Friday, March 4, 2011

World Championship World of Tanks - Registration Start

The registration for the upcoming major Championship has started.

Main announcement on US web site

Main announcement on EU web site

Don't miss your change to take part in the global challenge!


  1. Bah, in the first 3 teams you won't see a Tiger or a vk4502 even if it was a german only championship.

  2. I need to invite some friends to my team, but i don't know the way to make this. Sorry for bad english

  3. I found the answer for my question. Thanks. Sorry for my bad english.

  4. Okay, I'm going to be dead honest.
    I still think the USSR tanks are imbalanced and so a good world championship can't really happen.

    I'm pretty sure a full USSR Team will win this one.

    Well, other than that, I don't know if you can edit that, but you spelled Registration wrong in the title. No biggie.

    Thanks for reading and this blog.

  5. Anonymous,

    can't say that I agree on major rebalance with you, but thanks for pointing our the typo. And I'm glad that my work is appreciated. :)

  6. Feels a bit wrong to call it world championship, should be called "USSR Tank circlejerk".

  7. And whats now with the Pre Orders Overlord?

    You said in Forum Start at 8 of March and now we got the 10th of March...

    Slowly it get´s ridiculous with your start Dates...

  8. HiOverlord, i read the rules and there is a point i would like to have a little more clear.

    It says tanks before march 1st. Is it the tank value before update?
    or tanks that I unlocked or I bought?

    What if I sold them to get bigger ones can I rebuy them?


  9. Today is 14 March and registrations will close. today. At what time registrations will close?
    Sorry for my bad english.
