Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Czech Tanks Incoming!

Skoda T-15 (Panzerspähwagen T-15) is light German premium tank.Years of production (several prototypes built): 1941 - 1943. Constructed in on the territory of present Czech Republic as continuation of Pz. 38 (t) and Pz. 38 NA.

The vehicle is planned to be added in 6.6 update.


  1. looks cool!


  2. The PZ 38 line sux :S .. why this ?

  3. heh, a Nanana, but longer.

  4. Looks nice, i like it!

    Another fast scout i suppose, but as to be a "response to Soviet T-34" that's just hilarious...

  5. What tier will this lil' guy be?

  6. When can we see some pics from Tiger(P) and VK4502 Ausf. A?

  7. "What tier will this lil' guy be? "

    I think this will be a Tier 3 like T-127 and locust.

  8. And I still wait for polish light tank "7TP" wich was better than soviet T-26 (both tanks had based on Vickers E) or Pz II and could fight with Pz III with succes.

  9. I think Polish tanks will be included in the Europe tech tree just like Hungarian,Swedish and other tanks from eu. countries.

  10. it looks like PZ35T/PZ38T :/

  11. I see that the photography skills are getting better


  12. Hi can the Dev's add a check mark for dedicated scout. I like low tier battles but I don't want to be a scout in high tier matches. But I like the variety of tanks. Looks good, what about the medium? Thx

  13. "Anonymous said...
    And I still wait for polish light tank "7TP" wich was better than soviet T-26 (both tanks had based on Vickers E) or Pz II and could fight with Pz III with succes."

    You haven't seen german, russian and usa improved trees, right? In other case you won't write something like this.

    Tank looks great, give us pics of T25 and porsche panzers please :)

  14. Czech Republic during WW2 ??.
    Czechoslovakia I think :)

  15. Another vote to see the Porsche tanks next!

  16. Hello Overlord, is there an ETA on changing to the latest game engine Big World2? Bigger maps are possible, 2core usage, and the view range is not limited anymore. Now we could have bigger differences in view range especially the low tanks vs high tanks. Thx

  17. Any ETA of M-24?

  18. Anonymous said...

    "Czech Republic during WW2 ??.
    Czechoslovakia I think :)"

    Then you think wrong. During WW2 there was Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

  19. Next patch you make the VK3601 to a heavy, are you gonna buff it? Pen of short 88? Don't forget the VK is only OP with gold ammo. So to all players that use the VK without, it's tough. But hey are you gonna nerf the KV and his derp gun that tank is OP without using gold. But again this is a Russian tank, what a stupid question. My 2 cents delete the conical and leave the VK as a med.

  20. Actually if you think we didn't recognize, you changed the multiplier for the match making value already. I'm matched up already over 50% of my solo games with tier 9. so I don't even bother anymore playing this tank, I guess it's a slow change that the complains are less at patch 6.6. Actually I play already less in general so if there is next patch the E series not competitive I stop playing, no joke. I just get bored of being the only tanks that burn from shots in the front. All your balance statistics are only used to keep the imbalances legit. But hey nerf the German tanks more, my wife will be very happy. Thx

  21. Given the size of its cannon, I'd have to assume it'll be tier 3 like the recent US/USSR premiums.

    It looks pretty similar to the other Czech tanks; hopefully it'll stand out compared to the rest of 'em enough to make it worth premium.

    Looking forward to seeing the T-25 and its stats (and its price).

  22. I have a question about the "new premium T34" in future, which gun will the premium t34 have then ? the 105mm from t29 or the 120mm gun ?

  23. What about having balanced version on EU and NA server. If you are worried about player reaction on RU server. The steps are too little you are doing, I don't see the player base increase this way. Too many friends ask me if it's worse to start playing again. But I'm already playing less myself, not worth the headache thinking about what if and when. Sorry guys good idea but single tracked.

