Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day: US Server Special

World of Tanks is a macho game for manly men! Some of these manly men have even sired offspring, making them, technically, fathers. In celebration of Father's Day this Sunday, we are recognizing the hard work and dedication necessary to being a good father by offering a special bonus to every player who has a father (yes, even the ladies!).

Beginning with the June 17th server restart and all the way through June 21th, the first victory of each day, for each vehicle, will be worth 5x normal experience instead of the usual double normal experience.

On top of that, since you've probably spent all of your savings buying something really nice for your father for this holiday, we're also slashing prices on all equipment by 50% for the duration.

Note! Please be informed that there will be no confirmation message for 5x nomral experience gained.



  1. Its Fathers day in the UK as well...why only the US?

  2. UK, Turkey, Slovakia, Netherlands, Ireland, France, Greece, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Belgium all celebrate fathers day close to the dates listed.

    Germany, Switzerland, Denmark also celebrate it during June this year.

  3. James,

    this time only for US server.

  4. Thanks this will be great.

  5. You can add Portugal for father's day celebration aswell...

    To bad EU server doesn't get the 5x XP...

    Wonder why... :s

  6. yeah makes no sense with only US server.

  7. Limiting this to US server is just weird. There's a whole lot of European countries celebrating Father's Day in June so what gives?

  8. Relax, EU will most likely get something exclusive in the future.

  9. There are alot of Fathers days in the EU

    Inc us in the UK

    Making this yank only is out of order and inconsiderate!

  10. pff kinda unfair towards us. there are whole lot players in eu and we even have to pay such prices for gold, yet you give us nothing as bonuses for such a great community.

    if you`r gonna do US only do it on independence day, not on father`s day for christ sake. we feel hurt, u know?

  11. Ok, I'm guessing that although we may have to wait another 10 months for it, the EU servers will probably get a " mothers day " version next year. The advantage is , that beacause they are women drivers we'll get 10x XP instead :D

    Damn, thats gonna get me in trouble ^^

  12. Only giving the 5x boost to American players for Fathers day is akin to only giving it to EU players on say Halloween.

    The implementation of this just doesn't make sense. The smallest amount of common sense would tell you to do it for both servers.

    No idea what Overlords/Wargamings reasons are for only giving it to the US. I doubt they make sense though, if it was say Fourth of July I'd understand and shut up..but its not.

  13. This is in one word, "Bullshit", to screw over the rest of the EU in this way is downright ignorant.

  14. Did russians get 5x xp too?

  15. I guess the US player numbers must be low. Feeling like a mug now.

  16. one qs asked many times.... why onyl US?

    kinda owed an explanation seen as we spend money on the game?

  17. Well... US server has low population? Is it dying?

  18. Hi Ovi, can you slash prizes for consumables too ?

  19. I'm sure there's no need for crying and whining here because this US exclusive event. I'm damn sure we will also get EU only events in the future. More pew-pew less QQ. ;)

  20. Well no more money for the Russians...if this bias keeps up I will not spend another dime on gold.

  21. Absolute bollocks, what makes the US players special?

  22. funny how overlord stops giving answers when the questions get too hard, right OL

  23. come on... fahter's day is celebrated in europe as much as in the usa!

    At least give as confirmation, that there will be a similar europe only event within the next month or so!

  24. Maybe gold buying in the U.S. was flagging, now they can have lots and lots of free xp to convert, count the money boys...count the money.

  25. Discrimination in Europe!

  26. Perhaps we might get a special Eu-Server Oktoberfest week?

  27. Its fathers day in the Netherlands as well and since we make up a huge part of the server population we want the bonus as well!

  28. You should give 10x XP for players who are actually fathers! I can show you some baby pictures-- I bet I can get one of him wearing a Soviet tanker's helmet, too.

  29. "funny how overlord stops giving answers when the questions get too hard, right OL"

    Maybe the answers were already given, so he has no need to respond? Just a thought.

  30. "Maybe the answers were already given, so he has no need to respond? Just a thought."

