Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's alive!

The blog is changing and evolving. Don't remove it from your bookmarks and speed dials.

Stay tuned.



  1. first? >_<

    Need I say finally! :D

  2. do u mean overlords blog will be back? if so, we say YEEAAAHH !! :)

  3. Welcome back, you've been missed! :-D

  4. Ok everyone, give him some room to breath. He needs air, fresh air. Stablish a perimeter and let him breath please. Code Blue team, please stay alert if he slips back into a comma we are gonna need that defibrillator.

  5. Woot! Would love more info on the Soviet heavy changes coming "soon".

  6. I don't believe You. When the update??

  7. Thanks everyone for a warm welcome!

  8. Grate! Had begun to loose hope of this being risen from the ashes. good work

  9. @Overlord:
    Welcome back. I hope people will post nice message from now one.
    Please dissable comments.

    1. I would like to keep the moderation here at a low rate really. Hoping that everyone is civilized. A bit naive, maybe. :)

    2. Let's hope they will behave now...

    3. Just try not to care so much about those repetitive complains made by certain people.
      When those guys are making you mad think about the vast majority of your readers who wish to stay tunned with first hand info from you.

    4. well, there will always be people who will post the silly message before their brain even realised wth the fingers just typed

    5. Seriously consider locking the replies and putting a link to a forum post where replies can go, and be moderated as appropriate.

      Glad you're back!

  10. Welcome back Overlord, we missed you. :)

  11. More info and pictures are always welcome. Good to see the blog back.

  12. Welcome back Overlord - we've missed you. MWAAH!

  13. HEY OVERLORDY!!!! We missed ya!!

  14. Don't take this the wrong way.You have be away too long. Your Eu Q/A alienate most of the NA player base. Your out of free passes. And Coming back after the 7.2 test and information are final. To Return on white horse For the "Russian Tank Patch" isn't isnt going to win any friend. You earned our trust and Lost it blame too many troll. Then Na was abandoned to our own
    I welcome you back But You have alot of work to do earn the trust lost and thrown away

    1. Agreed, but in my honest opinion its too late...

    2. It's never TOO late. The road back may be too long tho

    3. As i understand he does all this work in his free time... so st*u and be happy he is back :)

    4. Dont hate cuz im not drinking the WG kool-aid. And proclaim the Second coming for Overlord as the greatest event ever. He Back.But that it's.

  15. If you would know that how many of us stopped playing World of Tanks becouse the developers are just talking but the development is slower than a snail... furthermore wargaming is not communicating with the players, don't even hear that the players are whispering...

    1. Speak for yourself, there are many players who love this game and although there are issues to iron out, your doom and gloom isn't justified or accurate.

    2. Really? Then tell this to my friends who left the game...

  16. I removed this site from bookmars in the morning XD
    Looks like I'll put it again into it.

  17. WB. you will still get attacked no doubt by a few idiots if you leave comments open. just bookmark this page and look back every time you get fed up.

  18. Welcome Back, Master of Dev News :-)

  19. @Overlord: Glad to hear that it is coming back. I strongly recommend you disable comments. Your time and answers in the Q&A threads is far more important than coddling and moderating this again. Either way, glad to know it was only "mostly dead" http://youtu.be/yokQ0_8__ts

    1. I will be spending less time on the forums from now, so would like to have most of the communication here.

  20. Good to see you back but to be honest I'll reserve judgement till I see how useful this is goin to be. As has already been mentioned as players we get very little useful communication with dev's over anything to do with the game. If done right this blog could really be useful for us as players, or it could be as useless and vague as were used to in which case it will probably fall flat on it's face and you will lose even more support/players. I really hope for the first option but, if WG stay true to form, I fear it will be the second.

  21. Welcome back. - now lock up your comments section quick, before 7.2 hits the NA server! ;) !

  22. &&*$#%@


    ^^ guess you didn't hear this one lately; you should get used to it :-)

    1. yeah, good old stuff! Enjoy it! :)

    2. wahh ... the frenchies are OP :)

    3. lol NO WAY

      you just need to learn how to kill them.
      I drive all french heavies and when i meet someone who knows what he does, I'm toast (French toast ;) )

  23. welcome back, we missed you :) Looking forward to read your blogs with coffee :)

  24. Welcome back Overlord!

    You mentioned in the EU Q&A thread that the test phase of 7.2 is not really for balancing purposes.

    Does that mean we will still get a chance to some rebalancing of the T110 and M103 after 7.2 goes live??

    We have waited so long for these tanks to replace our 'poor' T34 and T30, and now that they are finally coming we get tanks which are of very questionable performance.

