Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

[WoWP] Going Open Beta. Updated

World of Warplanes is going open beta: actually it already has done in Russia, and NA servers are being updated at this time, while EU will have to wait until July 4.

Updated. July 4. EU has also joined the open beta joy of WoWP. 

There is 0.5.0 update that brings the game to a new stage. Pre-orders (effective after full release) will also be available upon open beta launch - gave example to RU ones.

Reminder: during open beta (at later stages) there will be a chance to "farm" in-game gold in WoWP and spend it acquiring unified/single premium account for all (currently 2) WG games.

See you in the sky and waiting for first-hand feedback.   


  1. The only problem is that I will have to restart the game again, and again. :( But I will get 2 premium planes. :D

  2. good to know 0.5.0 addresses none of the real pressing issues, but limits itself to rebalancing planes

    why I even bother ... have a nice death WoWp
    has not been a pleasure

    1. Well, that was a really strange move... people are complaining about FPS drops, Crashs to desktop etc, and we get 50mm Cannons removed... yaay! :/

      I´m very curious, how the numbers of players will evolve from now on until the relase... I have a feeling that we are playing this game with a maximum of 5k people on the evenings and after that it will slowly die.

      UNLESS WG starts to advertise this sucker big time! And I´m talking PC-Magazines with Bonus Codes, Television, etc....

    2. Number of crashes went down 3 times since 0.4.2 and is more or less ok now. 50mm will be back.
      No need to advertise open beta hard, it's still not live.

    3. Perhaps for you... I never had issues with crashes and now can´t play without getting kicked out nearly every 3rd game... but well.

      At least 0.5.0 did help a bit on the fps issue, at least for me.
      Yeah, I meant advertising after the game is released!

      Additional question: Are the Pre order packages the same on all server? Because they are equal on RU and NA Server, I was wondering if we´re getting something different on EU...

    4. Not for me - statistically for all players. We expect stability and performance improvements as open beta goes.

      Yup, the packages should be the same. Pricing for EU is to be different because of, well, because you know it's gonna be different.

    5. yeah fuck EU players, Gaijin does it too
      30% on top of VAT, because fuck us .. right?!

    6. Right. It's not smth we invented. Complain somewhere else. I suggest that you try Brussels for a change.

    7. oh please do tell, I'm all ears

      when a lot of people questioned the blatant ripoff aimed at EU players, they said not a word since; initially they claimed it's VAT
      here: http://tinyurl.com/mjo5rgv

      and U'r telling me it's Bruxelles, if indeed it is, this magical "tax" would be a fixed % wouldn't it
      then explain this: http://tinyurl.com/pgcgkbc

      WG has a similar overcharge plan for EU also, but you disguised it brilliantly by offering gold packaged differently
      while for RU and US price/1gold is nearly identical, for EU is higher

    8. EUs are ripped off everywhere then. Think a bit. At least once, pls.

    9. Doesnt feel like I should explain what other companies do.

    10. O'really now

      guess what! when I bought some shit in StarWars: The Old Republic I payed exactly on US/EU exchange rate, not a fucking cent more
      same with buying stuff for MechWarrior OnLine, not a freaking fucking cent more

      you have the examples in the links I posted above

      so, yeah .. do thell, on what basis Bruxelles allows you / "forces" you to overcharge slash "tax" EU players with 30% more?

    11. well .. at least WG is constant
      you overcharge somewhere around 9-10% across all packages

    12. zMe, play on RU, there you have lower prices

    13. so, instead of them pricing fair, it's me who's at fault and needs to move
      fuck EU right ..

    14. Well, I have seen slightly different pricing on servers in games made by western developers. Usually on servers for poorer countries prices are slightly lower.

      I have also seen different prices for different countries in case of software other then games (for example Adobe products).

      By the way IMO it is impossible to make fair price. The same price for Norwegian and Russian is not so fair if we take into account wages in their countries. In reality for many EU players gold is much cheaper then for Russians, if you take into account real incomes. Check how much time have to work Norwegian for monthly premium and how long have to work Russian or Pole.

    15. quote: "In reality for many EU players gold is much cheaper then for Russians"
      O'really?! where the fuck you got this from ..

    16. You are really so dumb in your whining? Next time quote whole sentence. I wrote: "In reality for many EU players gold is much cheaper then for Russians, IF YOU TAKE INTO ACCOUNT REAL INCOMES."