    While I have no doubt this wasn't Overlords decision, he never did provide an answer. Which is "Why only the US?" because I have no idea how that can be justified for something thats celebrated all over Europe.

  31. Well the precedent of neglecting the EU community is already established (though previously it was in favour of the Russian community), why break with discriminatory traditions now?

  32. What I was implying was that Overlord himself didn't give the answer. The answer WAS given, though!

    As a hint, I'll just say that many of us go too far ahead of ourselves.

  33. I will add Finland the countries that celebrate fathers day...

  34. Guys, EU server will get its own "specials". No need to overreact. This time Russians are not getting anything either, if this can be a sort of satisfaction.

  35. Anyone want Cheese with that WHINE?

  36. Which brings us to the point why pick such a universal, worldwide and family orientated holiday for a American only special. When you have their fourth of July celebrations in a couple of weeks?

    If you'd made a post saying it was for the Fourth of July. I'd think oh good for them, wish it was the EU but that'd be the end of it from my POV.

    Instead theres still been no answer as to "Why does the US only get a fathers day celebration and not the EU?" There has just been basically 'US only, not EU this time'.

  37. So any chance of no longer avoiding the question, and actually telling us why this is only for the US on an international holiday?
    So far all you've told us, is it's just US, it's not EU not Russian, that is simply avoiding the question.


    Nuff said..

  39. Man I had no idea the EU guys could QQ so much, glad I am on the NA server

  40. Nice initiative =)

    p.s. I am on EU server d.s.

  41. Awesome. A 5x event and my computer is in for repairs. Any chance of postponing the event a couple weeks?

  42. I think this is US only to compensate the massive lag we experienced due to the 6.4 update

  43. It's pretty lol that us australians who have fathers day in september will get this, since we play in US Server! :D

  44. Its obviously a PR stunt to try and get more players on the US servers, as they are clearly suffering compared to the european server. Its clever in the way of trying to get more customers, but by using the headline "Fathers day for US only" will alienate the bigger part of the customer base, because its also fathers day for them. A different name would have had a better impact.

    Its a world where you have to be careful, because if you discriminate even the slightest, people will be cross with you and will make their voice heard.

  45. In few months:

    OL: Hey, T34 is new premium tank...
    US players: Hey, why it has 105mm gun?!? It is not T34 it is T29!
    OL: You got Father's day exclusive remember so shut up!

  46. I knew why I stopped playing the game ^ ^
    It is anyway just ripped

  47. you stopped playing the game, but keeps on reading the blog - lol RIGHT!

  48. What will happen on the NA serve when Canada Day (July 1) and independence day (July 4) come along?
    They will probably get 2 or 1 long bonus.

  49. Sometimes you have to wonder what's going on in the heads of the suits.
    I mean, this is so blatantly obvious to cause a good amount of grief with the EU folks.
    Especially considering the fact, that July 4th is just round the corner, which would havve been an excellent occasion to hand out some goodies to the US folks w/o much trouble.
    Not very smart on WGS part to say the least.

  50. Yes it exists, see me in Jita for your free "Gift"

  51. EU server already had something like this, so i think you shouldn't complain.

    For those who don't believe this, here is the link:

  52. That was a server-wide event you doofus, the US had that too.

  53. bad news. in poland is father day too/. Why US have a gift but UE and RU no?

  54. It is probably because on US servers they need more higher tier tanks, or in US they do not celebrate "the end of WW2 in Europe" the way Europeans did beginning of May and most US players missed the 5x bonus back then. Or then again maybe not. Don't get angry because of this, not worth it.

  55. its not fair overlord !

  56. Well, Overlord did say we will get our own special event, so I look forward to that. Yes, it may seem a little unfair as a lot of other countries celebrate Fathers Day on the same day, or there abouts, but we will get our own. Soon hopefully :)

  57. how gay is this.. only us?!

