Thursday, June 21, 2012

[WoT] Feedback on 7.4

Share your impressions and ideas on 7.4 update for World of Tanks which has recently gone live for EU and NA. Full patch notes can be found here. Especially interested in feedback on the new game modes.

 Let's comment! And t(h)anks!


  1. HE mechanics are ridiculously broken, losing 15-20% from a shot, 3 crew members and a 1-3 modules is retarded.

    1. Agreed, one would think with super testers, and two waves of public tests this wouldn't have gone live.

    2. Plus, more lag, and "teleporting". It did not happen that much before the "great" 7.3 (Where you created a mess in the USSR tech tree with adding redundant vehicles, ruining my progress, thanks!)

      The game is apparently getting farther from the feeling of "reality". A 150 mm HE shell is not doing ANY dmg to a KV-3 3 times? Ridiculous...

  2. Just a question....but why is the 50mm for the tier III French TD more expensive(xp) than the Somua? And just a side note: There has been an unusually high number of French TD's and spg's in low tier battles.....

    1. really? no way! why would there be loads of the NEW french vehicles... i wonder....

    2. it's almost as if it's the day of the update and people are grinding french TDs and SPGs


  3. its like a new game :) thank you

  4. Burned free experience to get a T5 French TD. Not bad, given the tier. The random game modes are really what sells me on the 7.4 update. Just wondering how the IS-6 stacks against the Lowe? They seem awfully similar on paper. I have a Lowe, considering the IS-6 right now. Don't think I'll be springing for a 88mm JT. They almost seem laughably weak. Rushed east road on Abbey with one last night (and I was in my Ferd)... he got primaried and eaten alive, really quick considering the opposition's makeup. I survived easily (and we won the round). New maps are pretty wicked. Please consider tweaking Dragon Ridge. It's fast becoming more of a camp map than Malinovka.

    1. The IS-6 is poorly armoured with a lacklustre gun - and of the two new tanks you'll find the JT will last longest in a firefight.

    2. I hear a lot of complaints about Dragon Ridge so I must be in the minority... but I don't see the camp battles on that map that most people do. I see teams ignore the far side of the map and just slug it out on the top of the hill. Maybe people just follow me? I don't know.

    3. I don't see camping on Dragon Ridge. I see lots of people attempting flanking maneuvers, and nasty firefights breaking out all over the map at different points in time. I personally never drive straight into town (the one on top of the center hill) unless I'm in a slow heavy that can't reasonably hope to flank because of the terrain.

  5. meh , i don't like the new E50 Transmission nerf .. really :(
    BUT the new battle mods will take out the campers from this game finally
    well done WG !

    1. umm not sure if you understand how Assault works then, cause it is meant to give more a passive gameplay. I don't find it a bad thing. The Encounter is meant for more of a aggressive gameplay. so they more or less just made a mix camping and run and gun.

    2. Assault passive? Maybe you dont understand....attacking team has 10 minutes to either kill all or capture base, that doesn't seem passive

  6. You need to look carefully into make a Game Mode selections cause I like all the game modes. I would rather be able to pick them myself, but still have the option of a Moshpit style of MM. just a thought.

  7. I find the new game modes a little more of the same. It is actually either still capping or destroying the enemy. IMHO they're no new modes, just tweaks with cap and spawnpoints placed differently. I've the idea this is a type of milking out the random game mode. I'm waiting for something completely new.

    Also, any info's on the Mk.VIII Liberty heavy tank?? I actually want one, and it really is starting to itch. :P

    Best regards!

    1. The new game modes are great, it forces people to be more strategic. It will always be killing tanks or capping bases. What do you expect, see which tanks can fly to the moon first? If you want something completely different go play another game ;)

    2. True there are some tactical differances! Give it a close look though. Don't get me wrong about tanks flying to the moon or smth. But i'd like to see historical battles as something completely new.

      Oh, just for the record, I do play other games aswell. :P

    3. strategies in randoms? ow please... that only happens once in 15 rounds...

  8. Thank you for the half second nerf to my fire rate on my T110E5, I can actually tell I am firing slower. I appreciate it. Also thank you for the worse ground resistance. I appreciate having even more weakness.

    1. T110E5 was OP. The tank had a global win rate 5-6% higher than every single other tank, that's obviously imbalanced. Every tank that performs that much better than its counter parts will get nerfed, sorry chum.

    2. Though I don't drive American heavy tanks, I can't see how the E5 was OP. Armor is non-existant except on the front, and even there the S-70 is more likely to pen than not.

      More importantly, never really had a problem dealing with them. Just goes to show that win rate is really a bad indicator of performace.

    3. The problem with declaring a tank OP or UP in WOT is it takes TIME for players to learn to play them/fight against them before you can determine that. Higher stats may indicate they're OP, but I imagine in the first month it was more like 10% better W/R, but the number has dropped as players learned to counter them. The T110 was not OP. That said, I don't care that much more about the nerf, but it's WG bending to the masses that cry when they can't adapt to a new play style.

  9. from patch notes :
    ""Komarin and Swamp removed from Random rotation;""
    Yeah , WG cares about player's criticism :D
    this is something new to me !!

    1. They do? Lawl, E-series issue says not.

    2. Im gana miss swamp I liked it a lot... though komarin.. thank fucking god its gone!

  10. really like the game modes.. they are great.
    but HE shells are crazy, im a arty fan and play lot of arty. but still almost after every shot i hear people screaming about losing atleas 2-3 crew member and atleast a module.. this sucks..
    also have high number of arties in que, almost 15-25 in ques every second

  11. Can't see clan tags on tanks since patch. Some people have this problem, some don't.

  12. Love the new battle modes. Seems like a few glitches though. myself and several of my clan have had the game crash when going from battle to garage. might be worth looking into. But you have made the game fun again and that I thank you for!

    1. I noticed that quite a bit yesterday, too. I've had the problem sporadically since 6.8 at least, but it seems to be more frequent since the 7.4 update. Maybe a graphic driver update makes sense?

    2. i've only played 4 battles on 7.4 so far and i just had my first crash on leaving battle.

      never had it on earlier versions

    3. same here, had a few crashes when leaving battle

  13. I like the new battle modes, they bring totally different tactics. Especially encounter. I wish you could select the type of battle you want to play instead of random.

  14. Some things in order of importance:
    1. Give us back the old overlay server sight, replacing existing sight like it works now after patch is bad. the old way was perfect on an unstable connection (ping between 100-300) and a necessity on some tanks like Obj 704 with crazy dispersion even with a few percent of unfinished aim.
    2. I really dont like the E-50 transmission nerf. balance was very good before, now it feels gimped
    3. I like the new game modes, but many are struggling with how to play them now, I see peopel camping in assault etc. perhaps you guys could post a mini strategy guide or something to get people on the right track as soon as possible :)
    4. the new arties are really fun, havent had a chance to test TDs properly yet

  15. Dragon Ridge is so useless and awful map, but who cares ... I dream of a feature to filter some maps (even 1 will be very usefull). AT least Wargaming will understand some map ratings.

