Tuesday, July 19, 2011

E-series: Guns

Shedding some light on gun selection for tanks that are planned for v. 6.6:


7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70
7.5 cm KwK45 L/100
8.8 cm  KwK 43 L/71
8.8 cm KwK 46 L/100
10.5 cm KwK45 L/52 Ausf. B


8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71
10.5 cm KwK 45 L/52
10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68
12.8 cm KwK 44 L/55


12.8 cm KwK 44 L/55
15 cm KwK 44 L/38

Though changes are still possible the selection above is quite accurate and is supposed to make to the release version.


  1. Now as we know which guns it will get, when will we know about the stats of them, like the 15,0cm of the E-100? :)

  2. How come E 75 doesnt get 88 l 100 too, you OL once said it wil, could you post what guns wil go on panth 1 and 2 after the patch pls.

  3. E-50 8.8 L 100 YEAH

  4. Q: How come E 75 doesnt get 88 l 100 too, you OL once said it wil, could you post what guns wil go on panth 1 and 2 after the patch pls.

    1. Didn't said E75 would get it for sure.

    2. PII will keep 88 L71, PI will get 7.5 L100 instead of it (L71).

  5. But the 7.5L100 is better than the 8.8L71 ?!?

  6. E-75 Hell Yeah :D 12.8 L/55 More Power!!!

  7. Can we please get the stats of the 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 or at least know which guns it will be similar to with Pen/Dmg/Acc.

  8. E50 with 8.8 L/100 will be soo BRUTAL! I can't wait to see a pic of it. ^^

  9. Are the stats on the 8.8cm L/100 the same as in this (http://img.hkisee.com/di-VWNM.jpg) link?

  10. the link doesnt work

  11. Stug e-100 will be on this patch ?

  12. E50, 88 L/100, nice :) Glad I finished the grind for the Panther II today :)

  13. You have to copy and paste the link

  14. 75 L/100 is less damage than 88 L/71, although probably higher pen and higher ROF. swings and roundabouts.

  15. I got to say I am a little disappointed that the E75 will continue to adopt 12.8 cm KwK 44 L/55 as it's top gun, which is the same gun that is on VK4052 and Fredi. I through the philosophy behind the E series tanks is to create a faster alpha strike tanks in complement to the slow, heavily armored defensive tank line of the Maus. Looking at the gun selection, the only gun in the E-series that fit the philosophy is the 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 on E-100 (without even knowing the performance of the tank itself).

  16. "Stug e-100 will be on this patch ?"

    Ever bothered to read patch notes because the info you ask for is all there?

  17. Just a short question, if i have researched 75 L/100 and 105 L/52 B on Panther II, do i have them on E-50 researched too?

  18. "You have to copy and paste the link"


    @Overlord "2. PII will keep 88 L71, PI will get 7.5 L100 instead of it (L71)."

    Hmm Panther already got 8,8L71 so when P2 replace P1 it's nothing to keep. Will P2 keep 7,5L100?

    @"E-75 Hell Yeah :D 12.8 L/55 More Power!!!"

    Now it's similar to VK4502, too bad. I would like to see 10,5 L70 instead that L68 or as another gun.

  19. Cant fint any patch info on forum under "Updates & Patch Notes"

  20. T-110 will come in this patch?

  21. @Plasot

    Panther I will get 75mm L/100, Panther II will get 88mm L/71, E-50 will get 105mm L/52 Ausf B.

    This prevents the Panther from obsoleting the Tiger I at T7 (same gun, better armor on the Panther), and differentiates it from the VK3002DB (which will keep the 88mm L/56).

    Overlord can confirm

  22. I don't know what to tell you then about the link. I didn't create the screenshot, I just saw it on the forums. As for exceeded bandwidth I just tried it and it works fine for me.

  23. http://yfrog.com/z/kiwlwqhdj - e-50 with 88L100. Damn, what a length...

  24. Panther I with a 75mm as top gun is a fail, if Tiger I with an 88 is short on damage... really whats the point on panther I? is not a melee fighter and his lack of punch made it a patetic sniper.

  25. Wait, the 75L100 has better aiming speed, better rof and better accuracy over the 88L71, which only has 5 more penetration and more damage. As it stands now in damage per minute you would do about 300-500 more on a panther2 then on a panther, while being a tier higher. Not seeing how a panther 2 will be an improvement over the panther.

