Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wargaming TV. Episode 5.

Wargaming TV. Episode 5 with English subtitles.

In this episode:

- camos (v.7.0)
- Ural Steel Finals. Post-mortem.

Further episodes will get English voices.


  1. Um, is that a 10.5 L100 on that E75????

  2. @anonymous yeah looks very big

    Nice video and finally with subtitle :D but the part with ural steel wasnt very interresting for me, but i like thee camo.

  3. Q: who is the girl in the video she seems really nice and down to earth? Tell her shes really beautiful please and thankyou.

    Q: Any reason Wargaming choose that long cannon for the E-75.

    Keep up the good work Overlord you do an awesome job

  4. Love the fact that we now finally get to see more than just the default panzer grey on the german tanks but please tell me those aren't the final colors as they look quite frankly childish!

  5. What gun is that in the Video on the E-75 overlord :)?


  6. If that is the 105/L100...the questions this the top gun or is there a 128...and if it is the top gun...can it compete..and I mean real well with the other tier 9s and 10s?

  7. What gun is that?

    105mm L/100
    88mm L/100

    which one?

  8. You started subtitling the wargaming episodes, awesome!

  9. got to be the hottest chick iv seen all month

  10. Thank you for that subtitle.

    Q: will the next episode also have it

    Q: will the older episodes get it too?

  11. In the video, unless I have misunderstood something, there will be an adaptive camo module/equipment/consumable that will change your camo depending on the map and offer a slight visibility advantage. My question is: if you buy one type of camo (lets say winter camo) that is appropriate for certain maps (winter maps) will it still offer a visibility advantage on winter maps or are bonuses only for the adaptive version?

  12. Interesting video!

    Thanks for sharing this preview of "camo", it's interesting to note how most of Russian words for military terms are so close to French (and neolatin in general), thanks Peter the Great!

  13. Interesting video and nice informations about camo. I assume that the adaptive camo will cost gold. Furthermore another positive aspect: with this new camo feature, the Hitbox Skins may hopefully become useless and don't work any more!

  14. hahahha I can see! I can see flocks of noobs puzzling around in the vane tentative to understand what is not working, with rage many will just quit and blame WoT of "sucking"!

  15. I will keep my hitbox skins no matter what. Don't care how messed up it looks. Also, wtf, another gold sink, really? I sure hope it doesn't stack with camo net at least so the rest of us have a chance IF we want to camp against premium snobs.

  16. Is that a new animation for explosions around 2:20 (panther 2 firing) ?

  17. If the Hitbox Skins will look "messed up" due to the new camo layers, they of course loose their advantage since you will probably not see the correct hitboxes any more. By the way: No Hitbox Skins = Fair Play!

  18. Q: Um, is that a 10.5 L100 on that E75????

    A: 8.8 L100.

  19. Q: who is the girl in the video she seems really nice and down to earth? Tell her shes really beautiful please and thankyou.

    Q: Any reason Wargaming choose that long cannon for the E-75.

    Keep up the good work Overlord you do an awesome job

    A: This girl works in WN.

    A: It is a test one.


  20. Q: You started subtitling the wargaming episodes, awesome!

    A: It will be fully in English soon.

  21. Q: will the next episode also have it

    Q: will the older episodes get it too?

    A: Yes, sure.

    A: No, I think.

  22. awesome, this videos will be monthly ?

  23. Will the markers above tanks be removed? That would give the game a more tactical approach. Otherwise - why would i need a camo, if the red thing above tank shows where you are.

  24. for me the english subtitle is enough, no need to fully make them in english

  25. The video says that community made custom skins will no longer work.

    This sucks big time and will upset a lot of people. I'm not going to pay for skins. You can forget about that!

  26. Currently almost all Tanks in the Game have a custom Skin i installed myself.

    I hope, that i can use them furhter - as i worked a lot on them with Photoshop

    I did not had the time to watch the full movie, but i think we can keep our own Tank Skins if we wish?

  27. The video says the payed skins will be layered over the default skin and they are not only client sided. This means the payed skins will mess up the custom skins.

    Skinning is my hobby and when you take this out of the game for me, then I'm not going to play it anymore.

  28. Good job WG for making this kind of "TV-series". Really informative and easy way to be in contact with the community. And moreover.. it's a good way to explain some of your gameplay decisions. You really should make more explanatory videos for the community. Angry gamers are humans too and they will listen if things are explained in person and not just via wall of texts on the forums. :)

    But all I'm asking from you is that... Don't milk this cow to dry too fast! Make it fun and easier to approach (monetary-wise). I would like to pay for something more often if I feel it's cheap. Now you can easily spend hundreds of dollars in few months in this game just to get it feel "right" and rewarding.

    But yeah.. I guess that's the necessary evil with F2P games. In the end paying customers will sacrifice waaaaay more money on them than games with different kind of payments.

