Friday, June 7, 2013

[WoT] New Trailer - 60 mln for WoT

Brand new trailer for WoT - we have got 60 mln players now.


  1. Replies
    1. had the same discussion last year with WoWp igromir cinematic

    2. You have to admit that you love our videos.

    3. nope ... I don't

      these types of cinematic trailers were "trendy" about 10 years ago
      even Blizzard's own cinematics began to be dumb

    4. Tell me more, these are still widely used. As long as they evoke wow-effect they will live.

    5. not as widely used as you might think
      today's studios made these "cinematics" with the in-game engine

      should I point out to you the quire recent Aliens: Colonial Marines bullshit?
      they sold the game based on a lie, they knew they were lying and kept quiet to get people to pre-order

    6. Don't listen to him Overlord, another me-know-everything smart ass with all wisdom of the world.

    7. It didn't wow me! it will wow me if and when we get better destructive maps bigger maps snow u can move etc etc after 3 years something needs to help this game the NA server isn't growing now players aren't playing there any more

    8. NA population is more or less stable. Sure thing we would like it it grow similar to EU eventually. However it's not shrinking.

    9. To use petroil to imitate shells ground-hit is a shame.

    10. The population may not be shrinking but long term players are certainly leaving. As a long term player Closed Beta was the best this game ever was.

      Success is not based on "more or less stable"

    11. Honestly I agree with the above posters, these kinds of videos were great 10 years ago when the graphics for games weren't very good. Now most places use in-game graphics.

  2. Will the game (/graphics) look like this trailer? (... after Havok or maybe after 2 years,...)
    thx Ovi

    1. funny :) so we never see :/
      but if the game see like this so the game never had a rival

    2. @Jiří Vyskočil

      And probably then WoT would have almost no people playing on best quality cause it would be impossible to play on even good PC. At the same time client would be really huge, so many potential players would resign even from downloading the game.

      Graphics in online games has many restrictions. I personally prefer better performance then graphics. And in case of performence WG made huge improvements. I play WoT on the same PC for more then 2 years and now battles load much faster, FPS are much better, while I am now playing on higher settings then 2 years ago.

    3. I know that no everybody have good (gamming) PC to play for max quality. But so the game see briliant, it is a shame that this does not will see, too many peoples should play this game rather although up to high detail stretch.

    4. I would be content with a engine that takes a replay and renders a cinematic from it to take clips of proudest/silliest moments.

  3. What the fuck ovi? huh? Pz 35T fighting with an AmX 50b...I told you, fix that damn Matchmaking!!

  4. My comment from previous post, in case you haven't seen it. If you had seen him, then sorry for spaming :)

    "I have just watched closely at MM chart of 0.8.6. Seriously you think that it is good idea to let S-51 to shoot at tier V tanks!? S-51 wasn't shooting even at tier 6 tanks so far. Do you know what happens with tier V and VI tanks when S-51 hits them?? Those SPG is able to oneshot E-75 and you are giving it as targets tanks with 400-500 HP? Grille is enough to ruin fun for those tanks in one second.

    I am afraid that this arty change will end with huuuge shitstorm when it goes live. I am not going to fight in tier V and VI tanks against S-51 and similar SPG. Shell dealing 1850 hp dmg against StuG with 350 hp. This is nonsense cause even splash is eneough to oneshot these TD! Instead improving situation you will probably make hell in all tiers (maybe except I and II).

    And the same is with all other SPG's, all those 0.8.6 change is ruined by totally unrealistic MM chart. Hummel with 950 dmg shells shooting at T-28 which has 320 hp and no armor? Golden times for SPG bushcampers are coming.

    In autumn last year I have resigned from playing with tier IX and X tanks due to arty parties, Now it seems it will be necessary to resigne from tier III-VIII tanks too. When will WG finally realise that no one likes to be oneshoted! Specially by bushcampers with satellite view!"

    1. Didn't see it there.

      When it comes to balance, I do rely on Zlobny's gut feeling. Most of the time he knows what he is doing.

      Arties like S-51 wouldn't always waste their shots on relatively small targets. Plus there would always be fear of failure - those targets are rather small and fast (well, not heavies may be), especially taking into account dispersion and loading time. I believe it's not that one-sided.

    2. I played today after 0.8.6 test #2 got deployed, with my T92
      SPG nerf my ass, I still get to rape TDs, heavy tanks and even meds

      3-4 shots / match is still enough to balance the game for your own team
      having 3 SPGs / team is absolutely the same as it was prior to this useless SPG tier spread

    3. Overlord, it all depends how many people will still play SPG-s. I tested S-51, it was nerfed so much that for me (player with almost no experience in SPG) it is unplayable so I hope that people will rather avoid it (but what is a point in introducing so OP gun that it have to be made unplayable to be balanced?). But Hummel or GW Panther are much easier to play. And their shells are still extremely powerful in comparision with some potential targets. We will see on live server how it will work cause test server is useless for MM effects testing. But I have already seen comments of happy SPG players that it will be easier to get Bombardier (2 or more kills with one shot). I am afraid that soon after release of 0.8.6 another SPG-s rebalance will be needed. I hope I am wrong.

    4. And btw. Now aftershot effect in dynamic camera is nice - visible, but not distracting like in first patch.

      Now I like dynamic camera. Very important and nice thing, which makes aiming while moving much easier.

      You (I mean WG) again listened to players complains ;)

  5. Were some of those tanks in that clip a Sherman fire fly?!
    When when when?!

    1. Funny how a WoT trailer shows the Sherman Firefly when the tank doesn't even exist in the game to begin with. Nice video though.

    2. Which means it will appear at a later stage. Teaser!

    3. Just like the 2C, F1, and many other french tanks? Still waiting for the patch that brings an overhaul to the french tree ;)

  6. Nice preview of Havok. Can't wait the see working suspensions.

    Can we expect to see that winter camouflage in game? It looked very cool.

  7. Nice. That was some eye candy.

    Overlord, I would like to know which track plays in this trailer.

  8. Nice job there! Can we get some HD wallpapers in the future?

  9. Did I saw the Sherman Firefly with American stars in the movie ?
    So it will be the USA premium tank !?

  10. At 2:01 there is a FLYING Chi-Ha on the right side. (no it doesn't look like it's just jumping)
    Is it the upcoming japanese version? My Chi-Ha ingame can't do that. The stupid chinese crew disabled this function...

  11. God knows there's enough things I call BS on in-game, but sometimes you have to put your nay-saying and cynicism aside and just go 'well done!'. This is one of those times.

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