Thursday, June 21, 2012

[WoWP] Carrier-based Aircraft

US carrier-based birds from World of Warplanes are featured in the video.

Watch here.


  1. Two questions:

    1) when the upcoming of new Tier 10 TDs and Mediums, you say that you are going to rebalance all tier 10. The question is
    Are you thinking to do more powerfull all tier 10 to have a great difference between tier 9 and 10?
    Becouse for example AMX-50B is not to much powerfull over AMX-50-120.

    2)are you thinking to do E-90 like a new tier 10 for german tanks in the far, far, far future?

    1. 1) Will see. Current tier 9 meds will be nerfed a bit, heavies - most likely stay the way they are now.

      2) No

    2. I Understand that E-90 model just a Fan made Tank, But will Dev replace something for tier 9 2nd Line TD?

    3. E-90 means trademark, that means wargaming needs to pay in order to implement it in their game, wich doesnt happen for the rest of the vehicles found in the blueprints from 60 years ago... :) thats probably why wg wont use it otherwise i dont think they would mind mutch in implementing sutch a vehicle, as long it was analysed by their military experts and was deemed a realisticaly possible vehicle. same goes for E-79 "zeke" and the other krokodile models....

    4. E90 is from sci-fi field. No-go.

  2. Hey Ovi! :)

    How much xp we need from Mediums/td from t9 ->t10?

    1. About the same amount as for heavies.

    2. And their prices?

      Medium 5.7 million
      td 5.9 million

      Something like that ?

    3. Nerfing really?

      Yes because everyone already thinks tier 9 meds are OP...

    4. Doesn't really matter. People will still be playing Tier 9 mediums and on average every team will have an equal amounts of Tier 9 mediums, leading to normal win rates.

    5. A normal win rate doesn't make it feel any better to be playing a second class tank line, which the medium lines have been to the heavies for most of this game's existance.

    6. Very argueable for standard battle.

  3. What about a derp 170mm for heavy E-100 is this true?

    1. and its a stug E-100, heavy =/= tank destroyer

    2. my question is another ;). I say if you are thinking to balance heavy E-100 given it a short 170mm or HE ammo only 170mm ;)

    3. Dude Don't Worry about 170mm if that's OP, The British Has Something Larger than 170mm, 183mm That is (Fv 4005)

  4. Erh.. a WOWP question. Will the damage models be more variable than in current closed beta, like wings breaking, and sutch. Now its more like smoke, more smoke+fire then boom. Also will there be difference in damage module in 2 engine heavy figters, like one engine fire/dead and so on?

    1. Yes, sure thing. Current version is not complete yet.

  5. Here are some rumours about the second german td line...can u confirm? :D

  6. Overlord, when your entry about Clan Wars future?

  7. Loved the vid, as I have almost all the other WoWP videos. Any chance we're going to get more of these for the other existing lines? Or more gameplay montages? The Alpha gameplay vid is my favorite so far.

    1. Thx. We have already filmed all our 3.5 aircraft classes, now doing a couple of cinmatics, tutorial videos, and more dev diaries.

  8. When we will get something new in Clan wars?

  9. Overlord do you have a link to update the eu client from v0.7.4 to v0.7.4.1 or whatever its called for those of us whose launchers simply wont work.

    Mostly windows 64 bit people from what I can see, but regardless until the update to 7.4 is put on the website me and a load of other ppl can't play.

    1. It is on the website from the release of v.7.4. Next time bother enough to even open the website...

    2. Thank you for the sarcasm. But as I clearly said I have 7.4 and I've downloaded the updates from the website next time dont be a dick.

      I'm looking for the update to 7.4 that you get only through the launcher. I've downloaded the full client from that page, all the updates and it still wants to update 7.4

      Now if only ppl on the internet werent dicks.

  10. Overlord, you say that 7.5 would be a general rebalance patch, the question is

    This rebalancing will only be for top tiers? or rebalancing may affect the bot tiers(tier 1 to 4) and the medium (tier 5 to 8) tiers?

  11. Mostly high tiers and a few mid tiers.

    1. bad news for my leichtractor it is Under power. :P, out of the joke.

      Poor A-20 :(

      another two question:
      when can we buy the PzII ausfJ, BT-SV, SU-85I, Pz4 hydraulic and MTLS-1G14?

      Where we can buy PzV-IV and A-32?

    2. pzV-IV and A-32 were buyable only in preorder, so they cant be bought again ever

  12. The soviet tech tree will have a second medium and TD line, do you intend to complete the lines with new tier 10 tanks?

