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Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Thursday, April 4, 2013

[WoT] Don't Pay to Win

So, 8.5 will bring us apart from other stuff:
  • Premium consumables are now available for credits.
  • Platoons and companies can now be created by non-premium users
 What's your opinion on that? No more pay-to-win elements, right? :)


  1. Replies
    1. I never really considered wot to be p2w to begin with. I've seen much worse than some shells that could buy you skill. And now even the last elements somone could say were p2w are eliminated. gj! It's now about the least p2w f2p game.

  2. It`s good, that pay to win has gone in these areas (but i am not really happy with the fire extinguisher change), although you can still research new and shiny "imba" tanks in pay2win style (T57, etc) and have an advantage. Wouldnt recommend that for the Leopard 1 though, seems to be another german failtank (unless the ROF gets buffed bigtime before going live).

    I think many players, like a few friends of mine, welcome the change for platoons very much.
    I will never need it, since i would rather give up on the game, than play without the extra credits and xp, but for them its great. :-)

  3. Platoons is good.

    Presumably consumables are going to be pretty pricey, but i guess that's OK if people want to pay.

  4. WoT is pay to win and will stay that way untill gold ammo/consumables are removed entirely

    everything that is bought with gold and has an equivalent in Cr is still pay2win because of it's hi price
    premium users cannot afford to use gold consumables and ammo every match, while a premium account holder can - so yeah, pay2win exists in WoT

    1. errata: free users cannot afford to ...

    2. You dont need prem ammo and consumables in every single battle, do you

    3. @zMe ul:
      Pay-To-Win is defined always as something that gives You obvious advantage for money, and is UNAVAILABLE for other players unless they are willing to pay for it. If last consumables are available for credits since 8.5 I am wondering where exactly is "Pay-To-Win" now?

      I do agree it is HARD to earn on higher tiers, but it is not impossible! I thought this is not a sandbox game, and there should be some sort of a challenge on the highest tiers. If You would earn on every single tank and in every battle there would be no point at all in having any form of currency to start with. There would be no need for economy in this game if every single tank would earn for it's upkeep, and as an effect there would be also one of the most important things lost: getting better to earn more.

    4. When i think about it more, it seems there are two different sorts of pay2win.

      One that can be overcome by more time invested, like those things you mentioned, or the research i mentioned which are not exclusive to gold buyers. On the other side we have the things exclusive to gold buyers that OL mentioned, which we were not able to have or overcome with more time before.

      So, i think its definitely a step in the right direction,
      but it doesnt enable them to say the game is free of pay2win.
      If you pay you win by far more easily thanks to things like gold ammunition. And everybody knows that.

    5. @overlord, yeah you do
      because it became the de facto ammo, that's why I quit WoT back in november last year

      @Przemysław Majkowski
      are you able to buy gold and immediately buy gold ammo? yes
      is a free player able to do the same, no

      is a premium player able to earn more than what a free player with same tank? yes
      > that is pay2win <

    6. Funny how I stopped paying for premium account at aaround the time they introduced gold ammo vailable for credits (because of a lack of free time recently), never use premium ammo (okay, I like trolling around with HEAT sherman from time to time), still win and make a profit.
      So no, you don't need to pay to win.

    7. Yeah, but these exclusive things are not advantages. Permanent cammo does not give bigger hiding benefits than the ones that expire, premium tanks do not perform better than other tanks of their tier in terms of battle performance (exp and credit multipliers do not make You win easier, remember that!).

      Premium account? Only speeds up Your grind, but does not give You any higher values i battle (still the same dmg, penetration, ROF, every single thing in terms of battle parameters stays the same).

      Conumables now are just a matter of choice if You want to grind for all "hardcore" stuff, or buy "medicore" comnsumables. But they are all available for every player no matter if he plays on premium acount or not.

      And last but not least - there were taks of 2nd and 3rd tier with premium status given away for free a couple of times that are also good for grinding! You may argu that they do not earn any close to high tier vehicles, and You will be right, but at the same time I can get up to 20-25k credits on a tier 2 tank of pure income in a 5 minute lasting battle if only I try to perform well in that battle. Of course You can perform well in a battle with T34 and get 130k, but it takes 30k to cover all costs or more if You used prem amo, it takes at least twice as much time, and it is not free in the first place. Another nice tank that was given away for free is T-127, and this one is tier 3 where You can earn up to 30-35K with a bigger chunk of luck with costs somewhere arround 5k per battle if You used one of 1k consumables (repair/medic/fire).

      So all in all ... this is still not Pay-To-Win. It's Pay-To-Save-Time at most, but still not Pay-To-Win.

      On the other hand buying tier 10 premiums would be Pay-To-Win, as t10 are used in CW, and having an option to buy a tank when all other tanks are locked for use - THIW would be P2W. Fortunately there is no such thing in WoT at this point.

    8. go play TC, CW or in ESL
      come back and tell me the same thing with a straight face

      in a competitive environment, gold ammo is the defacto ammo type used

    9. @zMe ul:

      "is a premium player able to earn more than what a free player with same tank? yes
      > that is pay2win <"

      That's the forst time I have eard that WoT is an economy simulation with winner determined by amount of credits massed on his acount :D. Remember that victory in WoT is achieved by cap or by killing every player on the map, and players with 10M credits don't seem to win more often than playrs with 400K ;)

    10. It`s not pay to win in the sense, that you have to pay, to use it.
      It`s pay to win, so that if you dont pay, you are on a big disadvantage over those that pay.

      A big disadvantage.

      Sounds like pay to win for me, even if you have the option to save credits and then use them on these things, if you pay you can use them whenever you want, and dont have to give a second thought. There is a huge difference, and it shows on the battlefield. I know what i am talking about, i play with people that dont use premium accounts, and they think twice before they use gold ammo.
      I on the other hand, dont even bother to think about it, i just load the gold ammo.

      Gold ammo very often defines how effective you can play.

    11. Overlord: "You dont need prem ammo and consumables in every single battle, do you"
      Define "need". You don't technically "need" premium anything in any battle. However, if you want to win, you need premium stuff often enough that you need to carry it in every battle. How much you need to carry is tank-dependent.

      However, this just ups the bar AGAIN. It's power creep but with currency. The ante required to successfully run tanks goes up every time something like this is introduced. Yes, you don't "need" it, but why would you not? The result is a higher probability of having fun.

      So if you don't ante up, you'll fall behind people who do. And if you do ante up, you'll need to have a premium account with premium tanks to keep your credits up and continue buying more tanks. So really, people who have all the tanks they want will love this but people who still have tanks to buy will not.

      At least these new items are less balance-upsetting than prem. shells. Those shells *still* need to be toned down or removed from random battles. The tier 5 HEAT spamming has made the middle tiers a frustrating mess and WG has shown months of indifference towards that obvious problem.

