Wednesday, October 5, 2011

September 29-October 5 Poll Results

4618 players took part in the recent poll regarding the most important feature in the upcoming 7.0 update.  36% (1681 voters) are looking forward to camos and horns, which will introduce basic vehicle customization functionality. 27% are interested in subdivisions for company battles, that will have some major gameplay effect. Having issues with violators in-game? Suspicious behaviour, harrassment, etc? 20% voted for in-game report system. Two new features for CW (fog of war and cooldown for destroyed vehicles) scored only 14% combined.

As always new weekly poll is up.

PS: The upcoming 7.0 update might bring certain improvements in terms of match-making, the work in full swing.


  1. Overlord... Why do you post a obivious poll?

    You know that the most obivious vote will win!


  2. Matchmaker improvements are very welcome, tank customisation is worthless in my opinion but I guess some people like style over substance.

  3. Hi Overlord

    Q: Can we have small info about the specs of the French tanks? Or a video presentation :) ?


  4. For BETTER BALANCE vote for BAD!!!!!!

  5. Matchmaking - overall -seems to work just fine. (AKA: Good) I regularly play tiers 2-8.

    The only real skews I see are when people platoon.
    OR about one in 15 games when one side has
    far more Td's +1 arty and +1 heavy, the other side is all mostly mediums - those matches depend on the map
    1 side has 3 IS-4 the other side only has the 1 E75 & 1 T34. But that's more a tank imbalance then a MM issue -

    Mostly thought, like 95-98% of the time MM is fine

  6. And the horns... we WILL be allowed to turn them off, yes?

  7. Please tell me you will work on matchmaking over "horns and camo"...

  8. I like the matchmaker for tanks with good mobility (lights, mediums, some TD's). These vehicles are able to reposition quickly and often get shots at higher tier tanks' side or rear armor.

    I don't like the matchmaker so much for slower tanks. They can end up getting bullied by higher tier heavily armored vehicles.

  9. Patch 7 adding horns


  10. The matchmaking is ok in 9 out of 10 random battles. What is not ok, are stupid people, exiting a game right at the start, because they aren't top tier. I've seen platoons do this lately and that, more than the matchmaking loses the battle in the end.

    Wargaming should probably make greater efforts to explain the matchmaking and tell people taht they cannot win every game, that not everybody can be top tier every game and that they cannot score 5 kills every game - because there are no NPC's.

    Maybe a film for those, who are too lazy to read: "matchmaking for idiots" - and explain some of the specialties and difficulties in simple words. Make it funny like those trailers, probably with that sexy elven chick involved. Maybe a few people like to watch and actually get something from it.

  11. matchmaking is decent, could be better, but balanced random matches would be fucking BORING! dont listen to QQ faces they ruin the game.

  12. the matchmaking is fine i never fight something i cant kill (that include being a tier VII on a tier VII VIII IX X fight)

  13. Q: Overlord... Why do you post a obivious poll?

    You know that the most obivious vote will win!


    A: Im not that sure. :) More like average (hope so at least)

  14. Q: Can we have small info about the specs of the French tanks? Or a video presentation :) ?

    A: After 7.0 update, now it's a bit early.

  15. Q: For BETTER BALANCE vote for BAD!!!!!!

    A: That's not fair!!!

  16. Q: Please tell me you will work on matchmaking over "horns and camo"...

    A: These are different things and are being worked on separately.

  17. Overlord why Q&A 1,2,3,4 had useless questions and mish mash answers?

    "we will think about it"
    "not considered yet"

  18. Matchmaking is just fine.

    Sometimes something weird happens, like all heavys vs all mediums, but not a big deal that too.

  19. Matchmaking is a fail. I could post hundreds of pictures when you see 5 tier 6+ arty per team in a CITY MAP or in any map... I have picture where enemy got 8 arty we got 7!

    Sometimes in the evening you can play 3v3 games or 5v5 .... I played a lot of those too with IS3 / IS4

    And since the game only watch the gun for artitelly you often get something likes this:

    You play stock T-54, enemy in the same slot as you have elite T-95 ...