  16. Make it an option to include or not the new battle modes to the random battle rotation.

  17. The new game modes are cool. BUT its VERY BAD to force us into them. Its utterly painful with you are in a TD and you need to assault or encounter. On a secondary note i feel these new games modes require too much teamwork for a 'random' battle' as often players dont care about it on the random, and i no-longer feel i can play competitively on a solo queue. But this could be just a result of players not understanding the new game mode concepts.

    1. I agree to a degree, but think you're more accurate with the latter explanation. It's going to take some time for players to understand how to play the new game modes (present company included). For example, this morning there was a guy screaming at everyone to "defend" until time runs out, yet it was an encounter battle. Takes time.

  18. 10th battle or so havent gotten into a single new mod battle... Still think they should be pickable by choice and not random pick!

    1. Only for that reason they should be selectable yes.

    2. Well maybe they should be selectable but as a "Tank Company" not a random battle.

    3. It's already hard enough to find Tank Company battles (at least in the North American server).

      I'm not thrilled about the randomness of game mode but unfortunately I understand why.

    4. I played about 15-20 games earlier and most of those games were new game mods, not sure why, was getting tired at a point of getting 3 assaults in a row.

    5. I've had the same, but have only played a new map once. I think that unlike normal, where they make the new maps a higher propability, they've made the new modes a higher probability.

    6. Aint to hard to find Tank Company on EU.

      Fact is ppl are uneducated how Tank Company is much better then normal standard battle grindage! And i think adding new mods in these [selectable] would make TC more interesting and diverse!

    7. Overlord - Do you have the option to set higher rotation priority on new maps, you have stated before that new maps should have higher rotation, cant you give the maps with the new modes super high rotation?

      I played 2-3 assult maps and one encounter map, wery refreshing.

      But i wonder how the encounter map cap works, it has a slower cap timer, ok, but will it go faster with more tanks in circle, and/or is the max speed achived with 3 tanks like in normal mode. And is the cap lost if enemy tanks enters the cirlce or is it the team with the most players in cap thats gets the count? I saw the cap line 'blinking' when a enemy tank got inside our circle, then after a while we lost cap progress, but at the same time a teammate rammed me so i lost some hp, can teamdamage reset cap to?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Germanophobes did their job, be proud!
    Don't pay that biased belarussian guys a single eurocent.

    1. So - on that basis the balancing/nerf to the US heavies, the French meds and the utter destruction of the Tier 9 Russian heavy means what exactly... xenophobia?

    2. Have you noticed how useless German Heavies are in Clan wars? A mate of mine told me that in an interview a lead developer flatout said he would never allow a German tank to be better than a Russian tank. If that is not a bias than I don't know what is.

    3. 2nd hand information is never something you should adhere to. I am sure he misinterpreted the information.. if not give us a link to actually prove it...

    4. Names, we want names *brings out the pitchfort and torch*.
      No seriously, it was most likely Serb with a quote that
      was lost in translation. If you friend still has a link, Overlord will certainly tell you what it really means.

      And generally, no tank should be better than another in this game.

    5. The only regular CW German I see is the E-100 and usually as a defensive lump in a city or road. Other than that its Russian tanks pretty much the whole way ... sprinkled with Bat.Chats

    6. How often do you see German heavys, mediums or lights in Clan Wars tho? Other then MAUS on a city map...

  21. Donkt like the nerfing to us tank. They already had a very hard time with penetration and culd only make it up with rate of fire and accuracy. Now they all have major accuracy problems and the kv2 a tier 6 tank reloads its 152 with less crew and room faster then the t30 and the kv does more reliable damage and is more accurate. Only played 1 new map airfield is okay. New modes split on just shows how bad your teammates are when they ignore the mision with thehighest tier tank on the team. And really why keep and make more campy the oldest most complained about map camp-novka

    1. wow you sure are good a bitchin about the game. your really must be stupid if you are comparing the T30's gun to the KV-2's. REALLY STUPID

    2. Well, the KV2's throwing HE... I presume you're not doing the same with the T30?

  22. the new game modes require more "brain capacity" compared with the standard one
    and because the vast majority of the WoT player base lack the above mentioned attribute, there should be possible for any player to chose what mode(s) he would play

    1. And hints and tutorials as well...

    2. forums are full of tutorials
      but that doesn't make people smarter .. sadly

    3. The people considered "dumb" in the game dont visit the forums. Vast majority of players dont. So no ammount of tutorials on the forum can help them.

    4. It will be nice if the game had some basic training for the new players before them hit the battle button and bite the dust

    5. you don't expect them to visit forums, but you expect them to visit the main WoT EU portal !?!? ... HA!

    6. Hm, actually I meant in-game tutorials and hints. And yes, portal is far more popular than forums, having like 10 times more visitors

    7. True lol only 1% of the player base EVER read or even looked @ the forums... Not only in WoT but in any other game also.

  23. Fantastic new way of playing - both teams after 1 flag. Completely changes the games' dynamics and far more realistic. Brilliant work team!

  24. Given the stats on the French TD guns, they seem surprisingly inaccurate. Especially when they are supposed to be as accurate as the JT. Dispersion seems way off. Game modes should have the option of being filtered out or in however you like. Some of the capture/defend points on certain maps in the game modes are extremely lopsided...specifically Malinovka

    1. 7.4.1 just announced. Your complaint was apparently heard.

  25. New game modes are horrible.

    Encounter it tactically limiting for everyone BUT heavy tanks.
    Attack/Defend is a EFFING nightmare if you play a medium/arty/light tanks.

    They NEED to be selectable.

    Forcing a playing to info a bad tactical posture it a good way to get them to quit the game - even after 10,000 games played

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. COMPLETELY agree. I miss being able to battle in a normal pub all the time. Sure, encounter and assault are a nice change of pace, but what if that is not what you want to play? What if players who make up the majority of the client-base liked this game because of the 15 vs. 15 capture the flag ONLY type of battles? I personally cannot stand the new battle modes, and not because I perform poorly in them. I seem to play just as well as in standard battles, but assault and encounter are just NOT my style, and not the kind of game I want to play. One should definitely be able to select the type of battle they want to play. Just as company battles and clan wars battles are different from random pubs, so should these battle types... I just have a feeling WOT will lose a large client base if they do not allow people to select battle types.

      P.S. This is not Amanda, this is Crusader5224... needed my wife's account to post anything...

    3. quit the game then, i think it brings more replay value into the game. it also changes it up, there are too many people who only think like a pub player and dont think outside of the box at all. hopefully this will teach people a few things, like when to camp, and when to attack

    4. So why not let those players who want to play standard pubs, play standard pubs... And those who want to "change it up" have the freedom to do so by going into a different battle mode BY THEIR CHOICE? Heck, that's why WG created the Company Battles mode and the Clan Wars battle mode, so people would have the freedom to choose what type of battle they wanted to play. I just think they should do the same with assault and encounter is all.

    5. Ive gone over this with several people on the forums but.. it would seriously fuck with the MM... It would cut the player population into section and the teir spread would be worse than ever.. people complain about MM now see how it looks when the population is split into thirds becuase ssome people dont wana play this mode or not... granted it wwould be nice to have a choice but in the U.S servers Its hardly an option.

