Wednesday, November 21, 2012

[WoT] Test of 8.2 Is Coming

While 8.2 test 1 (public test) is inevitably coming soon, posting an exctract from the patch notes and waiting for your feedback on both notes themselves and the update (when servers go live). Full patch notes are avaialable on WoT web portals.


- Added Chinese tank tree (17 vehicles - heavies, lights, mediums)
Tier 1 Renalut NC-31 goes with a free slot.
- Added new US tank branch: light T21, light T71, medium T69, medium T54E1, heavy T57 (branch goes from medium M7)
- Premium tanks TOG-2 (British heavy), AT-15A (British TD), 1945 FCM 50t (French heavy) are available in Store
- Maps adjusted for new render: Redshire, Erlenberg, Ruinberg, Prokhorovka.
- Added Jordan flag to emeblems and logos

Improvements & Performance

- Added repair speed indicator for module icons in left bottom corner (same mechanics as reloading)
- Fallen trees now impact visibility system
- Rendering distance (setting / graphics / draw distance) increased for low settings from 400 to 600 meters, for high settings - from 1000 to 1400 meters (this applies to terrain, objects, buildings)
- Improved performance of rendering trees and bushes, especially in sniper mode
- Fixed low performance for some hardware configurations (mostly Radeon graphic cards) for the following maps: Steppes, South Coast, Highway, Mines, Widepark, Abbey
- Fixed sharp camera movement when iteracting with other objects (tanks) in some situations
- Substantially decreased and sometimes removed vehicle vibration on roughness of terrain (railway, ruins, etc)

Tech Tree UI

- Reduced space between tiers.
- Hyperlink "back to tech tree" will be changed to a button with nation logo (flag)
- Hint on the remaining experience/credits will be added
- Experience and free experience counters will be added to tank screen (each tank in tech tree)


- Fixed bug with shell shell disappearing after penetrating spaced armour, and gun making "saving throw" after being hit.
- Fixed bug with shell disappearing after penetrating spaced armour and then ricocheting (eg sloped spaced side armour of IS-tanks)
- Fixed bug with "flying" tanks when ping is high and/or packet loss is in place
- Fixed bug with reticle "shaking" aside while aiming in sniper mode
- Fixed excessive in come cases ramming damage
- Fixed CW freezing for drowned tanks 
- Fixed hitbox bugs for: Gw Panther, Е-100, Lowe, Grille, Lorraine39 L AM, Lorraine40t, T25-2, Panther M10, Object 212, Object 704, AMX 13F3AM, AMX 105AM, ARL 44, Matilda (British), AMX13-75.
- Fixed displayed armour value (no actual armour change) in UI for: SU-5, T-46, KV-13, SU-85B, SU-101, Object 268, KV-2, KV-3, IS-3, KV-4, IS-8, IS-7, ISU-152, VK 4502 A, PzV Panther, Centurion, Centurion Mk3, FV4202, Covenanter, Cruiser MkI, Valentine, Caernarvon, Centurion, M6.
- Changed in accordance with historical data armor for: Т-34 (2nd turret), Т-34-85, IS, Matilda (British), M5 Stuart, M26, M46, M48. I'm sure this will draw a lot of attention! The detailed info will be provided a bit later. Patience, please!
- Fixed names of some US tanks.
- Fixed rare bug with player getting into non-selected game modes
- Fixed the discrepancy between displayed and actual hit boxes for some objects and buildings
Achievements, etc

- Added Patton Valley medal for destruction of 100 units of the following tanks: M46 Patton and M48A1 Patton III (previously destroyed, ie before 8.2, vehicles will count)
- Added “commemoratives” – achievements without a grade, which can be granted to a number of players in each battle:
  • Lucky’ – Witness the destruction of an enemy vehicle by an enemy team player. You must be 10 meters or less from the enemy vehicle at the moment of its destruction.
  • ‘Cool-Headed’ – Survive at least 10 ricochets and non-penetrations in a row from enemy team players.
  • ‘Spartan’ - Survive a ricochet or non-penetration from an enemy team player. Your vehicle must have less than 10% of its hit points left.
  • ‘Ranger’ - Destroy all enemy light tanks (at least 3) in the course of one battle.


