Purpose of this blog

Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer

Thursday, November 8, 2012

[WoT] Made in China

Newly-announced Chinese tech tree of 17 researchable vehicles will be available in WoT 8.2 update for EU and NA regions.

The new tech tree:

Video trailer:

More screenshots are available following the link.

Get prepared for the upcoming invasion!


  1. awesome.

    is there a chance to get the wz-111 premium heavy for eu/us as well?

  2. Well, I already commented here Chinese tree and his release on EU server a few days ago, so I will not whine again :). I just can add that many people on EU server has similar opinion and some have already proposed WG to make India, Vatican and Micronesia trees ;). But of course I understand business sense of that move. Still it could have been released only on China and SEA servers and people in EU and NA could have at least chance to vote if they want them. I hope you do not make the same to complete Polish tree (I am Pole btw).

    I have question about T21 in the new US line. Will it also have autoloader? Because as far as I know from Hunnicutt it was just lighter version of T20.

    1. Don't really see why there should be vote about that. We don't really do that with content, if you don't like smth, don't grind or use it. That's the easiest and most effective way to vote and voice your opinion.

    2. As for the auto-loader for T21 - no, as far as I remember. Tho not 100% sure.

    3. Reason is quite simple. Many players on EU server are people really interested with WWII history and tanks used at that times (and slightly later too). They would like to see more realistic battles. You just can't imagine what I felt when I first time finally saw a group of Crusaders and Matildas driving on Sand River map :) against some Panzers. Like movie...

      For many of such players Chinese tree is hmmmm... inapropriate, out of the "WWII world". There was no "Made in China" tanks at Kursk, El-Alamein, Ardennes and even Ivo-Jima, Manjuria and even during Korea war. China added nothing to development of tanks in that times. They started producing licensed tanks in 1950's, so they were then in that point in which many European countries were at least in 1930's.

      I am not going to grind them (although i have Type 59, but there is no other comparable premium med), the more so, I will be hunting them on the battlefields more then other tanks :). For me they are just some kind of spoiler or spam in that game. Introducing them causes that I like WoT a little less. To be honest first time I started to think that it would be good to have similar game also from other developer.

      Yep, it is impossible to make all happy :)

    4. And to make my points a little more understandable. WoT is first MMO I play (and not because I am young person, I was already adult when WoW started :) ). The only reason I started playing were those faithfully created virtual tanks from 1930's-1940's.

      It took me some time to accept mixed teams, absurdally precise howitzers with satellite view, huge amounts of prototypes, blueprints and non-existant tanks. It was for me sad news that so much awaited historical mode will be company-like with probably longer fights, which deosn't suit me at all. I hoped for randoms with historical tanks (I usually play 2-3 battles short sessions as breaks from more serious things, so waiting for company battle is not for me ).

      So any unrealistic thing in that game slightly "kills my love" to WoT. And seeing Chinese tanks fighting with Germans in Himmelsdorf is that type of things.

    5. I got your point.

      That's true that China started to manufacture tanks later than the other major nations, until that it used imported vehicles from USSR, France, Britain, and the US. Effectively, tier 6 T58 is the first truly Chinese tank. The lower tiers are mostly (sometimes slightly) reworked and revised versions of well-known "western" tanks. All in all, while the overall level of uniqueness of Chinese tree can be lower than for the 5 already added factions, there are some quite curious tanks even though they take after Soviet designs.

      As for historical battles concept, there can be changed to the already semi-announced information. :)

    6. From all "virtuality" you see only "absurdally accurate howitzers with a satellite view". How about basic things like: tanks have health points (to kill them you need to take down these HP), modules are being repaired during gunfight (and we don't see crew getting out to do it), bushes have camo points, bah: everything is a parameter in numbers... Finally arcade view (3rd person + "bird" view), red/green icons above tanks, red/green outlines to know how and where to aim - how long time it took you to accept it?

      This is just a computer game, it's virtual by it's assumption, not by introduction of one feature like an arty.

  3. Well and this is proff on some shortcomings of tiered vehicles - to fill up gaps you must stretch some tanks and find some blueprints to put in. Tree without some tank would be also nice why WG doesn't think about it? Instead making special MM for i.e. scouts you put them into tier 7 and work is done.
    About tree - not interested, I guess chinese market is very important, I hope that communist party freaks will be not mad on Chiang Kai-shek tanks ;P

    1. Personally, I don't mind having blueprint vehicles. Basically, all tech trees have them in different proportions. They make the game richer, it makes perfect sense taking into account that we refused from WWII-only concept.