    Matchmaking should watch EVERY module on tank and equipments and GOLD AMMO too ....
    And if there are two of the same tank, for gods sake dont put them in the same team.... make a balance...

  20. Q: Overlord why Q&A 1,2,3,4 had useless questions and mish mash answers?

    A: Do you mean the bulletin? Where? EU? US? Both?

  21. Main problem with matchmaking is that most of the games have way tooooooo much arties per team, and also when there's two of the same tank it would be better to put them on opposite sides, which would ease the problem of current matchmaking system

    PS: dont take the win of horns and camos in the poll seriously, for people who play ClanWars and buy premium it's far less important than correcting the problems of game mechaniks

  22. The matching system is horrible not just poor, saying it's only poor is a huge understatement ..

  23. I think that the matchmaker often is quite ok. But why do nearly always the same tanks end up on one side? If there is four PzKfw IV all end up on one side instead of two on each side. Then I have to agree with Dezix a stock tank vs. an elite of higher tier....

  24. "Overlord said...

    Q: Overlord why Q&A 1,2,3,4 had useless questions and mish mash answers?

    A: Do you mean the bulletin? Where? EU? US? Both?"

    I mean this:

    And on EU, yes

  25. *if I were the one answering those questions I would choose useful ones that the community wants and answer them correctly with nice, long sentences even if the answer could be a simple "no"

  26. Most of the ppl think if in the same row isnt same tank or tier the matchmaker is wrong, but it dont work this way guy so wake up pls...

  27. So its recently been leaked that the T-44 is going to get the 100mm LB-1 as its gun.

    So, I'm going to call it, a bunch of retarded little kids are going to scream "WAHH WAHH BIASED DEVS" when this hits the English patch notes. Failing to realize that this gun only manages to, at most, hit parity with the Pershing's 90mm. Pershing will also probably still have superior moving accuracy, as well as the other advantages inherent in its design [like, not exploding ammo rack].

    Such people also failed to notice how the T-44 was a miserable joke compared to the Pershing and Panther II to begin with.

  28. Hello Overlord.

    Some players feels like E75 is outperforming E100 in certain aspects, especially frontal armor. Are you aware of this issue? Can we expect any changes on this tanks?

  29. Q: Some players feels like E75 is outperforming E100 in certain aspects, especially frontal armor. Are you aware of this issue? Can we expect any changes on this tanks?

    A: Do not think it's major issue, however the changes are possible.

  30. Q: So its recently been leaked that the T-44 is going to get the 100mm LB-1 as its gun.

    A: Yes, it's true. T-44 will get LB-1 as its top gun.

  31. Are new game modes (assault, meeting engagement, etc) going to be in 7.0? if not, when?

  32. I think the match making is just fine. Well I mean it isn't but it's not the logic or algorithm I'm guessing. It has more to do with what is available to match in the queue! Something tells me that the work on the multi clustered servers in v0.7 might just help that quite a bit. As I'm sure the devs already know...

    For the horns if you must, I'd rather see a left ctrl click on the tank to toot your horn at so only you and him can hear it sort of thing. Rather than everyone in earshot.

    Customizing your tank would be very cool but I don't want to auto download a custom skin for every new player that's done it. And if it's only seen by the one client then there is no point in doing it at all. We can already skin that way easily enough. Perhaps only a custom emblem instead of a whole skin? Not that important to me and most others. Besides, you can sort of cheat by replacing tanks skins with marked ones indicating the "sweet spots". I'd rather see the client being checked if it is a "pure" client in order to help do away with cheaters. And there are a few out there...

    I WOULD LOVE an API so that web developers such as myself can develop apps to enhance and enrich player and clan stats on our own sites. It would also help drive traffic and awareness of the game back to wargaming as well. Help build an even stronger community.

    I'm a relative newcomer to this game but by far, I think it;s the best F2P game out there! Good work and look forward to the next update!

    Cheers from Canada...

  33. Overlord, in a slightly related note, is the fact the alternative German TDs are comeing Post-7.0 patch, does this mean they'll be our Christmas Presents?

