Thursday, February 6, 2014

[WoTB] German Tech Tree

Initial German tech tree for World of Tanks Blitz revealed.

This makes it. All researchable tanks for Blitz have been announced by now. US and USSR


  1. Advertising with the old good Panzer IV, how evil.

  2. wait what? no Pz IV in the techtree???

    1. No Pz IV for now. Same for Maus. This line would be one of the first to come after the release.

  3. Light->Light->Light->Heavy... Something to get used to :)

  4. Replies
    1. Nothing I would know about. Some big new features though - replies, missions, advanced post battle stats.

  5. Same stats as in WoT? If the answer is yes, then, again, german tree is hopeless. KV1S against VK36? IS7 against E100? Good job, good job...

    1. The answer is no. Specs will differ for several reasons: 3 classes, smaller maps, touch controls

  6. You know, with the havoc update something fun can be done to fix arty. Right now, they suffer with aim time, less so with tanks that have wide traverse angles, more so with tanks that have to turn their hulls to fire. Why not make the narrow firing angles worthwhile on the arty that have them and allow them to lock their hulls for an accuracy/aim time/reload boost. All arty would get such a boost when they lock their hulls, but it would be far more pronounced with narrow arced tanks like the Object 261, and tanks with built in stabilizers like the T92. Stabilizers could grant a larger effect but would take time to lower. What would the benefits be: a % based reduction in aim time, and reload speed, and shell dispersion eg. 20% on the GW E-100 and T92 (they really need it), 15% on the Object 261, and basically nothing on the bat chat(though it could still use a flat buff) and Conq GC.

    The drawback: It could take as long as 30 seconds to put down the stabilizers(or adjust for the new firing possition, if you don't have have stabilizers). It might also be considered to nerf all the relevant stats if there's no stabilization(it honestly don't need to be by much, high tier arty is pretty crap as it is)

    Now, with havoc, you have terrain detection built into objects, so tanks with stabilizers can drop them and bury them into the ground and it wouldn't really look stupid.

    The point? Arty becomes a more strategic element on the battlefield, much like a machinegun nest would be with infantry. Arty would be encouraged to guard specific flanks and leave their cone of destruction there(lest they deal with the cursed reposition). If arty is focused on one flank the other can be pushed with relative certainty that artillery wouldn't be able to redirect fire for some time. Arty play would get more interesting as arty has to intelligently pick which direction to aim and which position to hide in. Counter battery gains effectiveness, so arty is further encouraged to fire on other arty.

    Just some thoughts I had to share. Nothing to do with this topic.

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