Wednesday, June 5, 2013

[WG] Wanna Help?

Are you an experienced World of Tanks player (2000+ battles)? Do you live in Orlando area, the US?

Do you have some 3+ years of PC gaming experience? Wanna help us test something new and awesome some time mid June?

If interested, send you details (real name, email, link to WG account) to

Successful candidates will be selected for future processing. :)

Updated. June 7, 2013. Thanks to everyone who has responded (more people than I actually expected). We will select only a few candidates, so please don't get disappointed if you are not in. 


  1. yay focus testing WoWs

    too bad focus testing can screw a game

  2. What do you mean by 'link to WG account'?

    1. Link to WoT profile )

    2. That's what I figured. Thanks boss.

    3. Overlord, sorry i kidnap the thread, but can you explain a bit to me situation around SuperPershing? There is lots of rumors arround that he will be out of game store and nerfed and stuff... I hope you dont mind offtopic, but I dont know how to get in touch with you. BTW.:Greetings from Slovakia :D (Kosice)

    4. SerB insists that we should fix SuperPershing hit box by reducing slope angle (12 deg red afaik) so as to make it correct.

      It's a prem vehicle though. So, it's tricky.

  3. I had 3 years PC gaming experience and 2000+ battles (in Arkanoid though..) when I was 5 years old. The only problem was is that I don't live in Orlando, US. Do you really wan't to watch Americans play World of Tanks? The success of WoT is that IT WASN'T developed in America!

    1. Most of our games are not developed in the US. Including this one. We still need to test it there.

  4. 10+ years of PC gaming
    11k WoT battles
    As an extra I have an education in multiplayer games design.

    I do not however live in USA. Will there be one for Europe at some point?

    1. Might be. Right now we have got testing facilities in Russia and the US.

  5. when you do something in latin america let us know ;)

  6. Arghhhh, only for the Yanks... booo. Don't you need any fine upstanding Brits?

  7. :( i live in Australia and loved my limited time Supertesting.

  8. Just a short follow up Overlord. I managed to download WoWP client and to update it on my work pc. Played it. Chaotic as hell, but now actually enjoyable. I think it has much higher requirements than WoT in terms of skill, but it is pretty fun. I like it, I play it.

    1. Good to hear that. 0.4.3 and open beta are coming :)

  9. Gaah! When will you need people in Ireland? :P

    1. They won't, cos they know you potato munching bog trotters are all off your faces on Poitín.... :-)

    2. My dear chap, we've progressed beyond that gut rot centuries ago.

      My particular tipple, go raibh maith agat.

    3. LMFAO :-)

      I like a nice whiskey myself, I might give that one a go!

    4. Well, I need translation. Didn't get much from the above. :)

    5. LOL Overlord. Well, us Brits like to refer to our Irish cousins as Potato munching bog trotters as they like Potatoes, and bog trotters as there a lot of peat bogs in Ireland. As to the Poitín, thats like American moonshine I guess!

    6. Heh, thanks for that. Special attitude between you two. )

    7. The potato thing is more likely to refer to the Irish Famine where poor tenanted farmers could only afford to grow and eat potatoes, due to the exorbitant rents charged by their English landlords (who were generally absentee). In the 1850s blight ruined the potato crop and a million people starved to death.

      And you thought it was only the Germans and Russians who didn't get on? :)

    8. Well to be fair, the landlords were proper barstewards.

      Then again the "elite" generally are.

      I get on fine with the Irish myself, my missus is half paddy :P

    9. And also to be fair my best mate is a Brummie. He's all right in his own way. :P

    10. Well, could be worse, he could be a hairy palmed northern monkey.. i.e. a Geordie lol.

    11. BrokenWing,

      from a foreigner's perspective there is little difference between British and Irish. :) Ofc I heard of some relations "issues".

    12. Yeah I know and all you "Eastern Europeans" are the same to us! ;)

      I once made the mistake of telling a Jordanian that he was Lebanese. He was not a happy bunny. :)

    13. LOL, I remember a Brummie asking me if I was from Bristol... I was not best impressed.

  10. Dang it, why Florida?

    Come to windy Chicago and I can join in! lol

    1. I like the weather in FL. Never been in Chicago though.

  11. When you come to DC, let me know. Orlando is too far for a drive!!

  12. Hello! I am in the vacinity of Orlando Florida!
    I am 17 with a little more than 3 years testing including Closed Beta in World of Warplanes!
    I would really love to be apart of the testing!
    My username is Troii here is my account!
    3,471 battles!!!
    I would greatly appreciate that oppertunity to join in testing!

  13. I have just watched closely at MM chart of 0.8.6. Seriously you think that it is good idea to let S-51 to shoot at tier V tanks!? S-51 wasn't shooting even at tier 6 tanks so far. Do you know what happens with tier V and VI tanks when S-51 hits them?? Those SPG is able to oneshot E-75 and you are giving it as targets tanks with 400-420 HP? Grille is enough to ruin fun for those tanks in one second.

    I am afraid that this arty change will end with huuuge shitstorm when it goes live. I am not going to fight in tier V and VI tanks against S-51 and similar SPG. Shell dealing 1850 hp dmg against StuG with 350 hp. This is nonsense cause even splash is eneough to oneshot these TD! Instead improving situation you will probably make hell in all tiers (maybe except I and II).

    And the same is with all other SPG's, all those 0.8.6 change is ruined by totally unrealistic MM chart. Hummel with 950 dmg shells shooting at T-28 which has 320 hp and no armor? Lol golden times for SPG bushcampers are coming.

    In autumn last year I have resigned from playing with tier IX and X tanks due to arty parties, Now it seems it will be necessary to resigne from tier III-VIII tanks too. When will WG finally realise that no one likes to be oneshoted! Specially by bushcampers with satellite view!
