Friday, July 15, 2011

World of Warplanes Prepping for Takeoff announces details on economic system for the upcoming flight combat MMO World of Warplanes. The new game recently announced at E3, will have the same economic profile as the highly-acclaimed World of Tanks, with Gold, Credits, and Experience as main currency to gain and spend for continued advancements.

World of Warplanes
will feature a global interaction with World of Tanks, which will begin with sharing Gold and Free Experience between the two games for players, who have registered accounts in both of them on a single email. This feature will allow community to plan their expenses and leave exactly the amount of Gold and Free Experience they want on either of the games. CEO Victor Kislyi states, “We’ve got thousands of players on World of Tanks servers, who have gained a scarily large amount of free experience which they don’t know how to spend. With this sharing option we say to them — hey, here’s our new game, and it’s as brutal and addictive as World of Tanks.”

About World of Warplanes

World of Warplanes is the flight combat MMO action game set in the Golden Age of military aviation. The game continues the armored warfare theme marked in the highly-acclaimed World of Tanks and will throw players into a never-ending tussle for air dominance.
Based purely on aircraft setting, World of Warplanes will allow players to build full-scale careers of virtual pilots offering machines of several key eras, staring from World War I period with “Biplanes” and up to jet fighter prototypes that led the way to modern air forces.
World of Warplanes will feature a wide range of warbirds, each of them unique in their effectiveness and behavior. Virtual pilots will choose from three main warplane classes — single-engine light fighters capable of engaging enemies in close dogfights, twin-engine fighters with their deadly straight attacks, and strafing aircrafts, the fearsome threat for ground targets.

Sorry for this sort of offtopic, guys. :)


  1. So we can use free xp and gold if we use the same email even with different account name ?

    1. I was going to make a post about this myself tonight after a handful of matches that led to me just being one passed by planes 1 or 2 tiers higher. Its ZERO fun to have that happen, to have NO chance to get away or fight back in any way. I guarantee that will be one of, if not the, biggest reasons for churn (player loss) that this game will face unless toned down.

      Tiers 1 an 2 are fine. But you really really notice when you are in a tier 2 plane an a tier 3 gets your back. You dont have time to notice much at tier 4 when a tier 5 or god forbid a tier 6 is on you. You are just dead. You can take 'situational awareness' an put it on a bumper sticker cause that is all that phrase is worth in this game. Higher tier planes are twice the plane as their lower tiers. No player skill on earth is going to make your plane faster or more maneuverable/

      In this game the way it is now, is if a higher tier plane is on your tail then you are dead 9 out of 10 times unless you get a lot of help fast. Period.

      I hated this game at first but the more I play it the more I like it better than WoT but this has to be addressed. This is non emotional feedback from a long term gaming advocate. I, along with many many others, do not want to play a game just to be cannon fodder for higher tiers. It will kill this game. That is the only thing Id change about this game.

      The flight mechanics of this game are as realistic as any flight sims an games Ive played and it just makes War Thunder look silly.

      Please address the tiers though WG, its imperative that you do before release.

  2. Can i get in to the closed beta?

  3. hi Overlord
    When do you plan to release closed beta and what should we do to take part in it?

  4. Q: So we can use free xp and gold if we use the same email even with different account name ?

    A: We will devise a system to link WOT and WOWP accounts. Definitely.

  5. Q: Can i get in to the closed beta?

    A: We haven't decide on how exactly CBT will be handled. The game is at alpha stage currently.

  6. I see a game where a Mig-3 will rule a Me-109G or a La5 a FW-190 Dora...

  7. "and strafing aircrafts, the fearsome threat for ground targets."

    Ok, time to buy aircraft gun on my tanks.

  8. Warplanes... this is awesomely awesome !!!

  9. Any info on how many Planes will be available in the game and will their be Premium Planes?

  10. It might be good, even very good, but it will never be as good as tanks, never.

  11. Of course there will be premium planes. You will also be able to buy homing missiles and counter measures with gold.

    And you can train different skills of a pilot with gold. And don't forget that you can buy stealth paint and bodykits with gold too. Not to mention better radars, decals, paint jobs and such.. :D

    Community will be giving truckloads of gold for WG with this title too.