    12. thank you overlord for deleting my comment, showed that it resonated on right frequency ;)

    13. I have a lot of prem tanks and a prem account, and I do not use premium shells to ofen, because they do not give You any more DMG. I just aim at weak spots and use terrain to hide my weak spots ... i do not "pay to win" in any way, just use my head. Players that have trouble with thinking and noticing weak spots may need prem ammo to do the same, but i ighly disagree with Your opinion.

      Play with people that use their heads more than they use their wallets, and You will not feel any difference between playing agains prem amo or not. It's harder to do correctly, that is a fact, but You can easily outnumber any prem ammo player with dmg if You do reasonable steps.

      And on the other hand - so called "premium noobs" grow reclkess often, and do not watch out for dmg they take, as they hope for fast kill befote they get killed themselves. If You force them to sing some shells in terrain, You will easily win 1v1. In these terms "gold ammo" does more damage, than good. These players will be completely useless in CW, as they will not be carefull enough, will have no practice in aiming for weakspots, and no awareness of their own weak spots. What You call "Pay-To-Win" here in CW turns into "Pay-To-Loose" by lowering the general skill involved.

      And once again:
      P2W is not the same as Pay-To-Get-Stuff-Faster ... it's only a time saver, and saving time is just a personal decision. Many people get frustrated somehow by the fact that they "can not get gold ammo unless they grind", or that they "have to win 10 battles for the same expa and creds that prems get in 5 battles", but nothing is LOCKED untill You pay. Nothing i permanently sealed with a virtual wall, and You can get to it. Paying in this game makes You get things FASTER, but IT WILL NOT PREVENT "free ones" from getting it.

    14. play with or against?
      although I have a small choice regarding people I can play with, I have absolutely no choice who I play against

    15. Company battles are a 100% choice of who You play against and with. It's not CW, it's not restricted to tier 10, and it's not restricted to 15 ppl. In most cases both sides have equal chances with commander taking care (more or less) of positioning, and from that point the only thing that wins battles is individual skill.

    16. say what? since when TC is the only mode of this game?
      and to play in TC you have to have tanks to fill that tier requirement, and to have those tanks you need additional garage slots, that quest what .. can only be bought with gold

    17. zMe ul,

      I haven't touched anything from you whiny stuff. Im kinda above that.

    18. You can always sell "gift tanks", You can always keep some of gold gained in promo codes (150 gold for a garage slot with discount would give You about 3 slots bought with savings from promo codes), You could get tanks from tech trees that split some time ago (i got like 6 slots from just tech tree changes).

      Finally ... You could participate in contests, ESL or CW to get some gold. Fun Cup is a tournament that takes tier 2 vehicles. Tier 4 ESL in 1v1 setting is another very cheap way to play. And finaly, You could have started Your account with one of 1234123 starter codes, which contained gold and a low tier premium vehicle, that were all over the internet for a LONG time :)

      So once again ... ONLY with gold? Not really ;)

    19. Inane_Dork,

      stat-wise there was no major change to those HEAT spamming tanks. It's exaggerated

    20. I can agree with you, that credits cant replace knowhow and experience in this game, but if you have both, and i do (i have enough experience & i use the lemon hitbox mod, which shows you nearly all weakspots on nearly all tanks), then you know when its necessary (on which distance and against which tank, sometimes only if he is angled), and i can tell you, gold ammo usage does matter often enough. Every shot that bounces and that could be a penetrating shot, is a big damage reduction on your end. So someone that has not enough credits to maintain his "necessary" gold ammo use, will be much more inefficient.

      I think the argument, if we can call it pay2win or not, can not be won by either side. In the classical way, like other MMO`s handle it, it might not be pay to win, but on the battlefield, at least for me, it still seems to be.

    21. @Overlord:
      No, you don't need to fire gold all the time. Just when you find a target that relies on his armor to be effective. Then you switch to gold and deny his armor, making you tank more effective while the other guy continues to have a crap tank.
      Even if ppl have access to premium ammo for credits, which one is more likely to spam sprems in a regular basis, the paying costumer or non-paying costumers? It is not pay-to-win anymore... just pay-to-win-more-often.
      Premium consumables on the other hand is a good thing. It doesn't give an unfair advantage to a few tanks.

    22. Overlord: "stat-wise there was no major change to those HEAT spamming tanks. It's exaggerated"
      Exaggerated? I know from playing as them and against them that they are OP. When there were Sherman specials on, I played it. I had multiple 2K damage games. That's 5x the amount of damage as the tank has HP. You can argue the problem with my argument is a small and non-random sample size, but I would counter thus:

      A fairness- and fun-destroying game imbalance does not necessarily significantly impact overall averages. If you were to regularly play battles around tier 5 you'd know that to be true. Not every game is affected by HEAT spam and the rest are not exclusively determined by it. True, but that does not discount the single battle experience.

      Tier 5 HEAT is broken because any one battle can be utterly dominated by it. Moreover, any one tank can be dominated by it. My VK3002DB, for example, is two tiers higher than the Sherman but is FAR too susceptible to its HEAT.

    23. Stop your crying about this game being Pay 2 Win, because it is not.

      I had many 1 on 1 fights in random battles where I didn't fire a single gold round and still owned the guys using gold ammo just by using better tactics and maneuvers.
      Even gold shells can ricochet or do zero damage hits.

      And if you need gold ammo in every single match, I'd suggest you learn some skill instead. Other then that you can just grind some in a tier 5 tank to make credits and you can buy some gold ammo rounds and consumables for CW, tournaments or ESL.

      All that a premium account does is increase your credit and exp income, so you don't have to grind your tanks as long to reach the same goal. Same counts for premium tanks, they are weaker as their counterparts, but have an increased money making potential, so you don't have to grind your Tier 5 tank as much to make the same amount of money.

      Everything, besides premium tanks, premium accounts can get you can get with a free account too, it would just mean you need to spend more time on it as a free account than you would on a premium account and that is very normal for a F2P MMO and certainly not Pay 2 Win.

    24. zMe ul,
      You are confusing pay-to-play and pay-to-win. To have enough tanks to participate in CW you pretty much need to pay for garage slots, but it isn't impossible to achieve on the standard 6 slots. OL's point is that there is nothing preventing you from participating in competitive CW and spamming premium rounds without ever spending real money, it just takes a lot more time.
      (Ohh, and please stop using "de facto" incorrectly. You mean "default".)

    25. @silberfalke:
      Make up Your mind, You either have experience or You need weakspot mod ;)

    26. @Przemysław Majkowski:
      Some people think they know everything about the game, before they see what they didn`t know through this mod. ;-)

      Even if you know all the weakspots on every tank in the game, which i dont believe someone without the mod does, it helps when you can shoot on critical modules every shot possible.

      I think that learning never stops, there is always something to improve. Even if you are an experienced player, there are many levels where you can get better.

    27. Yes, I fully agree that learning all the time is a good thing, just don't think thay hitpoint mods and armor thickness skins are the way to do that.