  34. I should be inclined to point out, in lieu with earlier comments, that the Horns and Camo were the option the people preferred the most out of the given choices. But I suspect if alteration of matchmaking was given as a choice, you would've seen many of the votes given to that.

    Still, keep on trucking Overlord, Rome wasn't built in a day.

  35. Generally, the matchmaking system does work "as intended" with balancing the teams(not at the "Mythical" 9/9.5 out of 10 times either. More like 6.5/7 out of 10 times), but, often enough, it makes matches that make me scratch my head and wonder sometimes. I keep reading the modules you use/have researched affects the 'weight' a tank has in comparison to it's actual tier. I can understand that point, but, where is its limit? How heavily one module adjusts the tier is probably the thing that confuses people the most. Merely as a suggestion, but, maybe, put forward something that would show on our screens the "adjusted tier" for currently equipped modules, or something similiar. At least, that way, those people in their Tier IV/V tanks on the bottom of the list know why/how they got thrown into a match with tier IX/X tanks, and maybe even understand why the lowest tier tank on the other team is an Elited tier VI.

    Great game otherwise, by my standards.

    Signing off from NS, Canada.

  36. NO, no, no to "cooldown for destroyed vehicles", you just benefits largers clans and ppl with money. (i have 2 tier 10 but think the CW going to suffer with this feature).

  37. A: Yes, it's true. T-44 will get LB-1 as its top gun.

    Q: Will it have 0.31 in acc like the one on the t-54 ? It would make the t-44 a very fast manœuvrable low profile bouncy sniper tank, hum?

  38. Any further news on the possible buffs to the American T34?

    Given that the Perishing is one of the lowest performing tier 8 mediums what drove the decision to buff the T44 but leave the perishing alone? Given the new tiers of company battles coming out and the fact that most tournaments are run in lower tiers it is equally important to balance these tiers just as much as tier 10.

  39. To be honest it sorta needs it, other things around its tier can slap it silly.

  40. I voted "good".

    Until recently I've been unhappy with the matchmaker-- until I tried to adjust the matrix myself for my own amusement, and realized that you really do have to spread each tank tier across many battle levels for the matchmaker to work well.

    The notable exception would be the tier IV light tank's range is outdated with the introduction of tier V light tanks. Their battle level spread should be adjusted down to look like other tier IV vehicles.

    It's also curious to me how platoons are handled. When two tanks are platooned, and they are close enough in tier to both fit within a battle level naturally (for example an IS and a StuG III both fit within battle levels 8 and 9), the Matchmatker will often choose a battle level outside this range (say, 10, 11, or even 12 in my example).

    Why would that happen, when a choice of 8 or 9 would fit both tanks in the platoon? Is it to prevent us from manipulating the MM to always get placed on the top of the stack? How much manipulation would really happen, and would it be that big of a problem? To me, seeing very low tier tanks in very high battle level fights is a much bigger problem.

  41. Well, i found the biggest problem of the matchmaker, that it only take tank tiers (and hopefully the tanks equipment "score") in account.

    I'd suggest for improving it, that like the 45% winrate players shouldn't be toptier, when the opposing team has a 50%+ winrate s70 IS-4.

    So, it should consinder balacing the human factor. I could brainstorm a lot about it...

    Like comparing the players personal winrate / killrate / xp gained, and making a statistic about it. It will grant him a score... But... oh noes, it's your developers job to finalize! ;)

  42. But what you are proposing, Majszi, would penalize some poeple.
    Besides, win ratio is nothing, I can show you tons of screen where I earned 1k+ exp and lost, because half of my team was obliterated in a stupid suicide rush.

    On another note: is there a changelog for 7.0 already?
    Seems to me the patch should come pretty soon, if Wargaming aims to keep up with the schedule posted some time ago - there was a lot of "Q4 2011" there.

  43. Yes, it would really penalize people, but only then if they are always locked to play with lowbies. If your personal matchmaking value is higher, you would play always with your kind. While the 2000match/100destroyed tank ppl play amongs their "kind".
    I guess the only downside is that they hardly meet players who know a real tactic, that they can copy in the long run. (Learning curve, right?)

