Friday, November 16, 2012

[WoT] And Some More on 8.2

Adding some more information (basically minor features) on the upcoming update 8.2 for WoT to the stuff that has aldready been posted
  • Rendering distance (setting / graphics / draw distance) increased for low settings from 400 to 600 meters, for high settings - from 1000 to 1400 meters (this applies to terrain, objects, buildings)
  • Fixed low performance for some hardware configurations for the following maps: Steppes, South Coast, Highway, Mines, Widepark, Abbey
  • Fixed sharp camera movement when iteracting with other objects (tanks) in some situations
  • Fixed bug with "flying" tanks when ping is high and/or packet loss is in place
  • Fixed low repair cost for drowned vehicles (full repair costs)
  • Added Patton Valley medal for destruction of 100 units of the following tanks: M46 Patton and M48A1 Patton III
  • Fixed the discrepancy between displayed and actual hit boxes for some objects and buildings
  • For post-mortem spectator mode (ally tanks):
    • fixed the display of drowning indicator
    • added "no ammo" indicator
    • added display of module and crew condition
  • Fixed mini-map bug with SPG marker being displayed as tank marker


  1. Isnt it time for a new voting poll? Maybe one related to premium ammo for credits consumption?

  2. Do you plan to allow players to hide their stats from others (only friends and clan players can see them) in one of the upcoming updates?

    Do you play to allow players to turn off the ingame chat log (free chat) in one of the upcoming updates?


    1. What ?! Why hiding stats ? this is very important info for any else players , isn't it ?

    2. No for both in the foreseeable future.


  4. this is not news, this is old news :)

  5. Any chance of a future update to the replay system (post battle screen,view from all the other tanks)??? Also will future WG titles have the replay system too ???

    1. Yes, future games will also have this system.

    2. Would it be possible for WG to host or otherwise release older versions of the client? Some of us have older replays that we can no longer watch.

    3. i have the same problem...
      a tool to be able to watch them maybe?

  6. How about the sudden slow-mo bug when you get in the middle of a fierce firefight?

  7. When will HEAT penetration on low tier arties be adjusted? Yesterday I was in tier 8 heavy tank and enemy team had IS3 platooned up with 2 SU-26. Some guys were laughing but i already knew what was going to happen. Ive ended up with 3500 damage and those T3 arties ended up with 5 frags and 2500 damage each. And remember they were shooting at KT,IS3,T34,Lowe<type59,SP and similar. That is not normal? Any comment on that overlord? Tier 3 arty can do 2500 damage in T8 battle do you support that or is it going to be fixed and WG is working on that issue? Don't get me wrong,im not against premium for silver,I'm against imbalanced vehicles.

    1. Same concerns T5 scouts - they got bigger dpm than T7 HT's. Arties, scouts, french revolvers are unbalanced from beginning and only advice we get is "don't play". Yes after release of WT will do it for sure if attitude of some devs will not change.

  8. No Bugfixing for the M3 Lee? :(

    -Wrong Fuel-tank-Position (commander sit on them)
    -missing second Loader in the Hull Center for the 75mm
    -Wrong Turret-front armor (Turretshield: 76,2mm, 37mm-Gun-shield/mantel 89mm)

    1. sorry man but it starts to annoy.

      Id be damn happy if they would take a serious look at penetration. premammosystem, t10, arty, matchmaking (list goes on)....

      ... so keep your M3 suggestions for yourself because they are unimportant and uninteresting!

    2. for some people tier 10 is as uninteresting as tier 4 is for you.

    3. i dont say its uninteresting, its just damn unimportant.

      Id rather see 5 more ppl working on urgent fixes and tweaks than on stuff like the fueltank which is misplayed by 1m in the m3.

      And dont tell me "for some ppl" due to id say that the mass has an advantage.
      CW is played by alot more ppl longterm than a m3 which will be sold by 95% of the ppl after they elited him, or even before.

    4. Server-Statistic (EU):
      Level: 1
      8 800 162 (20.09 %)

      Level: 2
      10 771 120 (24.59 %)

      Level: 3
      8 236 989 (18.81 %)

      Level: 4
      5 596 319 (12.78 %)

      Level: 5
      3 754 116 (8.57 %)

      Level: 6
      2 691 164 (6.14 %)

      Level: 7
      1 844 798 (4.21 %)

      Level: 8
      1 259 576 (2.88 %)

      Level: 9
      553 428 (1.26 %)

      Level: 10
      290 399 (0.66 %)

      0.66% are the most importanst?

      And why only T10? CW ist only for Clans, what ist with Company?
      And you must play Tier 1-9 for a Tier 10.

    5. I can do maths too:
      12.78 / ~20 tanks on t4 = 0.634 (~280.000) m3 players

      280.000 * 0.05 = 14.000 ppl keeping this tank in garage.

      Who is now most important?
      Sure you need to play t4 but your changes are damn unimportant. Just admit it.