      I consider this to be a czeat, and in the same way advantage, as using bots to earn. Why? Because it removes the requirement of putting any effort by the player into learning. You just roll out and shoot the brightest color, and most people do not analyse WHY is that color there. They just "hit the pink spot", if You know what I mean ;)

      What I would see in the game is some sort of tool to review every tank on Your garage level in terms of hit spots, module placement, and crew positions. That would still enable new players to learn where to shoot, but will not remove the brain factor from the battle itself. This is also one of the reasons why I support removing custom skins option from the game, and why I am so disappointed with no content other than tanks and maps recently.

    28. I had similar discussions, with some of my friends. :-)
      Some see it as kind of cheat, some think its okay.

      If they combine the mod ban with a GOOD feature in the garage like you or a few weeks ago OL mentioned, i would have no problem with that. It just should be researchable for everyone.

      What i have a problem with, is when there are lots of people cruising on the battlefield with an advantage over me, so i understand you there.

      When everyone has the same chances and meets on an even ground, its always the path that should be preferred. The path of fairness.

      At this time, the path is not available, since this mod is officially allowed, and the only source to effectively improve knowledge.

    29. I honestly don't care if ppl on the other side have an advantage over me by having mods that show weak spots ... i'm pissed that the same mos prevent people from thinking, and that is my main concern. It's just putting plyers in a zombie mode, where instead of running blindly for anything that is "alive", they run for all the "weak spot markings".

      Fortunately i usualy prefer to win by tactical advantage, rather than 100% accuracy and 100% penetration. If You are out of sight before they can focus their guns, and You pop back out in a totaly different spot or way - no prem ammo can save them from loosing ;)

    30. Mods that show weakspots are fine - you end up learning them by repetition anyway. I never used them because i got used to standard weakspot setup in every tank: set on fire on side armor behind the turret, ammo rack is in turret back / frontal side armor (if it's russian), etc.

      And no, i don't think this game is pay to win. Shooting premium ammo gives you an advantage, but it's one that you cannot exploit if you're not skillful. Besides, it's available for credits, right? High prices, but available nonetheless, and i can definitely afford to shoot 3-5 shells, depending on the type, per game with a standard account and no premium tanks (my credit farmer atm is a cromwell, which at best makes 10k per game).

  5. Why should we consider buying Premium then? We only get more xp now..

    pretty NOTHING for 10€ a month!

    1. To speed up your progress. Thats SOMETHING.

    2. You get 50% more credits. Thats not nothing.
      In an invironment where credits are always a shortage its a lot.

    3. Actually, you get more than 50% more credits, because the repair and ammo costs don't go up by 50% when you buy a premium account. It usually ends up being around 100% more credits depending on the vehicle.

    4. @koo294: excellent point. Net income is way higher than 50%.
      @Vipez: grind any tier IX with tier VIII without premium or fee xp. I dare you. Try and repeat your whine.

    5. Hmpf, been there. In fact, it is not a problem.

      Currently I have some Tier Xs researched (no, I wont buy E-100 in these arty-infested times), E-50M in my garage (not that much played, not for costs but also for SPG infestation), 80K+ free XP, a few Ms of creds packed - and some 12 tanks in garage.

      I never had premium account (except two "gift" days), and do not convert Xp. Have not bought any garage slots either, the extras I have are from tank additions etc.

      And one thing - unless you play french heavies, tiers VIII-IX can be profitable to some degree. Especially E-75. Not sure about other nations, I guess I am a true "german-fanboy" (with a little bit of french influence)

      So sure, PA helps a lot, but definitelly is not a necessity.


    6. Whether its a necessity or not, is very subjective.

      When you want to have loads of interesting tanks in garage, all with best modules, you have to invest money, or have unlimited time at hand.

      If you are a working individual, and have a few social/family commitments thats not possible to acquire.

      Therefore for many it IS a necessity.

    7. While I am very happy for my occasional premium account grinding sprees, I wish that there was once again a physical (as physical as a game gets) bonus to spending hard earned cash on my hobby. Being able to invite that extra person was that bonus for me. I understand that a 4 person platoon is out of the question, for game balance, but can't we have something extra for our money? Perhaps a bonus slot for buying a month or 6 month PA, and multiple for buying a year. No PTW element there!

  6. Ovi:
    Can You (as WG) just make 3 simple icons for each game mode that are put in the main menu next to the "BATTLE" button with on/off state for each of these? So that we can enable/disable each game mode with one simple click? The same thing could be put in the platoon screen for shared MM.

    Since You are trying to make this game more player friedly I don't think that is would be a lot of efford ... making companies and platoons available for every player is great, but there is SO MUCH MORE to be done to make it more user friendly!

  7. Replies
    1. Well, imo this needs to be considered at least.

    2. I wouldnt consider it, if i were you. ;-)

    3. In my opinion, to increase the amount of reward for player skill, WG could increase the credit earnings for doing damage / spotting damage, while also increasing repair bills / standard consumable prices. This way, if you do absolutely nothing you will make no money, but if you do 1.5 times your health in damage every game you can mantain a profit in tier 10.

      What do you think?

    4. IMO economy in WoT is broken , the experience is no more a problem the problem is lack of credits to buy tanks u want to play ,i recently stoped playing this game after almost 9k battles cause of that , i have enough of grinding

  8. Wow. Why companies. It should still be premium but cool.
    What about a new feature for premium. They get x3 every day. When special event they get 1 higher than us. Like WOT birthday we certainly get x5, then prem will get x6.

    1. +1
      Now premium account didn't give a lot of advandage, sounds good to me because I never get premium account, but WG need to create something more to create desire to get premium account, but which didn't give a lot more advandage, that's why I think your idea is good.

    2. If WG did that then more would buy prem and that means more buys gold!

    3. alexander,

      we need to maintain balance between prem and non-prem users. We love both groups!

    4. Maybe give premium users the possibility to decide if they want x time Exp for first win OR x time Credits? Cause at the moment even with premium acc. (and without excessive use of gold ammo or other expensive things) credits is the thing I need more of, not Exp.

    5. instead of x3 or whatever for premium users i prefer if wg add a way to convert a common tank into a premium tank

    6. -1 to xp increment. Premium is already +50% xp, so 1st battle is - in fact x3 every day.

    7. @Solus
      I like the idea of converting regular tanks into prem tanks - but only if you have to pay the regular gold price (should use the prices for prem tanks -> tier 3 light - 900 gold, Tier 8 Medium - 7200 gold...) to get better (prem like) credit income

  9. delete gold ammo rouns completely (you can keep the gold consumeables for credits), rework the spotting system, rebalance ALL tanks, and limit arty to 2 per team and this game would be awesome again

    but i guess as long as serb is at WG... this will be just a dream

    1. We have got different definitions of awesome then.

    2. well if you think p2w is awesome you are a pretty bad player

      with all the high pen guns AND gold ammo, the armour is nearly useless
      like i said in a deleted topic in the forums

      this game is like cod with tanks atm

      and noobtubes are arty

    3. You have options grind or spend - and that's fair.

      And dont touch sacred arties.

