Thursday, November 15, 2012

[WoT] Live Long And Prosper

Back in late October 2012 we carried out a series of internal meetings dedicated to middle- and long-term planning for World of Tanks, paying attention only to really global and strategic issues of how the game will develop in 2013 and further.

The master document compeleted as a result of those talks contains 25 pages of new features that can be broken into 2 main categories:
  • things that are currently in-game, but are not polished / working properly (sometimes annoying) - have to be fixed in the foreseeable future
  • things that will make the game much better in the long run.

So, expect surprises in 2013. :)


  1. Are you going to publish excerpts of it here? :D

  2. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts! :D

    or rather "Brace yourself, Winter is coming!" ? :D

    1. We are not Greeks :)

      So everything is going to good.

  3. Where does new crew skills rank on that list? Can you give us any hints on what they might be?.

    1. Maybe It was in my head, I was sure it was mentioned at some point more crew skills might be introduced, I guess that's not going to happen then?

    2. That's not the priority at this stage, however when it comes to "more of everything", ie - tanks, maps, achievements, skills, etc, we are positive. However one should bear in mind, that in case of introduction of new skills, crew XP reset is unlikely, since we did last time.

    3. I had hoped if they introduced more skills they would reset crew XP again, oh well plenty more to look forward to anyway, cheers for the reply.

  4. Will ever be some infantry (bot or human) lurcking between the tanks? That would bring your game to a new level.

    1. Introduction of any infantry will require huge amount of work - both technological and design. That's going to be a totally different game with different gameplay, so we have to balance all pros and cons of that decision.

    2. I can imagine there is required a lot of work to implement infantry.

      But you could do so much more in dept with infantry. They could have ranks, specializations, weapons etc etc.

      I think WG got both the man and financial power to make such things happen.

    3. Definitely we have, but it's clear that this is a long-run opportunity.

    4. sounds more like "World of War" to me, surely I would like the idea of replaying the Normandy Landing on a big map with ships from WoWS, planes from WoWP strafing the tanks from WoT...

    5. Tanks, airplanes, battleships and infantry would require a map way bigger compared with what our engine can support now.

      But tanks and infantry could play on a 1km x 1km map. For tanks its already in use and its fine, for infantry to run for 1 km its more than enough as well.

    6. Maps in WoWP are now up to 15x15 km, and in WoWS up to 60x60 km or smth that's because both requirements and technologies are somewhat different in all 3 games, even though they all use BW engine.

    7. Opferlamm113,

      World of War might be a concept for a totally new game. :)

    8. They are 60x60 but keep in mind of the details. It would be another thing to have a map of 60x60 but not filled with water ;)

      Anyways, such a project would be ready in 3-5 years (optimistic) and harware could catch up so you can unload some hard work form the engine to client side.

    9. "OverlordNovember 15, 2012 4:26 PM


      World of War might be a concept for a totally new game. :) "

      That means I am hired?

    10. i think you'd have pretty good chances with the "World of War" concept, since there are currently no good games available in that genre.

      Years ago the Battlefield-series served that sector, but they turned away from it and produce some CoD-like sh**

    11. World OF War? yes please do it like Creative Assembly Total War Series in that Developer they limited only Napoleon Total War, not stretched into World War 1 or 2 timeline, why cant wargaming build taht game genre too? but in world war 2 theme

    12. I like the idea in general, however this setting would be more suitable for WWI - infantry, slow and cumbersome tanks, field artillery, first warplanes. WWII - is far more fast-paced and tactics is much different.