  24. 3 questions

    1.- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6rser_Karl
    for the future? long away future?
    please say yes

    2.- any chance to improve the explosion of tanks (when they die) instead of some sheet metal sound and more like a real tank explosion
    like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTf8QyFZBsM&NR=1

    3.- make your female staff do the voices next time, i am sure many will like some woman voice (with russian accent) telling you that you are on fire

  25. shiki said...

    3 questions

    1.- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6rser_Karl
    for the future? long away future?
    please say yes

    I can say for sure that it won't happen.just think about it.plus would you be happy if you could fire about 10 minutes into the game?

    please be rational.

  26. "Czech Republic during WW2 ??.
    Czechoslovakia I think :)"

    Then you think wrong. During WW2 there was Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
    July 7, 2011 11:41 P

    only for Nazis...so u are wrong.same thing was in Poland (Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete)Those new "country names" were against international law and never accepted by allies and other countries.

  27. Not accepted by the allies? Lol, whats that for a argument. Fact is that Bohemia & Moravia was defacto part of the Greater German Empire.

  28. Q: Hello Overlord, is there an ETA on changing to the latest game engine Big World2? Bigger maps are possible, 2core usage, and the view range is not limited anymore. Now we could have bigger differences in view range especially the low tanks vs high tanks. Thx

    A: We are using the latest version currently. It's up to BW folks to introduce improvements.

  29. Q: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6rser_Karl
    for the future? long away future?
    please say yes

    A: Ofc, no. ))

  30. I'm really excited about 6.6 and can hardly wait to play the revised german techtree.

    I hope you can make it happen until the end of juli.

  31. To the discussion above about country names. Poland was still called Poland and so all the other occupied countries that had artificial names, even by Germans during the war. The occupation was not long enough to change this, luckily. Made up names by politicians and historians.

  32. Hi Ovi, thx for the answer according to big world 2. Does WG has some influence on Big World? For recommendations? If view range could be increased you don't need to nerf the low tanks, just increase the view of tall tanks and the game would be more balanced.

  33. Sorry overlord, but in three weeks 6.6 is expected. Russian programming with German scheduling! Lol I can't wait, it's like birthday and Xmas together. Thx Dev's.

  34. Hello Overlord:
    I have a Panther and Panther II in my garage now. In 6.6 does this mean I'll have an E-50, a Panther II, and a Panther I? Confirm or deny?

    Also, when can we see the weapon stats and designations on the E-75 and E-100 as how they'll be going in to the upcoming testing?

  35. A: You will have all 3 in your garage.

    A: Soon.)) In 2-3 weeks, I think.

  36. Just a quick question , there is no multycore and hiperthreading technology support right now ?
    I was wondering why my processor had problems , maybe this is it ?

  37. @ForTheWind yes - sad but true. only thing you can do is let the operating system and other background applications use the first core and wot run on the second. this way wot a least gets ot use a core on its own.

  38. Looks like a nice tank

  39. "yes - sad but true. only thing you can do is let the operating system and other background applications use the first core and wot run on the second. this way wot a least gets ot use a core on its own."

    REQUEST: How to do this should be explained in the Wiki.

  40. About name, it was Czechoslovakia, same like Poland was Poland and French was French. But Overlord was writing in present times, so Czech Republic is corret (Czechoslovakia is now Czech Republic and Slovak Republic). But i think former Czechoslovakia fits better, becouse Slovaks have some pice of work too ;)

  41. Well its not really an option , cores other then core 0 ( the main/first core ) are not that powerful , when i run the game on all cores ( core i3 370m , hiperthreading = 4 logical cores ) i get maybe 15-30 fps , and sometimes when there isn't much smoke and trees it runs at 50-60 fps

    but if you make the game use cores 2 and 3 ( thats 3rd and 4th core , witch is actually one physical core ) i get crappy fps in the range of 10-20.

  42. hey overlord, 1 lil question:

    when you will give us a system/option to choose the map, which we want to play? in exemple the most players will be very happy, if they're have a possibility to "deactivate" 1 map on 10 available maps... or if they can choose the map to play, without any random-mapchoice...

    is wargaming think about a option like this or do you want that we play every game with any map of all the whole maps there are possible?

