Friday, July 22, 2011

Operation Husky Special

Operation Husky Special:
Credit income for Т-28, Т-34, М10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, PzIV, Stug-III doubled
The price in credits for Т-28, Т-34, М10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, PzIV, Stug-III halved
Discounted barracks slots and crew training:
1) Enlarge barracks price halved (100 gold per member now);
2) The price for crew training to 100% primary skill halved (100 gold per member now);
3) The price for 100% crew when buying it with a vehicle halved (100 gold per member now);
4) The price for crew retraining to 100% primary skill halved (100 gold per member now).

Launch date:
Th, July 28, 5:00 - 5:30AM UTC -  EU.
Th, July 28, 11:00 - 11:30AM UTC - US.
Termination date:
Fr, July 29, 5:00 - 5:30AM UTC -  EU.
Fr, July 29, 11:00 - 11:30AM UTC - US.
Follow the updates! 


  1. Uhh, points 3 and 4 are the same?

  2. line 2 and 4 are identical. error!

  3. You seem to have written point 2 twice..see point 4.

  4. Price halved for ALL crew or only for this selected (Т-28, Т-34, М10 Wolverine, M4 Sherman, PzIV, Stug-III) ?

  5. Should be crew retraining. Thanks.

  6. Any info about russsian test starting tonight? Pls :)


    Here is the info you need, and again something weirds happens as always

  8. O.o ...another "buy gold while its cheap" event...

  9. [i]"1) Enlarge barracks price halved (100 gold per member now);"[/i]

    It currently costs 300 gold to enlarge the barracks with 16 bunks.. so this sounds like a VERY bad deal! Or you made a mistake, but we all know Overlord doesn't make mistakes ;-)

  10. Overlord, can you tell which week the russian test server will be released?

  11. I wish this event would give us a headstart towards the next patch. For example extra XP for the tanks needing to grind for new models or maybe a free xp conversion dicount.

    Discount on crew training is fine but not for me since all crews are trained and I need training for the new crews rewuired for new german tanks.

    can I buy a crew without tank with cheap training and use it in the new tanks without losing training? that's the only way to benefit from this event.

  12. I think this is not a good special, only very limited Tanks get the bonus.

  13. Tell when i can get some cheap Garage slots? I need them badly

  14. I didn't know that Russian tanks took part in Operation Husky ;)

  15. I was hoping for some half priced modules. :(

  16. I like this special. Its more new player friendly which keeps the game healthy.

  17. Is the T-34 the Russian medium, or the American Heavy?

  18. NVM, the test server is up now :)

  19. T-34 is russian medium (T34 is US heavy).

    All the mentioned vehicles are tier V, so you can be sure it is the russian medium (as is stated in the text). Would be kinda silly to put a tier IX between those.

  20. Thursday and friday.... really ignoring the working people... :(

  21. For an Operation Husky even to only have 2 German tanks is kind of ridiculous.

    The previous even had ONLY the tanks that took part in that event, German and Russian. Now this event that was a German / US / British affair somehow includes Russian tanks.

    Why is that?

  22. lmao they announce this days ago and now give details a week ahead and it I would have rather had a week's notice on the last special - as luck had it I had just unlocked the panther and the special gave me just enough time to get the cred needed to take advantage of the half price. (which really matters on a 2 mil tank, unlike all of these in this special)

    Maybe the could start doing a 2x exp weekends or something. Throw us a freakin bone man, the game is falling apart while we wait on fixes, more tanks and play modes, gosh guys give us a lil something people are dropping out now what do you think as the biggest game season ever approaches?

    Demon Souls
    Assassin's Creed
    and many others Im forgetting atm

    2-5x exp and cr weekends every weekend and an arty free playlist COME ON DO IT

    DO IT

  23. Are the NA times correct? A server restart at 11:00 PM UTC could interfere with clan wars in the eastern provinces.

  24. Agreed why not a bonus for Tiger I and Panthers again? Since the Tiger xp will transfer in the new patch? I do like the specials though so keep them coming!

  25. 2x xp or credit weekends would be a very poor choice.... grinds would go far too fast, and before you knew it, everyone would have a Maus, T30, etc.
    With the game as it is, people have to put a large amount of time into their grinds, as it should be.
    Premium account (+50%) is enough.