    13. If that happens I'll stop my finance job so I can Alpha and beta test! Haha I've been wanting a WW1 game for ages.

  5. 1) things in game
    - rebalance of arty (lower dpm, non arty mode, limit of arty, filling up arty trees with new T3-T5 arty)
    - rebalance of scouts (nerf some scouts to better match national characteristics, fill up tree to T7-T8)
    - rebalance TDs (rebuild french tree, nerf some T10 TDs)
    - rebuild german HT tree
    - rebuild Brits med tree
    2) things to implement
    - proper PvP endgame content (opertions, historical and garage battles)
    - implement PvE content (single and coop missions and campaigns)

    1. PvE would finally give the player the possibility to play lets say a Tiger, or some coop-platoon of tigers/panthers/is-2/whatever that is OP without anyone crying around since the enemy, lets say 50 sherman or something, are not player controlled but still challenging to destroy due to the sheer amount

    2. Cause it's fun too - I can imgaine coop missions for meds like escort or destroy conwoy, scout sneak-in missions, jagers defence or heavies assault missions, there is a variety of mission to implement which could be either joyous and challenging.

    3. PvE content is expensive in terms of production and can be a potential threat to main PvP mode. Plus it can be more difficult to monetize which doesn't mean we never implement it.

    4. you can sell them as premium addon

    5. Not exactly our model to sell DLCs, our content is free (barring prem tanks).

    6. Or unlock it after player reaches specific tier.
      Or make coop limited to premium users.
      Or make specific historical tanks for it to grind.

    7. a posible use here could be that wargaming creates some tools, and the comunity can make the scenarios, but i have to admit this is a bit unlikly to hapen, since one needs very good control of this so only the good content comes out

  6. there are 2 major things that would make me get back to WoT
    - rework the reward system so it does not punish people for being in the losing team
    - actively combat bots, AFKers and similar farming techniques

    otherwise I have no more interest in this game
    a game that is flooded with bots because of it's economic system doesn't deserve to be played

    1. Here is an exampel I just dug up from the forums ...

      not exactly about bots but close

    2. elaborate .. when a wining team member that does nothing and gets more XP and Cr than a top player in the losing team because of the win bonus - this is not right!

      also this is promote ppl farming and not playing the game

      also the huge discrepancy between standard and premium account does not help
      I would buy premium because I feel like the game deserves not because I can't make enough Xp and Cr to advance

    3. Folterknecht,

      Thanks for the link. Besides the fact that Snib made multiple errors in simple math calculations and that he expects his readers to believe that the only variables that mattered in those after action reports are the ones he says matter, it was an excellent read. :-p

    4. That thread has nothing to do with Snib ... .

      It just illustrates how fucked up the current XP-System in Wot is. It favours noobs and morons while the guys that actually win the battle for the those morons only get a little bit more XP.

      And if you write to support about a guy that bots on a regular basis (as can be seen by his statistic - 40% WR, 0,1 Kills/battle, avg dpb on every tank equal to 1 penetrating hit per battle) you get some stupid reply.

    5. I don't know who Snib is other than reading that inane post you linked to. If you linked to a known botter and lifted him up as a shining example, that's on you, not on me. I certainly don't support what he is doing if that's the case.

      I'm just pointing out that his post provides no evidence for the xp system favoring anything or anyone. Literally, there is no evidence there. There are three screenshots, some bad math, and the rambling of a guy who is convinced that there is a conspiracy to reward bad players.

  7. Pardon me for stepping in but I thought that the infantry inclusion was expressively dismissed because Wargaming would be forced to put a 15+ age requirement on the game, because it would contain "killing people"?

    My personal opinion (thanks god this isn't the Russian thread, 14RO would be imminent) is that infantry has no place in WoT, but as the devs (rightfully so) make the game the way they see fit, I can only hope this will be considered really carefully.

    With kind regards

    PS: thanks for giving your attention to the translation thread, I am sure posting this blog link there will give the guys and me plenty to talk about :)

    1. I dont know why we are afraid of 15+, curently its 13+, how many people of 13 and 14 years old play this game and actually pay?

      WoT player base its pretty mature, wouldnt mind to see dead infantry. Even no, in our actual WoT I wouldnt mind for the open top vehicles to actually see the crue and not a ghost-driven-tank.

    2. Davian Thule,

      you are right regarding the age requirements, such a game is likely to get 12/13 or 16, depening on territory. We are now Pegi 7 by the way (Teen for US).

