Friday, April 19, 2013

[WoTB] First WoT Blitz QA (

What minimum Android version that will be supported by World of Tanks Blitz?

Minimum system requirements for both iOS and Android haven't been finalized yet. Android 4.0+ and iOS 5.0+ will definitely be enough. However it's more about the device than OS itself. 

What minimum display size supported by World of Tanks Blitz?

From a personal standpoint 7'' devices provide the best user experience for World of Tanks Blitz due to the weight and size. Generally speaking, screen size is a secondary parameter, first of all, the device should be able to run the game itself. We are developing all the screens and UI elements for both smartphones and tablets to ensure comfortable play on any supported device regardless of screen size.

What will minimum device specs (memory, CPU) be?

At this stage it'd be easier to talk about supported devices. On Apple side we support iPad 2 and newer (3, 4, mini), and iPhone 4 and newer (4S, 5). As for Android, it's tricky because of fragmentation, Tegra-3-like devices will definitely be supported. 

What's the expected client size (Mb, Gb)?

The main content of the game are naturally tank 3D models and maps that require quite a lot of space, so the client size can easily go up to 1GB and even more. So as to allow players to jump into the game more quickly, we are planning to have a "light" client with the basic client package, while other required resources will be downloaded separately.

Will mobile and PC versions share same account or the current players will have to re-register?

Our current World of Tanks players on PC (and World of Warplanes testers) won't have to register once again so as to start playing World of Tanks Blitz on mobile thanks to ID service. 

What distribution model will World of Tanks Blitz use?

Here at Wargaming we adhere to free-to-play. :) It worked out well for PC game, it works well for mobile these days. So everyone will be able to download the game for free and start playing. 

Are you going to use premium account system? What will it be like? 

Yes, we are planning to use premium account system in World of Tanks Blitz as well. Sure thing, premium account will speed up the progression. At this stage the exact mechanics is not finalized and it may differ from PC side. 

Is World of Tanks Blitz more of an independent game or a port from PC platform? 

We regard World of Tanks Blitz not as a downscaled version of "big brother", but as an independent project which is different from PC version in a lot of ways, e.g. content-wise. Of course, the mobile version will get its own unique features.  

Will we see companies in release version? 

For World of Tanks Blitz we are planning to implement a company mode similar to PC version. Can't give more details on it at this time - a lot can be changed subsequently. 

What tank classes will be in game? PC version has LTs, MTs, HTs, TDs, SPGs.. What will we get on mobile? 

For initial release version we are planning to add medium tanks, heavy tanks, and tank destroyers. I'm a big fan of SPGs and most likely the list won't be limited to the mentioned classes.

How many tanks will each branch have? 

For the launch we are going to have 3 factions - USA, Germany, and USSR. Each nation will get 3 tier 10 branches, 1 per tank class. All in all about 90 tanks. 

Anything about physics and damage model? 

We have managed to make our BigWorld technology work for mobile. This means that we will ensure the safety and security of all transactions as we do on PC. For players, it means that World of Tanks Blitz will take full advantage of tank movement physics (implemented in PC version in 0.8.0 update), accurate penetration and damage models that proved their worth on PC.  It doesn't mean there will be no changes, mobile gameplay is somewhat different and some changes may follow.

How many maps will release version get? 

Can't give the exact number yet, enough to ensure to diversity of gameplay. :) We are building maps for World of Tanks Blitz from scratch, this means that location-wise it will be a new experience for current WoT players.

What type of maps will we see in-game comparing to PC (city, open, mixed)? 

We are not focused on one single map type, on the contrary we are striving for diversity as much as it is possible. Artisits and designers are experimenting with settings, terrains and heights. Right now we have got a desert map, a city map, and a map based on legendary Karelia from WoT PC, and a couple of others in production. Each location will get its own unique terrain elements providing broad tactical options for players. 

What will be the controls?

Controls will use full capabilities of touchscreen devices. That's our main goal to make controls easy and comfortable, right now we are experimenting with different schemes, and doing focus test to shortlist the best option that we are going to show to players. We aslo consider supporting new physical game controllers (bluetooth joysticks) and  other devices that have potential.