  58. 1.: I am on the Eu server
    2.: I think it is a good opportunity for the US players, good for them
    3.: I have no bad feeling about it

  59. !!!!!!!!!!!! So much complaining !!!!!!!!!

    Now for a serious question, I am not a father, can I still get the bonus? lol

  60. It is good to celebrate fathers. Here in North America, feminism has wrought havoc on families and misandry is out of control in the judicial system.

    We can learn from the Russians

  61. Overlord!

    Tomorrow's my CAT's birthday, I demand half price on gold ammo for the entire 24 hours my Cat's birthday.

    I demand also a WoT T-shirt (size: Medium Cat).

    Accmplish or I ban you or something.

  62. all your XP are belong to US - only

  63. why are only the US getting this? the UK father's day is the same day as the US but the EU server gets nothing? what the hell?

  64. You deleted my previous comment.. It wasn't offensive I just wrote what I think is true and it seems I hit the bulls eye so you deleted it. Not only you are discriminating some groups you also want to hide facts that not suit you. How low.

  65. I just shows how hard you want to get into US gaming market. It's ok, unless you start to discriminate some groups over others.
    That is also why you are buffing up US tanks. To make them feel powerful therefore getting even more US players. Soon everybody will be playing US tanks. Nice politics

  66. Are we going to get some thing for Statehood Day (June 25) both Slovenia and Croatia celebrates it.

    What about Flag Day (June 26) in Romania?

    I want something!!!

  67. rather curious your whining about this... what about all the time you got to play the game before it was available in the us?

  68. Well it is obvious right? The NA server has the best dads of course we are being singled out for our greatness. All your kids are bastards.

  69. We played european beta and then north american beta and then launch, so that was fair to everyone.

  70. They are giving the US server this one so they can give the Russian sever something extremely nice next time.

  71. the US plays war - the europeans pay the bills. simple as that...

  72. ow yeah AMERICA!

  73. I'm a father of 6 kids, I spend already 300 € onthis game even though I'm unemployed. We don't have good food anymore and drink only water. But my wife is happy for me spending 8h a day on WOT. I care less about the 5x bonus, but can you hand out a prize for the first player who unlocks a whole tech tree? I would love to by good food again. Thx

  74. lol, obvious troll is obvious :P

  75. Hey Overlord, sort of off topic but, is it true that the Russian server gets the 0.6.5 patch on June 18th? Just speculating, I am guessing the patch comes out next week for US and EU.

  76. More wag, less bark.

    I for one appreciate that there must be marketing reasons for this decision maybe the yanks are lagging behind the rest of the world, skill wise.

    To keep the game competitive server to server they may need to give them a 'leg up' :P

  77. Overlord, I hope nobody post this new in my portal, so it make a widespread disappointment and anger to envy those who can get the x5, I hope it will not produce a new departure of SGI's players from World of Tanks after all the effort made to revive the team. Please tell me something about next similar bonus for european servers, so I can calm people.

  78. The only fair thing now would be to make a special events at Christmas for the EU and RU ONLY!

    Christmas is also celebrated in the US, so it would be fair to exclude them for a special event at Christmas... But I guess that isn't going to happen... They favor the US...

  79. thats HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sux USA

  80. aaah well, fathers day was about 3weeks ago here.. thanks for caring about europe

  81. yanks said their server was laggin pretty well, so i guess thats why...

  82. I've got a suggestion.
    Add an option to turn off the engine:
    + more camo
    + little more accuracy
    - can't turn
    - starting them will take some time
    (Mainly for TDs and SPGs as I think it would lead to more camping from normal tanks side.)
    So, is it possible the devs will add this ?

  83. Come on its so obvious why its only in US and not in EU, especially here on balkans, we call even the language mothers language because fathers couldnt get a word to say. That's why EU is so peaceful and US is so warmongering :) (no offense to US players we love you for keeping our freedom and things like that XD)

  84. Yay, its a bonus of 12 battles!
    In the time you guys are complaining here you could have done a battle...
    Kinda fun to see ppl rage when the game rules too w/o events, but when they see some and cant get it you "pay for it and demand equal treatment and such".
    Well, has anyone of you ever spent gold on special events? no? Then be better happy when you get one, or else you could also start whining you pay and therefor le want a tier 10 tank... Cmon, grow up

  85. Well growing up is also accepting the others point of view, so let them complain while i let you appreciate accepting everything without complaining.