  26. Naturally, the 7.5 L100 will be nerfed.

  27. "will xxx come in next patch?"


    There you go, very hard to find.

  28. ''http://yfrog.com/z/kiwlwqhdj - e-50 with 88L100. Damn, what a length...''


  29. Are there still changes to the Russian tree coming in 6.6?

  30. Overlord,

    Since it looks like you're pretty much settled on the guns for the E series, are you getting closer to finalizing your gun selections for the PI and PII?

    I have read that the PII will lose the 105 but keep the 88 L/71. Also, the PI will lose the 88 L/71 and get the 75 L/100. Is that correct?

    My biggest concern is tier-7. Currently the DB is undergunned in comparison to its peers. Its best gun is the 88 L/56 at 220/132 (dmg/pen.) The American T20 has the 90 M3 at 240/160, and the Soviet T-43 has the 100 D10T at 230/175.

    It is plain to see that giving the new tier-7 Panther a 75 L/100 is an attempt to rectify the penetration gap, but its damage is rather poor at 135/198 even at 15.38 rnd/min.

    Are you still considering giving the 88 L/56 a boost in penetration? Perhaps just for the tier-7 medium, as a unique gun, similar to the current Panther II 105 L/52. That gun is clearly better at 390/220 7rnd/min, than the King Tiger 105 L/52 at 320/200 6.34 rnd/min (let alone accuracy and aim time, which is better too.)

    Would not giving a boost to the tier-7 medium 88 solve the problem neatly without skewing the balance for the rest of 88 L/56 equiped tanks?

    Thank you for your consideration,

  31. lol is this length a joke?

  32. i agree with above b0lter post. 88/L56 is really famous weakest gun second world war? :)

    Now we have fantasy gun 88/L100 and 75/L100. So why not for example new gun: 88/L64 with 235/160 (dmg/pen)?

  33. 1. Will the 8.8 cm KwK 46 L/100 gun be exclusive to the E 50 only?
    2. Which guns will have the Tiger(P)?

  34. 15 cm KwK 44 L/38

    Maybe some stats about this gun, If I know its stats and it is a derp gun im going maus :)

    btw is there any information being released soon about the E-100 armor / speed / HP stats?

  35. Any info on when the Russian Beta server will be up with this one ?

    Also why not T34 change this time ? It's counterpart not ready yet ?

  36. please post the stats

  37. I'm looking forward to all my Panthers and the E-50 and I might even have enough XP to get the E-75, even if the stock is going to be like lead in a glass of water.

    Heck, I might even dump some real cash to get a little more goodies on the E-75.

    I hope they give the tiger a damage boost or maybe a better ROF just to compensate for what seems to be the worst ahistorical interpretation in the whole game.

  38. what time test 6.6 come rus test server???

  39. How much exp will the Tiger (P) cost to research from the VK3001(P)?

  40. @FaustianQ "Panther I will get 75mm L/100, Panther II will get 88mm L/71, E-50 will get 105mm L/52 Ausf B."

    Thanks but I'm not asking will 7,5/100 be a top gun of P2, I'm asking will P2 keeps this gun along with 7,5/70 and 8,8/71.

  41. "http://yfrog.com/z/kiwlwqhdj - e-50 with 88L100. Damn, what a length..." - thats not a final variant of the gun. It will be shorter.
    "Also why not T34 change this time ? It's counterpart not ready yet ?" - I'm soooo tired to wait for it...

  42. ""will xxx come in next patch?"


    There you go, very hard to find."

    You do know that stuff is being pushed back all the time right? Right??

  43. Wtf 4 tanks with 12.8 cm KwK 44 L/55. Now E75 is just like VK45.

  44. HELL YEAH!!!


  45. @Overlord or anyone that knows answer and 100% sure...
    not sure if this has been answered some where...
    but Germans and Russians will have two Tier 10 heavies... Will Americans have the same eventually? and what will that Tank be if they will have Two also?


  46. @HenRock Got the trees here, look for yourself.


  47. Q: Just a short question, if i have researched 75 L/100 and 105 L/52 B on Panther II, do i have them on E-50 researched too?

    A: Yes, sure.

  48. Q: Hmm Panther already got 8,8L71 so when P2 replace P1 it's nothing to keep. Will P2 keep 7,5L100?

    A: Yes, most likely.

