Friday, July 22, 2011

VK 4502 (P) Ausf A

VK 4502 (P) Ausf A - tier 8 german heavy tank planned for 6.6 update. Same engines as VK 4502 (P) Ausf B and almost 27 tons lighter.

And in maximized setup below with top turret and 10.5 cm L52


  1. I like it, is this the elite setup or will it get another turret/gun?

  2. now thats a sexy beast :) i preffer this fron turreted tank instead of vk4502 (p) ausf b.

  3. Q: I like it, is this the elite setup or will it get another turret/gun?

    A: It's a stock setup. Short 8.8cm mounted on default turret.

  4. Yeah it looks already like a racing-car :D vk45 is not slow, but same engines and !27! tons less. incredible.

  5. Q: Yeah it looks already like a racing-car :D vk45 is not slow, but same engines and !27! tons less. incredible.

    A: Uploaded the image featuring maximized setup.

  6. Greeting oh great overlord
    Can you please share with us your great knowledge about the M103? specifically which patch can we expect to get it?

  7. the maximized setup looks like tiger2 which crashed into big wall :-D
    btw any info about stats?

  8. Wait, what? L52? not the l68 the KT gets? :x

  9. I assume Ausf A will have armor thickness between Ausf B and King Tiger?

    And why is it so that it looks so much different than the Ausf B? The hull looks very different.

  10. Nice, looks like i'll have to consider going down the german heavy line after all.

  11. Is it possible to buy this Tank right after the Patch when you have Ausf B already in Garage? Or do you have to grind the XP with lower Tanks?

  12. The damn tank look fat XD

  13. short 88 mm gun???? This must be a joke.

  14. What about Operation Husky Special update, pretty please? :)

    Also, can you comment low penetration of 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 on E100? I know it comes from some leaked source, but I'm not interested about exact stats as much as about the fact that it should have so low armor penetration.

  15. Not possible to buy this tank from Ausf b need to grind the Vk3001p then the Porsche Tiger to unlock this

  16. Like the look of this tank. Who knows, if the stats are good enough, I might just suffer through the VK 3001(P) for it.

    Just one question, though: Overlord, you list the max setup as having the 105mm L/52, the "short" 105. Is that correct, or is it the 105mm L/68, the "long" 105? I'm just wondering, since it seems like this tank might not be very competitive as a heavy at tier 8 without a tier 9 gun.


  17. Tiger II and E-75 are better, don't get the 4502P series.

  18. great Overlord could you please anlight us poor tankkillers, when will we grasp our M18 HELLCATS?

    MR laughing Hyena

  19. Anonymous said...
    short 88 mm gun???? This must be a joke.
    July 22, 2011 5:13 PM

    Grasping for straws to whine, I see! By the time you get to this tank, you'd already have the L/71 researched.

  20. hmm, new food for my ferdinand :-)

    these new vehicles looks so strange

  21. You say the same engines but VK 4502 P Aufs. B uses 2 of them. Will Ausf. A also use 2 or it will have only 1 available?

  22. Overlord,

    Is it safe to assume that the next update after this one will have the M103 and the T110 in it, and if not, when? On this update you all are giving us a tier 7, a tier 8, a tier 9, and a tier 10 German tank. Why can't you all get your priorities straight and give the American tree the TWO heavy tanks it badly needs? As of right now, from my perspective, the biggest heavy tank the americans have is the tier 7 t29. I say this because it is the highest tiered tank that is properly balanced for its tier. The t32 is a decent tank, but the T5E1 on it is just pathetic for a tier 8 tank. Everyone that ended up grinding all the way to the T30, like me, wasted no telling how many hours just to find out that the tier 10 American heavy is really just a tier 7 t29. Telling your customers that a different design team is modeling the two tanks is not a valid excuse any more. You all have waited too long to fix the American heavies tank line. Why do y'all insist on putting this off any longer? If you skip over my question and go on to answer someone else's, it just shows how immature you are being towards your customers, now I will ask it again, Is it safe to assume that the next update after this one will have the M103 and the T110 in it, and if not, when?

    Thank you,


  23. I have a small question about the 15cm KwK 44L/38
    on the E-100 and it is that is the penetration going to stay at 85mm from the AP sells because it would be pointless to use AP at all as HE has 85mm pen as well.

    Thank you

  24. @opposum

    M103 just isn't priority, there are many other things that need update. Game version is still 0.x.x for some reason, its not finished yet. There are many people demanding changes in every single tree, for instance French tanks are not finished at all, same as parts of every other tree. Be patient. It will come sooner or later.

