Tuesday, June 5, 2012

For Those Who Prefer Seas

Grandiose and magnificent, here they come. :)

World of Battleships E3 2012 Teaser. Another small glimpse on how this very exciting game World of Battleships, is expected to be like, enjoy.

PS. Latest poll results (votes / %):
Which of the Soviet newcomers did you like most?

IS-8 - 1110 (35%)
IS-4 - 758 (24%)
KV-2 - 247 (7%)
ST-1 - 241 (7%)
KV-3 - 220 (7%)
KV-1 - 206 (6%)
KV-4 - 201 (6%)
T-150 - 129 (4%)
The new poll is up.


  1. New game modes are unbalanced and poorly thought out, with badly positioned spawns and bases.

    Especially Encounter battles lead to way too many insta-capping victories, which leave both sides unsatisfied and with poor avg xp.

    The cap counters should be slowed down significantly in the new game modes, and bases moved to clear places without obstacles.

    1. Yes Overlord, Encounter is terrible awful experience. Never had so many mega failed, stupid battles as on current testserver. Please, don't introduce Encounter. I made longer feedback posts on EU forum in official thread if you would have been interested: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/119987-new-combat-modes-assault-encounter/page__fromsearch__1

      It seems most people hate it.

    2. I like the idea of encounter battles, but I second the opinion that the cap should be a little slower.
      Defending / attacking is fun as it is.

    3. Agree with Szturmi. As is; the new game modes detract from the game. Personally I'd rather just play normal pubs, or have the option to play normal pubs w/o the new game modes.

      On the whole, this patch isn't looked ready to go live, w/o quite a few scrubs & tweaks

      I'm much more interested in the British tanks!

    4. i would like to see a drop down list for randoms, encounters, and assault. perhaps you could add some sort of team in game voice option for the latter 2.

  2. i saw a torpedo! does that mean we can play submarines?

    1. Nope, submarines are not going to be available. Sorry.

    2. Will fast torpedo DDs be the equivalent of light tanks in WoT, or a separate tree altogether?

    3. I hope you know ItexI that the battleship Yamato as shown in the trailer, was bombarded by bombers both torpedo and dive for several hours before sinking, so the fact that they showed it being hit by both types of bombs is accurate, although with the cruiser screen i'm not sure if any subs actually got shots off on it.

  3. This is not near the graphics that will actual be ingame...
    WG is good at doing better trailers than actual games

    1. true, but actualy, nearly every trailler looks better then every game. WG is just following the trend set out already years ago.

    2. We will get some gameplay videos for sure. Those will be representative of actual ingame graphics.

      This one here is just a cinematic trailer.

    3. @crazytony0

      Actually, most game trailers use ingame graphics nowadays.

  4. As the devs were needed to change dossier format I was hoping they include a marker in the dossier cache if that tank is currently in garage or not, but my hope was disappointed. So for the Performance Analyzer and other stuff using the dossier cache for deeper stats analysis there is no change.

  5. Love the idea of playing WoB :)
    Looking forward to playing a fast destroyer and placing a couple of torpedoes into an unsuspecting BB :)

  6. Finally, I was waiting for ages. Actually I'm looking for more to ships than planes.

  7. I fear without the ability to properly communicate in-game the new game modes are going to cause a lot of problems and unhappiness at first. I have wanted new game modes for a very long time and have posted about them before but now that I see them in action, I'm not so sure they are good for random matches which is sad because I so wanted them.

    I admit I quit in frustration on a few of them just because no one knew what was going on and it was total chaos.

  8. Wow, splendid trailer. Looking forward signing up for Alpha testing as soon as it's available.

  9. Question about the last poll:
    Are you going to buff some tanks in the future?
    For example KV-2 now is only a good tank using 152, are you going to buff 107mm in KV-2? Becouse we can use the same 107mm in T-150 that is a better tank in all thinks. You can increas RoF in 107mm only for KV-2

  10. nice trailer. Overlord do you know if destroyers will carry Torpedos (as they did in ww2). Also will Japanese Cruisers and some American cruisers carry torpedoes too (as they did in ww2?

  11. I see that Dicker Max is going to be a premium now.
    What tank is going to be the replacement of it in the second branch german tds?