  49. Q: T-110 will come in this patch?

    A: No.

  50. Q: Are there still changes to the Russian tree coming in 6.6?

    A: No.

  51. Q: I have read that the PII will lose the 105 but keep the 88 L/71. Also, the PI will lose the 88 L/71 and get the 75 L/100. Is that correct?

    A: Yup, almost set in stone.

  52. @HenRock Got the trees here, look for yourself.

    K well just wanted some rumor squashed that eventually they will have two teir 10 heavies for each (USA, German, Russian) tree

    and http://game.worldoftanks.com/news/full-tech-trees-revised-and-improved
    is been around for like 3 months and wondered if changes had been made to those charts


  53. is 12.8cm gun on E100 going to have higher rof then on maus? and will maus turret be avaible for it to use?


  54. Any reason why no 88/100 for the e-75?

  55. " Overlord said...
    Q: I have read that the PII will lose the 105 but keep the 88 L/71. Also, the PI will lose the 88 L/71 and get the 75 L/100. Is that correct?

    A: Yup, almost set in stone."

    So, I take it that Wargaming considers the 75 L/100 to be equivalent to both the 90 M3 and the 100 D10T because of its higher rate of fire?

    Just making sure I'm hearing it right.

    Thank you for your consideration,

  56. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I wanted that ridiculously long gun on the E-75.

  57. Please. Don't make these guns so ridiculously long.

  58. Overlord BRO I have a Q

    I have about 20K exp on my Elite Stug and I wanna sell him but the Q is will 20K exp anought to unlock Dicker Max or I need do more EXP before selling Stug?


  59. @HenRock "but Germans and Russians will have two Tier 10 heavies... Will Americans have the same eventually? and what will that Tank be if they will have Two also?"

    Maybe devs would consider making of second line of american meds? T7 could be T23, T8 SuperPershing and T9 some prototype tanks as T54/T95/T69?

  60. Overlord, a question if I may... A number of pictures have surfaced about the new tanks, some of them have unnaturally long gun barrels. Please, tell me that they will not be like that in the game. They'd be ridiculous. DON'T make the E-tanks have such abominations.

  61. Yay! so the E50 will get the 88/L100 thats awesome! I was hoping the E75 would get this gun but the E50 will probably be better suited for this gun anyways......Thanks for the info Overlord!

  62. I don't think its fair to complain about the Panther being undergunned as a Tier 7 now. Its damage may not be spectacular compared to the T-43 and T20, but its penetration power is absolutely through the roof for its tier.

  63. I have a Panther. Will my Panther replaced with Panther II since i got a Tier 8 Medium and Panther will no longer be a Tier 8?

  64. Question about the 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 so I guess its safe to assume a hummel gun on this right with these stats?????
    (AP/HE 85pen & 228 on Gold) Accuracy is 0,38 and 2.5sec in aiming.

  65. Those stats look like there from the playtest server?

  66. question are they gonna give us a notification on when the patch will be out before its out????

  67. "Anonymous said...

    I have a Panther. Will my Panther replaced with Panther II since i got a Tier 8 Medium and Panther will no longer be a Tier 8?"


    Players who have a Pz. V Panther in their garage at the time of the revision will have it replaced with a Panther II with the respective module setup (and 7.5 cm KwK 45 L/100 gun), keeping their progress and old crew, plus they will get a tier 7 Pz. V Panther with a stock setup, an extra garage slot, and a 100% crew.

  68. That's great and all, but we basically knew this info. STATS of these guns or BUST. ;)

    I thought the E-Series was the "damage-dealer" line, yet the E-75 has the same basic gun the 4502 has? Will it have a better RoF or something to make that trend? Besides, it'll be boring having the same gun on different tanks like now. :(

    Happy Trails.

  69. Overlord,
    Could you possibly give us a rough estimate of the release date? Pleeeeeaaasssseeeeee <3 <3 <3?

  70. Unused exp on the Panther 2 will be transferred to the E-50? Thanks.

  71. I just want a Dickermax!

  72. Do I need to buy King Tiger (of course I research it already) for my elite Tiger's exp transfer to King Tiger or those exp will still tranfer to King Tiger without buy it?

    And there is any chance 88mm L/100 is available on King Tiger of E-75? And will VK3002DB have any gun better than 88mm L/56, because it's gun is pretty weak to compare with others tier 7 med, Panther 1's 75mm L/100, T-43's 100mm and T20's 90mm.

