Thursday, April 18, 2013

[WoT] Digging Through Archives: Maus - Origins

That's how the original design of what later would be know as Pz.Kpfw.Maus tank looked like. Pz.Kpfw.

VK 100.01(P), blueprint KV3381, June 4, 1942. The vehicle is still within 100 ton range, the "inflation" to infinity hasn't been started at that point. Armour was similar to VK.70.01(K), 149mm  15 cm KwK L/40 gun was suggested as main armament. In general it looked like German version of KV-5.

However, the vehicle just wasn't meant to stay in that weight class. On the 15 of May Adolf Hitler decided that weight would be increased to 120t class. Porsche guys had to follow.


  1. why not this one ingame as T9 instead of the VK4502P?

    Especially if you remind yourself that the "45" should stand for 45 tons, which is definitely has exceeded :)

    There is also "maus II" as possible tank left...

    1. The VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B is a better Tier IX option because it essentially trains players for the rear-turret play style of the Maus.

  2. I am still mad at VK 7001 Failowe :P .
    Otherwise I agree with L3gi, would be an awesome T9 tank.

    ... now if only WG would invent me the SU 130-62...

  3. Hi OL!

    You re to slow - SS beat you



    1. At least He tried to Update this blog more frequently..

    2. Which is definitely good. Unfortunately, I have got work to do so there is smth do discuss at least.

  4. Ovi, how long will it take till we can get a meeting like that in the game? :D

    Since these two are both existing tanks, and not fantasy prototypes, I'm almost 100% sure there will be a time when this will happen, the question is: WHEN ? :D

    1. You know my attitude to dates, right? ) Japs have been announced to be the next nation of WoT, since we do have to maintain some gap between new factions being added to the game. I'd bet on 2014 - that's a personal estimation though.

    2. When? ASAP ofc..

    3. 2014 ? :( ... that's a bit disappointing. I'm running out of tier 10 tanks to grind, so if Japs are so far away, we need new use for these t10's ASAP :D ... and t9's :P .... aaaaaand t7's as well :D

    4. My estimation. :) Some complain that we are adding to much content btw!

    5. Yes, I am complaining that You are adding to much content that does not bring new stuff to the gameplay, but that doesn't mean You should stop with everything, just change the ratio between these kinds of content :)

      And I like Your estimations BTW :P ... they tend not to match a thing in the end if You make Your guess early enough :D

    6. well imo there cant be enough tanks, as long as they stay inside some criteria...

      The drawback is that new players (yes i care for them, i was one of them once.. and i surely sucked as hell) will NEVER find a way to differ some tanks and even less: learn their weakspots.

      If i would be new from today on.... im not sure if i would stick to that game.. too many "crack players", too many content and "hard learning" to do to get into the topranks.

      Still: Looking forward for Japanese playstyle... Hope they are not artyfood tanks.

      Btw overlord: isnt there some possibility (esp for CW) to make the Healthy Tanks more like "HE-shell-eaters"? they aurely get penetrated by anybody and anything and are going down fast and easy by massive artyspam.

      Why not introducing a Module which increases armor effectiveness against HE alone... i know there is that +15% protection, but that doesnt change much.. im thinking of about 60-80% less dmg by high caliber HE shots.
      Make the weight like 5-10 tons so maus can just fit it together with enhanced suspension and it will be balanced (im sure of it) and gives that tanks a useful role as "shell-soaker"
      --> also interesting for jap tanks bc i guess they will also be slow as hell... ;)

      Give it a thought please.

    7. Well ... IMO, You just explained why there CAN be to many tanks in Your own post there ;). As much as we would all want some evolution of the game, new players are more and more confused as tey start playing, and the learninf curve only gets steeper with every tank added to the game.

      Before we get any japs, "EU" tree, and things like that, there HAS TO BE some kind of tool (or an entire set of tools) to explain all the game features to these new players.

    8. L3gi,

      may as well rework the current equipment to improve things a bit.

    9. Przemysław Majkowski,

      agree here. The learning curve of WoT is pretty steep and the added combat tutorial was only one of the first steps. There should be more in future.

    10. Combat tutorial does not fully represent real battle conditions, so You need to add various series of tutorials focused on different situations.

      I could list You tens of tiny issues that are not explained at all, but if You would want to make a series of tutorials of it ... well, that'd be not fun enough. A scripted "single player" series of battles that explain the mechanics would be much better.

      If You have some "public" contact for such things, I could send some scenarios that may be helpful. Maybe in a form the big ass map review I did some time ago, but hopefully somebody would have time to read it.

    11. Thanks for willingness to assist. :) Actually, there is no lack of ideas - we have got game design docs ready for upcoming years of development. However when it comes to allocation of limited dev resources, it's always a tough choice what to do next, e.g. smth that would appeal to a typical players, smth for those who played a lot and wants end-game elements, competitive things like e-sports, historical battles, etc. Plus, truth to tell, when it comes to strong PvE elements, we don't always have enough expertise.

    12. Yeah, manpower is always a problem in gaming industry as far as I can tell, and the only thing I have experience with was a browser based text game, and even with that there were problems sometimes.

      And if You don't want a real PvE in that learning process, You can tie this to progression in tech trees, so that a playet gets basic tutorial at start, class specific tutorial when first tank of said class is bought, company tutorial when he reaches Tier4, perks tutorial when he gets his first crew member to 100%, and so on and so forth.

      This is not PvE, but at least has some form of beeing a milestone in progression, and lets You spread out player education in time with different rewards for each of these.

      I know You are no longer going to give us any work in progress spoilers about things that dev teams are working at for the moment, but I hope You can at least tell me is my guessing here is going in the right direction ;)

    13. Yes, that may be a way out actually. As far as I know, currently there are no tutorial things in the works. Guys are analysing the data after the introduction of the initial implementation.

  5. some chance to see this in the game?

  6. Whats the liklehood of this making it in game?

  7. Good then, looks like an E-100...

  8. Shame no-one is playing the Maus at all. Seriously, for every Maus I see there are 50 E-100s.

  9. WG did a shit rebalance of E-100 and Maus - E-100 is now a monster using premium shells and still shit without. And Maus is still useless...

    1. is there at least a tiny chance tha you will buff german T10 guns penetration value?


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