Tuesday, September 11, 2012

[WoT] Reviving ISU-152

Check out the awesome video below: guys are reviving the ISU-152 found in Chernigov region (Ukraine) and launching its almost 70-year-old engine.

The VO is Russian, but one can some understanding from the footage itself.


  1. 1 Week old find from /r/WorldOfTanks direct link: http://redd.it/z9t0j

    1. http://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/z9t0j/russian_guys_have_found_is152_and_drive_itaction/

  2. I saw this yesterday, great video. It was sad to see when they damaged the gun...

    1. Why did they do that? To disable it because of regulations/laws? I highly doubt that any sane person would try to fire from such an old gun :)

    2. sure regulations but they can be lucky it isnt in germany.

      there you also have to cut big holes into the hull in certain spots, for example where the driver sits. You can then again weld them shut with very thin sheet of metal; its so that in case some decides to go berserk with his new toy, they can still disable him easily.

  3. Why are you nerfing the T30? O.o

    Its already a really bad tank and you even want to make it worse?

  4. Very impressive!
    So will all russian tanks get 1000% durability buff on all modules now?

  5. Hm.... I can't help to wonder why no one thought of drivign it sooner, or why the hell was it abandoned in the first place :P

  6. I saw this video on eu forums, and this is very awesome.

    That is the true power of russian tanks. They can be repaired with a handfull of tools anywhere from any condition.

    I saw another older video where a T-34 was pulled out from the bottom of a lake and after some cleaning the engine started.

    Well you can hear the differences of engines sound here too. I would be glad if unique engine sounds would be implemented for every tank.

    There are lots of tank fests, and there are some famous tank collectors who could be visited by WG just to record some samples to improve the game sounds.
    And ofc there is youtube also. :)

  7. Absolutely splendid video! Many thanks Overlord.
    I agree as well, it would be excellent if we could have realistic engine sounds in game.

  8. It should have a bumper sticker that reads, "We lost the cold war and this is all we have to show for it."

    1. In the Cold War have lost everything, including Americans. They have 20 years in a row falling salaries and education.

    2. I hit a sensitive spot I see. Just proves my point I guess.

    3. About education, I came to the point.

  9. In the light of this video, new sounds of 8.0 are even more horrible. :)

    1. new sounds are awesome, clean your ears

    2. Yeah, new sounds are awesome if you are a Super Mario or Hello Kitty online fan.

  10. I can't believe that they managed to make it run. After 70 years! I mean if somebody is at least a little technical he will be amazed. Just imagine that it's difficult to run modern day engine after a year of non usage or even less and this thing was rusting for that long. All rubber parts (If there were any) gone, oil no longer oil after that long time, parts stuck solid together, etc. but it still runs after some basic maintenence.

    1. The machine can be 70 years old, but there is not evidence that is wasn't running or getting serviced for the same amount of time (maybe it was sitting there only for a few decades). Nice video anyway.

    2. It surely was serviced at some point, because the gun was made not worthy for combat as the law requires, but anyway nice video and the tank could have been there for a long period of time anyway.

  11. Overlord, a M3 Grant is more robust
    Check this video

    M3 GRant, used as Testtarget, standed over 20 Year in the british rain, and he still drives (with a "new" old engine)