    Indeed it would end the free noob-slaught... But, i guess it could make random games more competitive.

    +1 for the 7.0 patchnotes! =)

  44. No, I don't like the idea of penalizing skill. Player statistics should never be factored into Match Making.

    I would always be playing higher tiered tanks >:)

  45. Is there a T34 buff or are you guys still not giving a shit to non Soviet vehicles?

  46. There are two major problems I have with the MM.

    1) Team A: 3 E-50s as top tank. Team B: 2 IS-4 and E-75.
    This in particular is infuriating to me, it should be split out where one team doesn't get "saddled" with all top mediums and the other with all top heavies. Even that out and it would be a very good change.

    2) The arty equation. I have no real problem with arty, I don't think they're OP or anything. But what does, quite frankly, suck is when there is more than 2 arty on either team. Limiting the number of arty on a team to 2-3 would go a long way to making arty seem less OP too for the average rager...

  47. I went through the terrible M3 Lee to get to the average T1 Heavy. Now that I have the M6 I want to quit the game.

    With the first 3 guns it is IMPOSSIBLE to destroy anything on it's tier or higher!

    It seems like 75% of the time I am the low tier tank in the room as well! It simply NOT FUN!

  48. Q: Overlord, in a slightly related note, is the fact the alternative German TDs are comeing Post-7.0 patch, does this mean they'll be our Christmas Presents?

    A: New TDs may not make it this year. I'm not sure about them.

  49. Q: Any further news on the possible buffs to the American T34?

    A: Not planning to change it until the revision and the introduction of M103.

  50. A: Not planning to change it until the revision and the introduction of M103.

    Seriously what justification do you have to make the american heavy players suffer for SO long? There is no reason other then lazyness not to address the tank until the 4 or more months I am SURE we will have to wait for the M103.

    Also WHY in early posts in this very blog did you bother to elude that a buff was on the way? Why not just tell the truth then instead of getting peoples hopes up and then pissing on them later?

  51. Overlord,

    Can you put on Public Test until this weekend PLEASE :)

    I so badly want to play!!!

  52. The only thing i really hate about the MM is the way it stacks the same tank in big piles on one team or the other. Oh, and the way it thinks a couple of mediums as top tanks are going to be competitive with the Heavies on the other team.

    Also, the Horn idea is really really a waste of time, it is not needed and it will only be an irritating feature when added.

    Ah yes, T34, wtf.

  53. Overlord, any plans to remove all that nitroglycerine from the T-44s turret?

    Maybe then you actually get to fire that fancy LB-1 before you get 1shot.

  54. Overlord answer this please:

    quote from revision of tank news eu server:

    "All disputable issues will be solved for benefit of players.

    Note: Installed equipment and modules in depot for the vehicles affected by the revisions will be sold at their buying price. Some minor changes are still possible but overall concept will remain untouched."

    Modules sold at their buying price. I got 3 module on my IS4 which I bought now when it was half price only.
    It means WG sell my modules for "half" price and I can rebuy them for full...

    "All disputable issues will be solved for benefit of players."

    I wont benefit from this, I lose money or gold to demount.

  55. I kind of agree with aceshelman...camouflage will be an awesome feature but are horns really necessary? I understand that adding the ability to customize your tank is a high priority since Call of Duty did that with their guns and what developer wouldn't want their game to be as popular as Call of Duty, but I don't think adding something like horns will give you the results you want. I highly doubt it will do more then enable players to annoy the crap out of each other. Does anyone really want to listen to the most obnoxious horn in the game over and over again during every match? (cause we all know the most obnoxious horn will be the most popular)

    I think a cool way to customize your tank would be to instead simply make the camouflage system intricate enough to allow a tank to feel different from other individual tanks of the same type. For example, let's say I buy the desert camo for my IS-7. If i could then customize the pattern of desert camo, and the specific colors in each section of the pattern from a palette of desert themed colors, the tank would feel unique.