  25. 201 penetration on Tier 8
    Thanks up.

    Why on last screen it got 12,8 gun model ;?

  26. @opposum actually T-29 is NOT properly balanced, it's way ahead of other tier 7 heavys.. more like tier 8... go whine elsewhere..

  27. @opposum. To change the US heavy line, the have to move the T30 to TD, and to do that they have to model 8 more tanks. So to swap 2 tanks, they actually have 2 make 9 tanks (8 td, 2 tanks)...

  28. Hi Overlord,
    that shurely looks like the long 105mm gun, not the short, are you shure???
    Anyway, whats the armor on that thing, and the top speed, 27 tons les arent worth much if it onlčy goes 30 :-)

  29. Will players who haven't researched the VK4502(P) Ausf B yet be able to do so after the patch?
    I have a Tiger II and want Maus, will I have to exp fast and research VK4502(P) Ausf B to get the Maus?

  30. Is it just me or does that porsche turret look way bigger on the chassis than it does on the Ausf B?

  31. Keep them coming! Some day I'll be high enough (in tiers) to have one.

  32. Hi Overlord,
    Thx for the previews of all the 5 upcoming German tanks. From the pics that were posted I really like ALL of the tanks and I can already see myself using them on the battlefield :P Thx for the Gun Info for the E-Series for which I am so grateful to you. Earlier I wasn't sure if the E-75 would have decent guns to be a true T9 tank but now I am sure of its firepower. The controversy surrounding the 15cm gun on the E-100 is really unfortunate but I am sure we need to be patient till the patch is finally out :) In the German Heavy Tree, both the Porsche Tiger and the VK 4502 (P) Ausf A look good and I like both the designs more than I do the E-Series ;) Still it would be great if you told us whether the 10.5cm L/68 gun from the KT will be there for the VK45-A. As said b4, without this gun a VK45-A can never damage the Tier 10 tanks from ANY side. Maybe they can damage the Tier 9s from behind but NEVER a Tier 10 (except the IS-7 but flanking the IS-7 by another Tier 8 is almost out of the question - its just too agile to be outflanked). So there's a BIG doubt over the usability of the VK45-A which can be cleared only if the availability of the 10.5 L/68 gun for the VK45-A is confirmed :) I am waiting to hear your comments in this matter.
    Other than this I have only one more question. I have studied the final German TechTree carefully and have some doubts about how the upcoming changes due to the new tanks will affect players who have already reached Tier 8+. Firstly, how will the Tree change affect the players who have already unlocked the Tier 9 VK45-B IF they don't have the Tank in their garage? IF they buy the tank NOW then maybe they will retain the tank AFTER the update but what happens when I unlock the tank BUT don't purchase it? Will it become locked for me after the update? What happens to the 163k XP I spent on the tank? All that hard work and the XPs - they all go down the drain? Plz clear my doubts on this. Secondly, in the new German Tree, the Pz IV unlocks the VK30P unlike currently whence the Pz IV unlocks the VK36H and the VK30H and the VK30P is unlocked by the Pz III/IV and the VK30H. So after the update what happens to players who have unlocked the VK30P but did not care to buy it? Will they have to grind their Pz IV again to unlock the VK30P? In other words, because of the reorganisation of the Tech Tree they will have to research the VK30P TWICE? I have many friends who skipped the VK30P because of their bad experience with the tank during the CBT and bought the VK30DB instead. What happens to them? They have to research the VK30P once again just to get the Porsche Tiger? LOL I am glad I fought with the VK30P just to unlock the two Porsche engines and I still have the tank in my garage :P Still I request you to clear my doubts about the Tree changes.
    Thats all for now Overlord. Notwithstanding what others have to say about the new tanks, I feel you and your team have done a great job with them and its obvious you guys are trying hard to come out with patches ASAP and rectify the anomalies in the game. So once again, congrats on a job well done as regards the v6.6 update.
    Waiting for your reply.

  33. that gotta be 1 of the uglyest ger tanks i have seen.

  34. The short 105 mm gun is going to be weak for tier8 heavy... :( I know, I know... no german tanks can be at least equal in strenght with the soviet ones...

  35. I, too, would like to know why the King Tiger can use the 105 L/68, but, according to your post here, the 4502 A can only use the 105 L/52--when they're both on the same tier? The 4502 A needs the use of the L/68 to be a truly competitive Tier 8 tank.