      Average Russian player have to work 5-10 times longer then German, Dutch or French to earn money for his Lowe. And you whine like baby about stupid 10 prc. difference in price. If it is such problem for you, then play on RU.

    17. yeah moron, I read exactly what you wrote
      so, any basis on that shit you wrote, or logic for that matter !??!?!

    18. Lol, you really don't understand effects of differences in wages in different countries. Go to school and learn some economics.

      Further discussion with someone, who manipulates quotations and can only write "moron" and "shit", is pointless.

    19. your fast food analogy is meaningless
      this is a software product developed in a single country and sold at different prices, especially in EU .. because Bruxelles?!!??!
      isn't that what overlords excused the overprice with?

      look at these pre-order offers:
      US: http://tinyurl.com/mpsjw4e
      EU: http://tinyurl.com/kdkb3ve
      RU: http://tinyurl.com/k3cjyts

      now, direct your attention to the heavy package bundle:
      100Euros (!!)
      100USD (valued at)

      since when the motha'fucking Euro has the same fucking value as the USD
      because Bruxelles right ?!?!

  3. After the unification of accounts.. will be able to share the credits too? Or just gold and free experience?

    Anyway.. on delay.. perfect for me.. just enough time to elite P51H ^_^

    1. just gold, dunno about the freeXp
      Cr - absolutely not

    2. ah.. sweet sweet dreams :|

      thanks for the info

    3. Gold, exp, prem account will be shared.

    4. One more question.. if we right at the beginning start collecting free exp, will it count for that unification? Or will it be the case that only the experience that is accumulated after the unification counts for sharing? :P

    5. uni is just started testing, don't expect much from it
      what is known so far is that tokens earned in WoWp can activate premium on both games

    6. Hajvanho,

      current exp does not count!

    7. No no.. not the current exp.. but the exp we will collect in the open beta stage but before the unification :p

      If I understood well.. unification will happen sometimes in the stage of open beta, so..

      What will happen to the free exp we collected in that open beta before the unification.. will it count? :P

    8. No, it won't! Only exp got in live (released) version counts for that.

    9. Just had a thought.
      Maybe it should count, as an incentive to those who can't make the 700 games requirement? It'll certainly get people playing.

      Its not like the 5% Exp is going to be game breaking, especially as at lower tiers the EXP isn't going to be massive numbers.

      Anyway, just an idea.

    10. 5% of "regular" free exp is not the only way you can get it - there is also conversion.

      I think that already announced "grind free prem" thing is enough actually.

    11. If I have a US WoWP account, can it be linked to my EU WoT account? (I moved since starting WoT).

    12. Well, this cam be a bit complicated. I suggest that you try support service first.

    13. am such a gremlin :3

      But I have another question.. these tokens we earned.. will they stay even after the account unification?

    14. Nope, tokens will be wiped once we introduce full account unification. That's the moment when regular gold is returned.

    15. ah well.. then I'm off to spend them all

      Thanks for the answer

    16. Overlord what about the 5k gold we got for doing the mission during e3?? will we ever get that back??

  4. Won't be playing. Too many other free to play games out there that are actually polished and fun to play.

  5. I am excited! :D I really want to play it with more people, and finally I will be able, well I am Beta tester but this is something what I wanted too :D

    Sadly I have missed time when WoT beta test was running.. I've found that game too late heh, well, hopefully there, on WoWP, will be no players who complain too much..

    1. It's F2P, there will always be some complaining.

    2. Well, they do not appreciate your hard work...

    3. Just people saying it's not as good as War Thunder every third game, now with open beta will probably be more like every second game.

      I didn't complain, but mostly because it was still in development so lots of things could still of potentially changed, but at this point if people still don't like it I don't see huge improvements to game mechanics taking place in the near future to reverse those decisions.

      That aside while I like some of the garage/hanger changes for WoWP I would of thought it would be best to keep the garage UI between WG titles identical, unless WOT is planning to adopt the same layout, ditto for WoWS.

    4. Well, those complaints are usually troll complaints..
      Anyway Overlord, is there any chance to play with you WoT or WoWP?

    5. I will most likely be playing WoWP on RU server till the release - most of our guys are playing there and it's easier to go in flights. After that I will switch to EU and use it as primary server as in WoT.

