Friday, October 14, 2011

New American Daddy

T110 is a new American top tier heavy tank scheduled for release in Q1 2012. Remind you that this vehicle will substitute T30 as it was announced some time ago.

Below are the screenshots:

PS: T110 has 120mm M58 gun mounted here.


  1. I really hope this thing has better Hull armor than the T30 =P

    Then, it would be hard not to, wouldn't it?

  2. Nice compact design. What is the big American tank on the left? T-34 or T-30? Compared to the T110, even the IS-7 looks big and sluggish. I like it.

  3. Meh, that Mg turret looks like big juicy weakspot. I wonder if that IR floodlight is the same?

  4. that thing on left side turret will be huge weakspot (commander cupola too) but looks good

  5. Judging from the barrel it's T30. And that's the only difference between t30 and T34.

  6. So...can I have the DDS files? I need make a GDI skin now!

  7. Q1 2012? you've been promising this damn thing since the end of beta... before the damn new German heavy line was even hinted at.

  8. What are it's mountable guns again?

  9. Q - will it have the 120mm the only available gun or will it have another unlockable gun?

  10. this thing looks like a medium tank rather than a heavy up)

  11. Well, if the T110 is agile (comparable to T32), has a decent firepower and acceptable hull armor (at least 130mm sloped), it may become the best all-round T10 heavy.

  12. Hey Overlord,

    Can you post a picture of all Tiers 9 and 10 for size comparison? with amx-50 too please


  13. Looks cool, thank you for this post!

  14. Did the American Tier 10 lose Weight or

    Q - Yo Overlord, what is the T110's Maximum Speed?

  15. if that floodlight is a hitbox I will stab someone.

  16. 2 BIG weak spots on the turret... not nice... not nice...

  17. Nice. That commander's hatch will become its worst enemy, though. If it plays a little like the T32, when you facehug people, that's going to be a huge, bulbous, easy target for them to do full damage to. Unless of course you've been kind enough not to make it a weak spot.

    Should have just cropped that ridiculous commander's hatch out and given it a normal one:

    Also, isn't that bus stop sign supposed to be a machine gun hatch? I'd assumed you would just get rid of it, since it wouldn't always be open in combat to begin with. What happened to it? Looks like you turned it into a spotlight. Is that going to be yet another weak point?

    Hope you guys are considering that for this tank to be viable it needs to be able to play like the T32, since it doesn't have armor anywhere other than its turret. You can't start throwing giant weak spots all over the thing and then expect the players to be able to use it.

  18. i think equal the big weak spot on turret easy to shot ....

  19. Overlord,
    What will happen with undistributed experience on my T34 ? will it be transfered to M103 or stay on T34 ?
    I am asking because nothing is mentioned in case T34 but in other tanks like KV, IS-4, E-75 is written clearly that undistributed experience will be transfered.

  20. Q: What is the big American tank on the left? T-34 or T-30?

    A: It's T30.

  21. Q: Q1 2012? you've been promising this damn thing since the end of beta... before the damn new German heavy line was even hinted at.

    A: Actually we only announced it on April 30, which was after the release.

  22. Q: will it have the 120mm the only available gun or will it have another unlockable gun?

    A: It's still to be decided.

  23. Overlord, will it be using planned 700 HP engine? What is its estimated weight? Will it's armor be only a little bit better then an E-50, or closer to the IS-7?

  24. Looks awesome but imagine rolling up a hill with this baby and the first thing that apears for the enemy is my weakspot on top of the turret... >_<

    Well every tank needs some weakspot but this one is much too much for a t10.

  25. Are there plans to give it an alternate turret? The original designers didn't like that hatch any more than we do.

    Having a weak point like that (like a KV-5's) on top of the turret, next to the only exceptional armor on the entire tank) isn't going to work. I'm sure you guys don't look forward to the players on all three servers complaining about this for the next year any more than we do, but those weak points have got to go. Every tank needs a weak spot, but that is way, way too much.

  26. post some info on the setup for Tier 10 IS-4?