  26. Game crashed when going from end battle screen to garage 3 times last night after installing new 7.4 game client.

    Crashing like that has only happened maybe 3 times in total since I started playing last year. My video card drivers are up to date if you are wondering ;)

  27. Regarding game modes, I like them except when trying to assault up hill in a small, slow, tier 2 french TD on a large map....boring.

    Some players might not be able to adjust to the new tactics though.

    But then again, I have always looked at the mini map and stayed in groups for protection, guarded the flanks, etc.

  28. My Clan has experienced the above mentioned bugs and tweaks with te 7.4 update. It seems the one issue we've had the most is the "game crash" after battle while trying to load in the garage. We've found that some "mods' are not compatible with the 7.4 update. All agree that the new maps "park" ans "airfeild" seem to be well thought out abd all are enjoying them. The general consensus from the clan and players throughout World of Tanks about Dragon Ridge is that the map is truely horrible. Large maps with plenty of room to breath seem to get the least few complaints. Malinovka is a campers nightmare and is complained about second only to Dragon Ridge. It does seem as though players are somewhat confused as to how to play the new attack/defend maps. Matbe a little tutorial would be in order for those less inclined to common sense. The main complaint from EVERYONE in game is that the "match maker" needs to be tweaked badly/ Teir 4's or 5's trying to fight some &'s or *'s is suicide. I understand the need for "lights" to scout out for the team but not being at least to scratch the enemy is fustrating. Tanks closer together in teir would be much better and end the ceaseless complaining. Over all an ok update but....any taime you detract from existing tanks is a very, very, very (note that's 3 very's) idea. People have invested ALOT of time and in some cases money into the game. When you "take away from" it make people feel cheated. French vehicles still seem under powered in firepower and horse power. ALL in all good job Overlord.

    1. I have to jump on the "better scouts" band wagon. Being the proud owner of a Chaffee, I am dismayed at the number of T10 matches I am thrown into. The typical response is "You're a scout, expect it" but seriously, how effective can a tier 5 LIGHT TANK be in a tier 10 battle? A glancing blow by one of those heavies as you try to go screaming by and you are tracked and killed. Trying to spot and cover, and those same tier 10 tankers that have 400% crews, see your tinbox and blow the turret off of it.
      My suggested solution? Higher tier light tanks with a chance of performing their intended jobs. Second suggestion in light of the discarding of the first, prevent Tier 5 tanks from ending up in Tier 10 battles. The second suggestion would probably be better for EVERYONE as the lower tier tanks wouldn't just end up being experience sinks (such as they are) for the higher tier tanks.

    2. Sopor Mortis, I got 2860xp (not doubled) in a Chaffee in a tier 10 game.

      You're doing the scouting thing totally wrong man.

    3. So, tell me Dz, what exemplary scouting method do you use to achieve such legendary experience? Enlighten me 'cause I only have 334 battles in my Chaffee!

  29. loving what you guys did to the minimap. its awesome.

    also loving the newness of the game modes. im happy.

  30. The 7.4 update is really disappointing!
    The new "game modes" are no modes at all. They are just another piece of randomness in this Game.
    When speaking of a mode I prefer to have the possibility so choose the mode before the match starts and don't want to step into it by total random.
    So no new modes and personally I don't care about the ugly french tanks at all, so not much left for this update.

    1. well tier 10 meds and tds are coming in 7.5 and british in 7.6 look forward to those... and as for choosing your battle mode before the battle it would totaly fuck over the mm... tier spread would be the worst its ever been.. yep.. cutting the population into thirds is a brilitant idea

    2. When WG announced 2 new modes I expected 2 real modes and not 2 random events in an already existing game mode. This is no mode at all! Like I expected new maps for the modes ... but no modes no maps. This is just the cheapest solution to bring something new into the game and sell it as something realy new, big, fantastic, what ever. Well that's fine. That's marketing!
      But to be honest I don't see a reason why a real mode would be something bad. Or I just don't get the "problem" that everyone seems to see. I don't have a problem to see a mode been played mostly by a certain type of tank class like mediums for instance. So what would be bad of a more quick battle in faster Tanks? Everyone has still to go back to the low tiers to farm credits anyway... (or pay to play (premium tanks))
      And there are so many people playing in combination with a good match making (not implemented yet) I am sure even "uncommon" tanks could find a fair match up in the new mode.
      To be honest I don't see WG changing it anyway to a real mode, that's fine! But how about an option to avoid the new random events? So you don't have to be part of it if you don't want.
      In the current state this events are even more imbalanced than the normal matchmaking (which might come from just recycling existing maps...).

  31. I am disappointed with the AP modification. I wa shoping it would fix the critical hit no damage but alas no. Maybe next patch you could fix said problem and the horrible spotting mechanics.

    1. you dont understand the game mechanics. i cant put it any simpler than that.

    2. No damage penatraion is either due to spaced armor ( a lot of tanks have this) or kill a crewmeber or damage a modual. Try to learn the mechanics than bashing them

    3. I understand the concept and how it works but I don't like it and it doesn't add to the experience. This is a game not a simulation its supposed to be fun not realistic.

    4. Is that why they just announced 7.4.1 to fix the no damage issue? Becuase we don't know the mechanics? Or is it because WG thinks we're right?

  32. Criticism:

    FPS is noticeably worse!
    HE and certain maps with the new game modes are unbalanced.
    The first few new french tanks are terrible...
    Can't select game modes.


    New game modes (just needs more balance done)
    More tanks.
    New maps.

  33. wow it never ceases to amaze me: quite a few of these posts a grossly misinformed..... if you dont understand why, maybe you should find out. no dmg crits would and should happen, the spotting mechanics are just fine as they are, look in the WoT wiki for detailed info... and what is wrong with random game modes. if they let u pick, some tanks would be chosen more than others. its about balance and fairness not giving you greedy people what you want.

    1. You're not smarter than everybody else rommel... stop acting like you are.

      A lot of people have read the wiki and understand how the game works. There is a difference though in how people expect a game should work and how it works.

      For example: Last night I couldn't damage the side of a KV-2... all I could hit was tracks for 0 damage crits or bounce off the gun mantlet. Could sneak a round through all that once in a while.

      In my opinion they need to greatly reduce the 0 damage crits or maybe limit the possibility per module.

      I appreciate your right to an opinion on the other side of that argument... just not your condescending tone.

  34. To be honest I'm not happy with everything. The nerfs on the T110 and M103 are extreme, especially considering the big glaring hit me sign the T110 has. If you're going to say that the IS4 has the drivers slot weakness then fine, make the hit box for the cupola the same size. I'm sick of American tanks being nerfed when they are barely doing fine. I know you'll say that it's because they're outperforming the others, but could it not be that more people are using them because it's a NORTH AMERICAN server?

    I don't like the new sounds you put in. To be honest I wish you had a volume bar for that stupid friggin pinging noise. It's led to more headaches then I can remember, and I mean literally. I play with the sound at total volume 4 for crying out loud and the pinging is still annoying as hell. The new game modes are intriguing, but I haven't played on any new maps yet.

    1. Just remove the sound then, or replace the games audio with one of the available audio packs that are floating around.