  26. Bah, I wished that they would make garrage slots -50% then I would be interested.

  27. Q: Thursday and friday.... really ignoring the working people... :(

    A: You might be surprised but Monday and Thursday are the busiest days in WoT.

  28. Q: Are the NA times correct? A server restart at 11:00 PM UTC could interfere with clan wars in the eastern provinces.

    A: 11:00 AM. Corrected.

  29. "1) Enlarge barracks price halved (100 gold per member now)"

    Well, it doesn't make sense. Now it costs 300 gold per 16 slots, so...?

  30. Retraining is that for any crew member on ANY tank/TD/SPG or just the tanks listed in the event ?

  31. Read some Lines up and u have a answer!!!

  32. most boring event for the last time

  33. This event is quite odd...
    Im pretty sure, that there wasnt t-34...
    and division "Hermann Göring" was supported by tiger heavy tanks...

  34. Overlord when will we get a fix for this?

  35. Shiki, those battles can be great changes of pace. Besides, they're how the matchmaker solves being unable to find a battle for a tank after it reaches timeout limit (5 minute I think). Typically it happens to tier 8 arty plus whatever poor soul happens to be in the queue at the time.

    They really do need to add some smarter team balancing to the tank selection so that all arty teams are avoided, though.

  36. wow, i didnt saw somthink like that in game... ( i have something about 7-9k cb/ob/release battles

  37. This has to be the only online mmo ever in the history of mmo's to never have rewarded it's entire player base with some gold as a gift at launch or on a special event or x2 xp days.

    The silly kill the mod events and now this laughable event, it's no wonder more and more negative reviews are showing up on gaming forums concerning WOT.

  38. WG is losing the last remnants of shame it has left....

  39. Ooh. Another credit event, only this one has no basis in reality when it comes to the tanks involved. Did your Event Planner get dropped on his head, or are you seriously not caring what tanks were actually involved? I mean, where did you get your information for tank deployment during Operation Husky from, a homeless drifter in front of your building? If you're going to do operation-specific Credit bonuses, at least have enough respect for the past to choose the proper tanks for it.

  40. Once again Wargamin shows they have something against tigers and german tanks in general. This event is a joke without tigers.

    Keep this up and soon I will spend 100 euro a mounth on some other game.

  41. Anonymous said...

    lmao they announce this days ago and now give details a week ahead and it I would have rather had a week's notice on the last special - as luck had it I had just unlocked the panther and the special gave me just enough time to get the cred needed to take advantage of the half price. (which really matters on a 2 mil tank, unlike all of these in this special)

    Maybe the could start doing a 2x exp weekends or something. Throw us a freakin bone man, the game is falling apart while we wait on fixes, more tanks and play modes, gosh guys give us a lil something people are dropping out now what do you think as the biggest game season ever approaches?

    Demon Souls
    Assassin's Creed
    and many others Im forgetting atm

    2-5x exp and cr weekends every weekend and an arty free playlist COME ON DO IT

    DO IT
    July 23, 2011 5:00 AM

    Think youre forgetting Star Wars Old Republic which im guessing will blow everything else away.

    This special is poor I agree, its just enticing people to spend more gold, afree game which is costing people a lot of money :/

  42. 1) Enlarge barracks price halved (100 gold per member now);

    You mean 150 gold for 16 barracks slots?

  43. Ah Guys the Game is free to Play!!!
    Wow cost 13€ month!!!
    And no other Tankgame is so good!!!
    10€ per month for Premium is not much!!!
    Levling fast cost Money ok!!!
    So if u have a Job it is Not a Problem!!!
    I spent much Money to the Game and what i
    get is:
    A good Game!!!
    Good Support!!!
    Nice Friends!!!

    Ps: if u are allways think other Games are cheaper
    Better or more interresting for u, pls go to this
    Games and don't cry alltime here!
    This is my opinion!

  44. Sounds good, time to get a sherman then! :)

  45. Enlarge barracks price halved (100 gold per member now);

    This mean... i will become so more expensive.

    today: 16 members/300 gold = 18,72 per member
    tomorrow: 1 member / 100 gold = 100 per member (more than 500% price increase)

  46. Discounted barracks slots and crew training:
    1) Enlarge barracks price reduced to a third(100 gold per 16 slots);
    2) The price for crew training to 100% primary skill halved (100 gold per member now). Includes retraining and hiring for new tanks.
    - Neoxs_

  47. Hey there, Overlord! Have you received my message regarding this thread?

  48. This totally lets the non paying players out, and ofcourse the players who do not own the above mentioned tanks. Wargaming really needs to listen to their COMMUNITY! and dont do their own things. When you are starting to cry your game is dying I wont help you, you poeple are ignorant now then il be ignorant when you need your community the most. And others will do the same thing, start a double XP weekend for every battle you do in that weekend not just for the first battle of the day. Do some price stunting with the gold and not that stupid get %5 gold for free when using the more strange thing called Billing partner. Lower the prices for one weekend.

