Thursday, April 21, 2011 and Lesta Studio Announce Partnership

London, United Kingdom (21 April 2011) - LLP, famous for developing Massive Assault, Order of War and World of Tanks, and Lesta Studio (Elements of War, Pacific Storm and Aggression: Reign over Europe) announce long-term partnership.

Joint game develoment is supposed to be mutually beneficial and lead to years of efficient cooperation. The deal will allow to strengthen its position on the MMO market as game developer and publisher. is a strategy game developer operating since 1998. The company is based in London with development center in Belarus. In November 2007 acquired Arise, an independent PC game studio,and currently consists of nearly 250 employees.

Lesta Studio is a full service game development and video production company. It is one of the leading studios in the field of visual effects for film and video games in Russia. The studio is located in the historical center of Saint-Petersburg. For these years it has developed and launched with the assistance The Entente WWI Battlefields, Pacific Storm, Pacific Storm: Allies, Aggression: Reign over Europe, 9th Company: Roots of Terror and Cannon Strike.


  1. I'm guessing Wargaming is starting to consider what it wants to do make besides World of Tanks, I personally can't wait :)

  2. So, Overlord (whats your name anyway), what is wargaming expect to get form this partnership?

    Just curious about how the game industry works.


  3. Gabo,

    We are planning to expand our development capacity and develop better games

    name is Dzmitry (Belarusian) or Dmitry (Russian).

  4. When are u guys dropping the new patch?
    Kinda ass that u diddent drop it already makin all german grinders suffer at T7,8,9 with big mantlet and module problems.


  5. I'm assuming Wargaming won't be expanding its WoT team, right?

    Interesting news anyways.

  6. Q: I'm assuming Wargaming won't be expanding its WoT team, right?

    A: Currently we are focused only on tanks, but nothing lasts forever. :)

  7. Nice, now i can picture u as a person :P, u pronounce it dmitry, dimitry , dzmitry or dzimitry?
    and are u form russia or belarus?

  8. 1. Overlord is great!
    2. Im exited like a little girl about clan wars ;)


  9. Gabo,

    the first variant usually. Belarus.

  10. Hi Ovi, Belarus has an interesting history, incl. 'the forgotten war' between USSR and Poland after 1st world war. I always wondered how society feels, belonging more to Russia, than why split from? Is it kind a like Germany and Austria? Similar language and culture but still different? Thx

  11. I actually forgot to say, good luck. But your main focus should stay WOT forever. My assumption is that Wargaming takes the lead in this one. I just looked at the pre order tanks out there.

  12. Q: Hi Ovi, Belarus has an interesting history, incl. 'the forgotten war' between USSR and Poland after 1st world war. I always wondered how society feels, belonging more to Russia, than why split from? Is it kind a like Germany and Austria? Similar language and culture but still different? Thx

    A: Yup, the comparison with Austria and Germany is kinda in place.

  13. Hello Overlord i want to buy Premium Tank M6A2E1
    Please answer Thank YOU

  14. Q: Hello Overlord i want to buy Premium Tank M6A2E1
    Please answer Thank YOU

    A: Unfortunately, it's not possible. Pre-orders are no longer available.

  15. Ohh, this looks promising. I really like Pacific Storm with all its customization options :).

  16. " OverLord "... we need a Asian/Ozzie server
    Help us get rid of this High ping and lag...

  17. Thats good . But i have a question , now that wargaming got it own video production company , can it start to build it own game engine for WOT ? I know that the actual engine is from Bigworld . But maybe the game is now stand alone enough to have it own engine for it own game . It s a huge project , but it s a huge game also ;)

  18. Q: " OverLord "... we need a Asian/Ozzie server
    Help us get rid of this High ping and lag...

    A: We will consider this. Definitely, however need to sort out more critical issues first.

  19. Q: But i have a question , now that wargaming got it own video production company , can it start to build it own game engine for WOT ?

    A: When the actual development started BW engine was the most suitable for the game of that kind. We didn't have enough resources to create our own engine.

  20. I'm dieing for the new patch, give us pleas the date and we will shut up ! :( I mean its already April and no info on the patch ! The notes in the development section haven't changed for like 3-4 months ! so pleas do some about it ! :D

  21. joined forces with a russian development team? hmm i think more BUFFS are coming for the russian armor.

    russian strong everyone!

  22. Well the problem is that Wargaming said that clanwars was on the russian server like 2 months ago at least.
    but if thats not the case then give us the clanwar patch it was promised to be release patch on the EU/NA Servers that is now 14 days ago.
    People are gettin pissed and angry some are leaving and i know some are also planing to sue wargaming for false info and taking money for nothing then 3 tanks,this is not a release its a beta where you pay instead.

