Monday, July 25, 2011

Preliminary Patch Notes v.6.6

World of Tanks 6.5 - 6.6 preliminary patch notes

- Added new map Siegfried Line;
- Added new tanks: Pz.VI Tiger (P), VK 4502 (P) Ausf A, E-50, Е-75, Е-100, T-15, T-25
- Panther II substituted by E-50 as tier 9 German medium tank, Panther substituted by Panther II as tier 8 German medium tank.
- Added consumable "Engine power boost"
- Free platoons for 2 players.
- Added extra battle tier (tier 1 tanks only) for newcomers - players, who played up to 10 battles
- Added platoon invite filter - "accept from friends only"
- Fixed few errors with display of water waves
- Increased credit income for US tank destroyers M10 and M36
- Increased match-making value for US tank destroyer T95
- Fixed bug when vehicle gets stuck due to critical inclination angle
- Fixed bug when destroyed tanks are displayed as non-destroyed tanks (rare)
- Reworked models of 76mm guns for M26 Pershing
- Fixed errors with disproportional tank icons
- Added machine-gun slot to the model of top turret of IS-4
- Fixed incorrect effect of posts falling on Redshire map
- Fixed error when unused consumables with passive bonus are displayed as used
- Fixed error with incorrect display of crater created when object is destroyed
- Fixed bug on Karelia map: waterline was too far from the shore

Projected release timeline: August 2011.


  1. can we expect it to be in the first week of august or ?

  2. Still no M103 / T110? :<

  3. and when they come?

  4. Q: Overlord,

    I have researched T30 but I dont have credits to buy that tank. What should I do - to get credits and buy it or is it enough qualification to get open T30 in td line and T110 in garage?

  5. Question:
    When will be the shit tracers back? -.-

  6. i think its best to buy it becouse in that way you'll get T30 as destroyer and T110 as Tier 10 when patch for USA tank comes out...:)))

    I hope that this post helped you :D

  7. Overlord!?
    Do you have any screenshots or maps to show us, at whatkind of map this siegfriend would be?

  8. Q:Overlord, will the PZIII/IV get the Hummel on its research tree in 6.6, or later?

  9. delayed, Noooooo...

  10. Q:Overlord, with the upcoming changes to the german medium tree line, will the 3601 become a heavy in 6.6, or will this change be reserved for a later patch?

  11. Question will we be able to see the stats of the new tanks before the patch goes live?????????

  12. Q:"Engine power boost"

    What does that mean?+5% HP?Will it cost gold or credits?

  13. Q: I have researched T30 but I dont have credits to buy that
    tank. What should I do - to get credits and buy it or is it
    enough qualification to get open T30 in td line and T110 in

    A: What you have unlocked will remain unlocked.

  14. Q: delayed, Noooooo. ..
    A: Nothing has been delayed. The update is on schedule

  15. I have already played this patch for two days now, i can say that i like the E-series :)

    The new map is also okay, a field and a town

  16. Q: So this patch does not include the full revamp of the german tree like shown here? (
    So we won't get the Marder III TD line now?

    Also, the answer to the question if the VK3601(H) becomes a heavy in this patch asked above would be very interesting


  17. Q: "Engine power boost"
    What does that mean? + 5 % HP?Will it cost gold or credits?
    A: It will provide extra horse power. Credits.

  18. @Overlord:

    Hi, at the moment i have the Panther and the Panther 2.
    Am i right, that if i now sell the Panther that after the 6.6 Update i will get him back and the Panther 2 will be kicked forever? Thank you so much 4 your blog !

  19. "Added machine-gun slot to the model of top turret of IS-4"

    What is the point of this, aesthetic, or weak point?

  20. Hi Overlord,

    at the moment i have the Tiger 2 nearly ready for buying the VK4502. If i now buy the VK4502 am i able to buy (just the neccessary credits) the E-75 after 6.6 relaese, too without spending xp therefore? Best regards. Thank You. the-viking

  21. Q:"Engine power boost"

    What does that mean?+5% HP?Will it cost gold or credits?

    It adds 15% more Horse Powers for one or two minutes.

  22. I have elite Tiger2, muss be researched E-75 or i can buy it now?

  23. Hi
    Wot about the experience they will be transferable from Tiger I to King Tiger ??
    Wot with the Panther?
    For Panther I u get Panther II wot with experience wot u got on Panther I is going to Panther II or will change for free experience ??
    Wot about invitation for training room coming from unowned persons do u be able switch this off to ??
    cheers for answer.

