    You better invest in premium tank like type59! I make 100.000 in 4 battles ( ca. 4x 10min = 40min) without having premium account!! And 25.000 per battle is worst-case scenario!

  135. THE MOST STUPID DECISION YOU MADE! If your plan is to people do not play this game any more, just bring it on. Who fly to high, fall even better!

  136. Wargaming doing everything they can to maximize their income, forcing people to play with the overpriced premium account and buy premium tanks.

    With their almost non-existent rate of real updates to the game (still only one game mode, WTF), and pissing off players like this, I predict WoT will be dead in a year or two.

  137. YEAAAA!!! WG GG! This was already told in closed beta, but now it is a reality. GG once again!!

  138. -1 to WG.with lvl 5 scouts arty have hard life now decreased income.

  139. Nice nerf. Rage more :D

  140. who think that players stop play arty cuz of lower credit income then u are brain damaged this situation should fix better balance systen not such shit

  141. Just to clarify:

    There needs to be a limit on SPGs. I've never liked how you implemented them, even when I started playing. They should be hard-capped to two. Doing a soft patch like this doesn't really do anything to limit SPG players, as no one is playing them exclusively for money. You know that.

    More than that, you don't "fix" things by making them so painful to play that the players actively avoid them. The game is supposed to be *fun*, not a chore. You solve those sorts of problems through gameplay mechanics, not further punishment. Yes, you need grind to encourage gold purchases; it's a free to play game, after all. But you're making parts of the game absolutely unplayable just out of greed. (Stop it.) It's a common mistake F2P games slowly fall into, which always results in market death.

    If it ever happens, the very second a competing game is made, almost all of your fanbase will drop WoT, forever. I can't count the number of times I've been on teamspeak and heard people wish an American developer would copy the idea and make your game over without the innumerable problems this one has. Of all the multiplayer games I've chosen to invest in, Wargaming is by far the company I have had the worst experience with, and been the least impressed by. The only reason why you've had any success so far is your lack of competition. I don't know what it's like in Europe, but Americans can sniff out greed and falsities pretty well. We're raised around it, after all.

    I'm not mad as I write this. It's just something you need to know, as an amateur studio. People get tired of it. I know the importance of making money in a business, but you need to start putting your customers first instead of trying to transparently turn us into your personal cash cows. Like this update, for example. I shrugged when I read it, rolled my eyes and then thought, "They're really getting out of hand, though."

    If you're going to help represent the NA server, take this message back to WG: the majority of your customers are not happy with your product, and only invest in it because there is no competition. No hate, just being honest with you.

  142. with this decreased income of credits with arties, maybe it will have the opposite result that you expect.
    maybe now the arty fans will play harder to get some credits more.
    maybe now there will more arties in the game.

    let's see what will happen.

  143. This is NOT the correct way to balance arty in the game. We have asked you, appealed to you, and answered polls on the fact that the correct fix is to limit MatchMaker to ~3 arty per game. So somehow you think that that fix equals this?? No. The people that play arty will still play arty because they enjoy it. Credit income was a nice bonus yes, but I will not play arty any less. This is not the fix you are looking for, so just stop this frivolous crap right now. You're only serving to make more of your customers angry with money-grubbing policies, long delays in new content (this patch should have been a month ago), and inconsistent changes altogether.

  144. It´s funny how non-arty players are happy for arty cred nerf. This is not going to stop people from playing arty. It just makes life harder for them.

    This is not going to stop 7vs7 arty matches...

  145. Its obvious not enough players buy premium accounts and that is what they want to change. Reducing arty incomes isnt all that bad except for high tiers pretty much like every tier 8 + in other categories. Instead of reducing the money we make, DEVS should hurry to push more and more tanks into the game so we run out of garage slots and use gold to get more. With more tanks in game we get to play more and use more gold to exchange XP cause you all know we want that big tank on the bottom line of tech tree. If we players dont buy enough premium accounts its, either its too expensive OR it just wont give us enough a big enough advantage ... Adjust it from there ... A Premium tank is a 1 time only money income so you guys at Wargaming should know better and put premium accounts lot more interesting for us. Bear in mind i have 2 kids to pay for and a very limited budget, yet i have a premium account once in a while because i like the game and i have played 3000+ games for free in the Beta which is really why i didnt bother giving you guys as far as 140$ so far to get gold, but your i feel i owe you time has nearly depleted now so i will be considering my money lot more then my fun sooner or later ....

  146. Clever way to reduce artys. I like it! :)

    If WG would have restricted number of arty per battle, either arty player would have to wait a long time for a battle or there would be almost no battle without any arty.

    People playing arty for fun still can do it without restrictions or long waits for matchmaker to find a free arty slot. People grinding credits can still do so by driving Tier 5/6 tanks (or even fun Tier 3 Tanks, I like PzIIIA, Luchs and MarderII) even w/o Premium stuff.

    I hope this play out as (I think) it is intended. Ballancing is quite difficult and I think WG is doing a good job at it!

  147. With this incoming nerf, will arty be able to become premium when the 'turn regular tank into premium' goes into effect?

