This post is the continuation of Q&A session with H. L. Doyle, well-known German WWII military exert. See previous post. Doyle's replies are bolded (just in case).
21. How credible is the design of Crocodile - Stuf E90 Crocodile: ?
As I commented in my answer to Question 18 - Such vehicles are fictional creations for entertainment just like the Millennium Falcon and the Tie-fighters in the Star Wars films. These always seem quite credible and exciting in a science fiction context.
Some of the drawings these vehicles are copied from my drawings of Paper Panzers. These did at least reach the drawing board before 1945. With my colleague Tom Jentz I published so far two Panzer Tracts No.20-1 and No.20-2 on Paper Panzers (i.e. projects for which at least there original sketches or drawings were produced by German industry). The first book covered Panzerkampfwagen, Sturmgeschuetz and Jagdpanzer while the second included the ideas for Aufklaerungs-, Beobachtungs- and Flak-panzer. We hope that additional Paper Panzer volumes will appear in the future as we still have many un-published drawings and documents.
22. Why was the Panzer III so long produced? Wouldn’t it have been better to produce only Panthers after 1943?
Production of the Pz.Kpfw. III was suspended as soon as practical. It is never possible to stop major production lines without having the replacement ready. Components are created, in some cases, up to a year before final assembly. From the troops point of view even an outdated Pz.Kpfw.III was better that nothing. Most of the factories involved in Pz.Kpfw. III assembly were supposed to introduce improved versions of the Pz.Kpfw.III as can be seen from the various test programmes in place from as early as 1937. The Z.W.40 had wider tracks and interleaved large diameter wheel suspension. As well as a test vehicle a pre-production batch of 20 had been produced. The VK.20.01 D had a diesel motor and improved transmission. A new larger turret similar to that of a Pz.Kpfw.IV had been designed. We covered these in several of our Panzer Tracts about the Pz.Kpfw.III and Pz.Bef.Wg. (Command vehicles). All of these developments were swept away in the accelerated response to the Russian Tanks encountered in 1941. Most of the Pz.Kpfw.III factories were to switch over to Panther as soon as possible.
During the 3-5th January conference Hitler was informed that Pz.Kpfw.III (5cm L/60) would be concluded and instead be completed as follows:
235 chassis diverted to Sturmgeschuetz production
100 converted to Flammpanzer
56 to be completed for Turkey
144 to be converted to Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N (7.5cm L/24)
To quickly look at what actually happened:
M.N.H finished their last Pz.Kpfw. III in January 43 when they started Panther assembly. M.N.H did however complete a small series of Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. N from April to August of 1943.
M.A.N commenced their Panther assembly in January 1943.
Daimler-Benz began Panther assembly in February 1943 having completed 50 Pz.Bef.Wg.Ausf.K, with the new large turret that I mentioned above, between December 1942 and February 1943.
Henschel started Panther assembly in March 1943.
M.I.A.G was the only other producer of Pz.Kpfw. III in 1943; they delivered the 100 to Wegmann for conversion to Flammpanzer and small series of Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N. but they converted to large scale Sturmgeschuetz assembly from February 1943.
Other secondary companies overhauled and converted a small number of Pz.Kpfw.III to Ausf.N. in 1943 and 1944.
23. How developed German steel and welding quality over the years in war? Did it get better or worse?
German welding quality remained the same until 1945. It must be remembered that before the war the Germans were ahead of all the allies in terms of welding technology. Production of steel during the war changed somewhat due to the reduced availability of certain raw materials but the Germans compensated for this by modifying their formulae and by increasing the thickness of armour in some cases. High-quality German armour was reserved for panzers.
To increase production of self-propelled guns at the same time as Panzers the lower quality armour available from foreign steelworks was used. For example the Jagdpanzer 38(t) (often incorrectly called the Hetzer) was designed to replace earlier open topped self-propelled antitank guns. So the Jagdpanzer 38 had the cheaper armour - 20 mm on the side (roughly equivalent to 10 mm German armour) and a front plate of 60 mm (equivalent to approximately 30 mm German armour) but this allowed a big production of these vehicles and afforded somewhat better protection to gun crews than a open topped self-propelled antitank gun.