  24. Free players whining about paying premium finally won the battle ...
    I do think this is a good move for the game. But, is there any plan to "compensate" premium users in some way?
    I do know 3 players platoon is available only to premiums, but this is a very important premium feature now available for free to anybody.

  25. Overlord , what will be the size of the patch ???

  26. Here is a picture of the German Tree:

  27. Q: Overlord , what will be the size of the patch ???

    A: 120-150 mb

  28. anything new regarding arty tracers? thanks

  29. I you researched VK Ausf B from Tiger II you will again grind to research the E-75.

    Experience from Tiger I will be transfered to Tiger II so people might suffer less.

  30. "anything new regarding arty tracers? thanks"


    I dont think thats a priority...

  31. Hey Overlord,

    thx for so much information.
    Is it correct what you said that the EXP from Elite Tiger will be transfer to Kingtiger? And i researched VK 4502 B, so would i get researched the E-75? Please explain it for me correctly!
    Thx and with much greatings


  32. Q: I dont think thats a priority...

    A: It is a priority, however tracers wont be back in 6.6.

  33. no fix for T28(US TD) bugged armor?

  34. There is a new 6.5 tech tree with full statistics:

    Change occurred yesterday so we'll see patch soon

  35. Q: Dear Overlord, The 135 damage will be the final damage for the Panther's L/100 gun? According to the last 3 pages of the topic below, it won't be enough and transforms that famous tank of the Panzerwaffe to an undergunned cannon fooder.

  36. Gold transfer between players in this patch?

  37. Overlord what happens to T34(saw it was removed from this patch),when is it getting removed,and will players that have it at the time of the change still get it as a premium tank?and when is T30 getting replaced?


  38. from

    L/100 gun will be for E50 only:

    8,8cm KwK 46 L/100
    88 Калибр (мм)
    10-10,34 Скорострельность (выстр/мин)
    223/261/44 Средняя бронепробиваемость (мм)
    240/240/295 Средний урон
    0,26 Разброс на 100м (м)
    2,5 Время прицеливания (с)
    3350 Масса (кг)
    Устанавливается в танки
    Устанавливается в башни
    E-50 Turm Ausf. A, E-50 Turm Ausf. F
    Применяемые снаряды
    бронебойный, подкалиберный, осколочно-фугасный

  39. Overlord,When of August is the update?

  40. G-G-G-Grammar Nazi!!!!!

  41. Looks like a few people have been wondering about this...

    Q: Will the Pz III/IV and Pz IV swap tree positions in this patch?

  42. Overlord, please tell us wheter we will get our EU test server for 6.6 in order to test the new tanks. Not everyone has an RU account.


  43. just drop it here to make tou guys happy :)

  44. Hello Overlord,

    I'm happy with every bit of information you give us on here. But it is a bit strange that we have to go to your personal blog to find it, while nothing is really posted on the official forum.

    Apart from that we get a lot of bits that don't really connnect and sometimes even contradict former information. We're missing the big picture.

    Q: Can you post a rough timeline (in months) somewhere with the different releases that are planned and the content that is planned for said releases.

    It doesn't matter if planning changes, but at the moment i have no real idea anymore what to expect. And seeing the same questions as response to your posts, a lot of players ahve the same problem. Thank you in advance.

  45. All ru test server players receive 10 000 gold for testing 6.6 ??
    How to get into test server ?? :)

  46. Hello just a quick question:
    The new tanks to the US line, do you have a eta on the changes ?

  47. 135 dmg for Panther? Why?

  48. So... according to this russian site, the normal panther will also get the 88 L71 and not the 75 L100...
    But who are we now going to trust... a russian site, or overlord? XD

  49. Do you want to nerf the E series? I play with an IS-7, but I can't damage the E-100. It has great armor, great agility and speed, great gun and a lot of HP.

    IS-7 has 2200HP, 150mm armor, 490dmg. E-100 has 3000HP, 200mm, 750dmg.

    Do you think it is fair?

  50. Q: Overlord, are the stats for the E-50's 88L/100 that are seen floating around the real stats for the gun (223 penetration and 240 dmg) or are there different stats?