  73. Will the XP on my current panther be transfered to the PantherII when this patch goes live?

  74. 88mm L/100 - useless on tier 9

    for tier 8 is ok...

  75. The 88 L100 looks ridiculous.

    Why can´t you use a length of L90 or something like that ?

  76. Overlord, will the next patch include the M103 american tier9 heavy? If not, can you guesstimate when? and lastly, will we see the T23 again?

  77. Q: Overlord,
    Could you possibly give us a rough estimate of the release date? Pleeeeeaaasssseeeeee <3 <3 <3?

    A: Early August.

  78. Q: 88mm L/100 - useless on tier 9 for tier 8 is ok...

    A: You must be kidding..

  79. E50

    7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70

    here is you first error.

    why do you even bother adding the gun to that tank?just so players spend some credits on the 7.5 cm KwK45 L/100?it's like..pointless imo

  80. Will the Panter 2 keep its top engine?
    Are there any plans to tweak the short 88 stats?

  81. Overlord, what's ETA for the new upcoming German TD series? I'm looking forward for that StuGE (StuG E-100, that's how I call it) and the Jagdpanther II.

    By the way, is Jagdpanther II based from the Panther II chassis, or it's just an upgrade from the Jagdpanther?

  82. @nessuno: must be kidding. 8,8 L100 stats (if they are true) say it is an awsome gun. Rof 12,5 with 300 dmg and 245 penetration is more than awsome.

  83. Quetsion how come all these stats on E-50, E-75 guns but no stats on E-100???? Also they having trouble balancing it or something????

  84. One hort comment on the 88mm L56 and the VK(DB):
    Up to tier 7 (including tier 7 of course:) ) I can beat anyone in a 1vs1. Even the T43, T20 with the so called overpowered guns. And Tigers and IS aren't realy a problem. The higher rate of fire of the 88mm L56 is the keyword.
    You have to consider, that a T43 is a joke for a tier 8 tank. This little more penetration his gun has, doesn't make a big difference.
    So I'm looking forward to an unchanged VK(DB) and a Panther I without the 88mm L56 but with the 75mm L100

  85. Q:Quetsion how come all these stats on E-50, E-75 guns but no stats on E-100???? Also they having trouble balancing it or something????
    A: They don't want to fk up ur day with its shitty stats.

  86. Please stop trolling nessuno.

  87. Overlord,
    has the 75mm L100 the same stats like now? when yes: dont you think thats to low damage?

    11 hits for a Tiger? 11 times go out of cover and risk a hit... then panther will become a TD playstyle...

  88. Please stop trolling nessuno.
    Not trolling you, I just know the stats of gun.

  89. Q: Can you confirm the 88/L100 stats?

  90. will the L100 keep its 300 dmg? otherwise the others may be right about its uselessness -_-

  91. Overlord As the cannon KwK 44 L/38 15 cm, we have heard is that a gun derrp, The issue is the damage and reload this gun was balanced against other Tier 10? As also heard it will be an adaptation of the gun hummel, but she will have more penetration of hummel the cannon? or will it be to use a cannon ammunition HE?

    Thank you for your attention

  92. How much penetration will 150 L/38 has and will it include AP shells? What's the predicted damage for those?

  93. Q: Do you ppl (WG) consider E-100 with Maus Turm with 128mm gun for True T10 Heavy tank or it must be Elite (Krupp turm with 150mm gun) to be comparable with other T10 Heavys?

  94. KwK 44 L/38 15 cm will this be HE only? stop avoiding the question we want to know

  95. Overlord,

    Can you tell us how much experience is needed for E-75 and E-100?

  96. When i first tried out the 75/l100 in beta ( mostly for teh lulz) i thought to myself: this would ok bridge for panther between short and long 88... And a very good for a slow tier7 medium or a td. Ta-daa! It only took 8 months to become a reality. Panther 15x135 = 2025 dpm
    T20 7x240 = 1680 dpm
    T-43 8x230 = 1980 dpm (if i remember t-43 dps correctly)
    Basically one on one panther will defeat them both everytime especially considering that germans always have hp advantage. Nevermind if they try to rush head on over open areas, you can start landing highly precise disabling shots nearly at maximum spotting range... This will be beast of a med! I remember easily hitting and penning minimaus cupola from 350m repeatetly.
    Looks like my most often played tank won't be rusting in the garage too long.
    Also yay for the ridonkelously long scalpel that is the terrifying 88/L100... 9 METER barrels FTW luckily this game doesnt model barrel vibration or temperature warping... That thing would hit the clouds in the morning, it's target at noon and the dirt in the afternoon... (Modern tanks constantly monitor the curvature of their barrel along with the gazillion other variables that affect their accuracy.)