  56. I'm disappointed in the way WG has handled the American heavies. The only one of real merit in the entire game is the T29, now that the T30 is a joke compared to the E-100. I realize you can only do so much with history, but some things like health, damage values, etc, have no realistic precedent. More to the point, there's been no effort whatsoever to remedy this beyond token, lying words.

    I know the developers barely play their own game, when compared to the actual players who have over 7,000 games and have invested sometimes over a thousand dollars into the game, but even WG is aware that the T1, the M6 and the T34 and now even the T30 all underperform for their tier. You're not building any trust here in the states when you keep pushing things like the M103 back, over and over again, in favor of "more important matters" like tank horns.

  57. I think the matchmaking system is fine for 90% of the matches but sometimes it seems to be terrible. Putting most of the heavies on one side for example. The other problem at the moment is because of the no tracers you end up with too much arty that survives for to long into the match. Which isn't fun for the arty or the people in tanks.

  58. To Dezix
    "Note: Installed equipment and modules in depot for the vehicles affected by the revisions will be sold at their buying price. Some minor changes are still possible but overall concept will remain untouched."
    To me that means regular buying price not what you payed for it. I very much doubt they track whether you bought it when it was on sale or not.

  59. I voted for poor, not because I am a whiner or do not like ending up at the top of the list, but because there are some things broken imo. An example from this week. I was platooning with a pal (him T92, me GW Tiger). We ended up in a quite well balanced match, except for one thing. The enemy also had a T92 and a GW Tiger, yet our team had one additional GW Tiger the enemy team did not receive any compensation for. I think there definitely should be an even amount of arties per team, not the stupid "two tier 6 = one tier 7 arty"-rule. That doesn't cut it. I would even go further and say that pretty much every tank should have a tier and clas equal counterpart in a game (mass tier 9 meds vs mass tier 9 heavies sucks and, depending on the map, puts one team at a tremendous disadvantage). I wouldn't mind having to wait for a battle for one whole minute if the teams were even then.

  60. I think the range of tiers in matches is ok..

    A flaw in MM is how the classes are devided. When the top tier in team A is maybe IS-4,E-75,E-75 and top tier in team B is E-50,E-50,T-54. (Not in platoons).

    Also the balance of platoons in teams is weird sometimes.

  61. Q: Overlord,

    Can you put on Public Test until this weekend PLEASE :)

    I so badly want to play!!!

    A: 7.0 test server won't be launched this week, however we are planning to start 6.7 public test with certain match-making improvements. Follow the news.

  62. Q: Also WHY in early posts in this very blog did you bother to elude that a buff was on the way? Why not just tell the truth then instead of getting peoples hopes up and then pissing on them later?

    A: I never promised adjustments to M103. All tweaks are based on stat data. The performance gap is not that crucial to require immediate action.

  63. Dezix,

    modules will be sold at 100% price, not at 50%.

  64. Overlord, your aware the next test would be the 6.8 patch, correct?

  65. Overlord, I lose money still if its sold at 100%

    Since I can rebuy it for 100% .... and I bought them for 50%

    fix this somehow please

  66. Overlord, will you add a new topic in Public Test section, or will the servers just re open?

  67. [quote]
    Overlord, I lose money still if its sold at 100%

    Since I can rebuy it for 100% .... and I bought them for 50%

    fix this somehow please

    Actually, you will MAKE money. You bought it for 50% they sell it for 100% (= 50% profit).

    Wich means you could rebuy it at full price (= no loss whatsoever), OR you can wait for next half price sale and put that 50% in your pocket.

    I have no idea why you feel like there has to be fixed something

  68. Math!
    Youd make 200% profit since youd sell it for twice as much as you bought it!

  69. To: Dezix

    Modules are guns, tracks, turrets, engines, and radios.

    Equipment refers to Rammers, Vents, binoculars, coated optics, vertical stabilizers, etc.

    You are confused.

  70. If the T-44 is going to get the 100mm LB-1, can the Ausf.A get the L68? The transition to fully upgrading the Ausf.B with the L71 is difficult.