    1. If we find smth appropriate, then why the hell not.

  13. Please Overlord reply there or in article about 10 tier meds and tds.
    Hey Overlod can you tell us approximate time of introducing them? It will be soon like 2-3 months or is it ''long-term plan'' like half - 1 year? It is important for me and for many other players i think :) Thank you in advance.

    1. was already pointed out they should arrive in 0.75 wich should arrive most lickly in july-august

  14. So Overlord about the link to downloading the update from 7.4 to 7.4.1. WHICH IS NOT ON THE WEBSITE for any trolls reading.

  15. Replies
    1. i think NA server.

      Two things

      The people demand the Sturmtiger! when it will arrive!

      And i demand the E-10 Ç: when it will arrive?

  16. as i can see mr overlord, we cannot expect more replies on the 7.4 feedback wall....?

  17. Hello ovi
    Is there any new info on the physics? How are you holding up? Can we expect them within 2 months?

  18. overlord what can you say about 105mmL/100???

    1. And why it figure in the archive text of the game?

      Look this pictures ;)

  19. Hi Overlord

    I've read that something might happen to the unused xp on the Ferdinand, because many of us were expecting Jgpz E-100 to be the new tier 9 after the Ferdinand, and we were tricked...Can we hope?

  20. Which information can u give us about the sturer emil??
    Dmg and pen?

  21. sorry overlord but:
    Wargaming pays some attention to feedback test server topics?

    1. and why if people say that French TD tier 9 is really really OP you dont nerff it a little to make it only OP and then nerf it again in the next patch?

  22. How much td lines you expect germany to have after all? 3-4? :)

  23. You say that Tier 9 med is going to be nerfed.
    Tier 9 TD too?

    1. All top tiers will be rebalanced. Introduction of tier 10 meds and tds requires that.

  24. Sorry for bringing up WoT topic in WoWP post but I have a question. Why must WG staff be so terrible at understanding what actually needs fixing and what doesn't? Right now I'm saying the game modes. I've heard about the huge mess caused by the lack of selectable game modes. From my observations you apparently never thought why that was a problem, and it is because of the horrible balance! People want it selectable to be able to ignore the new modes now...
    You had two choices, mess with the MM to fulfill what the community wants and throw your wasted time on the gamemodes to trash as nobody will play them or balance the gamemodes and gain respect in your work.
    No offence I respect that you try to listen to the community but when you do it's about the wrong things.
    Why can't you make some public polls in forums for ONCE and ask which fix is really necessary instead of wasting MONTHS of time on something that will be hated and ignored. Then you wonder why your playerbase is so unforgiving.
    On the other hand though, why didn't you allow very early testing (and I mean very early) of your game modes on a test server as that's what it should really be for? Wanted to give us a suprise? :)
    The supertesters are unable to reproduce the behaviour of random battles. Is that so hard to understand after two years of game development?
    Hundreds of people working at WG and nobody to properly understand what the forums are trying to say, at least on EU...

  25. Grabarz, you should start making your own game, if you know everything better then WoT designers. Already during tests on testserver devs have responded that at some moment game modes will become selectable. Now we got information that they are working on filter to make it possible. Also many our suggestions (and whinings) in test's feedback, were taken into account and modes were really improved a lot since first test. Especially Encounter, which was in first version unplayable.

    I would like to suggest in this filter possibility to exclude for example only 1 mod. I have nothing against playing Assault from time to time, but Encounters are for me much too chaotic and still too often end with mega fails. So I would like to exclude Encounters and play only Standard and Assault.

    1. The only reason why community wanted them to become selectable is because they were unbalanced, and still are. No offence but you didn't even read my comment.

      It's not me to judge but if WG rathers people to deselect their unbalanced game modes instead of balancing them... And dont feed me the BS that the test server did anything helpful. WG has done the modes on their own without any help from the community AT ALL releasing us the unbalanced gamemodes like assault on malinovka/prokhorovka which even passed the test server.

      I'm not going to repeat further what I wrote in my comment. WG has rights to do whatever they want as they own the whole tank game genre/whatever so I'm just saying.

    2. 1. I see that you were not playing on testserver. I was and I know how many changes were made in modes since first test, so don't write me that nothing has changed. I know for example that huge problem and some bugs (in modes and in other things) I reported, were removed or repaired.

      2. Assault on malinovka/prokhorovka is not unbalanced. Defenders don't have there any big advantage as many people write. I played on these maps 31 assault games so far. Attackers won 20 and defenders 11. I was on them both as attacker and as defender, and I prefer to be attacker.