  1. "Fixed names of some US tanks."
    It feels like you are fixing names of the US tanks in every patch. Will they ever be final?

    1. Hopefully, they will. Chieftain, US warfare expert, is of much help here.

    2. And hopefully this means you will stop naming them numbers and letters and start naming them by their actual NAMES from now on??

      It's confusing enough in a game where most of the tanks are already named by short alphanumeric codes, so please, for the sake of simplicity, and to reduce confusion, stop changing things for the worse.

      M24 should be CHAFFEE
      M26 should be PERSHING
      M46 should be PATTON

      I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm going to log in to tanks some day to see not TIGERS but PzKpfw VI's! (PLEASE DON'T DO THAT)

    3. I actually prefer full name, eg M26 Pershing.

    4. How about:

      CHAFFEE M24
      PERSHING M26
      PATTON M46

      The names are afterall much better for the gameplay than their designations in the group where I am playing. Though ofcourse people take pride in also knowing them...

    5. Just name it , Pershing , Patton , Chaffee ,it is the best way i think .

      Also , Hellcat have a name , why do you call it "M18" in game ? seriously , i do not understand .

  2. "Fixed the discrepancy between displayed and actual hit boxes for some objects and buildings"

    Oh good, so now my shells won't impact on air when peekabooing on Siegfried Line and Himmelsdorf?

    Also, what gives with the low performance on South Coast? I get 70-80 fps at max settings on all the other maps, but South Coast drops it to 20-30.

    1. 1. Hopefully.

      2. Thats because of not sufficiently optimized video memory consumption. It depends greatly on a particular map.

    2. Ensk could be painful for my PC too. Also I've got strange drops in artillery mode (to even 7fps!) on two different PC's and I'm wondering is it my PC's or just a game ;]

    3. I dont think thats the full explanation. I got a Radeon HD7870 with 2GB ram and get 40-60 fps on South Coast map when I look away from the beach no matter where I am on the map. However, when standing on the beach looking into the ground and fully zoomed in I get 8fps...
      All over the map I get 8-15 fps when I look in the direction of the beach, when I look away from it I get good fps again.
      Resolution is 1920x1280 and more or less max, have not noticed any major difference when lowering settings.

      Any ideas?

    4. from official patch notes

      Low performance improved for some configurations (mainly for Radeon VGAs) for the following maps: Steppes, South Coast, Highway, Mines, Widepark, Abbey.

    5. Whole game is not sufficiently optimized. At same pc for example Battlefield3 runs smoother and looks better and have thousand times better physic and destruction system...what kind of hardware this game need to run smoothly? I have 50fps avarge but since time to time especially when i shoot i've got mircrofreezes or random drops to 10fps and the problem doesn't occur only on particular maps.

    6. Server-side tech dictates the choice here. While it's obvious that we need further client-side improvements, they are sometimes difficult because of the restrictions of the current engine.

    7. The optimization in an ongoing task though.

  3. Still no fix for the compensation system? Why can't we use this simple solution: make only the person who was driving faster (cause) pay for damages to the slower tank (victim)? I mean, a Maus can't deliberately crash into a T-50-2.

    On a side note, any new maps or just bugfixes? :)

    1. It is not that simple, slower tanks are not allways victims.

    2. How not? You want to convince me you can ram a Maus into a T-50-2? If two tanks ram eachother it's always the faster tank's fault, and his pitiful driving skills.

  4. For 2 years I waited for historical battles, I kept most historical tanks, and you add chinese tanks? wtf
    So disappointed :(

    1. after all this time even Clan Wars is still in BETA stage

    2. Spoiala Cristian,

      I have recently given feedback on historical battle mode. It's not the highest priority at this stage (for several reasons) and most likely we will see other game modes first, eg - garage battles.

    3. Well, historical battles would change all balance for fantasy and blueprint versions of tanks, it could be tricky for some tanks like IS4, IS3 (only D25 gun) or KWSport (85 mm gun :P) not mentioning M46/47 or Panther.