    2. More people using a tank would make the stats MORE reliable, not less. The bigger the sample size, the more accurate the data. The data they gather and use is based on either all the servers or just the Russian server, as that is where they will get the most reliable statistics. The IS4 is considerably more vulnerable than the T110E5, it doesn't have the mobility or even the design to be seriously competitive in the hands of equally accomplished drivers.

    3. "barely doing fine"
      Being almost 5% ahead in the W/L statistic
      is actually light years ahead of the competition.
      The nerf is a pretty small one compared to the
      performance of this tank.5% more wins does not
      mean just 5% better!
      I have the T110 E5 and I think the nerf was more
      than necessary.

  35. Overlord I want to thank you and your team for all the hard work put into the game, since i started playing last April I have noticed how much the game has changed, and for the better that is. Keep up the hard work and get us WOBS as soon as possible! (Can't wait)
    P.S. 7.4 has given new life to this game for my brother and I

  36. Glad to see new game modes finally. Encounter seemed like a nice change although it's taking some getting used to (especially as teams).

    Assault seems extremely imbalanced. I got maybe 10 matches in last night of it and 9 of them were won by the defending team. That is by no means a large sample size but given the game's camo mechanics it wouldn't surprise me if defending a point gives you an advantage. I have a feeling I will be very sad when I see that game mode come up.

    Very happy to see the top tier American heavies nerfed although they still seem a little overpowered. Global stats will tell I guess.

    Did they decide to pull the fix for the 0 damage crits? Or do they have a different idea of what "fix" means than I do? :) I didn't notice any change... in fact it felt almost as if I was getting more 0 damage crits.

    Enjoyed the new maps so far... although only got a game or two on each.

  37. Renault UE 57... Have you actually tried this TD?
    It has awful traverse, no gun depression, small field of view, low hit points and a crazy grind to get a decent gun.

    I never though I'd be subjected to such a grind at tier 3. It's like a tier 8 gun grind or something like that. You get <100xp for a loss and no more than 250xp for a win since your gun can't damage many tanks you face. That's WITH premium. The gun costs 3500xp. 400xp more than the next TD in the tree. Yes, you need to research the gun before the next TD. There are no in-between guns either.

    Please do a QA run on this TD please.

    1. Have you ever played the AMX 38 XD

    2. At least there you have great armour to fall back on.

    3. What? Are you talking about the
      cutest tank in Wot?!?
      It's default gun isn't great, but not that bad.
      With 14 battles I now have 24 kills and
      an average XP score of 477. I bought the 75%
      crew from the start and totally love that TD.
      After 13 battles I had the next tank researched
      (I left out the radio).

      The Somua S-40 is total pain until you get the top gun!
      Even with the top gun it doesn't feel great, but it's competent. So wait till you get there^^

      The UE 57 rocks, it's like a bren carrier with a
      6 pounder on top.

  38. My biggest problem with the new game modes is the spawn locations. I tend to drive slow heavies and TDs and these new game modes can render them useless - as you're spotted and artied to ash before you can get to any kind of strategic location.

    Also - PLEASE limit the number arty per match... it's insane when you have six or seven Tier 7 and 8 arty pieces PER team.

    1. I've got to agree with this one. I saw a T95 that didn't get to fire a shell until the rest of their team was dead.

      Most of the maps have multiple spawn points... they need to do that a lot more and spawn the slow tanks closer to the objectives.

  39. Seem to be taking a lot more Critical damage than before from enemy tankers who don't even seem to be aiming. Random luckyness maybe but almost every match it happens and I am a very shoot and duck player. Other than that I do like the new play style its almost like starting over again and learning where to take cover.

  40. 1. Like the new Frenchies...bought me a TD and SPG and they have been fun so far. Don't seem terribly out of balance, usually get as good as I give.
    2. Arty damage, you increased arty damage? While I applaud your efforts, I think you would have been much better served by removing the HORRENDOUS penalty to Arty experience! (shaking head, they increased arty damage?)
    3. I dislike the giant red and green blobs on the mini-map that designate the team flag points. The white flag icon for the assault matches is much less jarring. Return the flags to their original styles and you have another winning move.
    4. You know, as far as the mini-map goes, a way to move it, or even possibly resize it would be quite cool.
    5. It is unfortunate that a game update wreaks so much havoc with game mods. It would be nice if you could more closely embrace the modding community and work to either incorporate some of the more popular mods, or not screw with simple SWF and BMP files with your updates.
    6. I don't generally share the opinion of folks about the maps. I enjoy the variety and have my favorites, and not so favorites. I am not in favor of removing any maps from the game as it reduces variety. A rework of a heavily disliked map seems a much more useful choice than deletion.
    7. As far as maps go, a map editor would be could have contests for new maps, maybe even have some folks design historically accurate maps, and the winners make it into the game rotation!
    8. Someone mentioned a tutorial for the new game modes, I'll go you one 'bout a working tutorial for the first tier of each tank type? When you purchase your brand new Tanks, SPG, or TD, one of the battle options is a Tutorial. You select that option and are placed into a server managed battle that walks you through movement, commands, combat, and strategy.
    9. All-in-all I can't complain much. I have not been the victim of any more crashes to desktop than before the patch and gameplay seems to be just as smooth as before.

    Shoot ya later!

    1. Sopor, you can adjust the size of the map with the + and - keys next to the backspace key. However, I will say that the icons on the map do not scale with increases in the map size, and that they are way smaller than they were pre-patch....its almost worthless to resize the map now, because you cant make the most important part any larger...I mean, I have played nearly 4500 battles, I know the maps pretty well. What I care about seeing is the enemy, and this patch has reduced the ability to do that.

    2. Doh! Thanks Robo! All this time and I missed that bit of control trivia. It seems like it's a moot point now though. Hopefully someone on the design team thinks enough of it to make it better!
      Thanks again!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Whiners gonna whine....But i find new game modes really interesting. Good change.

    1. mee too! Have been waiting for them too long to whine now :)

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. I like the new games modes, especially the ones that force action or one teams wins. I would very much like to be able to select game modes - especially if I can avoid ever playing Himmelsdorf again in an SPG.

    I noticed higher ping rates and more lag when I played last night. Other players were complaining about lag, too.

  44. This isn't necessarily a comment on the new 7.4 verson as I haven't played it enough yet to make comments, but I felt this was a good venture to be heard by WoT. I'm not certain, but I have noticed and suspect Cheats codes, when I'm using one of my mobile artillery pieces have a program that seeks out SPGs either to be traced down by small fast mobile scouts or to get a direct fix with the opponent's arty unit. I know there are smart players out there, but when you're isolated and completely out of site over a hill and haven't got quit setup and you suffer a direct hit from the opponent's arty, there's seems to be something fishy going on. This has happened very frequently lately and nothing I can prove. It also happens when a scout drive right to you as though he knows exactly where you are on the map within the first few seconds of the game, while seeming to avoid all my team mates.
    My last beef has to do with the tier spread in battles the computer pick for random battles that range 4 or 5 tiers apart are stupid, a waste of money especially if you're at the low end, and not fun to play. I would prefer a spread of no more than 2....for example just a battle with tier 4 and 5 tanks only. I would also like to see in future upgrades to have a mode to play either WW2 or cold war teams of same nation tanks, such as a Russian vs. American/British/French/West German cold war scenario or Nazi vs. Russian or Nazi vs American/British WW2 senarios with maps that reflect Normandy or Fulda Gap battles.