  97. Q: "KwK 44 L/38 15 cm will this be HE only? stop avoiding the question we want to know"

    Gun 15 cm KwK 44/L38
    RoF: 3,75 (rounds/min.)
    AP: 85/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HEAT: 228/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HE: 85/950 (penetr/dmg)
    Acc: 0,36 (at 100m)
    Aiming Time: 6 (sec)

    This post will be deleted soon, so enjoy while you can :)

  98. is that just a copy and paste of the hummel gun or the real stats of the gun that will be on the e100?

  99. I think the details of the german will be quiete similiar to the american "Gun 155 mm Gun T7" from the T30...
    Perhaps better accuracy because its german and than a bit less firerate (because this is the american tweek...).

    But I think the damage per minute and the penetration would be quiete similiar...
    ...or the gun would be useless XD

  100. these stats are useless at T10...

  101. I would love to try the super long 88 on the E 75.

  102. "is that just a copy and paste of the hummel gun or the real stats of the gun that will be on the e100?"

    I'm afraid both :D KwK 44/L38 is longer version of sFH 18 L/30 adjusted to fit E-100 Ausf B turret (kruppturm ?) Basilica it's the same gun with better RoF, accuracy and can use AP shells (85/750).

    PS. These r supertest data's...

  103. I see that u r really trying to balance the game.

    u split KV and KV-2. (hope the normal KV won't get too weak(canon buff?). U put both KV-3 and IS-4 each a tier higher. (IS-3 doesn't need a change, it is not OP!) There are changes to the Medium line for German and Americans to compete with t-54 and heavies of course. U will change the US-Heavy line. There is just one problem:

    Q: Will the T-32 get the 120mm Gun T53?
    After all it can not really compete with IS-3 and Tiger II. The 105mm shoots slower than the same gun in T-29 and if think(?) it is less accurate.

    If have another one:

    Q: If I research VK4502 Ausf. B in my Tiger II now, will I be able to research E-75?
    Logic says: Of course. But: Better be save than sorry ;)

    Keep up the good work!

  104. Overlord: Lets assume i have a Panther in my garage now with a rammer. What will happen to that rammer on the update? will it get demounted and placed in the depot? will it be transfered to the free PII?

  105. Gun 15 cm KwK 44/L38
    RoF: 3,75 (rounds/min.)
    AP: 85/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HEAT: 228/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HE: 85/950 (penetr/dmg)
    Acc: 0,36 (at 100m)
    Aiming Time: 6 (sec)

    AP with 85mm pen? Are you joking?

  106. Will the 173mm Kwk44 also be included for the E-100?

  107. @ ЯPND: it will be placed into the Panther II.

    @: Anonymous said "AP with 85mm pen? Are you joking?"

    R u maybe a bit... slow? It#s abviously some kind of howitzer canon.

  108. Gun 15 cm KwK 44/L38
    RoF: 3,75 (rounds/min.)
    AP: 85/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HEAT: 228/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HE: 85/950 (penetr/dmg)
    Acc: 0,36 (at 100m)
    Aiming Time: 6 (sec)

    IF these are the real stats for 150 then there is no reason not to inlude 173mm (higher damage + slower rof derpgun)

  109. Lets compare it to 2 Tier V cannons

    KV, 152mm M-10
    Dam: 700/700/910(HP)
    Pen: 110/206/86(mm)
    RoF: 2.7(r/m)
    Acc: 0.60(m)
    Aim: 3.5(s)

    Hummel, 15 cm sFH 18 L/30
    Dam: -/750/950(HP)
    Pen: -/228/85(mm)
    RoF: 3.24(r/m)
    Acc: 0.42(m)
    Aim: 6.0(s)

    What will lengthening the barrel and changing it to direct fire do? Better penetration, better accuracy, less aim time and maybe more damage. Rate of fire how they will balance it so *shrug*.