    If wargaming is not starting to pull their finger out of a dark hole,then they will lose this game,people do not care about merging with this and that or tournaments they WANT THE GAME IN FULL WHICH THEY PAID FOR.

  23. OL will you be in Moscow with the URAL steel finalists?

  24. Q: If wargaming is not starting to pull their finger out of a dark hole,then they will lose this game,people do not care about merging with this and that or tournaments they WANT THE GAME IN FULL WHICH THEY PAID FOR.

    A: Clan wars are to be launched within a month.

  25. Q: OL will you be in Moscow with the URAL steel finalists?

    A: Can't guarantee my attendance. Will do my best to get there.

  26. So Lesta Studio have an edge in visual vffect.
    Is that means that World of Tank will have better visual effect in the future (like tank and large caliber HE shell explosion) ?

  27. I have just a question . the 0.6.4 patch is already running on RU servers for 3 months now , why it s too long to release it on EU servers . Don t tell me it s translation , cause that may be done in 4 days . If it s for balence fix , ill have to tell you something . People prefer having a near complete patch , and improve it futher every 2 weeks for exemple than wait 3 month for a perfect patch .
    Juste release it as far as it is , ppl will be less angry cause they have something to put in their mouths .

  28. RU server is still under v. v.0.6.4 is available only on public test server, not on the main one.

  29. Ok , sry then :D

    But you know , we will cry every day until the patch releases :D . We are too impatient ^^

  30. Still.. we demand an answer. It was suppose to realease with the game, then "APRIL" and april is soon over? What is this? U guys afraid to answer ur customers?
    This is still the beta game with loads of bugs! Do something! atleast spit out an answer for crying out loud!

  31. Dear customer, the matter of fact I'm just another customer, Overlord stated that 6.4 will be released in 8-10 on RU server. So that would be max. 30th of April. Let them run the patch for another 10days, so I expect the patch mid May. Since we are hardcore critical, I guess Overlord doesn't want too lean too far out of the window. Other wise he gets blame again for all the va vacation players took on the wrong day. Yeah it gets kind of boring the grind, but for quality is more important. No more IS3 vanishing 100m from you while they are driving and shooting at you.

  32. Q: But you know , we will cry every day until the patch releases :D . We are too impatient ^^

    A: Mid May should be a more credible date.

  33. guys i was very dissapointed myself that patch 6.4 was not part of release. I'll give them the credit of wanting to issue a good patch. It's till a great game though, so what do I complain waiting for a game like this for years. I appreciate that they leave most of the criticism on forums and blog. Yes I'm very impatient too but the gratitude for a good game is bigger. Thx to all players bloggers and dev's making this game happen.

  34. First you told us that the patch 6.4 would be released on april 12th... then you say mid may... what after?

    And you say ''Clan Wars'' will be released end of may.... so between 6.4 and clan wars you(developers) will be able to complete clan wars?

    I really like this game and I payed lots of money.

    I heard that some GOLD HACKS were working... and its start to destroy this game.

    Please. Do something Overload or people will quit and make bad publicity of your game.

    I love this game but many games are going to be release this spring and I dont want to be part of the players who will quit this game.


  35. There are no gold hacks at this time.

    Clan Wars and 0.6.4 patch will be released almost simultaneously.

  36. But clan wars will be beta? How will it work do clan wars beta battle stats show up in our real game stats? Battles won or victory ratio? Will all stats deleted after clan wars go live? How do manage the mix up? I'm curious? Thx

  37. So they most be ''fake'' hacks to put viruses into our computers to steel our passwords.

    Im a little exhausted about patch 6.4
    and a little too exited for clan wars

    Thank you for answering my question so fast Overlord

    At least... if you could leak some information about clan wars it will be really appreciate by every players. ex: the map, the max tier in clan battle... all those small things so clans could begin their strategy.


  38. Hello

    I have a question about in game balance.
    It´s not fun to play a game where a as a KV goes up against IS-3 and IS-4 most of the time.

    Most of the people i speak to fels the same way.
    Some so much that thay are taking about stop playing the game.

    Is there any speking about chaning that?

    And do u have any time for relese of pacht 6.4

    Best regards


  39. well if you say it that it will be in mid may, than change the bloody info in the Patch section ! :(

  40. The time for best regards is over!
    Makes me sick 2 c how u answer none game related questions over those concerning the game!

    Give a F date for 6.4 patch, and fucking stick 2 it!

    No regards!

  41. But clan wars could possibly be beta? How will it work do clan wars beta battle stats show up within our genuine film game stats.

    How can we face when the new change of the game, we have to get thebuy eden gold for the game, What is the gold's affecton for the game, as the RS Gold, why so much people want it ? How can get the cheap tera gold in a good way and with less money .