    1. You know your tracers can be seen when you fire right? They don't have to directly see you... just see your shot.

    2. Why are tracers on artillery shells? Most of the time the target isn't even in sight and serves no purpose. I guess the game wants to spot your position to the enemy? There are no tracers used real artillery. They are used in machine gun fire to line up your target.

    3. Ya I think it's just a game mechanic to make things a little more difficult on arti in the name of balance. If you keep your eye on places where you know arti likes to sit, you'll see the tracers and be able to do the same to them.

      The best advice I can give you though is shoot and move immediately.

  45. So far i have played 15 games in french T3 arty, not so good vehicle i have admit, wespe far much better (and that xp income, it will take ages to grind T4). I have also played on test server so couple thoughts.
    What I like:
    - new unique in playstyle TDs and SPGs, it's bring diversity to the game
    - new modes, personally i find them very enjoyable (its hilarious to watch confused players and very satisfactionary when after initial shock they mobilized and fight properly) for me as for notorious MT player engagment is the best.
    - new maps
    What I don't like:
    - that new T6 french td got excellent gun and WG still not hear our cry for jagdpanzer IV buff. I bet that Serb ancestor were killed by jagdpanzer iv cause there is no another explanation for keeping this tank so long so serioulsy undergunned. Give it a 10,5 from Dicker Max (160 pen/300 dmg) or superlong 75 (not mentioning long 88), please.
    - HE buff, before patch we got equlibrium now arty (again!) is to strong.
    - E75 nerf but if you add E75M to the game (3rd tier 10? why not! slightly longer, more HP's and better gun and armor and we will got some diversity in german T10 tanks) I will forgive you :)

    For me you can now drop developing of WoWP and concentrate only on WoT and WoB :)

  46. Looks like random matches are even more random now when it comes to new game modes. Some players have no clue whatsoever what to do and do the most stupidest things. Do not like this at all...

    1. I think that'll eventually work itself out. Give it a week or two. People are still confused right now, by both the new maps and the new game modes. Once the initial confusion passes, things will settle down some.

    2. I agree with Matt. Once everyone has cycled through the new battle modes a few times the stupidity factor will drop. Of course, there are those who are, well, let's call them "special", and they will have their "special" problems no matter what tank/map/battle they are in. I just hope they are on the opposing team more often than not, and I find them in my sights....

      Shoot ya later

  47. Is the sixth sense delay longer? I didn't see that in changelog, but it seems longer in 7.4.

  48. new assault battles suck we should have a choice which one we want

  49. I just received a samsung s2, now if I match my phone with a Nokia 1011 made in 1992 who would perform better, sure my phone is lighter but both have the same width and the nokia has a longer and more powerfull antena!
    The same goes for tanks manufactured in 1943 - 1945 with the french tanks made in 1954, it's stupid to make such a comparison.

  50. I really like the new game modes. The only problem I see with them is that -- my first impression, here -- they require more coordination to play well. And coordination was already extremely difficult in pub battles. But I suppose eventually people will develop commonly accepted strategies for each map in the new game modes, just as they did for the old ones.

    Side note: it's amazing how fast players find the arty-safe spots on new maps! :)

  51. Heyyo,

    So the problem I'm having is stability... ever since I patched to v0.7.4 my WoT keeps randomly crashing to desktop with no error messages... the round just ends and instead of going back to garage it just goes crash to desktop. I'd say it happens about 15% of the time right now. :P

    1. I haven't had that problem, but several of my clanmates were complaining about it on TeamSpeak last night.

  52. Personally I like the new game modes. I think it's interesting that it makes me look at the old maps in new ways. Regardless of what other people have said, I haven't had trouble finding a role to play in my light and medium tanks; I think people just need to get used to the fact that they can't always just rush out to their favorite spot anymore.

    My only constructive criticism is that in the Assault mode, the balance does seem to be tipped a little far in favor of the defending team, especially with the lower time limit. It might get better once people realize there are actually new game modes (saw that a lot last night: "WTF IS GOING ON?!") and adapt to new strategies and such, but I hope you guys are willing to adjust the Assault mode a bit if the data ends up showing that the defense wins inordinately more often than the offense. Admittedly, I've seen wins and losses from both sides, so I may be speaking from more of a feeling than actual experience.

    1. On "WTF?" moments, I had an assault battle last night in which a member of our team deliberately caused confusion by telling the team we were on defense, and all we had to do was camp base. Naturally, by the time a few of us were able to persuade the rest of the team that he was wrong, we were too far down to recover. (At first I thought he was genuinely confused himself, but eventually he basically admitted that he was just griefing. A-hole.)

      That sort of thing will only work for a very short time.

  53. New modes

    I was whining on them quite long cause they need more tactics from people, which is impossible in random battles. And battles on testserver proofed that it can be horror (4 Encounters in a row ended in 2-3 min with less then 100 XP per battle). You made some improvements, which made them less awful. Longer caping time in the Encounter was great move. You also removed some maps with mods, especially 2 terrible Encounter maps: Sand River (unbalanced) and Malinovka (concentrating fight on famous campfield is bad idea :) ).

    On RU server I played new modes in low tiers and there still was total chaos. On EU I played on tier 8 and luckily had teams who were working good. So far my winratio in new mods is 100 prc. after 5 or 6 battles. Players rather knew what to do, but I was also trying at the beggining to tell them what to do. So maybe new modes shouldn't be in lower tiers. People there have enough things to learn :).

    The biggest problems have now arties in Encounter, cause it is hard to find safe place, when all teams are moving from spawn area.

    Still I would prefer to choose mods. Assault or Encounter can be very awful in slow TD's like T28's and T95. Especially when defenders sits on hill like in Malinovka.

    Best idea in this patch

    Great idea with 2 different "Target" markers - one for arty and one for tanks. Small change with huge importance. Now people should know when concetrate fire and when wait till arty shell hits the ground/tank.

    Premium tanks

    Prices are much too high. I was thinking about Jagdtiger, but 10k gold is too much for virtual tank. I will wait for DickerMax, but his current price is also crazy (9,5 k gold for VI tier premium!? I won't pay more then 3,5k gold ;) )

    Prepare for whiners attacks

    So far I had only one shot at E-75 lower plate. He was burning very nice ;).

  54. In the battle I had in Westfield the viewing mechanic drunk and under the tank. We had 3 heavies and a medium in the center village ( I was in M103) and a IS7 and 2 other heavies an a medium got to ramming distant before being spotted, they did not show until I was dead! Not sure what you guys changed but that is really broken.