    1. That's correct, during public tests we usually don't test the balance. It's being tested internally and on supertests.

      The specs of the above mentioned tanks have been finalized.

    2. then why call them tests. There just demos at that point

    3. That's not what he said. He said they're not used for balancing. There are plenty of other things to test beside balancing.

  25. Welcome back! We missed you, today is a great day :)

  26. OMGGGGGGGGGG Yes I want it back! My life wasn't complete without it!

  27. Good to see your blog is back =)
    And with a new, more useful design too.
    Now I dont have to search hours for for replys.

    Thanks alot!

  28. Finally - the best source for updates and insider news is back on track! Welcome back and have a great day!

  29. Correct ... After four months, so ... pffff

  30. Welcome back Overlord. I was missing you regular updates, whether useful or not. At we had someone talking with the players.

  31. I fucking love you! Sry for these hard words but...they are so true >.<

  32. Will you continue with rigged polls? :D

  33. how is WoWP?
    can I get a invite test?

  34. Oh good, nested comments. This will make it much easier to follow the rage.

  35. Yay! Now i dont have to browse WoT journal to get the newest info! It's great to have you back!

    Here's my first question to Overlord:

    Few hours ago the clan logos were probably being tested, right? Atleast i had clan logos on my tanks. Now they have vanished. So any ETA when these are being introduced? (Soon™, anyone?)

    1. hm, odd, my logos are still there..

    2. Some of my clanmates also reported that the clan logos vanished from their tanks. Also there's some topics about this on the EU forums!

    3. Try moving the camera around the tank in the garage and they will reappear. I noticed that

  36. Splendid news. I am so happy Overlord is back. :)
    Greetings from Canada.

  37. welcome back!

    And ignore the haters/whiners. ;)

  38. Welcome back, Overlord

    Don't let all the negative idiots get to you :-)

  39. Great to have you back Overlord!

  40. Welcome back! :) :) :)

    Will you also be posting stuff about WoWP?

  41. Welcome back Overlord, long time no see :)

  42. Overlord, what's going on with the timezone? You post PM our posts are Am and it's defo 17:05 here in the UK ;)

  43. You guys f*ucked up your game time to roll game back to 6.7, its not fun to play anymore and punitive, considering tons of new free to play games coming out, like mech warrior online, mech warrior tactics and Planetside 2, you will lose most of your player base. Fix your game now or kiss your company goodbye, Most people I know who play the game refuse to buy anymore gold from you.

    1. If your here to troll GTFO, Theres more players joining every day and technically they are working on to improve it everyday

    2. I'm always wondering why people post in forums or follow blogs like this if the corresponding game is so bad or already deader than dead - if this is really the case, WHY are you guys still here ?!?

    3. Ke-ke-ke, if you'd only know, how often sentencies like this arose in a Russian WoT community... And where are all those winers now and where is WoT?

    4. I log in every now and then to play with friends, I'm just passing on vent conversations to the management, maybe they'll care and try to fix a horribly broken game, other than that I really don't care either way. The way Wargaming.net runs their business is here today and gone tomorrow.If they were smart they would have a team of people just working on new maps and releasing them asap, they game now is boring and repetitive, at least new maps would keep some interest, they are slow to patch and miss deadlines constantly, their marketing is weak " find new ways to entice new and old players to keep playing. Thats my .02 c, this one was on the house.

  44. welcome back overlord. can we also post suggestions for new features in wot here?

    1. yes, sure, please just stick to the post topic. there will be special posts dedicated to WoT.

  45. Happy to see the blog is up again----- But I'm still sort of waiting for the masterstroke of Overlord.

    He DID say he was planning something CRUEL for the blog.. :O

  46. OMG hell must have just frozen over!!

  47. Thank you for reopening your Blog.

    My question is: What is your opinion of the feedback you have received from the NA players regarding the 7.2 test? My understanding is the NA forum posts have been condensed and forwarded to you guys.


  48. O hey look, it's been almost a year since you announced the American changes... Slacker.

    1. and finally we are delivering them. still better than never. :)

  49. Love the new design and welcome back, you put a big smile on my face :D

  50. Welcome back! I haven't had anyone to complain to about the US heavy tree, Matchmaker, and Russian bias. No one understands me.


  51. I luv U overlord =3

    (im not gay btw) lol

  52. Wooh!
    Nice to see blog is making a return! \o/

  53. Why are you replacing the T34 with the M103 with has no significant armor on it?

  54. Good to see you've revived this. As many have said, ignore the haters. People like complaining - they'll always find something. Remember, they tend to be the kind of teenagers that give the rest of teenagers a bad name!