What's the release time frame?

It will be released when we get the release quality and are satisfied with the result. Right now we are at pre-alpha stage - not ready to show the game to public yet. The development goes as scheduled and we are making good progress. 

Interview for (translated from RU). Link to the original.


  1. Oh - PLEASE keep arty out of this one. It's made high tiers in WoT completely miserable, let's not destroy Blitz before it's begun with this hanging over our head.

    1. Well, for now we would like to test initial version without arty to see how it goes.

    2. Totally agree with arty, keep it out of this game!

  2. How do we get into the Alpha test?

    1. There will be the respective announcement. Most likely we will skip alpha and start with closed beta.

    2. Will testers receive a gift tank for helping with the game like in WoT?

    3. Closed beta? How can I get in to the closed beta with tablet?

    4. Wolcott,

      that's shouldn't be the main reason for getting into the beta, right? :)

    5. Wenda,

      why not? there are ways to do it, app will be available only for a specified set of device IDs.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Ovi,

      I hope you guys can go around that stupid Apple rule of 100 devices linked to developer account...otherwise it will be a very closed beta! :P

  3. Where did KGB and ChrisK go ? :(
    I want some content from them as well, just as promised :(

    1. Good one. They do deserve a punch.

    2. Yeah, i'm just wondering if they died horribly or something like that? There is not only news from them, but also no news from their projects as well :P

  4. Is it coming out this year or next?

  5. What about Windows Phone 8 ?
    Every time Android and IOS are preferred -.-

    1. Windows is likely to be 3rd platform in terms of priority.

  6. Please give compability with Xperia tablet S.Android 4.1.1

    1. Does it have Tegra 3 GPU inside? If yes, that's ok.

    2. as far as I could find, yes it does have Tegra 3

    3. From GPU side it will be enough.

    4. It's a tegra 3 SoC, so yes , it will be supported. I just hope they are going to optimize it well , and offer us the same lovely experience we get on our PC's.
      On the other hand , by the time they'll release the game , i guess we'll be replacing our tegra 3 devices with tegra 4, exynos and crap like that so we shouldn't have any problems running the game.

  7. "Controls will use full capabilities of touchscreen devices."

    I hope that doesn't mean we'll be sticking our fingers all over the screen during game play (Yes, I know I've ranted enough about that particular issue.)

    "For initial release version we are planning to add medium tanks, heavy tanks, and tank destroyers. I'm a big fan of SPGs and most likely the list won't be limited to the mentioned classes."

    Ok here's an idea. How about Assault Guns? The way I see it people (People not me ;) ) dislike arty because it nails them from across the map. In WOT many tanks are shoehorned into either TD's or SPG's, when in reality they where neither.

    So instead of having SPG's firing from across the map, how about limiting the range so they have to be allot closer to the front, and more vulnerable. that way you get the Gameplay of SPG's with out the game effect.

    1. 1. Not the entire screen for sure. :) Right now we are experimenting with different control systems starting with regular virtual D-pads and buttons and up to fully native schemes.

      2. I think it might be even a better option to rework the current arty mechanics. Maps will be tighter with less space to hide - that's why we've decided to put off SPGs for now.

    2. "[...]Maps will be tighter with less space to hide[...]"

      Does that mean that maps will be smaller, or just an effect on the layout of the map? I ask because you can't get much smaller than they currently are, and the tiny maps are troublesome in regards to tank balancing.

    3. They will be smaller, taking into account that there will be 7vs7 battles and we want them to be shorter than in PC WoT. To some extent that's also a performance requirement.

    4. Ok. Thanks, so now i have some questions.

      Assuming some data is transferred from WOT, does this include the Core idea of Russians: "Brawlers", Germans: "Snipers" etc etc.
      Because if it is, then the smaller maps are going to favor Russian tanks even more strongly than they do now. Equally penetration drop off and long range ballistics are going to be even less important.