  55. Oh and the heavy thundering down the hillside with perfect moving cammo was a E100 moving through brush on the hill directly in front of my tank (under 300 m range to 40 m )

  56. This may not be very important, but the 7.4 trailer was awesome!

  57. i think the IS-6 have the same bug in mantlet as IS-8, check it. Plus that it need big buffs. I see IS-6 similar to IS-8, you can give it more top speed and aceleration and don`t touch the gun, no Nerf no Buff for the gun (or i see it like a faster IS with the same gun and a little better armour)

    *My personal buffs to IS-6
    Speed: 40 or 50Km/h
    more engine power (around 750 HP)
    more armour (more in the front chasis and turret)

    Jagdtiger 88 need little buffs. I see this jagdtiger similar to Jagdpz4 bad penn, good aiming time, good accuracy, good cadence

    more Cadence: 13,5 (around)
    more Accuracy: 0,29 (around)
    more Aiming time: 1,7 (around)

  58. My Game crashes when I want from Battle to garage... Matchmaking is even worser, 38nA vs IS-6?? WTF??? that's no more playing that's just dieing... I want to have Tier Battles, Tier 1 just vs Tier 1 and so on, that would be fair or 2 Tiers but this is shit and unplayable.

    1. I agree Joker. There needs to be something like that implimented as the computer is terrible in matching tank tier ranges right now. At least no more than 2 apart as you are just tank fodder in a game with a 38 for a IS-6. Why even play? All you can do is drive smack into the middle of the adversaries and expose where the enemy are at that particular time before they vaporize ya. And again I'd like to reiterate there needs to be some way to incorporate like tier/era tanks in a historical battles as a game mode. Axis vs. Allied or Cold War battles of Nato/Warsaw Pact nations in the higher tier tanks that usually get matched against a 38. Not only are the tiers vastly different, so are the eras. Early WW2 against late 50s to early 60s tanks? That's like getting blasted in a WWI Eindecker monoplsne by a P-51 Mustang. Yeah they are both monoplanes but that's about all you can compare.

  59. Every change is welcome, but I have a major issue with the game performance. I could safely use the game with my config at around 30-100 fps, but now I am constantly below or around 20. Makes the gameplay terrible, seem unoptimized. You should really consider the multiple cpu + gpu support, because in this way, you could tweak the game graphics even more, and more fps brings more game experience. So please do something with 7.4, makes the game unplayable at points. ( My config is AMD 3650 2.6ghz quad core + Apu, 4g ram and a 6670 HD, ) thx

    1. so they should make the game to fit your rig specifically? lol

  60. Played another match , vision system still more screwed then before.

  61. Good and bad with this update, but isn't it all just a matter of opinion? Things have changed guys....that means the way you play certain tanks or maps must change also. Seems like common sense to me but of course 75% of the player base is lacking in this category.

    new game modes are awesome and just what the game needed to keep us long time players interested. Things were getting boring in pubs after 10k + battles. Now there is a whole bunch of new stuff to learn and try out. TC once ina while, but never played CW.

    Pen but no damage hits seem to be fixed. Please understand guys that a pen no dam hit took out a module or crew member 90% of the time, so it did do something.

    E-75 was my favorite tank to play, it still will be. Will just have to keep the front lower plate hidden.

    Accept the new changes ppl and learn them. Change your playstyle accordingly and you're golden.

    Have fun and Happy hunting

  62. Replies
    1. Me too. When it was updating there was an error, so it downloaded the how 6gb again. Because of that the game folder went from 6 to 11gb. Had to delete the maps, they were duplicates.

    2. Autoupdater failed so i had to download full install of 7.4. After sucesfull instalation i started launcher and it started updating from 7.4 to 7.4 :-) that takes almost 6GBs...

  63. Is there coming up the event with Type-59 or something ? because me and at least five my friends wants to bought it too.

    1. So i guess you (and your friends) are a bunch of selfish people from a clan called "wallet warriors".
      With current winratio I hope there will be no more Type events (personally I'd prefer to remove it or heavily reworked - with gold return if you don't want it reworked and introduce original Type in china tree).

    2. That seems a bit one-sided dontcha think? If buying a premium tank is "beneath" your incredible playing skills, I offer that you must belong to a clan called "player haters". And yes, I have a 59, as well as 2 other premiums. But I also have 10 other tanks that I've grinded out to the top tier. If you think the 59 is OP, learn to play against it. It's already been nerfed in the past and is fine the way it is.

    3. BTW. I don't have clan i just want to buy them.

    4. @piledriveryatyas

      I don't like buyed advantage and I love fairplay. So for me with Type (and German Hotchkiss i.e.)we got first and we aint got second. BTW, stats says for itself - Type got best stats so we can call it OP, if you don't agree discuss with stats not with me. And yes I'm glad that it's nerfed and I'm sad cause putting original Type into game proofs that devs got no idea how to balance tank (premium tank with better armor than stock one?!?).


      Cause you see that they perform very well - so I still have a right to call you wallet warrior cause if you want only grind money you got still fine tanks to buy (i lkie Lowe but T34 is also nice).

    5. Maybe because the Type is the only tier 8 medium premium tank. No all want the heavy and slow Løwe and KV-5, so until they release the super perching there is no alternative. Also they could trie to sell the Type at the same price as the Løwe, because some of its popularety was the 7,5k price.

      Calling people wallet warriors if you got a Løwe or t-34 your self is ironic, as they cost more.

  64. 7.4 looks good to me. Hopped into 4 rounds las night before I crashed on exit to the Garage. Love the new rotation. Gives it a new feel and makes us develop new tactics. Still not convinced that VII's belong on the same maps as X's, but that is another conversation.

    "We just dinged them"

  65. crashed on exit to garage about 10% of the time.
    Like the new battle modes, but they need some kind of additional coordination commands, attacking in particular without coordination is very tough
    The 57mm on the T34 sounds like a 20mm now...

    1. Crashes are an issue in 7.4, working on this.

    2. Also work on optymilisation, on test server everything were okeish now I've got drops to 11 fps and before was 30-40.

      And I've got missing tank pictures on tanks trees in tech tree section.

    3. Can this error be related to flash, there is problems with firefox 13 and latest versjon of flash? Maybe some older versjon of flash works better, anyone who has tested that?

  66. You can retrain your crew to a superpershing xd

    Gimme that tank please

  67. * Encounter battles mean much of map is irrelevant, leads to insta-capping or a stupid slug-fest
    * Assault battles completely unbalanced
    * E-series nerfs unnecessary
    * T110 nerfs overdone
    * HE damage to crew ridiculous
    * Server side cross-hair broken for no reason
    * Worst patch I've seen

    1. Read the pach info, there is a check box for the server side cross-hair in the settings and the color is the same as client.

  68. I agree with J.
    The patch in general is gonna make me play World Of Tanks a whole lot less. It means for more study time! hehe.
    I want 7.3!

  69. This game only get worse after each patch, now i'm having a lot of lag spikes and my fps is also having huge drops at some maps(the game also freezes).

    I can understand the reason for lagging but why am I having fps drops if you guys just added some tanks and 2 broken game modes?

    And the worse is that I'm losing most of my matches now because of those new shitty unbalanced game modes and HE killing all my crew bs(from 14 matches I only won 2 and 1 was a draw, though I know that may be my fault it just does not justify such huge amount of losses).

    So please focus on balancing and fixing the game instead of just adding tanks.

  70. #1. TDs do not belong in battle tier 2 matches! Move the Renault AC up to where it belongs!

    #2. Try making a new MM feedback thread instead of renaming (but not updating) the 7.3 thread.

