Tuesday, November 27, 2012

[WoT] Reshuffle

Prem-ammo-for-credits experiment will be continued in 8.2 update while highly anticipated Chinese tree is rescheduled for 8.3 which most likely is going to be a light content update.

Adding poll results here as prove or warm reception and reasons to continue. Do you like prem ammo for credits experiment?
Totally for it! Makes things equal. 685 (44%)

Against it! Stop the experiment! 560 (36%)

Haven't made up my mind yet. 305 (19%)

There is a possibility that tier 10 heavy will be changed for "113" with nearly-auto-ricochet upper front hull at 68 degrees. Expect some bouncing.

The new poll is up.


New Chinese HT10 blueprint


  1. So there is so far no plans concerning gold ammo in derp guns? This is biggest issue IMO. Suddenly tanks like Sherman, PzIV, Hetzer and some others have guns only slightly worse then top gun in KV1-s. Hetzer killing 100 prc hp KV1 or Churchill with 2 shots seems to be a little unbalanced :)

    1. Some of those needed rebalancing, now they do perform a bit better. Problem solved. :)

      On a more serious note, we will see to the issue if there is anything to fix.

  2. Good news, they should also replace or remove the doppelgangers Type T-34, Type 58 and IS-2 for more unique chinese versions or completly different vehicles, Type 97 Chi-ha also deserves to be more "chinese", and good thing top tier 10 heavy is getting replaced for something more unique.

    Also 59-16 could be brought down 1 tier to take Type T-34 place, i really dont see a point in vehicles in 2 different trees that are more than 95% similar... those versions should be premium quite obviously and not be in the tree.

    M5A1 is fine since it looks different and has an unique gun, but the tier 2 vickers deserves to be more unique, way too similar to a T-26.

    1. This 2nd way to go to MT is actually dumb idea.
      It is also funny you wannna change Tier X HT which was quite okay and not slow and very not meddish MT :< BTW Some info on this 113?:D Photo blueprint or whatever. It is very hard to find info on those experimental chinese things.
      Light content update means only Chinese? No new brits? ETA January 2013 or earlier?
      Also this new poll is quite confusing. You mean normal WoT or WoT: Generals? This matters you know :D

    2. On the contrary, i loved to play the actual chinese vehicles, im talking about WZ-110 and WZ-111 tier 9 not the tier 10 since it is pretty mutch the same vehicle..., T-34-1, T-34-2, WZ-132 but most specially WZ-120 and WZ-121 they really looked bad ass, pretty mutch a large and with tick armour T-54 with a 122mm gun... i am interested in unique tanks and the ones i mentioned above are not unique, and that is important to bring more variety to the game, im sure WG can do better with the chinese techtree. Quality not Quantity.

    3. The Chinese top tier MT is funny imo. It should stay. As for the new tier 10 heavy, it's just more suitable in this role. Waiting for more info on it from Serb.

      Yes, light content update means no Brits there. We do need to slow down with content a bit.

      ETA for 8.2 is this year, for 8.3 - early next year.

      As for the poll, neither. Just a mobile version of game with tanks, no direct port of WoT or anything. Interesting to hear if players are interested in tablet tank game.

    4. Well imo it is not. It is a copy of T-62A with changed gun and better front armor. Yes it is true it has better armor but it is also a bit heavier and thus with T-62 already being sluggish you can guess the rest. This thing really needs some changing.

      BTW Are UK TDs going to arrive after Chinese? Do you have any ideas for Chinese arty and TD?

    5. M5 should be replaced by M3A3, I heard most Stuarts in their Civil War actually are M3A3s. The Nationalist Government of KMT received M5 series later.

    6. Yes, most likely British tds and spgs come next after Chinese. Havent finazalized Chinese spgs and tds so far.

    7. Is Achilles in British TD line as a normal (ie not premium) vehicle?

    8. A tablet tank game could certainly make it. Would be nice to see some form of positional strategic game. Direct your tank per touch input to go to certain positions / certain formations. Use angling as a mechanic could certainly interest the more intelligent people.