      And have no worries, this by all means will be carefully thought about.

  8. hello ovi

    talking about surprises...

    is there any christmas present this year?

    1. I guess, you know that I won't tell you right now. :)

    2. @ I Love Tanks

      Most probably T1E6, tier 2 US medium. You will easily find details with the help of Google :)

    3. That was as good as confirming it :)

  9. Overlord you wrote an article and said nothing. Does this have any point? We all know you will continue to work on WoT in 2013 or maybe you got worried that we think WoT is finished? If i ask some question i know the answer will be - classified or i can't tell you that so wtf? :-)

    1. Nothing? Nope! I did say SOMETHING. Project development is taken extremely seriously and we have got long-term and detailed goals - that's the message. Many believed that after 8.0 release with new physics and new graphic render, WoT will run out of new features and will only get new content. That's not true.

      As for questions, you can try first. :)

    2. Larger maps; larger teams?

      Historical battles?

    3. Of course. Especially the first two.

    4. Please, not larger teams as obligatory mode. The bigger teams, the lower is one player influence on the battle. If I like to play a lottery, I play lottery, not WoT :)

    5. This is being researched atm, first off we need to overcome the technological challenge.

    6. Ok i'll try with this questions and i bet none will get concrete answer:

      1. When will clan wars get out of beta?
      2. Will you nerf T110E5 and if yes when?
      3. Do you agree (based on your stats) that T110E5 is OP?
      4. Did you detect bugs in spotting mechanism (not being able to see tank like lorraine 40t 10m away with a coated optics installed and 100% crew sounds like a bug to me)?
      5. Do you think that you overdone slipping for t-50-2 and dealing t-50-2 when can we expect its exchange for other tank?

    7. Sorry i forgot one more question... Do you plan to make better support for ESL tournaments in WoT client so that improvizations like entering training and playing maps with imaginary borders are replaced with something more sophisticated. It would be nice to integrate WoT client with ELS and give it better support. If yes - when :-) ? Thx.

  10. I have a question. This has been brought up many times but we never got a solid answer. Will Rocket Artillery have its own tree (tier 2 - tier 10) or will it have 2 or 3 pieces per nation (tier 8 - 10)? I ask this because many nations used trucks as the bases for their mobile Rocket Launchers and some used a trailer set up (like AT Guns).

    If your cant answer this question, just say something about Rockets and WoT :) !

    PS: Thank you Ovi for dedicating so much time to this blog. Its just like the old days where all the cool and new info are available here before anywhere else.

    1. Rocket tanks might be a good thing for mid-term future. For now, we are considering Brummbaer and Sturmtiger as a part of assault tank branch.

    2. overlord are the brummbaer and sturmtiger being tested already or has the work on the models yet to begin ?

    3. Might the Sturmgeschutz III ausf A/E and the Heuschrecke 10 or Sd.Kfz.165/1 be possible parts of that tree Overlord? Sturminfanteriegeschütz 33 might also fit that kind of tree maybe.

    4. conrad i think the stug 3 with the short 75mm was in late alpha or early beta

    5. Models are ready, we now have to balance those vehicles proprly which is not easy, find them a nice niche in the game and release window.

    6. soooo........screenshots soon ? :$

      oh and another questions, these vehicles will be premium or not?

  11. Two short questions concerning crew in the future of WoT:

    1. Will it be possible to change the primary role of a crew member, for example retraining a Radio Operator to a Gunner?

    2. Will it be possible to to spend Free XP into crew members in order to train their skills/perks?


    1. 1. Not considering any concrete options for now, however we do plan to overhaul the crew specialization system.

      2. This is again under consideration.

  12. Hi Overlord,

    can Open Topped Tanks, SPG, or Tank Destroyer filled by Crew/Human Animation? beside Mod that currently Exist

    In Airplanes (WOWP) had a pilot, that means any Human in it, so why can't WOT too? at least if That Tanks Destroyed the crew will be disapeared just like Mod remodel no blood and no body throw over..

    i know it has been discussed before regarding to ESRB or Rating or etc, and why it has pilot animation in WOWP when WOT has held by ESRB issue?