  27. Great to see pictures of T110. Seems to be a great tank.

    However, compared to all other T10, the hull IS the weakpoint, didn't need to creat other obvious one imo. Also this cupola is the biggest weakpoint of all tier 10 tanks :o.

    But Still, nice to see the new T10 american tank.

  28. the american tanks are useless aginst spg's they have huge weakspots on the top and rearend

  29. When do you plan to make T34 premium and add M103? In 7.0 Path or 7.x ??

  30. Please give the T110 atleast a 125mm gun :(

  31. Well, I see 2 very BIG weak point on the turret of T110 on the top and the left like 2 ears of T29. I think tier 5,6 can penetrate his turret in close combat with a gun has penetrate 167 or 175 like KV or KV 3. And if T110 have less than 150 mm of hull, it's still paper armor. Hope that I wrong

  32. Q: When do you plan to make T34 premium and add M103? In 7.0 Path or 7.x ??

    A: In 7.x

  33. Overlord, with the change to the M103 coming first before the T110, do you plan on moving back the second line of TDs for the Russians and Germans so that the Americans get their second TD line first and the change to the T110 can take place?

    Basically, will we see the T110 before or after tanks like the Jagdpanzer E-100 and SU-122-54?

  34. Why did you decide to add the French tanks first before the British? It's a little insulting to the British effort in the war that the French who rolled over were selected first. Sorrry that was off-topic.

  35. I hope you realy don't want to stick with the 120mm, its a t10 tank ffs, do you realy want to kill the US heavy line that much?...

  36. Hey Overlord I have a question.

    What happens when this tank goes premium and I dont have space in barracks for a few members/entire new crew?

    I just wont get new 100% crew or I will and barrack will be spread?

    Sorry for my english.

  37. it will suffer from the same thing as e75....big turret weak spot....its really painful to play e75 when every second shot goes right trough your commanders hatch...even worse for this tank cause it would be tier 10....dunno whats wrong with WoT developing team but those turret weak spots that every tank have(some tanks have small one e.g. IS4 only little view range finder, some big one e.g. e75 whole commander cupola) and that can be penetrated by every ingame tank (even tier 1) is the most dumbest game "feature"

  38. i already love the huge weak-spot on the turret :)

  39. @Overlord will this IR Floodlight or whatever that is be a part of hitbox?

  40. I'd love to see this T110 sitting next to an E-100 and an IS-7 for comparison.

    @sup, if you don't like how awesome the E-75 is, then don't play it.

  41. Nice Overlord. Especially the duckbill tracks on the T30. When can we expect that? :)

    But please tell us that IR flashlight or whatever it is on the left of the turret is not part of the hitbox. If the IS-4's fuel tanks are not part of the hitbox, surely that thing on the T110's turret isn't as well.

    Also, is the T110, supposedly using composite armour that is still classified to this day will be replicated in game?

  42. Front: 80mm
    Side: 60mm
    Back: 40mm

    Turret Front: 80mm
    Turret Side: 80mm
    Turret back: 60mm

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Overlord,

    Stop being a coward and give us a straight up answer, Is the IR Light and the Commander's hatch going to take damage when shot?

    Please for your sake will you tell us.

  45. Please consider changing the design - you've already done so with the E-75 (by giving it less lower front hull armour than the actual design had) and other tanks, so please do something, anything, about the commander hatch - add a block of metal in front of it, remove it entirely, anything at all.

  46. Questions:

    According to various news releases from the WG, multiple turret designs for the T110 were modeled and considered.


    The questions I have are: 1) why was the turret with the largest weak spot chosen as the default turret, and 2) will the turret design with an external machinegun mounting (and no giant commander cupola weak spot on top) be available as an upgrade?

  47. It will be shred down to pieces just by shooting the commander's cupola....

  48. BSG11:

    The second turret model was just the M103's turret. I've seen two "official" design specifications for the T110's turret, and both have the skyscraper hatch. One has it where we see it, and the other has it located further back, towards the rear of the tank.