    4. yes i have options to grind or spend, thats what premium is for

    5. Prem is for speeding things up if you don't wanna invest much time.

    6. Let´s be serious. The Gaytillerie got the name not without a reason. If it would be like a real WW2 Arty, ok. But not a pinpoint accurate Gun. The real Artillerie needs 3 or more shots to imagine where to shoot. It´s was more like "hey, let´s spam a sector with grenades" instead of "hey, there is a single tank". At least when the tanks are down, you see the real Gaytillerie. Run and hide. Typical Scumbags.

    7. Completely intolerant towards sexual minorities

    8. @gh0st: they got the name because stupid players/noobs are not able to deal with arty and so they start insulting ppl that use ary...

      @ Overlord : I hope Tier 10 Ary will come soon and will improve how ary is handled by the MM.

    9. I appreciate your social approach and patience Ovi, but you could just mark those arty whines as spam or something. Sure whiners will whine on you, but the content of the page will improve.

    10. If people want the historical SPG acuraccy its okay...but also give them the historical damage,i mean,a larger splash zone that would give your tankers a concussion(death),and if that isn't enough the tank would have serious mechanical damage,and ammo also had a big exploding rate.A 210mm HE shell would make a tank disappear.

    11. I sort of disagree with the way arty sees the map at the moment. IRL, arty was about being good @ physical calculations, but here in WoT, anyone can shoot a specific area with relative accuracy. I personally think arty mode should still be in first person with the ability to choose a point in the minimap to aim to, and the UI telling you more or less how the shell's trajectory will be. Seeing where a shot lands will allow you to re-aim, which would increase accuracy with every new shot just like in real life.

      This way, arty would take a lot more skill, and in exchange it can be buffed to do more damage :D

    12. Pinpoint accuracy of the artillery would be tolerable if their damage output and influence on tank battles would be adjusted to about the level they had in real tank battles.

      But right now the usual 4-5 arties per side in a T10 game can wipe out the whole enemy force without blinking, with all those shiny endgame tanks being merely scouts for them...

      WoT "Endgame" == sit tight, duck and cover.. wait until its over.


    13. I disagree to all the arty nerf's...
      If you reduce accuracy its get really hard to gain exp on arty (its inaccurate enough right now - any good hit is an luckshot) and it would be no fun for all the arty players - they (I) would stop play this game and no one would play arty again

      2 Artys per battle disable the option to play with 3 artys in platoon - any player with SPG would dislike this -> its ok to reduce it on 3 ;)

      if it would be like real WW2 arty:
      -we need not less then 16 artys per team, which dont stay on map and attack sectors on the same time
      -more splash ratio and damage
      -all tanks should be like real ww2 - no crosshair, no fix of tracks or modules, less ammunition - and disable of all the things that make the game playable
      -> is this what you want? because on any other way it would be not fair for one type of tanks

      WG - pls dont steal the only different type of gameplay in WoT

  10. Well i totally welcome the change that your former Gold-only Equip is getting availabe for credits.

    However i need to say (as somebody who is using premammo quite frequently, inside and outside heavy armored and fast-pacing tanks)
    "HUGE AMOUNT OF STEEL" - is not an advantage anymore. Its just heavy, making you slow, not saving you from anything.
    I had good matches with a maus, with a churchill and a T95 TD or something compareable slow and armored, but that is not the rule.

    If anybody is seeing those tanks nowadays, premshells are getting loaded allover the place and you will get "roflstomped like a total idiot".

    So i am pledging for following:
    - No Premshells with more than 350 penetration, preferably 320.
    - Lower all existing premshells to have maxiumum 20-25% more avg. penetration than their credit-only counterparts on the same gun. (this goes esp for such exaggerated 250-300 pen T7 guns or even lowetiers with insane penetrationvalues on premshells.

    This would be THE step to make german hvys alot more interesting in CW again.

    So, Overlord. How are the chances Premshells are getting reasonable, to not totally keep the importance of Armor wiped-out?

    1. I think everything is possible. I'm for better armour.

    2. Please no. Better armor just means more frustration if you use regular AP shells. Please narrow the gap between AP and premium and clarify the different behaviors of shell types (HEAT/APDS etc). Premium ammo use won't reduce in proportion to the nerf if you knock 20% off the difference, and it makes the heavy armor tanks much more effective.
      Some rebalancing is needed too. As an example, I thought I was in the minority in using majority premium rounds in T69 because it's horrendous to play with standard ammo. Turns out everyone in my clan are doing the same. T69 is an appalling tank without prem ammo and an over-powered wrecking machine with prem ammo. Neither is 'balanced'. Just an example.

    3. IMHO the "Premium Ammo for Masses" act is good. But it is an indirect buff of paper tanks over steel beasts. My AMX 13 90 was glad to see golden shells (not like it has any armor anyway), my Kv-4 had some mixed feelings here. I know that multi-turret beasts may smite the light tanks, but if and when - we do not know.
      My suggestion: heavily encumber the normalization of high-pen premium shells.

    4. I think that the most important point of prem ammo should be that it's more reliable than regular ammo (regardless of the type) (and ok, for HESH premium compared to regular HESH). In general I think that 25% differentiation on a lot of things is good, but maybe narrow the window for gold shells?

      Anyway, this might just be one of possible solutions, and if another is easier to manage technically it's good as well. I think besides a few bad examples, on most tanks premium ammo works allright compared to regular.

    5. @Overlord
      L3gi's idea is better, armor is fine but gold shells have to big penetrations. Just put all like it is on IS-7 (same ratio), IS-7 have the most realistic penetrations on both regular and gold shells.

    6. I'm of the opinion that armor shouldn't matter :D
      Hence why i love my leo and my batchat. Real mobility, instead of armor which is useless against historical HEAT pen

    7. Wouldn't it be an option to reduce the number of rechargeable Prem Shells - players can buy 5-10 Shells (or 6-12 because of revolver guns) for every match? So any player have to use them well-considered...

    8. Kunstderfugue, that's nice an all, but basically that means removing from the game all tanks except post-war design. You may have your opinion, but the fact is that armor does play a very important role in *armored* warfare.

  11. This is a bit off topic but still about the 8.5 update.

    Could you enlighten us about why you include the new tier 4 and 6 medium tanks? Will there be a new tier 5 to fill the gap?

    I just don't get why do this unless you are trying to build a completely new line but the choke point @ tier 5 renders this moot.

  12. better than pay separetly for premium account and premium consumables/ammo
    is offer to premium account players cons/ammo for better price or as part of their premium account

    1. Giving discounts just for the fact that people have premium account in stupid ... You buy 1 day prem, stock up on ammo, consumables etc., and play from Your stock untill You runo out. Repeat after two months, and in the end it's just a pointless system, because nobody spends any money for prem anymore.

      I know that most people would like it that way, but let's be honest ... people that do not pay for a single thing in this game, are capable of playing because server running costs are covered by transactions made by "the rest". If You would make "the rest" not buying prem anymore, You would literaly just shut the game down.

