Thursday, April 28, 2011

Screenshots of a New Map

The screenshots below feature a new map that is currently  in development and scheduled for v.0.6.5 update:


  1. looks nice so far ;)

  2. Any word on the size of it? Hope it's one of the larger maps *crosses fingers*

  3. Thanks Overlord! BTW it would be nice if you also update 'In Development' page on the official site. The last version of it dated March 30, 2011 and there is no word about the 0.6.5 patch!!!

    Also many people including myself actually are anxious to know some new info on ETAs for American TDs, E-series and frenchies. As Kisly said in one of his recent interviews French line will come on the hot summer day. Please give us some fresh news. Thanks again!

  4. chalbersma,

    it will be the same size as Westfield.

  5. Batman,

    planning to update it as soon as the next patch is released, it is going to be v.0.6.4

  6. i thought they are all 1km square am i wrong? looks french hope its not silly contoured like westfield. hope they at least triple viewing range in the update its borg ville and camperstad out there

  7. Overlord, I'm excited about this beautiful map. So now we have 3 maps coming up, Caucasus, Prairies, and this? Wonderful, thank you.

  8. Is this by any chance the Siegfried Line Map?

  9. Sorry Diastant, this is a 6.5 map.

    Prairies and Caucasus are 6.4 maps


  10. Yes, lets hope the fix the spotting system before this map comes out so I don't have to abandon the game.

  11. I saw the rehashed church and the castle and immediately thought: "Well, another campanikova with indestructible buildings - This will be 'fun' "

    I wish you'd go to a more indepth "german country" style instead of adding hills everywhere with lots of forests and bushes.

    At least I haven't seen any town or country area, and I traveled alot around the world, that looks so absurd as in the game.
    Sorry for the mocking, but for me, this is just another one of "those" maps where I want to press "Exit Battle" as fast as possible.

    (I hope this works for you as criticism, because so far it's the only real criticism on this comment section)

  12. Screens are beautyfull, but... meaby top-view map? (it's one map, or more?)

  13. Diastant,

    this map will come a bit later, along with US TDs.

  14. There's only one question left Master!
    WHEN we get them???

  15. Well i hope you give us some ETA on that 0.6.4. patch because today is the 29th of April and in the info it states that the ETA is April !!!
    I hope that you meet your deadline, or some ppl will want there money back like me ! :(

  16. Im proposing name for that map

    "Russian Revenge"

  17. You still didn't notice announce of 0.6.4 had only the use to increase pre orders? o.o

    It's called "malicious fraud" - visit Gamers'Voice :)

  18. Only Slightly BentApril 29, 2011 at 4:36 PM

    Nice looking map:)
    Can you add an option to go fishing off the bridge please?

  19. Looks good, I just hope it doesn't turn out to be camper friendly, as with some of the other maps.

    Anyway, good to see that more maps are on the way, they are sorely needed. Will there be more besides this one with the 0.6.5 update?

  20. "P-Russian Revenge"

    darkish one again

    and they kill pagorki in .6.4

  21. Q: In this year?

    A: Let's hope for the best. :)

  22. From the top:
    -Gloucester Road, MeCorriks' Mansion on the left.
    -The Old Romand Bridge, leading to the Village Centre.
    -Banfield's farm, some chickens and a few cows.
    -St. James' Church and the Little Willie tavern tables.
    -Old John's fields behind his house, no crops grow here because he insists using salt as fertilizer.
    -The lovers' hill nearby the church.
    -Martin's courtyard, milk ready for the local market.
    -Bunnerwick's dirt road, never paved since 1450.
    -Churchill's fields, someone said he used a plow himself once, after the war ended, with scarce results.
    -Free ranges from Harlington family, cows, horses and pigs.

    Welcome to The Shire!

  23. Is that the Siegfried Line map? ;D

  24. Q: Welcome to The Shire!

    A: Totally correct. Well done. :)

  25. Hi Ovi, I know the existing city maps are smaller than 1k x 1k. Now especially for clan wars, why don't you make bigger city maps. I don't want to fight for the region Paris on himmelsdorf. But also for quick battles it would be great with larger city maps. Is your engine limiting you? City maps are more complex?

  26. I would like there to be better communication on the updates than we have been getting. We heard that the 6.4 patch was coming out before release, then at release, and then heard at release of live 2 weeks after release. 2 weeks have come and gone. I check the updates and patch notes of forum every other day for new information but it still says the same things it said months ago. Not angry just would like to know whats going on.

  27. me too ! :(, i;m starting to get pissed off ! :O

  28. Nice to see some new maps, the existing ones are so worked in that the arty dont need to even see you, they know all the hiding places and fire blind_and get u too:-)


  30. Annoyed,

    Give us some news on the patches please. Would like to know whats going on. Paying u guys now, so i think we deserve a little more feed back. Yes its Free to Play but u guys are getting money now, already $140 from me.