    I imagine they decided to go with the "real" one that even the real designers of the tank decided not to use. Unfortunately, no updated design specifications were ever drawn up, although lessons learned from the project would be carried over to future tanks. The closest you might get to seeing what the T110 may have looked like would probably be the MBT-70, which was another cancelled project.

    Personally, I wish they would do the same thing they did with the T-54 or E-series and several other tanks, and just integrate multiple designs together, or guess on what the final product would have actually looked like instead of rigidly sticking to a design that 1) the players hate 2) they hate 3) the designers of the tank hated.

    I mean, as far as gameplay considerations go, this one thing is going to decimate this tank. If it's supposed to play similarly to a T32, then that hatch will make going hull down and facehugging basically impossible. You'll be punished by all tanks on the field for trying it. That will effectively make the T110 a "support sniper," like what people call the T34. And we all know what an effective tank that pile of crap is.

    Wargaming knows they need to change this. Surely. If they just don't make it a weak spot, fine. I don't care what it looks like. But just looking at the thing, you know exactly what they're going to do to its hit model, and it scares the crap out of American players, because we know EXACTLY what that will mean for the tank.

  49. Perhaps they will be "fair" and give the spotlight and commanders hatch the IS4 fuel tank treatment.

  50. Ah very nice, just got the T29 myself. There is one heavy tank cooler than this though, British Conqueror. That will be awesome!

  51. The problem with the tank is this:
    What does Heavy Tank mean? Well usually it should mean it has 4 basic charachteristic. Its big(heavy), armored, well armed and as a downside somewhat slowish. Looking at the current t10 tanks:
    Maus and E-100 are good examples.
    IS-7 is good too, tho not as big and a bit too mobile.
    Even T-30 has 2 (very well armed and moderatly big)
    Now lets see the T-110:
    Its small, weakly armored, fast and accurate but weak gun and its kinda fast/mobil = its a very good MEDIUM tank, but not a heavy...

  52. Q - Overlord how can you guys justify a 35mm difference in gun size? Are you planning on upping the penetration, or at least adding armor/hp to the tank? Because right now this just seems completely IMBA

  53. The mm size isn't really that important. Modern MBTs usually use 120s. Remember that the damage values in this game are completely made up. What you should be worried about is only penetration and rate of fire, since damage is balanced according to that.

    We know the pen is good. Pray the rate of fire stays below 6. Otherwise the gun will basically be a medium tanks' gun, which will just further sell the idea that the T110 is an awkward medium tank.

  54. Two questions.

    1) Will T110's siliceous-cored composite armor be replicated?

    2) Will the OPTAR transmitter/receiver be part of the hitbox?

  55. Shongi said...
    The problem with the tank is this:
    What does Heavy Tank mean? Well usually it should mean it has 4 basic charachteristic. Its big(heavy), armored, well armed and as a downside somewhat slowish. Looking at the current t10 tanks:
    Maus and E-100 are good examples.
    IS-7 is good too, tho not as big and a bit too mobile.
    Even T-30 has 2 (very well armed and moderatly big)
    Now lets see the T-110:
    Its small, weakly armored, fast and accurate but weak gun and its kinda fast/mobil = its a very good MEDIUM tank, but not a heavy...

    Except US Heavy design philosophy is way different then traditional heavy tank philosophy. The US first and foremost based post war design designations on gun, and a 120mm was a "heavy tank" gun. Second, US doctrine had mobile medium tanks as the primary force supported by heavy tanks from range. Third, US designs have always been about mobility and low mobility high logistical burden tanks have in most cases virtually been ignored as a production tank by the US.

    In short, you will NEVER see a true heavy tank in the style with a white star on it because such a tank did not, never ever really has, fit within US doctrine.

  56. I really don't like where this is going, we want a tank that can match the E-100, IS-7, and Maus, in a fair fight, and they give us, basically, a Tier 10 medium tank...

