Thursday, May 31, 2012

[WoWP] Closed Beta Begins

World of Warplanes hit closed beta in NA, EU and Russia!

We have unleashed into the skies 59 warplanes of three different types. Steel birds from the release tech trees of all three nations – USSR, Germany, and USA – are now battling for Supremacy on unique 4 maps, spraying bullets, dropping bombs, and firing rockets into a variety of ground targets.

We have implemented several game control modes to suite both experienced and novice pilots. Also there is an initial tutorial scenario to help newcomers get to grips with their warplanes, teaching them the nuts and bolts of basic aviation.

The development is far from reaching its final stages. The most exciting times are ahead. We will be improving gameplay, introducing more warplanes, polishing the existing features, and adding new ones. And we hope to work with you, shoulder to shoulder, to create a truly great game.

Some important notes: 
  • All alpha testers automatically get access to the closed beta.
  • All applications made during the alpha are valid for the closed beta. Moreover they are elgigible for priority processing.
  • During closed beta we will be gradually inviting more and more players. Don't give up if the invite hasn't arrived right upon the start. It takes time. :)


  1. do we use the same launcher in Alpha test?

    1. What exactly do you mean? There is a separate launcher for WoWP.

    2. Do we have to redownload the client, or will it be automagically updated?

    3. for those who have the alpha client, will it be the same as the closed?

    4. The same client, launcher will automatically DL the update of 0.3.0.

  2. Any news about World of Battleships? would be great to get some upate on this :)

    1. I agree. Would love some more information about World of Battleships.
      Hopefully something at E3 at least? :D

  3. Did you guys thrown out invites yet? I applied first day and still no invite :<

  4. and still, i didnt get my invitation,.. i did sign up in the alpha, any way to check if i did this properly and i am still on the wait list?


  5. Overlord..waiting for alpha key since they first started to send many days should I wait for a closed beta key?

  6. do you have to send in another application if you already signed up for alpha and never got in?

    1. Read "Some important notes" at the end of Overlord's post...

  7. throw fragit a bone (invite code) tks

    1. The initial portion of invites has been sent out for all 3 servers which, and I stress it, does not mean that others are out. We will be steadily inviting many more.

  8. Don't give up, I'm waiting over 4 months. x_x

  9. me since january :P

    beat that :(

    1. Hm, the alpha started in late Feb . . .

    2. ah correct, i changed it with forum acc creation , sry ;)

  10. Hey Overlord, have you had to re-assign any staff from World of Tanks to work on this game?

  11. overlord,plz look into the facebook contest,the winners have not get their invite code yet

  12. Today more keys are sent out?
    Friend of mine got his key on Friday (1st) and I didn't as many others too. I already registered for CA on January :)

    1. Yes. Actually we started receiving the applications on Feb 23. :) patience, mate!

    2. Thanks. Looking forward to get hands on it :) Will try to fly with my Gamepad :)

  13. When does RU server gets 2(3?) years old? :)

  14. Over:
    1)Are you going to put Konisch for VK2801?
    2)Are you going to give back the "engine power boost" consumable only for E-50?
    3)Deadeye Perk work with HEAT shells?

  15. Replies
    1. 1)Okey, now i have to buy VK3601h for use konisch :P.
      2)Bad news for my E-50
      3)Good the description is not clear

    2. They nerfed the Konish to death a few patches ago, nerfed accuracy, aimtime and rate of fire. Now it only has ok penetration left as a force, but you have to use gold ammo to make some real damage. The 88mm is a better choise fore vk3601.

    3. Yes i know the extrange nerfed. They was going to put konisch for tiger H (with the all stats in 3601h, and nerf konisch in 3601h. Then they removed konisch for tiger h and the nerf in 3601h stay on). But i like to test the gun ;)

  16. Overlord pls reply.
    are you and the developers are sending invites sort by date?

    You said that you and the developers are receiving Applications from February 23. So you will gonna sort it by the days and months you invite?

    1. Older applications have priority but that doesn't mean that the invites are sent by date only.

    2. So you just,send random to any player?


    Still no explaination to the community. Why are you DEVs leaving us hanging?

  18. Hi guys,

    I would like to make a request here..
    Overlord pls..plss...send me an invite for the closed beta, I have been waiting since December when the devs released the in-game shots and then since January/febraury and now its June! :'( haven't got a single invite not even for beta :'(
    Pls send me an invite @ my email address: 4technix AT gmail DOT com
    Thx..thanx a lot :)