    4. Tanks that never saw actual combat are not really suitable for HB, regardless of their configuration.

    5. I was thinking rather about tanks being deployed in service/saw combat but if you putting this way that tank got to fire in anger I'm not arguing with you. But still some tanks got far more better guns than real counterparts - T34/85, KWSport, Panther, Tiger, Konig Tiger, Sherman... Of course we waiting for it and we would be dissapointed if that mode would be cancelled.

  5. Some of the new US tanks have oscillating turrets, are we going to someday see the T58 witch also has an oscillating turret?

    1. I am afraid that 155 mm gun with revolver magazine in rotating turret will be very difficult to balance. To be honest if WG planned to add that tank, he should come now as X tier heavy after T57 (which should be tier IX) or as X tier TD after T30. It didn't happen so I think, that WG resigned from that tank because he is historically overpowered :)

    2. To be fair it only has 127mm(5") of armour (sloped) on the front and turret. And if they managed to balance the top French tanks, they can also balance this one. Maybe 4 shot instead of 6 shot?

    3. French 120 mm gun has 4 shots. French Foch has only 3 shots in his 155 mm gun and very long reload, while it is not in fully rotating turret, so in T58 it shall be less shells or longer reload, which makes autoloader quite ridicoulus.

    4. @ferr
      Frenches are still not balanced, some are still OP, even Lorry (which sucks) got one shell in revolver too much.

    5. Lorraine with 48% WR? Or you are playing some other one?

  6. I wont play test, i did in past i always had feeling we test to help game grows bigger and better but since noting is done about TK as ban for test and regular server at same time for TK or any other violation.

    1. I was in quickiebabys stream today, he was playing on Testserver. Ectar, the english community coordinator was present in the chat also. We spotted an blue player and Ectar stated the blue player will be surprised to be blue on normal account also...

  7. Hello, everyone

    Regarding the "armor adjustments", those got "leaked" by Storm, I posted them in that Q&A thread (in English), so far they didn't invoke any serious rage. Surprising.

    By the way, what happened to the adjustment of British tanks? I've seen the statistics on the Russian server and there are hightier tanks with 55+ average winratio, I am surprised WG lets that slide... or are still only pro people playing them, so it's too soon?

    With kind regards

    1. We usually need more time to assess performance of newly-added tanks. At first stages their performance is highly affected by 2 factors that create "noise": 1) skill factor of experienced players (positive effect) 2) lack of experience with new vehicles in both driving and destroying (negative effect). So we will take a pause here.

    2. Lack of experience in destroying has positive effect on new tanks stats (it was specially strong in case of T95 :) ).

    3. 56% WR on Centurion? Are you kidding me? Is there are two different versions of Centurion or something?

    4. Yes, 55-56% is the correct WR of Cent. L2P scenario )

    5. Well, players should be ready to maintain Centurion after Cromwells and Comets but we know that Cent got different character than his ancestors. Learning new gamestyle in Cent. is painful.

    6. To be honest I have problems with Comet, which is one of the most unfanny tanks (but only due to MM cause tank itself is fine, but not when he has to fight with VIII and IX tier tanks in randoms). Low penetration plus low alpha and weak armor is terrible combination, which makes you almost useless in many cases.

      Centurion (so far played it only on testservers) has quite obvious playstyle (at least for me). And first of all he has great penetration so you are never useless.

    7. I had problem with Comet when I was applying Cromwells playstyle, after some battles I modified it little (to say flanker sniper) and my gameratios begins to look better. I was trying to apply sniper flanker to Centurion but this thing is to clumsy (but I have to admit last 10 battles were good, I managed to score more than 3500 dmg in at least 2 battles)

  8. Is there any scheduled fix to the server-side bug that pops up recently, where apparently server "forgets" to send players information about the course of the battle? As of right now, it causes two things:

    - sometimes shows players running around with broken tracks. The player sees his tracks fixed, however others see him driving with them destroyed.
    - sometimes forgets to send players on both teams information that the tank is already a smoking wreck. It shows on minimap and scoreboard that the tank is destroyed, but on the battlefield it doesn't have grayed out markers. It looks exactly like a living operational tank, with the difference that it is actually a wreck. Only the player who died sees that he blew up. I gave couple proof in this page:
    Also one more replay showing it here:

    1. I've seen 2 cases of the dead tank showing alive. Me (in 13/90) and a Ferdi wasted almost 8k in shells on one once. My guess is these are tanks that die to crew death. I know once upon a time it wouldn't actually show those tanks as dead (which made sense since those tanks weren't destroyed through damage) and the code may have gotten messed up.