  13. A lot of the complaints don't seem to be P2W, but that premium ammo is too good. I find this interesting in that they don't have an issue with the standard ammo being too good or too bad. The fact is that the premium ammo is available for those guns.

    Just like I had APDS as standard ammo on my M60A1; and, I had APFSDS ammo as well in limited quantities. IMO, paying more for it simulates the limited quantities factor.

    So, premium ammo does have a place in the game as it is not made up ammo, but ammo that is/would be available to the tank anyway. It sounds to me that those people crying about the premium ammo would cry about it even if it were free.


  14. Leopard 1 surely needs a buff on rof or on its turret armor...i get frequently one-shotted by arty or by fv183...but i know the only way to go for a german tank is NERF

    1. Leo 0.18
      Leo PTA 0.2
      Cent MK3 0.18
      FV4204 0.18
      M46 0.12
      M48 0.1
      Bat 0.17
      Lor 0.17
      T54 0.14
      T62A 0.1
      I would also appreciate if you explain why WG claims that leopard 1 is so good at shooting on the move while it is clear that other(especially russian)tanks shoot better that leo...this actually shows that WG lies to the community that made them rich

    2. u also need to take the standart acc. into account

  15. My take on the subject is that, credit for gold ammo / consumables make far more tanks to use them. Before, when running everything non-premium would not encounter people with gold ammo / consumables much. Occasional such encounter is okay as it would not really change the overall stats much. However, the wide availability of gold ammo / consumables create a significant pressure to use them, otherwise non-premium users are at the huge disadvantage.

    This game is about win rate and efficiency. Premium account users can afford to use gold ammo / consumables in every battle, and thus can achieve better win rate / efficiency. Non-premium account users simply cannot do so. A single tier 10 battle (even without using gold ammo) could take me average 2-3 games of tier 5-6 battles (without using any gold ammos) to make enough credits. When using gold ammo in tier 10 battles (which only premium account can really afford), such as in my occasional CW battles, I would literally bankrupt.

    I have to say though, such credit for gold ammo / gold consumables is a bigger draw for buying the premium account which can sell for more gold. This is a good business decision. I am forced to buy premium account as the result. WoT is a great game so I am okay paying money for it.

    However, my biggest complain for the gold ammo is that WoT should rebalance the game, or create a limit of gold ammos per battle (either by percentage, or a hard cap per tank). I like playing heavy tanks, but right now I am feeling my heavies' armor are becoming absolutely useless.

    Any considerations of game rebalance from WoT?

    1. What about armor / penetration / shell damage / speed rebalance so that slow but heavily armored heavies (Maus, E-100) are not that useless.

  16. Agreed on premium ammo making armour, and therefore tanks balanced around their armour, largely worthless. Something has GOT to be done about this.

  17. Premium ammo for credits means the people with mid 50s and higher win rates switch to premium for tanks with good armour that they can't flank at that moment.

    What WG fails to realise is that its not about the average increase in premium usage. The issue is when the extra premium rounds are used.

    I use them in derp guns, because its overpowered. I also use them in normal guns when someone with good armour is bouncing my shots. I also use them from stock guns while grinding but thats not really a problem.

  18. I've just had a horrible run of games in my GWTiger (I swear my gunner's been at the schnapps again). So hearing that I'll be able to purchase chocolate and help his drunken aim makes me a happy tanker!

    Mmmm', with high octane fuel I wonder if my VK2801 will return to its glorious 72kph... Oooh or what'll happen with a t50, brothers in arms, fuel, and speed governor, DAMN!

    More accurate arty, faster scouts, and finally real choices with consumables, cool. I'm betting we'll see a lot more deaths due to fires as well :)

  19. Well done! Wot is more f2p as any other mmo i guess. It would be a bit annoying to see the lots of brainless 3platoon noobs, but this is only a sideeffect. Ftw!

  20. It`s strange, but in fact it`s even more pay to win now as it was before. Why? Because, you`ve got to earn credits for playing with gold ammo, and you now have even less money as before. Therefore either you buy premium tank or premium account or even both. I bet on million gold that WG has more revenue after "credits for gold ammo" system was introduced.

    1. Lol...i had premium acc before gold ammo for silver, also a type, but gold ammo was not affordable for me, even on cws. Now i still have prem acc, still have the type, but i also buy gold ammo for credits and afte 85 also consumables. Do i spend more mney? Not at all. Do i have to farm more with type? Definetely. But this is my decision, im fine with that, and im happy to have the possibility to decide.
      There r ppl who certainly will only whine, no matter what. I bet if u would win the lottery you would say: nah, it is not the biggest one....

    2. I make money with a cromwell medium tank, and i have a standard accunt. I still bring a lot of gold ammo into my other tanks and i still can afford it. I just need to grind more credits with cromwell, which i'm OK with because the tank is super enjoyable.

  21. What about gold for dismounting equipment? Can't that be changed to X% of the full price in credits? Spending gold on it while consumables and shells are obtainable for credits looks silly.

    1. I don't find anything silly here at all ... spending gold here is a matter of time saver, as You do not have to buy a full price again. In ther words it only saves You from grinding that 500k. Where is the logic in making 50k grind a way to avoid 500k grind? ;)

      With this system modules should just cost 50k to start with.

    2. I find it very stupid indeed, well it's WG, what u expect !!

  22. I strongly support this change. Now, premium tanks for credits anyone? =D

    1. No Way, see, Wargaming needs Money also

    2. If so, then we would probably have to pay a monthly fee for the game. WG clearly sees that premium and premium tanks are the two strategic pillars of its income, so puts everything else in as a credit sink to encourage premium account and vehicle purchases (good idea btw - just and - I hope - beneficial).
      I have purchased premium because I play the game so long and I felt a need of saying "thanks" - this is the path that many payers follow. If I had to pay for winning, I would go for other game if premium ammo was still for gold AND it would become a commonly-used booster.

    3. Yea, they need $$$, as they have not milked the fools enough... Hundreds of millions of $$$ they made from the gullible normal player, thinking premium p2w on your way to the top is cool.


    4. The only thing i'd love to see for credits is 100% crews, but since skill dropping is now available, i can start my tanks off with 100% and take a small hit to secondary skills in exchange, so i don't mind that.

  23. Well it is ok, as long as there is still something you can get from gold, otherwise ppl won't buy it anymore, which would mean the end of WoT. Just because no one paying = no money to develop the game.

    But of course thats just my opinion so please don't burn me for it.

  24. I think WG have done a great job in this area. All elements available that give a competitive advantage are now available for credits. Gold only items (premium a/c, premium tanks) provide a grinding advantage, making gold a currency equivalent of 'time in game'.
    Of more concern to me are the new 'super T10s'. If they're earned from CW only I'll be pissed. Due to commuting 2 hours back from work and having a young family, I don't have the chunks of 'time in-game' to commit to CW. I just grab a few battles whenever I can.

  25. You should rebalance the credits price for premium consumables. I think that 20.000 credits for a large repair kit is too much. That is nearly 7x more expensive than a normal repair kit. For consumables like chocolate, which give a 10% overall performance boost, 20.000 credits are fine, but not for large repair and large medi-kits.