  49. t-34 and t-28 russian tanks or US?

  50. I think it is fair because the Paying People make the Game Vetter because they give wargaming the Money resurce to make the Game better and hold the Servers, the office, the developers, the rents, the taxes, Energy, and so on!!!
    So of u buy Gold this is what the Game hold Alive Not the non Paying members! So i will Be proud to spend some Money here to keep my Hobby Alive! And it is only fair that People who Pay some Money get Bonuses!
    Best greetings Shodai

    Ps: Think about it what it cost to hold a Company alive!!! And try to get a First klas Dinner in a Restaurant for free! No Chance so be happy when u can play theGame for free!!!

  51. What do T-34/T-28 tanks have to do with Sicily !?

  52. Where are the Panthers, Tigers and Ferdinands ?
    Why there are russian tanks with bonuses on this event ?

  53. Sorry for the off-topic:

    Overlord, will the PZIII/IV get the Hummel on its research tree in 6.6, or later?

  54. only for clearence: T-28 and T-34 are russian tanks?
    not T28 usa TD and T34 usa heavy, because of dashes...
    in Husky operation those are more suitable, even not present on battlefield, but still american machines...

  55. Please respect historical reality and get rid of the Russian tanks. We lent/leased tanks to you all, not vice versa.

  56. Looking foward to this, might rebuy the pz4 with full crew! :P

  57. "The price for 100% crew when buying it with a vehicle halved"

    Is the price also halved when buying a new crew for a vehicle already in the garage?

  58. you fail to realize what made the allied landing in italy possible. it was stalin who sent two T-54 prototypes to siciliy blitzing into german artillery positions killing them all.

    next time I tell you about objects in normandy.

  59. lol, where did you get that from? i mean not only that stalin would have used every tank for himself, having enough battles to test his prototypes, but the first prototype of T-54 was built end of 1945, long after the end of WWII, not talking about sicily happening in summer '43.
    anyway your story is just ridioulous.

  60. "lol, where did you get that from? i mean not only that stalin would have used every tank for himself, having enough battles to test his prototypes, but the first prototype of T-54 was built end of 1945, long after the end of WWII, not talking about sicily happening in summer '43.
    anyway your story is just ridioulous."

    Are you dense? This was a joke.

  61. "Are you dense? This was a joke."

    oh really? next time better highlight it as a joke if it is as funny as this one. humor does not seem to be your strength...

  62. "oh really? next time better highlight it as a joke if it is as funny as this one. humor does not seem to be your strength... "

    It wasn't my joke, just that of another anonymous poster, but I got it. It was poking fun at the devs for perceived OP Russian tanks.

  63. . . . especially the T-54, and for putting Russian tanks in the Battle of Sicily.

  64. "Launch date:
    Th, July 28, 5:00 - 5:30AM UTC - EU"

    lol right now price is the same, barracks price is the same, crew price is the same. EU server, its july 28, 18:30 so what?

  65. Overlord,

    There is plenty of confusion to why some "what would be winning gold" submissions for the Steel and Light competition were ignored - can you shed some light on the subject over on the WoT forum, because, I too, have no idea why so many were not counted.


  66. Overlord,

    No problem - NinjaFisT figured it out re: failure of submissions.

    WoT needs serious work in these trivial matters like clear explanations including how strict the 'accounting', format, and submissions are.... the willy-nilly, confusing stuff is irritating your community.

    Given so many missed the requirements demonstrates how poorly the communication is on the NA server - maybe in Russian it made sense, but it sure missed in English.

    Don't get me wrong - we love the game - just these things small things are like fingers on a chalkboard....


  67. Sorry, Overlord, back to square one.

    Nothing makes sense on what counted for a submission and what did not.

    Vash8349 submission seems to fit what Ninja thought mattered, but did not count... seems we are all missing the "secret handshake" that is the difference between counting and not counting....