    #3. Wow the icons for the bases and spawns are too big and solid, they drown out the tank icons near them, which is very bad for those of us who use the minimap for situational awareness. This was a big point of feedback in the test, and you clearly didn't listen. The new minimap REALLY needs reworking all around. Along with the base and spawn icons above, the tank icons are now way too small. It's too hard to tell what sort of tank it is.

    #4. Please tell me you're planning on bringing back Komarin and Swamp after they've been revised. Yeah they had problems, but I liked them anyway and I'd like to see them return in a better form. It's clear from the poll from the test for feedback about their removal that most of the players wanted them improved, not removed.

    #5. New game modes. Glad to have them, but the execution seems to have been hit and miss. Some feedback from the tests seems to have been incorporated, but they're still pretty bad on some maps. Encounter is bull. The cap time takes WAY WAY too long. Sat in the circle with 4 tanks for 3 minutes and still didn't have it capped because even thier slow 1 tank at a time attacks to stop cap were enough because it took so damn long to build it up. Capping is not a way to win, it's a deathtrap. The only thing it's good for is dropping one tank in there as bait to draw the enemy team in. It's not a King of the Hill mode, it's deathmatch in disguise. Attack is a roflstomp for one team or the other depending on how much arty is in the match. Lots of arty means the attackers rip apart the defenses, little to no arty means the defenders pick off the attackers from cover unhindered.

    #6. Credit gain in the new modes seems to be broken, I'm getting far less in those than in normal mode. At first I thought it was because of getting caps in before destroying the enemy tanks (my first 3 assault wins were by cap or hold for Draw) but even when winning by team destruction (every Encounter so far) it's been noticeably less than the Normal.

    As an aside the KV-4 still has stupidly bad economy. A friend of mine routinely looses credits in it even with Premium, while similar performances in his IS-3 and King Tiger (judged by XP and credit generation) are profits.
    #7. I’m uncommitted about the new HE. I haven’t noticed the 105mm+ HE guns doing terribly more damage, just enough to make it a safe choice. But they do seem to be breaking modules way more, which means they’re a big annoyance again. Hopefully we can find the happy middle ground for the large caliber HE cannons soon, with the current improved damage capability but without the auto module kills.

    Small caliber HE cannons on the other hand, in particular the short 75mm guns which are supposed to be the main gun on many lower tanks, are still barely worth considering because of how little armor is needed to drop them to single digit damage. Most tier 4s can do it. (Although it must be said that the single digit damage is better than the 0 damage it often was prior to this HE buff.) This is a big problem for tanks like the M2 Medium and the PzIII which rely on those 75mm blast cannons for their punch when they fight tier 4 tanks on a regular basis. (Especially the PzIII seeing as it IS tier 4). HE for guns smaller than that remains pointless, if you can’t pen a target with AP with those guns then they also have enough armor to ignore your HE shell too.

    1. After another day of play, I have reached my conclusions on the new game modes. Fuck em. Seriously, fuck them.

      Assault is the stupidest thing I've ever seen, give all the advantages to one side and don't even handicap thier numbers?! Karelia is the only map that its been fun on.

      Encounter could possibly be good, but right now the cap time is rediculous.

  71. Love the new game modes,I seriously like the way players have to use the maps differently,

    but (always a but) :

    At start of all randoms we need a team planning stage, maybe one minute before game starts, for tactics. Also allows experienced players to explain what is going to happen and what are objectives to the inexperienced (me on a bad day for example)

    Team planning could be helped by the ability to ping coordinates on the map (not just ping enemy tanks)

    whaddya think?

  72. Hi Overlord!

    rant incoming ...

    Why oh why cant WG keep their fingers of things that are working - like Caps+0 for serverside crosshair? You guys screwed up one of the most important features for people with higher ping and arti players. Aiming with that new serverside crosshair while driving tank (or arti in td-mode) and having a ping ~100ms is impossible for me. Its jumping around the sreen like crazy and no I m no alcoholic on withdrawal. Perhaps some wodka clouded brains in Belarus didnt notice it ... but people were already complaining during testing in forums.

    Next point - the new game modes are interesting BUT:

    - the average WoT-Player is just to dumb for straight tactical thinking (basecapture while 15 enemies are still alive ... normal sight now ...)

    - some maps arnt suited for these new modes or the the base is at the wrong place like on campinovka where on team is sitting on the hill above the base sniping like crazy while the attakers get slaughtered while crawling up that damm hill. In CW and Company that mode would be fun because u can lead the team but in randoms its just wasted time and a big repair bill for attackers.

    --> conclusion: give us the option to chose which mode we would like to play

    - game chrashing when leaving battle before entering garage - what kind of new feature is that? One of Serbs pranks probably ...!?

    I d really like to see some hotfixes for serverside crosshair and that game crashing instead of waiting 2-3 months for the next patch - it cant be that hard really.



    1. Read the pach info, there is a check box for the server side cross-hair in the settings and the color is the same as client.

    2. @Myst: stfu - I know about that check box since playing on test server.

      @ all: Atm someone with higher ping has 2 options but the same result - either use server chrosshair and have it jumping around the screen and miss or use clientside crosshair and start guessing how much the serverside crosshair is lagging behind and miss also (especially with arti).

    3. Removal of server-side reticle will help improve server performance.

    4. are u serious Overlord? I mean do u think its ok that a big part of your customers will have an ever greater disadvantage (removal of Serverside Crosshair)- and those customers are also paying for premium and gold, especially after reading an interview with one or the boss of WG in a german magazin (SPIEGEL ONLINE), where he is stating that WG is making millions of profit every month.

      @all: found a solution in the forums for the crosshair problem:

      Post#20 - for arti players using jimbos crosshair

  73. I love the new battle modes, finally the campers get ripped on and the arty can own all the people that do camp.

  74. I cant stand constantly getting crashed to desktop as i exit a battle, even worse is i never get to see the battle reports if i exit before battle end, also the insane fps drops.....wth

  75. After the third game in a row where I lost most of my T110E5 crew to a single HE round I have come to the conclusion that nobody is actually testing these drastic changes before implementation.

    Overlooking the absolutely needless changes to my USA tanks, the ridiculous combination of new perks and overpowered HE, the new graphics are nice.

  76. Why is the fps dropping so much? What did you guys wrong this time?

    Seriously! If my employees would work like you they wouldn't be employed for long!

  77. Can we have BOTH the client and server reticles back? Pretty please?

  78. French Tanks: Havent played them and i dont intent to do so any time soon. Too much other tanks to play. ;)
    New Maps: Airfield is awesome (i love deserts), the city map looks interesting too
    new game modes: encounter is cool, assault is meh as defender and shit as attacker

    overall a good patch, but the game itself seems to be not as stable as it was before with patch 7.3, i had more crashes yesterday than the last weeks together

  79. I don't like the way the mini map has changed. It was just about perfect for me in the previous patch. When you made the map bigger you got bigger icons, but now they are tiny. :(

    The new game modes freshen things up a bit, but are really confusing at first. I wish you had the ability to select the type of game mode you wanted to play.