24. Could you please explain in detail the test methods and results of gun & armour penetration for the Germans?
WaA Pruef 1 was responsible for weapons tests. I have seen many documents showing their test results during my research in the Bundesarchiv, Freiburg, Germany. Since my main emphasis is on development history and accurately drawing Panzers I have not spent time collecting copies of these test results other than the following:
25. Do other tank nations follow the Germans methodology? Why or why not?
Most countries have their own industrial and production methods so it is very rare that designs are taken from one country and introduced into another account country without adapting them to their own methodologies. When a country saw a good idea introduced by the other side they tried to improve on that when they incorporated it into their own plans.
26. It's been discussed that the Germans had a higher standard regarding shell quality (tank/artillery/etc), while some other nations rather than test simply used a mathematical formula. Is it correct?
I have not researched this area so cannot comment.
27. T-34 in its early versions is generally considered (outside of propaganda sources) to be a coffin on tracks (no or poor radio communication, dreadful transmission, woeful quality of armour, none or close to none targeting equipment). Yet first encounters with this tank reportedly caused panic and envy among German commanders. And captured tanks themselves were used by Wehrmacht. Where is the catch?
When the T 34 was encountered the German troops saw only the best features and did not understand the difficulties of operating this tank. They saw sloped armour, big gun and wide tracks and they recognised that the bulk of their Panzers (at that time Pz.Kpfw. II, Pz.Kpfw. 35(t), Pz.Kpfw. 38(t) and even Pz.Kpfw.III) did not have these features. However, very quickly German Panzer troops developed tactics to deal with T 34 and for the following two years had no particular problems in fighting T 34.
Use of captured vehicles captured tanks is a separate in issue. Generally speaking captured vehicles are used in secondary areas against infantry that have little or no defence against such vehicles and where any short comings are unimportant. The arrival of any tank in an infantry sector causes anxiety. Captured vehicles were also widely used for training. Even where the captured vehicles were of good combat quality the maintenance was a problem due to lack of spare parts. When the Germans captured T 34 they tried to improve them by adding their own commander’s cupola and radio equipment.
28. A commonly known weak spot shared by most of the German tanks is their frontal transmission. Are there any reliable sources confirming that penetrating hits received in the transmission, caused ignition of gear oil and internal fire?
I think this is a popular myth. German reports frequently discuss the side armour as the weak point of their Panzers. There is no mention of the front transmission. Front armour was seen as adequate to defend against the treats of the period. The Sturmgeschuetz troops considered that Panzer tactics were the main problem highlighting weak side armour.
All tanks are full of flammable material and but there is no indication that penetrations of the transmission caused any special problem. An ammunition fire causes much more problems.
29. Something about Sturmtiger:
A) It performance (effectiveness) in combat?
B) What ammunition it use in combat?
C) I heard that Sturmtiger use HE and HEAT, and this ultimate can penetrate 2.5 meters of reinforced concrete. What is the penetration of this ammunition over steel?
The Sturmmoerser Tiger was designed to deliver to a very large high explosive charge against fortified positions while having heavy armour so they could withstand attacks. The first action was with Stu.Mrs.KP 1000 which was sent to Warsaw with two Sturmmoerser Tiger. Starting on 19 August 1944 these Sturmmoerser Tiger were successfully employed to destroy buildings and blow up concrete barriers. However, the unit commander sent in an experience report stating that the task could have been successfully carried out by a less expensive and less heavily armoured vehicle as in order to avoid blast damage from their own high explosive the Sturmmoerser Tiger had to stand-off at a distance where heavy armour was of little benefit.
The high explosive round was the 38cm R.Spr.Gr.4851. There also was a 38cm R.HL. 4592 designed to destroy armoured bunkers.
30. E series
A) Something about utility of E-5? Can you give us some picture about any project of E-5 tank?
B) E-10 was planned to have the same armour as Hetzer or better? What about its suspension system? Some picture please
C) E-25 was planned to charge 7,5cm L/70 or 8,8cm L/56? Some picture please
The E series was envisaged by Kniepkamp (Civilian Head of Automotive design) to explore future possible components especially engines, transmissions and suspensions. Production contracts were not yet envisaged.