  110. Dear Overlord,
    Please...would you mind to tell us will T-110 can follow after 6.6 ?

  111. If these are the final stats of the E-100 top gun, it will be completely useless on a tier 10 tank.

  112. Wow. If those are the stats for the 15cm on the E-100 it's going to be trash. 6-sec aim time? Really? That's unacceptable for a tank that's mobile on the field, popping out and shooting. Then there's the fantastic pen values... Horrible. Not to mention to get a decent value from it you'll have to get HEAT, which of course is obtained from real cash-money.

    I thought the E-series was supposed to be the "damage dealers" and make the German tanks finally "competitive" in CW outside of having a Maus for a meat-shield. Be prepared to take a different kind of HEAT when people find out these stats if they roll over onto live Overlord and WG.

    "Happy Trails"

  113. I wouldnt stress til we see the official specs guys relax.

  114. It will be called "The fail gun" :D

  115. Overlord please say something! You dont have to reveal the real stats! An:" No this is B***** we make it much better"! Is Enough for me :)

  116. Well, via silence Overlord may say that he agrees to what's written.

  117. Overlord can simply deny or delete these posts. But it looks like he's honest guy and don't want to lie to us :)

    Face the truth: 15 cm KwK 44/L38 will NOT be expected wünderwaffe

  118. Well, if the 150mm really becomes this useless, then why have E-75 and E-100 at all? They're just gonna be a slightly modified VK45/Maus if they both have the 128 as the only usable gun.

  119. 15 cm/L38 should have slightly shorter barrel than 128mm gun, so slight decrease in accuracy is to be expected. However, there is realy no point in comparing it to Hummel's gun since it is NOT arty gun, it has KwK designation, so penetration values are yet to be revealed.
    Point being: stop crying

  120. @"Face the truth: 15 cm KwK 44/L38 will NOT be expected wünderwaffe"

    We know that wunderwaffe is restricted to soviet vehicles only so we only expect something similar to T7 and BL10 guns.

    "However, there is realy no point in comparing it to Hummel's gun since it is NOT arty gun, it has KwK designation, so penetration values are yet to be revealed."

    I'm expecting something between 250-260.

  121. I'm only concerned about that 15 cm KwK 44/L38 has SIX SECONDS!, yes 6 sec of aiming time........ like an arty....who cares it is accurate if you can't aim it properly

  122. Overlord could you please confirm if you have an elite panther 2 when the patch hits, will the 88 L/100 be unlocked or will we need to unlock it still. thanks

  123. From my sources I got an information that
    "Gun 15 cm KwK 44/L38
    RoF: 3,75 (rounds/min.)
    AP: 85/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HEAT: 228/750 (penetr/dmg)
    HE: 85/950 (penetr/dmg)
    Acc: 0,36 (at 100m)
    Aiming Time: 6 (sec)
    is that way in supertests.

  124. I think you still need to unlock 88 L/100

  125. So in this case, what is better to get VK and Mouse or E75/E100? My King Tiger has 163k of XP and i am ready to go to level 9

  126. it 150mm will get 85mm AP penetration that will totally suck... as whole e-100 tank, but well that's german tank so it will suck anyway, devs are working hard to achieve it...

  127. 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 характеристики орудия

    3,64 в/м,
    85/225/85 бп,
    750/750/950 дамаг,
    0,37 разброс,
    2,5 время прицеливания

  128. Even with 2,5 aiming time it will suck horribly. A KV-2 trollgun with slightly better rof and accuracy is simply not adequate for tier 10. Hell, even the SU-152 stock gun is only marginally worse than these stats.

  129. Even if it's a derp gun, no way the pen on the AP round will be the same as the pen on the HE round, even look at the KV, the AP round does more pen, whoever that is posting the AP round doing the same pen as the HE round is obviously trolling.

  130. nope those stats are not a form of trolling, i know countless people that have used that tank and gun, its going to be 150mm derp gun with low AP pen so you will be forced to use HE only

  131. "...i know countless people that have used that tank and gun..."

    Considering it is not in the game yet I'll say LOL!

    This is the T30 gun.
    155mm Gun T7
    Dam: 750/750/950(HP)
    Pen: 276/320/90(mm)
    RoF: 3.64(r/m)
    Acc: 0.35(m)
    Aim: 2.7(s)

    Comparing them the E-100 gun with AP rounds ought to have around 200 penetration.