    Kalpataru, if you've fully researched and unlocked a tank, it will remain unlocked and available for purchase. If you've partially researched the next tank in a tree, but the next tank in the tree changes with a patch, your research xp would then be towards the new tank, without any loss of xp.

  36. Sideskirt and 4502P standard turm would make the tank a good looking.

  37. Here are some stats for a new German tanks. Remember, this is only test server and data can be changed $)

  38. Working on getting the Maus (Got a T7 Tiger), with the new techtree I am on my way to the E-100 instead of the Maus :| Do I really have to research to the Maus From the VK3001? Pretty much "wasted" exp then.

  39. The new German tech tree has been out for month's now. If you would have paid attention to the tech tree split and when the 6.6 patch is coming out then you would have realized that you should have saved your exp from the VK3001P. Since the patch is supposedly coming out rin the begining of August then you have some serious grinding to do. However if you can grind to the VK4502B then you will be able to get the Maus when the tree splits.

  40. Another fail tank design from Porsche. Porsche should have left the tank designing to Henchel, Daimler and the rest of the guys who knew how to do it properly.

  41. Please Update the screens with normal Image and not 1600 x 989

  42. Maybe it will have the same armor as th vk45b so a weaker gun is needed for balance. The US t32 is already doing fine with a similar gun although less accurate.

    So those who want a good gun will go for KT and those who prefer armor will get the short 105.

    IMO the KT at T8 has the best balance of armor, fire power and mobility.

  43. It doesn't have the same armor as the VK4502PB.

  44. Yeah give the E-50 a clear buff compared to the panther 2 and nobody will play patton anymore... if i see that e50 with these stats and the gungs i'm going to switch too...

  45. Dear Overlord!

    Pls tell me one thing. Why is that the 15 cm KwK 44 L/38 gun has only 228 mm penetration? Why should i develop the 150mm gun when the 128 mm gun has more penetration, more accuracy, quicker reload time and its cheaper. Tehoreticly this is a top 10 tier gun. Let's see. The t30 top gun has 276 penetratin, the is7 has 260. So why, i ask agin why should i buy this gun?? It would be so difficult to put this penetratin a litle bit higher? For example to 250 (just becouse the 128 mm gun has 246 penetration). I have the feeling (and correct me if im wrong) that you developers are doing this direct. Its seem so that always the german tanks are sucking.

  46. I think the 4502A looks sexy!
    Although I already have a KT, I think I'll make the grind all over again,
    Through the Porsche line just to get a hold of this beast!!

    On a side note: you guys are doing a super job at keeping intrest in the gameI and i have been enjoying it since the beta but...I truly feel the KT owners are getting the short straw on this next patch. Each of the other nations got the equvialent tank when the tree split. Sadly it docent seem the German heavy line is getting treated equally as he American and USSR tank lines have been.
    Please reconcider this issue.


  47. Please add mudguard to it like every heavy tank have.

  48. The proportions are wrong.
    The chassi is too short.

    He must look like!

  49. "Sadly it docent seem the German heavy line is getting treated equally as he American and USSR tank lines have been."

    yeah, it would be nice for owners of the vk 3001(P) to get a free panther tank too, since they obviously didnt want to go down the german heavy line and put much effort into grinding for it...

  50. Errmmm... Short 10.5... K.

    You DO realize that compared to the IS-3. There is no excuse to give this tank a gun with 200mm penetration right.. 35km/h speed vs 38km/h speed. 200 pen vs 225 pen. 390 dmg vs 320 dmg. Similar HP.

    The E series tanks look great. All of them are gleaming with hope and awesomeness (Module damage galore?)

    So tell me. are you guys affraid of pissing of your stronger russian player base? Cuz thats what it seems like. I mean you gotta cater to the fans and americans are not your biggest. but we whine the loudest.

  51. Without the long 105mm gun, this tank is bond to fail. Obviously the goal was faster and more agile alternative to the KT, at the expense of some armor thickness...however as I read the stats, Ausf.A is inferior to the IS-3 in every possible aspect. What I expect is this tank to handicap its team, when placed against the other tier 8 heavies.

  52. I think it is to be used like the IS-3, be fast and circle the enemy

  53. He didn't say it wouldn't have the long 10.5 it is only because they didn't show the picture of it that people assume that.

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  55. A number of people have complained about this tanks lack of a good gun, there right. I have one and it's a pain to have tanks lower than you does not pull back, but stays there and shoots you because they know u can't pen them. Give this tank the 105 long, the VK45A turret is the KT turret. That or the 88 46L/100 would make other tanks give respect this tank.

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