It was hoped that parts could be shared between the E 10 and the E 25. Companies not normally involved in Panzer design were engaged so as not to compromise normal Panzer design and development. Magirus was tasked with designing the E 10 and completed drawings in 1944. Three hulls were ordered and were being assembled at a steel works when the Russians arrived. The motor was to be Maybach HL 100 rated at 400 HP, the transmission was to be at the rear and a unique feature was that the suspension was coupled to the drive train to allow the vehicle to be raised and lowered. Argus got the contract to design the E 25. A semi-automatic transmission was proposed by ZF and an even more powerful Maybach HL 101 with fuel injection. 3 experimental hulls had been ordered.
A Bellville washer suspension was proposed as it was thought that this would be easy to produce, could be configured to suit the size of Panzer and could be mounted in external pods on the hull to facilitate easy replacement (which had been the idea behind the Porsche horizontal torsion bar suspension of the Tiger P).

The E 10 and E25 suspension units
The E 50 and E 75 were supposed to carry forward the features of the Panther and tiger with new suspension and later a rear drive.
Common suspension unit for the E 50 and E75. The Belleville washers were laid out horizontally.
The E 100 was only added to the experimental series because it incorporated a new type of spring suspension for heavy tanks.
I have no information on an E 5.
21. How credible is the design of Crocodile - Stuf E90 Crocodile: ?
As I commented in my answer to Question 18 - Such vehicles are fictional creations for entertainment just like the Millennium Falcon and the Tie-fighters in the Star Wars films. These always seem quite credible and exciting in a science fiction context.
Some of the drawings these vehicles are copied from my drawings of Paper Panzers. These did at least reach the drawing board before 1945. With my colleague Tom Jentz I published so far two Panzer Tracts No.20-1 and No.20-2 on Paper Panzers (i.e. projects for which at least there original sketches or drawings were produced by German industry). The first book covered Panzerkampfwagen, Sturmgeschuetz and Jagdpanzer while the second included the ideas for Aufklaerungs-, Beobachtungs- and Flak-panzer. We hope that additional Paper Panzer volumes will appear in the future as we still have many un-published drawings and documents.
22. Why was the Panzer III so long produced? Wouldn’t it have been better to produce only Panthers after 1943?
Production of the Pz.Kpfw. III was suspended as soon as practical. It is never possible to stop major production lines without having the replacement ready. Components are created, in some cases, up to a year before final assembly. From the troops point of view even an outdated Pz.Kpfw.III was better that nothing. Most of the factories involved in Pz.Kpfw. III assembly were supposed to introduce improved versions of the Pz.Kpfw.III as can be seen from the various test programmes in place from as early as 1937. The Z.W.40 had wider tracks and interleaved large diameter wheel suspension. As well as a test vehicle a pre-production batch of 20 had been produced. The VK.20.01 D had a diesel motor and improved transmission. A new larger turret similar to that of a Pz.Kpfw.IV had been designed. We covered these in several of our Panzer Tracts about the Pz.Kpfw.III and Pz.Bef.Wg. (Command vehicles). All of these developments were swept away in the accelerated response to the Russian Tanks encountered in 1941. Most of the Pz.Kpfw.III factories were to switch over to Panther as soon as possible.
During the 3-5th January conference Hitler was informed that Pz.Kpfw.III (5cm L/60) would be concluded and instead be completed as follows:
235 chassis diverted to Sturmgeschuetz production
100 converted to Flammpanzer
56 to be completed for Turkey
144 to be converted to Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N (7.5cm L/24)
To quickly look at what actually happened:
M.N.H finished their last Pz.Kpfw. III in January 43 when they started Panther assembly. M.N.H did however complete a small series of Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. N from April to August of 1943.
M.A.N commenced their Panther assembly in January 1943.
Daimler-Benz began Panther assembly in February 1943 having completed 50 Pz.Bef.Wg.Ausf.K, with the new large turret that I mentioned above, between December 1942 and February 1943.