      Not sure about multiplayer potential, especially the mmo aspect seems weird. Not sure of the business model either, but i'm sure there's quite some capable mem in your team for that!

      Think the formulation of the poll is a bit off, and the results arent directly usable. Take em with a pinch of salt!

  3. I'm not against the base idea of the premium shells for silver thing. It has at least stopped much of the "Pay to win" whining. Especially since almost everyone has since realized that with the exception of HEAT firing derp guns it really wasn't.

    But I do think that it'd be much easier to just drop them back to gold only rather than having to rebalance so much of the game. Any tank that had been balanced around strong armor has been gimped with the change. Two good examples are that in 8.0 a player poll of which was best between the Ferdinand and JPII was a dead tie, in 8.1 and Gold ammo for Silver it's clearly the JPII because the Ferdi's armor is meaningless now so you may as well have the extra mobility. Discussions on the Jumbo vs Easy 8 previously slightly favored the Jumob, now the E8 is clearly superior for the same reason.

    With premium ammo for silver there is no longer any debate between armor or mobility.

    1. I was surprised to see the Chinese line being moved back, most of the people in test I know thought it was ok while I have yet to hear anything good about the new US tanks.

      But I do agree that to many new tanks were coming out in too short a time.

    2. Exactly. Need to maintain some gap and release new content in portions. Plus we will have more time to polish and balance Chinese tech tree.

    3. As for prem ammo for credits.

      We are taking the current experience results as moderate success. While the overall reception is warm, we do feel that some changes, not only balancing, may be required here.

      And the situation with armour has to be improved, there are some ideas how to do that.

    4. Credits for ammo did not unbalance the game... i have had premium since i started playing and will have for a long time and that did not make me shoot gold ammo all the time, even in KV-5 or SuperPersing i make little use of it, it is about 5%-10% of the total rouns i fire, also your examples are meaningless since Jagdpanther II as been better than Ferdinand since it was released, problem is average players take time to realise true potential of each vehicle, for example i always considered KV-1s to be better than KV-3, but only when KV-3 was removed everyone turned to KV-1s.

      I recently played KV-4 and am curently playing E-75, 2 tanks that rely heavily on armour... and i rarely got penetrated when i wasnt suposed to because players constantly spamming gold rounds at you are rare... and what truly wins battles was never armour... armour is just a bonus chance of not receiving damage.

    5. Same with SP which is one of my current favourites.

      Indeed there are very few of those who do spam with credit prem ammo, they run out of credits quickly.

    6. The smart ones save 5-10 rounds just to use on the high armor opponents. Same as I always have when paying Gold for them on my top tier tanks. Which is really all there needs to be to ruin the experience for the driver of that one high armor vehicle.

    7. Aderito wrote "Credits for ammo did not unbalance the game..."

      Not at all. VK2801 just hit my Comet with one shot for 405 dmg through frontal armor and 2 seconds later second VK hit for 390. Thats totally normal and balanced that light tanks have guns with good penetration and around 400 damage :). And the same day PzIV with derp gun penetrated front of my turret for almost 400 hp. By the way all those tier V tanks have derp guns with much better damage and penetration with gold ammo then derp gun you can mount in tier VII Comet. Gold ammo for credits totally changed sense of derp guns. With premium ammo they have in many cases better penetration then ammo in the best guns with AP ammo for a given tank, while damage is sometimes even 4 times bigger, while difference in RoF is not so big to keep DPM on the same level.

      @ Overlord

      "And the situation with armour has to be improved, there are some ideas how to do that."

      Why do I start to be afraid that due to premium ammo normal ammo will become less effective :)

    8. Fear not! Everything will go smooth :)

    9. The situation now with DERP guns is as it was before the HE nerv, when platooning with a KV-152 was common to see and everyone knew to be careful around that one, you have to be more careful now, choose your opponents wisely.

