Tuesday, June 4, 2013

[WoWS] SheeepS!

May be a bit late, but still here goes the new E3 World of Warships trailer.

Expect more news from the expo.


  1. Sweet. Now, how do I get into the alpha? ;)

  2. So - Carriers with planes will be "arty" of WoWS? Can we have movie from actual gameplay? Maybe on E3?

    1. Afaik, there will be a closed press demo only.

  3. FINALLY some info on game :) Well you know what will be funny when carrier players type i"m out of planes :)

    Like i said before can't wait for WOWS!!!!!

    P.S. Pls arty whiners don't start whining about Carriers not yet!

  4. Video is great. Would love to participate in alpha.

  5. I'm waiting too, i was hoping that alpha comes on spring, looks like you are delayed :( .
    What i really hope is that minimal hardware requirements won't be higher than WoWs. And yes, it would be great to get alpha access :P .

    1. Need to spend some more time polishing ships. 2013 is for WoWP.

  6. hoping for real gameplay footage, not cinematic trailer like WoWp did at last year

  7. Yea great Video I just hope the quality is on same lvl make maps as big as they r in WT :)

    1. Maps are somewhat about 50x50 and 60x60 km. Much bigger than in WOWP

    2. That's good news I am sure most of us like to see larger maps in WOT

  8. Very nice vid!
    But i am afraid of WoWS will be just hack and slash.
    How can you take cover on the ocean? How can you hide from other ships?
    Maybe you can face the enemy frontally so he cant shoot your side to pen easily, but then he shoots the deck or anything on it...
    Will it not be just like in the movies when two middle age shipps battle side to side sooting each other and the ship that sinks faster will be the loser? But both ships are severely damaged after the fight...
    Ships are too slow to evade shells...

    How is gameplay supposed to look like?

    1. Instead of cover, the key to hiding from the enemy is to keep their spotter planes out of the sky, because the battle distances are too far for ships to directly see each other, aside from the occasional destroyer. You can also hide behind mountains and the like, because there will be no pure ocean maps in WoWs.

      You face the enemy broadside on in order to bring your full weapon strength to bear, unless you're a carrier, in which case facing the enemy front-on would be good to get your planes over to them as soon as possible.

      Ships will evade shells by turning in a different direction and counting on the enemy to not be able to accurately predict where the vessel will be by the time it traverses the 15-20 kilometer distance.

      The above information is primary from direct statements in the FAQ, with the occasional slight extrapolation.

    2. Basically correct.

      Maps are quite big (about 60x60) and there is some space to hide and sneak to the enemies unnoticed. Firing range is about 20-25km, but it's not very effective at that distance.

      Current gameplay is already rich and tactical mainly because ship classes have distinct roles and specs.
      Shame on me, I'm not a ship-guy to enjoy it as much as others in our team do. :)

    3. I'm RMS_Gigantic on the North American server, and if you ask WGA who I am, they will likely know and even be able to tell you that I am positively obsessed with this particular game :P

    4. I don't need any extra proof. :)

  9. Please...
    Pretty Please!
    Please pretty please with sugar on top?

    Hurry up the development of WoWS... forget about puny warplanes.
    This one is the one to go! :p

  10. Current estimation is Q3/Autumn/Fall this year

  11. WG has never released a bad trailer yet. Still waiting for actual ingame trailer, even a short one.