  57. I'm all for a tier 10 medium tank. Mediums can already brutalise heavies if played right.

  58. Overlord, announcing the tank's name and telling us there would be a replacement are interchangeable.

  59. If the optar is on the hitbox then lol&goodnight. But i wont be suprised cuz they alredy did such horrible nosense hates to US tanks...

  60. I dont know why are you all bitching?
    T30 is exelent tank if you dont know that than you just dont use it right.
    If you think T30 is underpowered, what about T29? its same principle of tank?
    he has weaker body than IS and Tiger? but much better gun and realy strong turret.
    Do you want more armor on him as well.
    I played with all 3 of them and T29 is by far best tier7 tank.
    All there is here is Russian have this , that, and all other stuff better, well guess what, no you are wrong.
    Lets see top tears in arty, TDs mediums, and heaveies
    American arty is much stronger (slower reload but if you have object 261 with is actyaly downgrade from 212 not upgrade you would understand).

    T95 on open, vs object 704, what do you think who would win? :) T95 with easy.

    Paton vs t54, guess again winner ,pattons much better gun is big advantage.

    IS7 vs t30, again, IS7 need 4 lucky or 5 shots while t30 needs 3 avrage shots to kill IS7. and if T30 use cover to hide body? IS7 have no chance at all. and what about IS7 going aganainst mouse or e100??? he he he

    So prity much Russians are much weaker than americans or germans tho that doesnt mean they suck, they are just not menth to be played like americans nor americans are suposed to be played like russians or germans.

    From what i see, you have T30 with best gun from all tanks, and that you think is bad, now you will get smaller calibar gun that shoots fast, again you dont like it, what would you want, minigun with 155mm ???

    All tanks are good if used right, T54s are awsome when in pack, IS7s too, but they are weak alone.
    T30 is ideal support tank , Mouse and E100 are front line tanks that can take much of enemy fire.
    Every tank has strenght and weaknes, its up to you adopt to tank, and not for devs to build tank the way it suit you.
    after all if you dont like it just go for IS7, its a great (for that reason i m rushing to get T30 :P )

    And if some change is deserved and should be made before others that i think is IS4 going to be tier 10. as since game started Russians didnt get anything interesting appart KV13 with is irelevant or T50-2 with is socut and all other nations got same.
    While all oter nations had some modifications and improvments in tanks, changes like Paton, E-series, russian got KV13 yey...

    All in all, Devs are going good job, and my only complaint or more of advice is it would be nice to get some small tier premium tank that can nearly match t59 in money and his price, as for fun tank i would gladly give 7500 gold as i have Lowe but games with hima are so so borring and i m hardly using him.
    Judging by lowe even tho he is great money maker its rely boring i wont be buying any big tier premium tanks as just grinding with regulars is stressfull enough.
    Tho i will wait and hope that you might one day put some nice fun tank to drive.

    Keep up with good job.

  61. How much armor could that t110 have?

  62. Top, just... stop. Literally everything you just said was incorrect, in some way. Not to mention full of grammatical and spelling errors...

  63. Eli M
    please correct me where i m wrong, and about my english, well its good enough that you can understand in that i m sure.

    I m sure if you dont like t30 you can get IS7 or some german tank, and stop whining or no...??

    All i m saying people complain just for sake of complainging, and all thay have to do to fix that play with what they think is best.

  64. Q: what will be the purpose of T110?
    so far t30 was support/damage dealer (average speed/no armor/firepower).

    From images it seems it will be smaller so it might be faster, no 155 mans it will lose its alpha dmg.

    So basically it will be over sized medium tank without enough armor to bounce is7/mouse/e100 ?

    Im speculating now coz im considered about future of t110 in CW or tournaments(im t30 driver).


  65. Awesome, you've replaced the easiest to hit tier 10 with another easy to hit tier 10. Get rid of that R2D2 hatch (if it's a weak spot) and this tank might be worthy of being a tier 10.

  66. I hope those lights are not weak spot. Think real life what would happen if you shot the light. Nothing for the tank for sure.