    And then there will come World of Battleships and everything starts all over again...

  12. Overlord, i have seen that there is a game called World of airplanes to, is that correct?

  13. Q: Overlord, i have seen that there is a game called World of airplanes to, is that correct?

    A: Nope, ours is called World of WARplanes. Mind the difference.

  14. Q: “We’ve got thousands of players on World of Tanks servers, who have gained a scarily large amount of free experience which they don’t know how to spend. With this sharing option we say to them — hey, here’s our new game, and it’s as brutal and addictive as World of Tanks.”

    Free exp as exp that has already been converted with gold, or exp that has not yet been converted to gold? (I am a cheap skate and tries not to spend too much gold lol)

  15. What will the game engine be?

  16. Overlord, does pretend to continue the 'World of' Series? Like, making World of Warships?

    Also, I would enjoy to drive a Japanese warplane. Since they had 'crappy' tanks back on ~45, they were the 'kings' of air and sea.

  17. Overlord, take a look at this:

    This was the other game i meant, you may gonna be competitors

  18. Hehe. I can already see how this will turn out - WoT style - biplanes being shot down by tier 10 jet fighters. LOL.

  19. ETA for Beta? I know silly question, but just a ballpark???

    1 month???

    3 months???

    9 Months????

  20. Overlord, I have a simple question that you may not be able to answer.

    I'm guessing that CB testers will most likely by WoT CB Testers, correct?

  21. Overlord don't try to fool us we still waiting for T25, Tiger (p) and Iger II (P) pics. Also we still waiting for final gun selection for E75 :)


    In Wot we got arty, td's, ht, neds and lights. So how it will look in World of Warplanes? Obviously figters but whats next? Bombers? Dive bombers? How this will be implementet?

  22. Sounds AWESOME! I cant wait to play!

    Is there going to be interactions between tanks and planes in the future? Will we need to start worrying about anti-air? If so, will there be a toggle between tanks and planes vs exclusively tank games? Also, would we get bonus money/experience if a tank participates in a plane+tank battle? I think that would be fair, especially since planes demolish tanks. ... Its a perfect excuse to put a wirbelwind in the game.

  23. @myself "Overlord don't try to fool us we still waiting for T25,"

    Nevermind, I have found pics of Skoda in newsletter :D

  24. no bombers with 8 MGs (or more) arround?

  25. As a flightsim pilot from the get go..yes MS Flight Sim....the first one.. this game will be a PoS if it doesn't have joystick support. I don't mean console controllers, I do mean joysticks from Flightmaster and Saitek etc including throttle quadrants and rudder controls.

    Further it must have a full 3D flight model not like Heros in the Sky. No special skills which make you loop, cuban eight or slit S. I want to be able to do a lomcovak not have the game do it.

  26. @"Further it must have a full 3D flight model not like Heros in the Sky. No special skills which make you loop, cuban eight or slit S. I want to be able to do a lomcovak not have the game do it."

    Those types of games also have a multiplayer environment of ~100 players six months after release.

    Sims are great for people like you who play the game to mirror reality. Arcade is fun for people who want to play a game. AKA, everyone else. More clearly stated: Most would rather spend money on the product, not equipment to use it effectively.

  27. So.. when this World of WarPlanes release!?
    This summer or x-mas?

  28. When WOT and WOWP will be integrated is AA guns will be available on tanks? Is dedicated AA tank line will be added?

  29. My question is: Will premium account be also shared inbetween the games (if the same email is used)?

  30. Probably a rip of "Heroes in the Sky"

  31. lol, why would anyone want to rip-off such a terrible game? WoWP is gonna be nothing but awesome... I just know it.

  32. @"Sims are great for people like you who play the game to mirror reality. Arcade is fun for people who want to play a game. AKA, everyone else. More clearly stated: Most would rather spend money on the product, not equipment to use it effectively."

    The flight model in BF1942 is 3D and can be flown by keyboard and mouse or joystick. I think that would be sufficient.

  33. But yeah, I see planes disappearing in the middle of the air and the Devs saying its working as intended, YaK-3s utterly destroying Me-109s and Me-262s purely on the basis of being a Russian tank, and all sorts of other bugs that we'd be told to "Shut the hell up" about since they don't want to fix it. Thank god something like that won't happen in World of Tanks.