  9. When an AP/APCR shell hits spaced armor it get normalized, does this mean the shell's trajectory is changed afterward? And if not, does this mean that spaced armor denies normalization to hull armor or is it actually normalized twice?

    1. Trajectory is not changed, check out the video -

  10. So, in Patch 7.0 and 8.0 its all about Overhaul Patch right..
    i wonder whats come in patch 9.0 next

    1. Not sure of exact update that brings us Leo, but it will arrive eventually.

    2. How come we get Leo1 , but not MBT-70 ?!?!?

    3. Dear Przemyslaw, the fact something has a rifled barrel doesn't mean it's suitable for WoT. The Chieftain 120mm L11 round for example would probably fly straight thru a Maus and exit on the other side..

    4. I agree that not all types of guns that were considered would fit WoT, but at th same time one of the versions of MBT-70 used the same gun as german Leo1 (as MBT was a joint project for both US and Germany) that is going to be intriduced to WoT. Most of Leo1 was based on MBT-70 after all ;)

      Another version was using XM-150 gun that was designed to shoot either rockets or variety of HE rounds, so this could be a GREAT CANDIDATE for equivalent of E-100 in medium tanks category ... and it doesnt need any rockets anyway ;)

      HE shooting Tier10 med tank wold be a nice bit of fresh air in this "all the same + BatChat" category.

    5. to Przemysław Majkowski:
      It was Leo2 what was based on MBT-70, the Leo1 was earlier project (from 50s, the MBT-70 was form 60s) ;)
      And the XM-150 was smoothbore gun, and it was (repeatedly) said, that smoothbores won't be in WoT

    6. @ Przemek Majkowski

      "Most of Leo1 was based on MBT-70 after all"

      Thats not true. You confused Leopard I with Leopard II :) MBT-70 program was cancelled in 1969 (in Germany) and 1971 (in USA), so there is no chance that it was a source for Leopard I, which entered service in 1965 :).

    7. Yeah, i mixxed up Leo1 and 2 a bit ;)

      But again ...except that its biggest gun ever used was not riffled (at least not the MX-150) it fits in perfectly. The alternative gun that was also used on these tanks was 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7, and that is the same as Centurion had. And L7 WAS IN FACT RIFLED !

    8. And one more thing ...

      I DID notice that this was a real mash-up when it comes to technology used. The main design was mostly created by US, some engines were German, and one of the guns considered was British. But that's how it looked like after forming NATO, so can't help it :P

  11. "‘Brothers-In-Arms’ perk now gives bonus to ‘Mentor’ perk". Nice!

    1. Does this mean BIA+Mentor would generate 10.05% crew experience bonus (for all but the commander)?
    2. Has BIA and Improved Ventilation the exact same effect?
    3. There's a lot of discussion on how big the bonus really is. Description says 5% bonus on all skills. Others say its about about 2%. Can you clear this up?

    For example; would BIA (or improved vents) increase view range 5%, e.g. 400m would be 420m?

    1. BiA gives 5 prc to crew skill, but it doesn't mean that crewdependent tank statistics improve by 5 prc. Crew is only one element of tank, so skill influence vehicle's stats only partially. This is why BiA improves tank stats only by slightly more then 2 prc.

      So view range of 400 will be improved to around 409-410.

      I was testing this changes with mode showing me time of gun reload. BiA improved it by slightly then 2 prc.

  12. >>>Reduced the research cost of the 2x Leyland E164 engine for Matilda tank to 310 experience points.

    YAY! That insane engine cost is being brought into line! (Seriously, 4000 XP for 16 horsepower upgrade? Who thought that would work?!)

    >>>Increased the research cost of the Churchill tank after the Matilda tank to 11500 experience points.