    6. I used to work with EU/NA communities closely, so that's traditional. I chose EU because of better connection ofc, latency to NA is about 200ms, for EU it's up to 60-70ms.

    7. Interesting, thank you on information :)
      Hopefully I will see you in WoT or WoWP on EU

      Continue your good work, and if you can, invite me on Alpha test in WoWS when it will be opened.

      Best regards and greetings from Croatia!

  6. Shame on you guys for throwing Jingles out of the Wargamimg stand. Really unclassy

    1. because he criticized WoWp?
      I wouldn't put it pass them .. it's who they are

    2. ZME ul no, they throwed him out because he wore a nazi uniform. It was a huge mistake from the eu community.

    3. He got thrown out twice from the stand because he wore a german panzercrew uniform. Just a normal tank uniform. Not a nazi SS uniform. As jingles is one of the biggest wot youtubers (87 k subs) he got asked to play with his fans and the wg crew after he had gotten asked to leave on e before. But before they could start a match your pr guy/guys once more told him to leave as they didn't fancy his outfit.

      As said the uniform is not an SS uniform and i find it rather ignorant to just throw him out for wearing a normal uniform. It's rather ironic though as he is a rather big British patriot who served in the Royal Navy. Not the best way to promote your game by acting all sassy to a big community contributer. I don't want to speak for him but I think he deserves an apology.
      If you want more information I suggest going to his channel on YouTube (search BohemianEagle) and watch the "mingles with Jingles episode 12" as he talks about it at the start. I was rather surprised myself as he is a really classy guy.

    4. yeah I saw it now ... rather bizarre and quite ignorant for WG

    5. Not everyone is a history nerd like us. Its likely the person involved was someone who doesn't directly deal with WWII, and so can't tell a Panzer from a Sherman.
      I've been accused of being a NAZI before now, because I had a WWII Finish army on a wargames table.

      Remember there were two events on for WG that weekend, Tankfest and Saumur, so they had to split their resources to cover both, and at a guess they likely grabbed anyone from their office who had a pulse.

      Disclaimer: I wasn't there and have no idea on the facts, the above is just a guess from many many years of attending conventions.

    6. David Lister,

      yup, most likely. Will check the you tube channel anyway.

  7. The fact it is tied to the unified account is not a bonus. Each server has its own unified account (so not that unified at all!).
    Those of us who transfered to the SEA server (now ASIA server, because Australia is totally locacted in Asia...) only had our WoT accounts transfered. Our WoWP account is still on the NA server.
    We have two totally disconnected unified accounts now. It has already caused issues I have raised with support. For example, setting the new security feature of adding a phone to your account was not possible on my NA unified account, because my WoT account is 'blocked' (due to the transfer). Thats right, its possible to be banned in just one of the games even though both use the same account. It took support 2 weeks to figure out a temporary fix for that one.
    I didn't mean to rant, but its pretty annoying to miss out on all of these features and bonuses because WG has yet to start concidering how to solve these problems.
    Do I continue putting time into testing this game to earn the beta tester rewards, based on faith alone that I will actually get credited with them on my real server?
    I can't use the tokens gained in WoWP to add to my WoT premium, because the linked WoT account is blocked/the wrong unified account. So no value given there.

    1. Forwarded this to WoWP guys.

    2. They say there are sorting out the issue at this time.

    3. Thank you. That at least gives me enough hope that there will be a resolution, so I will continue in the beta. The previous support ticket response, and large delay to provide that response, gave the impression that it the issue had not even been concidered before.

      As a comment about the game/controls. While it is possible to get used to and compensate for large latency in WoT, WoWP does not handle it nicely.
      The slower pace of WoT allows you to lead the target, or start/stop earlier while moving. The same 400ms+ ping in WoWP just leads to collisions and frustration. Playing on the ASIA server should drop this to the same 180/220ms range we live with for WoT. I really don't know if that will be enough for smoove gameplay for WoWP until I can test it.
      While playing on the NA server, trying to keep the crosshair on a target is an impossible exercise. I can't tell if its flight mechanics or the latency.

    4. Support can't help here indeed - this involves greater tech expertise.

      200ms would be borderline playable, I think.