  51. Those stats are from the test server so I would say real. In theory they could change them before release though

  52. "All ru test server players receive 10 000 gold for testing 6.6 ??
    How to get into test server ?? :)"

    You get 10 000 gold on the test server, you don't get 10 000 gold for testing as some sort of payment on your regular account if that was your thinking.

  53. Are there some new Informations about the tracers? I thought they should be reintroduced completely with the 6.5 patch but they are not active until now.

  54. August????? 31.8. or???

    Can somebody make wideo with Skoda T25????

  55. Patch 6,6 isn't Duke Nukem! XD

    Overlord said already above that the tracers are not going to be fixed with this patch... so still godmode for arty... XD

  56. Hi Overlord,

    Patch sounds great. One question:

    Q: Will the machine gun slot on the IS-4 top turret be a weak spot or just a visual addition?

  57. Q: Panther 1 drop to tier 7 in 6.6 ?

  58. @ Overlord:
    When comes the EU Testserver online with this patch? Or is it canceled?

  59. Will there be a link from the VK3601H to the VK3001P? I am playing the Tiger I now and don't want to go back to PzKpfw IV to go for the Maus...

  60. The tech tree was already set, nobody will change it because of you, deal with it.

  61. Hi there, id like to ask if it would be possible to have the awesome german 75mm L/100 which is tier 8 on actual tier 8 german meds?

  62. Overlord-

    When are the M103 and T110 coming? You people are waiting to long to give the american tree 1 tier 10 tank while the germans get two and the russian second tier 10 is on the way when the swich around happens.......Pathetic.....

  63. Im currently on the 3001p and i dont know if ill get the 3002db before the release of this patch.
    If i dont will i get the 3002db for free? Or will i need to rework to the 3002db? Looks odd to me if i have to. And then will i keep the 3001p? Or will my 3001p be replaced with the db.

  64. Hi Overlord

    Its still actual that EXP from elite Tiger I goes to King Tiger in 6.6.0 path?? I don't see it on preliminary patch notes v.6.6.


    Just read it already! All questions regarding tech tree changes asked here HAVE ALREADY BEEN ANSWERED!

  66. "August" is a pretty broad period of time to project a release date. Are we talking "early August" "Mid August" or "Late August"? In other words, do I have enough time to get from Tiger to VK 4501 before the patch hits?

  67. Q:
    I'm happy with every bit of information you give us on here. But it is a bit strange that we have to go to your personal blog to find it, while nothing is really posted on the official forum.

    A: It's a matter of time mostly. All important info will appear on other resources as well. I am used to "leak stuff" here, you know.

  68. @Tiger Anon

    I kind of doubt it. As far as I know the patch is slated for early August so I kind of doubt there will be time.. unless youre a monster and can get 40kxp a day? heh Maybe with premium services and gold/elite tanks.. I still have to rebuy a KT so I go on and get an e-75. Thing looks pretty slick.

  69. Please Overlord can you tell us when will be the new patch (6.6) applied, aproximately (in weeks please)?

  70. "It is a priority, however tracers wont be back in 6.6."

    What are you guys doing all day? Dont get me wrong, but how long are the tracers now disabled? I think you guys should really hurry up solving the problem with the modable tracer or just enable the tracer again even if its still modable. Everyday there are more artys ruining the game.

  71. Q: So E-50 wont get the same stats as Panther II... Nice armor buff so the hull is like t-54.. When can we expect m47 patton buff or do we get the m48 chassi too finally in one of the next patches?
    You're giving us us tank drivers a hard time... heavys and medium paper tanks, bugged td line (look at t28 and t95..) and only the arti line is ok.. comeon overlord do something for the us tank players.. we have suffered enough.. a good player can't do something versus bugs or even this paper armors.. :( winratio is still high but thats no balance point.. look at stats and clan wars etc.
    I really beg you...

  72. Overlord,

    Urgent question - I am grinding my Tiger II as fast as possible to the VK4502. When does the 6.6 patch come out so I know exactly how much time is left? I wouldn't mind waiting an extra week :-)

  73. Can you give us an estimate when 6.7 will be released?

  74. Overlord,

    I have a vk3002DB and i'd like to reach the E-50 on this line.Panther will be on tier 7, so i have to research it too? That means i've lost a tier?:)

  75. try get the panther 1 before patch, then you get the panther 2 for free and 100% crew on it! RObino

  76. Overlord We see all these Nice things coming out for the USA and the German tanks Is there anything nice coming out for USSR look at the stats on the russian test server from both nations the USSR Look like there at a disadvancage or is it just me?