    You will get more of my gold as soon as you prove me that you will not make these changes just for the gold.



  29. Hey Overlord, just wondering where can I get grey World Of Tanks T-shirt? it, I'm in Australia, thanks!

  30. I want the camo, but pls add a consumable slot. Thx good work.

  31. My current wishlist:
    1. Add additional slots (at least one) for further modules (additional slots for gold)

    2. Let the community vote for custom skins to be sold for gold. Those shown in the video look really bad. Reward the creators of each skin with a certain amount of gold

    3. Add an additional reandom game mode where you don't see the enemy's lineup.

  32. Hello Overlord, please, is revision of German tank destroyers coming with German heavy and medium line revision ( = 0.6.6) or in some later patch?

  33. German TDs will come later. Maybe before french techtree maybe later...

  34. @Anon "2. Let the community vote for custom skins to be sold for gold. Those shown in the video look really bad. Reward the creators of each skin with a certain amount of gold"

    YES! Please let this happen overlord, not to be rude but those skins don't look look the slightest bit historical and for me, detract from the immersiveness of the game.

  35. It is a great idea of implementing custom skins, for players that did a great job. You buy the skin for gold, the artist keeps his name but give up his rights. You can sell it for gold. It could be a third type of skins. I hope it's not too much to implement. But for sure historical battles will gain value.

  36. I like the idea above, don't worry I'll get for my tanks your skins. Why I want the color change from map too map. Maybe one day I might be interested in historical battles, than a nicely done custom skin looks better. I remember for my KT the woodland skin with Zimmerit, beautiful made. Thx Dev's keep going.

  37. I wish one day the American server has 100.000 players online every night. We will have 2 devisions for company battles, different battle mods, maybe historical battle mod, random battles with bigger maps for flexible strats (strats are to similar on small maps). I hope after tech tree changes the game is more balanced. Thx Dev's.

  38. can i get the girl please?

  39. Another feature request:

    Please add the possibility to enter custom messages. I'd like to have five to ten keys to use for my custom messages/commands. Should be easy to implement.

  40. What is new for 7.0? Implementation of French tech tree (main parts, but not fully)? New camo system? New battle mods? And last not least new physics engine? I can't wait for it!!!! Thx. Maybe German 2nd TD line before? Let us know Overlord. Thx

  41. I would love to have the options of 88/100L and 105/100L on E75. Love precision. 88 should be slightly more precise and higher ROF. Thx the long barrel looks cool.

  42. What I would love to see is confirmation or at least suggestion that the Sentinel tanks(AC I through IV) are on the british tree as premiums.

    Australian medium tank along the line of the Ram.

    How about it, overlord? :)

  43. This camo thing has convinced me that you are masochistic. I wish you the best of luck dealing with the QQ. Stock up on patience, you'll need extra.

  44. So Overlord I was wondering if since the tanks are getting done I was wondering if it would be possible for some rough XP values for research for some of the tanks in particular

    The VK3001P to the Tier 7 Porsche Tiger

    And secondly will the DB be made into a Jump tank between the medium and heavy lines and if so
    what would the rough XP requirements be for

    The VK3002DB to the Tiger 1

    The VK3002DB to the Panther 1

    If these could be provided even with a rough ~5,000xp margin for error I would greatly appreciate it so I know how much to grind on said tanks.

  45. Only_Slightly_BentJuly 14, 2011 at 8:11 AM

    Thank you for thinking of us non-russian speakers, I look forward to future episodes...

    Keep up the good work :)

  46. Only change to english is the blondie will stay!! ;)

  47. Q: Hello Overlord, please, is revision of German tank destroyers coming with German heavy and medium line revision ( = 0.6.6) or in some later patch?

    A: It will come some time later.

  48. Q: Let the community vote for custom skins to be sold for gold. Those shown in the video look really bad. Reward the creators of each skin with a certain amount of gold

    A: At this stage there is no technical possibility to make user-created skins available in-game.

  49. @Overlord

    He wants the developers to implement the skins with the highest votes, not to make every single custom-skin available in-game.

  50. 88 L/100 hmm I hope it will be competetive with other tier 9 heavys best guns otherwise this tank will be lackluster since VK4502 atm got great armor and firepower (by 'great' I meant > Armor almost the same (turret better?) and tier X gun).

  51. Overlord BRO

    This sister in tank looks realy useable :D

    GJ with her

  52. here are stats of 88/L100 postet in E-50 thread:
    pen: 246mm
    dmg: 300
    RoF: around 12shots/min
    acc: 0,25

  53. what will hapend if i buy a desert camo and i play on a forest map, i will get the visibility bonus? or simply show the skin but no bonus

  54. Skins for gold...oh, please...:) Fail
    Ok so a 88 L100 can be adapted to the game. How does it not bend on it's own weight? So it is a fantasy gun, but the E-100 can't get the H turret desired by so many. Fail :)

    If it has 300 dmg, will the other 88 guns have a gamage buff also? Because at this state there is no difference btw L56 / L71 dmg-wise.
    If we follow the logic and just the L100 having gretater dmg, how's the case with the 75mm L100?
    Provide some logic for us please!