    6. Use Mathematic correct: 1 T4 vs. 1 T10
      0.66 / 16 Tank on T10 = 0.04125 for one T10

      You must drive a T4 (or a Farm-Tank) for a T10, but you didnt must drive a T10 for a T4.

      And what is so (more) important on T10 than the other Tanks? CW? Only Clanplayer. End-Contest? Not Really, because you didnt get anythings when you reach a T10

      So why no Balance/changes/News for the other Tanks on Tier 1-9?
      *sarcasm* Wait, better Idea, delete all Tier 1-9 Tank, and only T10, because the other are not important *sarcasm*

      My favorite Tank is the M3 Lee and i drive 2200 Battle with him. You favorite Tank is a T10. difference? Nothing, only two Player who play a different Tank.

      So why is a Suggestion for 1 Tier 4 so unimportant? Only because you say it? Look around, you are not the only Player.
      T10 is not the only important Tier, "just admit it"

    7. I think Tier 6 is really the most important here .

    8. and WG doesnt care about tiers below 10 anyways since none of you are buying gold, thats the tier 10 players who does that...

    9. Anyway, i know i disturb with my M3 Lee Suggestion/ramblings (German forum can sing a song from them ;))

      But Overlord is in the Moment the only Man where i can send my Suggestion+co. The Parisian Office with the new Community Coordinator didnt send Question/Feedback over Suggestion to the Devs. The Q&A from the new "Community Coordinator" are irregular and unreliable. Overlord and some People who can write in the Russian Q&A give us Information over Suggestion, and other Things

      So thats why i disturb Overlord all the Time ;)

    10. Ok, I have sort of got used to it. :)

  9. Two weeks ago you said you would check the statistic of the Maus and the IS4 + IS6 and tell us if they needed changes...

    Sorry for reminding you:)

    1. Both seem to be underperforming a bit with some under 48 per cent of victories.

  10. All modules will have a visible health bar? If so fck yeah!

    That is a very welcomed addition!

    The render distance extension is very nice also.

    1. Actually , it will not really help at battle time .

  11. Any chance we will ever get to see this beast in WoT?

    1. This tank look pretty nice and square i would like to research that thing but i do not play in general soviet tanks ..

      Also notice that KV4 is already in game , and i think it is a nice tank after all the best soviet in my opinion . and even with all my hate to soviet tanks i think i may play it one day .

      It's just got some nice armor , look , firepower , but yeah the speed is not really good .

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Will full repair costs for drowned tanks be included?

    1. Did you read post? There is a line: "Fixed low repair cost for drowned vehicles (full repair costs)" :)

    2. It is unnecessary at all i think .

    3. Thanks, must have missed that bit. Got lost between flying tanks and Patton medals.

      @David - It is necessary to discourage people from suiciding cheaply for whatever reason they justify it with.

    4. More important: Will drowned tanks get banned for CW for the same period as if they would have been destroyed in battle? There is a nasty behaviour of some (especially arty) players who perform a mass suicide drowning if the battle goes worse....

    5. @Otto , You right , I wasn't thought about that people suiciding because of null repair cost .

    6. Torsten Labuhn,

      that's a bug that is being fixed.

  14. Seems like a good bunch of fixes. But when will "lock turret" finall become bindable?

    1. Don't think it is really planned.

    2. Aw, really? It's a shame, since all the other controls are bindable and if you got used to having sniper mode on RMB and only then discovered the lock turret function, you're pretty much f....

    3. stuka just go to controls and assign no button to it :P
      and it's called auto aim is it not ?

    4. No, I meant the function, when you hold right mouse button and your gun/turret freezes in place. It's useful for locking your gun and checking out your surroundings. And no, you can't assign a button to it :-(

  15. Overlord, will we see any north-south korean equipment in the future? I know we probably won't see K2s against Pokpung-hos, but what about rifled chonma-ho or a captured sherman? Or a captured T-34 with a KPA t-54, while we wait for black panthers against storm tigers?

    1. Not planning anything of the kind in near future.

    2. Overlord what about a middle eastern or israeli tech tree in the future ?

      shot kal
      m50/51 super shermans
      m48 pattons
      the t34-100 tank destroyer,.....

      I mean if we're getting china why would this be a bad idea :D

    3. Would be difficult to have a separate tree...

    4. why ?

      it's liekt he chinese tree, but instead of the russian copies/versions, we would get mostly american/british copies/versions

      I mean you can't have too many pattons and centurions now can you :P

    5. There would be much more issues with it than with the Chinese :)

  16. Is the IS-7/IS-4 gonna receive some kind of buff in 0.8.2? Cause those two tanks feel really underpowered and bad.

    1. Prolly not in 8.2 but later. We are not Soviet-biased after all :)

    2. the point is, those tanks are underpowered 2-3 patch ago, why you take so much time to fix up tanks? thats the unique thing I hate from this game, balance should be the first priority, the gameplay quality is the best thing you can do as developer

    3. butcher do we even play the same game ? -.-

    4. We are considering one major rebalancing in 2013. Prolly will wait until then so as not to make any emergency changes.

