Monday, February 3, 2014

[WoT360] Moar Tanks!!

World of Tanks 360 for Xbox 360 is now live! Not yet worldwide (this is to come).


  1. I want to be excited about WoT360 but my experience with it so far has been frustrating. It seems like I've been killed by arty more on the 360 than on the PC. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong but where arty is a nuisance to be mindful of on the PC it sure seems to be outright demoralizing on the 360.

    1. 360 version uses pre-nerf spgs from 8.6 or smth. That might be the reason. On PC things are different now

    2. Why would anyone do this? It has been clearly demonstrated how OP artillery was in that state... It should not be difficult to change a few stats when they can just take the stats from the live pc servers?

    3. Some still think that the old balance was better.

      Technically it's not difficult.

  2. OT but I think its high time someone from WG (not regional offices like WG EU) give a clear answer on the botting issue. If other sources are to be believed then WG not only does nothing but cant do anything at all making all their previous statements about "active bot hunting" lies. This is your chance to come clean and shed some light onto this issue. I wouldnt waste it.

    1. here's a thought ... play WoT on the 360, I can assure you there aren't bots on the X-Box
      only a truckload of dumb kids

  3. Hello Sir!
    Just want to ask about two things...
    I'm wondering about Type-59 and Type-62 tanks. Since I'm collecting premium tanks (28 in garage for now, still missing KV-5 and KV-220, my bad that I missed bundle tbh) I would like to know if it is possible that we can expect them in gift shop in 2014? (I'd hoped they will be back at Chinese new year :/ )

    Sorry for my bad english :)

    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Hello,

      I'm not knowledgeable on specials and discounts - each region does them independently. Personally, I feel like there is such chance for Type 62, less likely for Type 59 though. The latter might be made available only during a big sale - smth like Christmas.

    2. thanks for your reply :) i will be waiting to get one during sale :)

  4. Why developing another platform while players (bots) lilke this are not banned from PC version?:


    Solve this first and then develop somethign new afterwards, PLEASE!!

    1. he only played 550 battles and did 20 battles in the last 7 days... if that is a bot he doesn't use his botting time very efficient...

    2. ... what "IF" ?... it is a bot. only a blind person would have 3% hitrate.... but he wil never get banned since he has premmium tanks. WG would never ban an account like this... to much money could be lost.

    3. Im tired of proving tat bots exists and jsut because he played like 20 battles... until WG fires the only community manager who actually actively fighting against bots... we have nothing to do in this game. no point of reporting bots.... they will continue to "play" on... whole shit is pathetic... sowaiting for Warthunder Ground Forces to come out...

    4. Bots do exist, however the issue itself is exaggerated.

  5. Such a shame this requires Xbox Live - I refuse to pay M'soft any more money for the continued hardware failings. Am on my 4th 360, and my friends is on his 3rd Xbox One already.