    Kind Regards

  77. Hey Overlord,
    Can I get a 10.5 cm L/100 gun for my Löwe tank? How about one for my Tiger II (when I get my Tiger II that is) I just want a 10.5 cm L/100 on a German tank. Did those exist?!?

  78. Hi Overlord,
    Your 30th April post (tech trees revised & improved) mentioned new KV variants, yet these do not appear in your new preliminary patch notes. Please let us know what the situation is regarding these items.
    Thank you for a great game.

  79. Russian 0.6.6 test1 Q&A thread, Google-translated: link to the thread

    - Afterburners will be removed for all E-Serie (due to balance reasons);
    - Armor for E-50 and E-75 will be increased (and weight as well);
    - E-50 and E-75 will get 1200HP engines;
    - And some other - read, guys ;)

  80. What to expect after patch 6.6:

    - First we'll get the french tech tree (this Fall).
    - Next - the USSR Heavy Tank line will be modified.
    - Later - changes in USSR TD line (new TDs will be added)
    - and finally - changes in the Germany TD line (new TDs will be added)

    The answers of all (or almost all) your questions were already posted here! You need only to read the blog!!!

    Also - nothing about US M103 and T110. I only hope we will see them this year. But its not a big problem for me, I'm enjoying my T30 and I'm not in a hurry ;)

    Cheers, m4st3r

  81. Just to clarify, it says side armour, not frontal in that thread :)

  82. In Development: Vol. 2
    Preliminary patch notes of v.6.6 update planned for release after v.6.5:

    New map Fishing Bay (working title, subject to change)
    New map Siegfried Line (working title, subject to change)
    New German heavy tanks line: Pz.VI Tiger (P), VK 4502 (P) Ausf A, Е-75, Е-100.
    New US heavy tank М103, a substitution to Т34 as tier 9 US heavy tank.
    Soviet heavy tank IS-4 shift to tier 10 and introduction of Object 252 as new tier 9 Soviet heavy tank.
    New US premium light tank M22 Locust.
    New Soviet premium light tank Т-127.

    The introduction of German medium tank Е-50 in v.6.6 update is under consideration.

    So we will get is4 at tier 10 on 6.6 patch or not?!

  83. No, you won't. Thats old. See this one:

  84. Here are some answers:

    The Tiger and King Tiger are staying where they are in the tech tree, so there's no point in transferring xp from the Tiger to the King Tiger.

    The Panther's guns, as you can see in this post from the Russian server (, will be the 75 L/70, 105 L/28, 88 L/56, and 75 l/100. The damage caused by the 75's, as has always been the case for same-caliber guns of different lengths, will be the same, in this case 135 average hp, the same as it is now for German 75's. Only the penetration increases as barrel lengths increase. The L/100 will have a nice average penetration of 198 mm, much better than the short 88's.

  85. Overlord i know that i wont get answer on my questions on forum so i have to ask here

    what gun will IS4 get after patch 6.7? if it will have less penetration than 260(S-70) so just leave S-70 on IS4

  86. Quote:

    Added machine-gun slot to the model of top turret of IS-4

    Question: Ninja Buff for IS4 turret with new hitzones for its relocation as a t10 hvy?

  87. Hello Overlord. I have a question. I have king tiger, VK and maus all elite (maus is by default). After the petch will my king tiger loose its elite status because i will have to spend xp to open the new E-75 or will be opened since i already have elite status?

  88. Still no M103 / T110? and when they come?

  89. Just to be sure:
    - If you already have P2 as elite, will you get the best engine on E-50 without needing to research it?
    - The top engines of E-50 and E-75 are the same?

  90. Question about XP: Will the unused XP from the Panther transfered to the PantherII?

  91. Q: can you clarify what 'disproportional tank icons'?
    IE does the minimap now distiquish between a higher teir td and a lower one?

  92. I hope Wargaming realizes that Tier 10 heavys are currently not playable in random games due arties? Tracers would greatly relieve this problem.
    -Counterbattery would be again possible
    -You would even had a chance to position yourself best way possible to avoid arty when you see the shot coming. Now you don't have a clue and you are usually dead because it takes only 1-2 shots from arty to kill T10 heavy. (Other than Maus)

    Nice to grind two T10 heavies and be able to use them otherwise than in Clan Wars.

