Tuesday, December 25, 2012

[WoWS] People, Who Are Making the Game for You

Hi guys!

I came up with a great idea to introduce you those who’ve been developing the highly anticipated naval MMO World of Warships.

Let's start!

Anrew Gashkov aka Tarn, Lead Producer for World of Warships
It is he who makes final decisions on gameplay, economics, balancing and other project’s issues. He is also acts a mediator between Minsk and Saint Petersburg offices, promptly acting if something goes wrong.

Ivan Moroz aka Black Warrior, Production Producer for WoWS
An extremely experienced game industry professional, who’s published dozens of titles, including notable Pacific Storm by Lesta Studio.

Malik Khatajaev, General Manager at Lesta Studio (Wargaming’s St.Petersburg studio responsible for WoWS development)
The real stager at game industry, who founded the studio more than 21 years ago. Being a merit professional manager, he is also famous for creating comfortable and cozy atmosphere within World of Warships development team. 

Danila Volkov aka Danny, WoWS Project Manager
His will-to-win spirit and eagerness do their best for World of Warships’ future success.

Petr Porai-Koshitс aka PPK, Head of Game Design at Lesta Studio
An unbelievably creative person who leads GD-team with his ideas on how to implement just the best game features. 

Slava Makarov, the mighty Vice President of Wargaming. Each upcoming title by Wargaming depends on his approval and – just believe me – World of Warships’ strategic vision is in safe hands. 

Slava Goncharov aka Uldor, Historical Consultant of our game
He is the person who seeks the best references, drawings and blueprints for every ship, which will be delivered in the game just for you. 

Well, that's me, Alexey Levakov aka KGB. Being a producer for World of Warships, sometimes I perform as a talking head… As you can see, I’m incredibly fond of DSLRs (and mirrorless cameras), though I’m far from calling myself a professional photographer.

Vladimir Gremitskiy. Guess, who's the Head of Art Department? Yes, exactly the person, who’s looking at you with sharp eyes from the picture. His religious exactitude and thorough attention to details let us be sure that World of Warships is going to have the highest quality ship models ever made. 

Polina Malisheva is a Creative Director at Lesta Studio. Her experience and inapproachable artistic taste are the traits that will reliably assure World of Warships a perfect look. 

These are the people patiently developing World of Warships. In the near future you will get a chance to evaluate the result of their joint efforts and talents, playing our ass-kicking game! 

Thanks for reading, folks.



  1. Thank you! Cant wait to play this game!

  2. Thank you, KGB, for this update. (t42592)

    1. ...if this post can be called an update anyway :)

  3. "Storm", "Overlord", "Black Warrior", "KGB"... lol, what's with WG employes and unoriginal, cliche nicknames that make them look like edgy 12-year olds? Truly, easterners are intellectually inferior. But it seems that many Belarusians and Russians understand how pathetic they are, that's why Russia and Belarus are top countries in suicide rates (only thing they are the best at lol).

    1. Your butthurt is outstanding; keep going, dear friend.

    2. He is just a troll and he is practicing his trolling skills, notice his nickname... dont reply to what he says. Just ignore him please.

    3. Still KGB nickname is very concerning...

    4. At least it's original, unlike many others :)

    5. I don't care about the names they have. I am more interested in the work they deliver to us gamers.
      Thusfar I am not disappointed, so keep up the good work.

    6. It is original in very very bad way. No offence. GRU would be a lot better.

    7. Don't think it's generally bad, though some can regard this as inconvenient indeed.

  4. Got bad feelings about this, KGB is the only one shown wearing a wristwatch.

    1. No calanders either. When its ready! ;)

    2. @Draco Ah young padawan as you grow older you will notice a trend, people who don't wear watches are the ones who are unreliable and always shows up late.

    3. @007 Kenny

      You missed some technological revolution that happened in last 15 years. I do not wear watch, cause I can check time on my mobile, which I have always with me :)

    4. I usually have 2 mobiles with me, and still wear my watch. And use it.

    5. @Dead_Skin_Mask

      Ah even younger padawan my life experience has told me otherwise; that is a mobile computer and not a watch even people who claim they can keep track of time using it still fall in the unreliable & always late group.