  80. Oh great, so you finally get the feedback you deserve! This is still prolonged beta, no sign of a releasecandidate 1.0.
    New game modes: just more randomness and at the core it is still just destroy all enemies with a little less camping. You have to add different maps and a different matchmaking to this modes!
    The "sightsystem" or should I call it "nosightsystem" is fucked up even more, invisible tanks which are big like houses within 50m ?
    Matchmaking poor as ever or even worse. What the hell is a totally op tier II french td doing in a tier I/II battle?
    And yes fps drops and ridiculous high ping - you really make this game worse with every so called "update".
    Maybe time to find some decent developers?

    1. Or try another game, if things are that bad.

    2. This is a f2p game, and its a game that will continue to be developed for a long time, when you say prolonged beta you are not that wrong but the truth is, wot is fun, a lot more fun than many games out there, i have been playing games since 1995 and this is te game that has hooked me for longer and im sure will hook me for a mutch longer time, it may have its problems but all in due time is resolved, and when i compare this to for example battlefield 3 wich i bought and couldnt play because i was constantly getting timed out or cod black ops wich happened the same thing, world of tanks works very fine and its with no doubt one of the greatest games ever made and a great example to all game developers, its for no random reason that the upcoming mech warrior online follows on the same concept of wot and even crytek is now changing direction into the f2p world.

  81. The Somua S-40 is a little bit weak, can you give him a better Engine with 300PS or more? And the 75mm Long 44 shot a little bit slow for a TD.

    And you fixed the M3 Lee Crew-Hitbox from the 37mm Loader, Radioman und Gunner, thanks for that, but you forget the 7. Crewman (75mm Loader), the wrong Radioplace and the wrong petrol tank.

  82. I like the new modes overall, but you may need to rethink the spawn points or otherwise tweak some of them. For example, the 4 different spawn points close to base for the assaulting team in Siegfried Line. It's ridiculous to try to defend that. Too many avenues of approach, enemies are too close, they're on you too fast, and arty is basically useless for the defending team. I +1 what some of the others have said about more time for planning. Some of these mode and map combos are just way too complex for 15 strangers with 30 seconds to try to organize somehow.

  83. Mini map tank icons no longer scale with the map size, they stay tiny regardless of mini map size on screen.

  84. Greetings.

    Ok, i played some games after the update 0.7.4, my pc is an old one.

    -Loading map is slower, i feel like it pick the map, and then choose between possible type of battle, the "description" under type of battle freezes on the "M" of "Mission" and then after a few loading, moves completing the phrase, before update i was entering maps with some seconds left to start battle now, i enter battle mainly just at 00 seconds or around.

    -When in map, i get some "lag", is like the action freezes at start, so many times i start with 999 ms and 0 fps, after some seconds it works like before the update.

    -I advice slower change of equipment from tanks, i change bynoculars, toolbox and camo net between vehicles, and now is slower than before update.

    -No info in depot about where is your installed equipment.

    I not played with French TD and SPG at this moment so i can't talk about them.

    Is a bit harder for me to play, just the initial loading of maps (i use millbarge slow pc mod to maintain stable the fps), of course i need to improve my pc, just Pentium IV 3.06 HT with 2 GB RAM and AGP Radeon HD 4650 with 1G Graphic card here :)

  85. I can't say I'm thrilled with this new patch, my US tanks are nerfed so often that the game is starting to become disheartening. It feels that US tanks are often subjected to far more nerfs than their counterparts who are rarely targeted themselves. The issue is particularly prevalent with the US tank destroyers who already suffer from quite limited mobility as par their historical strength. Perhaps the tanks needed to be nerfed, perhaps they didn't, but the sheer barrage of nerfing is getting a bit frustrating.

    If it must happen I wish they would just be nerfed once and be done with it.

  86. Overlord, when your entry about Clan Wars future?

  87. Premium Jagdtiger is s disappointment. Propably the worst premium T8 we can buy.

    1. and you say that because?, you get an awesome armour as tier 8 and an acurate, high rof and good enough penetration gun, why do you say it is the worst t8 premium? puff...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. The problem I see with taking the new battles out is for the people who want to play them or give them a try, there won't be enough playing those battle for the games to come up qiuckly or sometimes at all, because a lot of people who play this game dont like having now obstickles or challenges. But there are a lot of people who are the opposite, so don't worry about most of the ton of complaints, they'll get used to how to play with these changes and fall in line. Just like when any new tank comes out they cry "OP! OP!"

    Only thing I might change is assault. (I know I completely contradicted myself) now to be honest I haven't played this enough to know AT ALL so don't take this 100% seriously because I need to play it more. But maybe having less players on defense could make it a little more fair. Now I've only played it on the map (sorry for the lack of names) with the hill to the east and the road to the west with the train tracks inbetween the field and the town. But that map seems like less on defense might stop some complaining

  89. - Great new maps. Kudos for designers. (5/5)
    - New TD's are mediocre. Maybe that's because still grinding through low lvls. Not interested in arty, but I can already see those whine topics about "OP frenchies". (3/5)
    - I would like to see more of these new game modes. Maybe possibility to set map ratio individually? Let's say minimal around 0.25 per map, but with possibility to set higher value? (4/5)
    - Not interested in new achievements, and premium vehicles. (0/5)
    - Overall game mechanics changes are positive. Thanks for removing Koshmarin from map list. (5/5)
    - I like changes to KV-4. My M103 and Hellcat were hit by nerf-hammer, but nothing to worry about so far. Not worried about transmission change - collecting credits for E75. (4/5)
    - UI changes slightly improve gameplay. Had to change my mods, but everything looks great now (4/5)
    - Technical side of WoT is still worst. Random memory leaks (red screen) and crashes to desktop. What's new: client sometimes freeze for second or two. Bearable, but when medium is circling you that second means death. Very big minus for constant decrease in stability of game. (-666/5)

    Summarizing: changes are not that bad as expected. Game is still playable, and few things looks better. Still, I would trade all those new shiny flash changes for stable and crash-free client.


  90. New maps are awesome, very detailed. like them allot.
    new lighting himmelsdorf also looks so much better

    I dont care that much for td's and arty's not my style. looking forward to the t10 meds

    new premiums, like all the tier 8 premiums are simply not worth the gold anymore. just because ppl buy the tank does not mean they need to become a liability to the team.

    encounter mode is fun, but assault is not. it is unfair to make 15 attackers attack 15 campers. especially on the malinovka map. the karelia map is okay on assault.

    fps drops are bad, same as the crashes on exit battle, how did this not get noticed and fixed in the test server?

    the new ping and spotting sounds needs to go, gimme back the old ones, they where much more clear. (dont fix something that isnt broke argument, though i can understand you trying to improve the game with new sounds, these are just not working for me)
    bird sounds are good

    why WG needed to screw up the e50 and e75 is beyond me, was it not WG who said they will sacrifice historical accuracy for fun? my tank being set on fire every game cause somehow a AP shell can make low flammable thick transmission fluid burn is not fun.

    please add crtl+enter again for general chat, i see no reason why you needed to remove it

    right now gameplay is terrible.
    1 because allot of ppl dont understand what to do.
    2 the nubs are back to check out the new patch.
    in a week or 2 when the nubs are gone again, and the rest learns, i can tell you if i like it or not.