      I have to admit that I´m derping like mad these days, but not all the time with premium ammo as it is too expensive on the long run. Only the big nasties get to taste the special rounds :D

      Easiest way would be to increase the costs of those shells drastically so players can´t use them regularly.

      And for those players in the big nasties, look at the MM, recognise the potential threats and play accordingly, problem solved.

      some DERP replays:
      http://mwreplays.com/replay/X7U7X9T78T5D/ PzIV
      http://mwreplays.com/replay/EOLF2OTAQY7T/ M4

    10. Or change the mechanics a bit. There are options.

    11. Shame you didn't polish and take time to balance British tree

    12. There are reasons I advocated 600 credits per gold when buying premium ammo from the moment the plan was announced.

      #1 The favorable exchange rate keeps spending Gold a preferable option, rewarding those willing to give the company cash. (In much the same way spending Gold on camo is preferential because it's permanent instead of having to keep renewing it.) And the rate is still low enough that buying premium ammo with Gold and then selling it doesn't compete with strait conversion for credits.

      #2 I did the math and realized mid tier HEAT derpers would be very cost effective as well as combat effective. They'd come close to breaking even running full loads, and as we've seen can easily pull profits with promotions and a mixed ammo load. This would not be true with 50% higher premium ammo costs.

    13. We were thinking of a similar move, however come up with a more complex and diverse solution. Can't shed the light this stage, but the change is going to be dramatic.

    14. My impulse is to scream the benifits of KISS... but I have to admit, you have me intruiged.

  4. Dead_Skin_Mask i bet that happens to your comet in everysingle battle right!?

    1. No, but I have seen many other cases in many other tanks. Like 3 derp Shermans platoon killing together 13 tanks in 2-3 minutes. No skill save you, when you meet such a platoon. If they are in enemy team, battle is lost for sure. I had also seen many Hetzers or Shermans twoshooting KV's or Churchills. 105 mm howitzer is becoming more and more popular on PzIV's. If someone has premium tank for making creds or premium account, then spending 2800 creds for shell making him totally OP in tier V is not a problem.

    2. not only is shell cost not a problem, with a premium account, my HEATzer is giving out moderate profits.

    3. I've done economic tests on many of the mid tier 105mm HEAT tanks. Most will not quite turn a profit under regular conditions if they're running a full HEAT load, not even running premium. But it is possible for the tier 4's and 5's and the KV-2 to break even. (Unfortunate for me since my intended prime derper for thier tier was the tier 6 Jumbo.)

      However, a small profit can made if you still use some regular HE to take out the lower HP targets and reduce your costs. If there is any sort of discount on premium ammo or credit boost for the tank, which have both been going on recently, then a profit is almost guaranteed for a Premium account. Stocking up on HEAT ammo during the sale can extend that profitability well past the sale period.

  5. The poll did not cover the issue. It was about the idea of gold ammo for credits in general, whereas we all know that the only issue right now is the sudden power creep of howitzers.

    If you make a poll about gold ammo howitzers perfomance instead of the idea of ammo for credits in general the results will undoubtfully vary.

    1. Howitzer issue is only a part of a bigger picture, which is reduction of prem impact on battle

  6. Also a question: Why, when the community wanted JPE-100 to be Krokodil you refused saying you already modelled the obvious copypaste of E-100 hull and GWT gun, but when you found a better candidate for a Chinese tank you postpone it almost instantly?

    Just say openly that whole WG hates German tanks and all your problems will be solved.

    1. The Krokodil is a fictional tank that some modeler made up during the 70s to sell models. It was never a German paper project. It's a fantasy.

    2. Correct. There is a certain authenticity and credibility line we are not going to cross.

    3. OverlordNovember 28, 2012 11:19 AM
      Correct. There is a certain authenticity and credibility line we are not going to cross.

      And this is how it should be in my opinion too! ;)

      But isn't the T28 prototype a totally fantasy tank?