    1. Then stock pile during discount but 10k is also not a small amount either!!!

  26. Did we need gold?

    A World without Gold:
    Premium tanks, silver packages and premium account can be bought over the gift shop.
    Each other thing can be bought with silver:
    Garage slot can cost 3,000,000 silver.
    Trank colour can cost gold price * 10000.
    And so on.

    So each player need for everything silver, so they have 3 options, play long, play short with premium (account / tank) or by it with €.

    1. or use farm credits leaving battles or using bots.

    2. Arrrr grinding 6 million with tier 8 tanks without premium is not that short trust me bean there done that oh wait i still doing it :) Besides grinding only money leaves me with filling i don't progress in game it's more like work.

  27. Hello, I play since beta, last year very occasionally.

    I never liked light and medium tanks, I love heavily armoured tanks and TDs. So I have e-100, T95 and other heavily armored beasts.

    I must say, that when premium ammo for credits were introduced, I was shocked - now my precious tanks are joke. Sometimes, I have really great battle with my e-100, just do reverse peek-a-boo and profit, but sometimes - "oh wow, see that T95? how about all our tanks load premium ammo and wreck that slowpoke in 2 seconds".

    Recently, I started playing CWs and I feel like my E-100 is completely useless, being penetrated every hit by IS-7s.

    I AGGREE with this premium ammo for credits idea, but I think the difference between regular AP and premium shell should be about 25 penetration. What do you think?

    1. Check the following comment, posted just right above you by me:
      L3gi April 4, 2013 at 10:16 PM

      It was basically the same question and Overlord stated his opinion there...

      do me a favour, read the other comments... might be yours is already answered ;)

    2. this is absolutely right... 90% slow heavily armored tanks tier8+ are just crap for trolls with gold ammo.. they don't even need to flank those tanks from side.... imho its ridiculous

  28. Thats the best news for me. You convince me now, after two years of playng WoT, to buy Typ 59. Plese relase it on second aniversary!

    Shut up and take my money!

  29. So instead of spending real money on gold ammo and consumables you now have to spend real money on gold tanks and premium account to be able to afford gold ammo and consumables. So especially those people who are willing to pay 40 € for a premium tank will be those who can afford to get the most advanages. How is this less P2W?

    Considering the really huge success of the game it is really sad that WG decides to go down this way. Because they would still make a crap load of money without those features. And they would lose less players getting fed up of getting shot at with gold ammo. There is a reason why gold ammo user is the most often used insult in random battles.

    If you want to have special consumables/ammo, you should either make their use econimcal different or their effect. So either
    a) make gold ammo(/consumables) stupidly expensive, like 5 times their current price. So that everyone using them will lose a crap load of credits.
    b) make them cheaper (like 2x the price of the non-premium stuff), so that pretty much everyone will use them. It will make heavy tanks pointless, but isn't this the point of gold ammo in the first place?
    or c) Put a drawback on them. For example, premium ammo gets 10 % more penetration for 20 % less damage. Or premium first aid kit can resurrect the entire crew, but unlike the normal kit only at crew 75 % efficieny. That would greatly dimish the impact on the game of those items. You would get a certain use of it, but not in a way that someone without it is at a big disadvantage.

    1. How is this pay to win again? Because You pointed out, that premium tank/accout will be able to afford most advantages, but on the other hand what prevents You from buying these with normal account? Only Your time spent playing the game, because there are no paid "unlocks" anywhere.

      The issue is that people often don't want to accept the fact, that You just can not play without a premium on top tiers to stay positive with Your credit balance.

      I myself grinded my first T10 hete on a standard account, and used KV for grinding (currently known as KV2). I loved that tanka lot, and sold it only when I got bored (now for pure fun I play vk2801). My tanks with tiers between 8 and 10 are now rarely used at all, just because the game is the most fun somewhere between tiers 5 and 7. These tiers generate a reasonable income, and despite I bought another T10 (I own 8 tier 10 vehicles, and 1 t8 arty) I just played a couple of battles with it before I went back to lower tiers.

      I think that if most players would find a fun to play tank, that would just make the game enjoyable for them, the side effect of it would be enough money to play their high tiers wit "all gold ammo and consumables they want". So the only problem that makes ppl frustrated and raging about "pay to win" nonsense is that they choose not to play fun, and profitable tiers ... but it's a personal choice to play high tier/high cost tanks only.

    2. Who are u? overlord's dog? I see u reply to anyone here who doesnt like wg, bcuz, frankly they are highly unlikeable with these changes in the game.

      P2Win is real, the only nonsense part is your pathetic reply.

    3. No, I just think twice on every post here, analyse it, and reply when I make up my mind about the post itself. Before I reply I also try to think about features like: existing game economy, costs of server upkeep and development, and so on. I agree with many players that would like to see this or that, but it usualy is a solution for a single player game, where You pay for a game, and do not have to get on a server, or do not get any ongoing development.

      MMO games are different, and as much as we would like total free access to everything we can possibly immagine, it's not that simple. Server clusters capable of maintaining huntrets of thouands of players at the same time with thousands of battles going on at the same time ... these are not 1000$ per month. WG needs to pay for these, as well as they need to pay for development team for all further patches, and finally: WG needs to have some moey left to develop other games, of when WoT will loose its popularity, WG would suddenly be cut out from any funds to function.

      That's why there are so many mechanisms that speed up both exp and credit grinds, and at the same time they remove all barriers that kept playrers with NO gold from getting these "extra good features" (like gold ammo or equipment). As a matter of fact any player can afford having 2-3 gold rounds on every battle, and if You are good with Your tanks and earn a bit more ... You can even afford playing 100% once every while.

      I wonder why are You so frustrated?
      Why are You hating so much ppl that do not agree with You?

      I am trying to use reasonable arguments for every statement on my side, so that I'm not talking out of my ass for no reason. And if You would ask me, I would point out a shitton of things I think WG is going horribly wrong with their games. I disagree with many of their decisions, but when it comes to their economy model ... it's just not one of thse things, and it's one of very few things that have been done really good compared to other "f2p" MMOs. Maybe some games have it done better, maybe some are sompletely different, but in most cases games that are f2p are done much worse in terms of economy and "premium content".

      And I wish that I was a part of WG, because i would yell "noooo" on so many meetings and solutions, that maybe something would change in this game for better :D

  30. What about prem acc my decide at which battle should be the daily 2x exp used up? At beginning of the battle or even after it.

    1. its the first victory of the day and this should not be changed - if it was a bad match you have to accept and you are more happy about any good daily ;)

    2. Prem acc will loose from advantages. To keep it exciting you may introduce something. Like this. Its fitting into the picture, it just speeds up development of new tanks.

  31. Nice, i like it!. Keep it coming !!

  32. Is there any plans to try to balance "premium" consumables in a way that isn't just economic?
    For example shells, there is all kinds of imbalance with those things because originally there was a huge barrier to using them, now not so much and they need to be addressed. With both a normalized cost and performance.