    Oh, wait a second..

  34. 1942 had it down pat. Such a terrific series. That is what hooked most of my friends to Bf period and long lovers of it. WoT. Has done great for the side.

  35. "Virtual pilots will choose from three main warplane classes — single-engine light fighters capable of engaging enemies in close dogfights, twin-engine fighters with their deadly straight attacks, and strafing aircrafts, the fearsome threat for ground targets."

    So no bombers? I think bombers would make the game much funner, imo.

  36. @"and strafing aircrafts, the fearsome threat for ground targets."
    So no bombers? I think bombers would make the game much funner, imo.

    what do you think is that?

  37. @ "what do you think is that?"

    Strafing aircraft are far from bombers. I think they thought of il2, p47, tempest, stuka, beaufighter or so. I dont think there will be bigger aircraft like b-25, a-20,a-26, maybe mosquito could be there, but im just guessing.

    Overlord can you give us some clues?:-)

  38. So no US B-17 to shoot down? :(

  39. Silly boys, there wre no russian bombers, the IL-2 ground attack will be OP and will take on all commers. REality is that it was a mediocre plane that was only successful when deployed in overwhelming numbers. Yes, they will nerf the german planes and yes, the Us planes will be mediocre. Perhaps the german planes will be snipers and the russian planes invisible

  40. "there wre no russian bombers" -

  41. World of Tanks and now World of Warplanes, looks like my mrs is going to be a WarGaming widow. Overlord, when can we sign up for the beta testing?


  42. Q: Overlord, take a look at this:
    http:/ /www .worldofplanesgame .com /en
    This was the other game i meant , you may gonna be

    A: The rival project, yes.

  43. Q: So.. when this World of WarPlanes release!?
    This summer or x- mas?

    A: Most likely not this year. 2012.

  44. I hope they keep the interaction from the two games to a minimal. I play WoT to fight tanks not to worry about when a bomb is gonna fall on my head without warning(we already have arties for that). If I want to play a total war style game I go play BF1943 or WWII Online.

  45. Overlord, how do you folks plan to bridge the gap between the jet-engine fighters and prop-planes. Currently in WoT the difference between a never realized prototype and a production model while substantial, is not game breaking. Im curious how you will solve the conflict of a jet-engine fighter moving 150 mph faster than the latest prop-plane.


  46. "what do you think is that?"

    Not Bombers? Strafing aircraft use guns. Bombers use bombs. Bombs go boom. Guns go PEWPEWPEW.

    But yes, clues would be nice :).

  47. Overlord, Please don't say that this and WOT will be combined, it'll kill WOT as a game. A great game may I add.

  48. Overlord- I highly suggest that your programmers take a look at Aces High II, it is a flight sim game built around WWII and the flight model system is unbeatable for realism.(I've played it for 5 years now and can vouch for em) I hope world of planes DOES NOT have 3rd person flying, it will be ungodly gamey if so. Please shoot for realism on this game,I can't wait to fly with you all. :)


  49. " "there wre no russian bombers" -
    July 16, 2011 2:23 PM "

    Outdated, prototypes, too late for WWII, fighter bombers or straight copies from American planes :D

    Still looking for the genuine useful Russian bomber like the H111, B29, B25, Ju88 etc...

    No offence.

  50. 2012 for release, but what about beta?

  51. Question:
    Do you know if your going to include british planes such as the hurrican and spitfire?

    or are they going to be under the russion teck tree as lend lease premium aircraft?

  52. When beta testing starts ? 2012 or 2011 end

  53. Well, just to say Jet planes, while fast, didn't have as much ammo and wasn't particularly maneuverable.

  54. I guess the russian planes will rule the sky. They will allso put in the game the mig-29 as tier IX against the Me 262 like they did similar in wot... ridiculous... doesn't matter how OP are the soviet stuff in these game everybody know they were actually poor and they was succesful only because of their quantities...