  148. I really don't care if the arty earns less, this will still provide games with 6-7 artys on each side.
    These games I have decided to just quite, seeing as I'm dead anyway the first time I'm spotted.
    This way atleast the arty won't make money/xp on my already dead wreck.

  149. Is suck!!!!!!!

    STUPID DECISION YOU MADE! Grrrrrrrrrrr...

  150. WP said...
    "I know many tanks which are better credit earners. But maybe for some people earning with tanks is just too difficult."

    but i'm talking about arty ;)

  151. Dear Overlord

    simple question:


  152. I have to admit i think pretty much alike ELI.M on this. Id like to add the fact that ARTIES are necessary in this game as they reduce the camping time in a lot of games but 7 arties in 1 round brings back the complete camping in the game ....

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. Whenever there's a battle without arty there is more movement as people are not hiding behind rocks but actually doing tank maneuvers. If the enemy camps in these situations, fine. I will flank them through the open as there is no arty one shotting me.

    Very nice move WG!

  155. Really its not as if its impossible to get xp, now it'll be impossible to make money. I had 8 kills and fadins medal with my su-26 and it was the first victory of the day and I still got barely over 1000xp. There's basically no reason to play any kind of higher tier arty now, just like there's always been almost no reason to play over tier 6 tanks (when rounds start costing over 1k silver a piece, you just dont want to shoot them any more).

  156. Looks like only campers are posting replys here with their shitstorm, lol.
    Start fighting at pointblank ranges bush boys.

  157. FAIL FAIL and FAIL!

    Overlord! Did you guys think this over? Would this make ANY sense?
    I use SPGs to make credits, and now you intend to reduce their income. So what effect gonna this make? Oh no! I'll have to play MORE with SPGs to earn the same credit amount! Is that your goal?

    Honestly, who the heck cares how much SPGs earn, except their owners?

    I beg you, LIMIT THE NUMBER OF SPGs PER BATTLE FFS! Solve the real problems, instead of making new ones!

  158. Yet another fine update from WG (insert MASSIVE sarcasm quote here).

  159. This is not persuading me to start playing again.

  160. Seriously? What r tard came up with this idea?
    If your that desperate for money over there at WG, maybe you should sell a premium arty with good stats instead of screwing over the rest of the arty's by cutting the pay outs. If it's a "Whaaa.. too many arty on map!!" fix.. try setting limits to 3 per side per map max.

    Decrease credits earned by arty.. stupidest thing I have seen in game since the CW set up...

  161. As WG has just sent a big "SCREW YOU" to arty players, I am prompted to say "SCREW YOU TOO, WARGAMING."

    They know this won't fix the number of arty problem. Or any other arty usage problem for that matter. The only motive behind this is that WG wants more money, which I'm sure they're already getting enough of.

    Bad move. You're sure not getting my money anymore, stupid morons.

  162. Gotta say, over all I agree with Eli M

    I can see an arty limit: like 5. BUT it that happens I want on heavy limit.

    Like many other posting, I have spend a chunk of chance on this game (200$ over 8 months) - and it WAS fun. WAS. I've got prem through January, and I own 7 Prem tanks...and with crap like this, and the pop drop I see no need to keep buying from you guys.

    But its become more frustrating the higher up in tiers I ago...I finally got my T30, would you like to talk about that Overlord?

    Tier 7-8 have become almost unplayable - and yes I own a T59 - but man you need to really update MM for that guy.

    I don't even think high tier or arty heavy games are an issue - but I see why people want them limited.

    It bothers me more, however, that you haven't made updates that should have been made along time ago (A tier 9 medium does not equal a E75, and giving the other team most tier 7's doesn't make up for it either)

    I also don't get why you do things like this.

    Arty is almost unplayable as it is now. Its the most team dependent unit type in the game - the xp grind is unreal, the credit income WAS viewed as compensation.

    You can't just take away from players without giving them something in return. Its a terrible move in a very competitive industry. The are only so many customer dollars out there.

  163. I find it very interesting, that You (Overlord) are alsways talking and discussing with us in every Blog you write.

    But in this one particular blog you just brought ONE post!

    So tell us why WG came to the conclusion, that there is a credit nerf needed?

    I just have a S51, and I really fail at playing SPG, I just bought it because I wanted to make a little credits. Wasn't enough so I bouht Löwe.

    so I am not a SPG player, but wonder why this decision was made?

  164. This will make me quit for sure.

  165. Unreal.... Another clueless move by a group who cant change the MM to fix thew arty issue. Like arty isnt enough of a pain in the ass as it is? What is WRONG with you people? Arty loses money now. You guys need to hire a REAL programmer to fix the match maker.

  166. TigerClaws said...
    "Its obvious not enough players buy premium accounts and that is what they want to change."

    Yes, and this is why WG makes events in which they double some tanks incomes and half they price to enable everyone buying them and selling after event without losing money. Buhahahahahaha.

    "Id like to add the fact that ARTIES are necessary in this game as they reduce the camping time in a lot of games"

    Thats interesting because I noticed that artys increase camping like hell. The more artys with strong guns, the more people are afraid to move and battles are more boring and frustrating for nonarty players.