  55. Thank you God, oh I mean OverLord. ;-)


  57. Welcome back - really missed this blog !

  58. Welcome again. But now stop with the kisses and hugs, and answer..HEHEHE. I asq, you answer that you can.


    1. When premium jagdtiger arribed 7.3 or 7.4?

    2. When brummbar and Sturmtiger arribe? The sturmtiger (in game), will be have the same ammunition than in reality? High Explosive(HE)Shell, and High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) Shell? this ultimate in reality can penn 2,5 METRES of reinforced concrete. Or are you thinking in other tipe of ammunition?

    3. When E-10 and E-25 arribe? What can you say about E-10? It will be have the same effective armour of hetzer, or will be have more effective armour??
    What can you say about E-25? What gun 75L70 or 88L56?

    4.I see that in german full tech tree you put Pz 1 and Pz 1 C.
    What you are going to do with Pz 1 C?
    Becouse it have very poor armor around 30mm. It have poor gun is a 20mm gun. And it is a tier 4, however it have a speed of 79KM/H.

    It will have 79KM/H limit, like in prototype because the game have limit of 72KM/H ?

    5. Are you reviewing the 170 mm cannon for Jagdpanzer e-100? This cannon could become an option for this tank?

    6.What can you say about captured tanks? It have differents guns?
    For example: I find that, Pz KV-1 756 ® have the gun 75 KWK 40 L/43. Is this true?
    What can you say about other captured tanks? like: Captured Panther, PzIV, Pz T34 747 ® and Pz BT 742 ®. What is differences between this captured tanks and the this normal tanks?

    7. Do you have plans to enter ELC serie tank (ELC EVEN, ELC AMX, ELC Bis)?

    B: Re-balance tanks, tanks in game and Vehicles FAQ

    8. Where can i buy PzIIJ, BT-SV and MTLS-1G14?

    9. Where can i buy PzV-IV, A-32 and M6A2E1?

    10. Are you thinking to rebalance light tier 5 with littles upgrades (chaffe and VK2801 especially)? Maybe adding additional grosours, a little upgrade in RoF or better gun to 2801 . More top speed (65km/h) and RoF for chaffe?

    11. Are you thinking in change cammo for Jagdpanther, Ferdinand and Jagdtiger? Upgrading it.

    12. Are you thinking in rebalance A-20? and maybe M5 stuart? this tanks are really underpower again t-50 and leopard?

    13. Are you thinking in remove the front machinegun in Jagdtiger? it can be penn by M4A3E8 76mm.

    C: MODS in gamme

    14. Can you add more custumization for training battles, to do rules for example, dont allow gold shells or consumables. Or maybe adding tier for team, or maybe block skills/equipments (cammo skill, cammo net, optics, etc)

  59. Since we cannot get a definitive answer in the forums, any chance on an official note on what is happening with the gift shop? I would still like an M6a2e1....

    1. Here is the answer, they have been forceably withdrawn as I and all the others who brought them on preorder as a unique tank have promised that we will sue them and report them for fraud.

    2. Sue them for what... a virtual tank that if the servers are turned off ceases to exist? Never understood the outcry for these tanks being allowed to be purchased.
      Yes yes I know person X said that the tanks would not be available to buy that's the only reason you purchased the 'gold pack' (yes gold pack is what you purchased not the tank, it was a freebie). Was anything ever in writing? Ask a politician what a verbal promise means without anything in paper.
      Other people say that the premium tanks are too overpowered, imo they are not. I would rather the gold rounds be removed than the gold tanks.

  60. Welcome back Overlord , just two quick questions

    -Do you plan including in the patch notes posted on the official site the decrease , increase of xp costs on modules of tanks ?

    -Could we get in the tank stats for TDs the fov a gun of a turretless Td has ? It could be really helpful knowing before you buy a TD to know what to expect

    Thanks and I hope you will keep providing feedback !

  61. Welcome back,
    i was given to understand that the reason you where no longer doing this blog was because you where working on World of Warplanes. so will this be solely a WoT blog? and how often can we expect updates?

    1. Think, we can expect a few updates every week.

    2. And this blog will cover both WoT and WoWP.

  62. YESSSSS, I miss your blog THAT bad, we NEED you here ! And one question for you:

    Do you hate people who ask question before you even finished to tweak the blog or not ?

  63. Great to see you're back, overlord! First post back and in just the comments there's already tons of useful information. :)

    I've always loved this blog - especially because it's so handy for sifting through for information that doesn't always make it to the US forums.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Great to have you back Overlord! This is some good news indeed!