    5. We want to reshape the nation roles a bit in Blitz, shifting brawling focus from Soviets. Current playstyle in pre-alpha favours good front armour and good guns most - so sniper gameplay is prolly even more possible than on PC.

    6. Thanks for the reply's, its good to hear.

      The Tech trees, will they be identical in tank choice to WOT?

      I came across a new tank that's almost unknown in WWII, yet is one of the most requested tanks I've seen asked for (and its technically Russian!).
      As you're the only line into the WOT/B development teams I can think of, I figured I should mention it here.
      It could go either as Tier I on the Combined EU tree, or as a Tier II Russian premium.

      I posted some details here:

      Post #10 is some additional stuff I discovered.


    7. I do not understand, why you think that it could be tier I in EU tree. British tank in Soviet hands in EU tree?

      We want in EU tree tanks produced and/or designed by smaller European nations. British and Soviet tanks should be in British and Soviet trees. And there are candidates for EU tier I at least from 4 European countries (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Italy).

    8. Listy,

      there might be some differences in tank content, though generally we are planning to introduce very similar branches.

    9. Thanks overlord.

      While true, the problem is most of the vehicles can be disqualified as 90% of them are Carden Loyd chassis, or Vickers 6 ton based.

      I did say that it would fit as an EU Tier I or a soviet Premium heavy.

  8. I am neither pro, nor con. It's just pretty weird thing to play World of Tanks on Mobile. I virtually play while pooping. Jigsaw puzzles suit me better than Tanks, because i need to focus where i shoot, and this prevents from pooping. Try to do some surveys OL, for an example - where do you play on Mobile.?

    1. At work? LOL ... sounds a bit like French working attitude :P

    2. Based on the surveys about a half of all tablets never leave people's homes and most of the people actually play mobile games while at home as well. Of course playing on the road is also a common case, but it's not that dominant. Blitz will provide dynamic and fast sessions. Typical battle right now is under 4 minutes.

    3. "At work? LOL ... sounds a bit like French working attitude :P"

      I work 12 hour shifts that require my presence, but not my involvement.
      You know that scene from the great escape where Steve McQueen is sitting in the cooler with the baseball? that's not far off me at work.

      Most of the articles and research I do, is done at work as well.

    4. Aah ... so that's one of these jobs. Well, in that case You might have a point, but if the other 90% of us started playing at work, we would all starve to death, without electricity and any other things at all :D

    5. Well, I do play at work, and that's ok. :)

    6. Yeah, but since Your work is associated with games, it's just like doing more research ;)

    7. Kinda missed a joke there Przemo :]

  9. When it starts?What's month?At the end of the year????????

    1. There will be an announcement about that. Right now there is no fixed date.

  10. How do we get into the closed beta?

  11. will the game be playable directly on the tablet or will it require peripherals such as bluetooth keyboard ?

    1. Peripherals will be supported but won't be a requirement.

  12. will iOS and Android versions release on the same day or will it be staggered like the WOT Assistance release?

    1. Right now it's difficult to say for sure, platform-owners approve new versions, so it's not solely our discretion. On our side, we are working on both iOS and Android in parallel.

  13. Have you produced a other game(s) of similar complexity or device requirements in the past? If so could you tell us what tablet games were released in the past so we can get a feel for the quality of the released games?

    1. There are very few games of similar depth and quality (hopefully) with synchronous real-time multiplayer and progression in the current appstores. I'd be glad if someone could give me some good examples, because right now I've got a feeling that we are doing smth that hasn't been done for mobile before. Ofc there real-time online shooters, there are good RPGs, solid strategy games, however we are planning a mixture of those.

    2. there is a game available on iOS called Tank Battle

  14. Overlord, if we see on screenshots for example T20, does that mean that this tank will be for sure in game, or you are just using models from WoT and tanks content is not finalized yet?

    1. Tanks content for release version is more or less finalized. T20 will be there, it's already in game.

  15. I want join closed beta.How can i join?

    1. Right now you can't. We will start inviting testers later on.

  16. is it also 15vs15?