    BRAVO WG!!

  167. This sucks! WG is adding another nail to their coffin.


    Decrease artillery earnings to discourage their use? Laughable. W.G.'s membership will see through this blatant cash grab. You (W.G.) are making quite clear profits are a much higher priority than customer satisfaction and that will lead to membership decline if not corrected.

  169. i never spend any cent for gold, join the protest and force them to return old prices :)

  170. I am disappointed to read this. I would have preferred to see MM hard SPG limits based on maps. So, more T-59's per match it is, then. Arty is already a very hard tech tree to climb because of XP.

  171. Lord Azaghul said...
    "Arty is almost unplayable as it is now."

    Aha, now I understand why there is so many arties in battles and why very often they are the biggest killers in high tier battles ;) Hahahahaha

  172. Overlord, can you comment on whether parking closer to the center of enemy flag increases the speed of capture count, vs parking on outside edge? I see it typed in chat often when one tank is capturing the enemy's flag, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

  173. You all ARTY whiners. BUY YOURSELF A REAL TANK OF TIER V-VI and MAKE MONEY!!!! Stop playing like sissies in Arty noob ninjas at 6-7 per side teams and make money. Players in Is4s and IS7(or comparable) need to make money in other tanks if they dont have premium account and are good players. SO BUY YOURSELF A real TANK not paper noob tracktor with mighty gun using satelite view!. GET YOURSELF A KV/T34-85 or other nation TANK.

  174. @Schei Photography said...
    i never spend any cent for gold, join the protest and force them to return old prices :)
    A: then stop bitching. If you are playing for free, what do you feel WG owes you? You are a leech, and if you paid for premium, or something else, perhaps WG's would not feel the need to push gold purchase more. The only claim you can make is that having more players makes the game more attractive to the paying members, but that is probably a pretty big stretch, really.

  175. for those who are hapy with the arty nerf, you need to know that arty players will need to play more matches to earn money = more arty matches...

  176. A lot of people are complaining about this making the game needlessly insufferable for arty players, but seriously: SUCK IT UP. The nerf only reduces the ability to farm cash on higher-tiered arty, (except the americans, dunno what that's about) forcing you to play tier 5 (Hummel, SU-8) to make your money.

    Explain to me how this is different from ANY other tree. ALL trees lose money in high tiers, ALL trees have to play tier 5s and 6s to farm their credits. High tier arty being profitable was a lucky exception for quite a while and now that it's been revoked because of abuse you're acting like it's some sort of personal vendetta Wargaming has against arty players. You had an extraordinary privilege, it's been revoked. Deal with it.

  177. good job overlaord. you had to know that all the arty players would be upset, but the vast majority dont play arty and dont want them around anyway(in numbers over 2, two per match is nice more is silly and pointless), GREAT JOB

  178. o great that means instead of 8000 credits with m37 i only get like 5600 credits - like 2600 for repairs and - around 2000 or more for amm o then there is only a rest of 1000 credits nice work how the hell should we get the next fing tank with that incoming (that is waht i gert allready with prem by a good round)

  179. I agree with the rest. Artillery has its specific playstyle compensated with nice credit earning. Removing it just makes this game really less fun... And even i play heavy, i prefer to play with arties, it makes game more realistic. Now its very discouraging to play with arty, it would be better to put a 3-4 arty per team limit. Dont put discounts! It has nothing to do with players and balancing the game so leave it be. Dont be like other Western Companies... Always in mad pursue for money... BAD IDEA!!!!

  180. No more $$ from me!! EVER!!

  181. Ok that's it. I'm fed up with this damn game. Ever since its release its been a pain in the ass.

  182. Just invested all free experiance and in-game money for the S-51 and rammer etc.. to make an awsome gameplay. To my dissapointment the S-51 ammunition and repaircost together is all too high. These small Tier5? light tanks always slips through and kill arty and i often goes backwards in-game moneywise .. I will make more ingame money if i go to work an extra hour and then gold exchange it for ingame money .. I guess that's the way they want this game to be in the future .. A buy Gold and Give Us all your Cash game ?

  183. Or Drive a KV, or a panzer 4, or a sherman... not be terrible at the game... and make money hand over fist with one of those instead?

  184. Just another excuse not to sort matchmaker out and farm more money out of us!! Or are you all too stupid to sort matchmaker out so your trying everything else to get round it and finding ways to make money at the same time?!!

  185. To many people want free money with 1-2 shots from the sky in extreme easy mode, so they can upgrade their next tank. Sry that wont go anymore.

  186. metal ur so funny why do so mnny ppk think arty is easy mode when u cant even hit anything bcause the guns are so inacurrate ,the tanks are to fast two hit them, they cannt be aimed at and those f.ing OP TIER LIGHT TANKS are huhnting u down realy metal try to play arty and u will know what i say is true

  187. Hmm. It already cost me more for ammo after a round than I earned on my M41. This is just wrong.

  188. King of Battle...did you expect a King to give you money?

    Really looking forward spending gold on camo and stuff once the arty rate dropped.

  189. This comment has been removed by the author.