  132. if 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 has so low penetration it sucks. A descent gun should be appropriate,

  133. How about the guns of Tiger (P) and VK4502 Ausf.A?
    Same guns of Tiger I and King Tiger?

  134. Not worried about the low penetration stats but if that's the case then HE damage needs to be improved to make up for AP being worthless.

    As for the aim time, lolz.

  135. on goha.ru forum devs said:
    SerB: You can fit both the 128mm and the 150 L37 - practically Hummel gun but a tank version. Penetration and damage values are a little worse than the American tank.

  136. A lot more like abysmal compared to the T30

  137. The krupp turret should be stock, and the maus turret should be able to mount 150mm => tank worth grinding for

  138. 88mm L/100 - useless on tier 9 because dpm it does not matter in the normal battle

    This all DPM stats is usseles.

    Maby in completely open map - no rocks, no buldings is ok - but not in normal map in this game..

    First Your fail is:
    obviously 70 l/100
    second is 88mm L/100

  139. Oh my, 85 mm penetration with standard AP round... and... only 225 with gold rounds... now that is awesome:) And look at the accuracy, 0.36, wow, missing so much if not at point blank. And together with 6 seconds aiming time and 3.75 rounds a minute, that means this tank will be completely useless against anything. Very hard to aim and hit something smaller and moving, very hard to aim at all, imagine aiming 6 seconds, enemy tanks shooting at you all the time, hitting turret, breaking aim... bah, it will be worthless

  140. Hello, I wanted to ask about the engine. Series E was to be equipped with turbine engines that have less vibration which increases accuracy. Turbine engines have also higher output power and less weight.

    Do developers plan to introduce these engines in the E series?

  141. It seems to me, data for 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 will be like this:
    Dam: 750/750/950
    Pen: 115/240/90(mm)
    RoF: 3.7(r/m)
    Acc: 0.38(m)
    Aim: 3.0(s)

    And do forget about American 155mm Gun T7 - devs will move T30 to TD and will not give us tanks with high alpha-strike and pen simultaneously any more - this is for TD :(

    And to 8.8 L/100 - does anybody believe that there will be a non-arty gun with DPM 3600? It could be 12 RoF and 230-240 pen, but it will never have 300 damage then.

    8.8 cm KwK 46 L/100:
    Dam: 220/220/270
    Pen: 240/280/55(mm)
    RoF: 11.0(r/m)
    Acc: 0.25(m)
    Aim: 2.0(s)

    looks much closer to the truth.

  142. @Series E was to be equipped with turbine engines that have less vibration which increases accuracy. Turbine engines have also higher output power and less weight.

    Turbine or not, E-50 and E-75 will get 1000HP engines as their best (1200 while supercharger works) and E-100 will get 1200HP w/o supercharging. There will not be German super-mega-duper-tanks, alas :(

  143. Any info about test serwer ?

  144. Hummel gun for E-100 as a tank version?
    Better to get hummel then...

  145. "There will not be German super-mega-duper-tanks, alas :("

    All I want is equality for German tanks. They don't need to be super, just equal.

    And here I thought the E-75 was going to have a good gun and be a damage dealer. You know, something the German heavy tree desperately needs. Instead we get the same gun as the Ausf B. Sigh.

  146. The 128 is a good gun, as long as the E75 gets a decent rate of fire. Unfortunately, its totally boring. A German tier 9 with great frontal armor, a 128mm and weak side armor? Gee, I wonder where I heard that before.

  147. Keep doing what you are doing and in a year there will be no1 who would play for the German tanks

  148. Or keep doing crappy tanks besides russian tanks in a year and no one will be paying or playing.

  149. A couple of points:

    The 7.5cm L100 is currently only available in a tier IX tank (Panther II). Why would it be now available to a tier VII tank (Panther) and not tier VIII? The 75L100 is a much better gun than the 88L71 for certain.

    Do you have any details on the stats of this new 88L100 gun? Sounds like a really nice gun.

  150. OL,
    1) If I do not currently have the 7.5 cm L/100 researched for the Panther 2, will I be granted it when patch is released since my Panther 1 is fully upgraded but will be losing my 8.8 cm L/71?
    2) What are the available engine upgrades for the E-50? If HL 234 P 50 is not the top engine for the E-50, will the equivalent be granted as long as the 234/P/50 is researched?
    3) Will undistributed XP for the Panther/PantherII remain on those tanks or will it become undistributed XP on the Panther2/E-50?