  55. Please don't mess up community made skins.

    When you want to sell your skins for gold, that's okay but please find a solution that community skins are still usable.

  56. Am I right in thinking the 7.0 patch that will add this camo will be the large patch including the is4 revision and US t34?

  57. Q: what will hapend if i buy a desert camo and i play on a forest map, i will get the visibility bonus? or simply show the skin but no bonus

    A: You will need to puchase "adaptive camo" consumable to get a minor bonus.

  58. Q: When you want to sell your skins for gold, that's okay but please find a solution that community skins are still usable

    A: We can't enable user-created skins in-game currently. However you will still be able to modify skin files.

  59. Q: Am I right in thinking the 7.0 patch that will add this camo will be the large patch including the is4 revision and US t34?

    A: Most likely - yes.

  60. Q: here are stats of 88/L100 postet in E-50 thread:
    pen: 246mm
    dmg: 300
    RoF: around 12shots/min
    acc: 0,25

    A: Guys, just don't get overexhilarated. It hasn't been confirmed as available gun.

  61. A: We can't enable user-created skins in-game currently. However you will still be able to modify skin files.

    So does this mean client-side custom skins will still be acceptable?I don't expect other people to be able to see them to be honest, I just want my tanks to look good, and the skins you offer for gold are not attractive in the slightest. If wargaming decides to disable client-side skins, you'll put alot of guys work to waste, many of them making art that you wouldn't normally see on the battlefield, which is a whole lot more interesting than a generic desert pattern, for example.

  62. Hello, Overlord!
    Will there be "minor warring nations"-oriented camo?
    Will I be able to paint my tank in Corean War-age camo? Ex. Chinese, North Korean t-34-s?

  63. any information on the muzzle velocity for e-50 top gun? same as p2 or better?
    iirc muzzle velocity got buffed in beta for 20%. is this buff still around or has it been removed?

  64. Hi I'm a gay SPG player who likes to get screwed by the little scouts, I think that designer dude looks sexy. At least he has style. Thx Dev's

  65. Are you adding a consumable slot for camo?

  66. When is the Russian Public Test Server gonna be up with 6.6?

  67. Anyway to get one of those swell World of Tanks t-shirts?
    They are very nice!!!!!!!

  68. I have 3 one signed by Overlord and Victor go to an Event

  69. Hey Overlord
    When is the T110 coming out, playing T30 now is really boring and other TierX tanks have big advantage (every1 can penetrate us and isnt only TierX tanks, give back T30 from beta which takes fear to other team players)
    I can say 1 thing :
    "WG something change in the model and the T30 cannon shells mostly often bouncing if u dont using GOLD ammo and GOLD ammo can bounce too sometimes"
    In beta we can penetrate Maus every shell, now can bounce all ammo from all sides
    I grind T30 for nothing and my teammates too, because T30 are not useful in CW like as IS7/Maus, in beta T30 was a killer but now is it a joke. Roman

  70. Q: When is the Russian Public Test Server gonna be up with 6.6?

    A: In ~ 7-10 days

  71. Q: So does this mean client-side custom skins will still be acceptable?I don't expect other people to be able to see them to be honest, I just want my tanks to look good, and the skins you offer for gold are not attractive in the slightest. If wargaming decides to disable client-side skins, you'll put alot of guys work to waste, many of them making art that you wouldn't normally see on the battlefield, which is a whole lot more interesting than a generic desert pattern, for example.

    A: Client-side skins will still be working, however not the way they are doing it now. You will have to rework them.

  72. Q: Anyway to get one of those swell World of Tanks t-shirts?

    A: Come to Gamescom (Cologne, Germany) in August or Eurogamer (London, the UK) in September.

  73. That long gun on E-75 is actually 105L100 - developer SerB confirmed it on Russian Forums few days ago.

  74. Serb:

    88L100 скорее всего будет.
    Правда, на скрине, если не ошибаюсь, 105L100, вот ее не будет

    88L100 most likely will be added.
    However, if Im not mistaken, it was 105L100 on the screenshot. It won't be added.

  75. When will we get M103 and premium T34? o.6.7?

  76. In the 6.6 update will the Panther and Panther Idown a Tier?I still keep thier top gun though they are moving

  77. Revision to above post: In the 6.6 update will the Panther and Panther II still keep thier top gun though they are both moving down a Tier?

  78. Gold to use camo paint? talk about a money sink..... Pay for for for consumables.... pay for tanks..... what the hell will be next? Pay for different sounds?

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