  55. Overlord said...
    Q: So.. when this World of WarPlanes release!?
    This summer or x- mas?

    A: Most likely not this year. 2012.
    July 16, 2011 6:16 PM

    Well Dam, That means World of Battleships or Warships Won't be for awhile. Was really looking forward to that, Not many navel combat sim's. Too many flight sim's already :<

  56. Overlord will the game have full Joystick support?
    If yes will it support point-of-view hat switch?
    Will it support TrackIR?
    Will it have precise throttle control? (not the big steps of power like in WTO).

  57. Was a CBTr in WoT an am looking forward to trying this out as well. Keep my name on the shortlist, please.


  58. Will there be any AA in the game?

  59. Q: Overlord, Please don't say that this and WOT will be combined, it'll kill WOT as a game. A great game may I add.

    A: The two won't be 100% combined together. However there will be certain integration to make things easier for those who are willing to play both tanks and planes

  60. Q: When beta testing starts ? 2012 or 2011 end

    A: The beta will start this year. Definitely.

  61. Q: Overlord will the game have full Joystick support?
    If yes will it support point-of-view hat switch?
    Will it support TrackIR?
    Will it have precise throttle control? (not the big steps of power like in WTO).

    1. Yes.
    2. Yes.
    3. N/A.
    4. Yes.

  62. well no matter how you select beta testers, I'm in :)

    Is this the link for beta???

  64. No, this is a rival project as Overlord stated above.

  65. This certainly does sound interesting. Some have said things about incorporation into WoT, but i think that that would damage WoT. AA tanks would be cool and all, but there's already SPGs, don't need a bomber carpet bombing the whole map. I think seperating them would be best.

    Also, it would be awesome to get into the beta

  66. I think it would be cool to have another version of clanwars with the two combined, have the mighty wirblewind firing at the sky while the typhoons rain death upon the Maus. It would be way more interesting to see that. Especially if you have to land to refill your fighter and fighterbombers, would give a whole new mission for light tanks.

  67. Overlord, sorry to bother but you still did not answer my question. Could you please do so? :)

    Will premium account also be shared between the games just like gold and free experience?

  68. World of Planes vs World of Warplanes. That can be interesting. I cross my fingers for WoW and cant wait BETA stage (for both of titles).


  69. Please send out emails to everyone who beta tested world of tanks.

  70. What ? No bomber ? :(

  71. hi Overlord,
    can you pelase look at posts on "In Development: Vol. 3" topic? there are some good question and we will be wery glady, if you reply to them.
    thanks for your good job ;)

  72. Overlord,
    Would having premium be linked between world of warplanes and world of tanks? Or would you need to buy it separately for both games?

  73. i´m playing flight sims like il2-sturmovik and il2-cliffs of dover. and the only question intrestet is : will there be a STUKA (ju 87) to play a real good dive bomber on the geman side ?
    cause fighter pilots made movies - bomber pilots made history :)

  74. Anon from two above, one more question.
    How would you balance this? A Biplane in the right hands is more than capable of shooting down many of the early planes of WWII, and many of the early planes would be more than able to fight the late planes, given the pilot knows how to fly. It seems like the kind of game where the more experienced players and players who are skilled at flight sims will completely dominate at while no one else has a chance.

  75. Overlord, for the beta invites, may I suggest they go out to anyone with over 3000 games of WoT played? ;)


    ultimate clan wars battle

  77. hi overlord,
    are there already plans for "world of warships"??
    sounds even more promising than planes to me ;)

  78. I like the sound of a World of Warships game :-)

  79. "Overlord said...

    Will it support TrackIR?

    3. N/A."

    Make that a yes please, every serious flight game needs TrackIR support. Include it.

  80. "Overlord said...

    Will it support TrackIR?

    3. N/A."

    Yes, agree with Joep - If you can look around with key's or a hat, then you should be able to do so with TrackIR....

    (Of course I'd like to see TrackIR, Joystick, Throttle, support in WoT as well)

  81. @Joep

    Due to the strategy of the russian army heavy saturation bombers wern't needed. Hell it failed at shutting down the factories for the americans at great cost (its a fact..production went up until the end of the war, minus the cancelation of side projects and the oil fields in the Caucasus's) the Pe-2 IL series and Tupolev SB2 were the major players for the USSR's bombing. Strategic bombing is useless....even today it shows it's flaws.