    2. Don't get me wrong I don't mind either but in the sake of keep all tiers filled you can make purely fantasy-blueprint tanks tree - I would prefer to see FV215b as a counterpart of Conqueror and not as a T10 tank.

    3. That's the sad story, if we stick closer to RL, we would get quite a few gaps in many trees (France, Japan, top tiers for Germany, etc) and generally less diversity in the game. Though I do undesrtand your concern of potentially being flooded with prototypes that never left drawing desk.

  4. Will the premiums reenter the store?

    1. Will see. Prolly not permanently, but for some time.

  5. Im very divided about this. One side of me loves adding more diversity in the game, but another thinks it's pointless because most of these are literally given or bought from other countries, others are just copies (so I hear). Could you explain to me if their are any differences in these tanks?

    1. They will have a star on the side of the turrets instead of hammer and sickle.

    2. Yup. They will be Chinese and the Chinese will love them and pay for them.

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    1. You can pretty much guess what prem tier is missing there MORE :)

  8. hey overlord.

    I am really sad to hear that you will release the Chinese all ready:(

    First i dont think that they will bring anything new to the game they are all some kind of Russians tanks whit or whit out some upgrades and improvements.
    Second finish what you have started! The German tree still need the

    second TD line, the US still need the second heavy line, the France just have one line ind all the branches and dont even get me started on the British that is not a reel tree yet! You also still have some maps to do and the chat function could use some love!

    third clan war is still in beta when will you do something about that?

    Its not that i dont like new tanks i love new thinks to drive but there is no need to rush them other thinks should be prioritized a lot higher especially now where the British tanks need some time to settle in and find its place!
    i do hope that you will take some time soon to correct and polish the things you all ready have in the game!

    anyway drive safe out there:)

  9. I have one question:
    who will be in charge of balancing the chinese tanks? main dev team Kiev office or chinese one?

    1. Tank dev studio ofc - Minsk office. Kiev works on WoWP. Chinese one? Guess OP Chinese tanks won't do good.

    2. Obviously whichever one SerB is not at (laugh)

    3. yeah I mixed them up

      backing up .. if I'd have to choose the less evil out of the 2 I'd have to chose ..... hmm, tough question

    4. On a second thought we could use dice to decide and choose here. Some randomization wouldn't hurt.

    5. well, since you asked my question with a question, this leads me to 2 possibilities
      - you have no clue
      - the chinese are actually leading this one

    6. You are funny. WG doesn't have any dev studios outside Eastern Europe. So theoretically it can be Minsk, Kiev or Saint Petersburg. There is no reason to distribute the development between several teams, since each one have a project to work on.

    7. who said anything about development?!
      and who did created the chinese tank tree, if not your chinese partners?!

    8. It's easy game is developed by developers. Chinese tech tree was created mainly by Serb and our warfare experts (including Pasholok).

    9. BS!
      in one of the earlier video interviews, WG said that work on brit tree will not be affected because the chinese tree is being worked on 100% by your chinese partners

      so which one is the lie?!

    10. When I'm talking about tank prodcution, I mean desigining tech tree (overall concept), finding sources and references, modeling, texturing, creating hitboxes, tuning and adjusting (xml), precise balancing - that's the main part of the work. Chinese partners assisted only on the 2nd step and partially on the 1st one.

    11. However it would be wrong to state that they provided no input at all - which is reasonable. They know their market, their playerbase, and their history and culture better.

    12. "Chinese tech tree was created mainly by Serb and our warfare experts (including Pasholok)."

      Now I don't wonder anymore!:D

      Seriously this patch is really LAME!

    13. Same guys created all other trees as well. Your sarcasm is out of place. Patch doesn't equal content.

    14. With all the flaws that existed (took 2 years to fix KV1 balance for instance) and flaws that still exists I may say.

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  11. Nice filling Wot with more choices. To pick from.

    I do have a qeustion:
    When might the new german meds and tds come?

    I ones asked it in a ticket (after i had found out about it) The answer i got was that its the most complete tree so there where no plans as of yet(then). So i really like the know how that stands now atm.