  71. Q: Also WHY in early posts in this very blog did you bother to elude that a buff was on the way? Why not just tell the truth then instead of getting peoples hopes up and then pissing on them later?

    A: I never promised adjustments to M103. All tweaks are based on stat data. The performance gap is not that crucial to require immediate action.

    I assume you are referring to the T34 here. And I'm sorry but if I need to go back to the comments you spoken in I will.

    1st: You and other wargaming devs have admitted that the T34 is insufficiently performing as a tier 9 heavy.

    2nd: You futher confirm is weakness by introducing the M103 as a solution to it performance.

    3rd: The T34 has the worst stats of any single tank in the entire game.

    4th: American tank players in general tend to be better players, thus giving American tank stats a boost, yet the T34 is still the worst preforming tank.

    And finally 5th: You stated, AND another dev stated that the T34 would be looked at in 7.0. That was in response to the same question stated as "since the M103 is being constantly delayed can we please have the T34 looked at and adjusted in the mean time"

    Overlord it is LONG past time for something to be done to the American Heavy line

  72. To demonicus

    Im not confused I will lose my god damn credit or gold if they sell my equipments on tank....

  73. I think given the modules have tier ##'s on them that the MM should grant the vehicle a Tier ## that is the average of the equipped modules rounded down for fractions. This way a tier 5 using tier 7 item's will end up in more weighted tier 6 and 7 fights than a tier five using tier 4 or 5 items. Just makes since, you have tier numbers on the modules, use me.

  74. (4th: American tank players in general tend to be better players, thus giving American tank stats a boost, yet the T34 is still the worst preforming tank.)

    So when I play my American TDs, I am somehow mystically transformed into a higher skilled player than when I play my German mediums?

    Riiiight. You lost all credibility when you posited this as fact.

  75. hey Ovi can you clear up something for me ?
    this is from bulletin 4 EU

    - Will we be able to reset the crew skills for free, when new ones appear? Or will it be possible for gold only?
    After adding new skills, it will be possible to reset the crew skills for free.

    in the "in development" section :
    Tanker skills reset option acquired for Gold:
    Due to the fact that new crew skills will be implemented into the game soon, players will be able to reset any amount of already explored skills for Gold. The free "training points" of the resetted skill can be spent on training of any other skill.


  76. "A: Not planning to change it until the revision and the introduction of M103. "
    Then why nerf the T30 since it is supposedly supposed to be changed at the same time as the T34/M103? Why wasn't there a buff for the T34 in the same time as the T30 when your devs took their valuable time to nerf the T30

    "A: I never promised adjustments to M103. All tweaks are based on stat data. The performance gap is not that crucial to require immediate action."

    Are you kidding me? The question was in reference to the T34. And have you seen the stats of the T34 lately? It has the worst win ratio of all vehicles in this game and that includes premium vehicles! It is a good 4-5% behind the other Tier 9 heavies in win ratio! That not a freaking big enough difference when Soviet vehicles get buffed for stats less than 1%!!! For crying out loud, show some God damned consistency in your buffing and nerfing. God!

  77. About Matchmaking:

    I think that not only tiers should be matched well. If each players average exp for his tank also are taken into account, the matches will be much more even. This change will affect the team balance the most in a positive way. The average exp for each team should be shown, so that the players are informed about the quality of the balancing.The average exp should be about the same for each team.

  78. Buff the T34 please, if it were Russian it would've been buffed about 6 months ago.

  79. Vector03 said...

    Buff the T34 please, if it were Russian it would've been buffed about 6 months ago.

    yeh right thats why the is7 is poss the worst tier 10. but we learn to use it to it's ability's so adapt and stop crying..

  80. Q: Since I can rebuy it for 100% .... and I bought them for 50%

    A: Discounted prices (specials) do not count here. No worries.

  81. Q: - Will we be able to reset the crew skills for free, when new ones appear? Or will it be possible for gold only?

    A: Yes, for free.