    4. It has some suppport in ideas from early stages of T28 project. There is even drawing of such turreted T28. http://gosu-wot.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/wot-072-amerpt-t28p-1.jpg

    5. I find this "authenticity and credibility line" hilarious, since Doyle said that your version of the JP E-100 was a fantasy model that had no basis in reality. For it to exist it would have "involved moving the motor compartment forward and necessitated an entirely new hull shape" and there was "no documentation to suggests [sic] that the E-100 chassis was considered for other purposes." That being the case - why not give the players the fantasy version they wanted?

      Or are you saving that for premium? (-;

    6. The E-50 Ausf M is a logical and expected progression for that project. The T28 prototype was a design consideration. The T28 as it is in game is probably the best example of a fantasy tank. If you consider that the T28 is just another designation for the T95. It's possible it was another design consideration for the project though.

    7. T28 is T95 without second tracks which were demountable. Also WG changed front of TD using as a source the early drawing I linked higher. Here you can see T28 without second tracks http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/Kotsoor/T28_LST.jpg

      Much more fantasy is in T25AT and T25/2 :)

    8. "The E-50 Ausf M is a logical and expected progression for that project."

      I call that a bad excuse!

      You cant predict a Ausf. M (no 13!) on a Ausf A which hasnt even been built!
      Just check the Panzer 3 which got a Ausf M version and try to compare those.... Its a totally overhauled tank with a new turret, gun, engine, armor, tracks.
      The "ausf. M" is just a forwarded turret and a rear transmission with a minorly overhauled gun (the ammo nearly kept the same just HEAT added and more accuracy)

      Imo a Ausf M is less predicatable tha a "Crocodile-Project" is. The jagdpanther was quite successful and its armor had big advantages, which logically would have been used in a bigger tank, primarily to save weight and gain more space for the barrel.

    9. Rid dip,

      T28 proto, T25AT, T25/2, Pz III/IV are prolly the worst from crdibility point of view. Sadly, there are exceptions. However each of the given are far more probable than the E-100 Krokodil.

  7. Premium ammo for credits is nice, but it really unbalances the game. Tanks that used to have armor, now have none. For example the maus is now very easy to kill, even by a tier 7.

    It comes down to DPM, and health, and totally takes away the feeling of driving a tank.

    The ammo needs to be rebalenced, to be less of a huge pent increase, or cost more.

    1. Not exactly true, the impact is nit that huge. The % of prem ammo used in random battles is still very low.

    2. Any idea why that percentage is so low? Personally I switch to gold as soon as I can't pen with normal ammo, and I use gold exclusively in my pzIV and HEATzer.

    3. I use gold ammo in most random games and for some tanks with low penetration but high damage (VK 2801 with 105 mm gun or M5 Stuart with 76 mm gun) I use gold ammo always. And I can make profit even without premium account. So it is mystery to me that there is the % of prem ammo used in random battles is still very low. Personally I for removing possibility to buy premium ammo for credits because it makes game unbalanced.

    4. Goldammo has about no impact on hightiers since everything that has armor is slow and slow tanks die by arty as soon as they are spotted

    5. angrybanana,

      I think many players actually realised the worth of credits in game and started to save.

    6. I never really got to enjoy my Matilda, partly because its armour was short-changed, and partly because every Hetz or KV or Sherman or any other derping tank had these one-shot rounds.

      Realistic, yes, that getting penetrated by a round kills my tank instantly, but not very WoT-ty

    7. E200 - do you not play any high tier tanks? A smart heavy driver doesn't sit under artillery.

      My Maus is basically retired at the moment, as I used to be able to reverse poke out from buildings and bounce almost anything - now even crappy tier 8 premiums will pen my turret. Drive a heavily armoured tank and you'll see nothing but prem rounds coming your way. Armour's worthless, it's all about speed and pen now - World of Medium Tanks sadly. I've played this game from the very earliest stages, but avoid anything about tier 5 now, it's really depressing.