  93. can you remove the boxs at base in this patch

  94. Hey Overlord,

    Is it correct what you said that the EXP from Elite Tiger will be transfer to Kingtiger? :( i saved 165k on my Tiger :(

  95. Total agree with the last comment, tier7-8 artys are too much overpowered

  96. I think artys should be supporting vechicles, but they are now onemanarmys

  97. no they are not. very few arties can kncok our more than 6 tanks. This can happen of course but it is rare. I can mostly kill way more enemies with heavy or medium than an arty. And think that 4-5 kills per battle is normal. What should be changed tho is having 5-6 arties in each team... now thats the problem.

  98. arty is fine, they ARE support tanks, play a few higher level games. RoF is extermely low, when players use terrain will arty does NOT have a good shot, when players move arty has a difficult shot, when arty fires at someone close - they reveal themselves, and are promptly killed.
    arty is NOT overpowered. geez, and this is a non-arty player talking - theghostcat

  99. Will undistributed XP from Elite Tiger be transfer to Kingtiger, as u said before? Plz confirm!

  100. Engine boost removed? HP increased and weight also? What's teh point? OMG Facepalm! That's EPIC! No german tank should go fast! OMG HAHAHAHAHAH :D:D:D It's ridiculous taht every heavy goes around > 30 km/h.. Jf this move is correct, then it was just a great statement! :D

  101. "Will undistributed XP from Elite Tiger be transfer to Kingtiger, as u said before? Plz confirm!"

    It will:

  102. When want to change the M103/M110 ????????
    T34 its to weak :(

  103. Overlord, I have a question.

    What will happen with research when Panther II is switched to E-50? I currently have fully upgraded Panther II, but will I need to research the Tier 10 engine again? Or will it be researched automatically? (Recently spent my xp on Panther II engine, so it would suck if I need to research again.)

    From what I know my engine would be researched automatically with patch, but people have been saying I need to grind another 50k just for the engine.

  104. machine-gun slot for IS-4 is just mistake of patch-note. this slot has been already added half year ago.

  105. for the question about a tank losing elite status for having new stuff to research, it should still be elite, my patton tank is elite still, yet I haven't researched that other 90mm gun

  106. HAHAHA. Sure not opverpowered. Gw Tiger one shoot me always with tier9 T34. If that is not overpowred then i dont know what.

  107. The game need a heavy arty nerf or tier10 med tanks like t-62

  108. gotta be kidding me???!!?! :D L2P and arty wont kill you... If you think arty is overpowered then you definetely DO NOT know how to play this game..and maybe its time to go back to SIMS ?

  109. " gotta be kidding me???!!?! :D L2P and arty wont kill you... If you think arty is overpowered then you definetely DO NOT know how to play this game..and maybe its time to go back to SIMS"

    Oh another guy with that old unreal talk... When u learn to avoid arty games changes into campfest and we all know thats no good. Recently I have been killed by arty only in situations when I want to jump open field or when I was accidently detracked so I have no problem with arty but something is wrong when I need at least two shots to kill arty and arty can oneshot me (u know that situation when your rushes into enemys base and only arty left to kill and that arty is hide in bushes and can blow with oneshot first tank in their sight). Arty shuld be nerfed - 4 shots to kill is enough on that same tier for benefit of satellite view and whole map targeting.

  110. Why is xp from elite Tigers being transferred to King Tigers? Why were people running Tigers and King Tigers in parallel? The new tech trees were released some time ago, and it was clear to anyone who looked at them that the Tiger and King Tiger were staying where they were, and that no new tanks were branching off the Tiger. There was no reason to keep running your Tiger, except for enjoyment, once you had the King Tiger. Why are people being rewarded for not reading the new German tech tree?

  111. Is there any plans to give the T-44 the LB 100 gun? Looking at the stats, it is at a disadvantage vs. the Pershing and a major disadvantage vs. the Panther II. This is mainly due to the fact that the tank is a Tier 8 tank using a Tier 6 gun. The LB 100 does not add any additional penetration or damage, just a slightly increased RoF and accuracy. I don't think this would be overpowered at the tier 8 level.

  112. "Why are people being rewarded for not reading the new German tech tree?"

    Oddly enough, people who had run both tanks at the same time in preparation for the E-75 actually DID read the update:

    We knew of this three months in advance, mind you.