  82. Q: Are you kidding me? The question was in reference to the T34. And have you seen the stats of the T34 lately? It has the worst win ratio of all vehicles in this game and that includes premium vehicles! It is a good 4-5% behind the other Tier 9 heavies in win ratio! That not a freaking big enough difference when Soviet vehicles get buffed for stats less than 1%!!! For crying out loud, show some God damned consistency in your buffing and nerfing. God!

    A: This is unofficial data, gathered for month. It doesn't feature the current trend. The gap is not that big to disperse resources.

  83. so no new tds, no m103 or t110, i guess there will be no french either till the end of year

  84. Overlord said...

    Q: Any further news on the possible buffs to the American T34?

    A: Not planning to change it until the revision and the introduction of M103.
    October 5, 2011 10:39 PM

    Does that mean there will be changes to it when it goes premium, or will it be the exact same tank and specs as is currently in the game? Thanks.

  85. So when I play my American TDs, I am somehow mystically transformed into a higher skilled player than when I play my German mediums?

    Riiiight. You lost all credibility when you posited this as fact.

    No sorry I haven't. It has been stated by the devs themselves that the american medium and heavy line take a higher level of skill to be successful with. TD's for americans at tier 9 however are kinda awesome and I have no gripe there.

  86. A: This is unofficial data, gathered for month. It doesn't feature the current trend. The gap is not that big to disperse resources.

    Then do us all a favor next time and don't even mention you are looking at the tanks, CLEARLY there was never intent to do a damn thing about it. All you did was get peoples hopes up that there would be some relief and then pissed on.

    It would also help if you shared data you use to come to the conclusions.

  87. IS-7 is maybe the worst tier 10 yes, however there isn't a worse high tier tank than the T34, no one can refute that.

  88. IS-7 is maybe the worst tier 10 yes, however there isn't a worse high tier tank than the T34, no one can refute that.

    um... T30's armor would like a word with you.

  89. Vector03 said...

    IS-7 is maybe the worst tier 10 yes, however there isn't a worse high tier tank than the T34, no one can refute that.

    I totally agree m8t but it's clear that these numpty devs don't give a shit and all our moaning and crying don't mean shit to them so we gotta learn to play with what we got - T34 is clearly without doubt a very poor tank always has been - prob why i won't go down the US heavy line but the is7 is a joke also..

    As for T30 i'd swap it for the is7 any day - it's armor is piss poor but the gun more than makes up for it. We both lost hp in the last patch, now that baffled the hell out of me why they done that..

  90. @Daggerheart: I like the general idea you suggest, but I have one problem with it. I am playing without premium and as a result make 50% less xp on average than the rest of the players do. Your approach would then put me in rounds where most players either also are not using premium or, which is more likely, are worse than me. I would not like to play on teams that suck, so sorry, please do not implement that (as long as you do not take into account the difference between premium and non premium at least).

    As for T30 and IS7: I would say that the T30 is actually the worst tier 10 tank around. I tend to instant kill those with the HE (!) shells of my GW Tiger. The IS7 is a proven clan war winner. Not because it has a lot of HP or deals up to 900 damage, but because it is so freaking maneuverable and nimble, combined with an awesome frontal armor. Going head to head vs. an E100 in a pub game would probably mark its demise, but it really is not a bad tank, if used correctly (just never stand still and arty won't be able to hit you at all probably).

  91. The biggest problem with the T34 is that it doesn't have the armor to also have a high RoF gun. You have to expose yourself twice as much to use a high RoF gun. In my M43, I can easily one shot a T34, and have been one shot in mine many times.

    A tank that lacks high speed or armor needs a gun that scares people into playing it safe when they see you. Otherwise, they'll just roll over you because they know you can't stop them. That's why the T30 works to some degree. It's an awful, awful tank aside from its ability to decimate a target with one shot. It does bounce and miss a lot, but if it hits, you just lost almost half your health. That alone can make people player honest. The T34 usually does about 350-450 damage, which honestly is a joke. An IS-4 will just poke out and shoot you for almost twice that, then roll back into cover and wait for a reload. The T34 can only rush him or hope its armor (haha) weathers the storm. If it's 1v1, the IS-4 would just facehug you and shoot wherever it likes to kill you in three-four hits, whereas you won't even be able to penetrate it.