  67. The 'Stop Sign' is most likely NOT going to be part of the hitbox.

  68. What 'Top' is saying, is gramatically not really the best english I have seen, but somehow he speaks the truth.

    Allthough the best MED is the E-50, the Patton is a good 2nd..

  69. Q: Overlord, could you release some expected specs of the T-110? I'm very curious about them. I won't be angry if you post the wrong specs, if you guys make some changes while testing... ;)

  70. That thing comes with its own bus stop sign? Nice work, guys, I can easily catch a bus home after a fun day killing IS-7s.

    Serious Questions:
    1) Will you take damage if someone shoot the darn sign?
    2)When will we able to play the M103 tank??

    You guys sure put the american tree on the back burner a lot don't you.

  71. Q: Overlord , could you tell us the status of the 120mm gun m58, What is the penetration,damages,accuracy and the RPM of this gun?

  72. Stop dancing around the point Overlord, we need CHARACTERISTICS !

  73. Q: Overlord , could you tell us the status of the 120mm gun m58, What is the penetration,damages,accuracy and the RPM of this gun?

    A: Not yet. But you can pretty much figure it out if you find RL data.

  74. Q - Overlord how can you guys justify a 35mm difference in gun size? Are you planning on upping the penetration, or at least adding armor/hp to the tank? Because right now this just seems completely IMBA

    A: M58 is a a post-WWII gun, and it will be a decent one in-game. Most of the countries were renouncing large-caliber guns. Plus the gun choice can be changed, since there is enough time for release.

  75. The 120mm M58 could pen (187mm) of armor on a 30 degree angle at 2000 meters. No sure what the translates into within the game however.

  76. Question: When KV-3 is moved to Tier 7 (and a player has it on Elite) will the KV-4 be unlocked for him as well?

  77. i just cant believe how god dam long it takes the devs on this game to get 1 tank into the game you been harping on about these new tier 9 and 10 usa heavy tanks for months now ALL IT IS IS A FUCKING TANK get it FUCKING sorted and get it in game and stop pissing around trying to make it look like you have a clue whats going on. WG you run your traps off about how much staff you have but does any one of you have a god dam clue what you are doing as it seems to take you guys 4 months to do what any other studio would do in a month, your a fucking joke wargaming get your greedy ass act together or do us all a favour and sell your games to a company that knows what they are doing as it clear all you are is talk and dont have a fucking clue

  78. Q: Will current T34 owners still get the T34 as a Premium or do we have to buy it with gold?!

  79. @ saplala
    Q: Will current T34 owners still get the T34 as a Premium or do we have to buy it with gold?!

    A: Overlord has stated more then 5 times that all you have to have is a T34 stock in your garage to get it as a premium upon the change over to the M103. You will also be given a M103 with a free tank slot and a 100% crew.

  80. @ Hahaha

    Dude you have no idea what ur even talking about... WG has been trying to bring out an entirely new nation of tanks. So just back the hell off. I know Overlord wont say anything but trolls like you need to just get a life man.

    The M103 and the T110 are pretty game breaking if they are not implemented right and also the french tanks coming out are I believe to be a much higher priority in the first place since we already have a Tier 9 and 10 in place for the USA tree.

    Don't get me wrong I have the T34 and the T30 and just waiting for the change over. I am excited as can be but, I have patience. I want them to be balanced well and to do well and if that takes more time adjusting things then I have already waited to this point and I don't mind waiting longer.

    Don't act like you know how to run WG cus ya don't. These guys do the best they can and I as a community member, I will back them up from assholes like you. Go rage on some personal forum but, keep the vain screams out of our faces...

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. 120 mm gun means it will have less damage than

  83. Q: We will have extra tank after M103 and T110 out, then the crews that we have will be more, so will we have extra barracks?

  84. Yes less damage, but most likely the highest pen in the game coupled with amazing accuracy. The 120mm gun in real life could pen a maus at 2000 meters.