  113. "Oddly enough, people who had run both tanks at the same time in preparation for the E-75 actually DID read the update:"

    Are you reading what I'm reading? The German tech trees, new and old, haven't changed at all regarding the Tiger and King Tiger. The Tiger leads to the King Tiger, and ONLY the King Tiger in both trees. As you stated, we've known this about the new tree for three months. There is no reason to have kept running the Tiger once you had the King Tiger, unless you simply liked to drive it. Therefore, anyone who has been running an elite Tiger has been doing so in spite of all facts put out by the World of Tanks.

    If you want the Porsche Tiger, the tree clearly shows that you can get one ONLY through the 3001 (P). If you thought the arrow leading from the Tiger (P) to the Tiger I was going both ways, then you don't know how to read the tree. No one should be responsible for that error except those who misread the chart.

  114. Absolutely hate high tier arty. It doesn't solve camping. Satellite view arty makes you camp more. Honestly may as well be a Maverick AT missile.

  115. Hi Overlord!

    Is it possible to get information about the estimated credits and XP, we need to spend on Tiger(P), Ausf. A, E-75 and E-100. Would make preparations for the patch much easier.

  116. Really frustrated about the number of high tier artys currently in the game. Just bought the biggest gun on my Panther II yesterday (yes- paid with cash because it was a hard grind for tracks and turret already). Really love it against all tanks but when I got on the hill at abbey taking potshots at 4 high tier artys it took me two rounds each. In the meantime the enemy team capped our base.

  117. Hi Overlord,

    What about the viewing system? Will there be any changes in patch 6.6? I guess you know it does not work very well at the moment.

    Thanks in advance

  118. "This is mainly due to the fact that the tank is a Tier 8 tank using a Tier 6 gun."

    I don't think so, german tankers could dream only about such a gun on tier 6 (and I mean both of top guns - 100 and 122).

    "Looking at the stats, it is at a disadvantage vs. the Pershing and a major disadvantage vs. the Panther II."

    Are you sure? Pershing and Panther 2 keep that old guns from former tier 8 tanks, they got only better armor than previous tanks.

  119. Hehe... all the russian medium driver that got prefered by the old freaky T-54 are now whining about the new *equal* medium tanks...
    And still don't they understand that the programmers can't make tanks with the same stats and they obviously don't want to make it!
    Every nation, every tank haves it own preferences and positiv and negativ things...
    You just have to learn all the weaknesses and advantages of all tanks, not just for driving them, mostly also to fight them correctly ;)

  120. So no more free transfer of the XP i grinded on my Elite Tiger to go to King Tiger ?

    I feel cheated :( , could of used that time to farm for E50.

    Way to go WG, way to go.

  121. hello overlord:
    i know its wrong subject but when can we expect the new german AT's like marder 3 and stug E-100?

  122. Q:
    Weren't you doing to re-classed VK3601(H)into a Heavy Tank? Why wasn't it re-classed on the test server? Will it be changed by the time the patch reaches final release?

  123. Q:
    Weren't you doing to re-classed VK3601(H)into a Heavy Tank? Why wasn't it re-classed on the test server? Will it be changed by the time the patch reaches final release?

    A: This tank will not be shifted to heavy for now.
    Overlord >> Yes, it stays medium. For some time.

  124. Is it true that you (devs) have decided to put the engine and transmission of the new E German series in front of the tanks totally disregarding the original blueprints of the tanks?

    If so, why?

  125. "So no more free transfer of the XP i grinded on my Elite Tiger to go to King Tiger ?

    I feel cheated :( , could of used that time to farm for E50.

    Way to go WG, way to go."

    The XP will be transfered... read all the blog.

  126. Why do you take such long time on Messages , you just answering all of them or the message is in process as in your still thinking about it (in Forum)

  127. Q: quote }'Added platoon invite filter - "accept from friends only" }why not clan only + friends filter

  128. Can you elaborate more on the Patch notes.
    Like how will the Engine power boost work, what will it be available for?

    Tanks being moved around. Do they need to be in any specific condition in your garage?
    Crew and modules requirements?

  129. why ls4 not tier10?why.we waiting since 1 -2 month.working very slow.

  130. when will come the "krokodil" (e-stug) ?

    nxt mounth or end of 2011?

  131. gibs already ne time fürn patch 6.6

  132. so, 31.8. is day for patch 6.6?? thats good

  133. give us the fucking tracers back^^ 15 arty in one game is really annoying!

