Monday, September 10, 2012

[WG] They Produce Games

Guess, some self-PR wouldn't hurt anyone :). Below is the photo of Minsk-based WG's producing team (not complete, but still counts). Those guys are basically responsible for all the good (and bad) things (featues, content, etc) that are now and will be in future WG projects (ofc kudos to designers, programmers, and artists, etc).

So, here they are:

Starting from right:
  • Anton Sitnikau - Senior proudcer of WoWP (he is the one who responsible for all aerial-related issues)
  • Alex Zezulin - Project manager of WoWP (responsible for for ties with Kiev studio)
  • Michael Jivets/Zhivets aka Storm - Producer of WoT (responsible for day-to-day production of tanks)
  • Slava Makarov - Executive producer of WG (or just Slava, he is one of the fathers of WoT and most of the other concepts that will in future become games)
  • Sergey Burkatovskiy aka SerB - Executive producer / Head of Game design of WG (Sergey maintains the global vision of all WG projects and is capable of solving the hardest and trickiest game design issues of ground, aerial, and naval warfare. Many love and cherish him for good balance in WoT, especially his strong passion for German vehicles)
  • Andrey Gashkov - Producer of World of Warships (he is responsible for the project in general)
  • And the guy on the left is some useless PR officer :). 
The team is still not complete however, it is missing Alexey Levakov (producer of WoWS), Olga Koshan (producer of WoTG), and myself (Overlord). Since they have skipped the gathering, will leave them for next time.

PS: the photo was taken during Tanker's day celebration on September 9, 2012 near Minsk.


  1. Haha! I liked the description for SerB :)
    Showing photos and interviews with the people behind the nicknames on forums and game production lists really does you a good service. I used to think SerB was an as*hole but after seeing his video interviews he seems like a nice guy. I still "cherish him for his passion for German tanks" nonetheless.

    1. Thanks! Serb in reality is very sensible and passionate person, who really loves his job. He is very dedicated to everything he does and wants it to be perfect.

      The downside of it is that he sometimes is too hm.. straightforward in his expressions.

    2. How about cuttin the crap? Oh, and the title is misleading either.
      They produce shit is more adequate.

      Anyway thanks for the photo.

  2. so, the house behind is the production office? ;-)(like they always troll in Top Gear)

    1. Aye, that's where we polish our games with "plane". :)

  3. > Many love and cherish him for good balance in WoT, especially his strong passion for German vehicles.

    LOL! Nice trolling Overlord. More realistically it would be "Many curse his name, especially for his strong hatred for German vehicles."

    1. Exactly, I like how obvious they are being that they all are butthurt.

  4. So i see now the reason there is so mutch "bad things" in WG, lack of women in the lead...

    1. We have got at leat two in the lead: the one I have mentioned above and also WoT project manager - Alla Vasilieva. However, I see your point. :)

    2. This is Russia. There is no need to recruit women or Negroes for political correctness.

  5. they look like used car salesman rather than professional programmers

    1. Maybe because they are no programmers, well, most of them at least. Actually the backgrounds are pretty diverse: there are 2 former physicists and 2 former software engineers, one IT manager, and one with hm dark past.

    2. dark past? what is that supposed to mean?

    3. Dark past? Lets see...
      Slava looks like they just drop him out of gulag.

    4. L3gi,

      that actually was a metaphor. :)

  6. Overlord, maybe you remember me (ofc I bet not :D) I asked you the question:

    What has Serb dicided now with the new Tank-class (Sturmtiger, Brummbär and so on)

    You said that Serb was on Gamescom..and now... GAMESCOM is over!

    Could you pls asked him what he has decided? Many of us want to know what will finally happen to Sturmtiger, brummbär and all the others.

    Thank you :D

    1. We are thinking of forming a separate line of assault SPGs from them. Gameplay-wise somewhat in between SPGs and TDs, like our previous KV-2.

    2. epic, me wantz me wantz, when?(I know you wont say dates, but patch number or after .... pls?)

  7. Hello ovi... I just read impending nerfs to T110E4 and i am outraged! Cen you justify them?

    1. I totaly agree ... it's no use nerfing tanks so quickly after introduction. Some vehicles should be arround for 6 to 8 weeks in a form they were introduced.

      There should be time for ppl to learn where to aim, and where to shoot. At the moment all new machines are still in the stage where everyone are just learning their weak spots. After a while ppl wil learn where to ain, but it will be to late, because at the same time the tak will get nerfed.

      With a combination of ppl finaly learning where to aim, and nerfing, most new vehicles get underpowered after a while.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I mostly mean the huge armor nerf... 5cm down on turret front and sides?? WTF???

  8. at least we got one sexy leg in the picture :)

  9. I do hope someone reads this.

    As an American medium tank player, I was so excited when I found out world of tanks would be adding tier 10 medium tanks to its arsenal. But then after all that is good about the American tanks, instead of the beautiful m60a1 with its sleek turret and defined front edges, the m48a1, the ugliest tank in the game (right up with the m103) gets chosen instead.

    The whole time I just cannot fathom why you would want this one instead of the m60a1. I feel betrayed, after putting in all the work to get the m46 Patton the new end tank, the goal of moving up the tech trees is something I don't even want.

    Just to top things off, I hear rumors that the t95 (ugly) will be taking the tier 10 slot as the alternative medium tank, as apposed to the t54 (awesome looking).

    Is there any chance that the m60a1 would be coming to world of tanks? Perhaps as replacement for the m48a1. They have similar stats in armour, mobility, and the same weapon. Even just a remake of the model would be awesome.

    Thanks and looking forward to your reply,

  10. So this is Storm. I would love to kill his family, just to see if he then still cried about his dead ancestors. Fucking disgusting pig.