    And what about windows (8?) Tablets?

    1. 7vs7

      Right now we are planning to support iOS and Android.

    2. Is there a chance 7vs7 will be seen in WoT too, or is this exclusive?

      I think it would be very much welcomed in the WoT community,
      if we get the benefit of the new maps, and a new mode.

  17. If the beta is closed how can we open it for enter?

  18. Have you got any information about game start?I got one more question is it this year?

  19. Cant wait to it possible to syncronize my wot account on wot blitz..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Content will be different if you mean that kind of synchronization. However it will be possible to use the same account so as to play.

  20. Any chance of a PS Vita or playstation mobile version? I'd love to play it on that thing, even if only with touch controls.

    1. For now we are considering only iOS and Android. Will look for other platforms after the initial launch.

  21. That "Tegra 3" requirement is quite narrow, just a few mobiles use Tegra processors.

    Wouldn´t be easier to have a stats based requirement as fro example "1Ghz minimum"?

    I´m thinking in a Sony smarthphone, but the whole Xperia family carries on Snapdragon processors from Qualcomm. How can i figure what current Xperia models will meet the requirements?

    1. Yes, it definitely is. I gave it as an example. Which device exactly have you got?

    2. Still no one, i´m making the decission. I would buy one that guarantees an acceptable performance, but trying to not expend the 600 eur that costs the more "Iphonish" models…

      What about this one?

    3. Single core. I would recommend smth with better performance. Plus it has 3.5 inch screen, smth bigger would be better.

  22. Will this game also be available for windows phone 8, windows 8 RT and windows 8?

  23. And yet I think the better mobile App for WoT would be one that allows you to use certain game features on the Pad while playing on your regular computer.
    I.e. have a large version of the minimmap on the pad with a set of command icons or something similar.
    Something that could be expanded into some sort of command center which would allow improved communication between players.

    Yeah.. I know.. but one may dream, right? ;)

  24. I bet the outdate Xperia Play will be left out

  25. This should be awesome... But 7vs7? That will be a short battle...

  26. If i have Samsung galaxy S3. Is that enough to play wot blitz?

  27. Will this be able to run on a Cortex A9 1.60GHz Dual-Core processor tablet?

  28. If arty is ever put into this game, it will be a lot easier to walk away from than WoT main. That game is plagued by broken arty mechanics and the only thing that keeps me around is the money and time I already put into it.

  29. I would like to see this game on the Surface and Windows 8 devices like ultrabooks

  30. How can i be invited for the beta stage?

    1. Same questions again and again , no wonder "Overlord" decided to not respond you anymore. You cannot get into beta right now because there is no beta ATM. The game is currently in pre-alpha stage (and that's like mixing ingredients and see the results ; if something goes bad , remove it or adapt it). Once the game will prove itself stable enough and will have the desired features implemented , they will most likely make an announcement that the beta is available.
      I presume just like in any other game , that there will be scheduled closed-beta sessions , and once all the problems have been solved , the client will hit the app stores and will be ready to the rest of the gamers.

      About another question that people seem to keep asking again and again without reading the comments (i've spent about 5 minutes to get all the info i needed) , Windows environment isn't a priority ATM. Once they release the iOS and Android clients , they will probably do some surveys and decide whether it's worth to develop or port the game for Windows RT and Windows 8 Pro Tablets.

      System requirements-wise , a tegra 3 Soc has a quad core Cortex A9 cpu and a dedicated 12 shaders GPU. With that info in mind , think if a dual core cortex a9 could play it or not. It probably will, but with reduced performance.

  31. Overlord, my current device runs Android 2.3.6 has a single core 1.4GHz and a 4.0" screen do you think I could run blitz at all or no? It also has an 800x480 screen

  32. I would like to be in the beta I have an iPhone 4

  33. Please writte, if anyone know how join to beta testing!

  34. Weird, the 1ste post was at 19 april, now 1.5 month later still no updates about releases etc etc. WG when does the Beta start? :S

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