Monday, November 26, 2012

[WoT] Leningrad's KVs

The 2nd manuscript has been sent to the press (while the first book is being translated).

The book is dedicated to KV-1s produced by Leningrad Kirov Plant.

Images below for reference:


  1. looks nice, to which languages the 1st book is being translated to? Only English or German, too?

    1. It would make sense to have it in German as well. The book is about Maus after all.

    2. It surely would make sense, I´m german but I think my english is good enough to read it in both versions.

      I really like how you evade giving a precise answer ;)

    3. translating the original data and whatnot from german, to russian and then back to german ... it will be a fucking mess

    4. Opferlamm113,

      it's kind of secret at this stage, as we wouldn't like to enter the market with one book only.

    5. zMe ul,

      each and every book is better in original, but that doesn't mean one should not try to localize it.

    6. What tank book would you be interested in?

    7. As a german: Tiger, Kingtiger, Pz IV, Panther, Ferdinand, Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther... others: T34, Sherman

      But it all depends on the pricing and quality of the books, you can sent me a copy and I evaluate it.

    8. Will make a post on it. Curious to hear some feedback on the topic.

  2. Hey I know this is kind of off topic.

    But couldn't WoT create alternate clan warefare maps where tanks like the KV-1 could be effectively used in clan warfare?

    IE a clan warfare map with a teir 5 heavy cap and appropriate caps for other vehicles.

  3. How is the Profitability of the Centurion MK1?
    Does the 55% win ratio make up for the 2.5x greater than average shell cost?

    1. 2.8x More Credit/Damage average than the Pershing or Panther II

    2. In the red. Could be better of course, but Lorraine is even worse.

    3. Overlord, the Lorraine is a tier 9 and should be worse.

    4. Sorry, I was comparing to tier 9 Cent. My bad.

    5. Cent Mk I is somewhat struggling with credits at the moment, it's the worst in its class at the moment.

  4. Godamn , This soviet thing is so ugly really ... My eyes are painful .


    1. I am joking lol , Good job overlord . Thanks for posting it for us , do not take my posts too serious you know ...

    2. I Would like also to see someday this kind of this book about the British Cromwell .

  5. Any chance of something like this ever comming to fruition?

  6. Also, Shouldn't the centurion's 20pdr APDS ammunition have a much higher penetration value?

    According to this a 500yd shot @ 0 degree's it should penetrate 300mm of armour.

    1. Penetration in the game is decided by game balance, not by historical value.

    2. 95% of the time it falls within acceptable "historical" parameters.

      Hell the APDS Mk. 3 would have been ablee to penetrate 370mm of flat armour if you go by the same "deflection" constant for the Mk.1 piece.

      But it does not matter. I see now the 20pdr uses APCR Mk. 2 in game, a type of round I have never known the gun to fire.
      "balance" in this case is resorting to non-historical equipment :|

  7. Any chances for some x3 crew XP event on EU server? X3 for 1st battle is terrible because all noobs go out of closet.
    Also... where is next Q and A from specialist? :<

    1. Christmas time may be? :)

      How are things on EU? Do you get your Qs answered there?

    2. Yes, but it is slow process, so we must wait for answeres a few weeks :). At this moment best source of informations is Silentstalker's thread, where he translates answeres from RU Q&A.

    3. Yup, I have seen it. He is doing a really good job with this thread. Unfortunately, our guys haven't come up with anything so far here.

    4. LOL, like it is hard to put a guy on translating duty.

    5. Sleeping Dragon, there are much more complications that most people realize. First, the official translation (unlike mine) has to be good - if I mess up translating and you complain, I can tell you to sod off, because it's only my hobby. If an official employee messes up, it's the company that takes the blame.

      Second, the Russian thread is simply a mess. There is a lot of complete useless answers, there is stuff that concerns only Russian server, there is a lot of irony and sarcasm, there are metaphores and quotes from Russian movies and books (which is something most non-Russians will have an issue with), any potential offical translator would have a really hard time forming the answers into useful and comprehensible form (for example, Russian audience doesn't mind SerB's sarcasm - hell, he's popular for it even - but the EU audience is allergic to it).

      Third, SerB and Storm generally don't have times for the EU questions as they have for the Russian ones, that's unfortunate, but logical. Thus, the questions raised on the EU forum are answered to the Russian audience long before the EU replies arrive.

      WG EU community (and I am sure US community too) are doing the best they can under the circumstances

      With kind regards
      Silentstalker, EU

    6. Why were Chinese tanks postponed? Official news give no plain answer.

    7. Need to do some precise tuning. Plus tier 10 heavy is likely to be changed.

  8. Overlord, do you now anything about a Jagdtiger E-100?

  9. Overlord, with World of Warplanes and World of Warships both having damage visualized on the vehicle models instead of World of Tanks' textures, when (if at all) might World of Tanks be upgraded to a similar level as its sister projects? If the destroyed tank models are anything to go by, it looks like much of these tanks' interiors are already well-modeled!

    1. Have u seen Warships? o_O

      On a serious note. Yes, that's one of the improvements for future, along with realistic suspension, destruction physics, etc

    2. No, I just read each and every last answer in the FAQ and Q&A on the forums :P

      Also, will buying these books work as a way to get gold in WoT as well?

    3. Like bonus code for an unique prem tank inside? No! That would be too easy and we would really love to determine the audience size.

  10. Any news of the french premium mediums Lorraine: G1L and M15/42? Are they already in the making?

  11. Hi Overlord, since we're on the KV-1 two questions:

    1) Do you know if the RBT-5 is still planned?

    2) Since thats a tank with rockets does the KV-1K have any chance of being made?

    Who wouldn't want a KV-1 with Katyusha rockets on the back?

    1. wasnt rockets something clearly stated by the devs as the line they would not corss? together with smoothbore guns and so on?

    2. They were indeed. Not planning such a big change in the foreseeable future.

  12. We should totally have a WoT Encyclopaedia. :D

  13. Any plans on a WoT prototypes book?