  85. @ z3hl

    iv put more into this game then you ever have little WG butt boy, you rattle on like you think you know something but you dont your just a jumped up fan boy. spotting system and no arty tracers and ghoast shells are all game breaking but have they been fixed??? nope, they aint doing the best they can they are just lazy greedy bastards, that dont know how to fix there broken since bata game, they have evebn started making 2 other games while trying to rip us all off with this un finished game, so please take you little cock out of wargamings ass you jumped up little prick before you start running you fuill of shit month off

  86. @ Hahaha

    LOL you have seriously just proven my point of being a troll. All you do is complain about a game... seriously man get a life. Its free to play its not something YOU HAVE TO PUT IN. So stfu and gtfo if your going to bitch so much.

    WG like I said does their best to provide us with an authentic but fun experience and trolls like you bitching about 3 or 4 problems when the game as a whole is an amazing thing in itself. Just balancing this game would be an amazing feat and yet they strive to do their best regardless of the difficulty.

    Its not just a game to them its their job. How would you like your work scrutinized and bitched about on a daily basis by a stuck up little prick that can only talk shit...

    Step out of ur shoes and into theirs sometime before you open up that sorry mouth of yours. If you are upset so much about whats in the game now and don't have the patience to wait that like I said earlier GTFO! I get so tired of people ruining discussion boards and to be honest going back and forth with you about this has only added to the problem I detest...

    Don't even attempt to try to say something back all you have is a dirty mouth and a small mind. We are done here.

  87. "since we already have a Tier 9 and 10 in place for the USA tree. "

    No we don't. We have tier 7 tanks with big guns.

  88. @Z3hl: Hahaha is right bout these several bugs that have been here since day one in the beta. Atm they have had over 1 year to fix handfull really serious issues with their game, but they havent done shit bout it. Well i admit that Hahaha was maybe bit too rude, but he most certainly has point.

  89. Dear Mr. Overlord:

    I am an avid US heavy tank player. I have been awaiting these pictures for a while and am pleased with most of what I see. I do have a few questions though.

    #1. The T110 is smaller than the T30 and IS-7; does that mean it will be faster and more agile?

    #2. Will the T110's machine gun/commander's hatch and IR dish on the side of the turret be weak points like on the KV-5? If so, the T110 will have the ability to be played as the T29 and T32 (using the infamous facehugging tactics). How will this effect the playing style of the US Heavy line?

    If you could at least answer the second question, it would be greatly appreciated by many US heavy players, myself included. Please keep up the good work, and if possible, give us a tank that will be worth going through the painful US Heavy grind. Thanks Overlord! :)

    Sincerely Yours,

  90. @ RPS007

    1) Other interviews, especially this one:

    would indicate that the T110 will have similar handling to the IS-7. 700 horsepower at 50~ tons would give it a similar power/weight ratio.

    2) The OPTAR tx/rx probably won't be part of the hitbox, Overlord has told us. The copula/MG turret will be a "weak spot", tho we don't know how weak. IS-4-driver-hatch-weak would be okay. T29 "ear" weak is not okay.

    That's what we know so far.

  91. I got the T30 for the gun, I'll be pretty pissed off if it will be yet another generic gun like the others..

  92. Overlord, please let uh know if the T103 and T110 will be released at the same time.

    I would like to grind the T103 for the T110 instead of T34.

  93. No, M103 and T110 won't be released at the same time. M103 is scheduled for December 2011, T110 is scheduled for Q1 2012.

  94. @ ScamTraxx

    Point or not man he is just being a dick. At no point did I ever say there were not problems with the game. Most people though will never look at the glass being half full... It could always be worse. Like I said earlier your not required to play it. You enjoy it and thus you play. Obviously most people subconsciously disregard the problems and continue to play or else they need to quit because bitching doesn't solve things.

    Talking about things in a rational manner and not treating the Devs like they are incompetent would be a good step for people like HAhaha. I enjoy the fact that you can talk about it nicely because that is what the comments and message boards are for. Discussing Pros and Cons and overall information regarding WoT.

    Hahaha on the other hand can be right about everything but trying to demean the Devs and call anyone that sticks up for them at all a "butt boy" (I believe that was the term) is just being a moron. Even his grammar was horrible. To be honest mine is nothing to be glad about but, reading his comments hurt my eyes...