    8. well i do play high tiers every now and then, i got the is-4 and some t9s. I can manage to bounce shells on most tanks, sometimes even premium shells. And of course i can also hide from arty but this ruins the fun, if i wanted to camp, why should i even use a tank? AT-guns or even landmines can do this shit. What i want to do is fight, without cowardish arties hitting me from above. I can't get what makes so many players choose arty, that's just no fair battle, like killing cows with a drone.

  8. Ovi, why T77 is not a top tank in new american branch? It's T48 chassis with oscilating turret mounting 120mm gun (same as in T57), are you planning to put it in new branch with T54 with classic turret at T7 and rest of meds (like T26E5)?

    1. Will think of it. The current branch is finalized.

    2. Too bad, T77 fits better in the line of revolving meds.
      On the other hand you can easily make another tree with such tanks as T42 (T69 chassis with top turret from M46), T54 and T54E2.

  9. When can we see the uncensored American TD tree from the last ASAP video?

    1. You know, I tend not to give dates.

    2. Was it censored because it isn't finalized yet or because Wargaming is waiting for a specific date or is it just that far away from release?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This arent new tanks! They are actually the tanks we allready got (T30 T28 T95 and so on).
      I think they only got censored to make it easier for us to see the new line of tanks!

    5. @ Frank Burns

      Stefan is right, WG blurred current lines to make new line of "revolver" tanks more visible. If you watch closely you will recognize that blurred names are of those TD's that we have already in game.

    6. But some shhifting in TD's would be fine i.e merge T28 with T95 with 120mm on T8, dropping on T9 both T110E3 and E4 with original 120mm M58 gun and levels up T30 with its 155mm (adding turret from T30E1 with high commandr cupola as intended nerf :P)

    7. T30 above T110E4? Well thats quite crazy idea. T110 is around 10 years younger and has much better hull armor.

    8. And worse alpha damage ORIGINAL gun.

    9. Well M1A2 Abrams would also have worse alpha damage in original gun :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The only reason why Wargaming keeps premium ammo for credits in game is profit.It is more likely that players who earn enough credits (premium account or tanks) buy premium ammo for credits than for gold.So now there are two reasons to buy premium account: more comfortable play and premium ammo.
    Before you had to pay real money for premium ammo(either you had premium account or not), now it is enough to buy a premium account and that sounds more reasonable to most players.More premium accounts = more profit for Wargaming.
    And if you want to "Make things equal" as you stated in poll,make just one tank in each class (light,medium,heavy,td and spg) then paint it in different colors (for every nation) and everything is going to be equal.
    Why are there so many diversities in armor,guns,maneuverability,.. if you want it to be equal.
    If someone played 5000-10000 games (without premium account) to earn tier 10 heavy tank he should be rewarded with some ricochets rather than asking himself what was he doing all that time.

    1. After 10000 games he is awarded with constant arty games when he is vaporised by god hand 5 seconds from being spotted, so no, gold ammo doesn't bother me as a T10 tank player. Instead of deleting gold ammo I would be glad seeing introduction of arty limit, rebalancing of T9 and T10 TD's or taking off one bullet from magazine in each french (and probably american) revolver tank.

    2. @plasot You totally right , That was why i was wondering when there was 6 SPG , 8 TDs and only 3 TANKS in my team (!) , ( And yes , I was the poor E 50 M which was destroyed at the first moments in this battle ) ...

    3. I tend to agree with what plason said.

  12. I just hope you will not touch actuall tank stats, as the tank or gun itself is not the issue. If you nerf some gun, it will underperform with standart ammunition. If you want to nerf something nerf the gold ammo for that gun.

    I think gold ammo has its place in game, especiali in the current form. On the other hand some tanks are overpowered with gold ammo and so I would nerf the gold ammo slightly and not the tank or gun. Gold ammo should be something like a bonus, not a standart ammo needed for the tank to perform normally.

    So far derp guns are really strong.

    1. Gun specs is a possible way to go, however tuning the mechanics can have a stronger impact, even though it's potentially more dangerous.