  12. @WoB

    Great video, as an old fan of Navy Field I hope we will see alpha soon and of course that WoB will be better.


    After few battles I can say that new modes are very interesting but they need some tweaking (as mentioned before, maybe longer time on cap and some relocations on bases).
    Some french tanks (tds tier t8 and t9 and arty t9) looks little better than counterparts but i hope at least in patch after next patch it will be rebalanced.

    Personally i'm very interested in british armor, hope to see it soon!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I quite like patch 1.4 it's the specials I currently have a bee in my bonnet about.

    Regarding WOWP I'm not really grabbed by that game to be honest but I think I'll find WOB a lot of fun but I don't think it will be a WOT beater :)

  15. WEll, im excited for WOBS, and to your new pole, Yes, the tranny move. And NOT in a good way. Its it comes to 7.4, ill be quitting WoT, and I won't be the only one.

  16. Oh i just take look on the current pool and you are trolling us Overlord, right? Frontal transmission in E50/75 is the bigger mistake than putting OP Type into game (why OP? simply, check w/l stats for it). I'm not paying you since Type, damn sure I would not pay single penny after that gearbox unnecessary nerf (cause I think it's only devs bad will not supported by historical or server data).

  17. Overlord, most of people are suffering of low fps on the beta of 7.4 .

    Are devs aware of it, and is a fix on it's way? Also, how many beta sessions are we going to have?


    A lot of other topics about fps issues can be found right there.

    1. 'Most' people? I play with a large clan who have played 7.4, and not one has complained of FPS issues. If you have problems, fine - but don't make it sound like it's a big deal.

  18. Yay!!! WoB is alive! ;)
    I'm eagerly waiting for this one. Far more interesting for me than WoWP tbh.

    Warplanes? We don't need no stinkin' Warplanes!
    Bring on the big guns xDD

    1. We want steel and guns, not some wood and canvas (or at least alloy) toys!

      But still 2013 :(

  19. Really, really looking forward to WoBS ^^
    I'm more eager for WoBS than WoWP to be honest, even if warplanes could be interesting in it's own ways.. buut... Battleships <3!

    Sitting here hoping for more information about WoBS! and possibly alpha/beta later this year? :D

  20. Battleships looks really awsome, cant wait to play it. Been waiting for it a lot more than planes.

  21. I wanted to say the new game modes had me most excited, but unfortunately the E-series transmission move steals that joy. It wouldn't be so bad if transmission hits didn't cause fires, I'd be fine with it then. But they do. Those BS fires are such a negative experience (and will be even more so now that fire extinguishers are one time use instead of one match use) that I gave up on the German lines after beta, even though as someone who plays sniper style they otherwise match my preferred play the best. I recently started going German again with the E-Series to look forward too, even with the fires until then because at least I knew at the very end they were gone. And now that I've gotten to tha KT with the E-75 to look forward too nest, bam, they're coming back.

    Serously, Fuck You Wargamming. I guess my German tanks are going back to the garage. I don't care if it's balanced, it's definately NOT FUN. Fun is supposed to be the point here. I'll play underpowered tanks if they're fun (like the PzIII now that the HE nerf has ruined its 7.5cm), and I wouldn't play an OP tank if it was boring or frustrating in getting those results. I want fun, and the transmission fires ruin the German experience so badly that I have actually changed my play style and nation in order to avoid them and still have fun.

  22. i'd so prefer WoBs over WoWp... there are already numerous plane sim/arcade games out there, but practically 0 sim/arcade navel warfare games

  23. Just wanted to offer my two cents on WoB: In my opinion it really should start with 19th century ships, Monitors and the like. Take in count that ships stayed in service for very long so a longer timeline is no problem. Naval warfare had a very interesting evolution through dreadnoughts to all the inter-war classes we are most familiar with and it would be a pity if the game didn't cover it and just started with things that were around when WW2 broke out, which the trailer shows. Thanks for your attention and I'm eagerly waiting for the test phase to sign up!

  24. I would also request that WG considers the Dutch as a separate nation/tree for WoBS considering the large impact the dutch navy played in the early pacific war, especially the submarines. A tree is quite easy to construct as well considering the large amount of designs and ships that were used by the Dutch ;)