    The game overall does need improvements which is what they are doing. These guys don't just sit around playing tanks all day. (Some may because it could be their job LOL) They are hard at work to please us. (the player base) The want our opinion but, I don't believe it has to come in hateful manner. We could at least show them the decency of a human being...

  95. Overlord has stated on the EU server that the M58 will have similar penetration to the 155mm.

    Which means it's nerf'd from it's historical stats.

    Huzzah. \o/

  96. I am saddened by the gigantic commander copula.

  97. Q. Will we be able to play this tank on the test server before it comes out?

  98. Hi, I'm a player from Chinese server. Thank you for all you have done. But could you reconsider replacing T34?I like T34 very much. I find it is not that bad as they commented after I played it myself. I think it is better to just add M103 and T110 into the tech tree as a new branch and keep T34 and T30 as they have been. By the way, it is really hard for us to open this web because blogger is blocked by Chinese government. It takes me 3 days to post this comment.

  99. The only standard for heavy tank is heavy. The guys who like tanks with thick armor and huge body should play mouse, not T110.

  100. Given the size of the gun mantle those weak spots are huge... the hatch and flood light...

    U could make it an interactive piece of tank. For swamp maps (I kno ur developing some like that) make the flood and front lights active modules and let them increase visibility range and lower camouflage rates (when you finally introduce weather effects). They should also be destructible. For eg when having the flood light shot it goes out (but doesnt deal damage, since it does not affect any essential parts of the tank).

    Q: Would all that ^ be possible in further development?

  101. @ Z3hl

    I totally agree with you.

    and I heard that the t110 has high penetrating HE shells. does anyone know about this.

  102. Overlord can you please comment on the commander's copula on this thing? Every place I have read anything about this tank there is always concern over this huge weakness. Having killed many KV-5s by shooting them repeatedly in the R2D2 I understand why people would be so concerned. The KV-5 can at least hide their weakness by staying hull down while the T110 cannot protect theirs at all. Why would you chose to give a T10 vehicle such a huge handicap over other T10's?

  103. I would have to agree that wargaming needs a few staffing changes.. however, nobody can deny that the game (for what it is) is fairly decent.
    I am a disabled U.S. Army abrams battle tank mechanic. From my knowledge of tanks and how this game works, I do believe that certain changes that will never be made should be done. I am sure, in line with the focus of this particular blog, that the new tank will be "ok", however it will be unbalanced just like all other tanks are. If overlord personally spoke to me and guaranteed a look into some of the fixes needed for this game I would have no problem looking into with overlord. As a mechanic, I do know a few things. However, if anyone else from wargaming approached me I would not speak to them over a recent....altercation.

    All-in-all, I would love to see what this tank will end up being like and what is possible to research on it as well as other data if overlord would actually give up the info.

  104. I grow more and more concerned as time passes. Someone said the definition of a heavy tank is just that...its heavy. Someone else said its about firepower and armor and that again does not tell the whole story. In my opinion the role of a heavy tank is a breacher, a smash down the door while getting punched in the face tank. Slow often lumbering but built to take punishment and above all HOLD ITS GROUND. I have seen it time and again in pub matches where the MM puts lets say a T34 opposite an E-75 as the top tank. The T34 theoretically has greater firepower and much greater mobility but it cannot hold ground as even when hull down the massive weakspot on the turret is simple for even the blindest of yabbos to hit. As a result it feels like whenever I am in a match that has a T34 as the top heavy a loss is more common than a win. With the introduction of the French heavies it has only gotten worse, I cringe seeing a french heavy as my top tank (tier 8,9,10) because while their firepower is immense (for 10 seconds of every minute) their armor prevents them from holding ground and I go back to my previous statement...a heavies job is to hold ground.
    Make the american Tier9 and 10 into tanks that can stand and fight and you will have some very happy people since there should never be such a thing as a "support" heavy. Real life may know the difference but the matchmaker sure doesnt.