  43. Hi, im sorry i write about another topic, but i have an objection. Players who have IS4 when 6.6 patch come out, will get also object 252, but player who have Tiger II won't get VK 4502 (P) Ausf A. Isn't it same situation? I will be glad if Overlord answer me. Thanks

    PS: Sorry for mystakes.

  44. @Overlord: It looks like you guys changed the payment provider. I was able to use creditcard or paysafe through ultimate pay. Now you only offer two services in Germany requiring direct access to my bank account. I understand that you have less fees per payment but I will never use this.
    I spent more than 250€ so far but will not use this payment method. Creditcard, Paypal or PaySafe is the way to go.

  45. U still can pay via Papyl or Paysafe or whatever.

    Add funds -> choose "Playspan" (just above your email above the different packages) -> new overlay: Choose Paypal, OR "12 more choices" and then paypal.


  46. @Anonymous TigerII/IS4 changes:

    No, it is not the same thing. A IS4 driver gets more health and a greater tank worth. That's a huge Problem, so he gets another tank for free.

    While in Tiger II u r just put into a different branch of the tech tree. You don't have any advantage of it, so u won't get a tank 4 free. Besides, why r u driving a German tank?

    That's just STUPID! Russian tanks had always higher casulties than German tanks (the best was 1:1, the worst 1:7,9) So of course the russian tanks have to be better in game.

    Who would want to play russian tanks if they were realistic? Crappy cast armor which was about 20% less effective thant forged armor.

  47. I ment welded armor of course instead of forged armor,

  48. That's the only thing that sucks in this game. IS4 totally overated, KV and KV-3 too. Of course, they will fix it by the next patch, but not to ballance it too much they must give them lot of tanks. It can always annoy me.

  49. And KV-3 is the same. I dont know why the fuck they must give someone another tank because KV-3 will be higher tier. And in the same branch.

  50. why do you give them T10 tank for free? just replace is 4 with object 252, T9 for T9

  51. OMG, jealous bastards, i am very sorry for you. Typical eastern european sour grape attitude, if anybody besides you gets something for free you are mad for it, even that is not supposed to concern you. If you don't get it, then nobody get it, but if you would be involved you would be the loudest cheerer and the most frequent asker: "when will it come? when will it come?". Try to be glad for your player mates luck!
    And for the record, german tank players get free stuff too in the next patch, i will get free Panther and i'm happy for it and i'm not envy for example the US tank players for the free T34 and T30.

  52. Well said. This sour grape attitude is annoying.

  53. I play only German tanks, more efficient staying in one tree. I don't care what the other trees get for free, it was my decision which tree I went. If you want a free tier 10 play Russian. For me it's more important that the imbalances are worked out. Russians have still to many, little advantages that sum up. The only advantage for other the other nations are most of the weak players play Russian, that's why I'm not that upset at match making anymore. Too many IS4 and T54 players who really suck.

  54. Why do both American heavy drivers and Soviet heavy drivers get free tanks upon the patch, but German drivers don't? What if I have the Tiger II, and wanted the Maus?
    Everyone is compensated except the Germans, like usual.

  55. You will get free stuff for Panther. Just told a million times...

  56. Palantine I dont know about the Russian tanks but the Americans didnt get a free tank! Just want to point that out! T23 was removed, replaced by Pershing, and Pershing replaced by Patton. Nobody, again NOBODY, got anything for free. I lost my T23 and got a Pershing. If you HAD a Pershing you lost it and got a Patton. Simple...

  57. @Anon
    Did I say German medium drivers?
    No, I said German heavy drivers.

  58. Hello, please, What about Gold prize of the Škoda Tanks ?

  59. Skoda Czechs we stole the idiots German ...

  60. Czechoslovakia not exist IN www2 ;-)
    ŠKODA FTW!! :-)

  61. sorry, but this is not a czech tank....last czech tank was lt.38 or lt.35