    1. And what will we get when the open top vehicle is destroyed? Dead crew or no crew at all?

    2. No corpse means No Dead crew at all of course

    3. yea but again that's weird, I rather have no crew or crew that stays-including dead bodies

    4. Won't happen because of sissy child protection rules. "OMG"!!! In war actually ppl die and get shredered into pieces and scream in pain while their organs make their way out of their body!" WoT is for 13 yo already... u rly think WG would risk to get rid of all these little kiddos using daddies credit card? Well, I would.... at least a little increasing of players quality... nah, what am I talking.. those little pests will play it anyways since age limits are BS noone except stupid politicians care for;)

      Otherwise It'd be awesome to watch my commander point at a sighted tank and to giggle at my loader when he rolls on the ground burning because the tanks fuel tank caught fire:"There! That's what u get for loading so slow.":D

  13. I wish wargaming will someday develop a game focused on purely warfare, with no limitations on the equipment implemented, basicaly taking all they will learn from World of Tanks, World of Warships and World of Warplanes making it even better and adding even more, imagine DOTA/League of Legends but World of Tanks style, an ongoing war you are in the HQ/Garage you choose what you want to play and the mathmaking sends you to the battlefield you are needed/have a place; from tanks, halftracks full of infantry, infantry squads, armoured cars, warplanes, warships and so on, tech trees of everything, battlefields where you will join as FPS player/3rd person, and where there is always a commander coordinating the AI and the players, playing it just like a Strategy game like Men of War in huge maps but with all the research/economic system we get in an MMO.

    This is the game i hope to get to experiecne in my life time, cant think of any game concept more complete or fun than somethig like this could ever be. And it would also become the first of its kind.

  14. Please include in WOT team companies tier 8 level till 42 points (max 5 or max 8 arty).
    5 or 7 players team can be much faster collected that 11 players of medium company or 13 players of champion company.

    1. We are considering to give more love to our main eSports format.

  15. Well after introduction of British tanks, better after battle stats and new physics there is nothing I would wait for impatiently.

    But of course there are some dreams :)
    1. European tree (I know that it is rather 2014)
    2. Historical battles mode, but as a random battles

    At this moment my biggest problems in that game are
    1. ridicoulus arty power in top tiers (so I listened to SerB's "do not play ..." and 2 months ago I stopped playing and grinding tier IX and X tanks)
    2. Very low skill of playerbase (to be honest I shall use harser words).

    And one thing that would be fine to see is lowering XP costs of training crew's secondary skills.

    1. Lets wait if WT implement nonarty mode.

    2. Somewhat offtopic - - WT copies WoWP tutorial with balloon (notice the river to your right :)) several months after it was added to the latter.

    3. So you can copy from them an easy and accurate steering (just checked last patch, simple manouvers are okey but when I want track enemys plane I made uncontrolled barrel)

    4. We have got our own ideas that are being tested internally. You will find out soon.

    5. I'm only hoping that ideas are better than whole artillery concept in WoT (and better than some WoT maps, El Haluf after reworking is still nothing more than enlarged Province, Province after reworking is still bad map)

    6. SPGs are necessary evil in WoT.

  16. I like the way WoT is heading, I like the diversity with tanks, the physics, a couple of tweaks are needed though to make it a truly awesome game

    1. and most important, the historic game mode. Should be implemented as a kind of random game mode where the tank you selected gets put into a historic battle it actually took part in and automatically gets put into the configuration it was at that time (fantasy guns, blueprint engines removed)
    This way the WW2 tank enthusiasts will have much more fun and mid tier tanks will me much more enjoyable (Panzer 3, T-34, Sherman were all workhorses of WW2) This might not be in Wargamings plans though, as a reduction in high tier usage and need to grind will lower their profits. Although there should be historical battles for T-54 and Centurion, etc. as well.