  82. Next on the agenda: World of Battleships!!!

    including anything from attack submarines to frigates to battleships to aircraft carriers... just purposin ;p

  83. TrackIR is "N/A"??

    Exactly what is TrackIR? It's only the single most useful, natural, and immersive input device ever made for flight sims.

    In fact, I won't fly on a computer without it. So if the answer stays "N/A", that settles it for me.

  84. Natural Point Software, who make TrackIR, will provide an SDK to any sim developer to plug it in. The tools are so simple, devs can get it working in their game in (an advertised) 30 minutes.

    Seriously, Overlord? "N/A"?

  85. Here's a list of flight sims whos developers enabled their sims for Enhanced TrackIR support:

    Aces High II

    Air Battles: Sky Defender

    Apache: Air Assault

    Arvoch Conflict

    Rowan's Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain II: Wings of Victory

    Battleground Europe: World War II Online

    Beyond the Red Line

    Combat Flight Simulator 3

    Condor: The Competition Soaring Simulator

    DCS: A-10C Warthog

    DCS: Black Shark

    Descent: D2X-XL

    Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche vs. KA-52 Hokum

    Enemy Engaged 2

    Evochron Alliance 2.0

    Evochron Legends

    Evochron Renegades

    Falcon 4.0

    Falcon 4: Allied Force

    First Eagles: The Great Air War 1918

    Flight Simulator 2002

    Flight Simulator 2004: A Century Of Flight

    Flight Simulator X


    Harrier Attack II

    IL2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (and Ace Expansion)

    Jane's F/A-18



    Jumpgate Evolution

    LockOn: Modern Air Combat

    LockOn 1.1: Flaming Cliffs

    LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2


    Mediterranean Air War (MAW)

    Micro Flight

    MiG Alley


    Over Flanders Fields (OFF)

    Pacific Fighters

    RealFlight G3

    Red Baron 3D

    Rise of Flight

    Rise: The Vieneo Province

    Silent Wings

    Space Shuttle Mission 2007


    Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed

    Strike Fighters: Project 1

    Targetware Series

    Tom Clancy's HAWX

    Tower Simulator

    Vehicle Simulator


    Wings of Prey

    Wings of War

    Wings Over Europe: Cold War Gone Hot

    Wings Over Israel

    Wings Over Vietnam

    X-Plane / X-Cockpit

  86. Let these guys make the game, please. Let them do it the way they want. If you don't like it simply because it does not support TrackIR, then you have the option to not play it.

  87. lol true and a question to OverLord...Are there going to be any bomber in WOWP? if so i really want to fly in the B-17 Flying Fortress :) good bomber right there for the american

  88. it will be awesome if they make a game mode with the two combined planes and tanks and they add tanks with anti plane guns

  89. Overlord since you confirmed that beta is coming out this year can you please please tells us when to sign up. i heard the hype about WOT beta and id like to get on this beta hopefully D:

    A Air plane junky :)

  90. will there be AA guns for the ground units?

  91. I was going to make a post about this myself tonight after a handful of matches that led to me just being one passed by planes 1 or 2 tiers higher. Its ZERO fun to have that happen, to have NO chance to get away or fight back in any way. I guarantee that will be one of, if not the, biggest reasons for churn (player loss) that this game will face unless toned down.

    Tiers 1 an 2 are fine. But you really really notice when you are in a tier 2 plane an a tier 3 gets your back. You dont have time to notice much at tier 4 when a tier 5 or god forbid a tier 6 is on you. You are just dead. You can take 'situational awareness' an put it on a bumper sticker cause that is all that phrase is worth in this game. Higher tier planes are twice the plane as their lower tiers. No player skill on earth is going to make your plane faster or more maneuverable/

    In this game the way it is now, is if a higher tier plane is on your tail then you are dead 9 out of 10 times unless you get a lot of help fast. Period.

    I hated this game at first but the more I play it the more I like it better than WoT but this has to be addressed. This is non emotional feedback from a long term gaming advocate. I, along with many many others, do not want to play a game just to be cannon fodder for higher tiers. It will kill this game. That is the only thing Id change about this game.

    The flight mechanics of this game are as realistic as any flight sims an games Ive played and it just makes War Thunder look silly.

    Please address the tiers though WG, its imperative that you do before release.