  134. Hi Overlord,

    what is now with the EU testserver? Please give us some information :(

  135. Q: so, 31.8. is day for patch 6.6?? thats good

    A: It's the top border for the patch. It should come earlier.

  136. @overlord

    Q: is E-79 and Aurele (correct me if im wrong) and the SU-122 really exist or a prototype during dark days in EU?

  137. Ever tried using a T30 against a maus or IS7?? When EXACTLY are they doing something about the U.S. line - and why are they dragging their heels so much? Just about had enough.

  138. oh, great. overlord why dont you release the patch at christmas??? because nobody is waiting for it ...!!

  139. overlord, why the patch is allready released on russian servers??? are they better, or is it just a fact of money? because i think you let the europeans collect more and more exp on their prem. vihicels. and you can than make much more money!!! nice, very nice!

  140. Overlord is not being contemplated by the patch contained platoons icons displayed in the window Clans to distinctly one of the clan drivers retire platoon and have a free place if it was indeed a great and clear. thank AntZ

  141. Well the patch notes said late july - early august, changed to august in overlords blog and the deadline till late august, id say thats a slight delay (more so considering its allready on the russian server group) -.-'

  142. Q: so, 31.8. is day for patch 6.6?? thats good

    A: It's the top border for the patch. It should come earlier.

    free xp check! money check!

    HELL its about TIME! hurry up ...i have nothing more 2 grind!

  143. Q: so, 31.8. is day for patch 6.6?? thats good

    A: It's the top border for the patch. It should come earlier.

    Today answer from Storm/WG: Maybe a patch will be released next week, if the test at the weekend did not identify serious errors.

  144. Q:"why the patch is allready released on russian servers???"

    A: Its not. The patch is only tested on Russian TEST SERVER. There was supouse to be a EU test server I belive but they had some technical problems.

  145. i hope that they will announce m103 T110 change at least week before patch so i could buy again t34

  146. No major changes yet :/ But 2 player platoon for free players is quite nice.

  147. Overlord any date for T30 exchange?
    People said its been pushed back to 7.0

  148. Dakillzor, I was told by a Dev that it will be the 6.7 patch. It was supposed to be this patch, but the US line was not quit ready so they decided to put it off till the 6.7 patch and have the German line in the 6.6 patch.


  150. is much better to test the 0.6.6 patch intensively.
    so next week could be released :)

  151. As a player that has hit Tier 9 in all 3 nations tech tree, I cannot understand the constant whining abt the US tech tree.

    3 US (non-arty) tanks stand out as brilliant fun to play. The M2 light is possibly the most balanced Tier 2 light and I have gotten most of my Top Guns using it. The T29 is the only T7 tank to carry a proper T9 gun and phenomenal frontal turret armor. Again, not invincible but shitloads of fun. The T95 IMHO is actually overpowered. In the streets of Himmelsdorf, I can roll over 3 Lowes cause their gun cannot reliably pen my front but my gun rips open their 120pt frontal armor.

  152. Q: Overlord, if the Testers of the 6.6 Public Test Patch unlock anything on the Test Patch, can the players keep that in 6.6 release?

    Greetings Soviet_Tanker

  153. Q: Overlord, if the Testers of the 6.6 Public Test Patch unlock anything on the Test Patch, can the players keep that in 6.6 release?

    A No lol

  154. Ever tried using a T30 against a maus or IS7?? When EXACTLY are they doing something about the U.S. line - and why are they dragging their heels so much? Just about had enough.

    A usa always come to the battles at last minute and claim the win, maybe this is why the tanks are not as good as the Russians or Germans. So, just wait til about 4ins of game left, join in, kill some, claim the win ;)

  155. 1 Question OVI,
    When this Patch released?? Early, mid or late august??

  156. i mean it will come in this week

  157. How do you uninstall 6.6 Test Patch?

    Greetings Soviet_Tanker

  158. E-100 health increased to 2400.
    New news guys!

    Penetration of 15cm gun increased to 235/334mm for AP/HEAT.
    Reload of 12.8cm gun set to 12.5 seconds.

    Reload of 12.8cm gun for Maus set to 13 seconds.

    Armor of top turret for E-75 will be equal of armor on top turret for VK4502 ausf B

  159. Some of my clan mates and I are arguing about the T34. Will it be removed in the 6.6 patch?

  160. So no change to KV line so far!

  161. Q overlord

    why can't we use wiki now?