  31. Yeah,and 56 euros from me ! I could have bought Dawn of War II Trilogy for the same amount of money, so pleas give us some more info :(

  32. Q: Hi Ovi, I know the existing city maps are smaller than 1k x 1k. Now especially for clan wars, why don't you make bigger city maps. I don't want to fight for the region Paris on himmelsdorf. But also for quick battles it would be great with larger city maps. Is your engine limiting you? City maps are more complex?

    A: Yes, city maps contain more objects and thus have to be a bit smaller than open maps. This is being worked on, planning to enable larger maps in future.

  33. Q: I check the updates and patch notes of forum every other day for new information but it still says the same things it said months ago. Not angry just would like to know whats going on.

    A: If everything goes smooth, 0.6.4 will be released on RU server next week, then we will be able to fix the launch date for EU and US servers.

  34. RU server WTF ?! And what about us the EU ?! We have waited for so long and now this ! I'm so tired of the Patches 0.6.3.X. ! :(
    You aren't Overlord for nothing, are you ?!
    SO give us some info for gods sake !

  35. Thx Ovi, it's interesting to me as non programmer, so your virtual worlds have their boundaries in Mb size. So whatever size of map you can get is dependend on that. Just out of curiousity what if you make a map just flat white? How large in meters could a map be. I bet as dev's you even tried it already. Let me know plz. I would like to try a map like this. Thx

  36. Just a plain map and therefor a lot bigger? What 2000m x 2000m would be great instead of 1000m x 1000m in the moment. It could be a desert battle, where speed and flanking is essential. Plz make a map like this. No bushes nothing, just to maximize map. Thx

  37. Hi overlord, there are some rumors out there about the development of the BL-10. In the early ages of WOT this gun was more powerful, yup but you dev's had to nerf it. The reason was simple. Too many players with the wish to own a tank with the guaranteed win button couldn't handle it. One rumor is during facehugging some of the very bright tankers used HE and blew up themselves. So now to the 2nd rumor that fits to the new map blog, is that if they had a missed shot, god forgive most of these easy way out players use auto aim, I they hit the ground your carefully build map would just explode. It was supposed to be like the tactical nuke strike in MW2. These BL-10 start to complain about the high repair bills so they got lowered, the only thing you didn't do just yet to make the auto aim just for the BL-10 easier. Thx

  38. Thanks for the update, Just let us know what is going on with the patches. We know u don't want to release a buggy patch. If things don't go well with the release there on RU let us know the time frame when we can expect the fixes and release to US servers. Just good Customer service. And we'll thank you for it.

  39. "This patch is likely to be the release version of the game. Rough ETA is April." your words, nuff said.

  40. Are the size of these new maps 1x1km? Are there going to be any really big maps (as promiced) like 25x25km?

  41. Greatings overlord, great game loving it :-)

    Are you planning a "i only want to play theese maps" option ?

    Some of the maps are getting quite boring and repetitive :-(


  42. This map looks like a map from Bad Company 2 "Harvest Day". Please optimize this game!

  43. Make the bridges destructible and add some new item for bridge repair, let's say a module. For the repair of the bridges add a medal :D Only arty of course could destroy them.

  44. I think the game is going well so far, Looking forword to the new maps and the American TD's
    Some bridges we could blow up would be nice but other then that.....Keep up the good work.

  45. When are we going to have screen shots of the Mannerheim Line and Fishing Bay maps?

  46. Just one bridge on the entire river?

  47. It looks pretty good, probadly needs more hidden areas, sunken roads or a area you can cross with a tank since there is only one bridge.
    maybe even hedges simular to Normany hedge rolls.

  48. What a beautiful village... soon to be filled with smoking enemy tank wrecks! Marvelous!

  49. Well, this game is getting better and better every time I log on, so I don't understand why people spend their time complaining here instead of grinding in the game!

    Keep up the good work, fellows devs, and lots of thanks for all you've done already!

  50. Cool map cant wate till it comes out!

  51. can you also add a button that undoes any sells or buys you made? that would be helpful.

  52. looking good
    are american tank destroyers coming in soon?
    Cant wait for those to arrive
    Any idea when the map is coming out?

  53. i dont know if u noticed this..but the new nvidia update have many problems with world of tanks.. such as a drop of fps in 2 maps to 1 or 2 fps..while other maps are 60 fps normal...while this problem disappears when u change graphics quality to medium.. this shouldnt happen with my 460 nvidia and i7 i run all other games on highest quality with no problem...and as i said this problem only happens on 2 maps only!

  54. "Papa," in German is pronounced awfol car, which is not in any way as the English word potato. Try to form the next image in your mind.

  55. As Kisly said in one of his recent interviews French line will come on the hot summer day. Please give us some fresh news. Thanks again!Cheap LOL Boost
    Cheap LOL Elo Boost