    Same with these consumables, ridiculously expensive, not sure if they are worth it.

  33. Are E-sports one of the reason of removing pay 2 win features?

    1. Obviously, not the main reason. We care about the game and players.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Stupid post. This game is p2w since type59 is out and instead of nerfing it some enlightened brain decides to withdraw it from the store.

  36. platoon of 3 without primeum ?? there will be more and more retard platoon (Maus & loltractor) coming :)):))

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Type 59 should not be nerf. I pay for a tank and then You nerf it. This is simply unfair. Now who gonne buy next prem tank when You dear WG do such stupid things!

  39. Nice work. Any info on a new German TD-line?

  40. Well yes but the wrong way...Credits are easy to earn, as specially those with gold tanks...With the easy access of gold ammo, low tier tanks with derp guns becomes OP.

    Why not allow players to earn gold coin at a low rate? It wont harm your business and players that are too impatient to earn gold coin can buy them.

    1. I have given this Idea some thought as well.. Only It is already in Wot. There is hunt us down, the new release tanks contests and of course clan wars. Would be really cool if there's small gold awards for successful company battles after you transfer to 7/42, Which will become some sort of endgame for many players after you do.

    2. well, those contest dont provide much gold for the players, considering the player base size. I was hoping to allow gold ammo to be purchased by gold coin only while allow gold coins to be purchase or earned slowly..

    3. Ohhh and those contests only benefit the few winning players...

  41. How about converting regular experience to free exp. for credits? , 25exp=1gold=400credits just like prem ammo and consumables . it's also pay to win part of the game .

    1. I don't agree that this is p2w. Just having a good tier X tank doesn't allow you to win games. Especially if you get it with free xp, your crew will be so bad, that players who invested time in it, will beat you easy.

  42. Didn't consider it too much P2W even before your changes...well, I do not own any T10 tanks so I can't talk about the problems regarding gold ammunition there but the rest of the game was fine/ is still fine.

    However it's nice that you try to react on critizism of your products :)

  43. For the Love of God Overlord, add some more player slots to the test server -.-

    It's a global test server, of course there will be more than 13k players on it, there are queues of over 100k :|

    1. Next time test server is going to be approx 3.5 bigger.

    2. From test 2? Or for 8.6 test?

      Still a very good news, people were waiting for it since a loooong time.

    3. Most likely from 0.8.6 test

    4. dear Overlord, please speed it up for 0.8.5-test2, it's impossible to login to common test servers now.

    5. Agree, I try all weekend to log in.

  44. i dont know.

    -imho platoon and TC should be free since start
    -golden consumables should be introduced together with gold ammo change.

    so my thoughts about this ?
    FINALLY .. which is kinda sad

    1. Well, we could be faster indeed. Agree here. I wish we did more.

    2. all of us, and thats maybe why are still some of us paying

      difference between paying and non-paying player in F2P game should be only in ratio between invested time/invested money. nothing else.

      looks like WG now (started with gold ammo for credits) understands this.

    3. we have always been aware of that. By now means, we have never treated WoT as pay-2-win game. Now we are taking more steps in the right direction

  45. Ovi, I play the ESL. "Premium consumables are now available for credits" - it's like music to me :) But ...
    We need a (built-in game) companies 7/42. At yesterday. Right now.

  46. I love how that guy stopped playing in November but he still follows the blog about it.

    Does WoT have a play to win aspect, YES. GOLD can't make you a better player. If you can't tank, all the GOLD in KNOX wont help you. But you can play this game without paying for it. I have all the T10 (except the China's , no interest) and all of them were financed by me basicly playing 4 tanks, Grille, E8, Ram II & T34 (B4 it went Prem). I play T10s all the time and when creds run low or they accounce a new line that I want, I run 6s & 8s until I have enough creds to get the tanks I want.

    I do buy GOLD to convert the "free" XP but I've been here since closed BETA and don't want to or need to grind through low & middle tiers. If you can afford to pay for the internet to play the game (or read this blog) then you are 1) a Pay to Player and 2) a Pay to Winner. So stop your crying and stop being cheap and drop a little cash on the game.

  47. WOT is not strictly non P2W but technicaly it still is. different vehicles are ballanced around premium ammo and others regular ammo. Making the previously pay to buy consumables technicaly purchasable by silver might give the impression of non pay to win but it's only an illusion. Without either a Premium account (P2W) or Premium vehicle(P2W) it's not possible to have sufficient silver income purchase these consumables. So on the face of it WOT is not P2W but that is just an illusion.
    Must players will overlook this fact but it's true. anything that WG say to the contry is simply false and you know it.
    Please produce the average globay WR of premium and non premium account holder to prove me incorrect.

    1. I play with standard account, I've got 3 tierIX tanks, 1 tierX, several tierVIII and 2 low tier credit cow (stug and vk3601). I also got a type59 that I use intensively when i need a credit boost for some special discount (see consumables equipment) otherwise just daily 2x. And i still get credit income playing my high tier tanks, for istance with E-75 my balance is around 1k credit GAIN for game without premium account and shooting gold shells (never bought gold shells on sales, my bad) and using consumables when needed (now normal consumables purchased at 50%, after 8.5 maybe prem cons). It's all about how god u play, when i first reached tierVI with VK3001H i was losing money as hell, now i gain cash with tierIX tanks. Don't want to pay? invest more time and became a better player. You can't become better player? play a lot of low tier tanks to have credits for high tier ones, it's time consuming but u can.

    2. @thewhopper:
      Thank You for beeing a reasonable person, who noticed that beeing good in this game, and playing it well, makes You earn despite having NO premium account, but still using prem credit ammo despite that. ;)

      I guess that earning needs to be explained better to players, as it seems that very few of us fully uderstand HOW to maximise ones income in battle. And THIS is sad in a way ... :(

  48. There's still the issue of repair cost and the fact that if you don't have a premium account you can't run tier 9 and 10 tanks and make an effective profit. I... don't like repair costs. That's why I play mechwarrior online daily and only play WoT maybe once or twice a month. Repair costs in WoT are frustrating and often times I can't play the vehicles I want because, if they get destroyed, I lose exorbitant amounts of credits. MWO doesn't have repair bills, I can play what I want as much as I want with no fear, it's just more fun.

    1. Also with premium Accounts you don't make always profit on tier 9 or 10. Its alway hard work to gain credits on this tier.

      And if you lose to much of them, don't play only high tier - i also use my tier 6 to 8 vehicles daily to increase my credits

    2. @Coldt:
      Try first to do at least as much damage, as Your own tank has. If there is tier difference, You should keep in mind, that You earn less per HP point of lower tiers than Your own. So if You are in a battle - try to make Your damage hit as high tiers as possible, because killing a scout in a tier 10 may be a blessing for your arty, but will not earn nearly as much as doing the same amount of damage to a T10 or T9.

