Tuesday, June 4, 2013

[WoT] British Arty Leaked

British SPGs got leaked.


  1. I like such attitude toward leaks.

  2. Well it's not a leak if it's sanctified by Wargaming :) I thought TheJoves is one of the "good guys", who are on really good terms with WG, but yes, I found it really odd WG would release unskinned tanks.

  3. Overlord can you give us an insight into the design of that Tier II?

    Why did the Dev's choose to strap a WWI AA gun (of which only 6 were made) to a Carden Loyd chassis (an unarmored hull normally, although some thin armour plates could be added to sections of the hull)?
    Why use the AA gun, why not a normal field gun? At least that makes better sense.

    And why is it many of the tier 10 British tanks made up? That arty piece, and the heavy tank for examples.


    1. I really have to poke Yuri Pasholok regarding the guns, cause I'm not really knowledgeable on Brits (sorry for that).

      As for tier 10 heavy, we didn't find anything more suitable. Vickers MBT was more of a medium.

    2. Have you got a better HT 10 option?

    3. There's three options really.

      1: Chieftain. either prototype (1959) or production. Speaking to most of the posters on the EU forums, that's the preferred option.
      Of course you might be saving that for a similar role as the M60, which I got the feeling will be a unpopular move.

      2: "Super" Conqueror.

      Its a Conqueror with extra armour packs, creating thicker spaced armour. Equally there was a Conqueror test which had something like a 1200 HP engine.
      That gives you a much faster, better protected tier 9. Stick upgraded ammo in and you can upgrade the weapon. It continues the British tanks thing of bluring the line between meds and heavies.

      If we're making stuff up; a FV215a. That was planned to be an AVRE. As far as I know there were no designs drawn up for it. However at the time there were studies and testing for AVRE guns, including a 7.5" (that's a 190mm!) weapon!
      So take a FV215b hull, have the turret forward, and give it a 7.5" gun, that'd give it a role. The only Tier 10 Derp monster.

      and on that last note, how come most of the British tanks have their HE versions utterly messed up?

      Its either the wrong historically incorrect, and unbalanced weapon:
      See here:

      Or its utterly missing such as the 6.5" guns mounted on the Churchill MKVII, or the 6.5" or L9A1 missing from the Centurion.

      If WG.net wants to fix or tweak stuff with British tanks, I'll be happy to help!


      PS: Overlord I sent you that email you wanted.

    4. Going to discuss this with Serb and others. Thanks for summing things up for me.

      PS: Sorry for delay. Will reply in 24h.

    5. No worries. Not like there's any haste ;)

    6. Chieftain Prototype is the logical choice.

      Our logic is flawless, we cannot be defeated...

    7. Here's my thread on the Chieftian prototype:

      Easily summed up by:
      "What we have for the tier 10 British heavy isn't even real. Yes, there were plans to make the FV215b, but the version of the FV215b in-game is almost 90% made up. Now, the replacement for the FV215b should be a Chieftain prototype of some sort (there were six different prototypes of the Chieftain, apparently from 1956, still in this game's time frame).

      The Chieftain would have good armor, yes, but would be slow. Very slow. Remember back when Wargaming said: "The British will have small guns; but lots of armor"? What do you call the FV215b? All armor, no gun? Hardly. So give us a tank with lots of armor, but a relatively small gun; The Chieftain (Compared to the IS-4/IS-7/Maus/E-100/WZ-113/WZ-121, yes, 120mm is a rather small caliber with a lot of bad RNG). Currently the FV215b has little armor, but a very fast-firing gun. This would be switched around, so that this Chieftain prototype would have more armor, but in exchange; a lower RoF. Accuracy and dispersion/aim-time would most likely stay the same however, if not, it would be better."

    8. I like Super Conqueror so far. Going to do some further research.

    9. The spaced armor Conqueror is not that good of an idea in my opinion. While it would be a nice upgrade, they should save that for the add on armor as equipment that will be available eventually.

    10. Overlord the details are here in this PDF:


      Appendix 1.

      So its 20mm spaced armour on the hull, and 14mm on the turret. However that's all nearly rounded and sloped. The Stand off range seems to be about 6-8", total weight increase was 2,420 pounds.

    11. From FTR blog.

      - it's possible (and desired by SerB) that the Chieftain prototype will be introduced into the game, they are looking for proper data for 6 months already, SerB promised to rush the search

    12. You can thank Listy and me for that. :)

      On a serious note, going to do some more research.

  4. Hi ovi, can you say us, what is this arty? I see that it is on FV215b (conqueror) chassis but what is the name?


    thx, sry for my bad english :)

    1. Can't see the suspension. Looks like Conqueror Gun Carriage, top tier SPG.

  5. I'd rather you add a comment about missing ones. And that Sexton was meant to be premium - i guess it got mistaken with regular tier 3?

    1. On Regular Tech Tree is Sexton II, while the premium one is Sexton I,

  6. Hey there Overlord,i know i am not really supposed to talk offtopic,but i will take mychances :)
    Are there any changes comming to the FV4202 in the future?Specifically about the top speed,which is severly limited and not historically accurate,and about the internal gun mantlet,which is inexistant ingame? I have managed to penetrate the area where the gun is pointing out of the turret with a 200mm gun,which is very dissapointing.

    I know you are very busy,but if you could anwser these questions,you would please not only me,but every one who plays the FV4202 :)
    Thank you :)

  7. Dear Overlord send my love to serb!

    - Argentinian branch of vehicles is planned

    Where is the "leak" for that beatifull branch?

    1. Q: бразильская ветка танков планируется?
      A: Только аргентинская

      It's theoretically possible SerB meant only a couple of Argentinian tanks (Nahuel and Patagon are the only ones I can think about, with a couple of local conversions I think). TAM is way too new to be introduced.

      Argentinians had a couple of American tanks, like Shermans, they also had some Fireflies and an interesting Crusader SPG conversion, but nothing you can build a whole branch out of I think, unless WG procures some totally unknown plans/data or they make something up.

    2. He obviously didn't mean the entire branch. ;)

    3. Well, in that case I guess we are getting only the Nahuel (how does one transcribe it to Russian by the way? "Нахуйель?" :) )

    4. I pretend that I didn't notice that.

    5. Sorry... :) Just heard it the other day and made me laugh... my sense of humor was always quite childish. Either way, I apologize for the rude word.

    6. Still the tank's name does sound cute in RU.

    7. Also the Nahuel have a little "Puma" NOT A LION! It's very cute :)

      check the spoiler, lots of pics, and the detail of the Puma in the side armor.

      BTW, still waiting the Pulqui in WOWP... :)

  8. way off topic, but can you give any insight on the RU 251 tier 8 lt?any chance it will be in the upcomming versions?

  9. Dear Overlord, why oh why has the HESH issue been ignored? The ammo is useless and unreliable, it is suppose to be a "Balancing point" of the British Mediums. The slow speed rubbish cammo and poor armour is balanced by what? a slightly worse gun than the leopard!

    And why oh why has the Heavy got a better RoF than the medium?

  10. Any idea when that video will be given a translation into English?

    1. You want Wargaming to translate leakvideos to English? :) Yes, it IS a regular leak, not a Wargaming one (some people were pretty pissed about it).