    2. Remove 0% - Crits. I know how they work, I do not consider them to be that bad as I mostly understand the mechanics (penetrated only first layer of spaced armor, hit the tracks only, etc.) but they are immensly frustrating and a lot of my friends do not understand them. A game should never be frustrating and this feature needs immediate attention as it is one of the biggest complaints of the community. Just change the voice acts to we bounced, when it is spaced armour or sth, should not be that hard.

    3. A hard cap on arti and scouts. Nobody likes arti parties, neither arti players nor normal tank players. It is frustrating, not fun and I do not see why WG does not put an end to it. A major frustration point for many players, that should be incredibly easy to fix. Frankly, puzzling why WG does not take action here.

    1. What do you think Overlord? No comments on my suggestions?

    2. 1. Historical battles don't get the highest priority possible for two reasons:
      - some factions are far less suitable than other ones (eg France), USSR and Germany are going to be far more diverse than the rest
      - some expensive and rich PvE content is likely to be required

      2. That's a complex issue that can't be "fixed" at once, we will be definitely looking into this in feature.

      3. We are against hard caps in any forms, there should reasonable and inherent gameplay incentives that would promote fun and balanced battles. Going to move in that direction.

  17. Question to Multigun (Planned in 2013, Multiturret much later):
    Multigun? Only for Tanks with koxial Guns (Maus, T1 Heavy ect.), or for Tanks with limited Fire-Angel + Turret? (B1, M3 Lee, Somua S-40)

    (And where can i send my reworked M3 Lee Suggestion to the Devs?) :P

  18. After years of waiting for multicore support... it's be about time for it to arrive don't u think?!:/

    1. Yup, I think so. Second core can calculate advanced physics for a change.

    2. And the other 4?:D

      I can run BF3 on 120fps but WoT makes it only to 30 fps max.

    3. Will just load them with some random and useless calculations so as the are not idle :)

  19. - can we hope for a general Penetration rebalance, especially in terms of premium shells, to make armor more important again?

    - Can we expect german tanks to be changed (overhauled) that we can use them with a proper role in Cw?

    - (Idea) Hows about a slight reload randomization of +/- 5% per shell? Its more logical than a penetration randomization, imo.

  20. Are British tanks going to be reworked? in the terms of hitboxes being broken ( seems like most brit tanks are made from ammo racks and lack any bounce even when placed at all angles ), being the wrong size in game, an IS3 of 9.9m in lengh being the same size as Centurion that is only 7.6m same goes for other dimentions and other tanks.

    This is the most unpolished of all patches so far.

  21. 1) Are 30v30 matches anywhere in these plans?

    2) What happened to being able to play on other servers, so I can play with my Euro friends from Eve?

    3) Equipment module to increase ammo capacity maybe?

    4) Game mode to play only against other individual players (running into strong platoons is basically a wasted match now, either you get rolled or you roll the match with them--what's the point of playing in such a game as an individual player?)

    5) Any chance of server colocation on the US west coast?


    1. 1 and 2 are being considered as possible ways to go.

    2. Thanks. I hope platoon size is kept at 3 for 30v30 to reduce their influence on the match...

  22. Multicore + Havok engine... soon? ;)
    Something About the "Nahuel" tank? any tank from Latin America? ;)

    Thanks Overlord! Big fan here! Greetings from Argentina!

    1. I do like everything that you have suggested, especially Nahuel tank! It's a must.

  23. Start development for real? Not just siting and adding few new tanks and thinking how to make game unplayable for standard accounts? The problem is The only thing that happened since beta was new physics... Then few more tanks... They have such a good platform to make historical battles. How cool would it be to be able to take part in real combat scenario...

    1. With glooming outline, spooting system limited by engine and aiming system taken from modern-era tanks? I don't think so.

    2. Pepek,

      sorry, but that sounds like a rant, not a feedback.

  24. Any chance of tier 5, 7 & 9 companies?

    Is there any way to make the current champion and absolute companies profitable? There is not enough of both happening on the NA server as much as people would like.