    3. My favorite tank is a T92. With the ammo cost, repair bill, and failures of teams I'm lucky to only lose a few thousand. I've had games where I've pulled down 8k+ damage, but because of the cost of the ammo my end game bill was over 70k.

  49. How about 2x credit for first victory? It will help to play tier 9-10 with normal account. And i think with the achievments with some bounty could be good. Ok i know that there are medal hunt. 1 day on a week, and only 1 achievment. I dont think 25k kredit, and 300 xp, it could be smaller (like 2-5k kredit 50-100 xp). Now they are just for decoration.

    1. 2x creds for first victory is actually a really good idea. It gives top tier players an incentive to go play their low end tanks that keep in their garages, without the need to pay real money to see the advantage.

  50. Means nothing to pay-to-win - but if you sell also garage slots for credits (not for the regular gold -> credits price) it would give players a reason to buy more vehicles without investing gold.

    So I think a price of 500.000 (or 1.000.000) per slot would be ok - because players can buy it, but they would be really thoughtful about this - and they consider of investing gold or credits.

    1. and i wont buy it for credits - i wait for discounts and buy it for half gold (anyway) ;) - but give a reason for players which dont want to invest on an MMO

  51. Plz do sth against the so called "fun" or troll Platoons, most times its no fun at all, if you have the bad luck to have them in your team and sometimes the MM weight is not even affected by them or at least not in a way it would change something in the outcome of the battle. I had 2 of these today, both were lost and NO fun

  52. First off AWESOME. 3 man platoons without premium :)

    Second..Could you give us a ETA on "floating" stats? Or tell us if you guys are still even adding them. It would be great to have my recent stats show instead of my all time stats. Someone with a large battle count like me could fix their winrate and end the insults from trolls/unicums.(You would think 50% would be okay in their books)

    Lastly. release the type 59 ONE last time on the NA server. Putting its cost at 40$-50$ should help with to many being bought. Plus even if a lot are bought. That's a ton of cash for you guys. Its a win-win.

    Thank you for you're time and badass game.

    PS. With all this free 2 play content being added. Stuff like this is the reason WG is the only game company i spend money on nowadays.

  53. Great change, especially the one regarding platoons. I doubt I will ever use prem consumables outside of CWs, but it's cool to me, after all people using those in pub games will get the bill afterwards.

    Something else I would like to address (and I know there are quite a number of exploits to this): I would really like to see some kind of rewards (be it credits or xp) for potential damage received. I recall a Maus match I had where I tanked over 50 shots (let alone 5 from an AMX50f155) while not being able to hit enemy weak spots. As a result I had a very bad match, despite spotting a little. Now this shouldn't be off the charts, but something between 1 to 3 credits for every potential damage point received would be great. This way you can at least afford the repairs if you eventually die - after having done a service for the team.

    Regards, dCK_Ad_Hominem

  54. If you really want the game to have no pay-to-win elements you'd eliminate credits entirely. The credit system forces players into low tier credit-earning tanks, and encourages them to spend gold on premium tanks. Without credits you'd have to find a way to make the game fun at all tiers, and make choices between ammo and kits into choices about *gameplay*. I encourage you to imagine a world where repairs, ammo, and kits are free, and how the game would need to be balanced then. (I don't think this change is at all likely, of course.)

  55. Hi Overlord!
    Some ideas:
    Pls limit a premium ammo: 5 rounds/tank/battle
    OR Reduce premium ammo damage
    Because big heavys and TDs lost the a armor advantage

    And pls dont put big artys: Ensk, Mines, Widepark
    Because these maps are useless. Artys died on the first minute.


  56. Since premium keeps getting devalued, are you going to add something else to compensate the loss of premium features? Something like better prices, a small amount of free XP/gold each month/week, free temporary camo while premium is active etc.
    Just something to bring back some of the lost value of premium.

  57. I sent you message in NA forum.

  58. Finally, no more P2W. Although it would be better without gold ammo altogether, but hey... you don't look a gift horse in the mouth :P

  59. I would like WoT to be pay-to-play to keep out the rascals.

  60. Dear Overlord!

    What do you think about that if you tier 8 over a tank elite and is on the fast track training wouldn't fix. These tanks that can produce benefits only se elites. If you have enabled this feature, they're playing a lot more high tier and above. Until it is of a basic tank will need to be developed.

    Sorry for bad english!

  61. Tank elite free repai tier 8 and above. Tank not elite repair would be so as it is now.

    Elite tank free repair = more player tier 8-10. Elite tank does not produce profits.

    1. Honestly, this is strange idea. There are people, who actually make profit on Tier 8 and 9 without much problems. Well, it would be good on tanks like Centurion, which suffer from high ammo costs, but otherwise, idea is bad, kind of unfair.

      And this would cause people to abaddon low tiers and that equals game silently dying.




    1. Wow. Your civilised and humble request is sure to be granted, since you ask so politely...

    2. Keep calm and get banned with style ;)

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Perhaps in place of 3 man platoons the premium users can have discounted premium camo?

    Its not a great lot to give is it?

  65. I think its a great thing to remove paytowin, for me not important, cause its just fair for me to pay for a good game. I play onlinegames since 10 years and i always payed,and at Wot i just pay...and have no work with servers, configs etc.

    The only fail i think is that now companies are for free, i see so much beginners with companies of 2 or 3 men...

    And like others said before...garage slots for free...and "oh, but i cant play tierX for free"...
    let me tell you:
    Wg gives you sometimes slots for free..example x-mas tank, and if you like the game so much, that you need a lot of tanks, then PAY.
    The same with the tierX, if you played this game so intense, that you have a tierX, and have so much funnie times with wot, PAY for it.

    This game is not a gift from Wg to you, its a business.
    And a garage-slot costs 150Gold in an offer, that are 30cent for a slot. You need more? buy 10 for 3€ thats enough for the next year and not more than 1beer in a pub.

    Sure, premium-account was more worth with the exclusive way to 3man teams and companies, and i think there should be a new little feature for premium-user (maybe more free xp, about 8-10%, not 5%), or stop the 3man Platoons for non-premium, cause this is nothing about pay-to-win.

  66. OMG why do you give those who dont pay a chance!!!!!!!

    hehehe joking...

    but to be honest WOT will need to have the GOLD thingy in game to feed those behind the game staff.. if every thing is free i bet the game will just die off and go bankruptcy in a year...

    every thing must have a balance. they cant just keep giving and get nothing in return..

  67. MAUS is dead! (German tech tree is dead later....)

    Belarus development! (NO COMMENT!)

  68. Nice, good news

    But in the EU community there is a thought about this change of privileges, if you change the conditions of premium account, what will you give to them in change ?

    Best Regards

    1. We didn't take anything from them - it's standard account that got buffed.

  69. P@W or not myself if I choose to pay it only means I get more xp and credits but I win or loose on the map but what disturbs me most is the Continuous of the fail MM especially when it comes to arty and Match Making this is and has always been the most critical aspect of the game and nothing gets done .


  70. Premium accounts should then be granted a 75% more XP/credit boost in exchange of this
