Friday, March 4, 2011

M6A2E1 Specs

M6A2E1 specs revelaed. This vehicle will be available in pre-orders.

Tier - 8
Hit Points -1500
Weight Limit - 66.96/70.5 t
Engine Power - 960 h.p.
Speed Limit - 29 km/h
Traverse Speed - 24 deg/sec
Hull Armor - 191/44/41 mm
Turret Armor - 191/89/208 mm
Standard Shell Damage - 270-450
Standard Shell Penetration - 149-248 mm
Rate of Fire - 4.8 rounds/min
Turret Traverse Speed - 26 deg/sec
View Range - 430 m
Signal Range - 650 m


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hmm good enemy :D

  3. it have more frontal armor than T32 ? O.o

  4. y but a bad Rate of Fire

  5. yaron,

    show mercy :). Just a typo.

  6. Sorry overlord, but you want to give this crap for most expensive preorder? It is not worth of it. Tier 8? It perfectly suit in Tier7, on this tier it is a coffin, nothing more. It is tier 7.5.

  7. yeah not worth my money too

  8. Please, tell us about crew. How many? The same as in normal M6?

  9. Anonymous,

    it has crew of 5: commander, driver, radioman, loader, gunner.

  10. What are you whining about? Tier 7,5,not worth the money...

    What do you think? That there will be masses of othertier 8 tanks from the beginning? After a hardwipe?

    This tank (and other premiums) will dominate the game in the first weaks, thats for sure.

  11. Why a crapy american tank?
    Will there be tanks from ALL Nations to choose from or only american? if not, I might as well start from scratch with Liechttraktor and grind as hell for a KT or VK45 again.
    Please tell me it won't be the only nation available on preorder!??

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The two main types of braking systems used in bicycles today are caliper brakes and cantilever brakes.
      Both apply pressure on the rim of the wheel carbon MTB frameto stop the bike and are considered rim brakes.
      While calipers have been and continue to be the most common brakes found on bikes,
      the newer cantilevers are stronger and have become more popular in recent years.
      Rim brakes work through a system ysbike01 26 wheel mountain bikeof levers and cables.
      Cables connect the brake levers (located on the handlebars) to the brake arms
      that surround the top of the wheels and are secured to the bicycle racing wheelsfork in front or seat stay in back.
      When the levers are flexed by hand, the cables pull, closing the brake arms around the rims.
      When the levers are released the brakes spring back to their original position.
      The section of the brakes, called the brake pad or brake shoe,
      that comes into contact with the moving rim carbon wheelsis usually made of rubber or leather to maximize the friction needed to stop.
      All other parts of the braking system—arms, cable, and levers—must be rigid
      and precisely positioned to transfer the relatively light force exerted by hands on brake levers
      to the high power needed in the brakes for effective braking.
      Most caliper brakes are sidepull, meaning the cable pulls the two brake arms (one on each side of the rim)
      from the same side of the wheel. Centerpull calipers, which are somewhat out of date and much less common.