  86. Clearly, the 5x promotion is a way to drain gold from your account. Obviously the US server is paying more and this is a way to generate revenue. Basic economics guys. Those who pay get more than those who don't.

  87. LOL I feel really bad for you sometimes Overlord. Though we don't know who you are persay! lol You have to take the brunt of so much bull all the time its kinda sad... How do you pick which individuals to respond to and which to not?

  88. Sorry this may be a misleading question but in the next patch,my Panther II gonna be replace by E-50,so my equipment(vent,rammer,vent) gonna be replaced or not ?

  89. This is so funny, it's sad. The level of childishness and the ridiculous culture of entitlement in these comments is simply and truly unbelievable. FFS children, stop your whining and complaining, grow a pair, and grow up!

    Many thanks for the x5 promotion on the US server, Overlord. I, for one, won't be one of the immature whiny little brats bawling for "equal treatment" when the EU or Russian servers get their own promotional events.

  90. thanks for the 5x xp helped out alot. RU and EU servers will get theirs so just wait it out.

  91. Q: Sorry this may be a misleading question but in the next patch,my Panther II gonna be replace by E-50,so my equipment(vent,rammer,vent) gonna be replaced or not ?

    A: It will be sold.

  92. Q: How do you pick which individuals to respond to and which to not?

    A: I use random-number generator. ;)

  93. Any chance a 5x xp event comes to the EU servers before the new patch hit?

  94. You all need to stop complaining! You're acting like a bunch of spoiled children. Overlord clearly stated that EU server will get it's own exclusive specials, so stop whining before the Devs decide to not give anyone anything in the future, just to make it 'fair'.

  95. Any action about 70th aniversarry of Operation Barbarossa?

  96. an in game positive event aniversarry for the start of barbarossa would be bad form. the germans were the bad guys and that campaign lead to a whole lot of misery. Not to many of the soviet high school graduating class of 1941 survived the war.

  97. i've heared that ONLY EU and RU server will become a christmas tree in there base this year
    so dont care about a useless 5x multiplier

  98. Q: Any action about 70th aniversarry of Operation

    A: Sorry, but that would be too controversial.

  99. What happen to 5x exp today??? it only give double

  100. There is talks about having half price conversion to free experience can you confirm or deny this so I know wether to wait for this before converting $6k gold worth of xp lol

  101. how about an EU only event to mark the fall of the berlin wall? it even has links to WW2.

  102. What happen to the 5x bonus today? I thought it is in effect through June 21st. Right now its 945pm CST June 21st. So it should still be in effect...

  103. Q: Any action about 70th aniversarry of Operation

    A: Sorry, but that would be too controversial.

    Q: Ok, and what about Battle of Kursk, i think this is ok, no controversial, breaking point in eastern front. 4.7. 1943 - 20.7.1943 Result Decisive Soviet victory. And Battle of Prokhorovka 12.7. 1943 was the largest tank battle in military history. Pls dont missed this. Thanks

  104. Just read it on russian dev blog:
    European server will have its special event, too. Every Player will receive the new german premium Tier 10 tank for free:

    sloped armor is nothing compared to a sloped belly.

  105. Q: What happen to 5x exp today??? it only give double

    A: The 5x event is over.

  106. Q: There is talks about having half price conversion to
    free experience can you confirm or deny this so I know
    wether to wait for this before converting $6k gold
    worth of xp lol

    A: These are rumours. Not planning to do so.

  107. is it true that they are changing the s-70 on the is-4 to a lower caiber gun?

  108. That event was nothing but trouble for me, my partner wasn't happy with the amount of times I said "Can't, I'm in battle"...

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