Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let's Battle Magazine

Wargaming's Let's Battle magazine is now available for your mobile.

Check it out on iOS and Android.

Your feedback is appreciated.


  1. owwww, a magazine... instead of game we got magazine about game that still not available...

    1. Well its about plenty of things. Not just one particular game.

  2. Was looking forward to read this magazine. However, the app starts but when I want to read the first issue it crashes. I have the app installed on my Samsung SII. Still looking forward to read it so I'm waiting for an updated that will fix this issue.

  3. Hey Overlord. Saw this waiting at the doctors this morning. Installed and downloaded the issue,and read through to this day in history for April befor we saw the doc. Very comfortable app and good read so far.
    Thanks for this.
    What is the expected publishing rate. Monthly, quarterly etc??

    1. That was our first try to check if there is a demand for that kind of thing. If there is, more issues will come. Right now, no fixed schedule for that.

  4. Magazines are fine, but what I am still waiting for are all the "tank books" released in more languages arround the world.

    1. Waiting for that myself. We do consider digital distribution options. Retail is more difficult for us.

  5. It's not that bad (I expected worse) but not much info in there. Might interest new players.

    1. Not much for those who follow WoT/WG-related news frequently that's for sure. Mostly for those who do that occasionally.

  6. I like the idea, and it looks great on the Ipad.. but pretty much no content in this issue. would be a great way to inform players about things like tutorials, game mechanics and future development though. If you guys will go that way, I'll download again and enjoy it. If it stays contentless as it is now, it won't be worth the time to download and scroll through it.

  7. Interesting idea but where is the pdf version for pc users?

    1. That's a pity, maybe next time you can create a pdf version for those who dont use iOS or Android devices.

  8. Does this magazine mentions the new funciont of the game? Where you select accounts based on the IP address from which the users post something which Wargaming doesn't like and so get the player gets their next X battles fucked up - with retarded teammates and certain loss?

    Im just saying that, I noticed that since I write things in to this blog which are seriously offensive towards WG, my winrate miraculously dropped from 56-60% to 30-35% and I end up in teams which are destined to fail. (players with red stats 1-2k played battle, while the other team has only experienced players)

    Yeah and all this is a conspiracy, too bad that there is too much "coincidence". Oh an please tell me theat I forgot how to play during the last 1-1.5 week.

    1. Hahaha, you are really a funny guy. You should make a movie script out of it, i'm sure you'll be rich in no time.

    2. Another WG.hireling... let's see how many of you are here!

    3. I personally feel that based on his previous posts, Sandor may have hit a nevrse at WG (in the bot or historical tank settings topic) so he is being punished right now. This would not be the first case that WG does this. By the way Ghettiforce, why do you thing WG fired the only community manager who was fighting against bots?

    4. No idea who you are talking about - but we are constantly working on measures against bots. Even though its not always visible for players.


    6. Overlord,

      Please check the following link - the part after describing bot types:

      The referred parn in case you would not want to search for it:
      "St0rmshadow is an esteemed member of the German EU community. Between 2001 and 2004, he was the vice leader of anti-cheat admins for ESL in Counterstrike, he was also a PTS member and between May and November 2013, he was a Community Contributor on EU forums, until he got kicked out for being too vocal about Wargaming EU not doing anything about the bot issue."


      "As I wrote earlier, St0rmshadow is no longer a community contributor, because he got kicked out. This is an internal Wargaming letter by Alexis “Aodheus” Cretton, regarding this issue."

      Any response Overlord?

    7. Not to mention the following part:
      "...the most popular and probably the best bot (Tankleader) requires a premium account

      ..., that means that pretty much every botter is a Wargaming paying customer.

      According to the Tankleader webpage, this bot has about 130k users. Count with me. Running premium account is not cheap, so these players (since they already spend about 10 bucks on the bot itself per month – remember, it’s subscription based – they might as well paying for the premium) probably buy the premium account for longer periods.

      On EU server, half a year of premium costs 49,05 Euro according to Wargaming premium shop. So, 130k x 49,05 Euro, that’s 6,376 million Euro... and that’s just this one bot system"

      Overlord, not to discredit you on your own blog but after these figures... isn't there any doubt in your current believes / in what was told to you?

    8. Dear Sandor Nagy and Norman T. i'm well aware of the post on FTR and the fact WG silenced St0rmshadow's good work on the forum and took away his community contributor status becasue they didn't like what he was doing. I find that stance from WG very disapointing, and the leaked communication around it
      shockingly depressing.

      I could even believe you if you said that saying somehting negative on this blog about WG resutled in a ban on the official forum or even a ban from the game.

      BUT, and bear with me now, if you TRULY believe WG has a secret MM just for putting you in bad teams with the sole intention to make you lose in punishment of those words, I have only one thing to say to you: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

      Seriously... you and your oppinions are NOT that important. Losing streaks happen. There are two words you should google "random" and "RNG". it might enlighten you. Oh and while you are at it, google "narcissism" too.

    9. Think about about a better way form discouraging a player from playing a game, with this eventually getting him quit playing a game -> quit pasting commets wich would encourage outher players to rise their voices. In defense of Sandor - I would do the sam to players if I'd have a game published.

    10. Norman T,

      I'm not knowledgeable on how they do community management on EU server. They must have had their reasons for that.

      I can assure that we are aware of the issue and planning to address the situation. The botting issue exists, but it's severely exaggerated.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Replies
    1. At least PDF if you want to max readership. An app is, unless there is game data retrieval, is not really a PLUS compared to other "readers" (see nook etc.)