    Hopefully i am right in to thinking you WG didnt totally mean this as a joke: http://overlord-wot.blogspot.nl/2012/08/wot-on-german-tech-tree.html
    And that you're are exally thinking about changing some minor things.

  12. OMG , please no !
    Another soviet tech tree , God why do you hate me so much ?

  13. Good market grab, but over all I don't see a reason to have so many repeat [re-researched] tanks in a tree. Though I will grab the Type 97 asap the rest are junk too me unless in some way your making them better than there Russian counterparts [which isn't advised].

    1. This tree is challenging to balance properly, no doubt, guys have to do their best to fit Chinese into the game smoothly.

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  15. Can you share any info on tier X heavy? (Tier IX and VIII too please...)

    1. WZ-111 was developed in early 60ies to upgrade Chinese tank forces. It was based on IS-2's and IS-3's parts and units and was regarded as Chinese counterpart of the Soviet T-10. However the prototype proved to be unsuccessful during the tests (especially the chassis) and the work was stopped in 1964. 130mm gun.

    2. So it is pretty much the same tank as premium one right?

  16. Just noticed the WZ131 and 132 quick question how will these be different from the type 62 we already have in game as a premium ?
    http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/WZ131 - Use google translate only page i could find

    1. Their are tier/two tiers higher so obvious differences could be bigger HP pool and better gun (85 mm D5T-85BM for T7 and 100 mm D10T for T8). premium also earns a lot of money and this is only difference I'm looking for :)

    2. More powerful engines, more HP, and 100mm guns available (currently for both of them). We haven't done previse balancing yet.

    3. Brilliant thanks for the reply :)

    4. Any chance the type 59 and 62 be offered up for sale in the store again before the patch release ?

    5. We do feel like Chinese need some other prems ;)

    6. Woop woop bring them on thanks for your time ovy :)

  17. what's the difference between the type 59 and the type 59 WZ-120, aren't they the same tank?

    1. Type 59 WZ-120 has a Type 81 105mm rifled gun from Austria it's based on the gun Royal Ordinance 105mm used by the British.

  18. I'd much prefer to see the existing trees fleshed out. British artillery and TDs, the long-promised second German medium and TD lines, some more variety to the French tree...at least the American line is (supposedly) getting a new line.

    Its annoying to see everyone bowing to pressure from China, from games to movies (most egregious example is that Red Dawn remake, altered post-production to remove China from the movie and make the bad guys North Korean instead).

    The Chinese server must be making more than the EU, NA and SEA servers combined.

  19. I know you need these tanks to improve your profit on the chinese market, but please stop adding "new" tanks instead of improving the game. We still suffer from balance problems (especially arty in high tiers), 0%-hits and stuff. What would be nice are new game modes and maps, didnt you once announce garage battles, historical battles and to add two maps per update?

    1. The new content doesn't interfere with the new features, because the work is distributed between various teams. To be more precise, new tanks don't interfere with new maps, interface elements, etc - all of those are worked by dedicated teams.

  20. Double daily for my Type 59 crew oh yes!.

  21. What about garage battles, escort and historical battles, national crew voices, improved chat functionality, official language-based chat subchannels (really, chat system is terrible) Do you remember Overlord???

    1. We will be working on garage battles with high priority these days. Other games modes are likely to be postponed for a more distant future. As for the chat system, it's already in development and we are have actually implemented some of the new elements into World of Warplanes - that's a good proving grounds.
      Anyway, the point is, the new content doesn't interfere with the new features, because the work is distributed between various teams.

    2. I am sad to read that garage battle is before historical battles in precedence.

      Garage battles will be a fail IMO, I do not see why would someone want to go back into the same battle (especially if it is tending towards a defeat). It will be interesting at first, but in long run people will realize that no real value in it.

      On the other hand historical battles (the historical feeling, realism, no magic crew skills, no HP system) would add real value to the game, a totally different feeling.

    3. Historical mode can't be "cheap", ie it requires a lot of PvE and side content to be really rich.

      As for the whole realism concept, it is needed only for 2-5% per cent of players.

      Garage battles will definitely have a larger appeal.