    5. Especially, if you play attack aircraft using mouse controls.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I played alot on 2.xx versions and I loved it, but with 0.3xx verion my performance droped. I get bad fps drop in dogfights no matter which settings I use.

    It's really easy to get bored with wowp because of repetitive gameplay, but it's easy to return again because of simplystic flight model ( requires no learning, just point and turn ) and fast and casual battles.
    I hope more players will join open beta.
    I just regret I never got to test t10 in full battle, it all goes to b&z and only noobs turn.

    1. Well I need to say I must disagree with you, mastering the controls in comparison with the direct rival, the Arcade Battles in War Thunder is much harder, however, it allows for more place for skill. And getting used to them at first is also harder IMHO.

    2. That's true, mouse control came pretty close to WT , just more laggy - I think that is on purpose and won't change

      I'm talking about flight model - aerodynamics/ physics call it what you like but I feel like I'm in space canyon not Earth.

  10. Hey everyone!

    I've played WoT ever since the beta, but have sadly stopped at some point. Now I am considering to go back to it, but have also randomly seen info about WoWP on a site featuring MMOs (http://mmo-play.com/rpg-games/world-of-warplanes)... So now I'm completely torn with what to do, go back to an old love for tanks or try to take it to the sky? I see a lot of people complaining about WoWP, guess I'm kind of weary of getting a let down from the game. Are you guys hopeful that things will get better from this point on?

    1. Would be better to check it yourself.

      There has been a huge improvement during late closed beta - the entire 0.4.x series, controls-wise, feedback-wise, UI-wise, etc. Ofc the game is not yet in its final quality.

    2. don't waste your breath
      you're screaming at deaf ears, didn't you read what he said in one of his previous blog posts ...
      don't have the exact quote. but he said something like reports from beta testers are like non-representative

      it their own "testers" tell them the game is good, then they have no reason to listen to us .. even if the game is an utter pile of horse shit

      who need beta testers when you can have a team that tells you exactly what you want to hear .. right!??! right!

  11. Hello Overlord,
    do we have to pay to unify our acounts between WOT and WOWP or is this feature free? I ask as you wrote:
    "Reminder: during open beta (at later stages) there will be a chance to 'farm' in-game gold in WoWP and spend it acquiring unified/single premium account for all (currently 2) WG games".

    1. Its free of course. The thing is that full functionality of single account will be added during open beta, not upon its launch.

  12. Hey OL!

    What will be the WoWP equivalent of tumbleweed, horns, dog houses and goats making noises on Ensk?
    I mean we cant have a game without that can we?

    Btw - epic fail that story with Jingles. Seems to me that tumbleweed and horn designers rising up the ranks slowly.

    1. The awesomeness of easter eggs is that they are not advertised. :)

      We are looking into that issue. It has not gone unnoticed.

  13. So, my biggest complaint about WoWP is actually nothing about the in-flight gameplay, it is about the Hangar and such. I am completely baffled as to why WoWP doesn't have things like a Barracks, Depot, a working Store, etc. All of that is already in WoT, so I would think that the basics of how to do all those things would be fairly easy to convert over into WoWP. Instead, it is like they completely started from scratch. Don't the WoWP people even *talk* to the WoT people?

    To end this on a more positive note, I will say that the one thing that WoWP has done in the Hangar that I absolutely love is the ability to sort planes by tier. Of course, it would be great if I could do that in WoT too...

    1. WoT will have that feature too in future.

      While the UIs of the two games are similar it wasn't initially planned to make them 100% identical. In WoWP we are trying some new things making UI more accessible for new players and easier to understand (less steep learning curve).

    2. The UI in garage is better in WoT und dont need that many clicks, especially after installing 2 mods (Locastans 2 row tank thingy and XVM crew changer).

  14. just updated the client and run 3 battles, it feels like an improvement in all of it's aspects: runs better on my laptop, controls better, looks better, the game-play feels a little bit better, etc.
    but still i don't kinda feel attracted by this kind of gameplay comparing it to WOT, the Americans should express a better pov here as this was designed for US market mostly.

  15. Unified account is a great idea. Whoever thought of it earned their pay this week.

    1. Heh, it was the right thing to do - most of the team were suggesting this. :)

  16. I decided to make this my first beta, and just give it a try, so i can see if the game has potential and to get a feeling for the game.
    So much has been said about it, that i want to experience it for myself before it goes live.