    But then you do this. Ok, I get it, you want both tank options to get the Churchill to cost the same amount of XP if they're fully upgraded all the way there. Except that this ignores the fact that going the Valentine path saves you 9200 XP on the Churchill itself in the 3 weapons you can unlock from the Valentine that you can not unlock on the Matilda.

    The Churchill I already does so poorly coming from the Matilda that everyone I know who has one told me to go through the Valentine first in order to get the guns ahead of time. That's already a pretty big XP sink because of having to go through tanks that you otherwise may not have. And now you're going to increase the XP cost to unlock it from the Matilda as well? Seriously guys, why not just remove the Churchill I from the Matilda's unlock options and have it sidegrade to the Valentine instead. It's clearly where you want us to be anyway.

  13. hi overlord
    is there a known bug, that when u turn of attack mode, that u only get thrown in standart battles?

    1. I should add, that i havent turned of encounter! So i should end up playing standart and encouter battles!

    2. I have "Attack" turned off and still get Standard and Encounter modes, so no problem at my end.

    3. Haven't heard of such an issue.

  14. You missed in content SU-100Y being added to supertesters.

  15. Will the Matilda BP, be subjected to the same changes as the regular one?

  16. Having 400m render distance is really annoying when you're trying to snipe
    thanks for boost the range.

    1. render was never 400 meters, I think you are talking about spotting range wich isn't being changed, render is only buildings and terrain and such

    2. Rendering distance (setting / graphics / draw distance) increased for low settings from 400 to 600 meters,

  17. Please explain why a single person is more capable of doing the job for free of those who get paid to do it. Just check this awesome and so simple yet so needed mod:

    1. Nice one. Tho you never can make smth equally suitable for all. It's natural that there are mods that can customize some elements the way you want it.

    2. I dont get it, how can anyone be more interested in remaining hp over how much damage every one has done?
      Please update the after battle report to show damage instead.

    3. I was referring to UI mods in general.

    4. Ok, I still hope you guys can add the amount of damage done to the table view in the after battle report. Imho its a very useful thing to see and I think it would interest more people then amount of HP left.

      Personally Im going to try the mod, it looks awesome.

    5. indeed, who cares how much HP a guy has left? he's alive, that's what matters

  18. Overlord, do you know what was a source for T71 hull model? I am asking cause it doesn't resemble illustrations from Hunnicutt (while turret is ok).

    1. That's a bit trick indeed. Our T71 seems to be a kind of blend of the following:
      - hull prototype suggested by Cadillac Motor Car Division
      - oscillating turret suggested by Detriot Arsenal

      We are currently trying to find better source materials with the help of our US warfare expert.

  19. hello ovi ;)

    is there any plans to balance the lorraine40t in the near future??

    bcose i need 200k exp for the batchat and im thinking in forget it and sell the lorraine if it doesnt get balanced to the same levels of other tier9 meds...

    im tired of waiting for a decent fix...

    reduce the size maybe... like the rusian tanks...(to historical values :D )

    1. there is a lot of tanks in this game that need a rebalance, and we have been waiting a lot. for example: IS-7/IS-4/vk4502p ausfb/vk3200db/jpe100 a lot of tanks with low global winrate and we still have to wait much more. Stop introducing more and more tanks, and fix the currently tanks in game.

    2. well the Lorraine does need more help than any of the tanks you just mentioned perhaps except the VK3002DB...

    3. if Lorraine needs help then AMX 50 100 needs even more help.. at least - buffing its HP pool would be nice.. its a dead meat right now with the current matchmaking that is throwing it up to tier 10 battles over and over again. it has also terrible acceleration and traverse speed.

  20. Overlord, if you can, read here please.

    It's getting annoying, this time on the beta no one managed to enter the queue with slots.

    1. Patience please. It's a test server after all.

  21. You can't test the game properly when 99% of people drive on premium ammo and those rusians behave like teamkilling animals

  22. When are you going to remove or remake Dragon Ridge and Serene Coast? These two maps have to be the two, most retarded designs I've ever seen in any game.. The designers of these two should be forced to play these two maps for the rest of their lives - that would be a true hell.

    Are you, actually - testing these maps before you include them into the game, or are you just throwing in one retarded map design after another, without any consideration if these maps are playable (balanced/fun to play) ?