    5. IS-7s hp is 2150, thats very low for today standards. Not counting the frech that has that annoying autoloader. IS-4s hp buffs made it tolerable, but most of us who had IS-4 as a tier 9 vehicle miss the S-70 and its 490 average damage. Also, tier 8 arties throwing gold has rendered the IS-7 useless.

  17. Hey Overlord :-)

    Get the british T9/T10 heavys a armor buff ?! At the moment its very frustrating with paper to fight against russian/german/us hevays..

    Best regards

    1. What about British meds? Cromwell and Comet got papaer armor but at least got compact siloutte and nice mobility with average gun so they battle abillites are good but Centurion is the disaster - it got superb gun but along with paper armor, poor mobility and silhouette big as a barn, clearly worst T8 med (worser than T44 which is some kind of achievement).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Matchmaking need lots of improvements. 7 arty's per side is quite insane but the sickest thing is when fullfilment of one side are big and slow heavies and second side have meds of course at open wide map without place to hide...and on the other hand VT scouts in battle of XT dragons without any arty at all. Generally to many battles ends with result like 15:1-3 it's not fun that way even if you win. Matchmaking should consider something more than chosen tank.

    There is a plague of bots especially during night. Some use simple dumb clicker that only join them to battle and leave afk but there are already bots that drives and shoots as well. We'd like to know that you are doing something with it.

    New tank's don't improve gamepleay, mostly ruin already poor balance, so we don't need them with every patch, better focus on real issues, maybe drowning abuse?

  19. Will we see rebalancing of British tanks in 8.2?
    I think it might be too early for that... Their overall statistics seems to be dropping rapidly

    1. Not sure, prolly only the major things, we are aware that newly-added tanks have that kind of tendency, since at first they are mostly played by experienced players of above avg skill.

  20. Dear Overlord, Wargaming!

    Do you plan to increase penetration of german tier IX-X heavies, just to catch up the other nation's tanks in firepower?
    It's needed badly.

    1. Don't think it's needed especially now, most of high tier Germans are now in the lead, even E-100. :)

    2. Sadly, high alpha does not worth much when we cannot penetrate the enemy :( However, thank you for your answer.

    3. Viper: A vehicle which is only playable with gold ammo is a failed one.
      Come on, E75 is weaker with normal shell than another nation's similar level heavy tank. And we did not spoke about the tier X germans yet...

    4. Gold ammo is the biggest fail since ever. Pay2win with no skill crap(availble for credits dosn't change it you still pay only kind of new payment method is avaible). German guns are really crap but am not so sure if they should be buffed. Germans have a lot of hp and good armor if your angle is proper you are almost untouchable...unfortunatly only if your opponents don't use premium shells and you are at the right map. Am still wonder how it's possible that we can't filter maps, but if i consider how long we wait for ability to disable those joke game modes than it stops wondering me so much.

  21. Dear Overlord,
    Can you please tell me if you ever thought about setting a cap for arty in each game? I play since september and really love this game, also spent pretty amount of money on it and the only minus I see is the high tier games with arty. There are many topics on forums about this but I haven't seen any response from devs. The matches with 5-6 arty on each side are just ridiculous and kill gameplay. Really looking forward to hear your thoughts about it.

    Worried tanker

    1. Of course we have given it some thought, however we are not really fond of hard caps - as an extremely limiting measure, there should be in game incentives that would promote more balanced battles.

    2. Do you really think that that would work? People have to grind certain tanks and crews or simply train how to play them, no way you can stop them doing that by simply adjusting the income or something similar...
      Please tell me that you at least consider implementing an hard cap if all other methods fail.

    3. 5-6 is not that bad. 7-8 per side and 3 afk/bot tanks kill the gameplay.

    4. Opferlamm113,

      will definitely see to it, we want battles to be fun - that's what important.

    5. good sometimes I get the impression you guys only look at the numbers.

      Like the buffs for E-100, you don´t buff the think that is lacking: normal ammunition penetration instead you buff mobility and hitpoints. How did the win changes improve after that changes?

    6. Not only on numbers, we also play the game and read what players write and say.

      E-100 has almost 50% WR, going up from 47+% which is obviously acceptable.

  22. Are you going to fix the low performance in windowed mode? Its getting more and more sluggish after 1,2,3+ games

  23. "Changed to historical armouring of the Т-34-85, IS"

    Hi Overlord,

    What is the exact reason to keep the "change" in the mist?
    Why wont you (ie your company) ever state clearly what had been changed by how much?
    It was the same for the "historical" (gotta giggle on that one each time...) LFPs of IS3 & IS7 with the last patch - and pretty much all the other adjustments.