    2. I understand that changing gun specs is much easier and faster, but it also affects performence without gold ammo which it shouldn't. Right now guns are balanced for use with standart ammunition and slightly disbalanced with gold ammunition. As gold ammunition is a form of special ammo, there should be no changes to the gun and only the performence of the gold ammo should be changed - with penetration/splash decrease in some cases.

      Just my opinion. I use gold ammo only rarely and so depend on standart ammo in almost all situations. If you change the gun parameters you will only further increase the disbalances between some tanks.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Whoops. You don't need to slow down the content, you just need to have a coherent pattern. Go back and finish off the lines you already have, fill out the German, Soviet, US, British lines before you add a new country. (And seriously? The Chinese? I suppose it makes as much sense as the French before the British, and the Chinese before the Italians/Japanese/any other country that actually produced tanks that weren't just copies of other designs)

    2. THIS CHINESE (2nd Soviet) TREE IS FOR THE CHINESE COMMUNITY , HELL GODDAMN , WHO EVEN KNOWS ABOUT THEM IN HISTORY ?!? another poor Asian country that nobody gives a f.

      And if tomorrow there will be +1M new Indian players , W.G. -CERTAINLY- would launch a new copy of BRITISH tech tree (!) this is so silly and sad . Some players simply would not sure if lol or cry from your development order . (Just grow up W.G.)

    3. Actually Spharv2, they explained the reason for the French being added before the UK a long time ago. The autoloaders and thier higmobility low armor top tier tanks gave them a unique mechanic and playstyle compared to the rest of the nations. The UK, while more important in world history and impact for the game's timeframe, were just more tanks.

    4. Spharv2,

      finish all old trees? That would require a few years at least. :)

    5. David Diamond,

      still the initial response to Chinese tanks was rather positive on al regions.

    6. Blizzard36,

      correct. From gameplay point of view, the introdcution of French tanks was a huge step forward, in this respect, this faction is the most important of all - regardless of content value as it is.

  14. Added the blueprint of new Chinese tie 10 HT.

    1. Put on it a BIG red star with white edge please , In addition if you wish write on it something like "Bei Fashistov" .

    2. I like that it looks more distinctive from the tier 9. The side profile looks somewhat similar to the IS-7 to me.

    3. David Diamond all you write is garbage, maybe if WG introduced an IDF tank and by this i mean a modified sherman like the M-51 you would be happy? Nah nothing makes you happy, you just a useless xenophobic angry boy.

    4. It looks like a medium to me but enlarged... Strange thing. Same guns?

    5. @Adérito , I Would be happy if the soviet tree will off from the game finally . (And all it's copies)

      I Have some serious hatred on soviet faction , Really do not know why . Maybe it because how they look or something .

      Actially i prefer the British tanks , If you said already IDF , i would like to see an Cromwell of 1948 which held by the IDF armored corps these times .

      No i am not an angry boy , i am just saying what do i think about every new update to the game which i play daily .

    6. Hey, don't like sexy profile of IS-7, T-54, and T-62A? :)

    7. Actually I like the profile. Not many heavy tanks other then the IS-7 share it so it's rather refreshing in that way although there will be more then a few mediums that do... lol

    8. T-54 is sexy. T-62A is ugly slow and in total BLEH :D
      You should have given one some faster med as top for Soviets. Or are you planning another line? ;>

    9. That could make a huge blow :)

  15. WoP (World of Prototypes) a game for all the family

  16. Those "Experiment" With Tier X UK HT is BAD idea. You took only thing it had unique to heavies from him. Giving him incredibly hard to penetrate turret will NOT make it even. When you lower RoF of tank you should make up for it with more alpha not increased armor. Like you did with Type 59 in same test version.

  17. I'm very enthousiastic about you guys considering making something for tablet (see comment above).

    Also, for premium ammo, maybe it's nice to rework that mechanic a bit so it is not the default ammo in e-sports as well. Make it unique. Keep the penetration, but drop some (even if it's just 10%) of the damage. Then people will be switching ammo types all the time.

