Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[WoT] Dusty Shelves: Concept Art and Some More

As promised revealing some more stuff on pre-WoT days now.

This is the concept art of the game Wargaming was planning to develop back in 2008 before the idea of tanks was brought up. Some of the team are still kinda sad it happened that way actually. Unfortunately we won't be able create a solid elfish-and-orcish MMO in the coming few years (too busy with the current projects). Back in those days it was 100% impossible for us, and players don't need more low-quality MMOs. Sadface.

And the tech tree below:

Дерево стилей - Style Tree.
Новый персонаж - New Char
Маг - Mage
Лучник - Archer
Воин - Fighter
МагВоин - Mage-fighter
МагЛуч - Mage-archer
ЛучВоин - Archer-fighter
and numbers
Расовый сет - Race set


  1. Hello Ovi,
    I saw Updated WOT Tech Tree and SerB said it will be 4 German TD's Line, is that correct?
    if it's true, instead of leaving Ferdinand alone, why not make a new line from ferdinand? Tier 9 would be Jagdtiger Porsche Series, and with a luck, tier 10 would be Jagdmaus

    1. No worries, it won't be left alone. :)

    2. I think you should start focusing on quality over quantity...
      We already have more than enought tanks in game but a lot of them could be balanced much better.
      We are getting better and better guns since beta so armor is ging to be more and more obsolete, this "tank feeling" of driving 70+ tons armored beast is starting to go away and game is going to be counter strike with tanks, every hit do damage etc.

  2. nice. finally there is no russian bias

    1. Yes, in that game we would be totally unbiased.

    2. I am not so sure... This orc looks really OP ;)

  3. I apologize for going OT: was in a battle right now, we were finishing a T95 (he was surrounded and blocked) and I fired him twice from right behind, right on the fuel tanks. I didn't penetrate him twice. I understand that I might not have penetrated the armor below due to the high deflection, but no module damage to fuel tanks? Really? You might want to check its damage model. Thanks!

    1. Hm, you can't go off-topic commenting that kind of post. :)

      Hard to analyze the situation based on word-of-mouth description. Need lots of facrs for detailed analysis, pen values, exact hitting spot, angle of impact, armour thickness, range, etc, etc.

    2. I put a T95 on fire twice last week from shooting it high in the rear... And I wasn't using a bbig gun fron memory

    3. I, for one, would love to have detailed stats at the end of the match :)

    4. ...were you in a batchat by any chance?? If so I was in that game! Lol I remember you talking about it.

  4. Thats my idea! I have played WoW for 2 years and I stoped playing it,its about 1 year now its such addicting and .... game. This game is now got the best pop of the world more than 11 milion Even more and more! The idea of a game same as WoW,a new one,in my opinion which i played both WoW and WoT Wont work! I stoped playing so,I would never start playing another game same as WoW I may just start playing it again instead!(i wont do that surley its addicting!). But surley i would prefer a game with new things Another sort of game Some thing new and special for specials! Like WoT!

    1. I said ,I not gonna leave my hero wich I spent 2 years on it and start another stupid game! IM INTRESTED IN SOME REALITY GAmes like WoT,I prefer to Try some thing new,NEW!!!!!!!!!!! Not another copy of a game which i played before!

      Im looking forward to WoT II,and even WoT III which can be about some 6th generation tanks and so on... but for now i prefer to see some T-95 in battle!

    2. And by the way! Overlord can ya just make a change on Russian 57mm ZiS 6 cannon on T-34?! When you shot with it,it sounds like a Tier 1 cannon,it wasnt like this before the stupid patch 7.4! I have wrote some Tickets before about it but only answer was .... It still got its pentration and stats what it would make with the guns sound?!! <-----------------me Gusta O.O!