  22. Chinese tanks...realy? Probably the nation that ONLY chinese players wanted even to get into the game, but hey China is a big ... "goldmine" so lets lick their butts...
    I'm sorry Ovi, but this is just a fail, give Japanese or EU tech tree, those are realy interesting not this Russian 2.0 bs...

    1. I live in Europe and I have wanted Chinese tanks for a long time now, allot of other people too.

      Stop being so Conservative about updates and be happy you get anything at all in the game, if you don't like it don't pay for it and don't play it, you aren't forced to drive Chinese AFV

  23. What about national crew voices? Any idea when that will come? I am missing this feature from the start.

  24. Tons of new content. Old content remains unperfected. Seems this game Is early dead. The features are few. The tanks many. Copy paste much WG?

    1. Tank artists are to be kept busy doing smth.

      As for the content portions, we are planning to somewhat decrease them in our plans for 2013, focusing on polishing the current game and adding new features. Content pace has indeed been quite fast recently. Time to slow down a bit.

  25. No M3 Lee for the Chinese Tree, but a M5 Stuart? Why not M3 Lee? :(

  26. Hail the Overlord

    One question not directly related with the patch itself, but with the amount of new tanks / tree lines being introduced lately. From a customer perspective it is indeed nice to have such amount of new content. On the other hand don't you think you are going too fast (at least lately) in this area of development while slow at others like Clan Wars and game modes?

    As this forces the playerbase to invest gold to get the most up-to-date and competitive tanks, somehow I got the feeling that WG tries to milk the tank cow dry before launching WoWP, as probably you expect a part of the player base to move over to the new game, or at least sharing their time / money in both games as the customer target is the same.

    I am not complaining, I am old enough to understand that money makes the world go around, just curious about your business model. How long do you expect WoT to be running? Did you take into account that WoWP / WoWS will share the same market that now WoT monopolizes?

    Looking forward to hear you view on this, and sorry for going a little bit offtopic.



    1. Josey_Wales,

      first off thanks for the good question. I do understand your concern, but there is not much to worry about. I agree with you on the point that the current content introduction pace may be too fast for many players and we are already planning to slow it down a bit in 2013. Considering this fact, we already, at this stage, have enough tanks in stock up to the end of 2016. And our guys will be still working in the archives to dig out more.

      As for the WoWP release, although we do expect certain overlap between tankers and pilots, it is unlikely to be extremely huge (eg 50+%), mainly because of the difference in concepts and paces. Overlap between WoW and WoWS is likely to be more noticeable.

      As for CWs, we are going to pay more attention to them now, two major new features are going to be rolled out rather soon. :)

    2. I hope you will still release at least few tanks with each update?

      Regarding focusing on various other aspects of the game... can you please share info on something which I would call... crew adjusting? I mean a situation which happens for eg when switching from Patton to Patton III when we have one crewman less. Will there ever be option to either distribute missing crewman XP among crew or simply give it to crewman who takes role of missing crewman? (Commander in this particular case I think) Is this feature even thought about? If not can you please notice WoT fellas that this is very important matter for many people? Radioman with 3 full perks is quite valuable so I do not want to render him useless.

      One more thing. WoWS forum is pretty much deserted by WG fellas right now. Will it change anytime soon?

    3. Thanks for your answer Overlord, and keep up the good job you are doing!

    4. don_banan,

      1. Yes, sure thing. Planning to release at least a few vehicles per update.

      2. We haven't planned this feature so far, will think of it and discuss it. It seems to be applicable to high tiers mostly.

      3. WoWS team doesn't really have that much manpower right now to cover the forums effectively which is somewhat ok for the current stage. Do you lack dev presence?

    5. On the NA forums, KGB is amazing. He's probably part of the reason they're doing very well.

    6. 1 That is very good :D Give us tier VIII Soviet prem med NOW :D

      2 Of course it is high tiers issue but that is why it is so important. You have to throw away guy which has A LOT of xp on him and is useless now.

      3 Yep... Devs are non present. Even Q/A is not updated anymore. US forums are a lot more popular among devs.

    7. xthetenth, don_banan

      Will send WoWS guys (KGB and others) your feedback.

  27. So the premium Type 59 won't feel so special after this patch. Everyone will own a 100% same vehicle with a better gun... Personally I'd be more happy if EU didn't get this copycat Chinese tree, only the unique tanks as premium ones. Or WG might as well release a non-premium Löwe. Now I feel tricked.