Henschel started Panther assembly in March 1943.
M.I.A.G was the only other producer of Pz.Kpfw. III in 1943; they delivered the 100 to Wegmann for conversion to Flammpanzer and small series of Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N. but they converted to large scale Sturmgeschuetz assembly from February 1943.
Other secondary companies overhauled and converted a small number of Pz.Kpfw.III to Ausf.N. in 1943 and 1944.
23. How developed German steel and welding quality over the years in war? Did it get better or worse?
German welding quality remained the same until 1945. It must be remembered that before the war the Germans were ahead of all the allies in terms of welding technology. Production of steel during the war changed somewhat due to the reduced availability of certain raw materials but the Germans compensated for this by modifying their formulae and by increasing the thickness of armour in some cases. High-quality German armour was reserved for panzers.
To increase production of self-propelled guns at the same time as Panzers the lower quality armour available from foreign steelworks was used. For example the Jagdpanzer 38(t) (often incorrectly called the Hetzer) was designed to replace earlier open topped self-propelled antitank guns. So the Jagdpanzer 38 had the cheaper armour - 20 mm on the side (roughly equivalent to 10 mm German armour) and a front plate of 60 mm (equivalent to approximately 30 mm German armour) but this allowed a big production of these vehicles and afforded somewhat better protection to gun crews than a open topped self-propelled antitank gun.
24. Could you please explain in detail the test methods and results of gun & armour penetration for the Germans?
WaA Pruef 1 was responsible for weapons tests. I have seen many documents showing their test results during my research in the Bundesarchiv, Freiburg, Germany. Since my main emphasis is on development history and accurately drawing Panzers I have not spent time collecting copies of these test results other than the following:
Most countries have their own industrial and production methods so it is very rare that designs are taken from one country and introduced into another account country without adapting them to their own methodologies. When a country saw a good idea introduced by the other side they tried to improve on that when they incorporated it into their own plans.
26. It's been discussed that the Germans had a higher standard regarding shell quality (tank/artillery/etc), while some other nations rather than test simply used a mathematical formula. Is it correct?
I have not researched this area so cannot comment.
27. T-34 in its early versions is generally considered (outside of propaganda sources) to be a coffin on tracks (no or poor radio communication, dreadful transmission, woeful quality of armour, none or close to none targeting equipment). Yet first encounters with this tank reportedly caused panic and envy among German commanders. And captured tanks themselves were used by Wehrmacht. Where is the catch?
When the T 34 was encountered the German troops saw only the best features and did not understand the difficulties of operating this tank. They saw sloped armour, big gun and wide tracks and they recognised that the bulk of their Panzers (at that time Pz.Kpfw. II, Pz.Kpfw. 35(t), Pz.Kpfw. 38(t) and even Pz.Kpfw.III) did not have these features. However, very quickly German Panzer troops developed tactics to deal with T 34 and for the following two years had no particular problems in fighting T 34.
Use of captured vehicles captured tanks is a separate in issue. Generally speaking captured vehicles are used in secondary areas against infantry that have little or no defence against such vehicles and where any short comings are unimportant. The arrival of any tank in an infantry sector causes anxiety. Captured vehicles were also widely used for training. Even where the captured vehicles were of good combat quality the maintenance was a problem due to lack of spare parts. When the Germans captured T 34 they tried to improve them by adding their own commander’s cupola and radio equipment.
28. A commonly known weak spot shared by most of the German tanks is their frontal transmission. Are there any reliable sources confirming that penetrating hits received in the transmission, caused ignition of gear oil and internal fire?
I think this is a popular myth. German reports frequently discuss the side armour as the weak point of their Panzers. There is no mention of the front transmission. Front armour was seen as adequate to defend against the treats of the period. The Sturmgeschuetz troops considered that Panzer tactics were the main problem highlighting weak side armour.
All tanks are full of flammable material and but there is no indication that penetrations of the transmission caused any special problem. An ammunition fire causes much more problems.
29. Something about Sturmtiger:
A) It performance (effectiveness) in combat?
B) What ammunition it use in combat?