  151. Nobody else has noticed the fact that Overlord listed two different guns for a Tier 10...

    Tier 10 tanks come elite with the best setup out of the box....

    So, how does the E-100 have two guns?

  152. Because, anthony, we all knew this for a while that the E-100 was going to be the first T10 to do this. We knew this for months, thus no one is talking about it.

    Overlord, you guys better not screw up the E-100, especially it's 15cm because not only do you have to do the huge XP/credit grind for the tank itself, you have to research these items on a T10 tank, which, you're going to be losing loads of money along the way.

    Don't screw it up like other German tanks. Otherwise I hope you guys are ready to see your income drop, userbase drop, and forums explode with "last straw-russian bias-german hate" threads.

  153. No, I do not think that we will see any changes anytime soon. They have already decided and it would be seen as "loosing the face" if they would turn around and give us some other shiny stuff.

    Personally I've committed a lot to German tree grind, was hoping that E series will be good, at least better then VK45 on T9 level. Remember Overlord statements about servers being flooded by USSR tanks and reply was something like "wait till E series is introduced and then we will see a difference".

    I was hoping for some new shiny stuff, some new nice cannon, better then VK45 and Maus gun, but worse then JagdTiger gun. After all VK45 still leads to a moving fortress that is hard to kill, especially when there are 5 moving towards you. So people will be still playing VK45 to get it.

    But no, we already see recycled content after just few month of live. In WoW it took few years to get to the point of recycling of content, in here only few month. That is sad. After all people play MMO's not only because it is fun, but also because of unlocking new content. Greed and lust that is inside of everyone is pushing us forward.

    On the other side, we all know that IS-4 is going to be moved to T10 and replaced by Object and also new US and USSR T9 are going to be introduced. If those new T9s will be worse then current IS-4, then there might still be a light.
    So comparing E-75 to IS-4 as is is not the best idea. Better compare it to new Object.

    What I'm really afraid of are mediums getting to powerful. Their top guns are already almost superior to heavy T9/10 guns, they have pretty much same HP and very good armor. Plus they are fast and have much higher rate of fire (even with much smaller turret).

    I'm not loosing hope yet, but, Star Wars are closing in as an escape tunnel:)


  154. sooo... both Americans and Russians managed to create decent 150mm guns. Germans did not.. LOL

    @Overlord: please deny or confirm the rumors of 6 sec aiming and low penetration - I for example have 160k exp on my KT and will use it to go to Maus or E100 depending on specs. But i need to know before the patch otherwise i will be stuck with the E100 which in my opinion is useless in the current config.

    Also can you tell us if the 150mm gun will fire as a howitzer?

  155. Very soon open test will be launched and all those stats will be offical and confirmed (but not 100% fixed till the patch) so just wait a bit longer.

  156. What's the point of the 88/100 on the E-50? Outside of a bit more accuracy it has nothing. You guys come out with a new gun, get the community excited, and then deliver this?

  157. what are to cost of 88L100 ammo?

  158. It seems the new German heavys have no weakspots and powerfull guns with insane armour.
    Soviet Tanks needs buff to be compare German tanks.

  159. It seems soviet tanks are finally matched ;-)

  160. "Anonymous said...

    It seems the new German heavys have no weakspots and powerfull guns with insane armour.
    Soviet Tanks needs buff to be compare German tanks.
    July 25, 2011 1:03 AM "

    LMAO after so many OP Russ machine you post this?
    What about paper turret on German top tanks (even Tier9 Med have turret from Tier5 shootable even with Tier3 whan you know where to shoot), what about fire from frontal hit, what about under speed etc etc?

  161. Hey Overlord,
    Can we get a 15 cm L/100 Cannon for the E-100? That would be EPIC!!

  162. Again and Again it look like top German Tank must be totaly useless.

    When E-100 will not be able to compare with others T10 even with 128mm [and no now its not able to compare even with 150mm] (coz you say its an option and even with 128mm it will be full T10 able to compare) i simply will stop with WoT and believe me it will be large amount of players who stop with this game too.

    Dont wanna another grinding to get something what is even not able to compare with others and what can be beaten even with tank which is some 4 - 5 tier lower.
