Monday, July 30, 2012

[WoT] Dusty Shelves: First Screenshot and Initial Tech Tree

Getting through the old assets related to the WoT-development, found some curious stuff.This is how the first World of Tanks screenshot looked like.

For sure, there was no intention to make elves fight tanks, their models were used to check the scale of the objects. :)

And that's how the initial tech tree looked like:

That's how it was back in 2008. The tank models are given in RU here.

Will dig up some more.

PS. Latest poll results (votes / %):
Which aircraft do you like best?

Messerschmitt Bf 109  - 713 (35%) it's already in :)
Spitfire  - 418 (20%) for sure, this is a must asap
P-51 Mustang - 385 (19%) it's already in :)
smth else / don't like all / etc - 267 (13%) no comments
Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero - 155 (7%) for sure, this is a must asap
LA-5 - 69 (3%) it's already in :)

The new poll is up.  

Edited. First teaser WoT.


  1. and why now you don't use anymore the bloom shader in WoT ?

  2. doesn't really fit our art-direction

  3. There's Bloom in Men of War, looks real nice. But I couldn't picture it fitting in WoT.

  4. Well its pretty good you left out the elves, I mean, who would want to face a DEAMON mage ;D

    1. In Soviet Russia T-34 can face orcs, elves, and even demons.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. LoTR's Soviet Russian version and then Frodo toke the ring went into his T-34 and drown it throw the Middle Earth and Mordor, crushing anything that stood in his path. He finally stop when he got to the Berl ... I mean Mount Doom where he destroyed the ring. The end xD

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Overlord, maybe it's a bit much for a comment, but can you explain one time why the BigWorld engine was chosen? World of Tanks right now is such a big and profitable game, making a custom in-house engine or using one of the bigger (CryTek, Source, Unreal) engines seem valid alternatives. Maybe not at the time, that's what I'd like to know. Why such a small engine, with a small company to provide support, as BigWorld?

    1. Sure thing. While BW may not be that good in terms of render (ie graphics and visuals), at that time there was no other viable option from the server-side point of view. BW is scalable and offers very good performance. So it is now.

      As for graphics, we have been working on the new render for some time and it's almost ready to be implemented into the game. The difference will be noticeable.

    2. I hope BW gives you control the vertex shader and pixel shader , so you can make (almost) any lighting effects and post process effects . just need some serious HLSL programmers .
      I noticed that the game does not using even deferred shading .

    3. We are currently working on new lighting system, which is going to be a part of the new render.

  7. Hmm, I was Just thinking, with the new tier X tank destroyers is there any likelyhood of seeing the 130mm S-26 equipped ISU at all, either as a new research option of existing vehicle, or as a premium variant?

  8. So if my Russian is not failing me, the artillery tree was going to end in two variants of the Katyusha? Mounted on Studebakers, or were you already committed to tracked vehicles only?

    1. No edit function! Meant TD line on the far left, starting with the AT-1

    2. Right you are BM-13 and BM-31,, famous Katyusha.

  9. Overlord I need you to tell me when Night battles, Tank physics and Rain and Snow and other weather conditions will be implemented
    Such a Lights when in Night battle - Improves visibility but make you more visible Or will you ever make a Multi-level Map? Thanks and Please reply
    Also Like Most players, I am looking forward to tank physics and is wondering when it will come out?

  10. So Overlord :) 8.0 update contains:

    -New Physics
    -New Post battle stats

    What about the new render? What else I forgot ;D

    I hope your vacation was full of awesomeness and super epic fun :D

    1. Lot's of stuff actually, some effects of the new render can also get it.

    2. And yes, the vacation was really cool. 12 days without reading tons of daily mail. )

    3. Great to hear that :) You are doing an awesome job and the most guys forget that you are also just a human :)

  11. Will there be new tanks in 0.8.0?

    1. Will you add only new premium tanks or also new regular tanks?

    2. Then I wonder which ones. From devs we hears so far that no Brits and no German TD's :) Some RU line? Arty lines streching?

  12. Welcome back Ovi, how was your holiday? :)

  13. Interesting screenshot ;)

    Anyway i just want you to know, that i'm not interested in new graphical options before the game will be using more then one core.

    Because in my opinion it's better to play in slighty worse looking game, but with decent number of fps. So even though you will work hard and implement those new graphical improvements, i will either feel an fps drop or won't notice them much.

    Anyway those interface improvements in 0.8.0 might be very nice. I am looking forward to finally see more in game statistics. The more the better :)

  14. Hey Overlord!
    Love your work thus-far, it seems the game has come a long way!

    I got a couple of questions though regarding the German TD line.
    I remember reading somewhere that there are going to be new TDs like the dickermax and nashorn etc.
    My question is, I have elite TDs up to the Jagpanther, will I be given the new ones that correspond with each tier or will I have to buy them.

    Reason I ask is that my GF got given 2 or 3 extra garage slots for having a fully upgraded KV when it got split into the several tanks it did, and was given one of each.

    I'd love the new garage slots, but I didn't get one with the premium tank I bought so I feel like I crippled myself in terms of variation now I have bugger all slots!!

    Keep up the great work though!

    1. Depends on how exactly the finalized German TD lines would look like actually. As far as know, replacements of the current TDs are not planned. That's when one usually can get some extra slots.

  15. Hey Overlord...can you be something like a spy and tell us what nation and what tanks are WGs favourites? Like what nation/tank are the most of your colleagues playing? :)

    1. Ehm, it's really difficult I'd say. Think USSR will be in the lead all in all. You can check some stats here:

  16. Overlord you should also link to World of Tanks Teaser #1 (Orc 0 - Tank 1)

  17. Hey Overlord,

    Are you guys planning to release a new WoWP build before Gamescon?

    1. Yes, it is going to be 0.3.2 version with a number of major changes and some new content.

  18. Welcome back Ovi.

    Has the idea of multi turrets/guns been completely scrapped? Tanks like the Tracteur C has been removed from the new French tree.

    1. There are some difficulties with this feature and it has been pushed back for some time. Can't give an ETA on it.

  19. Overlord, thanks for all the work and info you bring us! You do a great job! So is the current plan to push 8.0 next after 7.5? Thanks!

  20. Ovi, welcome back!
    I hope you enjoyed your vacation :)

    I have a few questions regarding the European tech tree.
    1) Approximately when?
    2) Whitch nations will have their piece of metal in?
    3) And can you point a few out nations with largest representation of their tanks?

    PS: Please, reveal at least something :P

    1. 1) Early autumn I think. :)
      2) Britain, Japan, mixed EU.
      3) Not sure what you meant. :)

    2. Sry, my bad :P
      Here is corrected version :)

      And can you point out the nations with largest representation of their tanks in that EU tree?

      Thx :)

    3. See the interview with Serb -

  21. hey Ovi,

    my question is,will the new rendering system need more powerful computer ?

    n also,in ASAP video,it ws said that WOT is in "last few months" as per plan for 2yrs.Is it gonna go till Xmas?

    n thanks for dropping the orcs n dwarfs n ugly monsters idea cause u guys rock at tanks ;)

    1. 1. No, we don't expect any increase in minimum/recommended specs.

      2. Till 21 December 2012 I believe.