  5. +1, just because of the words "ass" and "kicking" in the same sentence. :P

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Polina Malisheva is nearly as ho as the woman doing the WoT update Videos ;)

    But just nearly! :D

  8. I hope they are not so stubborn in some ridicoulous ideas as SerB ;]

    1. I'd say it's not stubbornness but firmness. And it did bring mostly positive impact to WoT and upcoming WG's titles so far.

    2. His stubborness is actually so serious than it borders the area of arogance;]
      He appears to be similiar to some politicians here in Poland.

  9. What the hell is with the trolls lately on here and the Kartofelnyj Zhir blog? So annoying. Anyway, nice to see the faces of the people, especially Slava Makarov. Oh and I believe we might have a "new Ola" in the making :) Damn, I wish I could go to work in such comfortable clothing. Anyway, looking forward to see the World of Warships :)

    Everything best to the whole team in 2013
    With kind regards

  10. I wish i could work at WG in Europe . I am also speaking English and Russian both .

    But i have no place to live in Belarus or France .. And of course not any nationality for Europe .

    As well i am just an student . Can not leave the university without B.A. and run to Europe anyway ....

    1. Where are you currently staying? Not Europe?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Currently located in Israel . But the high tech in Israel does not aim on Game Development . and that's bad for me . Because my daily projects are game development and this is the job i want to work with in future .

    4. I see. You can browse our openings here - http://wargaming.com/en/careers/

    5. There are multiple offices in different locations.

    6. According to the source you gave me ,
      I am 90% fit to be an .NET Developer at WarGaming !
      Seriously , is this just a dream or ?

      .NET C# is my daily challenge and practice for two last years .
      I had many projects most of them are related to Game development . In general i am an 3D Game Engine developer , My experiences are 3D rendering , 3D Physics & sound , Encryption & Encoding , User interfaces , Script languages and Interpreters , General high level OOP C# programming . I just love this C# challenging !

      In addition i am an 3D modeler and artist without any relation to Programming .
      In short i have ALL the knowledge needed to develop my own AAA game\software (Just a matter of lazy and time)

      My only con is that i hate C++ (HATE !!!1@).

      Also notice that i speak Russian and English both (but not as native Hebrew)

      GOD , Why there is no REMOTE job at wargaming ?!!?!?

      Just tell the quests and get Brilliant C# Code !
      I am so depressed now ! i know i can work but university and studies does not letting me .

    7. No hurry! Hopefully, we will still be around when you finish your studies. :) And, C++ can be a huge advantage, we are trying to use less python nowadays.

    8. Well we miss ola and I see we got new girl in the block :) give her my greetings ;). Are we going to expect submarine in World of Warships? And Also it would be interesting if you tell us your story about why/how you started this company and it turn into major success (I'm starting a huge project myself, got a team of friends planning to make a huge FPS game

    9. Also I'm learning how to program video game and application at the moment. I'm planning to visit California after my senior year in high school. Do you guy welcome visitor?

  11. Keep up the good work. You guys do an amazing job! and I'm sure this will be up to the mark. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at Wargaming!

  12. a woman rendering warships...preposterous

  13. seriously, you can't get the poor girl a chair?

    1. WoWS is not earning anything yet :)

    2. shes prolly saving her money for when the game releases to have that first tier 10 battleship or whatever

  14. Bonnie girl, i'm amazed you horn-dogs get any work done.

  15. I would rather see pics/descriptions of guys/girls who actually do the 'real' work. It is nice to take decisions, make strategies, draw images bla bla, but real honor is on guys who actually code this game. It's a 'little bit' more complicated stuff.

    1. Everything is important, and final product is always the result of team effort. Guess, KGB doesn't want to post about our engineers and designers for safety reasons. Headhunting you know :)

  16. Big +1 for sexy girl!! Polina Malisheva is so sexy!!!

  17. Nice to meet the team and sending you all the best wishes for the New Year ;)!

    Double cheers for Polina :D

    Greetings from cold Hungary,


  18. Hey KGB, Can WOWS Water/Sea animation (or whatever it's called) can be the same quality or much better than Silent Hunter 4?

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