C) I heard that Sturmtiger use HE and HEAT, and this ultimate can penetrate 2.5 meters of reinforced concrete. What is the penetration of this ammunition over steel?
The Sturmmoerser Tiger was designed to deliver to a very large high explosive charge against fortified positions while having heavy armour so they could withstand attacks. The first action was with Stu.Mrs.KP 1000 which was sent to Warsaw with two Sturmmoerser Tiger. Starting on 19 August 1944 these Sturmmoerser Tiger were successfully employed to destroy buildings and blow up concrete barriers. However, the unit commander sent in an experience report stating that the task could have been successfully carried out by a less expensive and less heavily armoured vehicle as in order to avoid blast damage from their own high explosive the Sturmmoerser Tiger had to stand-off at a distance where heavy armour was of little benefit.
The high explosive round was the 38cm R.Spr.Gr.4851. There also was a 38cm R.HL. 4592 designed to destroy armoured bunkers.
30. E series
A) Something about utility of E-5? Can you give us some picture about any project of E-5 tank?
B) E-10 was planned to have the same armour as Hetzer or better? What about its suspension system? Some picture please
C) E-25 was planned to charge 7,5cm L/70 or 8,8cm L/56? Some picture please
The E series was envisaged by Kniepkamp (Civilian Head of Automotive design) to explore future possible components especially engines, transmissions and suspensions. Production contracts were not yet envisaged.
It was hoped that parts could be shared between the E 10 and the E 25. Companies not normally involved in Panzer design were engaged so as not to compromise normal Panzer design and development. Magirus was tasked with designing the E 10 and completed drawings in 1944. Three hulls were ordered and were being assembled at a steel works when the Russians arrived. The motor was to be Maybach HL 100 rated at 400 HP, the transmission was to be at the rear and a unique feature was that the suspension was coupled to the drive train to allow the vehicle to be raised and lowered. Argus got the contract to design the E 25. A semi-automatic transmission was proposed by ZF and an even more powerful Maybach HL 101 with fuel injection. 3 experimental hulls had been ordered.
A Bellville washer suspension was proposed as it was thought that this would be easy to produce, could be configured to suit the size of Panzer and could be mounted in external pods on the hull to facilitate easy replacement (which had been the idea behind the Porsche horizontal torsion bar suspension of the Tiger P).
The E 10 and E25 suspension units
The E 50 and E 75 were supposed to carry forward the features of the Panther and tiger with new suspension and later a rear drive.
Common suspension unit for the E 50 and E75. The Belleville washers were laid out horizontally.
The E 100 was only added to the experimental series because it incorporated a new type of spring suspension for heavy tanks.
I have no information on an E 5.
Quite a lot informations! Thanks a lot OL
ReplyDeleteThanks again
ReplyDeleteAs always, many thanks Overlord and Mr. H. L. Doyle for the amazing information.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, especially the fact that there is no indication that penetrations of the transmission caused engine fire. Perhaps WG implements a separate hitbox for transmission in WoT in the near future.
ReplyDeletePerhaps. :)
DeleteI´m ok with damaged engine after taking a hit into the transmission, but please... It should not be able to set the engine on fire, because that´s pure nonsence. And that is the reason why players are so angry by frontal transmission. Not by its presence in the front of the tank ;-)
DeleteThanks a lot for this again, and as frank says above, please seperate engine and gearbox in the future. I hope this is what's coming in 8.2(yes not gonna happen I know xD)
ReplyDeletewould be nice indeed, it's just pathetic that our german steel can be lit up by shooting the transmission
DeleteI have been wishing for separation of Transmission and Engine for ages.
DeleteIt makes little sense to keep them as a "single unit" when - on German tanks - these two were on the opposite end of each other.
Very good read.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can give us updates about World of Warships and the WoT online card game next. Looking forward to those 2 games.
No interest in planes?
DeleteFirst, improve steering. WT - easy and accurate, so flying is a real joy on mouse and keyboard, WOWP - hard and innacurate with huge inertia, so I keep smashing into obstacles (forget about hit something). Or it is your marketing strategy - for pro players with pro equipment - then keep it like it is.