    3. What you're telling me is empty words as I had the opposite and frankly I'd believe you if my battles weren't connected to what many other people report. The modes are balanced for a coordinated battle with people that know tactics. Randoms is pretty much a childs' playground. I already understand what requirements need to be met by teams on these maps in order to win or lose but randoms do very similar things most of the time and it really turns out in favour for defenders.

      The only change I've seen was the Assault going down to 10 mins (which is awfully retarded as it's not enough time on many maps, mostly Karelia; I'd have won so many battles if it wasnt for the last tanks hiding and timer running out) and Encounter changes with capping. Maybe I haven't played enough.

      This isn't my point though. My point is that we didn't get to test the gamemodes when they were still in major development, where we could aid WG what could require changes and what could be better for the gamemodes. All they went with were their own ideas which turned out to cause a nice imbalance in random battles.

      People want the game modes selectable. This isn't because they should be, this is because they really are unbalanced. People want to get rid of them now. WG, instead of taking time balancing them now wants to make them selectable and make most of their work go to trash as they completely screwed it up, soon to be unused (and if not unused then still raged about)

      So maybe the popular rock on El Halluf is also balanced? :)

    4. "People want the game modes selectable. This isn't because they should be, this is because they really are unbalanced. "

      Oh you know, what all people want? You are god or what? I want mods selectable only because I don't want to play them with random teams full of r.... who camp being attackers, suicide rush being defenders or try to cap enemy spawn at Encounter or defend their own spawn camping behind it. I also hate Encounter battles with people who can't think and watch minimap. These mods need more teamplay, so I don't want them in randoms.

      Some others want mods selectable, because they are afraid to attack or just can't attack in reasonable way, so they are afraid of Assault.

      And even if some maps are somehow unbalanced (so far I have seen no proof for that), then you have the same chances to be on both sides. In El Halluf I have both fails and victories on both sides.

    5. They don't know what to do because the game modes are badly designed and need fixing. You just proved what I said. The game modes should be adjusted to the simple minds of random gamers, after all, this is a casual game full of retards mixed with decent players. And the first group is bigger.

      Same changes to be on both sides... BS! It's boring to play if you know that 90% you either win or lose. This is why this game needs any kind of sorting by skill: battles 15>3 or 3<15 are simply either noob bashing or being noob bashed which is BORING! The only enjoyable battles are close call fights where after tough fight there is a small group of one team fighting a small group of another team where every mistake counts. That's INTERESTING.

      I am not a god. I see what is going on around and it's damn obvious.

    6. "It's boring to play if you know that 90% you either win or lose."

      Lol, which map/mode gives such certainty??

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Ovi, will we have this translated into english? :)

  28. Finally:
    E-50M is going to have 10,5cm L/52 ausf K or the same 10,5cm L/52 ausf B we have now in E-50?

  29. Overlord, has the idea of rewarding veterans(those who have been more loyal to wot/extended time of premium account/ many battles) been discussed or at least tought of?

  30. Overlord:
    Finally i can see that you removed sturmtiger and brumbar from the techtree. The question is

    1. By accident. Both are still in plans and will be added.

  31. Ovi, is there really no way to jump from the current (redesigned) german TD tree to the new one? Like the previous one, we could jump from the Stug III to the Dickermax?

  32. overlord anything new to share as far a physics? (rough release maybe? :D)

  33. E-50M is going to have around 50 tons or around 60 tons?

    1. One of the developers said it was going to be reduced by "single-digit tons" in comparison to current E-50 weight.

  34. Overlord how can u stand the heat? For me is painful, was way better in the winter.

    1. +1, was in Kiev that week. +33C / 91.4F is terrible.

  35. Hey Ovi, recently i saw that there are quite some videos on youtube involving gameplay of World of Warplanes, isn't that a violation of the NDA?

    1. Prolly old stuff. Or leaks. Any links?

    2. I guess so.. still... oh, i got accepted too now yay!

      Only problem i have is that i can't set up my joystick properly, the command mapping page disappears (sometimes it turn blank), i have to switch tabs a lot of times to get it back, i didn't see anything talking about it on the forum, do you know anything about it by any chance?

      And the are more..

    3. And another thing, after i heard about those 7.5 changelogs on the EU forum:

      The owners of a jagdpanther that researched the ferdinand too get the jagdpanther II for free or not?

      Thank you again, Ovi

    4. No Jagpanther II for free, there is no reason for it.

  36. Can u share a bit of info on when this notorious 7.5 patch arrives ?

  37. Thanks for providing the link to GameSpy. The video is pretty much interesting than I thought.

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