    Of course this will impact the amount of gold people spend on ammo and decrease the income of the company a bit. But i think in the end if the game is better balanced there are more players, and more players willing to pay a bit for the game on regular basis. Also this makes the intuition perk more useful, so on short term people might want to spend gold to change to that perk.

    As for the armor mechanics, consider introducing sideskirts as equipment. They could add 2 mm spaced side armor. Maybe sand bags for front armor as equipment or just additional plating? There's a lot of vehicles that would consider getting up to 5mm (depending on tier of course) extra armor instead of say a stabilizer.

    1. Thanks for mobile support by the way.

      Yup, we are considering a few esport features that should improve things in this field.

      As for equipment, there are some talks that we could add some more, including extra armour plates.

  18. nice tank but... that turret allows for 2 degrees of gun depression at max

  19. I don't know anyone that is for the premium ammo lunacy (was that poll you cite even on the euro portal? I don't remember seeing that one), we all hate it in my clan. It should be removed from the game altogether - that makes things properly equal, and also means balance will work as intended. The great majority of posts from experienced players on the Euro forums are against - in many cases STRONGLY against - this move.

    One of the main complaints about the test server has always been that the availability of gold ammo (due to the free gold given on that server) meant that armour was negated, making proper testing of intra-tank balance impossible. That problem has now been transferred over to the live servers in a move that many many players find utterly mystifying.

    It also promotes great distrust between players - the cries of 'gold ammo CHEAT' and words to that general effect are now common, since now when getting killed by a lower tier tank the obvious assumption is that they cheated by using premium ammo. Way to divide your own playerbase, WG. This is a STUPID idea! You'd just made a genuinely positive change with the armour normalisation meaning that armour actually counted for something again, and then this entirely unwanted premium ammo lunacy is dumped on us, ruining balance and annoying a hell of a lot of people. I have already given up on playing my heavy tanks since you've made armour pointless when any troll can just load up his "LOLZ I WIN" troll ammo and kill me with zero skill required; I just finished the AGONISING grind to the Maus before this stupid decision, and now you've made that tank utterly worthless with its terrible gun, non-existent mobility and now armour that can easily be penetrated by any tier 8 tank with no skill or tactics required.

    People are quitting because of this. Does that mean nothing to you? We are seeing a lot of very defensively-worded "Everything is fine and you all love it because we told you you loved it" langauge being used. No. You are wrong. You are WRONG to have done this. You have wilfully destroyed what balance there was in the game and we don't all love it, in fact many of us HATE IT!

    And by the way, where IS the proper top gun we were promised for the Panzer IV? So far we're still just being fobbed off with the L/48 with a measly 4mm extra penetration, which is insulting compared to what we were told we would get.

    Very poor show, WG. Very poor show INDEED.

    1. This poll was here on the blog, and being almost equally divided here it means that the majority is actually rather for this than against it. Most of regular players that don't visit neither forums nor portal most likely would support it.

    2. "Most of regular players that don't visit neither forums nor portal most likely would support it."

      That's conjecture, not a factually-based supposition.

  20. "I just finished the AGONISING grind to the Maus before this stupid decision, and now you've made that tank utterly worthless with its terrible gun, non-existent mobility and now armour that can easily be penetrated by any tier 8 tank with no skill or tactics required."

    Totally agree. I loved my Maus, now it's sitting retired for exactly this reason. 8.0 was perfect, 8.1 ruined the game.

    1. How so if there was no major boost in % of prem ammo used in battles since then?

    2. There are quite many players who still don't understand how buying premium ammo with credits work. Also many t9 and t10 tanks don't need to use gold ammo for Maus, since most (non-german) tanks have penetration values over 260mm with normal ammo. Also Mauses have become so rare in randoms so that they have very low impact on the statistics. Maybe you should track some more details, like ammmo used in games with Mauses or if it is possible what ammo is used on which tank

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