  5. overlord, any chance of the goodies shop to come to europe? i want to buy t-shirts and stuff as well :)

    1. T-shirts should come free after, say, $100 in gold purchases.

    2. nice, any more business ideas? :)

    3. In all fairness you do usually get goodies when buying large quantities of stuff. i.e. a free mouse pad or game with a 6month or an annual subscription of some magazines.
      While they're usually crap stuff, and they aren't very costly when purchased in large quantities, players/buyers usually appreciate and feel REWARDED for their input. Just my two cents :]

    4. i dont know how its called, but on the ru site u can (or could) find this. u could buy wot t-shirts, mugs, rc tanks, decorative stuff,.. so actualy it is not my buisness idea, exept bringing it to here

  6. hey ovy, any comment on wargaming buying off Corsiars 4 from Seaward.ru?

  7. Thank god you didn't make this and made WoT :).

  8. MAke table Top miniature out of them...they'll sell.

  9. Overlord , WoT feeling more like slow regular FPS game .
    just instead of soldiers we see tanks , but tanks penetrate-able so easy and especially on high tiers , all high tiers cannons got high penetration values , and when they shooting no matter what is the target the armor is (almost) always penetrated easily . and when i'm driving with medium tank i have no armor , its feeling like playing with infantry , but in real history tanks got armor , even mediums . And shells costs a lot . I think you most reduce shell cost and increase the chance that the armor is not penetrated , for both , heavy AND mediums , i cant play medium tank , every game , 2 - 3 shots and i'm finished . this is not so fun , each player need to shot many times the enemy until ALL modules OR ALL crew are dead , the enemy is not really "dead" the crew still alive and they can fight even if all armor is gone , and only cannon and ammo are not damaged . only when engine is at fire , all crew and modules are burn so then we can say that the player lost his tank because the tank was penetrated in engine somehow and then he burn . but there is no thing such "hit points" in real life , the you need to kill ALL enemy tank crew OR destroy ALL modules + the CANNON and AMMO , otherwise the enemy is attacking and still alive EVEN if the engine is gone and the turret is damaged , he still can fight ! and of course he does ( in real life )
    so what i want to say , is that the "Hit-Points" idea is VERY bad for tanks , tanks have mechanics and crew and many ways to be active , so the tank does not need to be destroyed when was penetrated at telescope or radio 5 times and got a "400 damage" each shot and boom there is no tank , why ? the tank need to be still ACTIVE because the cannon and the ammo still OK , so why ALL the tank is gone when i penetrated all time only the radio or telescope ? its not fair .
    this is not the way tanks fighting . in my opinion , the player lose his tank , only when the CANNON and AMMO was gone ! and for scouters the TELESCOPE and ENGINE and both TRACKS . this is the right tank fighting rule . i love WoT and i want the best for this game , that's why i wrote all this . please read it because it is possibly the right and the best game design for WoT.

  10. TEXT WALL!!! MY EYES!!!!

    Ok, for starters, you realize this is not supposed to be a tank sim... it's suposed to be accessable, and fun, not like real life...

    mediums are not supposed to get shot at, they're supposed to battle other mediums and flank the heavies (when the heavies are currently engaged by others) and/or kill arties (and especially TDs by getting behind them)

    if you're in a heavy, remember ANGLING!? and sometimes there is no chance of bouncing another tank, in which case you shouldn't be fighting them "upright" try and find another "angle" or advantage to work up

    AGAIN, this is NOT a tank sim, we're seriously shooting each other at around 100m half the time, you realize tanks would've fought from upwards of 1000m in real life. so, yeah...realistic just aint happening.

  11. You wouldnt have the problem of dying near instantly in your medium tank if you learned to play as a team, rather than going straight at the enemys throat head on like some lone wolf superstar. Believe me its the fastest way to go.

    Any genious would eventually figure out that a medium is the perfect flanker, and should never work alone. That is why wolfpacks of 3x type 59 owns so much in this game (a single type is really not any more lethal than any other tier 8 medium).

  12. Hey Ovi,
    One quick question:
    Did so far any dev confirmed mode selection in 8.0?


  13. Hi Ovi, can you please hack the game server and release 7.5 right NOW for NA???? Please!!!!