    I have a question: In the recent "You Ask, We Reply #23", the following question was answered:

    "I have a question about tier 10 TDs and MTs. Have developers decided what will they be?

    Yes, we have come to a decision, but we cannot announce what vehicles will be implemented just yet."

    While I completely understand you are unable to announce specific vehicles, is it safe to assume that this means tier 10 MTs and TDs are definitely coming in the future?

    1. We are seriously thinking about this indeed, so...

  66. You should have asked someone who works in a hospital for 'real' pictures or photo's of a cardiogram. I would have offered, would be an interesting patient interview: "Can i use the recording of your heartbeat for a games blog?" :P

  67. Welcome back !
    And a strong , warm coffe for you , Overlord


  68. Back in town.. I met you on EU server in battle, and asked about your blog, and any plans to restart it! I hope it was one of the drups that did make your decision for a comeback easier!

    First my opinion about T30/T110 and less T34/M103;
    I see crying people everywhere, being angry about the 'terrible' specs of those US tanks. I can not agree with them. I liked them, still like them, and will like it. I would say to those whiners: L2P. It has it's own specialties, and if you can handle them, you are a very important player for your team.

    The new heavies are great, just as expected for US tanks. Strong, small, good cannon, better armor (since 3rd 7.2 test) and good Manoeuvrability. I was in a head to head fight with an IS7, and it was like: I bounce, he bounces, I bounce, he bounces, and so on.. I was sidereaped later :P Conclusion: Great improvement!

    Having said that, I have some QUESTIONS!

    Q1) WoWp related: When do you get permission or denial for the Global Alpha testing?

    Q2) WoT related: Is there any chance that there will be more advanced and/or modern vehicles, like the Leopard II for example?

    Q3) Will there ever be an ingame message system in which you could 'whisper' to someone, no matter where he is (ingame, or in the garage). That would be of great advantage for me as clan leader for example, getting the boys in TC or CW!

    Q4) Will the clan-system be more integrated in the client? Like inviting and excluding players in or out the clan?

    Q5) Will the clan battle system and/or global map be integrated in the client?

    That's it for now.. I will bother you again in just a few days! :P

    Thanks and greets!

  69. Just want to Add my welcome back Overlord.

    We missed you.

  70. damn its been a while Overlord, but welcome back XD

  71. FYI: I started a small MC on the EU WoT site: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/100202-overlord-back-on-track/

  72. I'd say welcome back but the amount of welcome is questionable depending on whom you ask, or even which server, and mostly due to the current handling of 7.2. I'd badger you with a whole slew of questions but I'd prefer the most simplistic one.

    I'm still personally wondering how you can justify the weight of the T25/2 @ ~44t, where a more heavily armored and armed Pershing is ~42t, and the historic weight of a T25 was ~35t, with a more heavily armored turret at that. For awhile I almost thought it was a simple typo or error, since ~34t is pretty close to correct, but then it never got changed or acknowledged as incorrect.

    So, Overlord, can I expect it to weigh ~34t, have an additional 10t of armor, or the inconsistency ends up ignored and the T25/2 becomes the American JP4?

    1. Need to see to it. Might be a bug.

    2. How would it be best to contact you to show you it?

  73. Welcome back Dude! I see you are involved in WoWp too now, which is awesome!!!

  74. welcome back... question about the 7.3 update for you if you at all know the answer... I love, love, love my IS4 but once it becomes a tier 10 I will most likely sell it as I dont feel like trying to feed a tier 10's cost... that being said will either of the new tier 9's either the free one, or the one from the new heavy line play like the is4? or will they be is3ish?

  75. Welcome back and never did remove the bookmark.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. okey overlod only answer my first question.
    When jagdtiger premium arribe?

  78. Overlord idiot!, its me again. Question of the day, why is it tanks actively shooting at you are still invisible, do you program the game drunk or are you just stupid? K thanks answer asap, i'm interested in hearing your response.

    1. fucking god, zack you are really stupid. The people who ask here, they do so with good intention and not to insult.
      Stop trolling. And do more usefull questions

    2. It doesn't take a developer or programmer to answer that one: You have been spotted by another tank and the one shooting is outside your view range. It is one ofthe best tactics for using a TD.

  79. Hy to everyone and Overlord!
    Wanted to ask about this match making?
    Is it possible for developers to change that match making?
    I play very often with tier 5 against tier 8 or 9.
    Should't this 7.2 patch fix this issue?
    I write this beacuse I don't want to play against so high tank tier.
    There's no much effect I can do in so high tier.
    How fair is that and why is it happening?
