Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mystery is Alive

Figure Me Out! contest promising total sum of 30.000 in-game gold finished on June 14th as scheduled and it took me quite a while to read about myself. Well… found out a lot of new stuff about my Mightiness and megalomania,  and what a cool girl I am and who would be Overlord if I didn’t exist…

Thanks, guys! You really made my week!

And as I promised, I am going to reveal my secret to you…

Actually, it is not me who is going to do that… It’s HypnotoadProductions (EU Server). It seems to me he knows me better than me, myself and I do… and this is real me:

You're the link between the community and the developers, with you being one of the devs. You're often seen as a scapegoat when something goes wrong, yet you're only doing your job. None the less people like you more than others developers, because you keep the community updated. One thing I think should be changed in your / WoT behaviour is the acceptance of constructive criticism.

Cheers, mate! You were really close! Yes, I am the scapegoat link… people hate like me (cool!) …and yes, this is all my job!

However, honestly, sometimes I reckon my life should go a way like this:

Who is Overlord? He's the most interesting man in the World [of Tanks].
He once destroyed a Maus... With a LOLTRACTOR.
He once scouted with a Lowe.
Even his enemies name him as their emergency contact.
He's not a wallet warrior, because the premium tanks can't afford HIM.
Your tank will track itself out of respect for him..
He uses the burning wreckage of his enemies to light his cigars.
The Mountain Pass wasn't created by a glacier, Overlord had to take a leak.
Even his beard got Steel Wall...TWICE.
He doesn't always ban people, but when he does, even their parent's kick them out.

(US server), you must have recognized your work. Well, maybe in my next life when I reincarnate and become the real Overlord and not just [censored].

Finally, it was good to know you don’t believe I am a single person whereas I actually am (and not married BTW!).However some of your delusions were quite entertaining. And here goes my favourite one (piece of poetry!):

On forums he's most often found,
dispensing knowledge that will astound.

He posts so much that I now can tell,
He's not one man but a whole cartel !

It's true I say! Its an army of millions,
that write his responses, like good little minions.

And I've heard it whispered in deep darkened corners,
Of the big stick that he uses, to enforce all his orders.

There's ten thousand they say, steeped in programming code,
Two thousand blonde secretaries to lighten his load !

A team of top chefs prepare all his food,
which is served on gold platters by girls in the nude.

And now as I sit, my fear does increase.
For now I await his secret Police

For revealling this truth, I expect ban, not reward.
And when I disappear, Just blame Overlord !

Kudos to Doofus (EU server)! You are the third lucky winner to get your 10.000 in-game gold!

Thanks to all contestants for partaking in this theatre of the absurd competition.

The gold is aleady on your accounts.


  1. Overlord is a kinda Chuck Norris?
    No gold for Druglord, Eu server ??

  2. Q: Overlord is a kinda Chuck Norris?
    No gold for Druglord, Eu server ??

    A: No, the winners were chosen.

  3. Thanks for the prize OL, glad you liked the poem.
    Hope all your minions behave themselves, and may your waitresses remain ..... uhm.. well :)

  4. I can't believe I won.
    *looks around* Seriously I'm baffled.

  5. WINNING! WAY TO GO TxSheepdog and you other guys too!

  6. OMG I won! I never win anything! Thanks you Overlord!

    (runs out to buy lottery ticket...)

  7. Erm, congrats to all the winners, but we don't really get to find out who/what he/she/it is?

  8. Q: Erm, congrats to all the winners, but we don't really get to
    find out who/what he/she/it is?

    Name: Dmitry
    Sex: male
    Age: 23
    Place of birth & residence: Minsk, Belarus

  9. Damn i should have used the "I know your boss" trick :S

  10. D: had your name and I surprisingly guessed your job correctly as well. Guess I should have gone into more detail :/.

  11. Hey Dimi ;)
    I have a question about the T34

    "Additionally they will also get a T34 as a premium tank with the old crew and an extra garage slot."

    Is the t34 an moneymaker after the patch ? Like the lowe or KV5 ?

  12. i like the second one more

  13. Q: Is the t34 an moneymaker after the patch ? Like the lowe or KV5 ?

    A: It will get approx the same profitability.

  14. Overlord, you may want to check your blog for a slight... ah... mistype.

    You called yourself a cool GIRL. Your profile says you are male; so either you lied on your profile or you made a mistake after posting for the father's day extravaganza.

    BTW, I do like the rare times you post on the forums. You always seem to bring just the right info. Sometimes it is info not well received; but sometimes the info can not be good.

    World of Tanks seems to be coming along quite well (in my humble opinion). I know I sometimes come off in the forums as a racist (basically anti-soviet) and a bigot. That outlook (the racism bit) would be an outright surprise to most of my friends in the college I'm attending.

    Thank you very much for your efforts.

    Oh... did you train ChrisK? He is also doing an excellent job keeping us updated... thankless job that it can be.

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