    Is this excerpt similar to the development plan WG had out a year ago which showed what was being released and in which quarter of the year?

    1. The main problem with companies is that they're an inefficient way to play because you get fewer rounds in a given amount of time, and you get nearly nothing for losing, so the bottom few in the pool will quit until the whole pool has quit. Making losing less punitive and making it a less inefficient way to play would go a long way.

    2. IMO, there should be 20-30% more EXP and credits earnings for participation in companies.

  25. Overlord! Last year in sept. we got an article about WoT plans (2012 Mystery Revealed). Can we get a summary of that plans (which implemented, which not and why)? Would we get a "2013 Enigmas Cleared"??

    1. I don't think it did actually go well in the eyes of @ordinary@ user. Wouldn't like to give promises, we are not 100% sure in.

  26. I just got an idea; don't know if it's a good one though:

    A new class Towed AT-guns.
    -Somewhat cumbersome to dislumber/lumber (when in fireing position).
    -Very stealthy
    -Very dead (to HE rounds) when detected.

    Got plenty of unique pros and cons.

  27. Dear Overlord,

    one more question - sometimes it happens that you provide info on the same topic as SerB and Storm do on Russian server, however your infos are contradictory (eg. for example, one says "Jap tree first", the other "EU tree first" - I am sorry but I really can't remember who of you said which version anymore) - which version (yours or SerBs) is more likely to be closer to the truth?

    Thank you

    1. Hm, I do admit that Serb and especially Storm are more knowledgeable on WoT project than I'm. My primary focus is WoWP these days. Based on the current priorities, Japs are to come before EU tree.

    2. That's the way we have announced it initially, although changes are possible. Theoretically.

  28. overlord 2 questions:

    1: is there any posebility that the weighting system is changed for TC? for example in a tier 6 tc everybody drives tier6 tanks because it gives no big benefits of taking a tier 5, but if u use the actual MM weight instead of counting the tier, we might see teams trying to win battles with superiour numbers but inferiour tanks.

    2) any idea yet about the premium ammo? i think it doesnt turn out as bad as i feared, altough some people complain that low lvl arty can one shot many heavys with good armor, thus making them OP

    1. 1) Currently it's not considered as far as I know.

      2) We are mostly satisfied with how it goes at this stage, prolly some adjustments and tweaks will still be required tho.

  29. Hello Overlord,

    Just a global question about the terminology used by WG

    Would this be about right?
    * Short term: 0-3 months (let's say 1 or 2 releases)
    * Mid term: 3-12 months
    * Long term: More then 12 months

    1. No, we think more globally. Short-term 1.5-2 years, mid term 2-5 years, long term 5-8 years. Something like that.

    2. That explains a lot. Thank you for your lightning fast answer.

  30. Hello Overlord

    Glad to see you are still in the loop about WOT.

    Are there any plans for fully destructible buildings and possibly deformable terrain. (on cue hole in terrain provided by you friendly neighborhood arty anyone)

    And is the Type 74 Nana-yon being considered for the Japanese tree.


    1. That would require a solid and most likely external physics engine. That can be possible, although requires a lot of work.

  31. Can we get a filter for our Statistics? When I'm in my Garage and look at statistics and want to find how I'm doing on my current tank, I need to scroll up and down the Statistics page until I finally find the tank I was looking for. With 100+ vehicles in the list it is getting very tiresome when a simple GUI fix would do wonders, even if just selecting nationality or type, or search box for filtering.

    1. Also, when looking at Tank Trees can we see our Medal there (Ace, 1st, 2nd, 3rd class) ? I know it's nothing most people would be interested in but some of us are suckers for PBL (points, badges, leaderboards = gamification elements) like my 60ish Ace Tanker medals so far exhibit.

    2. Thinking of how to improve it now. Thanks for the suggestion.

    3. Great, thanks for looking into it. It seems I have over 190 different vehicles played, in the top 30 of the EU server now (so I can't laugh at collectors anymore).