DeleteThat's the thing we are currently working on. If everything goes well, we can expect noticeable improvement in the next major update.
DeleteGlad to hear that I'm waiting impatiently to see this :)
DeleteAnd for that which game is better - both shows different philosopihies, WT got levels so balancing looks different and game introduces only reallife planes only, WOWP got tiers so balancing concerns on finding matching types of planes so there is a room for some blueprint planes. personally I like both philosophies so for me its an tie (I dont count graphics bla bla bla)
The two concepts differ even more than you mentioned. This extends to flight models, game modes, monetization, etc
DeleteAnyway, it's a competitive market and we are primarily focused on our product and not anything else.
I do like planes, but I am an early Alpha tester of WoWp, so the game doesn't bring much new things to me.
DeleteWhile those other 2 games do, and nothing much is coming out about those 2 games.
I see. WoTG is nearing public testing while WoWS will be developed internally without showing one's cards.
DeleteReally nice part, I like reading about tracking down ideas and concepts and how they affect particular projects i.e. currently I'm reading monographs about A13-Crusader-Cromwell-Comet-Centurion line, and it's really enjoing track down all designing process which begun with cheesy A13 and with final outcome in Centurion.
ReplyDeleteHi Ovi, thanks for nice post. As beta tester of world of tanks (july 2010), war thunder and world of warplanes i must say this: There is no interest on planes, because WT is faaaar more better in every aspect (gameplay, graphics, sounds, models,...). There is no reason to play world of warplanes. Pls stop this project and move all human resources to world of battleships. World of warplanes will be fail, because there is competetion...In battleships, there is no potencional competetion. Hurry with this game, because in this times, everyone will make world of ***** games. Thanks for your reply
ReplyDeleteModels? have you seen this, I wonder.
DeleteAs for the graphics, WoWP is currently lacking visual effects and post effects - that's the parts that are being worked on at this stage.
Gameplay is a long story. :) Won't go into details.
Sounds - pretty much subjective.
WT has gone open beta recently (in Russia), as for WoWP, we are not yet ready to go public, since there is a lot of work to be done still.
This second version of model looks kinda like GTA IV (reflections etc) :D
DeleteSome models come from il-2 forgotten battles (2003). Guess which :)
DeleteGreat Informationes, as always.
ReplyDeleteOverlord, how many more answered questions do you have? Cant wait for the next ones.
Patience and you will find out :) On a serious note, there will be 2-3 more, I guess.
Deleteb-but only 2-3 more? :'(
Bring all Panzer Tracts here!
Deletethat doesn't mean that we won't have another question gathering in future :)
thats what i wanted to hear. :)
DeleteOverlord; there's plenty of premium tanks listed but not currently available (pre-order, not released, promotional, removed, etc). Will we see any of them in store this month?
ReplyDeleteI really like figuring out the perks and secrets of these premiums. It must be addictive.
Ovi! Thanks a lot! It's is quite amazing, and a good way to learn more about tanks :)
ReplyDeleteCan i steal a little more of your time to see if you can at least poke some of the guys of World of Warship Europe? We got a forum that is now slowly dying, a community guy who disappeared almost a month ago, no announcements of what was actually happening.. then you go check the american one, and you find that they got staff and a manager that answers to Q/A daily. In short, we need an european Overlord for World of Warships (as much as it will be hardly possible to find someone with your dedication!), or i don't know, perhaps merge NA and Eu on forums only, or just close the european forum until there is someone who can actually follow it :(
Sorry for the long post..
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSpamming here? :)
DeleteNo :) I just asked about some strange info at some websites (like 4 new maps in 0.8.2 and release date for that patch in March 2013). Soon after that on RU WoT site appeared official detailed info about 0.8.2, which answered all my questions and proofed that some websites published a lot of BS :).
DeleteHi, once again, one word: awesome.
ReplyDeleteAbout WoWP control method, five words: combat wings battle of britain. No need to invent the wheel.
About WoWP, a lot of words: with so many options (online, offline and upcoming) wasn't better to focus on WoWS, were the competition is almost nonexistent?