    Lets dig the joystick out of the store-room. :-)

    1. First impression:
      The game seems pretty solid.
      Graphics are good.
      Can`t say anything about the balancing yet.

      What i can say, is that i was not able to get my joystick to work as i want him to work in 1 1/2 hours. That said, i dont think i can play this game with my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. I really tried hard to get the settings right. It doesnt even get close to where it should. It moves horrible unprecisely. The sensivity is just way too high. I installed the joystick software. I moved the sensivity to 0%, and still nothing changed. Thats pretty sad.

      I want the joystick to move slowly and very precise.

      So, if its not possible to play with joystick, i dont know, if i will continue.

      If someone knows how to get the joystick-settings right, pls tell me.

    2. Thx, will try it.

      I heard this setting is for another joystick, but will see if it works.

    3. After i got someone who could tell me how to "install" it, which just ment to rename the file to "joystick", save the old joystick.xml, and replace it in my AppData\Roaming\wargaming.net\World of Warplanes folder, the joystick now works as it should.

      I am happy that you helped me with your hint, but next time pls a bit more information, it just costs a lot of time to figure things out.

      I have the problem now, that i can remap the keys, but they dont work besides J1 which is my MG after i accept them. So there i am with no camera, rockets, etc.

      The good thing is, i now know how to config the joystick properly.
      In worst case, i can replace the xml with the old one, and just do it all by myself, which will cost a lot of time again to finetune things.

      Is it true that WG resets the settings with every update?
      That sounds like horror to me, if you have to invest one hour everytime to get the j-settings done.

    4. I read that, and didnt find anything. ;)
      I saw a readme, but it was for another config named after patch 4.3.
      Didnt saw those connected. Maybe i should have just checked.
      When i think about it, the instructions should be the same, so you are right there.

      The remapping now worked finally.
      Pretty strange, i restarted the game before, and it didnt work.
      Now, after i rechecked all keys, it worked. O_o

      When they reset it, i have to safe it before the next patch.

  17. So, regarding your Pre-Order Packages, I just paste a link from the EU forum here....

    Shitstorm ahead... and as always, WG dives DEEP DEEP into it.


    1. yeah mr overlord, remember what we discussed previously?
      since when 1 USD = 1 Euro??!?!
      ripping EU players a new one, as expected

    2. Since always, extra vat in effect.

    3. Not really since always as EU server gets 30k gold per 100e and US server gets 25k gold per 100 dollars. So you're being inconsistent in this particular case. This is the reason why the packages are a good deal for US players and bad/meh for EU players.

      Or should we assume that WG is going to increase the price of gold for EU server into 25k gold per 100e?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. quote overlord: Since always, extra vat in effect.

      you don't know what you're talking about, VAT is added on top of the package value
      VAT in my country is 24%, so, for the VIP package I would be paying 124Euros

      here's a PDF with current VAT values to read: http://tinyurl.com/2sj4hc
      your overcharge does not match any current running VAT values for any EU member states

    6. lol ??!?! my math
      show your math and the legal basis you overcharge EU customers - it's about 3rd time I ask you for legal basis

      ps: the prices on the RU server, in rubles, are with or without VAT? just out of curiosity

    7. Overcharge? Haven't heard of it.

    8. humm?!?!
      what do you call charging EU customers with ~30% more, then??

  18. Because it is not the first time WG fucks something up... if you would have been around for longer, WOT had several of those "scandals" in the past...

  19. so, will this game play on a computer that uses Linux?

    1. We are not working on official support for Linux, which ofc doesn't mean that it won't work, however it would mostly be up to users to make it work there.

  20. Please could you Overlord clarify this:

    "Reminder: during open beta (at later stages) there will be a chance to "farm" in-game gold in WoWP and spend it acquiring unified/single premium account for all (currently 2) WG games."

    How to understand this?

    Are we going to get a gold durring Open Beta. For a win battle as it was before (nor on daily basis, say 250g per day max), then we can accumulate it, and spend in WoT once the account unification hits, durring the open beta in WoWp? Or.... what? :)

    1. Once we add gold in WoWP along with unified prem feature, you will be able to purchase unified prem account using gold that is given away for first 5 victories per day in WoWP. This will work starting at some point at open beta and up until its end.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