  32. Are the old concepts of Historical battles , 30/30 Player huge and frantic battles being planned ( moderately small maps ).

    Question :- The mini map has improved and is functional , But , Its the a secondary view of the battle scenario other than our primary sights . Are, there any big plans for it ..

  33. People have been asking for crew voices in the tanks respective language since beta. I know it's probably not a priority, but is it at all planned ?

    1. That's planned, but not for the nearest future.

  34. Please implement this feature: an option that lets players disable automatic hull-traverse.

    It would not take more than 3 man-hours. And IMO is very important for TD players.

    SerB in one of the latest videos on the russian site :P

    1. Cute. :)

      That's from NY 2012 celebration.

    2. Seems he likes to play not only with tanks ;)

      Ola is his daughter?

    3. As far as I know he has a daughter named Olga.

  36. Hello.

    We have recently seen that WG does a good job adding more tanks. But that is more about sheer quantity than quality.

    Would it be possible, while keeping some peeps working on the next trees, to redirect resources on some game mechanics that would impact everyone?
    1- Get rid of absurd 0 damage critical hits.
    2- More game mods, especially historical maps.
    3- Different possible setup for each tanks, like Derp gun/107mm on KV2 for example, like the two possible guns you announced for T10 chinese heavy. (step in the right direction I like it.)

    About the historical battles, you said a lot of time it might be difficult. But I don't understand why a simple fixed setup map, say one map called Kursk, with 5 t 34, 5 KV1, 5 SU85 vs 5 pz4 5 stug 3 tigers 2 panthers.

    Players would choose historical map with one of the adequate tanks, and be randomly distributed amongst historical games. Of course the queue up system might take a little longer, but that'd be a small sacrifice.

    1. Covered 1 and 2 some replies above:

      1. That's a complex issue that can't be "fixed" at once, we will be definitely looking into this in feature. Most of such situations have reasonable explanation.

      2. Historical battles don't get the highest priority possible for two reasons:
      - some factions are far less suitable than other ones (eg France), USSR and Germany are going to be far more diverse than the rest
      - some expensive and rich PvE content is likely to be required
      Garage battles have higher priority at this stage.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Overlord, i take back my former request for HB mod. Your reaction taught me that my understanding of what HB is going to be was incorrect.

      I actually wanted to ask for a cheap quasi-realism mod:

    4. There are too many cons of what has been suggested - especially, having a separate damage mechanics. Two different system are hard to develop, balance, and maintan for developers, and can be quite difficult for players to comrehend and account for both.

    5. Thanks for the idea, tho. We will still be considering various options for HB.

  37. hello overload,
    would it be possible to

    1- Implement technical map for clan war player in game so we do not need to go webpage like twiddle to discuss about clan war strategy
    2-Implement drawing in minimap in game for everyone in the team to see as it might improve the tactics people use in random battle

  38. Hi overlord!

    i wish to say that i really appreciate this blog alot, and all work you do for us and your Co-workers! Happy belated Christmas to you all!

    A few question that has been in my mind.. is the following:

    1. How is the continuation of The British tree looking?

    A.if you remember The firefly was a tank many was, and still are, very excited to see in the game. Is it in the making or has it been canceled? if in the works, is it possible to tell if it will be part of the tech tree or a premium?

    B. Is it possible to see The canadian grizzly tank showing up in the game?

    2. Is there a chance the community will be able to send in pictures WG can look at to see for ideas for more Emblems or organise an event to send in such?

    3. i've read alot about a premium i've bought,the British Matilda Black Prince, i read this really interesting and very good forum thread on the American realm, perhaps you can take time to take a look at it?

    i Also have a WoWP question.

    is it possible the Blackburn Firebrand be in the game as a future premium plane?

    once again thank you for your hard work!

  39. Hello Overlord. :)

    I just want to wish you a happy new year, and say thx for all the work you are doing here on the blog! :)

    Kind regards Anders.