    Any way you look at it, the T34 is a worthless piece of trash tank that even the most skilled player is going to be fed up with after a few games. I seriously get the impression that the devs go out of their way to make sure all the US tanks are horrible, because they're bigoted against Americans. They certainly don't bother listening to any of us, and we know how Storm likes to throw tantrums about anyone who's not part of his race.

  92. My biggest beaf with the MM is the insane Tier spread. What is the point of playing an M6 (tier 6) against IS-4 or E-75 (tier 9) or like just now against E-100, IS-7 and T30 (tier 10). Like IS-3 and Tiger II wouldn't be hard enough as it is?

    Seriously. If it would happen every once in a while it wouldn't be that bad, but this obscene tier spread is pretty much in every game I played. I don't have to be put in a game the second i hit the battle button. I wouldn't mind waiting a couple of seconds and actually get paired in a game wich is... you know... a game and not a case of dodge-the-one-shot-kill.

    A spread of 2 Tiers is more then enough. Players will still be motivated to get the next tank (and thus use gold to pimp it up), but doing it will be a whole lot more pleasant.

  93. I guess I mean a Tier spread of 3 (so you only meet oppontents that are max two tiers higher then you)

  94. (obviously not taking arty into account)

    /triple post

  95. "because it is so freaking maneuverable and nimble"

    Why do people always come to this conclusion ?
    as for being nimble you are for from the truth - street maps only it's quick, as for any other map it's speed and agility become absolutely useles and very rarely reaches 35kph - it's only proven in clan wars for 1 reason it's in pack of is7's thats where it's strength is as far as clan wars goes..

  96. @overlord

    you have confirmed that the T-44 will get the 100mm LB-1 but will it be in the 7.0 or later?

  97. @Glad: I come to this conclusion simply because it is the hardest to hit tier 10 when playing arty. It pretty much has to be stationary for an arty player to be condifent enough to fire a shell its way.

    Anyhow, the poll is going the right direction with about 90% of people voting between average and bad. And even there the votes are divided quite evenly, so you could say that 90% of people consider the MM to be poor. Let's see what we get out of it.

  98. Q: Some players feels like E75 is outperforming E100 in certain aspects, especially frontal armor. Are you aware of this issue? Can we expect any changes on this tanks?

    A: Do not think it's major issue, however the changes are possible.

    You must be kidding me - it is almost impossible to penetrate the frontal armor of a E75 with a T34

  99. Overlord could you please comment on how well the devs think Arty is implemented (Taking into account the Polls you have made, as well as the arty thread you stickied in the EU forum) in the game at the moment?

  100. MM spread is too big. IMHO should be +-1 from majority you want to put in same team with arty being 2 tires lower (since it max tire is 2 less that HTs). Tire5 heavy can be put in fights with tire 9 and several 8. Tire 6 heavy can be put against tire 10 and several 9. Would prefer to wait a minute and get balanced team than this.
    With such a great player poll that WoT has it should be hard to put balanced teams on field instead of fast ditching out players from queue we have now

    Also I would say each team should have around 3 (+-1) arty and seriously I dont know how many times I had heavily arty teams in city maps and no arty teams in open maps. People need to learn to play with arty and against arty as its how you play in CW and companies.
    Same with other tank type there should be close to equal (+-1) number of tank types in battle per team. Anyone who faced heavily TD party know this feeling of impending doom.
    Only exception from what I wrote at the beginning are new lights,they are OP. They should be counted as tire 6-7. Armor of med tire 5, much higher speed and manoeuvrability and ~150HP more than med tire 5. When I play arty and there is 2 of those fast lights in enemy team (and 0 in mine) I just know I wont be any use to team as I will probably be dead very soon. Putting them not even in teams ends up with team having more of them win in most of cases.

    As to T-44, its weak tank (ammo rack on tracks) compared to T-43, reason I only play it for double exp and thats all its much weaker than other tire 8 meds. Gun wont help since it has same penetration as other T-44 guns

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