    1. +widepark +port...btw how much penetration do i need to shoot through the hangar at port map? it doesn't look as though as it is...

    2. I agree, widepark and port is also bad.. But, at least - these maps have 2 choke points instead of one.

      Port is also a terrible map from the design point of view - half of it is unusable due railroads and wagons..

      Half of the dragon ridge isnt being used because the terrain differs so much in height that it doesnt make any sense to move in any way except just straight up from the starting point. before you, actualy, have a chance to move the other way and crawl up - the battle will end

      Serence Coast is just terrible.. Half of the map underwater, the other half covered by either hills or buildings.. From 200 games I've had on this map, 100+ have ended with a draw.

      This is a quesetion to Overlord: Cant you just make a simple policy : "MINIMUM 3 CHOKE POINTS" on every map ?

    3. We need an option to exlude some maps from the rotation. That would allow us to assess them even better.

    4. I'd rather you didn't, if you're talking the main server. You may want the testing data, but I really don't want to have to spend half my time playing maps I don't like at the higher tiers too. It's bad enough spending half my time on Province when I'm trying to have fun blasting around in my low tier tanks.

    5. I meant the option for players to remove a few maps actually.

  23. >Fixed bug with shell shell disappearing after penetrating spaced armour, and gun making "saving throw" after being hit.
    >Fixed bug with shell disappearing after penetrating spaced armour and then ricocheting (eg sloped spaced side armour of IS-tanks)

    Players were complaining about this since forever, IS tanks are actually famous for having magical force field, but you only noticed it now? How pathetic, yet again playerbase notices bugs months before belarusian drunkards do. You should issue an apology for disregarding community's bug reports for so long, but of course you won't, plebeians like you will never admit their mistakes.

  24. Hi Overlord, why is T71 shooting APCR as normal ammo? Because is top USA light tank? *look at 13 90*

  25. Overlord,

    Isn't T110E4 nerfed 2much?
    How are the stats?

  26. Dear Overlord,

    some players report that the premium Type 59 gun has been buffed regarding damage (230 to 250 or so), can you confirm that, or is it just the glitch of the test client?

    With kind regards

    1. the damage has been changed, after your post on the forum i went on searching in game files and it is buffed from 230 to 250 indeed

    2. Yes, this was done following the intorudction of the Chinese tree. To maintain the same DPM, rof is likely to be decreased.

  27. Hi Overlord,
    any news about the implementation of Object 279?

    1. That would be the most badass looking tank out there ... what concerns me is the amount of bounced hits, the only thing that wil compensate for this is tracks getting hit a lot more often than in other tanks.

      Still want it just as I wanted it 2 years ago ;D

  28. After playing most of the Chinese tree this past weekend on the test server, I can say I am pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. Despite the loud cries over how they would all be copy cats of Russian tanks, I agree with WOT's call here. I was skeptical at first, but I have to say they are unique enough (even though asthetically they are similar) that they are a healthy addition to the game. Well done. I will be grinding my Chinese heavy line next month.

    1. you wont, chinese tree just got postphoned:

    2. Yup, saw that. That's a first for WOT. I didnt think they were that unbalanced. If anything armor seemed better than most, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. Afer all, thats what test servers are for right?

    3. There is already too much content in the game, it's better to maintain some gap between such big portions. Plus we will have more time to polish the new tanks.

  29. Dear Overlord,

    Could you estimate when the release of the second German medium line will be?

    I'm hoping the start of 2013.

    Thank you for your time.

  30. Dear SerB,

    the removal of the Chinese branch during testing is unprecedented (well... I was looking forward to it very much), can we get some detailed reasons for that step?

    And if the balance of high tier tanks is the issue, could we please get at least the first half till tier 5 (for the sake of crew training)?

    Thank you

    1. There is already too much content in the game, it's better to maintain some gap between such big portions. Plus we will have more time to polish the new tanks.

      As for partial introduction, we simply don't do that. That's the rule.

  31. What about the bug that arty is loosing its aim in strategic mode although u aren´t even touching your mouse and got your tracks locked? This Bug happens like every tenth game for me. (Ping stable around 30ms, FPS stable @60)
